HomeMy WebLinkAbout1964-05-08 Minutes• IWJ # ;_1 94IDRV a 1k MY_ The Fayetteville Board of Adjustment met in regular session at 4:00 p.m. on Friday, May 8, 1964, in the City Council Room in the City Administration Building. Members present: J. I. Smith, J. F. Robinson and J. A. Pennington. Others present were Harold E. Lieberenz, City Inspector; Judy Robertson, applicant; Chester House, building contractor for Judy Robertson; and John P. Reed of Luper & Reed Auto Service, applicant. Members absent: James T. Kerlin and George Bowen. The meeting was called to order by Chairman J. I. Smith. Mr. Smith asked that the applications before the Board be presented. Harold E. Lieberenz, City Inspector, reported that the first application would be that of Judy Robertson. Miss Robertson has requested a variation of the zoning ordinance for the use of property located atl28 South Duncan Avenue. The property is located in a R-3 Multi -Family Residential Zone and is more particularly described as lost 9 and 10 in Block 3 in Putmants Addition. Mr. Lieberenz told the Board that the applicant had come before the Board to request permission to remodel and build onto a new duplex residence. Miss Robertson had appeared before the Board in October 1963 to request permission to erect this duplex upon a lot which did not have sufficient street frontage. Now the applicant would like to add three units onto the duplex before the existing house upon the property is moved or demolished. Harold Lieberenz explained that if Judy Robertson would tear down the old existing house, a building permit could be issued for remodeling the duplex and converting it into an 11 unit apartment house without the approval of the Board of Adjustment. Pass Robertson, when asked if and when she planned to appear before the Board again, said she would probably wait 3 or 5 years before there would be any more building work done. She would then finish her apartment units by: building 6 more units. At the time these last units would be begun, the existing house would be removed. There was no further discussion and the applicant was dismissed. The second application to be considered by the Board of Adjustment was that of John P. Reed of Luper & Reed Auto Service. The variation requested by Mr. Reed to the zoning ordinance was for the use of property located at 828 South School Avenue. This property is located in a C-2 Thoroughfare Commercial Zone. The applicant, Mr. Reed, appeared before the Board to request permission to remodel the existing building of the auto service by erecting an addition on the north side. The west (front) wall would be in line with the existing building wall. The proposed wall, however, will be approximately 30 feet from the street (School Avenue) right- of-way instead of the 40 feet required by the zoning ordinance. • There was some question on the size of the lot owned by Luper & Reed Auto Service. Mr, Reed said that the lot upon which the building sat was 150 feet (east -west) 140-2 and 75 feet (north -south). Mr. Reed said an additional 100 feet to the north was leased. Mr. Reed said should the leased property not be available for lease and there was a future need to have an access to the • back of the building, doors would be cut in the east wall of the building. At the present there is a 9 foot drive on the north side which provides a drive on the property. There was no further discussion and the applicant was dismissed. J. F. Robinson moved that the Hoard of Adjustment approve the application for a variation from the requirements of Ordinance No. 1239 as requested by Mr. John P. Reed of Luper & Reed Auto Service. The motion was seconded by J. A. Pennington and passed unanimously. It was the Boardts opinion that the proposed addition would not add to or cause the existing conditions to be worse. The application of Judy Robertson was discussed. J. F. Robinson moved that the Board of Adjustment approve the application of Miss Robertson for a variation from the requirements of Ordinance No. 1239 as requested. James Pennington seconded the motion which passed unanimously. Burl Skelton, after the meeting, explained the concern of the property owners in the South Duncan and South Hill Avenue area. Mr. Skelton and others felt that the area was getting too crowded with apartments. The streets are much too narrow and too congested. Mr. Skelton felt that the Board should not vary from the zoning ordinance. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. Date: Approved by the Board of Adjustment Respectfully submitted, Secretary 0