HomeMy WebLinkAbout1966-06-15 Minutes239-2 • BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT MINUTES The Board of Adjustment met at 4:00 p.m., Wednesday, June 15, 1966, in the Directors' Room in the City Administration Building. . Members absent: J. A. Pennington and Wade Fincher. Others present: Charles Fiant, applicant; Bob Reagan, representative of Dr. Joe Hall; Harold Garrett and Phillip Bashor. The first applicant to be heard was Mr. Charles Fiant, Mr. Fiant appeared to request permission to build a car port and residential storage building on the west aide of an existing residence at 1209 Bailey Drive. .The southwest corner of the proposed addition would be approximately 2 feet from the west (side yard) property line instead of the 5 feet required in the 0-1 Open band District. 1 11 Mr. Fiant explained to the Board that the car port and storage building were located at the most logical place on the lot. The lateral lines from the septic tank were located on the east side yard and in the,back yard. He said Mr. Ramey, property owner to the west, had been approached. Mr. Ramey had no objections to the proposal of Mr. Fiant. • The Board members had no further questions. Next, the application filed by Dr. Joe B. Hall was heard. Doctor Hall requested permission to remodel an existing office building at 675 Lollar Lane. The proposed addition to the office would double the floor area. The existing floor area is 1,768 square feet and would be 3036 square feet with the proposed addition. The zoning district within which the property is located has a maximum floor area requirement of 2,000 square.feet. Also, there was a question of the number of office establishments. Another doctor would soon be a member of the staff. The three doctors would share one office. Mr. Bob Reagan was present to explain Doctor Hall's request and to answer questions. Mr. Phillip Bashor, 3 West Trenton Boulevard, said his residence was opposite Doctor Hall's property. Mr. Bashor said he had contacted's number of home owners who verbally expressed their concern about the request before the Board of Adjustment. Mrs. Hugh Stubblefield, Mrs, Mabel Wright, Mrs, E. Kunkel and Mr. B. Woods were among the. property owners contacted. Mr. Bashor said the property has quite a background. Requests for zoning changes have appeared before the Planning Commission on several occasions in the last 4 years. The reason for the restrictions was that the R -P zone was intended to allow professional Tstructures in residential areas. • He felt too much variation defeated the purpose of the R -P zone. 240-2 As far as enlarging the structure was concerned, Mr. Bashor said he did not • know the space was being doubled in order to add another doctor. He said it seemed like 2,000 square feet compared with 3036 square feet is quite a variation. Enlarging the structure would further detract from the residential character. The parking to be provided as shown on sketch submitted to the Board would also detract from the residential character.- The intent was to limit the number of doctors. The fact that a common office is used should not be the determining factor. Mr. Bashor said in his opinion the ohly,thing which could be gained from more doctors was more business and more traffic. He felt that the Board should consider this problem carefully and remember that this is the only R -P zone in the city. There was no more discussion. The third applicant. and the last one to be heard by the Board of Adjustment was that of Bryce Davis. Although Bryce Davis was not present, Harold Garrett, person interested in buying property in question, was present to discuss the request with the Board. Mr. Davis had requested permission to build an 8 unit *apartment building on the NE corner of Storer Avenue and Eagle Street. There was enough lot area for only 7 1/3 units. The applicant had stated the 20 foot alley to the east was closed. Only 6 units could be built if the alley were not closed unless the Board waived the requirements of the zoning ordinance. Mr. Davis had been asked to furnish information to the Board to certify the alley had been closed. Mr. Garrett told the Board -that he did not know if the alley • were closed. There was no further discussion. Those present were dismissed. On motion by J. F. Palmer, seconded by George Bowen, the Board of Adjustment unanimously voted to defer action on the application filed by Bryce Davis for the use of property located at the NE corner of Eagle Street and Storer Avenue. The Board discussed the request of Charles Fiant, George Bowen moved to approve the request of Charles Fiant to build a residential storage building and carport at 1209 Bailey Drive within two feet of the west property line. The motion was seconded by J. F. -Palmer and passed unan- imously. It was the Board's opinion that to grant Mr. Fiant's request would not be detrimental to the general public and that houses are not likely to be built to the wrest because of the terrain. There was discussion on Dr. Jor Hall's application. On motion by J. F. Palmer, seconded by George Bowen, the Board unanimously voted to authorize the city building inspector to issue a building permit to Dr. Joe Hall for the construction of an additional 52'' by 34' onto the existing 52" by 34' office building. We Board approved the request of Dr. Joe Hall because • 241=2 (1) the use is similar use permitted under Paragraph 1 - b of Section 15, • Article V of Ordinance No. 1239, (2) there is more than a sufficient amount of lot area (a separate building could be erected upon the property and there would still be 4,000+square feet plus of lot area left), (3) the granting of the variance and the issuance of a building permit will not be detrimental to the best interest of the general public, and (4) from an aesthetic point of view the building will be more pleasing. The meeting was adjourned. Date: Q72 19&6) Approved by the Board of Adjustment • 0 Respectfully submitted,