HomeMy WebLinkAbout1968-11-06 Minutes (2)Ll i 0 aP4ZYl.000d '//5/69 315-2 BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT MINUTES The Board of Adjustment met at 4:00 P. M., Wednesday, November 6, 1968 in the Directors' Room of the City Administration Building, Fayetteville, Arkansas, Members Present: All members were in attendance. Members Absent: None Others Present: W. A. Lewis, Murray F. Lewis, Ben R. Porter, S. T. Russell, J. D. Fisher, James Fisher, Harold Lieberens. The meeting was called to order by J. F. Robinson, Chairman.. W.A. Lewis The first application considered by the Board of Adjustment was from W. A. Lewis and Murray F. Lewis. The applicants request approval from the Board of Adjustment of a plan to construct a six (6) unit apartment building on their property which is located on South School Street and is zoned C-1, Neighborhood Commercial District. The request is for approval of the plan under Section 7, Subsection "b", of Article VI, City Zoning Ordinance No. 1239. Representing the request were W. A. Lewis and Murray F. Lewis, Murray F. Lewis Chairman Robinson asked the City Building Inspector, Harold Lieberenz, if there were any reasons other than as stated in the Zoning ordinance, Section 711b"2 of Article VI. Mr. Lieberenz stated that there were none other than stated in the Ordinance., then he read Section 7"b" of Article VI entitled "Residential Uses in Industrial and Commercial Districts.." to the Board members. Mr. Lieberenz further stated that all set back and parking requirements were adequate, The Chairman then asked if there was anyone present opposing the granting of this variance request, There being none Mr. Robinson thanked the applicants and instructed them to call the Office of City Planning the following day for the Board's decision. Representing the request was J. D. Fisher and his son, James Fisher, James Fisher Mr. J. D. Fisher, owner of the company, stated that a retaining wall is located on the rear property line and that he wishes to use this wall as the East wall of the proposed structure. One of the Board members stated that it was not clear to him exactly what the structure would be used for, 316-2 -2- body shop and the remainder for parking. Mr. Fisher further stated that his plans were to construct a slab roof to permit parking on top of the structure as well as under the roof. Harold Lieberenz,•City Building Inspector, told the Board that another problem involved with this case was that the master street plan shows proposed widening of Township Road on the North side of Mr. Fisher's property. And that if the street was widened it would take part of the proposed building. Mr. Fisher then told the Board members that Township Road had already been widened five (5) feet and that the curb of Township Road was located against his existing building., therefores if the street was widened :., more he would have to move his business to another locations The Chairman asked if there was anyone present to oppose the granting of this request. There being no opposition, the public hearing on the request of J. D. Fisher Buick Compaay was closed. Mr. Robinson then thanked the applicant and his son for attending the meeting and instructed them to call the Office of City Planning the following day for the decision of the Board of Adjustment. The final request for a variance was from Ben R. Porter. The applicant is Ben R. Porter requesting the variance for construction of a single family residence on a lot having less than two (2) acres as required by the City Zoning Ordinance • in the A-11 Annexed Territory District zoning. The property in question is located on Porter Road and is in A-1, Annexes Territory District. 0 Representing the application was Ben R. Porter and S. T. Russell. Mr. Porter told the Board members that he has a buyer for this property, but that the buyer does not want a full two (2) acres of land. After a short discussion with the applicant the Chairman asked if there was anyone present opposing the granting of this variances Ben R. Porter The" being no one present opposing the variances the public hearing was closed* The minutes of October 16 19�8 and September 259 1968 were approved as mailed by unanimous vote of the members* At this time the Board returned consideration to the application of W. A. Lewis and Murray F. Lewis. After a brief discussion Wade Fincher made a motion to approve the request and the motion was seconded by J. F. Palmer. The motion carried unanimously. The application of J. D. Fisher was discussed again at this time. ffoard member J. F. Palmer stated that the way the property and existing buildiM- are located and with the retaining wall being in exiatances he felt that the request should be granted. I 317-2 On a motion by J. F. Palmer and second by Carl Yates the Board of Adjustment unanimously approved the request for a variance from J. D. Company, The final action of the meeting was on the request of Ban R. Porter. O, a motion by Carl Yates and a second by J. F. Palmer the Board of Adjustment unanimously approved the request of Ben R. Porter for a variance .::: the City Zoning Ordinance. There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at r • 0