HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-03-02 MinutesMINUTES FOR THE MEETING OF THE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT • March 2, 1956 „ Council Chambers I • • Present: Mr. L. M. McGoodwin, Chairman Mr. Clarence Young Mr. J. R. Crocker, Sr. Mr. Heydon Lewis Mr, Witt Carter Mr. W. E. Gibson, Applicant for Variance Mr. Davis P. Richardson, Applicant for Variance Mr. E. J. Guise, Applicant for Variance Mr. Harold E. Lieberenz, City Building Inspector Mrs. Shirley Santifer, Secretary For Presbyterian Student Center The Chairman, Mr. L. M. McGoodwin, called the meeting to order and asked the Secretary to read the minutes of the previous meeting held January 3, 1956 which we e Tead and stood approved with one correction. ��fi mai Mr. Harold Liebe renz, City Building Inspector,was asked to present the application's for variance and explain what each wished to do. The first application was that of Mr. W. E. Gibson of the Presbyterian Student Center at 902 West Maple Street. Street and Storer The variation requested by Mr. Gibson was for the use of the property located on the Northwest Corner of the intersection of West Maple Street and Storer Avenue known as lot 10, block 4 of Oakland Place Addition to the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas. This property is located in a "d" Residential Zone in the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas. Mr. Gibson made an4 application for permission to remove the two existing buildings on the lot and build one large two-story building. The proposed building would be closer to Storer Street than the Zoning Ordinance permits and 12, 5 feet closer to the rear alley line than the 17. 5 feet required by the Zoning Ordinance. Mr, McGoodwin asked Mr. Gibson what their plans were for the new building. Mr. Gibson said that their plans were to build a 40 x 95 foot building and at the present time they did not know whether it would be a two story building or a two story building with a basement. He said that they had been asked by the Building Inspector why they could not narrow the building to a 35 foot one sothat there would be at least 20 feet from Storer Street property line. They felt that this would narrow the building to such an extent that their Assembly Rooms would not be large enough. 4 9 • • • March 2, 1956 Plans for their present building being extended have been studied but the construction problems are greater when they try to get the amount of Assembly space that they feel would be adequate. For this reason they have turned to possibilities of tearing down their existing two structures and building one larger building. Mr. Crocker asked Mr. Lieberenz what his opinion was concerning this variation. Mr. Lieberenz stated that he would favor granting them the application be- cause of the following reasons: of buildings on the lot. (1) Their new building will set back 12 feet farther than the existing building from Storer Street property line. (2) That they would tear down a small apartment dwelling to the North of the present building which woiuld lessen the number of buildings on the lot. (3) There is a 15' alley between their property line and the residential pioperty to the North and under the zoning ordinance any future enlargements of the residence to the North would assure at least 25' feet between the buildings. The following discussion brought out that the Presbyterian Student Center might be able to purchase additional property to the West and it was decided that no further action would be taken on this applicationpend�ing their inquirement about this matter, The next application was that of Mr. E. J. Guise of 219 Louise. The variation requested by Mr. .Giise to the zoning ordinance was for the use of the property located on the East sileof Summitt Avenue just South of the intersection of Summitt Avenue and Dickson Street and known as lots 1, 21 3, 41 & 5 of Block 1 of Skillern's Sub -Div part of Block 11 of Masonic Addition to the city of Fayetteville, Arkansas. This property is located just South of Mr. Herbert Lewis, Jr's property on Summitt Avenue. Mr. Guise wishes to build a 50 x 100 foot residential building on tFais property but the slope of the lot would force him toward the rear alley line so that he would only be 15 feet from the alley instead of the 20 ft. required by the zoning ordinance. The following discussion brought out that there wasn't any question as to whether or not he had enough area on which to build, but due to the slope of the lot he would be forced to build closer to the alley line than was required. Also due to the fact that this was an alley line he would still be a good 70 ft. from any other buildings. March 2, 1956 • There being no further discussion a vote was indicated and roll was called: Mr. McGoodwin Aye Mr. Lewis Aye Mr. Young Aye Mr. Carter Aye Mr. Crocker Aye The next application was that of Mr. Harry Smith. The variation requested by Mr. Smith is for the use of the property located on the North side of East Meadow just East of the County Court House. This lot is 20 ft. by 120 ft. Mr. Smith wishes to move a residential building on a lot that is smaller than the 7, 000 square feet as required by the Fayetteville Zoning Ordinance but this lot has been recorded in the Court House records since July 22, 1949. Mr. Smith wishes to move a 16 foot house on this 20 foot lot. This would only leave a two foot side yard on each side of the residence instead of the 5 feet required by the zoning ordinance. It was brought out in the following discussion that Mr. Smith might be able to • obtain additional footage from property on the West side of the lot, and because of this the board decided to delay action on this application until the next regular meeting. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. APPROVED: • 59