HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-08-30 MinutesMINUTES FOR THE MEETING OF THE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT August 30, 1956 • COUNCIL CHAMBERS PRESENT: Mr. L. M. McGoodwin, Chairman Mr. Clarence Young Mr, Witt Carter Mr. Heydon Lewis Mr. Harold E. Lieberenz, City Building Inspector Mrs. Shirley Santifer, Secretary Mr. Woody Davis, Applicant for Variance Mr. Walter Miller, Applicant for Variance Mr. Ward W. Ramey, Applicant for Variance 3:30 P. M. ABSENT: Mr. J. R. Crocker, Sr. The Chairman, Mr. L. M. McGoodwin, called the meeting to order, and asked the Secretary to read the minutes of the previous meeting held July 11, 1956, which were read and approved. Mr. Harold Lieberenz, City Building Inspector, was asked to present the different applications for variance and explain each. •The first application was that of Mr. Woody Davis of 226 South Block Street. This application had been held over from the previous meeting held July 11, 1956, at which time it had been decided by the Board that they should go down to Mr. Davis' property and investigate the application. Since the previous meeting Mr. Davis had removed the roof from the rock wall, and now has it resting on Harold stated that there was about a foot difference between the roof level and the top of the wall. Mr. Young asked Mr. Davis what his reason was for wanting to enclose the carport. Mr. Davis stated that he needed the additional room in his home. Mr. McGoodwin stated that the reason for the ordinance was to prevent crowded areas in the City and the only way - they could possibly grant the application was to establish the fact that a refusal would constitute a confiscation for the use of Mr. Davis' property. Mr. Young stated that this once again seemed to be a problem of too much house on too little land. . Mr. McGoodwin asked Mr. Lieberenz to state what he had found out from Mrs. Budd. 7D page -2- August 30, 1956 •Mr. Lieberenz stated that after the previous meeting he had telephoned Mrs. Budd, about Mr. Davis' application. Mrs. Budd had told Mr. Lieberenz that she did not have any objections to Mr. Davis building up to the wall, but she would rather the roof did not rest on her wall. Mr. Young asked Mr. Davis if there was any specific reason why he felt the appli- cation should be granted. Mr. Davis stated that he could not think of any definite reasons at the present other than he felt he needed the additional room. Mr. McGoodwin stated that the way the ordinance was set up they were required to keep 5 ft. away from the property line. Mr. McGoodwin asked if there were any further questions or any further discussion. There being none , a vote was indicated and roll was called: • Mr. McGoodwin No Mr. Young No Mr. Carter No Mr. Lewis No The application was denied. The next application was that of Mr. Walter Miller of 849 South School Avenue. This application had been held over from the previous meeting held July 11, 1956. Mr. Miller had an existing frame garage building which is 2 ft. over on street property. He wanted to tear down this building and build a new garage which would be about six (6) inches from 10th street property line and about eight and one-half feet (8 1/2) from the existing residential building. The zoning ordinance states that the garage should be set back 20 feet from the street property line and 10 feet from the residential building. Mr. Carter stated that he had requested the Board at the previous meeting to hold over Mr. Miller's application in order that he could have an opportunity to look over his property and talk with Mr. Miller. He said that he had done this. Mr. McGoodwin asked Mr. Miller if the Board's refusal to grant his application would constitute a confiscation of his property. Mr. Miller stated that he supposed he could build somewhere else but that he would prefer not to because if he built there he could save a lot of his young orchard and • shade trees, whereas he would have to cut some of them down if he built somewhere else. Also he :said he felt the garage would be more convenient there, since his resi- dence is located on 10th street, which is very difficult to get in and out of. h'1 Page -3- August 30, 1956 Mr. Young stated that the purpose of the applications coming before the Board was • to prevent crowded conditions in the City and to help the property owners. He stated that he did not feel the Board would be helping Mr. Miller if they permitted him to build on the property line, because it would tend to decrease the value of his property in the long run. Mr. Carter stated that the shade trees were small and he felt it would be a good 20 years before they would be large enough to do a lot of good. Mr. Young asked Mr. Miller if he could give any other reasons why he felt the Board should grant this variation, and he stated that he could not. It was decided by the Board that Mr. Lieberenz should go down to Mr. Miller's and see if they couldn't work out some other place for Mr. Miller to build his garage. • There being no further discussion a vote was indicated and roll was called. Mr. McGoodwin No. Mr. Lewis No Mr. Carter No Mr. Young No The application was denied. The next application was that of Mr. Ward L. Ramey of 618 North Willow Avenue. The variation requested by Mr. Ramey to the zoning ordinance was for the use of the property located on the east side of North Willow Avenue just north of 618 North Willow. Mr. Ramey wanted to erect a two -car carport on the front of the garage apartment just north of his residence. The carport would be only 2. 5 to 3 feet from his North property line where the zoning ordinance requires 5 feet. she had no objection. Mr. Ramey presented a signed statement from his next door neighbor to the north, Mrs. Mary.S. Brewer, to the effect that she had no objection. Mr. Lewis asked Mr. Ramey what he reasons were for feeling that the Board should grant his variation. Mr. Ramey stated that he felt this was the best place for it. He stated that he could not put it behind the apartment because there was a creek there. Mr. Young asked Mr. Ramey if his proposed garage couldn't be moved over 2 or 3 • feet to the south thereby leaving 5 feet on the north side. Mr. Ramey stated that he felt that his would block the view of the tenants in the apartment and would also block the driveway. h2 Page -4- August 30, 1956 • Mr. McGoodwin asked Mr. Ramey if he had any intention of closing the carport in later on. Mr. Ramey stated that he did not, but that he was going to close the north side in and install windows if he was allowed to build for protection from the weather. The Board suggested that they hold this application over so that the Building Inspector and Mr. Ramey could go over the location and see if there was any other suitable place to put the proposed carport. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. APPROVED: .%max CEJ ? Z 19,T-6- 9 9, -10 • • 73