HomeMy WebLinkAbout1965-06-23 Minutes195-2 • HOARD OF ADJUS70NT MINUTES . The Board of Adjustment met'at 4:00'p:m:,'Wednssday� June 23, 19651 in the City Council Room'of the City Administration Building.' Members present: John I. Smith, J. A. Pennington, George Boren, J. F. Robinson and James Kerlin. (All Board members were present.) Others present: Mrs. T. E. Graue and Mrs. D. B. Stewart, applicants; Mr. Tom Fade was present to represent K. C. -Taylor, applicant; and several.* persons interested in boW applications were present. The meeting was called to ordei by Chairiar John I. Smith. The application of Mrs. T. E. Graue and Mrs. D. E. Stewart was heard first. Mrs. Graus and Mrs. Stewart had appeared before the Board -of Adjustment 4 to request permission to use the property at 334 NorW'Highland"Avemie fdr the operation of a kindergarten and day nursery. The property is located in an R-3 Multi -Family Residential District and the use proposed is permissible upon review and approval of the Board of Adjustment and provided that 1,000 square feet of lot area per child is available. Mrs. Graue-spoke for the two applicants. She said`tbit ie`-iaW'their opinion that an error had been made in the coning regulations by requiring 1,000 square feet • of lot area per child. The American Institute of Child Care required only 100 square feet of lot area per child. In reply to Board members' questions, Mrs. Graus said the kindergarten was for children 5 years old and it was in operation during the morning. There are between 30 or 40 children in the kindergarten. There are 3 classes during the morning with approximately 15 children per class. These children are kept in the classroom. A day nursery is -in operation at -the same time as the kindergarten and at the same location. There are 25 or.30.children in the nursery. These children are 5 years old or younger. Mrs. Gnus said there is a picket fence durrounding the back yard: The front yard would not be fenced and would not be used for playground area for the children. operationIt was pointed out that ther*ais an wdating situation at 351 North Highland Avenue who" such nursery -type is being conducted. Another situation is not wanted by those living in that immediate area. Especially a situation which:would create more traffic and parking problewo Mr. J. A. Robinson said MRS* :iD, HIghlAnd Avenue) was 196-2 unable to attend the meeting but she requested that he make known her objections to the request of Mrs. Graue and Mrs. Stewart. • MRS. WILLIAM COWAN - 332 North Highland Avenue - said a registered nurse is tenant at 332 forth Highland Avenue. The nurse works at night and must sleep in the day. If the day nursery and kindergarten is permitted, Mrs. Cowan said she would lose her tenant. MRS. J. A. ROBINSON questioned the need for the kindergarten as the city kindergarten would be opened shortly. MR. VICTOR FRANCIS =.340 North.Highland Avenue - said he bought property on Highland -Avenue because of his age. He could walk to his business and to town. He expected the neighborhood to be quiet. The noise of the children worried him. He said he was still active in business, but he soon would be confined to his haste. f: The Cowantd tsnnant (332 North Highland Avenue) said she as a registered nurse who worked in the evenings at the Veteran's Hospital she had to sleep during the day.. The use proposed by the applicants would destroy the residential character of the area. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Robinson's daughter was present. She said she -did not live in the area but was aware of the problem. She said she almost hit a child while driving on North Highland Avenue. She felt it was not fait to the children to pack them into such small space and keep them occupied and quiet. There was no further discussion, and those present were dismissed. • The last application presented was that of B. C. Taylor. Mr. Tom Eads,. building contractor, was present to represent Mr. Taylor. The variance to the zoning ordinance requested in Mr. Taylor's application was for the use of property located on the west side of U. S. Highway 71 North between Kerr-McGee's service station and Tire Town. The property is located in a C-2 Thoroughfare Commercial sone. Mr. Taylor requested permission to build a new commercial building within 30.7 feet of the highway right of way and to provide off-street parking within this 30.7 feet. The zoning ordinance requires a building to be setback 40 feet from the right of way when parking is to be provided between the building and the street. Also, there is a shortage of off- . street parking spaces: Only 10 spaces are available and 24 spaces are required by the ordinance. • E. J. Ball, attorney, and Bob Brown of Tire 'Down were -present. E. J. Ball filed a petition with the Board of Adjustment signed by Jack Wilkinson of Tire Town; Charles Grace; John Grace and Alex Montes. Those who signed the petition made known their objections to the protrusion of the new building. Mr. Ball suggested cutting off part of the new building and canopy so as to keep the north end of the building within the 40 feet • required by ordinance. • After discussion of K. C. Taylorfs request, Jame Pennington moved that the Board defer action until such time that Mr. Taylor could appear before the Board. The motion was seconded by James Karlin and passed unanimouslyo • Date: 0 197-2