HomeMy WebLinkAbout1957-05-06 MinutesMINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT May 6, 1957 Judge's Chambers 3:30 P. M. Present: Mr. L. M. McGoodwin, Chairman Mr. Clarence Young, Member Mr. Heydon Lewis, Member Mr. Witt Carter, Member Mr. J. R. Crocker, Sr. Mr. Ivan M. Mayes, Applicant Mr. Bryce Davis, Representative for Applicant Mr. T. D. Hammond, Applicant Mr. U. D. Blankenship, Applicant The Chairman Mr. L. M. McGoodwin called the meeting to order and asked the Secretary to read the minutes of the previous meeting held April 3, 1957, which were read and approved. The Building Inspector, Mr. Lieberenz, was then asked to present the different applications for variance and explain each. • The first application was that of Mr. Ivan M. Mayes, which was first brought before the Board on February 28, 1957. Mr. Mayes was present at this meeting to determine whether or not the Board had found out if they could legally reopen his application, without him paying an additional fee. The Chairman reported that the proper legal opinion had not as yet been obtained. The next application was that of Mrs. J. L. Stone of 528 N. Lindell. This application had been held over from the previous meeting held April 3, 1957. Mr. Bryce Davis, Contractor, of Bryce Davis Construction Company, appeared before the Board representing Mr. Stone. Mr. Davis presented a completed plan showing that Mrs. Stone intended to have only one apartment after this construction work was completed. Mr. Crocker made a motion that Mrs. Stone write a letter, stating that she would not use the unit for more than one family. This letter was to be attached to her completed building permit. The motion was seconded by Mr. Heydon Lewis. rThere being no further discussion a vote was indicated and roll was called: McGoodwin Yes Young Yes Carter Yes Lewis Crocker The application was granted. Yes Yes May 6, 1957 Page -2- Lewis 2- The next application was that of Mr. H. D. Hammond, 1658 Carolyn Drive. The variation requested by Mr. Hammond to the Zoning Ordinance was for the use of the property located on the North side of Carolyn Drive and East of Lunsford Drive known as lots 1 and 2 in the revised plat of lots 15 through 31 and 36 through 38 of the Fairview Heights Addition to the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas. Mr. Hammond made application for two variances from the Zoning Ordinance one on lot 1 and the other on lot 2, but since the notice was advertised in the newspaper, he had withdrawn his variance request for lot 1 ( corner lot). Mr. Hammond wanted to build a residence on lot 2 in such a way that the residence would have only an eighteen (18) foot rear yard instead of the twenty-five (25) feet as required by the Zoning Ordinance. • Mr. Young asked Mr. Hammond to give his reasons for applying for the variation. Mr. Hammond stated that he believed it would improve the looks of the neighborhood for the house to set back more in line with the house to the West. Also he did not wish to block the view of this residence. Mr. Mc Goodwin asked Harold if this residence had all other required area and footage besides the rear yard. Mr. Lieberenz replied that it did. The possibility of the same problem occurring with the houses to the South was considered. Mr. Hammond explained that he did not feel it would be necessary to request variances in the houses to the South as they were not in a location such as this was. There being no further discussion, a vote was indicated and roll was called: McGoodwin Yes Crocker Yes • Carter Yes Lewis Yes Young Yes The application was passed. a May 6, 1957 Page 3 - The next application was that of Mr. U. D. nkenship of 106 Boles. The variation requested by Mr. Bep a was for the use of the property located at 106 Boles Street just West of St. Charles Avenue known as lot 3 of Watson Place as sub -division of lot 5 block 8 of the County Court Addition to the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas. This property is located in a "B" residential area. Mr. Blankenship wishes to remove a small open porch on the rear of his resi- dence which is seven (7) feet wide and build a nine (9) foot room. The new room will be eleven (11) feet from the center of the alley which is closer than the twenty-five (25) feet required by the Zoning Ordinance, Mr. McGoodwin asked Mr. Blankenship what size his lot was. Mr. Blankenship replied that his lot was 50' X 67' Mr. Lewis asked Mr. Blankenship when this was completed whether it would be a room or a porch. Mr. Blankenship stated that it would be a room. Mr. McGoodwin asked Mr. Blankenship to give the Boareasons under • the ordinance why he felt they should grant him the variance. Mr. Blankenship stated that the present porch needed repairing. And also that his family needed the additional room. Mr. Lewis explained to Mr. Blankenship that there were certain rules the Board had to go by and the reasons Mr. Blankenship had just given were ones of vonvenience which the Board could ndt accept. Mr. McGoodwin asked Mr. Lieberenz to read the section of the ordinance to Mr. Blankenship that the Board had to go by. • MP • May 6, 1957 Page -4- Harold stated for the benefit of the Board that all of the lots along here were very small, and that almost all of them were built right up to the alley. Mr. McGoodwin stated that this area was already over built and they definitely did not want to make a slum area out of it. There being no further discussion a vote was indicated and roll was called: McGoodwin No Young No Carter No Lewis No Crocker No The application was denied. The next application was that of Mr. Paul Ball of 402 Mashburn Avenue. • The variation that was requested by Mr. Ball was for the use of the property located on the East side of Mashburn Avenue and the North, -side of Lucien Street and known as lots 1 and 2, Block 5 of Fairlands Addition to the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas. This property is located in the "A" residential Zone. Mr. Ball wishes to remodel his residence by building an extension to'the south in such a way that his residence building will be twenty (20) feet from Lucien Street instead of the twenty-five (25) feet required by the Zoning Ordinance. After checking a map to see about the set back from the street property line of the existing buildings in that area, and following a brief discussion the Board decided that they should hold up action on this application. The Board found that an existing residence building to the South of Mr. Ball's property was projecting out into Lucien Street, and they felt that the Planning Commission should be consulted about whether or not Lucien Street would be closed permanently in the future. The Board felt that they definitely needed this information before they acted upon this application, therefore this will be held over until the next meeting. • There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. SECRET BIRY APPROVED: QI