HomeMy WebLinkAbout1963-07-12 Minutes• 103-2 BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT MINUTES The Board of Adjustment met on Friday, July 12, 1963, at 4:00 p.m. in the City Council Room in the City Administration Building. Members present: J. I. Smith, T. M. Schiewetz, J. A. Pennington and George Bowen. Members absent: J. F. Robinson. Applicants and others present: Harold E. Lieberenz, City Building Inspector; Mr. Charles Adams, who represented Mr. Perry Taylor; Mr. Wilbur Watson, Mr. J. R. Crocker, Attorney, and other members of the Washington County Farm Bureau were present. The meeting was called to order by Chairman J. I. Smith, Mr. Smith asked if there were any minutes to be approved. There were none. The City Inspector presented the problems involved in Perry Taylor's request. Mr. H. E. Lieberenz said that the variation requested by Mr. Adams to the zoning ordinance was for the use of property located at 619 North Oakland Avenue in a R-4 Multi -family Residential and Dormitory District. Mr. Lieberenz explained that the applicant requested permission from the Board to build a two-story addition onto the rear of the existing residence to make rooms for roomers. Roomers are permitted in this zone but the property is short about • 175 square feet of lot area and short 10 feet of lot frontage on Oakland Avenue. Because of the lot area and the lot front shortage, a variance from the ordinance is needed. After explaining the problems to the Board, Mr. Lieberenz read a signed statement from property owners to north and to the south of Mr. Perry Taylor's lot. Mr. T. M. Schiewetz asked Mr. Adams how far the new two-story section would be above the existing dwelling. Mr. Adams' reply was that it would be four (4) feet. Mr. J. I. Smith was concerned about the lot area and street frontage. For the Board's benefit the figures were given again. Before dismissing Mr. Adams, the Chairman thanked him for his cooperation. Mr. Wilbur Watson, representative of the Washington County Farm Bureau, was present. He appeared before the Board to request the reconsideration of action taken on the Farm Bureau's proposed building on the corner of South School and West Sixth Street. This reconsideration was requested because there was a property line dispute. Property the Farm Bureau claimed was also claimed by Bill's Fix It Shop. The owner of the Fix It shop uses the property in question for a drive. A settlement could not be agreed upon. Harold Lieberenz presented a sketch showing the Farm Bureau's property, the disputed property and the location where the Bureau would like permission to erect their new office building. The sketch showed the building would be built on the alley line . (west property line), on the north property line and approximately one (1) foot from 104-2 the West Sixth Street property line. Mr. Lieberenz pointed out that the city zoning ordinance requires ten (10) foot building setback from the alley line • (west property line) and ten (10) foot setback from West Sixth Street. At J. I. Smith's request Harold Lieberenz showed the Board members where the School Street line and the alley line were located on the sketch. J. I. Smith also asked if the Farm Bureau planned to have the entrance of the business building on School Avenue or Sixth Street. Mr. Wilbur Watson stated that the entrance would be on the southeast corner of the building. Mr. Watson showed the Board of Adjustment members where the black top was on Sixth Street. He said there is a space of 31 feet between the building and the paved surface of West Sixth Street. Mr. T. M. Schiewetz asked if the area between the sidewalk and the pavement on Sixth Street was black topped. Mr. Lieberenz stated it had been black topped in the past but was not in good shape. Mr. Schiewetz asked if the Farm Bureau planned to use this area in its off-street parking. Mr. Watson said no. Parking would be provided on the Farm Bureau's own lot. Mr. Watson pointed out that the existing Campbell Soup feed mill building to the west projects slightly out into the street (Sixth Street). There was no further discussion, and the applicants were dismissed. The Board considered the request of the Farm Bureau first. T. M. Schiewetz • moved that the Board approve the request of the Washington County Farm Bureau to build their office building one foot from West Sixth Street on the alley line (west property line) and on the north property line. George Bowen seconded the motion which passed unanimously. George Bowen moved that the Board of Adjustment approve the application of Perry Taylor and grant the lot frontage and lot area variance. The motion, seconded by J. A. Pennington, passed unanimously. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Secretary Date: Approved by Board of Adjustment is e&Cagj - z4'A V °i•�l fix:. r� � p'.' •1rr}*-v yj .. l�N. '•4'S �... 1 1 O P.� u ti �t 1 e&Cagj - z4'A V °i•�l fix:. r� � p'.' •1rr}*-v yj .. l�N. '•4'S �... 1 1 O I ti 1 � y r � C T 1 v D n n 2 i N I � � & i 4040 C/, t N 1 O ti � y r T 1; I N I � � & i 4040 C/, t