HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-04-04 Minutes• • • MINUTES FOR THE MEETING OF THE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT APRIL 4, 1956 Present: COUNCIL CHAMBERS Mr. L. M. McGoodwin, Chairman Mr. Clarence Young Mr, J. R. Crocker, Sr. Mr. Heydon Lewis Mr. W. E. Gibson, Applicant for variance Mr. Davis P. Richardson, Applicant for variance Mrs. W. A. Cain, Applicant for variance Mr. Harold E. Lieberenz, City Building Inspector Mr, Jamie L. Jones, Applicant for variance Mrs. Shirley Santifer, Secretary 2:30 P. M. Absent: Mr. Witt Carter The Chairman, Mr. L. M. McGoodwin called the meeting to order and asked the Secretary to read the minutes of the previous meeting held March 2, 1956, which were read and approved. Mr. Harold Lieberenz was asked to present the applications for variance and explain what each wished to do. 21 feet from Mapel Street The first application was that of the Baptist Student Center at 944 W. Maple represented by Mr. Jamie L. Jones, Student Center Director. The variation requested by Mr. Jones to the zoning ordinance was for the use of the property located on the corner of West Maple and Lindell Avenue known as lots 10 and 11 of Block 3 of Oakland place Addition to the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas, The Applicant wishes to tear down the existing building ( existing frame building 12, 5 feet from Lindell Avenue property line and 27. 5 feet from Maple Street property line) and build!. a modern masonry building. The new building had been planned to set back 26 feet from Lindell Avenue property line and 21 feet from Mapel Street property line. They were denied a building permit because the zoning ordinance requires that they set back 35 feet and 4 inches from Lindell Avenue property line in line with the house to the North and back 31 feet and 5 inches from Maple Street property line in line with the house to the East before the Building Inspector could issue a Building Permit. Mr. McGoodwin asked Mr. Jones what his reasons were for asking for this variance. N April 4, 1956 • Mr. Jones stated that the main reason was that in the relatively short time from 1951 up until now the enrollment of the Baptist Student Center had doubled, and that they were hoping that within the next five years the enrollment would continue to increase and therefore they would need a larger building. Mr. Lewis asked if the set back on Lindell Avenue would meet the requirements of the average set back. Mr. Lieberenz stated that the Zoning Ordinance has a minimum 20 foot front yard set back in this area, or back in line with the next adjoining property. The next adjoining property sets back 35 feet and 4 inch from the street property line and the average set back for the residences north of this location not including the residences located on the extreme rear of the lots is 26. 75 feet. The following discussion brought out that the Board felt that the 26 feet as set out in the application was sufficient as it was so near the average set back withint the block. Mr. Crocker asked what the required set back would have to be from Maple Street. At this time Mr. Lieberenz asked Mr. Jones to show the Board the architectural sketch of the front of the proposed building. • Mr. Lieberenz pointed out to the Board that there was a 4 foot projection on the front of the proposed building which would be only 21 feet from the street property line. Mr. Young asked how this compared with the set back of the building to the East. Mr. Lieberenz stated that if the proposed building could be moved back an additional 6 feet the main portion of the building would be in line with the next adjoining property to the East. The Board asked Mr. Jones if the Student Center would amend their application to ask for a variance of 27 feet from Maple Street instead of the 21 feet previously asked for. Mr. Jones stated that the Student Center would amend their application to do this. There being no further discussion a vote was indicated and roll was called: Mr. McGoodwin Aye Mr. Young Aye Mr. Crocker Aye Mr. Lewis Aye • 61 April 4, 1956 The next application was that of the Presbyterian Student Center represented by the • Rev. W. E. Gibson. This application was previously discussed at the meeting held on March 2, 1956. At that time it was decided to hold up action pending the in- quirement of the Student Center to purchase property to the West of them. Rev. Gibson reported that they had been unable to purchase additional property to the West of the Student Center. Mr. McGoodwin summerized the problems of this application by stating that the Board felt that the set back on the front and rear of the lot didn't seem to be of as great importance as the set back on Storer Street. It appeared to be just too narrow a lot for the size building that they wanted to build. Mr. Richardson stated that they had considered the question of purchasing other property, but after looking around had decided that they had the best location for their purpose. After a brief discussion the Presbyterian Student Center decided to amend their application to ask for a 35 foot building rather than a 40 foot building, and that they would have to restudy their floor plan to see if it would be possible to arrange a building of that size to fit their needs. There being no further discussion a vote was indicated and roll was called: • Mr. McGoodwin Aye Mr. Lewis Aye Mr. Young Aye Mr. Crocker Aye The next application was that of Mrs. W. A. Cain of 89 South Duncan. The variation requested by Mrs. Cain to the Zoning Ordinance was for the use of the property located on the southwest intersection of Duncan Avenue and Treadwell Street and known as lot 1, Block 6 of I. W. Duncan's Addition to the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas. Mrs. Cain requested permission to enclose part of an existing open porch (approx- imately 10 X 10 feet square) to enlarge the kitchen area of her home. The new construction would not project closer to Treadwell Street property line than the present building line and porch line. The building permit was denied because the building would be closer to the street property line than the 20 foot set back required by the Zoning Ordinance. The following discussion brought out that she did not intend to alter the present line of her house --therefore she would not be any closer to the street than she is . at the present time. There being no further discussion a vote was indicated and roll was called: 0 April 4, 1956 • Mr. McGoodwin Aye Mr. Lewis Aye Mr. Crocker Aye Mr. Young Aye The next application was that of Mr, Harry Smith of East Meadow Street. This application was held over from the previous meeting held on March 2, 1956, due to the fact that it was believed that Mr. Smith might be able to obtain additional footage from the property on the west side of the lot, It was reported that Mr. Smith had obtained the additional property which would give him the required 5foot set back for side yards on each side of the proposed house. There being no further discussion a vote was indicated and roll was called: Mr. McGoodwin Aye Mr. Lewis Aye Mr. Young Aye Mr. Crocker Aye • The next application was that of Mr. Claude Lackey at 217 South Willow. The variation requested by Mr. Lackey to the Zoning Ordinance was for the use of the property located at 217-a South Willow Avenue which is located on a lot known as rot 4 of Henry's Addition to the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas. It was understood that Mr. Lackey owned all of lot 4 and if that were the case there were four residential building located on this 184. 1 foot by 75 foot lot (13, 8075 sq. ft A few months ago one of these buildings was damaged quite a bit by fire. The Applicant wished to restore this dwelling to its original state so that it could be rented, The building permit was refused by the Building Inspector's Office on the grounds that the building was non -conforming to our Zoning Ordinance because there were too many buildings on this lot. dwellings located on it besides the dwelling in The following discussion brought out that Mr. Lackey's lot consists of only the west one-half (37.5 feet) of lot 4 and it has 6, 903.75 square feet. This part of the lot has two other dwellings located on it besides the dwelling in question. Mr. Lieberenz stated that he had requested a letter from Mr. Lackey giving the • total replacement cost of the building as estimated by the General Adjustment Bureau Adjuster and the estimated cost to repair the building. Mr. Lieberenz stated that up to the present date he had not received this information. 43 April 4, 1956 • Due to this the Board decided to hold up action on this application awaiting the letter from Mr. Lackey. There being no further business the meeting was adjourned. APPROVED: li • C R E T A RY 6q