HomeMy WebLinkAbout1963-12-13 Minutes125-2 The Board of Adjustment met in the City Council Chambers in the City Administration Building on Friday, December 13, 1963, at 4:00 p.m. Members present: T. M. Schiewetz, James A. Pennington and George Bowen. Applicants present were Mrs. W. S. Clark and Mr. Ed McClelland. Harold E. Lieberenz, City Building Inspector was also present. Members absent: J. I. Smith and J. F. Robinson. In the.absence of Chairman John I. Smith, Mr. T. M. Schiewetz presided. Mr. Schieretz called the meeting to order. The minutes of October 25, 1963, were approved as written and mailed to the members prior to this meeting. The first,spplication to be considered by the Board.of Adjustment was that of J. go McClelland. The variation requested by Mr. McClelland to the Zoning Ordinance was for the use.of property located at 1206 Horth Vandeventer Avenue. This property is .in a- R lB Single Family Residential District and is more particularly described as lots 18 and 19 of SanfordswGreen Subdivision. Harold E. Lieberenz, City Building Inspector, was asked by T. M. Schiewetz to explain the applicant's request. Mr. Lieberenz said that Ed McClelland had applied for a building permit to erect a car port on the southeast corner of • his residence and to remodel the roof line of.his residence. According to the regulations of the zoning ordinance, a building permit could not be issued because the proposed addition and car port would be approximately 26 feet from the rear (east) property line instead of the 30,feet required by the city zoning ordinance. Mr. Lieberenz pointed out that Mr. McClelland also owns lot 8 to the east of his residence. Mr. R. McCorkindale•owns lot 7 and neither Mr. McCorkindale nor anyone else has stated any objections. Mrs McClelland said he bad contacted bath Dr. Walker Brown and Mrs Re McCorkindals and neither party had any objections to his proposal. Mr. McClelland told the Board members that the purpose of the request for a variance was to do work upon his re6idence,which would improve the property. He stated that his family was quickly becoming a four (4) car family. He said he had no other way in which to enlarge his existing -garage. To Me Schiswetz asked what the width of the proposed save would bee Mrs McClelland repX;ed the width would be 6 feet or 7 feete George Bowen inquired if the proposed swimming pool shown .. the drawi�g mailed McClellandto the Board members was to be built soon* Mrs said yea, problemWhen James Pennington asked why the car port could not be pulled west, Bd McClelland answered by stating there would be .. Them being .. further 'questions,, the applicant was dismissed. L 126-2 The second and last application to be considered at this meeting was that of Mrs. We S. Clark who requested a variation to the zoning ordinance for the use of property located behind 508 & 510 South Duncan Avenue. This property is located in a Rr3 Multi -Family Residential District. Harold Lieberenz told the Board members that Mrs. Clark owns an existing duplex residence on the front part of her 90 x 194 foot lot and now would like to erect another duplex on the rear part of the lot. Mr. Lieberenz cited that article and section in the zoning ordinance which gave the Board of Adjustment authority to approve more than one dwelling on the lot (Section 3 Group Housing Projects, ARTICLE VI Exceptions and Modifications). The City Building Inspector pointed out that on the lot in question the lot area is approximately 17,460 square feet. On a lot of this size the zoning ordinance will permit one apartment buildipg with 9 apartments, but the zoning ordinance will not permit two dwellings upon one lot unless approved by the Board of Adjustment. Mr. Lieberenz stated that if the pro- posed building were attached to the existing building and complied with the ordinance in other matters, Mrs. Clarkccould erect the proposed duplex. Mrs. Clark said there was an approximately fifteen (15) foot wide paved drive which made a semi -circle around the existing duplex. Mrs. Clark stated she did not want to connect the duplexes because she wanted to keep the drive and parking open. She said she planned to live in one of the new dpaitments.• . Mr. Lieberenz in reply to a Board memberts question said there would be • five (5) Parking places provided. Mr. Schiewetz asked if Mr. Lieberenz had received any objections. The city inspector said no. There being no further discussion, the applicant was dismissed. permitMrs George Bowen moved that the Board of Adjustment approve the application of Mrs, We So Clark who requested a variation to Zoning Ordinance No. 1239,* and that the City Inspector be instructed to issue a o: o South ��, unanimously,can Avenue. The motion was seconded by James Pennington and passed James Pennington moved that the•Board of Adjustment grant the application of J. Be McClelland who requested permission to build three and one-half (3 1/2) feet closer to the rear property line than permitted by Zoning Ordinance No. 1239; and that the City Building Inspector be instructed to issue a build- ing permit to J. Be McClelland. George Bowen seconded the motion which passed unanimously. submitted,The meeting was adjourned. Dates