The Fayetteville Board of Adjustment met at 3:45 P,Mes Monday,* October 9
ain Street,,
1972, in the Chamber of Commerce Board Room, 123 W. Mount,
is Fayettevilleo Arkansas.
Members Present: James White, Connie Clack, Carl Yates, Albert Witte,
Members Absent: Suzanne Lighton
Others Present: Pete Young, Donald Grimes, Esther White, Tony
Zini, Pat Neeley, Austin Fitzgerald, Larx7
Baggett, Duane Nelson, Don Offenbacker, Mrs.
Willard Howerton, Susie Ledford,
Chairman Carl Yates called the meeting to order,
The first application discussed was Appeal No. 72�27, Leo Peel, APPEAL 72�27
2356 Juneway Terrace, on an application to vary setbacks, This LEO PEEL
application had been tabled August 28, 1972 in order to give the 2356 JUNEWAY
applicant a chance to come back before the Board with a revised
plan. Esther White, attorney, represented the appeal. She re�
viewed the revised plan with the board members. The setback from
Juneway will be 40 ft. or in line with other existing structures,
on Juneway Terrace, Mr. Peel now requests a setback from Town-
ship Road of 35 ft., rather than the 45 ft, required by zoning
setback and major street plah-.sbtback. Albert Witte asked how
this would compare with other houses along Township Road. Mrs.
White said the only other thing nearby on Township is immediately
across Juneway, and that building is set back 50 ft. Mr. Yates
said that from there, West, there is practically nothing until
you reach Fisher Buick, which is, of course, right on the R60,W,
Going to the East, all the houses are setback, except the one
immediately East, There was no opposition present, andr-Lno further
Questions from the Board, The public hearing was closed.
The next item listed on the agenda was the public hearing on Appeal APPEAL 72-30
72-30, Shenandoah Garden Apartments, Inc.,, 1200 E4 15th Street, SHENANDOAH
on an application to vary minirmim lot width. GARDEN APTS,
1200 E9 15th ST*
There was no one present to represent this application, There was
no opposition present. The Planning Administrator informed the
Board that the letter to Marshall Carl-islest-A�o'was-t6,-rd]�r.es i ent y
the petition, had been misaddreS5ed, and she had been unable to
contact him by phone today.to advise him of the meeting, The
Board unanimously agreed to table the public hearing until the
next meeting so that a representativrelpould be present,
The next item of business was the public hearing on Appeal No. 72�31,
Humble Oil and Refining Company, 601 W* 6th St., on an application
to vary setback of sign, Tony Zini, Pat Neeley, and Austin Fitz� APPEAL NO* 72-31
gerald were present to represent the application. Mr. Zini said thatHUMBLE OIL &
the previous sign had been knocked down by a cattle truck in order to REFINING CO.
avoid hitting a car on the wrong side of the road, They requested 6ol
w. 6th
permission to replace the sign on the same base. The I�l District
requires that ground signs be set back a minimum of 15 ft. from
street R.O.W. Carl Yatess Chairman, read the letter from
Harold Lieberenz, Inspection Supt., in which he questioned whether
the existing sign base might be on street R�O.W. rather than on
private property, If this were the case, Mr. Lieberenz advised the
Board of Adjustment that they did not have the power to grant a variance.
10�9�72 �2-
to enable someone to erect a sign on street R*O.W. Mr. Yates said
that he had looked at the sign himself and was of the same opinion.
Mr. Fitzgerald said that when the sign was erected, the street was
not as wide as it is now, and that.he had obtained a permit to put
it -in its previous location. He said that he did'hot know where
they would put the sign if they could not put it back in the same
location. A new sign would hang back toward the building, rather
than toward the R.O.W. Mr. Fitzgerald said it was important to
have a sign, because most of the gasoline business these days is
sold on credit cards. In the discussion that followed, the sugges�
tion was made that a survey be obtained to determine where the
street R.O.W. was, Albert Witte said that he thought that the
applicant also needed to consider whether they could make the sign
conform to the ordinance, By a unanimous consent, the Board
tabled the application tntil the next meeting, to enable the
applicant to obtain further information as to where the street
R.O.W. lies.
The next matter before the Board was the public hearing on Appeal
No. 72�32, Larry L. Baggetto 697 W. Center St., on an application
to vary height of sign, Mr. Baggett was present to represent the
application. Mr. Baggett proposes to erect a sign 18 ft. high APPEAL NO* 72-32
rather than the height of the building, which is only 13 ft.'- rLARRY L. BAGGETT
41nches, Mr. Baggett said that the store to which the sign 697 w. CENTER
applies is itself, a little hiddenii as it is on University, which
is not a heavily traveled street. He felt like that withtthe sign
he could draw traffic off eenter Street* He said the sign would be
non—blinking, and would be turned off at 11:00 P.M. each night. Mr.
Yates noted that the proposed ordinance would require signs to be
back 50 ft. fr4 street R.O.W., and asked Mr. Baggett for his reaction
to moving this sign back if the variance were granted to enable the
sign to be 18 ft. high. Mr. Baggett was of the opinion that moving
the sign back 50 ft, would place it in the way. Howeverj, after further
discussion, he agreed that he might consider a setback of 15 ft. from
street R.O.W.
There was no opposition present. The public hearing was closed.
The next item of business was the public hearing on Appeal No. 72�339 APPEAL 72�33
11 A
Duane Nelsons 2202 No College Avenue, on an application to vary the DUANE NELSON
size of a sign, Mr. Nelson and Mr. Offenbacker were present to represent 2202 No
the application, Mr. Nelson showed pictures of the standard signs for COLLEGE AVE*
Baskin�Robbins Ice Cream franchise, and said that he had turned this sign
down because it would not confdrm with the City's regulations* He said
the Elaine Powers Buildingo immediately to the North, is only 25 or 30 ft.
from the R*O,W, The Baskin—Robbins building sets back 55 ft. He said that
he was not asking for a pole sign at this location. Various designs of
signs were discussed by Mr. Nelson and the Board, There was no opposition
present. The public hearing was closed.
The next item of business was Appeal 72-34, Bill Bequette, 1000 South
Washington Ave., on an application -,to Vary minimum lot width and APPEAL 72-34
minimum lot area for a duplex. There was no one present to represent BILL BEQUETTE
the application. There were several persons present to oppose the 1000 so
application, Mrs. Willard Howerton, the adjoining property owner on WASHINGTON
the South side, stated she felt like the".1oft was too small for a duplex,'
(r �,
Coo �
Susie Ledford, the property owner on the North side, said that she did
not think that a duplex was needed there. There were several other ladies
present in the audience who opposed the application4.but they were not
identified, James White asked the ladies if there were any other duplexes
in this area. Mrs. Howerton said there was one down the street two
blocks to the South, Mr. Bequette still was not present. The Board
delayed the balance of the public hearing until Mr. Bequette could
Al Witte moved to grant the variance on the Nelson application, Appeal
72�33, because he thought this was in the philosophy of the discussed
proposal to encourage wall signs and discourage ground signs. James APPEAL 72-33
White seconded the motion; it was approved unanimously,
The Board discussed the application of Larry L./Baggett, Appeal 72-32,
to vary the height of a sign, James White stated that any sign where
Mr,B&ggetto proposes it would not be visible fr9m anywhere except from
the intersection of University and Center Street, He thought he would
almost have to have the sign farther back to be seen. Chairman Yates
said that personally, he had nothing against the additional height, APPEAL 72�32
but that he was inclined to want to do something on the location, as
a condition, However, he needed some help from the other Board
members on this, Albert Witte said that'rhe thought the Board had
caught Mr. Baggett by surprise, and that Mr. Baggett was not prepared
to respond at the time. He recognized that the other Board members
hated to force something on Mr. Baggett. Mr. Witte moved to bring
this matter up the next time the Board meets, and in the mean time,
to have Mr. Baggett confer with the Chaitman for the purposes of
coming up with alternative proposals. Connie Clack seconded the
motion. It was approved unanimously.
The Board discussed Appeal 72-27, for Leo Peel again, Albert Witte APPEAL 7247
asked whether this would affect the future of Township Road. Chair-
man Yates said that personally, he did not think so. If the City does
take 20 ft. and widen the street, he would still have 15 ft. from the
R.O.W. to his building, Mr. White noted that he would probably have
25 ft. or 50 from the traffic way to the building. Mr. White moved
to grant variance on the revised plan submitted by Leo Peel,
Albett Witte seconded the motion; it was approved unanimously,
James White moved to table the balance of the public hearing on
Appeal 72�34, for Bill Bequette, till a later meeting when Mr. APPEAL 72-34
Bequette could be present. Albert Witte seconded the motion*
it was approved unanimously,
The minutes of the September 18, 1972 Board of Adjustment meeting
were approved as mailed.
The Board voted unanimously to schedule future meetings for the FUTURE MEETINGS
second and fourth Monday of each month, thereby alternating meetings 2nd & 4th MON*
with the Planning Commission,
The meeting was adjourned at 4:40 P*Me