HomeMy WebLinkAbout1960-05-05 MinutesMINUTES OF A MEETING OF THE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT • Council Chamber May 5, 1960 Present: Mr. L. M McGoodwin Mr. Loris Stanton Mr. George Bowen Mr. J. F. Robinson Mr. Harold E. Lieberenz Mr. Allen Be Reynolds, applicant Mr. Jasper Pyeatt 2:00 P, M. Absent: Mr. Clarence Young Mr. L. M. McGoodwin, chairman, called the meeting to order and asked the secretary to read the minutes of the last meeting. The Minutes were read and approved. The first application was that of Mr. Allen Be Reynolds at 429 Sutton Street. Mr. Reynolds whishes to construct a double carport on the west side of his home. This proposed carport would be built on the side property line instead of the five (5) feet required by the City Zoning Ordinance, Mr. Stanton asked if the lot on the west belonging to Dr. Wilson is for sale now. Mr. Reynolds said that it was not and that Dr. Wilson plans to build on it. Mr. • McGoodwin asked Mr. Renolds to give the basic reasons why he wishes to build a carport in conflict with the Zoning Ordinance. Mr. Reynolds stated that it would not be logical to build the carport in the back because he would have to tear up his yard and he couldn't afford to spend that much to build a carport. He said that there was a steep grade toward the back end of the house and a 30 ft. drop-off at the back of his yard. He also stated that the back yard is 4 or 5 feet above the driveway. Mr. Lieberenz stated that the Ordinance stated that a variance could not be granted unless there were practical difficulties or particular hardships --not just inconvenience to the owner. Mr. Robinson said that he knew the property and the terrain was very rough. He said that it took a lot of money to develop the property in the first place because it was built on a hill. Mr. Stanton asked how much higher the was was than Dr. Wilson property. The applicant stated that there was a very sharp grade there. Mr. Stanton then asked if the carport would be close enough to affect the view from Dr. Wilson's house. Mr. Lieberenz stated that in his opinion it would not effect the Wilson property. Mr. McGoodwin asked for a roll call. Roll was called, and a vote indicated. Mr. McGoodwin yes Mr. Robinson yes Mr. Bowen yes Mr. Stanton yes r1 U The application was granted. The next application was that of Haynes & Pyeatt Company at Rockwood Trail and Read Avenue. The applicant wishes to build a new residence on this corner, but because of the shape and terrain of the lot, they wish to build nineteen and one-half (19.5) feet from Read Avenue (unopened at this time) instead of the 25 feet required by the Ordinance. /53 Board Minutes - 2 - May 5, 1960, 2:00 P.M. Mr. Stanton said that at the time Jim Phillips built his house, it was thought that the • terrain was such that the street would never be opened. Mr. McGoodwin asked if there was a chance that Read Avenue would ever be opened. Mr. Pyeatt said that he did not see how it could be because of the terrain. Mr. Pyeatt said that the property was originally planned as 6 lots. They made the west two lots and the west half of the next two lots dividing Rockwood Trail into 2 large lots instead of 6 small ones. He stated that Read Avenue's running at an angle created the problem. Mr. McGoodwin asked, "Is it correct that if you had chosen to put the hDuses on 50 ft. lots, a permit would have been issued with the same variances you are asking for now?" The applicant stated that he would have to asked for the same variance in either case. . Mr. Pyeatt said that he set the existing house on the west lot 50 ft. from Rockwood Trail and propose to build this house 35 ft. from the street. Rockwood Trail must be widened, and I did not want to crowd it. Mr. McGoodwin asked if the terrain would make it too far under- ground to build uphill from where they propose to build. Mr. Pyeatt said that it would. Mr. Stanton asked if it would increase the building costs considerably to move it back 15 ft. from Rockwood Trail, Mr. Pyeatt stated that there was a bluff back of Lot 10, and there would be a water problem if the house were moved back. Mr. McGoodwin asked the secretary to call the roll. Roll was called and a vote indicated: Mr. McMcGoodwin yes Mr. Bowen yes Mr. Robinson yes Mr. Stanton i yes The application was granted. The next application was that of Mr. Homer J. McBroom at 1318 Hendrix Street. We were unable to reach Mr. McBroom because of the short notice of the meeting. Mr. McBroom wishes to build an addition to the northeast part of his residence. This addition will line up with the side of the existing residence, but will only be 22 feet from the Addington Avenue property line instead of the twenty-five (25) feet required by the City Zoning Ordinance, Mr. Lieberenz stated that the house was 22 ft. from Addington Ave., when it was brought into the City. The addition would be no closer to the street than the house is at the presen time. Mr. McGoodwin asked the secretary to call the roll. Upon roll call, a vote indicate Mr. McGoodwin yes Mr. Bowen yes Mr. Robinson yes Mr. Stanton yes The application was granted. Mr. Jake Drake, the next applicant, wishes to erect a double carport on the north side • of his residence at 220 So. Church Aven. The supporting posts for this proposed carport would only be three (3) feet from his side property line instead of the five (5) feet required by the City Zoning Ordinance. Mr. Drake was unable to be at the meeting because of the short notice. 1sy Board Minutes -3- May 5, 1960 2:00 P. M. is Mr. Stanton asked if the addition would create a fire hazard. Mr. Lieberenz stated that in his opinion it would not create a fire hazard. The Board asked that the pictues of the property be made a part of the record. Upon the request of Mr. McGoodwin, the secretary called the roll, and a vote indicated: Mr. McGoodwin yes Mr. Bowen yes Mr. Robinson yes Mr. Stanton yes CI • The application was granted. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. 15-5