HomeMy WebLinkAbout1962-11-09 Minutes71-2 BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT MINUTES • The Board of Adjustment met on Friday, November 9,-1962, at 3:30 p.m, in the City Council Room in the City Aduinistration Building. Board members present: Mr. J. I. Smith, Chairman; Mr. George Bowen; Mr. J. A. Pennington; and Mr. J. F. Robinson. Board members absent: Mr. T. M. Schiewetz. Applicants and others present: Mr. J. F. Palmer, who was present to represent the Central Methodist Church; Mr. J. L. Imhoff and his wife; Mr. Homer Crow and Mr. Jack Zulpo; and Mr. Loris Stanton. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Elliott were present at this hearing as they were interested in the application of Mr. Loris Station. Also present was the City Building Inspector, Harold E. Lieberenz. The first application to be considered by the Board of Adjustment was that of the Central Methodist Church. Mr. J. F. Palmer appeared before the Board in behlaf of the church. The variation requested by Mr. Palmer to the Zoning Ordinance was for the use of the property located next door south from 333 North Highland Avenue. This property is located in a R-3 Multi -family Residential Zone of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas. The church has purchased this property and request permission to construct an addition to their off -the -street parking lot. The City Zoning Ordinance requires the Board of Adjustment's approval after a public hearing on a "church use" in this zone before a certificate of occupancy can be issued by the City Building Inspector. Mr. Palmer stated that he had not had any one to object to the proposed parking lot. The Board members had no questions on the requested variation; therefore the applicant was dismissed.' The second applicant to appear before the Board of Adjustment was J. L. Imhoff. He and his wife were present to explain their request and answer questions which the Board members might ask. The variation requested by Mr. J. L. Imhoff to the Zoning Ordinance is for the use of the property located at 224 West Cleburn Street. This property is located in a R_lB Single Family Residential Zone and is known as lot 11 of Block 2 of Wilson Adam's Addition. The City Building Inspector metnioned that the land slopes south. There is a retaining wall in the back yard which varies in height from 16 inches to 30 inches. Mr. Smith asked who owned the property to the north: Mr. Imhoff replied that Dr. H. G. Butler lived in the residence to the north. Mr. Imhoff said he had discussed his plans with his neighbors and they had no objections. The City Building Inspector told the members that Mrs. Butler had called his office. He said he mailed her a copy of the drawing of Mr. Imhoff's residence and his proposed addition. The inspector reported th Mrs. Butler was more interested in what was going to be done rather than displeased. There was no additional information which could be furnished; therefore the applicants were dismissed. The third application was that of Mr. Loris Stanton. The variation requested by Mr. S nton to the Zoning Ordinance was for the use of the property located at 530 North College Avenue. This property is located in a C-2 Thoroughfare Commercial Zone and is known as the northwest part of lot 2 of Davidson's Addition to the City of Fayette- ville, Arkansas. 72-2 The applicant wanted to erect an office building on this lot. The building would be approximately 30 feet from Davidson Street. The building would be 6 feet from the east (rear) property line and the City Zoning Ordinance requests a minimum of . 10 feet rear yard setback. Mr. Stanton explained the reason for the 30 feet and 6 feet setbacks was that such layout would be more economically feasible on the lot than if the setbacks complied with the ordinance. Mr. Stanton said that at the present the actual paving on Davidson Street was only 17 feet wide. He mentioned he had discussed the street problem with Mayor Guy Brown who agreed to do something about the street width. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Elliot who attended the meeting were interested in the plans of the applicant. Mr. Elliot stated he had no objections. He did say that he would like to have the building setback 10 feet from the rear property line; however he would much rather give up 4 feet if something could be done about Davidson Street. Mr. Bowen asked Mr. Stanton if the office building would be one story. Mr. Stanton said it would. Ns. Stanton also said the building would have no overhang. The last application to be considered by the Board was that of Homer Crow and Jack Zulpo. The variation requested by Mr. Crow and Mr. Zulpo to the Zoning Ordinance is for the use of the property located on the south side of West North Street just west of the railroad tracks known as the Crow Canning Company property. This property is located in a I-lA Light Industrial District. The applicants have started an addition to the building without a building permit. The build- ing is located on the railroad property. Permission was given by the railroad • company to do the work; however the people did not check with the City of Fayetteville. The building addition is only about 171 feet from North Street instead of the 30 feet required by the City Zoning Ordinance. Mr. Smith asked the gentlemen what kind of business was being operated. Mr. Zu- lpo said he,shipped chicken floor bedding material. The building which was constructed,is a shed used as a shelter for the trucks. Mr. Crow pointed out that the building could be moved without much difficulty. The railroad tracks are on the east side of the warehouse and the trucks are loaded on the west side of the warehouse. Both Mr. Crow and Mr. Zulpo said they would paint the poles. Mr. Crow mentioned that the existing building to the west was closer to the street than their build- ing and also pointed out that the shed would not obstruct any view. Mr. Smith asked if either gentleman planned to convert the shed into a masonry - structure. Both replied no. Mr. Zulpo said that they had considered putting sheet iron on the sides part way down, but they would be satisfied with an open shed. Mr. Pennington inquired as to what happened to the lean-to on the north end. Mr. Crow and Mr. Zulpo said the shed was added to the lean-to. There was no further discussion, and the applicants were dismissed. 0 73-2 The Board members felt there was a need for additional parking for the church; therefore Mr. George Bowen moved that the Board of Adjustment grant the variation • requested by the Central Methodist Church. The motion was seconded by Mr. J. F. Robinson and passed unanimously. A motion was made by Mr. J. F. Robinson and seconded by Mr. George Bowen to approve the application of J. L. Imhoff in which a variation from the Zoning Ordinance was requested. The motion passed unanimously. After a short discussion, Mr. J. F. Robinson moved that the Board of Adjustment approve the variation to the Zoning Ordinance requested by Mr. Loris Stanton. The motion was seconded by Mr. J. A. Pennington and passed unanimously. The Board members felt that the public would not be hurt by the shed constructed by Mr. Homer Cro and Mr. Jack Zulpo as a person had to be almost on the tracks before he could see if a train were coming. Mr. George Bowen moved that the Board of Adjustment approve the application of Mr. Crow and Mr. Zulpo in which they requested a variation from the Zoning Ordinance and that the City Building Inspector issue a building permit for the existing structure and said permit to be written so as to state that the building would not be entirely enclosed. (There was no objection to dropping down a foot or so from the top on the side of the building with some type of building material.) The motion was seconded by Mr. J. A. Pennington and passed unanimously. There was no further discussion, and the meeting.was adjourned. 0 Respectfully submitted,