HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972-03-13 Minutes(�ppwo�ed
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The Fayetteville Board of Adjustment met at 3:30 P.M., Monday,
March 13, 1972, in the Directors Room, City Administration Building,
Fayetteville, Arkansas,
Members Present: Carl Yates, J. F. Robinson, Roy Clinton, Connie
Clack, Suzanne Lighton.
Members Absent: None,
Others Present: Walter Niblock, Hoyet Greenwood, Pete Young, Harold
Lieberenz, Hugh R. Kincaid, Peg Anderson, Russell
Purdy, F. H. Martin,
Chairman J. F. Robinson called the meeting to order.
The first item on the agenda was the public hearing on Appeal No. APPEAL NO. 72-10
72-10, Hoyet Greenwood, for the Southeast corner of Poplar Street HOYET GREENWOOD
and Leverett Avenue, on an application to vary setbacks of building Poplar & Leverett
and distance between curb cuts and intersection. Walter Niblock,
Attorney, and Hoyet Greenwood were present to represent the
Roy Clinton stated he felt the Planning Commission had to approve
the variance request on curb cuts, not the Board of Adjustment.
Mr. Lieberenz said this was included in the request because the
zoning ordinance does specify location of curb cuts for service
stations. This was discussed and by mutual consent deferred to
the Planning Commission for a decision.
Also requested was a variance in setback of a canopy from Leverett
and a setback from side property line on the East. Mr. Greenwood
said he could move the build 1# ft. to the West and cut the size
of the proposed office section to provide a 7 ft. setback on the
East side rather than the required 10 ft. In answer to a question
from Carl Yates, he said he would still put in the gasoline service
pumps, whether he got the variance on the canopy or not. He
admitted the office was not essential to the operation of the
grocery store, but said he would have to have one somewhere eventually.
He said if it came to a choice of which variance to grant, lie wanted
the variance on the canopy. It was noted that to the East of this
property is a private drive into a mobile home park, probably 25 fte
wide, at least.
Peg Anderson had some comments regarding the petition for rezoning
and the addition of other uses to the convenience grocery.
The public hearing was closed.
The next matter discussed was Appeal 72-9, Road Investment & APPEAL 72-9
Development Enterprises, 395 North College, tabled from March 6, ROAD INVESTMENT &
1972. Hugh R. Kincaid, Attorney, was present on behalf of the DEVELOPMENT ENT,
application at this meeting. He said he had checked with Clayton 395 N. College
Powell, Street Superintendent, and the location of the sign would
be no problem for the proposed street radius of 20 ft. He said
there would be a hardship if the applicant has to use this land
and observe all the zoning setbacks. He felt the permission of
pump islands 25 ft, from right-of-way with no provision for a canopy
was an oversight in the ordinance.
Suzanne Lighton asked what the applicant planned to do about a fence
along the West property line. Mr. Kincaid said the property owners
had contacted them; they planned to build a cedar or redwood fence
similar to what is there now. Mr. Kincaid agreed they could make
the sign stationary and not rotating. There was some discussion
on whether a canopy should be interpreted as a structure.
Russell Purdy asked whether a canopy would be allowed to go right
up to the edge of the property if it were not considered a structure.
There was no other information.
The Board returned to the first item for deliberation. Chairman
Robinson pointed out to the members that there was a potential for
law suit on each case. The applicant in each case could file a suit
and so could the City. He requested each member give their reason
for voting.
Miss Lighton suggested moving the gasoline pumps closer to the building
to require a lessor variance on setback of canopy.. Mr. Yates did APPEAL 72-10
not think this would work out as well; his personal feeling was that
a canopy is a special case. He did not think it made any sense to
allow pump islands 25 ft. from right-of-way and require canopy to
be back farther. Mr. Robinson did not see where canopies do any
harm, they make the property look better, and make it easier for
someone buying gasoline.
Roy Clinton said the office space factor should be considered at
this time. He suggested if the Board did not approve the office,
they should look at a further setback on the pump island and canopy.
Connie Clack moved that the Board allow the variance on the canopy
as requested and consider the office separately. Carl Yates seconded.
There was further discussion. Roy Clinton did not think the office
was a consideration when the property was rezoned and did not think
it should be considered now. He preferred to move the canopy back
to 31# ft. from Leverett which would prevent building any office
there. Miss Lighton agreed with Mr. Clinton.
Walter Niblock stated he was authorized to say his client no longer
wants to build an office there.
The vote was taken. Yates, Robinson, and Clack voted 11Aye," to grant
the variance on the canopy. Clinton and Lighton voted "Nay,° and
both stated they were not opposed to the canopy but preferred to
move it back. The request for the office was withdrawn.
The Board discussed again Appeal R72-9, Road Investment and APPEAL 72-9
Development Enterprises,
Carl Yates said he was not present at the last meeting, but he had
talked to the applicants and explained that if the Board of Adjustment
saw fit to grant a variance they would have to go with the minimum
variance that could be complied with. They indicated they could
accept a variance for a setback of 40 ft. from College Avenue for
the canopy and could comply with the setback for the cashier's
office from College Avenue. They stated they could not move the
location of the canopy to the South any, but felt they might out
the canopy off on the North side 3 ft. If they are turned down,
they can still have the pump islands without the canopy.
Roy Clinton moved that the Board of Adjustment approve the entire
request, including the height of the sign, as amended with the
60 ft. setback for the cashier's office from College Avenue, and
the 40 ft, setback of the canopy from College Avenue. He thought
the sign would create a traffic problem if located farther back.
Yates seconded. There was further discussion. Miss Lighten said
she could see all the arguments and understand the hardship with
just 1/3 of the property being used, but she thought the tract
was just too small for all they were trying to do.
Connie Clack said she was bothered that they were approving a
sign that would be non -conforming under the proposed ordinance.
The vote was taken. Clinton, Yates, and Robinson voted "Aye."
Clack and Lighton voted "Nay."
Roy Clinton moved that the Board of Adjustment approve the variance
request for a sign on Appeal No. 72-4, Humble Oil & Refining Company,
tabled from February 7, 1972, as requested on size and with height APPEAL 72-4
not to exceed 30 ft. above the plane of the highest road at the Humble Oil & Ref.
intersection. Carl Yates seconded. Mr. Clinton noted that this
would be in line with the proposed sign regulations for intersections
such as this. The motion was approved unanimously to grant the
Next the Board discussed the request for action on Appeal 72-2, B & M
Signs, for a Ramada Inn Sign at 3901 North College Avenue. APPEAL 72-2
Mr. Yates said it seemed to be a lot of difference in having a B & M SIGN CO.
75 square foot sign on a 50 ft. lot and having a larger sign on a (Ramada Inn)
larger lot. He thought having a 150 square foot sign on a 350 foot
lot looked better than having a 75 square foot sign every 50 feet.
He asked F. H. Martin if this was the smallest standard sign they
make. It is. He further stated that he assumed that if the Board
of Adjustment granted a variance for less than 392 square feet, then
they would put up a non-standard sign.
Roy Clinton said he felt this should be given the same consideration
as high speed signs. Mr. Robinson asked the Board members if they
thought 75'square feet was adequate at this location. He had driven
by the location to see how well a sign could be seen. Mr. Clinton
said he preferred to turn the question around and disregard Ramada
Inn's interests and relate it to traffic moving at a very fast pace.
He felt 75 square feet was too small, but that the 392 square feet
requested was too large. The group was working with the safety stand-
point when they came up with 200 square feet at intersections along
the by-pass. Mr. Yates and Mr. Robinson did not'feel the Hoard
should be concerned with the interests of Ramada Inn either, but
with people who are looking for the motel and will be so close to
it when they see it, a sudden stop could cause an accident. They
also agreed 75 square feet was not enough, but that 392 square feet
was too much. Connie Clack agreed, but questioned how much was
On the basis that this falls in the same category agreed on in the
joint meeting, Mr. Yates moved that the Board approve the request
for a sign up to 200 square feet in size. Roy Clinton seconded.
Mr. Robinson said he felt this was still inadequate in size. The.
vote was taken. Clack, Clinton, Yates, and Lighton voted "Aye,"
• Robinson voted "Nay", a variance was approved for a sign 200 sq.ft.
in size.
The minutes of February 7, and March 6, 1972, were approved.
The meeting was adjourned at 5:45 P.M.