HomeMy WebLinkAbout1966-07-27 Minutes249-2 BOARD CF ADJUSTMENT MINUTES • The Fayetteville Board of Adjustment met at 4:00 p.m., Wednesday, July 27, 1966, in the Directors Room in the City Administration Building. Present: J. F. Palmer, J. A. Pennington and George Bowen. Absent: Wade Fincher and J. F. Robinson. Others present: J. F. Starr; Bass Trumbo, attorney for Skull Creek Develop- ment, Inc.; Mr. and Mrs. C. Co Cowden;and Mr. R. Reagan. On motion by George Bowen, seconded by J. A. Pennington, J. F. Palmer was un- animously elected Chairman pro tem in the absence of Chairman J. F. Robinson. The meeting was called to order by J. F. Palmer. The minutes of June 15, 1966, and June 29, 1966, were approved as written and mailed to the members. The first application heard was that of Skull Creek Development, Inc.. Mr. Bass Trumbo, attorney for applicant, was present to discuss'the request with the Board. Mr. Trumbo said a variance was requested by Skull Creek Development, Inc., for the use of property located south of West North Street, east of North Leverett Avenue, and north of Cleveland Street. The applicant proposed to erect 5 • apartment buildings upon this property. The buildings will front on private drives instead of dedicated and open, existing all-weather useable streets. The drives will be 24 feet wide and will be laid out with curb, gutter and blacktop surface. Mr. Trumbo told the Board that there was no need for public streets as the tenants of the apartments would be the only ones using the drives. Also, the developers would have some control as to who uses these drives as long as the drives are private.. There were no questions. The attorney for Skull Creek Devdopment, Inc., and J. F. Starr were dismissed. _ 0 - The next application heard was that of Dr. Joe B. Hall for the use of the property at 675 Lollar Lane, Mr. R. Reagan -appeared before the Board to represent Doctor Hall. Mr. Reagan explained that after the detailed plans were drawn for remodeling Doctor Hall's office building, it was learned 4 more feet in width and 10 more feet in length was needed. An appeal to the Board was again necessary because the proposed extension would create floor area in excess of the minimum requirement. Mr. Reagan did point out to the Board that Doctor Hall plans to cover the ditch along the south end of the property in order to provide more off-street parking. There will still be parking on the private drive, but parking in the street would be eliminated. 0 The Board members were familiar with the r equest and had no questions. Mr. Reagan was dismissed. -0- 250-2 The last applicant before the Board was Mr. C. C. Cowden who appeared to request a variance on property north of Hazel Street between Storer • Avenue and Leverett Avenue. Mr. Cowden told the Board that he planned a 34 -unit apartment building with garden -type apartments. The front yard would be used for off-street parking. Patio, swimming pool and recreation area would be in the center of the apartments; therefore the area considered as a front yard by the zoning ordinance would not be needed other than for parking. There was no discussion, so the applicant was dismissed. After discussion, George Bowen moved that the Board of Adjustment waive the street frontage requirement of the zoning ordinance and authorize the issuance of building permits to Skull Creek Development, Inc., for the construction of apartment buildings as shown on the plot plan submitted to the Board of Adjustment. The motion was seconded by James Pennington and passed unanimously. The Board felt that the plan submitted showed good land use and planning and that the private drives within the complex would create less traffic hazard and congestion. On motion by J. A. Pennington, seconded by George Bowen, the Board of Adjustment unanimously voted to approve the application of Dr. Joe B. Hall and voted to authorize the building inspector to issue a building permit to Dr. Joe B. Hall for the construction of an additional 4 feet on the west side and 10 feet on the south side of an extension of the existing office building. The Board was of the opinion that the granting of the variance and the issuance of the building permit would not be detrimental to the best • interest of the general public; there is more than a sufficient amount of lot area available (a separate building could be erected upon the property and there would still be 4,000 square feet plus of lot area left) and from an aesthetic point of view, the building will be more pleasing. There was discussion on the application of Mr. C. C. Cowden. George Bowen moved that the Board of Adjustment authorize the building inspector to issue a building permit to Mr. C. C. Cowden for the construction of a 34 - unit apartment building with off-street parking provided in the front yard. The motion was seconded by J. A. Pennington and passed unanimously.. It was the opinion of the Board that the applicant had provided sufficient off- street parking and had made good use of the area. The off-street parking will not create a hazard for traffic. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, SOZ Z1411 Date: 1 W4 0