HomeMy WebLinkAbout1968-03-27 Minutes299-2 BOARD OF ADJUST11N^1 LIEUTES • The Board of Adjustment met at 4:00 p.m., Wednesday, !:arch 27, 1968, in the Directors' Room of the City Administration Building, Fayetteville, Arkansas. :!embers present: J.F.Robinson, J.F. Palmer, Carl Yates and Ed Clement. :dembers absent: Wade Fincher Others present: Bass Trumbo, David Rose, Gene Thrasher, Emil Sonneman, R.L. Jeske, and Harold Lieberenz. The meeting was called to order by the Chairman, J.F. Robinson. The first application to be considered was that of 11r. Gene Thrasher. Gene Thrasher 11r. Thrasher was present to represent his petition. is. Robinson asked if the information prepared by the Planning Office presented the problem sufficiently. Kr. Thrasher answered that it did. �r. Robinson asked if anyone was present in opposition to this application. No one spoke, so the applicant was dismissed arid this hearing closed. Jerry Sweetser The application of Jerry Sweetser was next to be considered, llr. Bass Trumbo represented !'s. Sweetser. lie explained that the laundry was originally built as a private laundry to serve the duplexes owned by lir. Sweetser. The property was recently rezoned to C-1, Neighborhood Commercial District, in order that the alundry could be operated for commercial use. In order to provide off- street parking in front of the laundry the Ordinance requires a 40' set -back for • the building. There is 37.9 feet from the building to the property line, there- fore a variance is needed for 2.1 feet less than the required set -back. Kr. Yates asked if the area is now being used for parking. Kr. Trumbo said it was and there haven't been any problems. l:r. Robinson asked about the width of Leverett Street. He was answered that the street is platted 50' wide and the 37.9 feet is from the property line. The Chairman asked if there were any further questions. There were none so :lr. Trumbo was dismissed. St. John's Luthern Church The next application to be considered was that of St. John's Lutheran Church, for permission to operated a kindergarten and a variance of the lot area required for this use. Kr. R. L. Jeske was present representing this petition. 71r. Robinson asked what the property is used for at this time. Kr. Jeske replied the building is used for Sunday School Classrooms. 12r. Robinson asked if the drive- way as shown on the drawing prepared by the Office of City Planning was correct and par t of the drive was on 11r. Emil Sonneman's property and part of the Church's property. ::r. Sonneman said this was correct and he wished to point out that he is willing to allow the Church to use the drive whish is open across bis property on the North side and continues on out to Gregg Street, until such time as he desires to • make other use of his property. fie said he granted to make this clear in order that the Board would not grant this variance on the basis of this being a perm- anent egress route for people bringing and picking up their children at the kinder- garten as he might at some time want to make use of this property which would prevLn the egress of traffic through this drive. "s. Robinson asked if the play area was about 1600 square feet as shown on the drawing, , I:in. 3/27/68 I:r. Jeske said this was correct. 300-2 ::r. Robinson asked where persons attending this Church park? i:r. Jeske pointed nut various parking areas as well as the spaces along the streets. • ::r. Roginson asked how many months the kindergarten would be in session? I:r. Jeske replied that it would probably operate about 9 months to coincide with the normal school term, bu t the building would probable be used for vacation Bible school among other things during the summer months. l:r. Robinson pointed out that the classroom area appeared to be about 40' X 40' on the drawing. He asked how the students would enter the building? i"s. Jeske answered that they can enter from the driveway at the east side of the bui.Iding and could also enter off of Arkansas Avenue through the Pi Kappa Alpha parking lot and driveway. I:r. Jeske said twenty pupils would probably be the maximum at one time, however, if there are enough applicants they might hold two sessions, each day. 1s. Robinson said he was definitely interested in the fence which is to be er- ected on the east isde of the play yard so that the children will be protected. He went on to ask if the Church also owns the property where the Jet -Set Ice Cream Parlor and i:etcalfe's Record Shop are located. I:r. Jeske answered yes. There were no further questions so the applicant was dismissed. This completed the public hearings scheduled for this meeting and the Chairman asked the Board what action they wished to .take on the application of I:r. Gene Thrasher. :s. Clement said he had driven by this property and the setbacks of all the • houses in this area are pretty uniform. These are nice homes and this carport would noticeably protrude in front of the other houses. is. Palmer moved that the Board of Adjustment approve the application of Is. Gene Thrasher to erect a carport on his property at 545 EastNorth Street and to grant a variance of the front yard set=back for said carport allowing a 19' set -back instead of 25' as required by the Zoning Ordinance. The motion was seconded by Carl Yates and approved unanimously. The Chairman asked if the Board members had any further questions on the petition of I:r, Jerry Sweetser. There were none. Forrest Palmer moved that Mr. Swreetser be granted a variance of the front set- back requirements for his laundry on North Leverett Street and that parking be allowed in front of the building with a 37.9' set -back instead of 40' as re- quired by the Zoning Ordinance. The motion was seconded by Ed Clement and approved unanimously. The application of St. John's Lutheran Church was next to be considered. ::r. Clement said he felt the area required per pupil seems too large and asked if the Board of Adjustment could initiate an ammendment to the Zoning Ordinance to reduce this requirement. It was pointed out that the Board has the power to grant variances of this • requirement and it can be reduced when the Ordinance is revised. I:r. Palmer expressed the opinion that the easement running from Dickson thru to Gregg Avenue has been used as a public easement for a number of years and probably could not be closed. Pain. 3/27/68 301-2 Ys. Carl Yates asked what the parking requirement for a kindergarten is. it Lieberenz answered that one space is required for each five pupils. • "r. Clement felt that the applicant actually has sufficient room for the number of pupils anticipated but this is only about a quarter of the space required by the Ordinance. Carl Yates moved that the Board of Adjustment approve the application of St. John's Lutheran Church grangtin permission to operate a kindergarten on West Dickson Street at the rear of the building now occupied by the Jet Set Ice Cream Parlor and Metcalfe's Record Shop and also to grant a variance of the lot area requirements allowing a maximum of 20 pupils at one time in approximately 5500 square feet of lot area rather than 20,000 square feet as required by the Ordinance. The motion was seconded by Forrest Palmer and the following vote was recorded: Palmer, Robinson and Yates 'AYE', Clement 'NAY'. There being three 'AYES' and one 'NAY', the application was approved. The minutes of February 28 were approved as mailed. There being no further business the meeting was adjourned. • Date: Approved by Board of Adjustment 0 Respectfully submitted, Secretary