HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977-03-21 MinutesMINUTES OF A BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT MEETING A meeting of the Fayetteville Board of Adjustment was held at 3:45 P. M., Monday, March 21, 1977, in the Board of Directors Room, City Administration Building, Fayetteville, Arkansas. MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERS ABSENT: OTHERS PRESENT: Chester House, Mrs. Don Mills, Larry Smith, Dr. James White, David Newbern, Richard Osborne. Chairman Carl Yates. Bobbie Jones, Angie Medlock, Scott Van Laningham, John M. Hopkins, Clarence Young, Richard Milas. In the absence of Chairman Carl Yates, Dr. James White served as temporary chairman and called the meeting to order. Richard Osborne was not present at the call to order. The public hearing was opened on Appeal No. 77-1, John M. Hopkins, 762 West North Street, on an application to vary setbacks; or more specifically he is requesting 121/2-15 feet front yard setback for a canopy over gasoline pumps and the required setback is 20 feet. John M. Hopkins was present to represent. The owner, Denny Tune, was out of town but had sent a letter to the Board stating that Mr. Hopkins has his permission to ask for the variance and that Mr. Tune had to be out of town on business. Mr. Hopkins stated that he is asking for a canopy -type construction, primarily for a safety factor, and to cover the gas island. He doesn't have any lighting over the pump island now and he wanted to put florescent lighting inside the canopy. He stated that the other types of lighting available wouldn't help the appearance of the property at all. The canopy will be in the same type of roof as the building is. It will hang over 6 inches on each side of the pump island and will be 11 feet high. This will also help protect people from the weather. He said he has bumper guards on each end and would put the canopy between the bumper guards and the pump island. Mr. Hopkins said that there is 35 feet between the pump island and the building. Dr. White asked if the pump island was there from a previous owner and Mr. Hopkins said "yes". Mr. Hopkins said the previous owner did not keep the station open at night but he is open 24 hours a day. John Hopkins said there would be 51 feet from the center of the right-of-way to the canopy. Bobbie Jones said the Arkansas Highway Department plans for the intersection of North and Garland indicate that at the west side of this property they will take 14.2 feet additional right-of-way. At a point 293.3 feet east of that they will take 15 feet and then the line will vary from 14 to 15 feet. Negotiations on the additional right-of-way have not been settled yet. Dr. White questioned where the pump islands are relative to the south part of the church. John Hopkins said the building is approximately even with the church, but it may be about 10 feet to the south. There is a driveway in between the church and his building. Dr. White asked Bobbie Jones if they are going to four -lane that part of North Street. Bobbie Jones said the Master Street Plan calls for 80 feet total right-of-way but the Highway Department will probably want more than that. Bobbie Jones said if the Major Street Plan is wider, she has to figure setbacks by the Major Street Plan. She said he is asking for 121/2-15 feet from the proposed right-of-way and it looks like a variance of from 5-9 feet. Dr. White questioned what the variance is from. Bobbie Jones said the most they can require the setback from is the Master Street Plan unless the Arkansas Highway Depart ment right-of-way has already been required: However, ifthe Arkansas Highway Department APPEAL NO. 77-1 John M. Hopkins 762 West North Street Rom • • • Board of Adjustment Meeting March 21, 1977 -2- has already acquired right-of-way wider than the Major Street Plan requirement, the setback is figured from that right-of-way. Dr. White stated that he would be at least 9 feet from the Master Street Plan. David Newbern asked if there is anything unique about Mr. Hopkin's situation that the Board of Adjustment should consider and commented that the enabling act provides that the Board of Adjustment can provide a variance when there is anything unique about the property, either physical characteristic of the land or the land adjacent to it. Mr. Hopkins said "no". He said all he is asking for is something to go over his pump island. Dr. White asked when the station was built. Mr..Hopkins said all they did was build a new building and a convenience food store and laundromat. Dr. White asked when the pumps were put there originally and Mr. Hopkins said he didn't know when they were built --he bought it last year. Bobbie Jones said that the plat book indicates a 50 foot right-of-way for North Street which was not centered on the quarter section line; 20 feet is on the north and 30 feet is on the south. Running from the existing right-of-way, an additional 15 feet of right-of-way would be required.to comply with the Major Street Plan. No one was present in opposition. The public hearing was concluded. The public hearing was opened on Appeal No. 77-2, St. John's Lutheran Church, 648 West Dickson Street, on an application to vary setbacks, more specifically they are requesting 22 feet 9 inches from the north property line and the setback from an R district for an indoor facility, fully air- conditioned is 50 feet, not fully air-conditioned is 100 feet. Bobbie Jones pointed out that this had also been advertised to request a variance in parking; however, the City Planning Commission approved off-site parking on March 14, 1977. Richard Milas, President of the Administrative Board of the Church and Clarence Young were present to represent. Mr. Young said that in addition to the church sanctuary on this property, they have a youth building, a record store, an ice cream parlor, three one -bedroom apartments and in back of it is an old frame house which the church uses as an educational building. They would like to be able to tear down the frame house and leave the fire wall between what they would build and the commercial shops. They would like to build a one-story masonry and steel building to replace it. Using the slope of the land, they would be able to get a partial basement under it. He said the only place it connects to another R-3 zoning district is a driveway section between the two areas on the north edge. He mentioned that the Church has verbal permission from the owner to use the area to the north as a parking lot. He stated that if the Board did not grant the variance, they would leave the old house which is closer to the line on one side than what they are proposing.to build. He also stated that the present building is not as safe as the one which they are proposing. The Church has felt that it is somewhat of a fire hazard. The City is penalized (in its fire rating) to some degree because of the two-story frame building being in the fire zone. Mr. Young stated that he feels it would be an improvement, even though they cannot meet the 50 foot setback. They are clear everywhere except on the east side. This has been used as an educational building for 20-25 years. Bobbie Jones brought to the attention of the Board the following from the zoning book: Article 7, Section 14: The following requirements apply to charitable, cultural, educational, recreational, health, institutional, religious, social, and similar non-residential facilities where permitted in or abutting an R district. The Planning Commission may reduce these requirements after receiving and reviewing a development plan under the provisions of Article 8-11 or Article 8-12. Separation of structures or areas for uses listed above from the nearest property in an R District shall be as follows: APPEAL NO. 77-2 St. John's Lutheran Church 648 West Dickson Street AI. • Board of Adjustment Meeting March 21, 1977 -3- All other indoor facilities: if fully air-conditioned, 50 feet; if not fully air-conditioned, 100 feet. Mr. Newbern said he would interpret it to say that you have to have a separation of structures from the nearest property in an R district of 50 feet if the building is air-conditioned. Mr. Young said that when the zoning law was passed it was a conglomorate in that area because of the different uses, so he felt they probably just zoned it R-3. Richard Milas said the white building had been divided into cubicles and housed 16 university students when the Church purchased it, so he felt that was why they zoned it R-3. Mr. Young said that anything they do will definitely improve the property. Mr. Young said he didn't know how you could ever build anything on the property without a variance. If they tore the white house down, all they could do would be to use it as a parking lot unless they had a variance. Bobbie Jones said they would be meeting the R-3 setbacks if it were not for the additional setbacks listed in Article 7, Section 14. She pointed out that the only adjoining property to which this section pertained is to the north of the proposed structure --the area to the east being zoned C-3 and the area to the west being zoned P-1. Dr. White asked Bobbie Jones if what( they are asking for is the difference between 22.9 feet and 50 feet and Bobbie Jones said "yes" and she added that if that portion of the property tothe north were zoned either P-1 or C-3 then that section of the zoning ordinance would not apply because it would not be abutting to property in an R -district. There was no one present to oppose the request. The public hearing was concluded. Mrs. Mills said she felt Mr. Hopkins has taken what has been APPEAL NO. 77-1 an eyesore on North Street and made an attractive little John M. Hopkins • shopping center but with the proposed widening and traffic, it 762 West North Street will be a very dubious thing. They have had many accidents there and the widening of the street won't help any. David Newbern said they have a non -conforming situation with the pumps being where they are and they have every right to continue to use it, but he questioned whether the Board of Adjustment should do anything to enhance or increase the non -conformity of the pump island. Mr. Newbern admitted it would improve the appearance. He questioned how much of an improvement this would be. He said he was having trouble seeing any justification under the Ordinance. Dr. White asked if a permit would be required to put up any type of lighting and Bobbie Jones said "no". Bobbie Jones mentioned that the intersection of North and Leverett is going to be fully signalized. Larry Smith said if the intersection is widened and the street is widened and the canopy is built; if there is a problem he doesn't see that the canopy is going to be adding anything to the already existing problem. He said if it were a canopy with a 10 feet wide overhand on both sides it might add to the problem but if they do widen the street and the canopy is to present a problem, the whole pump island will need to come down. Bobbie Jones said that under the existing plans to widen the street she doesn't think they would require the pump island to come down because they are still leaving at least 122 feet between the pump island and proposed right-of-way. She commented that it would take another change in the plans for the intersection to take enough right- of-way to take it down. David Newbern made a motion to deny the variance because he doesn't find any real basis under the law the Board has to work with to grant a variance even though he does tend to agree that it would look better. He added that he agreed with all the • ci 2 • • • Board of Adjustment Meeting March 21, 1977 -4- reasons Mr. Hopkins had stated but he did not think that they are the ones the Ordinance and statute require. Mrs. Don Mills seconded the motion. The vote was 3-2-1, with Newbern, Mills, and White voting for the motion to the request, Smith and House voting against, and Osborne abstaining. Chester House made a motion to approve the variance for St. John's Lutheran Church as it was presented to the Board and stated he thought it had been explained quite thoroughly to the Board. David Newbern seconded the motion. He said it seems the Ordinance in this so ambiguous that the Board doesn't really have any choice but to let the do what they want to do and added that anytime an ordinance is as confusing one is he would be in favor of granting a variance. He further stated that would have preferred for this to be a question of interpretation because he it is so ambiguous that they should rule in favor of the property owner. The motion to grant the variance was passed 6-0. deny APPEAL NO. 77-2 St. John's Lutheran Church 648 West Dickson Street case is Church as this he thinks Dr. White asked Bobbie Jones to put on the agenda for the next meeting a•discussion of the Rules of Procedure -- having to do with forms submitted by the applicant that would comply with Rules of Procedure. Bobbie Jones mentioned that the Rules of Procedure do allow for someone to request a rehearing.. With one member absent and one member abstaining because he had not been present during the public hearing, she thought this might be a good basis for requesting a rehearing. Dr. White suggested she might inform Mr. Hopkins of this. The meeting was adjourn at 5:02 P. M. q3 PAGE 1,3 • 1,4 5,6 5,6 7 9,13 11,14 12,14 12,14 12,14 13 16,23 19,23 20,23,24 29 31,38,39 32,33,35,38 Ridgeview Baptist Church (Appeal 76-16 - 1852 Huntsville Road) 33,34 Conlee Bodishbaugh (Appeal 76-17 - 2611 Elizabeth) 34,35,38 41,43,62 45 47 49,53 50,54 51,54 51,54 4,6 58,61 73%9,62 63,69 65,69 66,67 71,74 72,74 77,80 78,81 79,81,85 79,82 83,88 85,87 88 • SUBJECT A.P. Eason, Jr. (Appeal 76-1 - 1101 Trust St.) Church of Christ (Appeal 76-2 - 310 W. Center St.) Hugh Smith (Appeal 76-3 - 1165 Overcrest) Carl Clark (Appeal 76-4 - 406 Mission Blvd.) Peter G. Estes (Appeal 76-5 - 3118 South School) Bogddy Arias (Appeal 76-6 - 113 Skyline Dr.) Bill Hawkins (Appeal 76-7 - 3500 W. Sixth) Town $ Country Properties (Appeal 76-8 - 2014 West Sixth) C.D. & T S Const. for Jack Couch (Appeal 76-9 - 2808 Wyman Rd.) Harold R. Fetter (Appeal 76-10 - 627 N. Leverett) Donald W. Johnston (Appeal 76-11 - 1224 Lindell Ave.) Bogddy Arias (Appeal 76-12 - 113 W. Skyline) Housing Authority, City of Fay. (Appeal 76-13 - 10 South Willow) Dr. J. B. Hays (Appeal 76-14 - 1140 North College) Kenneth $ Evalena Boothe (Appeal 76-15 - 2820 Old Farmington Rd.) First Federal Building (Appeal 76-19 - P.O. Box 4217) 90,92,97,98 91,93 94,96 95,96 97 98,100 Dr. Hays (Lifestyles, Inc. - 1140 North College - Appeal 76-18) Herbert Hatfield (Appeal 76-20 - 117 $ 123 No. College Ave.) Rules of Procedure Board of Adjustment David Swenson (Appeal 76-22 - 810 S. Washington) George E. a Bobbie N. Templeton (Appeal 76-23 - 2310 Winwood) Fayetteville Waste Paper Company (Appeal 76-24 - 13th St. and Warford Dr.) Lonzo Ritchey (Appeal 76-25 - 1414 So. Washington) Dr. John Andre (Appeal 76-26 - 1333 Mission Boulevard) Robert L. Younkin (Appeal 76-27 - 10 West Bishop Dr.) Ronnie G. Sherwood (Appeal 76-28 - 130 North College) Kyle Shackelford (Appeal 76-29 - 227 West Dickson St.) Robert D. Schmickle (Appeal 76-30 - 740 Broadview Dr.) John R. Locke (Appeal 76-31 - 823 W. Center St.) Hanna Marine, Inc. (Appeal 76-32 - 600 West Sixth St.) University Baptist Church (Appeal 76-33 - 315 West Maple St.) Jess Hawkins (Appeal 76-34 - 2700 Block of Wyman Rd.) W.A. Emerson (Appeal 76-35 - 617 North Walnut St.) J.B. Hays (Appeal 76-36 - 1915 Green Acres Rd.) Exie Hardy (Appeal 76-37 - 573 N. Walnut St.) Ken Lazenby (Appeal 76-38 - E. Farmers Dr.) Herbert Hatfield (Appeal 76-39 - 117 $ 123 N. College) Rules and Procedures ,99 John M. Hopkins (Appeal 77-1 - 762 West North St.) St. John's Lutheran Church (Appeal 77-2 - 648 West Dickson St.) Dave Tackett (Appeal 77-3 - 400 N. College Ave.) Mrs. Velma Best (Appeal 77-4 - 679 Assembly Dr.) Rules of Procedure Doris McClelland - The Farmer's Daughter (Appeal 77-5 - 2583 Johnson Rd.) 100 Letter from Velma Best 100 Letter from Board of Directors 100 Rules of Procedure 102 Bryce J. Davis (Appeal 77-6 - 2365 Hatfield Dr.) 104,107 William Weston Rogers (Appeal 77-8 - 990 Company St.) 105,108 Kelley Bros. Lumber Co. (Appeal 77-9 - 2194 Lisa Lane) .106,108 Bill Imler (Appeal 77-10 - 217 East Baxter Lane) 106,108 Herbert Hatfield (Appeal 77-11 - 117 F, 123 North College) 107,109 Maurice Jennings (Appeal 77-12 - 112 West Lafayette) 110,112,114 C.E. Stamps (Appeal 77-13 - 730 Mission Blvd.) DATE 03-08-76 03-08-76 03-22-76 03-22-76 03-22-76 04-19-76 04-19-76 04-19-76 04-19-76 04-19-76 04-19-76 05-17-76 05-17-76 05-17-76 06-07-76 06-07-76 06-21-76 06-21-76 06-21-76 08-16-76 08-30-76 08-30-76 09-20-76 09-20-76 09-20-76 09-20-76 10-04-76 10-04-76 11-01-76 11-01-76 11-01-76 11-15-76 11-15-76 12-06-76 12-06-76 12-06-76 12-06-76 12-20-76 12-20-76 12-20-76 03-21-77 03-21-77 04-04-77 04-04-77 04-04-77 04-18-77 04-18-77 04-18-77 04-18-77 05-02-77 06-06-77 06-06-77 06-06-77 06-06-77 06-06-77 06-20-77 PAGE 110,112 12,113 115 117,118 117,119 119 SUBJECT Shipley Baking Company (Appeal 77-14 - 313 West Dickson) Shenandoah Mobile Home Park (Appeal 77-15 - Hwy 16 Bypass) Essie I. Padgett (Appeal 77-16 - Hwy 16 East) Ernest R. Coleman (Appeal 77-17 - Rolling Meadows Ph. II) Lorraine Schmitz Myers (Appeal 77-18 - 3455 City Lake Road) Wells Bone (Kelley Bros. Lumber Co.) 120 Election of Officers 121,122 Gerald Salsbury (Appeal 77-19 - 3125 Pawnee Court) 121,122,124,126 Thomas W. Jones (Appeal 77-20 - 2557 Stanton Ave.) 124,126,130 Leo Peel (Appeal 77-21 - N. College Ave.) 128,129 H.H. Hudgens (Appeal 77-22 - 833 Hall Ave.) 128,130 R.H. Mayes (Appeal 77-23 - 415 South Church) 131 Letters from Vol Lester 132,134 Dr. Sabra Stair Hassel (Appeal 77-25 - 829 Pollard Ave.) 132,134 James January (Appeal 77-26 - Ozark Floor Company) 134,135 Bobby Odom (Appeal 77-28 - Leverett 4 Douglas) 136,138 L.B. Granata - Ozark Bowling Lanes (Appeal 77-29 - 2300 North College) 138 Timothy Wilson (Appeal 77-30 - Brophy's Addition) 140,143 Sylvia Brooks (Appeal 77-31 - 2650 Huntsville Rd.) 140,142 Fulbright Investment Co. (Appeal 77-27 - Hwy 62 West) 141,143,144,146 Vernon Wilson (Appeal 77-32 - 1120 Lindell) 144,146 Thomas M. Glenn (Appeal 77-33 - 20 North School) 145,146 Wo Chuck Development (Appeal 77-34 - 339 Combs Ave.) 147,148 City Lumber Company (Appeal 77-35 - 1100-1204 S. School) 147,149,150 First National Bank (Appeal 77-36 - Hwy 45 East) & Page 151 148,149,150 Donald Roller Wilson (Appeal 77-37 - 651 Wilson Ave.) • • DATE 06-20-77 06-20-77 07-18-77 08-01-77 08-01-77 08-01-77 08-01-77 08-15-77 08-15-77 08-29-77 09-19-77 09-19-77 09-19-77 10-03-77 10-03-77 10-03-77 10-17-77 10-17-77 11-07-77 11-07-77 11-07-77 11-21-77 11-21-77 12-05-77 12-05-77 12-05-77 D 1977 BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT ATTENDANCE RECORD 0 0) O N C) N y O 0 N rti 0 al td U Yr N 4+ N .4 FOi - $ C) _4 0 cd N -.t N ,t - ♦l 1 March 21, 1977 - X X X X X X April 4, 1977 X X X X X X April 18, 1977 X X X X X X X May 2, 1977 X X X X X June 6, 1977 L X X . •.X X .X X' June 20, 1977 - X X X X X X June 27, 1977 X X X t X X X X July 18, 1977 - X X ."..X . . X . X X August 1, 1977 X X X X X" X' August 15 X X X X X X August 29 X X X X X X X September 19, _1977 .. - - X X X X •X X X October 3, 1977 X X . X. X X October 17, 1977 - X X. X X X X X November 7, ]977 X X X X X X X November 21. 1977 X X X. X . _ X X.; _ - ' -. - -,..,-,.:_: .. - _ p- , 1f •r -. ,7 ! - r - - - _. .. ,. ,� • .. _� _ t - a .. .- , .. _G. [..• - ... _ , - ... - . ,t - ♦l 1