HomeMy WebLinkAbout1958-06-27 Minutes• • MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT 3:30 P. M. Council Chambers Present: Mr. Bowen Mr. Stanton Mr. Crocker Mr. Young Mr. & Mrs. Richard Rogers, Applicants Mr. Ed Poore Mr. Harold E. Lieberenz June 27, 1958 Absent: Mr. L. M. McGoodwin Mr. Young, acting chairman, called the meeting to order and asked the secretary to read the minutes of the previous meeting, which were read and approved. The first application was that of Mr. Richard Rogers of 01 Lighton (E. Center St). He has made application to the Board to build an addition on the east side of this existing house and would like to build it flush with the front of the house. It would be 12 to 15 ft. to the street property line. Mr. Young asked Mr. Rogers to tell the Board why he would like this variance granted. Mr. Rogers stated that the land sloped to the south, and also there was a large tree in the back that he didn't want to move. Mr. Young stated that the original house was there before the ordinance became effective. Mr. Poore appeared before the Board and stated that he lived east of Mr. Rogers on Center St. and that he was interested in the width of Center Street in front of Mr. Rogers' property. He felt that Mr. Rogers should not be allowed to build until the width of the street was determined so that everyone would know how far he set back from Center St. Mr. Young stated that he felt that this was a matter that the Board could not consider and that probably he would have to see the mayor about the street width. Mr. Stanton stated that the believed that this was no concern of the Board, and that he felt that the main question before the Board at this time was whether or not the Board would give Mr. Rogers permission to build his new addition flush with the front of his existing house. Mr. Young asked Mr. Rogers if he had had his property surveyed and was the property line established. Mr. Rogers stated that it had been surveyed in the past when a Mr. Rodgers owned it. Mrs. Rogers stated that Miss Lighton had made a path up through Mr. Rodgers property. Miss Lighton had asked them if they cared if the county opened up the road, (Center Street) as it was platted at the Court House. The county opened up what is now Center Street at that time. 116 Page -2- Mr. Young asked Mr. Rogers if the existing building was 15 feet from the established property line. Mrs, Rogers replied it was. Mr. Rogers stated that Miss Lighton's land was also surveyed. Mr. Bowan stated that he had talked to Mr. Haliday, one of the neighbors, and he had no objections. Mr. Young stated that he had seen the property, and there was an extreme grade. This house was built before the ordinance was passed. If the Board asked Mr. & Mrs. Rogers to move their existing house a few feet to accommo- date their need s it would be unjust. The addition will not be build closer to the property line than the existing building. Mr. Rogers stated that if they widened the street on the south side in the futdre that there were houses farther east that would be sitting out in the street. TAerd:Being no further baeinn4 -, discussion, a vote was indicated and rollwas called. Mr. Young Yes Mr. Crocker Yes Mr. Stanton Yes • Mr. Bowen Yes The application was granted. The next application was that of Mrs. Enoch Miller. She would like to build an additional room on the west side of her house, eight feet extending west, 11 ft. north and south. She would only be about 12 ft. from the rear property line. Those lots along Louise St. are all shallow lots, 70 ft. deep. There is quite a distance from her rear property line to the dwelling facing Trenton Blvd. to the north. Her sear property line has a steep drop of 20 to 30 feet along the ridge extends to College. Mr. Bowen stated that she wouldn't be any closer to the property line than she is at the present time. Mr. Young asked Mr. Lieberenz if he had any idea of what the addition is that Mrs. Miller wishes to build on her house. Mr. Lieberenz stated that he thought it would be a bedroom for one of her daughters. Mr. Young at;ked Mr. Lieberenz if he thought anything could be • built in the back where the land sloped. Could the room be built somewhere else on the west side of the dwelling, and meet the ordinance. Could it be built toward the front of the house instead of the back. IIS Page 3 • Mr. Lieberenz stated if she came toward the street, she would completely bMcldthe entrance to the basement. Mr. Lieberenz read a statement that Mrs. Miller sent him requesting that her variance be granted, and a list of names of neighbors who do not object to her building the room. Mr. Crocker stated that he felt that Mrs. Miller should appear before the Board, so they would know what she intended to do. Mr. Lieberenz stated that from the street down to the horse it drops off and there is a concrete wall. Mr. Lieberenz called his assistant, James Wilson to show the Board just where Mrs. Miller could build the room onto the house. Mr. Wilson stated that if she built it anywhere else, it would be inconvenient to get in the driveway and also there is a door to the basement that would be covered up. Mr. Lieberenz stated that he felt it necessary that it be written on the permit to Mrs. Miller, that she would not be able to convert her house into an apart- ment. • There being no further lysine -ss- discussion, a vote was indicated and roll was called. Young Yes Crocker Yes Bowen Yes Stanton Yes After a short discussion, the Board felt that the applicaht should appear or someone should represent the applicant if the applicaht cannot attend the meet- ings of the Board of Adjustment. They akso felt that they should review an application unless someone is present to answer questions. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. Mar Ali Dean, Secretary ApprovZmo L // 0? 4 0 118 J