The Fayetteville Board of Adjustment met at 10:00 A.M., Monday, 407--2
February 1, 1971, in the Directors Room, City Administration
Building, Fayetteville, Arkansas,
Members Present: Roy Clinton, Suzanne Lighton, J. F. Palmer.
Members Absent: J. F. Robinson, Carl Yates.
Others Present: E. J. Guise, Morris Collier, Peter Eddy, Rip
Lindsey, Warren Segraves, C. T. Pearson, Jr.,
Harold Lieberenz.
In the absence of Chairman Robinson, Roy Clinton presided.
Before the Board at this meeting was a public hearing on the
application of E. J. Guise for a variance on property on the
East side of Oklahoma Way,
Mr. Guise was present. He stated he was requesting a variance to
build two duplexes 25 ft. from street ROW rather than 30 ft. (25 fte
for zoning setback plus 5 ft. for Major Street Plan). He said there E. J. GUISE
is lots of room, but the steepness of the lots on the East makes OKLAHOMA WAY
30 ft, harder to work with. Most all houses up there are 25 ft, or
less from the ROW. He plans 2 -story units,
Roy Clinton read two letters submitted by persons in the area
objecting to the variance, Mr. Paul S. Eddy and Mr. Warren Segraves,
Mr. Morris Collier, 724 Missouri Way was present and objecting, He
further stated that the narrow street and increased traffic was a
traffic hazard and that excavation of the hillside he felt would prove
perilous to property owners both above and below. He stated when his
house was built, he was required to build 40 ft, off the street.
Peter Eddy was representing his father Mr. Paul Eddy and objecting,
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Warren Segraves questioned how he could provide 2 parking spaces for
each unit and maneuver on the property,
Mr. Guise said he has planned two spaces per unit underneath the upper
A letter from William R. Yancey representing ownership of some adjoining
property and voicing no objections was read.
• Mr. Lieberenz asked Mr. Guise if he had had the property surveyed in
order to determine the property lines. Mr. Guise said he had. He plans
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no porches or projections on the front, There will be a balcomy, but
it is included in the dimensions shown.
Rip Lindsey said he would withdraw his objections if Mr. Guise would
go in with the rest of the neighbors on an improvement district to
improve the street,
Mr. Guise said he has rental units next to where he lives and didn't
believe anyone has had any trouble from them, Peter Eddy confirmed
this, but questioned what might happen when Mr. Guise is gone and a
less selective landlord takes over,
Morris Collier related some difficulties he had had with Mr. Guise
when he closed a drive Mr. Guise was using on his property. He had
been required to donate a turn out onto a City alloy*
The public hearing was closed,
The minutes of January U. and January 18, 1971 were approved as
Mr. Pal r stated he would have to disqualify himself from voting
as he was an area resident.
Miss Lighton moved the request for variance be denied, Roy Clinton
seconded, Miss Lighton and Mr. Clinton voted Aye, Palmer abstained,
The variance request was denied.
C. T. Pearson, Jr., asked the Board to advise him how he might change
his plan recently denied approval so that the Board would favor it, C. T, PEARSON, JR.
He stressed that planning had begun before regulations took effect,
He still does not desire to cover drainage structure as Dillons objects
to this, He questioned whether the Board would consider re -opening
the application if he revised his plan to request a 15 ft. variance
on Locust Street. They indicated they would.
Mr. Palmer moved that the Board re -open Mr, Pearson's variance
request the next Monday if the City Attorney would give an opinion
stating this could be done without another advertisement. Miss Lighton
seconded. It was approved unanimously.
In further discussion it developed that there had been a misunderstanding,
Mr. Pearson asked if the Board would entertain a variance of 25 ft. on.
Locust Avenue, The Board indicated they would at least hear the request.
Screening would be provided and the number of parking spaces should be
The meeting was adjourned at 11:00 A.M.