HomeMy WebLinkAbout1959-07-30 Minutes• • MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT MEETING July 30, 1959 Present:. Council Chamber Mr. Loris Stanton Mr. George Bowen Mr. J.F. Robinson Mr. Clarence Young Mr. Harold E. Lieberenz 3:30 p.m. Absent: L. M. McGoodwin Mrs. J. M. Henderson, applicant Mr. Leonard Gref nhaw, Atty. Mr.9WIMM. Frank Lewis, Jr, property owners ISAAtL cz. �J Mr. Lonnie Nichol, applicant Mr. Charles Morse, applicant Mr. Emory Phillips, applicant The meeting was called to order and the secretary read the minutes of the last meeting which were read and approved. The first application was that of Mrs. J.M. Henderson of Rogers, Arkansas. Mrs. Henderson wishes to erect a commercial building closer to North Street than permitted by the minimum requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. Mr. Leonard Greenhaw, Atty. appeared in behalf of Dr. Harrison Butler who intends to buy this property if the Board passes the application. Mr. Lieberenz stated that the Zoning Ordinance states that the buildings in this zone will have to be 20 ft. back from the street line. Another provision, says where a lot is a corner lot and is on record prior to the passage of this ordinance, the city can't restrict them less than 30 foot buildable width. ,for a sidewalk Mr. Young asked if there will be enough space on North Street . Mr. Lieberenz explained that the sidewalk is built on street property and that the sidewalk space would not have to be taken from her lot. T Mr. Greenhaw stated that Dr. Butler is considering buying this property if the Board permits more space.oThe lot is too small, and as it stands now, Mrs. Henderson has a chance to sell if a 35 ft. building could be built on this lot. If the variance iso -not granted, Mrs. Henderson has lost the value of this propefty at this busy intersection which is not desirable for residential purposes. Mr. Frank Lewis, Jr. , owner of the 80 foot frontage and the existing residence to the south of the property, was concerned with the "off street" parking problem. Mr. Lewis felt the North Street is a busy street with a 20 ft. off -set. The closer you build to College Avenue and North Street, the more blinding it will be for traffic at this corner. Five feet on North Street would give a lot more view for motorists. 134 10 • -2 - Mr. Lieberenz said there were no tracings and plans on this building. How- ever, he had been told that a clinic building of this type will have to have a hall from end to end with waiting rooms on each side of the hall to give maximum efficiency. Mr. Robinson asked if Mr. Lieberenz was worried about the safety hazard. Mr. Lieberenz replied that he felt the traffic hazard would increase at this blind corner with every foot that a building was allowed to be built closer to North Street. Mr. Stanton moved that the Board members go back and lobk this situation over and if the applicants are in a rush, that a meeting be called by phone. However, after a discussion, it was decided that this application be brought up at the next meeting, which was set for Aug. 5th and Mr. Lieberenz suggested that if possible Dr. Butler should be present at the meeting to state his pro- blems concerning this application. The second application was that of Mr. Charles Morse and Mrs. Scroggins, Mrs. Scroggins would like to build a house located on the east side of East Skyline Drive. This property is known as lot 324 of Western Methodist Assembly Addition. There are three existing houses located adjacent to the south of this lot and the applicant wishes to erect a new dewlling and line up the front of the proposed house with the existing dwellings. Mr. Lieberenz stated that the houses on the adjoining property to the south was approximately 11 feet from the property line instead of the 25 feet required by the Zoning Ordinance. The building lot drops off sharply away from the street and makes it almost impossible to get the required front yard setback.. Mr. Morse stated that lot sloped at least 8 feet in the width of the house with the proposed building located in line with existing residences. The lot slopes at a greater rate the farther the house is moved away from the street. Because of the extreme grade there, the Board felt this application should be passed as there is a drop off )2< a full story in the back of the house. Roll was called and a vote indicated. Stanton Yes Bowen Yes Young Yes Robinson Yes The application was granted 135 J -3 - The third application was that of Mr. Emery Phillips at 418 West Meadow • Street. Mr. Lieberenz stated that Mr. Phillips requests permission to tear off a wooden back porch and rebuild into a room. The building is a frame building located in the fire zone and that Mr. Phillips would have to build the walls out of masonry under our building code. 1• Mr. Phillips stated that he wished to convert the attic of the existing house into an apartment but this has no bearing on this application. He stated that he wishes to rebuild the room flush with the existing building on the north and east sides. Also he plans to place asbestos siding over the walls of the frame house. Mr. Young asked if Mr. Phillips would be making a structural change in this building. Mr. Liberenz stated that he could tear off the floor and replace it without a building permit but that he would have to have a permit to tear the roof and the floor of the porch off and rebuild. be Mr. Young asked if this room would include dirirk'ithd:groud floor apartment and it not be a two story section. Mr. Phillips st ted that the proposed section was only one story in height.._ r/a- The last application was that of Mr. Lonnie Nickell at 1803 Green Acres Road. Mr. Lieberenz stated that the best his office could determine was that the E -Commercial Zone came up to the front of Mr. Nickell's residence. Mr. Nickells wishes to convert a front porch into an office so that his wife could take telephone calls at the house. Also he stated that he did some office work at night, but would not have his hhop in his home. Mr. Young pointed out that Mr. Nickells could take telephone calls from his residence now, but that he could not store material on thelot, also should Mr. Nickells desire to build a small business building in front of his residence that this would be in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance. It was pointed out that Mr. Nickells property was about the only property along Green AcreARoad that was split by the E -Commercial Zone in such a way that it could be used for commercial use. Mr. Young stated that his property would probably be worth more if it is left as it is at the present time. He pointed out that should they move the district back, the property owner next to him may wish to move his zone back also, Some undesirable business might move in next to him and devalue his property. Mr. Nickells withdrew his application. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned. 136