HomeMy WebLinkAbout1968-04-24 Minutes302-2 BOARD :OF ADJUSTMENT, MUNUTESa.� • The Board of Adjustment met at 4:00 p.m., Wednesday, April 24,I,1968;'in'the Directors' Room of the City Administration Building, Fayetteville, Arkansas. Members present: J. F. Robinson, Wade Fincher, Carl Yates, Members absent:, Ed Clement and J. Y.. Palmer, Others present: Ruby Rees, Emma Nelson, Tom Comely, ^Wayne Bayley, Mr. Powell ,M, . Rhea; .Rev..Ray,Haeggll-� James Powell, Tom Pqarson, Jr., Seth Young,_Jerre Block and „ ,-Harold.Lieberenz: ;.. The meeting was called to order by the Chairman,^J.F. Robinson, the first public heari,ng,was the application of„United Pentecostal Church... - Reverend Hassell was present to represent this petition. Reverand Hassell _ •� United P.entacostal Church Mr. Robinson asked if the information prepared by the Office of City Planning was correct, he pointed out that this information shows the lot area, front yard set -backs and side yard setbacks as being insufficient, „Rev.. -Hassell said this information is correct,and went,on to explain that this addition to the front of the existing church building -win provide space for restrooms and a nursery, and will increase the size of the • church auditorium as the.existing.,restrooms and.nursery,will be-taken.,out of this area. The Chairman asked the Board members if they had any questions. No one did, therefore Rev..Hassell,was,dismissed,and told,to call the Planning.Admin- istrator.the following -day -,to be informed,of the.Board_s.decision.- Joe P. Clark The next application to,be..considered;was that:of Kr, Joe,P•.,Clark, Mr. Rob- inson asked Mr. Clark if he owned the property on the north side of the lot in.question. ,., r , ••r ,.... Mr.. Clark answered affirmative and explained that a driveway for the existing duplex apartments.on tbis,property runs along the south.side.of the .lot and can•be.used as a drive for,the proposed building, Carl,Yates,asked Mr., Clark+if he had made any.plana.for improvement of Holly Street. Mr. -Clark said there had been some discussion,amongrthe property owners on ,this subject and that -.he trould be willing to,do his.part.when-the time comes. Mrs..Nelsom' Jr 1251 Leverett Mrs. Emma-Nelson,,1251 Leverett „ said she objected to.this.variance\being; granted as she and the other.property•owners on -Holly Street hqd been trying for -some time to,get-Mr: Clark to.agree�to having-Holly_Street-biAcktopped, he has not been•cooperativetin this. She.went on to say that she.felt he • should be required to improve this street before'a'building permit is issued. Mr. Robinson explained that the.Board has no authority over the surfacing or.improvement of streets, and therefore could not make thisFcondition of their action. 1 1 . . Min. L/2L/68 303-2 Mrs. Rees 1251 N. Lever Q Ruby Rees. 1251 North Leverett 'Explained that she lives with her mother Mrs, Nelson, She expressed �er objection to Mr. Clarks application saying that if a new street is opened the owners are made to blacktop the • street and she feels this should annly also to someone wanting to build on an unnaved.street. . „ There was no further discussion.on this an^lication, Mr. Clark was dismissed and left the Directors' Room. Homer Drain The apnlication of Mr. Homer Drain•for his property on South Washington Avenue was next to be considered. Powell Rhea Mr. Powell Rhea regresented Mr. Drain who -is blind and could not attend the meeting. Mr. Rhea pointed out that Mr. Drain'does not own the property on the North or South sides of the lots in ouestion''and therefore cannot provide sufficient lot area or street frontage. Mr. Robinson explained that the size of the apartment units will be approximately 677 square feet each and this would in his opinion be upgrading the neighborhood. Wade Fincher asked if there are residences on. either side of the property in auestion. Mr. Rhea anew6red afiimative: There being no further ouestionsrand no o-ioosition, Mr. Rhea was dismissed and left the Directors' Room. Chateau Inc. The arnlication of Chateau Incorporated w6s considered next'. • Mr. Tom Comely & Tom Pearson Jr. Mr. Tom Comely and Mr. Tom Pearson, Jr., represented this petition.. Mr. Comely pointed," ointed. out that Ash St' et.will be opened frith curb; gutter and blacktop from Leverett to the east line of the CHateau Inc., property with --a cul-de-sac at the east end. He also noted the area which has already been blacktonped was done so with ihe•complete anartment project in mind, Mr. Robinson asked if Chateau, Inc., owned all the property fronting'on Leverett Street in this area. Mr. Comely answered that they,do not. He commented thatnthe"buildings could be arranged along the Ash Street nroperty line in a manner which would provide street frontage. for each. building but this wouldnot be good planning and they orefer'to have approval of the Board of Adjustment on the project as planned. James Powell (820 Bel-Air:Drive) James Powell. B20'Bel-Air Drive. spoke in opnoaition to this'apnlication. He exolained that the princibal concern, of the property owners in the neigh- borhood „ was the traffic situation. He explained that there are more than thirty children within a three block area and'the streets are inadequate to handle.the,present_traffic. He•told the results of a traffic survey wtich he had made in the area of Bel -Air Drive and Leverett Street and pointed out the increase of traffic when this apartment comnlex is completed. " Mr. Robinson commented that the Board is interested in anything concerned is with public safety but they cannot make a ruling accordingly. 'The pro- r.erty has been zoned for apartments and can. as Mr. Comely had.pointed outgi build the units proposed by redesigning their plot plan. Mini 4/24/68 -304-2 Tom Pearson, Jr., pointed out that Chateau, Incorporated, is not interested in rentals to,"hot rodding^ teenagers. _ - Mr. Wayne Bayley • Mr. Wayne - ,('840 North Leverett yne Bayley, 840 North Leverett objected to,•this group housing.project and pointed out that 'this Board could.deny wthis.application. He expressed the opinion that this increased traffic could be partially relieved if the applicants were to provide an exit and entrance from Sycamore. Street. He commented that -one _ of the'apartment buildings ,will -be only.27' from. Sycamore and yet•uhaer the present plan they would have to travel in excess.of :500' in order to enter and exit on Ash Street thereby adding to the traffic congestion on this street, r a:Mr. Ba 1 *�- y eq: aa lso pointed ,out that there is parking •shown for f126 cars,'and he Is of the opinion that this will not bei adequate for the. number of care which will be used by` the occupanta,,of -the: apartments, if..some of the •units- are rented to single boys, Mz:• ComelF replied that the apartment.building,whit thirty-four units has been completed and rented, of these thirty-four units only six are rented to single boys,, with two, boys in each of the, six apartments.- . Mr. Bayley went on to object on the basis that•the,apartments build in the R-3 zone sometimes turnout to be dormitories. •He;explained,that the dis- turbance of peace, vandalism,•property damage, etc., have been sharpley increased in this neighborhood since these thirty-four have been-.com- pieted and rented. Mr. Robinson again explained the„functions, of thislBoard and pointed out • that these apartments can'be bailt,�by rearranging the plot plan, without the Board's approval, There wis'"no'further discussion and'the_applicants were.dismissed;and%left the Director's Room, _ _ United'Pentacostal Church ,The Chairman proceeded with the,'business of action to .be, taken on 4theeapplic= t_ ations', ttie 'first of which is for the United Pentecostal Church, Mr,:, •Robinson said he did not feel this extension would be degrading to the neighborhood. Mr:'Carf'Yates mod that'the'Boar ved of Adjustment,approve thiseapplication and instruct'the Building Inspector's Office-;to.issue ,a building permit for construction of a ]-"IC36' addition to the existing church building, and grant a variance from the frontt.and.. side,set-back,regwirements:'and the lot area requirements of the Zoning Ordinance., Said rnew.structure will have's front set-back'of 311 ,instead of thearequired 40!, a:eide,eet-back of 14' instead of'the required set -back of 55', and a lot area,of l acre -instead of the 2 acres required by the Ordinance. The motion was seconded by Wade Fincher and unanimously approved, The application of Mr. Joe P. Clark )raa considered for action. Joe,P. Clark ,.. ,,... , ., Mr, Carl Yates commented that Mr, Robinson had said that this Board -could not make' street" aving or improvements a part of their approval and wondered if this would not be possible, • Mr. Robinson said he felt that if a street is open and presently used, the Paving or improvements to this street should be a neighborhood project to be worked out among the property owners. Min. 4/24/68 305-2 Mr. Wade Fincher moved that the Board of Adjustment,approve.the application of Mr. Joe Clark to erect a duplex on his property on North Leverett Street and.to grant a variance, of the side yard set -back requirements of said duplex allowing a 3'4" north side _set-back.instead of 7' as required by the Zoning ordinance. The motion was seconded by Carl Yates and approved unanimously. The application of Mr:'H.omer Drain was. considered for action. Mr. Robinson pointed out the problems created with these narrow.lots which, -were platted prior ti: passage of the,2oning Ordinance. , Mr. Wade Fincher moved that the Board of Adjustment approve Mr. Homer Drain's application for a duplex to be built on Lots 21 and,22,. in Block,3, of Glen Wood Park Addition, in$_grant a variance of.the Zoning regulations -for 6500 square. feet of lot area. instead, of the 8000 square, feet required and 50'.. street frontage rather than the required 60'. Mr. Robinson expressed the opinion that the Board should hold.to.t} required frontage and.lot area whenever possible. Mr. Carl Yates asked if the variance when granted goes with the property if it is sold to someone else., He was answered'thst this had been the policy. .. , Wade'Fin6her commented that the size of the appartments are rather small, however, some people could not afford anything larger. The motion for approval was seconded by. Carl Yates.and approved,u4animously. Chateau, Incorporated's application for approval of a group housing project and a variance from the street frontage requirements cf, the City•Zoning Ordiinance,"•Was next to tie considered. . Mr. Yates commented that if it mould be legitimate.he.Would like to put a stipulation on 'their approval of this to the effect that an outlet would-be .provided on Sycamore Street. . Mr. Robinson said he didn't see how this could be done and he,feels the'use' as proposed is much better than the alternate of .putting the units all on Ash Street which'could be' done without the Board" approval-. Mr, 4Carl Yates moved that the'Board of Adjustment approve, the application of the'Chateau,'Incorporated. for a4roup housing project -and grant a,variance of the required etrebt•-frontige. 'The motion was seconded:by,Wade•Fincher and unanimously approve$:' The minutes of the March 27 meeting were approved as mailed. .There being nojfurther'businsss the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully --submitted,' , Date: of Approved by Board of Adjustment r 1 U • •