HomeMy WebLinkAbout1962-10-12 Minutes67-2 • The Board of Adjustment met on Friday, October 12, I-962, at 4:00 p.me in the City Council Room in the City Administration Building. Board members present: Mr. J. I. Smith, Chairman, Mr. George Bowen and Mr. J. A. Pennington. Board members absent: Mr. T..M. Schiewetz and Mr. J. F. Robinson. Applicants and others present: Mr. R. T. Rogers and his wife, Mr. Kendall Scott and his wife and Mr. Leonard Broyles all of whom were apnlicants. The following interested persons were present: M.r. and Mrs. Ernest Stanberry, Mr. Frank Lewis and Miss Bertha Lewis. The meeting was called to order by Mr. John I. Smith. The minutes of the last meeting were approved as written and mailed to the members prior to this meeting. The first application to be considered by the Board of Adjustment was that of Mr. R. T. Rogers. The variation requested by Mr. Rogers to the Zoning Ordinance is for the use of the property located at.1630 North Gregg Avenue. This property is known as lot 7 in the Seamster Place Addition to the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas. This property is located in a R-lA Single Family Residential Zone. Mr. Rogers owns a large lot (lot size is over 120 feet by 212 feet) and he has one new house on it now. He would like to build another house on the lot which is not permitted is by the Zoning Ordinance. If Mr. Rogers could divide the lot into two lots a permit to build could be issued; however he cannot split the lot so that each lot would have the required 75 -foot frontage. Mr. George Bowen asked about access to such a new house if constructed on the rear nart of the existing lot. Mr. Rogers stated that he planned to build a drive to the south off Gregg Avenue. In reference to a drive Mr. Lieberenz, City Building Insnector, pointed out that Mr. Rogers had tried to get the property owners to the south of his lot to help with a street, but they were not interested. Mr. J. I. Smith remarked that the existing lot contained approximately 28,000 square feet and in the R-lA zone 10,000 square feet per lot is the requirement. There was no further discussion, and the applicant was dismissed. The second applicant to appear before the Board was Mr. Kendall Scott* - .The variation requested to the Zoning Ordinance is for the use of the property located at 108 Hart- man Avenue. This property is located in a R-lA Single Family Residential Zone and is known as the east 147.66 feet of Lot 32 of the'Revised Plat of Hotz Addition to the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas. The applicant would like to build a two car garage attached to the north side of the existing residence. This proposed addition would be about one (1) foot from the side (north) property line instead of the five (5) feet required by the City Zoning Ordinance. Mr. J. A. Pennington inquired about the double garage and single drive. He pointed . out that the average double garage is 20 feet wide, and Mr. Scott's drawing indicated a 25 -foot garage is planned. Mr. Scott explained that the presence of an oak tree was the reason for the single drive. Mr. Stanberry told the Board that he would rather Mr. Scott did not build close to the line. In the abstract, Mr. Stanberry's as well as Mr. Scott's abstract, . there is a restriction that the garage which Mr. Scott proposed to build would have to be 10 feet from the property line. Mr. Scott said he had read his abstract several times: however he had forgotten about the 10 foot restriction. Mr. Scott told the Board when he had started his plans to construct the double garage he had originally designed a second story over the garage. He showed the plans to Mr. Stanberry who did not approve of the two-story garage. Mr. Scott said he had the architect redraw the plans keeping in mind some of Mr. Stanberry's objections and suggestions. As there was no additional information which could be furhished, action by the Board was deferred on the application due to unusual circumstances. The third application to be brought before the Board was that of Mr. Leonard Broyles. The variation requested by Mr. Broyles to the Zoning Ordinance is for the use of property located approximately 80 feet west of Buchannan Ave- nue and on the north side of Stone Street at 908 Stone Street. This property is located in a R-2 Two -Family Residential Zone. Mr. Broyles had bought this property and the previous owner had excuvated an area in the front yard and constructed an 8 -inch concrete block wall on three sides to park his car in off the street. Mr. Broyles would like to pour a concrete top over the existing walls to make a garage below and a concrete patio above. - According to the Zoning Ordinance no accessory building can be built closer • than 25 feet to the street and this structure would be about 4 feet from the street property line. Also this structure will be about 6 feet and 11 inches from Mr. Broyles' residence and 10 feet is required by the zoning ordinance. Mr. George Bowen wanted to know if Mr. Broyles planned to build the structure any higher than the existing concrete block walls. Mr. Broyles said no; he pointed out that the slab would make the structure A little higher. The top of the car would be 21. blocks lower than the top block. Mr. Broyles stated that a fow of blocks could be removed; however he wanted to put a floor in the garage. Mr. Broyles stated that he had talked to his neighbors east and west of his house. The neighbors with whom Mr. Broyles had discussed his plan.had no objection. 4, There was no further discussion, and the applicant was dismissed. The last application to be considered by the Board was that of Mr. H. L. Utley. This application had been deferred until more definite information could be furnished to the Board. Present were Mr. Frank Lewis and Miss Bertha Lewis who were interested in the applicant's plans. Mr. Utley was not present; however the necessary information was furnished. • It was mentioned that the outgoing traffic would be stopped and not the incoming traffic. The attendant's building would be Trade of concrete blocks. There would be 3 center rows of cars and 1 row of cars on each side of the lot. The lot would • be fenced all the way around and would have a gate in the rear: however this gate would not be used as an exit at the present. The Board members were satisfied with the report: therefore there was no further discussion and thosapresent were dismissed. Mr. J. A. Pennington moved that the Board of Adjustment grant the variance requested by Mr. Leonard Broyles. The motion was seconded by Mr. George Bowen and passed unanimously. Mr. George Bowen moved that the Board of Adjustment grant the variance requested by Mr. R. T. Rogers. The motion was seconded by Mr. J. A. Pennington and passed unanimously. Mr. George Bowen moved that the Board of Adjustment grant the variance requested by Mr. H. L. Utley. The motion was seconded by Mr. J. A. Pennington and passed unanimously. • DATE: APPROVED: