The Fayetteville Board of Adjustment met at 3:30 P.M., Monday, August 14,
1972, in the Directors Room, City Administration Building, Fayetteville,
Members Present: Carl Yates, James White, Suzanne Lighton, Connie Clack.
Members Absent: Roy Clinton.
Others Present: Earl Cate, Tommy Henderson, Russell Purdy,, Marshall
Carlisle, Steve Cummings, Grover C. Thomas, Pete Young.
Chairman Carl Yates called the meeting to order,
The public hearing on Appeal 72-21, Ben Jacks Guitar Center,, 2425 North APPEAL 72-21
College Avenue, on an application to vary height and location of sign BEN JACKS GUITAR
was opened. Earl Cate represented the application. He said the wind 2425 N. College
blew out the former sign and the sign man put up a new one without getting
a permit. He requested permission to allow the new sign to remain in
the location of the old sign. The sign is about 5 ft. taller than the
building and is almost on the side property line, The new sign is
smaller than the old one. Mr. Cate answered questions of the Board,
There were no questions from the audience. The public hearing was
The public hearing on Appeal 72-22, Tommy Henderson, 611 North College APPEAL 72�22
Avenue, on an application to vary setbacks was opened, Mr. Henderson TOMMY HENDERSON
was present, He stated he has a storage building on his property and 611 N. College
Zoe had been informed he did not have a permit for it. He would like to
be able to keep the building, but needs a variance in setback from
Davidson Street. The building is only 10 ft. from the street ROW
instead of the 59 ft. required. Mr. Henderson answered the questions
of the Board and told them the top of the building is below the retaining
wall and that if he moved the building to the North to meet the setback
requirement people would not be able to drive around the Taco Hut building
as they now can do,
From the audience Russell Purdy asked if such permission is granted to
Mr. Henderson for a portable building and he sells the property would
that permission carry over to the new property owner. Mr. Yates said
it probably would. Mr. Purdy said he was not objecting, but questioned
whether it should. There were no other questions. The public hearing
was closed.
The public hearing on Appeal 72-23, Shenandoah Garden Apartments, Inc.,
1200 East Fifteenth Street, on an application to vary minimum lot width
was opened, Marshall Carlisle and Steve Cummings were present. Mr. Carlisle
said to the East of the property in question is the Shenandoah Mobile APPEAL 72-23
Home Park, that this property and the mobile home park are of the same SHENANDOAH GARDEN
tract of property and the ownership is the same. They ended up with this APTS. INC.
70 ft. strip after planning the mobile home park. All it has on it is 1200 E. Fifteenth
a swimming pool which is used by the mobile home park. The property to
the West is under different ownership. They requested permission to
build two 4 -unit apartment buildings, one on either side of the swimming
pool. Mr. Yates asked if there is a vehicular access to the unit on the
North. Mr. Carlisle said the parking is planned on the South side of
of the property with a walkway proposed to each building from that.
Mr. Carlisle, Mr. Cummings, the Board members and the Planning
Administrator read and discussed the regulations pertaining to more
than one principal building on a lot of record. Mr. Carlisle said
when the original planning was done on the mobile home park, they
used the amount of land required by HUD and this strip was left.
Mrs. Clack suggested all the units be constructed in one building.
Mr. Carlisle and Mr. Cummings did not feel this could be done.
Mr. Yates said since this is only about 100 sq. ft. short ol 6 � an acre,
the Planning Commission might be willing to hear the applicant on the
basis of a Large Scale Development.
There were no questions from the audience;*, the public hearing was closed.
The public hearing on Appeal 72�24, Grover C. Thomas, 316 South School APPEAL 72-24
Avenue, on an application to v&ry setbacks was opened, Mr. Thomas was GROVER C. THOMAS
present. He stated he could meet all the other requirements except 316 S. School Ave.1
the setback on the North property line. This property line is the
bouldary between the C-2 and R-0 zoning districts. The property owner
to the North does not object. He said he is trying to save as many
oak trees as possible. Since the appeal was filed, he has made the property
owner to the North an offer for her property and she has indicated an
acceptance. If.the Planning Commission will grant him conditional use
of that lot for an eating place, he will not fised a variance, Have been
working with the Street Superintendent on driveways and plan an entrance
only on Fourth Street with both an entrance and an exit onto School
Avenue. He told Mr. White that when purchased, the lot to the North
would be in common ownirship with these lots in question. Mr. Thomas
said he was also considering petitioning for rezoning of the lot to
the North, Because of commitments with others. he felt he needed an
answer today on the variance, There were no questions from the audience.
The public hearing was closed,
Suzanne Lighton moved that Appeal 72-24, Grover C. Thomas, request for
a variance be granted. Connie Clack seconded, The motion passed APPEAL 72-24
unanimously. The explanation for the approval was given that the request
was granted because the applicant has acquired the property immediately
North of that covered in the request and might include it with the business
operation planned for the property in question,
Suzanne Lighton moved that Appeal 72�23, Shenandoah Garden Apartments, Inc.
request be denied. James White seconded the motion which wasp-passedr.-d,-) APPEAL 72-23
unanimously, Reason for the denial was given as being because of ths�
insufficient lot width and inaccessibility of the proposed north apartment
James White moved to approve Appeal 72�22, Tommy Henderson, on the basis APPEAL 72-22
that the approval would be strictly for this man and for a portable building,
either this one or one of like size. Suzanne Lighton seconded the motion,
It was approved unanimously.
Suzanne Lighton moved to grant the variance request of Ben Jacks Guitar
Center, Appeal 72-21. Connie Clack seconded. The motion was approved APPEAL 72-21
The minutes of the July 31, 1972 Board of Adjustment meeting were approved
is as mailed. The meeting was adjourned at 5:07 Pomo