HomeMy WebLinkAbout1958-03-12 Minutes• • MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE BOARD OF ADJUSTMEI March 12, 1958 3:30 P. M. Council Chamber Present: Mr. McGoodwin Mr. Young Mr. Crocker Mr. Bowen Mr. John Carroll, Applicant Mr. Harold E. Lieberenz, Bldg. Insp. Mr. McGoodwin called the meeting to order and asked the secretary to read the minutes of the previous meeting held January 30, 1957, which were read and approved. Mr. Harold Lieberenz was asked to read the applicatibn of Mr. John J. Carroll of 228 N. Locust Ave. He has made application to the Board of Adjustment for a variation from the requirements of the City Zoning Ordinance No. 1002. He wishes to remodel a residential garage building located on the rear of the lot into a garage apartment. The proposed construction will be closer to the rear property line than the requirements of the City Zoning Ordinance. This lot is fifty five (55) feet by one hundred and sixty (160) feet and has less area than the 7, 000 square feet per dwelling required by the City Zoning Ordinance, Mr. Crocker asked Mr. Carroll if it would be one story. Mr. Carroll replied yes, that he planned originally to build a two story garage, but has decided to just remodel the ground floor of the existing garage. Mr. Young asked if he was using the building at the present time as a garage. Mr. Carroll replied no, that he had material stored out there and had a washing machine. Also that there had been people sleep out there at different times when he had company. Mr. Carroll stated that thas request was not a matter of finance, but that his boy is out of the Air Force and he would like to make it into a place for the couple to live where they could take care of Mrs. Carroll. Mr. Bowen asked Mr. Carrolllif he built the garage and Mr. Carroll said that he built it since he bought the property about eight (8) years ago. Mr. Young asked Mr. Lieberenz what year the Zoning Ordinance was passed and Mr. Lieberenz replied that it was in 1951. Mr. Lieberenz stated that under the requirements of the Zonin' Ordinance, Mr. Carroll could move his business office to this garage building, also he could extend his dwelling to within ten (10) feet of the existing garage and add more than one apartment. March 12, 1958 Page 2 Mr. Carroll replied that he was aware of this and that he considered doing this if the Board turns him down. Mr. Young asked Mr. Lieberenz if Mr. Carroll • would have to appear before the Board if he made application to connect his dwelling to the existing garage. Mr. Lieberenz said that he would have to ask a variance because he would not have the twenty five (25) foot rear yemd required by the Zoning Ordinance. A question was brought up as to whether or not there was an alley to the east of Mr. Carroll's property. Mr. Young stated that he saw some of College Club Dairy trucks using that space. Mr. Crocker stated that the alley could never be opened up because of it being blocked by a building built across it to the south. to his rear yard set back under the Mr. Young asked what the width of the alley was. Mr. McGoodwin replied that it was fifteen (15) feet and that seven and one half (7. 5) feet could be added to his rear yard set back under the Zoning Ordinance. This would give him about 13.5 feet setback on the east side of this garage building. Mr. Crocker asked if there were any other residences adjoining this property . Mr. Lieberenz stated that Sines Body Shop was located on the north and College Club Dairy located to the east. There is a dwelling and a residential garage located to the south of Mr. Carroll's pgoperty. i • Mr. Young stated that he still was not convinced that what Mr. Carroll was asking is not a matter of convenience. Mr. Mc Goodwin said that he felt that the Board should base their decisions within the limitation of the Zoning Ordinance and that Mr. Carroll should submit some evidence why he thinks that the Board should grant his request. He asked Mr. Lieberenz to read from the Zoning Ordiaance the section that covers the Board of Adjustment actions in an application such as Mr. Carrolls/ Mr. Lieberenz read the last eight paragraphs of section fifteen of Zoning Ordinance No. 1002. Mr. Carroll stated that he had bought the property prior to the passage of the Zoning Ordinance. He stated that the alley in the rear had been closed and that he did not see how all the businesses area around there would be affected by theannge that he proposes. Mr. Carroll further stated that they had talked to all of the neighbors and they had no objections. They were told they could build a4 family dwelli*g on the lot. The arranged plans to convert the garage into a dwelling were made before the Zoning Ordinance was passed. If this is granted, the diminsions of the garage will not be changed. He would add beth room, door and insulation. Under the ordinance they could extend the residential building to within 10 feet of the garage in question. He stated that they would legally spend a lot more money and congest the situation a lot more than it is. They . want to make the present arrangement more liveable, and are not going to in- L • • March 12, 1958 Page 3 crease the size any. The water and gas is already there in the building and also the electricity. Mr. McGoodwin made the motion to vote. There being no further discussion a vote wwas indicated and roll was called. Mr. Crocker Yes Mr. Bowen Yes Mr. McGoodwin yes Mr. Young Yes «a J