HomeMy WebLinkAbout1965-07-21 MinutesL 201-2 The Board of Adjustment met at 00 tCity Council Room of the City Administration Buildingo Members present: J. I. Smith, J. P. Robinson, George Bowen, J. A.'Pennington and James Kerlin, (All Board members iere present althau& a couple of members arrived later during the meeting.) he present: Richard Giber, Jr.; Richard Greer, Sr.; Tom Eads;'.Charles C. Cole; and George Melbourn of Farm Service Cooperative, Inc. The meeting was called to order.by Chairman John"I. Smith. The first application to be aboard was that of Mr. E. C. Taylor. Mr. Taylor was present at the meeting of July 14; however he dould not be present at this meeting because of an out, of toom appointment. Tom Eads, building contractor for Mr. Taylor, was present to represent Mr. Taylor.,. Ke C. Taylor's application had been present6d to the Board members at an earlier meeting; therefore all members were familiar with the request. A revised drawing of the property had been mailed to the Board members to keep them up to date on any changes. Mr. Bade told the Board that Mr. Taylor would like to build the offices.as first submitted; however a new plah had been prepared The now proposal would comply with the zoning regulations. The Board discussed the now proposal and compared the number of parking spacewavailable with the request before them* There being no further discussionl.the applicant was diamiesede 0•� Mr. Richard Greer, Sr., and Mr. Richard Greer, Jr., appeared before the Board to request permission to use property north of an extension of Lawson Street on a proposed extension of Storer Avenue. Mr. R. Greer, Sr., told. the Boaid.that the project was hie son's; therefore his son would explain the propsal. Mr. Richard Greer, Jr., requested permission to erect four duplexes upon four separate lots. The late are located in an R-2 Two Family Residential District. Mr. Greer explained to the Board that the only violation of the zoning ordinance is the rear yard setback.-. Mr. Greer said he proposed a three foot overhang. The result of such a large overhang would be encroachment of the'25•foot rear yard setback"required.by..ordinance. The roof overhang would be 16 feet from the rear property, line. This. wouldt be true of 'all four.duplewes. There were no further questions, so the applicants, Richard -Greer, Sr., and Richard Greer, Jr., were dismissed. •.. o The next application was that of Farm Service Cooperative,'Inc. Mr. George E. 202-2 Relbourn appeared in behalf of the Farm Service Cooperative, Inc., to request a variation to the zoning ordinance for the use of property Su West Sixth Street located in an I-olB Light The next:Application heard was that of Mr. Charles C. Cole in which a request wax made for a variation to the Boning ordinance for the use of Property located at -the HW corner of Boons Street and Price Avenue. • Mr. Cole presented his request. Mr. Cole explained the lot had 500 feet lees lot area than the 82000 square feet.rbquired by the zoning ordinance. for construction of a duplex in the B-2 sons. Aisq the proposed duplex would be 8 feet closer to the rear property line than the 25 feet required by the zoning ordinance. James A. Pennington arrived at the meeting. The Board members felt that the request had been clearly explained. There being no questions,. Charles C. Cole wag dimnissed. James T. Kerlin arrived at the meeting. Jams Peunington moved that the Board of-Adjustmut not waive the yard size and -setback requirenI of Ordinance No. 1239 as requeated-in the - Application of Charles C. Cole because there is no case of hardship, the property can.be used'for building and to approve the request would be against public interest. The motion was seconded by George Bowen and On motion by 900rge Bowen, seconded by Jo Pea Robinson, the Boar d of Adjuut;­,, • • • 203-2 a IN iNWROARM BKO)OW11-M-i.14 To li't-MIIII fit =01 _ Ow It&&, 0 After discussion, J. F. Robinson moved that the Board of Adjustment not waive the front yard setback requirement and the number of offIIIIIstreet parking spaces required by ordinance as requested in the application of Ke C. Taylor. The notion was seconded by George Bowen and passed unanimously. The Board was of the opinion that it would be against the public's interest to approve 10 off-street parking spaces whereas 24 spaces wererequired. There being no further discussion, Chairman Smith declared the first portion of the meeting Was over.* i *There Were two public hearings held on Wednesday, July 21, 1965.