The Fayetteville Board of
Monday, October 11, 1976,
• Fayetteville, Arkansas.
Adjustment met in a special meeting at 8:30 A.M.,
in the Directors Room, City Administration Building,
Chairman Carl Yates,
Mills, Larry Smith.
David Newbern, Dr. James White, Mrs. Don
Chester House, Connie Clack.
Bobbie Jones, Planning Administrator.
Chairman Carl Yates called the meeting to order.
Chairman Yates explained that the purpose of this meeting was to
reconsider the action taken by the Board on October 4, 1976,
on the appeal of Robert L. Younkin, Appeal No. 76-27, 10 West
Bishop Drive, to erect a single family dwelling on property adjacent to and having access
from the dead end portion of the proposed extension of Bishop Drive which is now in the
planning stage in the Bishop Addition, Unit 2. On October 4, the Board had voted to
grant the variance subject to Mr. Younkin dedicate at least 160 ft. in length along the
South border of the property for which the variance was requested.
Chairman Yates said that it now seems that the City would much prefer that Mr. Younkin
not dedicate a street because of some problems the City has run into down the line (when
a street has been dedicated, but not improved.)
Dr. White said that he has discussed this case with Inspection Superintendent Harold
Lieberenz; and, if Mr. Younkin didn't specify an acreage, he would need 400 ft. of
frontage on Appleby Road for his entire 17.47 acres in order to build another dwelling
on the property. There is a trailer house on the property now. Mr. Younkin has
383.71 feet of frontage on Appleby Road. Dr. White said that, after talking to Mr.
Lieberenz, he feels that if Mr. Younkin would not specify the two acres, the Board
could grant him a variance of 17 ft. for the total frontage needed on Appleby Road.
Chairman Yates said that he had thought about suggesting to the Planning Commission
that the ordinance be amended to forget the requirement for 200 ft. of street frontage
as long as they have street access; in other words, he has a street coming up to his
property, but none going into his property. David Newbern asked Mr. Yates if he was
suggesting that the ordinance is too strict. Chairman Yates said that it might be in
the A-1 Zoning District.
Larry Smith asked the difference between this case and lots on the end of a cul de sac.
Planning Administrator Bobbie Jones explained that 80% of the minimum lot width require-
ment must be at the street right-of-way line for lots not on a cul de sac with the full
lot width at the setback line. In the case of lots on the turning radius of a cul de
sac, the 80% is waived, but the full lot width is still required at the setback line.
Dr. White moved to grant Mr. Younkin, Appeal 76-27, a variance of 17 ft. in the amount
of lot width required for the total 17 acres, if Mr. Younkin was willing to adjust his
plans accordingly.
Chairman Yates questioned whether it was necessary to include in the motion some
provision to void the action taken by the Board on October 4. David Newbern said he saw
no need to undo what the Board had done on October 4. If the City won't go along with
that action, it becomes moot and the Board can grant him an additional variance. He
explained that what did bother him was the fact that this would be an entirely different
variance from what Mr. Younkin had asked for and it has never been advertised as such.
He said he also would like to see Mr. Younkin build his house there; it bothered him that
Mr. Younkin would be denied to build a house on all that property. However, he thought
the purpose of requiring street frontage is to require Mr. Younkin to do one thing or
another: either he takes the necessary steps to subdivide his property, or he doesn't
APPEAL 76-27
Robert L. Younkin
10 West Bishop Dr.
Board of Adjustment
October 11, 1976
and he keeps it A-1 and keeps his airfield there.
Mr. Newbern stated that he tended to agree with Chairman Yates that maybe the ordinance
should be loosened up, but he was not sure it was the place of the Board of Adjustment
to make such a decision on the ordinance.
Chairman Yates said that the other approach would be to just grant the variance as
requested without requiring a dedication for a street. Mr. Newbern asked for the
reason for granting a variance in that way.
Chairman Yates said that he did not know whether the City has refused to accept the
dedication of a street; they have stated they are hesitant to do so. It looks as if
he won't be able to build a house without a variance. Dr. White said that with the
use Mr. Younkin is presently making of his property, it would create a hazard to put
a street back there. If the street is improved, it is public property and Mr. Younkin
could not deny anyone access, so someone could drive almost all the way out to the
airfield runway. Chairman Yates commented that Mr. Younkin had indicated he would
put a fence across the end of the public street, if he were permitted to have a private
drive off the end of Bishop Drive. Mrs. Mills noted that the land out there is so level,
someone could just drive around the end of a fence.
Planning Administrator Bobbie Jones explained that there has been a street improvement
district in the formation stages that might cross the south end of Mr. Younkin's property.
If it does, he will have an additional 383.71 ft. of street frontage on the south end
of his property. However, this district might stop somewhere to the East of his property,
or it might extend all the way to Johnson Road to the West.(from College Avenue on the
Dr. White's motion to grant a variance in total frontage based on Appleby Road died for
lack of a second.
Dr. White then moved to
very reluctant to accept
public maintenance until
Larry Smith seconded the
Mills, Yates, White, and
granted as requested.
approve a variance as requested on the basis that the City is
the dedication of an additional 160 ft. of Bishop Drive for
Mr. Younkin's property is subdivided.
Smith voted "Aye"; Newbern voted "Nay"; the variance was
Chairman Yates said that he had been contacted by Ronnie G. Sherwood (Appeal 76-28)
who has advised him that he has been in contact with Mr. John APPEAL 76-28
Mahaffey, the property owner to the East, and they have worked RONNIE G. SHERWOOD
out a plan to build a common wall between their properties with 130 N. College
some permission for Mr. Sherwood to be able to be on the neighboring
property during construction. Chairman Yates said that he understands that if Mr.
Sherwood is able to do this, he may not need a variance any more Larry Smith said
that in addition to moving the building to the East, Mr. Sherwood has cut the size of
the building down.
Chairman Yates also noted that the Board of Directors is considering amending the Major
Street Plan along College Avenue in the vicinity of the
property on which Herbert Hatfield requested a variance
and which the Board of Adjustment denied (Appeal 76-20).
David Newbern stated, and the other members agreed, that
if the Major Street Plan needs to be changed, it should be
along there, and not varied on a case by case basis.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 A. M.
APPEAL 76-20
117-123 N. College
changed for tbe_benefit of