HomeMy WebLinkAbout1964-03-27 Minutes127-2 The Fayetteville Board of Adjustment met in a regular session at 4:00 p.m, on Friday, March 27, 1964, in the City Council Chambers in the City Administration Building. Members present: J. F. Robinson, James Kerlin and George Bowen. J. I. Smith arrived during the meeting. Also present were James A. Wilson, Assistant Inspector, and the following applicants: Joe P.*Clark, Marie Starr and L. R. Bolch, Vice- president of the National Aluminum•Distributors Company. Clarence Tune, applicant, was out of town and could not attend the meeting. Members absent: J. A. Pennington, J. F. Robinson presided at the meeting in the absence of Chairman J. I. Smith. Mr. Robinson called the meeting to order. The minutes of the last meeting, December 13,_ 1963, were approved as written and mailed to the members prior to this meeting. The first application to be considered by, the Board was that of Mr. Joe P. Clark. The variation requested by.Mr. Clark to the Zoning Ordinance was for the use of property located at 1305 North Leverett Avenue. Said property is more particularly described as:: A part of the Southwest quarter of the Northwest quarter (Ft. SA of NWk) of Section Nine (9), in Township Sixteen (16) North of Range Thirty (30) West of the 5th P.M., described as follows, to -wit: Beginning at a point seven • hundred and eighty-five (785) feet North of the Southeast corner of said forty (40) acre tract and running thence North one hundred and five (105) feet; thence West two hundred and thi.rty�nine (239) feet; thence South one hundred and five (105) feet and thence Fast two hundred and thirty-nine (239) feet to the point of beginning, contain fifty seven hundredths (0.57) of an acre, more or less. This property is located in a R-2 Two Family Residential District. The applicant, Joe P. Clark, appeared before the Board to request permission to erect two duplex dwellings on the above described real estate. Mr. Clark's proposed duplexes would be in violation of ARTICLE V PROVISIONS GOVERN- ING ZONING DISTRICT, Section 3. R-2 Two Family Residential District, 4. Area and Bulk Regulations (street frontage is not as.much as that required by ordinance) and ARTICLE VI EXCEPTIONS AND MODIFICATIONS, Section 3. Group Housing Projects (more than one building is to be erected upon a lot). Although Mr. Clark's lot does not have the required amount of street frontage (120 feet is required and there is only 105 feet existing), there is more than enough lot area -(16,000 sq. ft. is required and there is 22,995 sqe ft, existing lot area). J. F. Robinson asked if there were any persons persent who objected to the variance requ6sted by Mr. Clark. There were none. Also it was reported that neither telephone calls had been received by the City Inspector's office nor had any person appeared in the office to cite their objections. Mr. C]ark*told the Board that the exis£ing building which is now upon the lot would be torn down before the duplexes were erected. Mr. Clark said he was building the • duplexes for rental property. 128-2 Mr. Robinson said that the facts were plain and unless the Board members had any additional questions and unless Mr. Clark had anything to add, the neat application would be heard. There was no further discussion on the application of Joe P. Clark; therefore Mr. Clark was dismissed. The neat application submitted to the Board of Adjustment was that of the National Aluminum Distributors Company which was represented by L. R. Bolch, Vice-president of the company. The variation requested by the National Aluminum Distribtrtors Company was for the use of the property located at 1914 North College Avenue which is the location of the Hudson Service Station. This property is in a C-2 Thoroughfare Commercial Zone and is located on the east side of North College Avenue between the Huddle Club (to the north) and Stricks Liquor Store (to the south). The real estate is more particularly described as: The south 100 feet along #71 Highway thence 125 feet east; thence 100 feet north; thence 125 feet to a point of beginning being part of a tract of land described as follows: A part of the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 3, Township 16 north, Range 30 West, being more particularly described as beginning at the northeast corner of the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 3, Township 16 North, Range 30 West; thence south, a distance of 230 feet; thence west 580 feet to the east line of new Highway #71; thence in a northerly direction along said east side of the Highway to the north line of the said Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter; thence east to the point of beginning, in Washington County, Fayetteville, Arkansas: Mr. L. R. Bolch+s company requested permission to complete'the erection of a metal canopy-typs structure over the existing gasoline pump islands at the service station. Mr. Bolch said that part of the canopy was erected before his company learned a building permit would be required to erect the structure. The north half of the canopy was the portion which had been erected. Mr. Bolch had pictures to show to the Board members of a similar canopy erected in Springdale, Arkansas, a city which is now in the process of widen- ing the highway. The canopy is fourteen and one-half feet (14 1/2 ft.) high which is plenty high for truck traffic. Mr. Bolch pointed out that the canopy poles would not be out as far as some sign poles within the area. To the right is a picture of the i y canopy erected in Springdale, Arkansas. i I t �= y j7I - 0 • 0 129-2 George Bowen said in his opinion the edge of the canopy (west edge) would line up with the edge of Stricks Liquor Store. Mr. Bowen asked if the canopy had to be as wide as it was.to serve its purpose. Mr. Bolch's reply was yes. There was no further discussion; therefore the applicant was dismissed. i Marie Starr appeared before the Board of Adjustment with her application for a variation from Zoning Ordinance No. 1239. The variation requested by Marie Starr was for the use.of the property located at 623 McClinton Street. This property is located in a R-2 Two Family Residential Zone and is more particularly known as the west 35 feet of Lot 11 of Block 1 of McClinton+s Addition. Marie Starr requested permission to erect a new residence upon this piece of property. There is an existing small °Armtype^ residential structure already upon this property.: This structure will be torn down after the new residence is built. Marie Starr submitted a roughly sketched floor plan of her proposed new residence. She said she had planned to build a portion of the new house behind the existing house, move her furniture into the portion of.the new house and tear down the old residence. In the letter mailed to the Board members prior to this meeting the City Inspector gave a brief history of this west 35 feet of lot 11 which is now owned by the applicant, Marie Starr. The sale of a portion of lot 11 resulted in a violation of Zoning Ordinance No. 1239 (ARTICLE IV, Section 4, paragraph 1). • The Board inquired if any of the neighbors had any objections to her plans. Marie Starr said her neighbor to the east and her neighbor across the street seemed to be satisfied. Also the neighbor to the west had no objections. J. I. Smith arrived at the meeting at this time.. Mr. Robinson asked if the Board members had any other questions. There were none. There being no more discussion, the applicant was dismissed. The last application to be considered by the Board was that of Clarence Tune. Mr. Tune was not present. However, he had come before the Board with a similar request several months previously; therefore the Board was familiar with the applicant's request. The variation requested'by Mr. Tune was for the use of property located on North Leverett Avenue. This property is located in a R-2 Two Family Residential District. Mr. Tune owns a lot 323 feet deep (east.and west) with a 90 foot street frontage on Leverett Avenue. There are two existing duplexes upon the lot. A 21 foot drive goes back to the east (rear) property line. Mr. Tune again requested permission to build another duplex upon this lot. This would be the third duplex upon the lot. Mr. Tune agreed to curb, gutter and pave this 21 -foot drive if'he were permitted to build this third duplex. There were no questions from the Board as the members were familiar with the request. • 130-2 George Bowen moved that the Board of Adjustment deny that request made by Clarence Tune to erect a third duplex upon an existing lot which has a 90 -foot street frontage of Leverett Avenue and a 21 -foot private drive on go the north side of the existing duplexes and that said request be denied because the duplexes were spaced so closely together. The motion was seconded by J. I. Smith and passed unanimously. After a short discussion, J. I. Smith moved that the Board of Adjustment in regard to the request of Joe P. Clark to build two duplexes upon a lot which had less street frontage than that required by the zoning ordinance but had more than enough lot area that this request be approved provided that the duplex on the rear of the lot (west) be set back from the rear property line the minimum requirement of the ordinance. The motion was' seconded by George Bowen and passed unanimously. There was discussion had on the application of the National Aluminum Distri- butors Company during which time the width (existing) and the desired width of North College Avenue (Highway 71 North) was made known. George Bowen moved that the Board deny the request of the National Aluminum Distributors'Company for the erection of a canopy over gasoline pump islands at Hudson's Service Station at 1914 North College Avenue. The motion was seconded by J. I. Smith and passed unanimously. It was the opinion of the Board that the canopy was being erected too close to the highway right-ofwwway line. James Kerlin moved that the Board of Adjustment approve the application of Marie Starr in which she requested permission to erect a new residence on a lot 35 feet wide and 150 feet deep and fronting on McClinton Street; and that • the City Inspector be directed to issue Marie Starr a building permit with the understanding that the existing building will be torn down after the new residence is erected and that the new residence will comply with all setbacks. George Bowen seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously. There being no further discussion or further business, the meeting was adjourned. Datea Approved by the Board of Adjustment Respectfully submitted, September 13, 1963 • Mr. Clarence W. Tune (N. Leverett Ave.) .. .. 113-2 September 27, 1963 Bass Trumbo (Summit Ave. and Fletcher Ave.) 115-2 Mr. Russell Carter (1305 Mt. Comfort Rd.) 117-2 Mr. W.H. Tennant for Beulah E. Schafer (113 East Davidson) 119-2 October 25 1963 Judy $ Merna Robertson (124 S. Duncan Ave.) 123-2 Suzanne Lighton (424 North Willow Ave.) Mrs. 123-2 December 13, 1963 J.E. McClelland (1206 North Vandeventer Ave.) 125-2 Mrs. W.S. Clark (behind 508 4 510 South Duncan Ave.) 126-2 March 27, 1964 Mr. Joe P. Clark (1305 North Leverett Ave.) 127-2 National Clarence Aluminum Distributors Co. by Tune (North Leverett Ave.) L.R. Belch (1914 N. College Ave.) 128-2 129-2 April 24, 1964 • W.A. Lewis .& M.F. Lewis (to erect a new office $ Business bldg.) 131-2 Hudson Service Station by W.B. Putman (1914 North College Ave.) 132-2 Mr. M.O. Rasberry (Prop. on the SW corner of S. Hill $ Putman St.) 132-2 Reverend Terrel Gordon (SW corner & the NW corner of Duncan $ Stone) 133-2 May 1, 1964 Thomas Comley (NE corner of Melmar Dr. $ N. Garland Ave.) 137-2 May 8, 1964 Judy Robertson 139-2 Mr. John P. Reed of Luper F, Reed Auto Service 140-2 May 29, 1964 J.W. Eoff (lot 19 of Clay Yoe's Subdivision) 141-2 Mr. W. R. Tester for Southwestern Bell Telephone Co. 141-2 July 16, 1964 Mr. I.S. Fitzgerald for Continental Oil Company (433 N. College Ave.) 143-2 Mr. Glenn Nelson (1730 North Oakland Ave.) 143-2 Mrs. W.S. Clark (338 South Duncan Ave.) 143-2 • July 24, 1964 Mr. I.S. Fitzgerald (Conoco Servcie Station at 433 N. College) 145-2 St. John's Lutheran Church (West Dickson St.) 145-2 • September 11, 1964 Mr. S.K. Graham (522 South Duncan) 149-2 Mr. Harold B. Watson (732 Woolsey Ave.) 149-2 Mr. Underwood (617 West Dickson St.) 150-2 John E. Wray (621 North Leverett Ave.) 150-2 Mr. Thomas Stout (232 West Ash St.) 151-2 October 16, 1964 Mr. $ Mrs. Mr. Hugh Thomas J. Kincaid for Stout Mr. (232 West Ash St.) Kenneth W. Lance (Holly St. btwn Garland&Oakland) 153-2 153-2 Thomas J. Stout (232 West Ash St.) 154-2 November 13, 1964 Glen Wing for Cy Carney $ Lettie Carney (Rest Home in Rochier Heights Add.) 155-2 November 27, 1964 Mr. Roscoe Kuhn of R K Sales Co. 157-2 December 16, 1964 • Mr. Bill Werner (Prop. on the NW corner of the intersection of Raz.f,62) 159-2 January 13, 1965 A.L. Shamblin $ Mabel A. Horton (123 West Spring St. $ 119 W. Spring St.) 161-2 North Street Church of Christ (NE corner of the Int. of N. Leverett$North) 161-2 January 20, 1965 Mr. Henry Shreve (prop. on Missouri Way) February 3, 1965 163-2 Fayetteville Youth Center (Prop. on California Dr.) 165-2 Mr. Frank Potts (61S North College Ave.) 165-2 Mr. Humphrey Heasty (N. side of South St. btwn Church Ave. $ Locust Ave.) 166-2 February 10, 1965 First Christian Church by A.D. McAllister (220 N. College Ave.) 169-2 February 24, 1965 Jerry Sweetser (Prop. btwn Leverett Ave. £, Bell Ave.) Telephone Co. (138 171-2 Mr. L. A. Smith of Smith's Two -Way Radio Comm. Service (E. of Sequoyah Dr.) 171-2 • March 3, 1965 Southside Baptist 175-2 175-2 Chruch (SE corner of Dunn Ave. F, 13th St.) Southwestern Bell Telephone Co. (138 NE Ave.)