The Fayetteville Board of Adjustment met at 2:45 P.M., Tuesday,
February 16, 1971, in the Directors Room, City Administration
Building, Fayetteville, Arkansas,
Members Present: J. F. Palmer, Carl Yates, Suzanne Lighton,
Roy Clinton.
Members Absent: J. F. Robinson.
Others Present: C. T. Pearson, Jr., Wesley Howe, Harold Id,eberenz,
E. J. Guise.
On the agenda for today was a re -hearing on the application of C.
T. Pearson, Jr. for variances on property located on the Southeast
corner of Sixth Street and School Avenue. The Board had voted at C.T. PEARSON, JR.
its last meeting to have the re -hearing if the City Attorney 6th ST. & SCHOOL AVE.
was of the opinion it was legal to do so.
Mr. Pearson was present to represent his cause. He stated the
square footage in the buildings has been reduced to 31,500 with
161 parking spaces (one parking space required for each 200 sqo
ft. of floor space). Mr. Pearson is now asking for a variance
of 10 ft. on the North side along Sixth Street and 25 ft, on
the East side along Locust Avenue.
• He stated Dillons objected to moving the building to the West
and also to any reduction in parking spaces in front. They
are not sure 105 ft. is enough depth for the building. A
discussion followed.
Mr. Palm r moved that the Board give consideration to the
revised plan and take action today. Miss Lighton seconded. It
was approved unanimously,
E. J. Guise was present to request re -opening of a hearing on
his application which was denied at the last meeting.
Miss Lighton moved not to consider re -opening of Mr. Guise's
application. Mr. Clinton seconded. Mr. Palmer abstained from
voting. Lighton, Clinton, and Yates voted Aye.
Miss Lighton moved to grant the variances requested by Ce To
Pearsonion his revised plan subject to Planning Commission approval
of the general lay out, Mr. Palmer seconded, It was approved
Miss Lighton proposed that future Board meetings be held at 3:30 P.M.
on Mondays, rather than 10:00 A.M. on Mondays. The other members
present agreed.
The meeting was adjourned at 3:40 P.M.
Oklahoma Way