HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973-04-23 Minutes• <THE!MINUTES OF A BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT MEETING S -i4' 73 The Fayetteville Board of Adjustment met at 3:30 P.M., Monday, April 23, 1973, in the Director's Room of the City Administration Building, Fay- etteville, Arkansas. Members Present: Members Absent: Others Present: James White, Carl Yates, Connie Clack., Albert Witte, Suzanne J•ighton. Ray White, Russell Purdy, Don Phillips. Chairman Carl Yates called the meeting to order. Chairman .Yates opened the public hearing on Appeal No. 73-13, Doctor's Appeal 73-13 Building, Inc., 241 West Spring Street on an application to vary set- DOCTORS' BUILDING backs and to vary certain requirements concerning off-street parking. 241 W. Spring St. Chairman Yates stated that the variances had been granted to the Doctor's Building Corporation on June 5, 1972 for ahexpansion project, but they had changed their project and have come back with some3additionai.r_e� t) quests for variances. Mr. Don Phillips was there to represent the application. Mr. Phillips said that they had just scaled down what they had at one time proposed to do. A variance was granted earlier to allow the new building to be even with the existing one along Locust Street. Now they wish to retain the parking between the building and Spring Street just for staff purposes. The outline of the building was changed somewhat also. They have added a canopy for a pharmacy window along Spring Street. They consider this to be desirable, but not absolutely essential. James White asked whether this canopy could be put on the east side of the building instead of the north side. Mr. Phillips reviewed the floor plan with Mr. White and explained that the projection to the east is for the waiting room area and not for the pharmacy area. Mr. Yates asked where the traffic for the drive -inn window would exit. Mr. Phillips explained that the traffic would exit on to Spring Street. Mr. Phillips said that he had had a phone call from Mrs. Moore who lives across the street to the north in which she had objected to the location of the most easterly drive way on Spring Street because she backs out of heredriveway. Mr. Phillips said he had looked at the plans carefully since talking to her, and did not believe that this is opposite of her driveway as she had originally thought. He said that this would be an entrance drive, and they will use arrow and signs both to control traffic. James White questioned whether the variance for the canopy would be a 22 foot variance or a 222 foot variance. The ordinance states that the setback is thirty feet for a building without parking in front and 50 feet for a building with parking in front. The proposed parking would be in front of the existing building and not in front of this projection, he still questioned how the variance should be figured. Chairman Yates stated that he felt that this would be a 222 foot variance. They asked Bobbie Jones, Planning Administrator, how she considered it, and she said perhaps she had not looked.at it properly, but she considered it a 22 foot variance. Russell Purdy asked whether this would be one single building or two buildings, and was told it would be one. Mr. Purdy felt this and the wording of the ordinance would answer the question of how much the variance would be. Chairman Yates asked Mrs. Jones how close they were on the parking requirement. She said th_e ordinance requires 25 spaces according ao-the'sizi of'their building "� ng and the`y-have:48 16 Minutes of a Board of Adjustment Meeting April 23, 1973 Page 2 shown. Mr. Yates asked Mr. Phillips if it would be acceptable to them to eliminate the eight parking spaces in front. Mr. Phillips supposed that these parking spaces could be eliminated, but a reduction in the number of parking spaces they have now. These were planned for staff members only, and two of the doctors would be able to enter their offices without going through the rest of the building. They discussed the arrangement of the present parking and said that this would eli- minate some bad parking situations. Most of the accidents around the building had been from people backing on to Locust Street. This would be eliminated. Connie Clack asked about the additional property they owned toward Meadow Street, which is not shown on this plan. Mr. Phillips said they considered it to be a little far from the building to be used for parking and that it would need to be graded down before it could be used also. Chairman Yates read a letter from David K. Faught, Assistant Director of the Housing Authority, in which he stated that the Board of Commi- ssioners of the Housing Authority had a special meeting on April 2, 1973 on the development plans concerning the Doctor's Building and found them to be in general conformity to the objectives of the Urban Re- newal Plan and recommended the Board of Adjustment's approval of this appeal. Chairman Yates asked that this letter be noted in the minutes. Connie Clack stated that she felt that the ordinance and its require- ments should be considered as much as any other factors in the drawing of plans by the developer. Mr. Phillips said that they have tried to plan the addition to work out the most situable. There was no one present to oppose the application. Chairman Yates posed 3 questions to the Board. (1) Is the Board willing to permit the Doctor's Building to continue to use those 6 parking spaces on the north, keeping in mind that it would improve the parking and traffic situation as it now exists, (2) Is the Board going to permit them to build the canopy over the pharmacy, .if•they do not'allowtthem tbepark innfiont of thekbuilding, ail`they need is -a 21fobt;-setbacksvarianceconctheacanopyja(3) :Shall the.dny Board let'them retain the other variances granted in 1972. Chairman Yates said that as far as the existing parking with the existing building there, they evidently do not have the 50 foot setback, but it is very close and he is inclined to go with that. James White asked if the parking could be established as angle parking. He said that this would take up less room and would establish a traffic flow. Chairman Yates suggested that first the Board decide the question of whether to allow a 21 foot-;variance,on the'canopy`,then to decide; after that decision is made, whether the Board should Permit parking in front of the building. Connie Clack moved to grant the 21 foot variance for the canopy on the north side of the pharmacy. James White seconded the motion, which was approved unanimously. Chairman Yates said that the main portion of the existing building is approximately 47'from the right of way and the entrance to the building is approximately 43 feet. On 3 of the spaces shown, He is not sure they have enough room to get in and out. Don Phillips requested approval to retain those 3 if they can cut the sidewalks back along side the building so they can have the same distance from those parking spaces to the right of way as the other parking spaces to the right of way. They plan to put a screen up to imrpove that side of the building. Chairman Yates asked the other Board members if they should let the Doctor's Building retain any parking in front of the building. IQ • • • Minutes of a Board of Adjustment Meeting April 23, 1973 Page 3 James White said only if they can bring the last 3 spaces in line with the others. Connie Clack said that she was not enthusiastic about it, James White said it was hard for him to justify changing the existing parking if it is currently being used for parking and if it does meet the Urban Renewal and Housing Authority Plans. Carl Yates said that it would improve the situation and eliminate the parking which is now backing out into the street. Mr. White said that there would be very little traffic there either. It would only be employees and people picking up perscriptions in the pharmacy window. James White moved to allow them to retain that parking in front with it to be limited only to staff parking, and the 3 on the west to be retained only if they were in line with the others. Connie Clack seconded the motion, which was approved unanimously. Chairman Yates stated that he thought that the Board should reaffirm the variances granted on June 5, 1978 on the parking. Connie Clack moved that the variances granted on June 5, 1972 be continued. James White seconded the motion which was approved unanimously. The minutes of the March 26, 1973 Board of Adjustment Meeting were approved as mailed. The meeting was adjourned at 4:25 P.M. • 18 A