A meeting of the Fayetteville Board of Adjustment was held at 3:45 P. M., Monday,
November 15, 1976, in the Board of Directors Room, City Administration Building,
Fayetteville, Arkansas.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Carl Yates, Connie Clack, David Newbern, Dr. James White,
Chester House, Mrs. Don Mills, Larry Smith.
OTHERS PRESENT: Al Green, L. R. Kirby, Pastor Ralph Goff, Ozzie Crawford, Bobbie Jones,
Angie Medlock.
Chairman Carl Yates called the meeting to order.
The public hearing was opened on Appeal No. 76-32, APPEAL NO. 76-32
Hanna Marine, Inc., 600 West Sixth Street, on an HANNA MARINE, INC.
application to vary setbacks; or more specifically 600 West Sixth Street
the front yard setback that is requested is 35 feet,
and the required zoning setback is 50 feet plus 20 feet for the Master Street Plan
for a total of 70 feet; also, the applicant requests a 12 foot setback on the West
side, and 25 feet is required.
Mr. Ozzie Crawford, partner in Hanna Marine, Inc., was present to represent.
Mr. Crawford pointed out on the map where the proposed building would be added on
to the West end of an existing building. He said this building is to be used for
retail sales showroom, marine business, boats, motors, etc. He said they need to
have a showroom facing the major street. He said they started out on the corner
of Government and Sixth and are still using that building as offices and a service
shop and they need to expand. He said they plan to remove the existing canopies
which will make the overall appearance of the property better than it is now and
lessen the proximity to the road. None of the new building will be as close to the
road as the canopies now are. He said the lot itself is too shallow to build on_it at
all if they go by the Master Street Plan. The lot is 75 feet deep by 173 feet (along
West Sixth).
Connie Clack asked who owns the property north of the subject property. Mr. Crawford
said'his partner owns this land, but Mr. Crawford himself doesn't own any of it. He
again said they can't adhere to the Ordinance because of the shallowness of the lot.
He said they had discussed what would happen if Sixth Street were widened, and the
only thing it would affect is their parking. He said they could rent parking from
Hanna Properties Rental on the West end of the new proposed building.
David Newbern asked if Hanna Marine, Inc. owns the lot where the existing building
to the north is and Mr. Crawford said it does not.
Chairman Yates asked what the existing storage building is used for and Ozzie Crawford
said it is used primarily for a warehouse for outboard motors, and they do store some
boats there.
Chairman Yates said it appears that this building is partially on both lots. Mr. Craw-
ford said he thinks a small portion of the south side of that building is on the lot
for the proposed building. He said their plans are for the proposed building to
adjoin the existing building which will give them approximately 4,000 square feet of
Mr. Newbern asked Mr. Crawford to clarify about who owns the various properties.
Mr. Crawford said Hanna Marine, of which he is a partner, owns the 75 feet by 173 feet
lot on the corner and Mr. Hanna through Hanna Properties Rental owns the properties
to the North and West.
Chairman Yates asked Mr. Crawford if he had considered using the property to the
West or North, since Mr. Hanna owns both pieces of property. Mr. Crawford said
it is income producing for Mr. Hanna and is now being used. He said it is not
feasible for Mr. Hanna to do this.
Board of Adjustment Meeting
November 15, 1976 -2-
Dr. White asked what they would do if they were not granted a variance. Mr. Crawford
said they would continue their business. He said that up until about 12 or 14 months
ago Mr. Hanna had not thought about expanding but since Mr. Crawford came into the
business they want to expand and need a new showroom for continued growth of the
business. He said if the variance wasn't granted, they would have to reevaluate and
start over.
David Newbern said the Board's problem is that they are charged with seeing that the
Ordinance is adhered to unless there is some sort of physical hardship caused by some
physical characteristic of the property. He said he thinks Mr. Crawford has wound
up telling them that Mr. Hanna has more on the land than they can justify removing
since everything is income producing. He said the Board was not seeing a particular
hardship that applies to the marine business. He said the Board is not here to let
businesses expand where there isn't room for them to expand.
Ozzie Crawford asked Mr. Newbern what he is referring to as hardship and Mr. Newbern
gave him an example to clarify his point.
Mr. Crawford said he didn't understand how they could use any of the corner lot.
Chairman Yates said there is land owned by Mr. Hanna to the North and West which they
should be able to use. Mr. Crawford said if the variance is not granted they will be
left with what they have now if they stay in the same location. He said looking at the
overall picture of the property, it seems the proposed building would be much better
than what is there now. He said they are willing to tear down the canopies which
stand closer to Sixth Street than anything which they are hoping to build. He stated
that the square footage of the canopies is 528 feet. The amount of land covered by
the new building which requires a variance is only 720 feet. He said there will be
192 square feet of difference plus they are giving up 18 feet back away from the road.
Chairman Yates said the canopies are not permanent, where the building would be.
He said he thought the Board of Adjustment had given Mr. Hanna a variance to build
the canopies, and one of the reasons it was granted was because they would not be
permanent structures.
Mr. Crawford said the proposed new building will not be any closer to Sixth Street
than the existing old gas station which is also a permanent building.
Connie Clack said the aim of the Ordinance is that all of the old buildings will
eventually be torn down and new buildings are to conform to the Ordinance.
There was no one present to oppose the request.
The public hearing was concluded.
The public hearing was opened on Appeal No. 76-33, APPEAL NO. 76-33
University Baptist Church, 315 West Maple Street, UNIVERSITY BAPTIST CHURCH
on an application to vary parking requirements. 315 West Maple Street
Pastor Goff said basically they are requesting setbacks
and screening requirements to be waived in several locations on Church property. On
parking Lot #1, west of Vandeventer Street, they need the Board to waive the setbacks
from the 25 feet required to 22 feet, and would like to have no screening along
Vandeventer Street, and the Ordinance calls for screened parking when across the street
from residentially zoned property. On Parking Lot #2, located south of Lafayette
Street, the Church is asking for the requirement for a durable and dustless surface
to be waived for a three-year period; and the setback (required is 25 feet and they
would have less than 5 feet from Lafayette) from Lafayette be waived, and the screening
along Lafayette be waived. He said the Church planned to meet the requirements for
screening and setbacks along Campbell Street and the property to the South and the
small portion of private property to the North. Parking Lot #4 is on the main part of
the Church property (in the area of the proposed new building), the Church is asking
that the requirements be waived for screening along Vandeventer; and on Lot #5, which
is just east of that particular area just above mentioned, has been in existence since
the Church began. The Church is asking that requirements for screening on Maple
and along the private property to the east be waived.
Board of Adjustment Meeting
November 15, 1976 -3-
Pastor Goff said the Church requirement for parking is mainly one day a week. He
said the map indicates that the Church needs 215 parking spaces; in recalculating
this, they found they need only 182 parking spaces. He indicated their justification,
in asking for most of these variances, is that the Church owns the property on both
sides of the Street, with the exception of Maple Street.
Chairman Yates asked Bobbie Jones when they had came to the Board for a variance for
the parking lot before and she said it was three years ago, and that variance recently
Connie Clack said in the Church's letter, they mentioned that two lots on West Street
are not being used by the Church. Pastor Goff said they are used by the public.
He said the Church does not officially use these two lots as parking lots. He said
they had torn down the old houses that were on these lots and graveled them. Connie
Clack said there were two buses belonging to the Church parked on one of these lots.
She asked if there is any requirement for screening on that parking lot.
Pastor Goff said he didn't know. He said that the Church hardly ever uses those
buses; they are parked there for convenience sake.
David Newbern asked why they have asked for a variance for a three year period. Pastor
Goff said this is just an arbitrary figure. He said they had plans originally to build
on that parking lot south of Lafayette but it was decided that wasn't a feasible place
to build. He said they didn't want to undertake to pave it because they may decide to
build on it, and also the Church can't afford to pave it at the present time. He said
the Church understands they will have to pave it if the City says for them to, but it
would cost over $10,000 and they can't afford it now; however, the Church will want to
pave it in the future.
Chairman Yates asked if the five parking spaces on Lafayette would cause vision
obstruction with the cars parked that close to the road. Ralph Goff said there is a
real steep drop-off, with a concrete retaining wall approximately 3 feet high.
The cars would be sitting at least three feet lower than the sidewalk and street level.
He said he doesn't think it would cause a visual problem. L. R. Kirby said there is no
visual problem. Mr. Green said parking is allowed along the street and those cars
on the street would be more of an obstruction than cars parked in the lot.
Connie Clack said they could meet the requirements by excluding those five parking
spaces since they only need 182 spaces. She asked if the Church had any communication
with the other property owners as far as screening on Maple Street and Lafayette.
Ralph Goff said no, the Church owns the property across from Lafayette. He stated
that the only property that they don't own is the Northwest corner of Lafayette
and Vandeventer. He said he had some contact with the second house from the inter-
section of Campbell and Lafayette but wasn't sure if he had talked to them about the
screening. He said the only person he had talked to was the tenants who live between
the two gravel parking lots on West Avenue, and they assured him they are not bothered
by the lights and didn't want the Church to put up screening. That house belongs to
Mr. McGaugh.
Connie Clack asked him if he had submitted a request for a variance about screening and
paving those lots and Mr. Goff said he had not. She asked him if he was aware that he
is in violation of the Ordinance. He said the property owners there were not
bothered by the situation and didn't want the Church to spend the money to screen the
lot, so he just dropped it.
Dr. White asked if the Church.has plans for other buildings at this point and Ralph
Goff said if the growth does continue they will want to build another building but
right now they don't have any plans.
Al Green said that is one reason they want,to hold off paving across from Lafayette,
so they won't have to take the paving up if they decide to build there. Chairman
Yates said the City does not require the more high-priced hot mix paving.
Ralph Goff stated that the Church is not trying to not do what the Ordinance requires,
but right now they don't have the money to surface the parking lot. He said they do
want to have grounds and buildings that will add to the beauty of Fayetteville.
There was no one present to oppose the appeal.
The public hearing was concluded.
Board of Adjustment Meeting
November 15, 1976
Mrs. Clack stated that she doesn't see that there
is any real justification for granting a variance to
Hanna Marine, because it seems that some alternative
plan could be worked out. She said he may want to
think it over and submit another plan.
Mrs. Mills stated that traffic is already so bad there that anything that will not
conform will really cause a hazard 10 years from now.
Chairman Yates asked Bobbie Jones if parking in front of the building would require
50 feet in this area and she said 50 feet is the minimum setback in that zone, whether
there is parking in front or not.
Connie Clack asked if they would need an additional variance for the parking. Chairman
Yates did not think they would.
David Newbern said if the Board granted the variance they would be compounding traffic
problems by having the cars back out in the street. Connie Clack stated that parking
would take up more than the 35 foot setback. Larry Smith asked Mr. Crawford what the
driveway on the West side is and Mr. Crawford stated that is a driveway between the
:existing building and the trailers.
Connie Clack moved to deny the request for a variance to vary setbacks.
Mr. House seconded the motion. The motion was Approved unanimously by a vote of 7-0.
APPEAL NO. 76-32
600 West Sixth Street
David Newbern stated that the only thing that seems
like a hardship on University Baptist Church is that
the lots are generally used only once a week and even
APPEAL NO. 76-33
315 West Maple
that is a problem. He said he couldn't come up with
a good reason for failure to comply with the Ordinance.
Mrs. Mills said several lots are used by students during the week. The lot on West
Avenue is usually full and the one behind West Avenue annex is heavily used. Connie
Clack said she had no objection to the no -screening provision on Vandeventer and
Lafayette but didn't feel the Board should continue to allow the operation without
screening on the south side of Lafayette and the east side of the old lot on Maple
Street. Ralph Goff said there is nothing there except a hill. The Church has planted
shrubs along that property line.
Connie Clack said she would be opposed to granting all of the variances except the
no -screening on parking Lot #1, where it is across from Church owned property. She
asked if there is a hedge at the back of Lot #1. Mr. Goff said there is a hedge, and
a natural barrier there.
Connie Clack said she has no objection to leaving out the one on the east end of that
lot and on the north end of Lafayette Street where it fronts a portion of the property
on the other side. She said she thinks it should be required of the two lots on West
Avenue, which were not included in this request, or there should be a request for a
variance for those two lots. She said she believes they should conform with the law.
She also stated that she thinks three years should have been sufficient time for a
variance on surfacing the parking lot. She said she couldn't see allowing parking that
close to Lafayette Street. Mrs. Mills agreed with Connie Clack about the surfacing.
Chairman Yates asked Bobbie Jones why the east side of Parking Lot #5 is not included
in this request and Bobbie Jones said they had planted some hedge -type shrubs there
and she was allowing time for them to attain their growth.
Chairman Yates asked what would be sufficient for screening along Maple and she said
it would need to be either a fence or a hedge. She said there is a conflict in the
Ordinance concerning this --one section requires the screening; another prohibits
anything that obstructs vision in the front yard setbacks.
Chairman Yates stated that it seems to him that the screening requirements between
these parking lots and private houses should be installed. As far as screening along
streets where the Church owns the property across the street and the lot on Maple
Street, anything put within the 25 foot setback will impede vision. He said he would
like to insist that they not put anything there to block vision.
7f J
Board of Adjustment Meeting
November 15, 1976 -5-
David Newbern said he would not vote to impose any requirement whatsoever on the
property owner when there is a conflict in the Ordinance.
Chairman Yates asked if they should consider imposing the 25 foot setback on Lot #1
since that would cause them to lose five parking spaces
Dr. White asked if the two gravel parking lots on West Avenue, since they are not
being used by the Church, could be shut off from public use, or should they be
covered with a dustless surface.
Bobbie Jones said if it is used as a parking area it should have a dustless, durable
surface. If the Church does not intend to use the parking areas, then in order for
it to be used by anyone else the Planning Commission would have to approve it for off-
site parking.
Dr. White said in that event it would have to be a dustless and durable surface.
Chairman Yates questioned what the Church's responsibility is to close the parking
lot off. Pastor Goff said the Church has considered closing it off but they think
if they did, the people using it would park on the street.
Connie Clack said she thinks it should be surfaced and the screening put up. Chester
House asked if the Church has in mind to purchase the two pieces of property they now
surround and Mr. Goff said they do, when those properties become available and when
the Church has the money.
Connie Clack said she thought they should consider the two parking lots on West Avenue
since the Church is not seeking a variance on those lots. He said if they are not in
compliance, it seems to be the Building Inspector's responsibility.
Dr. White said there are all kinds of similar offenses. He asked what the Planning
Office would do about this. Bobbie Jones said they would serve them a notice of
violation of the Ordinance and if they failed to comply, they would receive a summons
to appear in the Municipal Court.
Chairman Yates asked the Board if they should forget these two lots since the Church
has stated that they do not plan to use them. Chester House said they would have to
chain one of the lots all of the way around and this would cause malicious action
from the boys in the area. Larry Smith said he felt they are not claiming these as
parking lots, since they have already provided the number of parking spaces required.
Chairman Yates asked the Planning Administrator to call this to the attention of the
Inspector and see if they couldn't work something out on this.
Chairman Yates stated that on parking Lot #1, the Church would lose five parking
spaces if the Board should require them to stay with the 25 feet required setbacks
from the street. Connie Clack said they do have other property they could use.
Chester House moved to approve that parking be allowed as the Church requested on
Parking Lot #1.
The motion died for lack of a second.
David Newbern moved to deny the 22 foot setback requested for Parking Lot #1.
Dr. White seconded the motion.
Newbern, Clack, Mills, Yates, White voted "Aye"; Smith and House abstained to deny the
requested setback (5-0-2).
David Newbern asked how the other Board members felt about the screening. He asked
if they thought it is to prevent people who live nearby from seeing it, or for the
people who drive by. He asked Bobbie Jones if this is a situation where there is a
conflict and she said it is.
David Newbern moved to grant that no -screening along Vandeventer be required for
Parking Lot #1. Connie Clack seconded the motion. The motion passed 5-0-2 with
Newbern, Clack, White, Mills, Yates voting "Aye"; Smith and House abstaining.
Connie Clack moved to deny the motion to waive the surfacing on Parking Lot #2
for three years.
Mrs. Mills seconded the motion.
The motion passed 5-0-2 with Clack, Mills, Newbern, White and Yates voting "Aye"; Smith
and House abstaining.
Chairman Yates said the setback on Lot 2 would affect five parking spaces, and parking
is allowed on the street. David Newbern said there is no real hardship but it would
Board of Adjustment Meeting
november 15, 1976 -6-
be unreasonable to require that, in view of the drop-off. He said it seems that
given the lay of the land, he is in favor of waiving this requirement. He moved to
waive the setback from Lafayette Street on Parking Lot #2.
Larry Smith seconded the motion. The vote was 3-2-2 with Yates, White, and Newbern
voting "Aye"; Mills and Clack voting "Nay"; Smith and House abstaining. The motion
failed to pass
Chairman Yates asked if there is a house west of the Church's driveway on Lafayette.
Pastor Goff said that house belongs to the Church, but there are houses the rest of
the way down the street.
Connie Clack made a motion that the variance be allowed for no -screening along
Lafayette on Parking Lot #2. David Newbern seconded the motion. The motion passed
5-0-2 with Newbern, Clack, Mills, Yates, and White voting "Aye"; House and Smith
Dr. White moved that the no -screening along Vandeventer on Parking Lot #4 be granted
as requested. Connie Clack seconded the motion. The motion passed 5-0-2 with White,
Clack, Mills, Yates, and Newbern voting "Aye"; House and Smith abstaining.
David Newbern said that in view of the extreme drop-off on Parking Lot #5, he sees
no need for screening. He made a motion to allow the no -screening on Parking Lot #5
along Maple Street and the property line to the East. Dr. White seconded the motion.
The motion passed 5-0-2 with Newbern, White, Clack, Mills, and Yates voting "Aye";
House and Smith abstaining.
The meeting was adjourned at 5:15 P. M.