HomeMy WebLinkAbout1958-09-26 MinutesMINUTES OF A MEETING OF THE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT • Council Chamber 3:00 p.m. Present: Mr. L. M. McGoodwin Mr. Clarence Young Mr. J.R. Crocker, Sr. Mr, Loris Stanton Mr. George Bowen Mr. Harold E. Lieberenz, Bldg. Insp. Mr. Clifford Mills, Applicart Sept. 26, 1958 Mr. L. M. McGoodwin called the meeting to order and the secretary read the minutes of the last meeting, which were read and approved. Mr. Lieberenz then read the application of Mr. Clifford Mills, 1946 N. College. Mr. Mills wishes to erect a "Drive -Inn" canopy for his customers to park their automobiles under while being served. These canopies will be erected closer to the front property line than the 20 feet required by the City Zoning Ordinance. At the present time, metal canopies are not allowed. • Mr. Lieberenz stated that there was an ordinance before the City Council at this time that would allow metal canopies of this type to be erected in the fire zone. This ordinance will come up at the present time the ordinances does not permit the erection of metal canopies in this zone. There is 30 feet from the south edge of his building to his property line. On the north, there is quite a lot, an area where Mr. Mills has his mini itire golfs course. It isn't a question of crowding anyone. Mr. Stanton asked how close Mr. Mills would be building to the highway. Mr. Lieberenz stated that the right of way was 80 feet at this location and about a 24 foot slab. Mr. Mill's canopy will be about six feet from the property line and about 34 feet from the highway slab. Mr. Crocker asked that if the Highway Dept. makes a four -lane highway, how would Mr. Mill's canopies be affected. Mr. Lieberenz stated that he believes that there are existing buildings out farther than this building to the south of Mr. Mill's propertyl Mr. McGoodwin stated that the Hwy. Dept, will probably build a "By -Pass" Highway around the town instead of widening North College any more. This would be the most convenient and cheapest way. • Mr. Young stated that in his opinion this canopy with cars parked under it wouldn't be too much difference from a solid building. He feels that the Board should 11q 9 • -a- consider this application carefully. Mr. Mills said that if they had the canopies, cars would pull farther in toward the building and in his opinion it would be safer than the way the customers park now. Crocker Yes Mr. Crocker stated that he fells there will be more applications of this sort coming up before the Board 6f Adjustment in the future and some consideration would have to be given this present application as these other businesses would be similar to Mr. Mills request. Mr. McGoodwin asked the question, are we adding to the cnnjestion along our highways that we have tried to avoid. Mr. Lieberenz stated that there is a question in the minds of some people that they even have to have a building permit to erect these canopies as they are of a temporary nature and they could be moved at any time. When the ordinance goes into effect, Mr. Liberenz would write on the building permit that this could not be enclosed and made into a building. Mr. Crocker asked Mr. Mills if it were his intention to enclose this. Mr. Mills replied no, it would be defeating his purpose in mind. Mr. Lieberenz stated that people are coming in more and more and emphasizing this sort of thing. It is being allowed in other cities to park under canopies. It seems to be a standard practice over the country. He also brought out that one of the provisions should be that these awnings be factory made. Mr. McGoodwin stated that the ordinance should specify flat type canopies as these would look better than other types. Mr. Lieberenz stated that if the people are not allowed to erect these metal type canopies that some property owners have indicated they will try to erect cloth type canopies. Mr. Young asked Mr. Lieberenz how would you differentiate this and carports on houses. Mr. Lieberenz replied that the set backs for commercial property required by the Zoning Ordinance are different from the set back requirement for residential property.r There being no further discussion, roll was called and a vote indicated. Mr. McGoodwin yes Mr. Bowen Yes Mr. Young No. Mr. Stanton Yes Mr. Crocker Yes The application was granted. There being nod'urther business the meeting aSljourned. ecretary Approve 190 AFFIDAVIT I'Je, the undersigned, Idoah Gabbard and IJorma Gabbard, state that we are the owners of Lot 5, Fritz Addition to the City of Fayetteville, which lot is adjacent to and :Immediately north of Lot 4, Fritz Addition to the City of Fayetteville, owned by We B. and Barbara J. Putman. This is to certify that we have no objection to Mr. and Mrs. Putman putting a car ort immediately north of their present garage even though such carport would be less than twenty-five (25) feet from our mutual uro_erty line, which is the rear property line of both lots, ro cc YV' &,/"" Noah Gabbard OK -10 A Norma Gabbard Subscribed and sworn to before me this 30th day of September, 1959. n (0LZ P:�y Commission Expires:lC%I 7l ���� No ary lu c ADS'.. <a'�' IT WO, kthe,.underzi ned, Noah Gabbardand Idorhia Gabbard, state that eWe -ate tlq, ozrndTO of iot 50 sitz. ,AdI tcf the, city.. 0, I'cGGev211Q;nc�zh3ot , $$rs�9�nt tQ., a ; e 'E°f ?1} ? r mzt ,Lft #s r ' *c i3L fto i3ile, i'City of, "Payette#1114:,, owned- bZ' 19. .. and h4l i :c4 J' . s'4t nan' ' TIOU5, is to berg "y tiYat' ,ts4.2 avc� a�€� .uts�ga� 'on to' 2�r; and- We 34"tMan tuttdAg a car 1-4 3snmedra t63;y fioxth of_. heir pxosgnt La -rage -even thought 0ktah,IsarzoruIL a�n�3da�83 1es�: khan twentye�five (25) Zoot i' o :our ti'a a� h a axt r. ins , phial 3s. bliiprear Prwlel°ty Ube Of botr�.' loth.,; gubsc-ribgd-,aO 'mvermiy 195§,w". 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