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A meeting of the Fayetteville Board of Adjustment was held at 3:45 P. M.,
Monday, August 16, 1976, in the Board of Directors Room, City Administration
Building, Fayetteville, Arkansas.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Carl Yates, Connie Clack, David Newbern, James
White, Chester House, Larry Smith (New Board Member),
Mrs. Don Mills (New Board Member).
Attorney Erwin Davis, Mr. Herbert Hatfield.
Chairman Carl Yates called the meeting to order.
The public hearing was opened on Appeal No. 76-20,
Herbert Hatfield, for property located at 117 and
123 North College Avenue, on an application to
vary setbacks.
APPEAL NO. 76-20
Herbert Hatfield
117 ? 123 No. College Ave.
Mr. Herbert Hatfield was present to represent this appeal
Mr. Hatfield said that he now owns the property of the Old Nelson Funeral
Home and Bob Stout's Phillips 66 gas station. These lots are the same size.
He said that he wants to make another set of gasoline pumps and a canopy on
the Nelson property to align with the ones already at the Phillips 66 station
to the North. He will put these at the North side of the Nelson property;
that will leave greater distance between pumps and the old bus station, to the
Mrs. Clack asked if the parking was to be in the back.
Mr. Hatfield said that he would lower the grade of the lot to match the grade
of his property to the West and would put in parking South and West of the
present building. He said that there will be no new building. All he is
doing is putting in the pumps and canopy there.
Chairman Yates asked if the bus station sets clear on the right-of-way.
Mr. Hatfield said that it sets about 5 or 6 ft. off tli'e.right-of-way; they
would be considerably behind it.
Mr. White asked Mr. Hatfield what width of curb cut (driveway) he planned.
Mr. Hatfield said he proposed no changes, but would just put in new paving.
Mr. Hatfield said it is all open across the front of the Nelson lot, but there
would be a safety zone where the sign is.
Mr. Newbern asked Mr. Hatfield what he plans to do if he is denied this variance.
How would he use this property?
Mr. Hatfield said that it would be used for parking only. This would be turned
into parking area for his other business in this block.
Chairman Yates wanted to know if the total width of the two lots was 150 ft.
Mr. Hatfield concurred with this.
Mr. Newbern wanted to know if this would be his customer's parking on this
Mr. Hatfield agreed.
Mr. Hatfield said that it would not be for public parking; there will be enough
room for about 75 cars.
Mr. Newbern said that the Ordinance that the Board of Adjustment deals with
sets a standard that requires them to ascertain if there is any particular
hardship involved in the property and whether the variance, if granted, would
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be consistent with the overall intent of the Ordinance that requires these
Mr. Hatfield said that he would not be able to continue to operate the station
as a "station" without the variance. He said that he is currently operating
at about a $5.00 loss per day, just to keep it and maintain it. He said that
if he could not put in self-service pumps, the whole thing would have to come
down, there would be no way they could handle it; it would not be profitable --
there would be a constant loss.
Chairman Yates wanted to know how long Mr. Hatfield has owned the Bob Stout
Mr. Hatfield said that he bought it about a month ago. This ground has to be
excavated down and paved to make a parking area. He said that he planned to
use the existing parkway along Spring to make Spring Street about 5 ft. wider.
He will make provisions for. the City to blacktop this. It will be widened to
the telephone company alley.
Chairman Yates said that it seems that if he could have an access to Spring
Street, on the back of the property, it would take some traffic off College.
Mr. Hatfield said that he would not consider this.
Mr. Erwin Davis was present. He said that he has recently purchased the old
bus station to the South. There is a common boundary approximately 149 or
151 ft. between his property and the property subject to this hearing. He
said that he can appreciate Mr. Hatfield's desire to improve this land.
He added that he had stepped off the distance and the actual distance seems
greater than the distance indicated in the request. It is known that there
is a curb between the properties that stops about 10 or 15 ft. from the
roadway. He said that, he could see people cutting across the corner of
his property; he wants to make sure that the public traffic is not anticip-
ated in crossing his parking lot. He said he thought there was a curb
across the front of the Nelson property. He also said that he would
fully support a move for the variance. He agrees with Mr. Hatfield's
opinion that other gas stations, along College, have pump stations and
canopies about the same distance. He said that the old bus station parking
lot is 65 ft. wide by 140 or 150 ft. deep, and he intends to leave it as
a parking area. He does not think the placement of a canopy and pump
island would inhibit his parking lot.
Mr. White said that he wanted to know where Mr. Hatfield will put this
proposed pump island and canopy.
Mr. Hatfield said that it would be at the North edge of the Nelson property,
and the South edge of his canopy will be about 35 ft. North of his South
property line (the bus station property line).
Chairman Yates wanted to know if the maximum width of a driveway for a
service station was 40 ft.
Mr. Hatfield said that he could live with a 40 ft. driveway on the South
Bobbie Jones said that any changes in curb cuts would have to have a
permit issued by the Arkansas Highway Department and applied for through
the City Engineer's Department. The City Engineer will usually start the
driveway 122 feet from the South property line.
Mr. Hatfield said there had been a curb across the front of the lot at
one time, but that it was old and had deteriorated and crumbled out.
Mr. House said that on'the-75 ft: lot, if you start a 40 ft. driveway
122 ft. from the South property line, the traffic would have to come out in
front of the Phillips 66 station.
Mr. White wanted to know why he could not extend the pump island and
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canopy, that is already on the Phillips 66 service station.
Mr. Hatfield said that it would block access to his service bays.
Chairman Yates agreed with this statement.
Mr. Davis wanted to know, architecturally, what the canopy would resemble.
Mr. Hatfield said that it would completely match the existing canopy on the
Phillips 66 station. Mr. Davis said that he would favor a vote allowing
Mr. Hatfield a variance.
Mr. Hatfield said that if he is not granted a variance, there will be a lot
of space to be wasted, because he will just leave the property as it is for
the time being.
The public hearing was concluded.
Mr. Newbern said that, previously, Mr. Hatfield APPEAL NO. 76-20
had said earlier in the meeting that he would Herbert Hatfield
convert this into parking space, if the variance 117 $ 123 No. College Ave.
was denied. Now, he has just said that there
would be a lot of space to be wasted.
Mr. Newbern said that he doesn't see anything about this property that is any
different from other pieces of property along College Avenue. There is nothing
about it that is unique. Mr. Newbern said he is feeling stronger and
stronger about the statement in the Ordinance that the Board's action should
be consistent with the purpose of the Ordinance. The Ordinance does say that
the Board should not do anything that will prejudice owners. Mr. Newbern said
the only thing he could see that Mr. Hatfield has "going for him" is that
the other filling stations along College are all out to that point.
Mr. Smith said that he feels that what Mr. Newbern said is correct, except
for one minor point ---the existing project might be grounds to grant this
Chairman Yates said that the Board has some leeway. The present situation does
not meet the 25 ft. setback from the M.S.P. on the pump island. He said that
he would be inclined to grant a variance.
Mrs. Mills said that if they continue to let people move closer to the Highway,
then they would have a vested interest. If the City ever decides to widen
the street to meet the M.S.P., the fewer people affected the better off we
will be. She cannot see why he cannot move the pump island back.
Mr. House said that he would like to see that island running East and West,
instead of North and South, and have "in and out" off Highway 71, and "in and
out" off Spring.
Mr. White said that he is going to be in trouble turning traffic off Hwy. 71.
Mrs. Mills said that he is going to have trouble on Spring, too.
Mrs. Clack said that she is in general agreement with David Newbern's views
about usurping legislative duties. However, she doesn't see any harm, except
for traffic.
Mr. Newbern said that he is troubled about this. He feels that the only
reason to grant the variance would be to keep the appearance the same as it
is now or the same as it is up and down the street. He cannot reconcile
this with the M.S.P. Why have the M.S.P. if the Board of Adjustment is going
to grant a variance to anyone who wants to keep the property "the same as it
was before."
Mr. White said that he does not know where Mr. Hatfield proposes to put this;
he probably has not planned for curb cuts.
Several members commented about the lack of a detailed plot plan, including
driveways, etc.
Chairman Yates said that he has been thinking that the Board of Adjustment
should have a document printed up from this Board, which would tell how the
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Board feels about these things. There should be requirements, for information
to be submitted.
Chairman Yates requested that Mr. Newbern and Mr. White draft a document that
would tell what the standards would be.
Mrs. Clack said that she would nominate that a drawing, drawn to scale, be one
of the requirements.
Mr. White said that there is just not too much room with 75 ft.
Mr. Newbern said that he is still confused about the first remark Mr. Hatfield
made that if the variance was not granted, it would be "parking", and the
second time he remarked that he would "leave it the same as it is now."
Mr. House said that he had been informed that Mr. Hatfield had buried the
gasoline tanks before an inspection was made and they then had to be uncovered
and tested. He also said that the curb in front of the old Nelson Funeral Home
has been torn down, and it was not "deteriorated" in any way. He said he was
not in favor of a variance.
Mr. Newbern then moved that they deny the variance.
Mr. House seconded the motion, which was approved unanimously by a vote of 7-0.
Chairman Yates asked if Mr. Newbern and Mr. White would like to suggest that -Mr.
Hatfield ask the Planning Commission if they would consider an amendment to the
Mr. Newbern concurred.
Mrs. Clack asked that a statement that she had made at MINUTES
the July 9, 1976 meeting, which was not included in the
minutes, be added. The statement was in the effect of :
"I cannot see any essential difference in permitted use as motel between renting
to students for an extended period, and members of Life Styles, Inc."
Mr. White mentioned that the dates on the various pages do not agree, and that
on Page 5, third line from the botton--"no only" should be "not only." With
these corrections, the minutes of the Board of Adjustment meeting of July 9,
1976, were approved as mailed.
David Newbern said that he will wait until the August
30, 1976 meeting to discuss the "Rules and Procedures"
of the Board of Adjustment.
The meeting was adjourned at 4:58 P. M.
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