HomeMy WebLinkAbout1961-06-09 Minutes5-2 MINUTES OF A MEETING OF THE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT • JUNE 9, 1961s 3:00 P.M. CITY COUNCIL CHAMBER Present: Mr. John I. Smith, Chairman; Mr. George Bowen; Mr. J. F. Robinson; Mr. Tom Schiewetz; Mr. James A. Pennington; Mr. Harold E. Lieberenz, City Building Inspector; Mayor Guy E. Brown; Mr. Arnold Christie; and applicants Mrs. Josephine Haight; Mr. C. B. Wiggans; Mr. James Walker, representing the St. Paul's Episcopal Church; Mr. Frank A. Curtis; and Mr. T. E. Shelton and Mr. Bert Whitely representing Mr. Earl Hall. Others present were: Mr. A. L. Shamblin accompanied Mrs. Haight; Reverend Lindloff of St. Paul's Episcopal Church; Mr. Earl Hall; Mr. Jack Hayes and his mother appeared relative to Earl Hall's application; Mr. Lothar Krueger; and Mr. Bergstreser accompanied Mr. Wiggans. The meeting was called to order by Mr. John I. Smith, Chairman. The minutes of the last meeting were corrected to read: The motion made by Mr. Schiewetz could have had a second; however the members of the Board continued the discussion and decided to delay the question until the next meeting. The first application was that of Frank A. Curtis. Mr. Curtis requested permission to enlarge the I.G.A. Supermarket building. Mr. Lieberenz gave an explanation of the application for the benefit of those who were not present at the last meeting. Mr. Bert Whitely made a correction as to the length of the overhang of the building. The corrected length is eight (8) feet; therefore there would be a violation of the ordinance of only two (2) feet on the main building wall of the proposed structure. • There were no further questions, so the applicant was dismissed. - 0 - The second application was that of Mr. Earl Hall. Mr. Hall was represented by Mr. Shelton and Mr. Whitely. Mr. Hall requested permission to erect a new office building which would be closer to the rear (east) property line than allowed by the Zoning Ordinance. Also, the applicant requests the Board to waiver part of the required "off -the -street" parking required by the Zoning Ordinance. Mr. Hall requested permission to park cars in front of the proposed building which will be closer to College Avenue than the forty (40) feet required. Mr. Jack Hayes appeared on his mother's behalf. Mrs. Hayes owns a lot adjacent to the lot on which the new building will be built. Her lot adjoins Mr. Hall's lot at the NE corner and faces Maple Street. Mrs. Hayes was concerned with water drainage from Mr. Hall"s proposed building. Mr. Hayes stated that his mother's property is the lowest point in the area and as a result her property gets all the water from neighboring areas. Mr. Shelton and Mr. Whitely assured Mrs. Hayes that a great part of the area that drains water on Mrs. Hayes from the existing vacant lot will be taken care of from roof drains which will be connected to existing storm drains. The balance of the surface water will drain the same way that it does at the present time. Mr. Shelton pointed out to the Board the problem Mr. Hall had trying to get a build- ing permit to erect an office building on the rear (east) property line. However, • the City Zoning Ordinance requires the building to be ten (10) feet from the rear property line. If the building were set back ten (10) feet from the rear property line, the area would be a trash catcher. 6-2 -2- Fir. Whitely mentioned that 24 spaces for ^off -the -street" parking were needed, but the proposed building plot plan has room for only 21 parking spaces. This would 40include the°bff-the-street" parking in front of the proposed building next to College Avenue. There was no further discussion, the applicant was dismissed. 0 - The third applicant was Mr. James L. Walker who appeared on behalf of St. Paul's Episcopal Church. The property is located in a C-3 Central Commercial Zone. According to the Zoning Ordinance, the Board of Adjustment must approve building permits for church remodeling in this district. The applicant wishes to build an addition on to the rear. (east) end of their exist- ing church sancturary building. This addition will be approximately 30 feet by 43 feet. The addition will not take up any of their existing parking area. The proposed building will be closer to the south property line. Inorder to get a new organ into the church, it was necessary to build the proposed addition closer to the south property line. There was no further discussion, and the applicant was dismissed. 0 - The next application was that of Mrs. Josephine Haight. Mrs. Haight plans to reduce her proposed building in such a way as to be six (6) feet or more from her east property line (Mr. Krueger's lot). Her house would be from one (1) to three (3) feet from the west property line instead of the required five (5) feet required by the Zoning • Ordinance. Mr. Krueger was present to speak in oposition of Mrs. Haight's application. Mr. Lieberenz explained to Mr. Krueger that Mrs. Haight planned to pull away from Mr. Krueger's property line with her proposed building. Mr. Shamblin, who represented Mrs. Haight, stated that the city has no easement to the water line whatsoever. No date has been established as to when this water main was build; nor were the property owners informed of the water main when they bought the lots. Mr. Krueger commented on the possibility of making the area a slum area. He felt that more should be done to keep the city beautiful and that if Mrs. Haight and others were allowed to erect such buildings, it would only result in blight areas within the City of Fayetteville. Mr. Shamblin brought up the fact that Mr. Krueger was aware of these small lots when he bought his property adjacent to the lot of Mrs. Haight's. Mr. Krueger stated that he had no objection of her building five (5) feet away from his property line if that was what she wanted to do. He wondered, however, if she could buy one of the adjacent lots to give her more building room. There was no more comments and the applicant was dismissed. 0 - • The last application was that of Mr. C. B. Wiggans. The variation requested by Mr. 4liggans is for the use of the property known as the Blue Mill Cafe. The property is located in a C-3 Central Commercial Zone. -3- • The applicant wishes to remodel the existing business building by building a 21 feet by 29 feet addition on the west (rear) end of the existing building. The Zoning Ordinance requires that they have one parking space for each 300 square feet of total floor space excluding basement or storage areas. The City Zoning Ordinance permits this °off -the -street" parking to be provided within 400 feet of the business property, if approved by the Board of Adjustment. The applicant requests the Board of Adjustment to consider the city parking lots on the corner of Center Street and Church Avenue and on the corner of Meadow and East Avenue for their "off -the -street" parking. The proposed basement of the building is for storage area and not for public use. There was no further discussion, and the applicant was dismissed. 0 - Mr. Schiewetz made a motion to approve Mr. C. B. Wiggans' application and Mr. Bowen seconded the motion. The Board voted unanimously to grant the variance. Mr. Robinson made a motion to grant the variance that Mr. Curtis wanted. Mr. Pennington seconded the motion. The Board voted unanimously to approve the application. Mr. Robinson made a motion and Mr. Bowen seconded the motion to approve Mrs. Haight's application. The vote was unanimous to grant the application. • Mr. Bowen made a motion to grant Mr. James Walker's application. Mr. Schiewetz seconded the motion. The Board voted unanimously to approve the application. After a short discussion Mr. Schiewetz made a motion to grant the application of Mr. Hall. Mr. Bowen seconded the motion and the Board voted unanimously. Mr. Robinsnn made a motion for adjournment. The meeting was adjourned. 0