HomeMy WebLinkAbout1952-07-22 MinutesMINUTES OF A MEETING OF THE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT is JULY 22, 1952 - 4:00 P.M., COUNCIL CHAMBER Present: Leland Bryan Heydon Lewis J.R. Crocker, Sr. Clarence H. Young John E. Mahaffey, City Engineer T. H. Chaffin, Applicant for Variation .l. H. Pryor, Chairman, City Planning Commission Ruth Anne Grisso, Secretary Absent: Mr. L. M. McGoodwin In absence of the Chairman, Mr. Clarence Young, Vice -Chairman opened the meeting at 4:10 P.M. After roll call, the Secretary read Minutes of the meeting held June 10, 1952, which were approved. The City Engineer, Mr. John Mahaffey, explained that Mr. Chaffin re- quested a variation to the 'Zoning Ordinance on property at 9 east Trenton Street, Lot 3, Block 14 in the Village Park Addition to the City of Fayetteville. The area is in an "All zone and the appellant desires to build closer to Trenton Street than the twenty-five feet specified by the Ordinance, due to the topography of the land. Mr. Chaffin said the surrounding houses were closer than the twenty-five foot requirement. He said his view would be badly obstructed and asked that he be permitted to erect his house approximately seventeen feet frau the lot line, stating this would set his house five feet further back than the houses surrounding his. Mr: Pryor called the Board's attention to the fact that the =Ifront line of a building" as defined by the Ordinance is the line of of the face of the building nearest the street, including sunparlors and porches. Mr. Chaffin then showed the Board his house plans on which the porch was sketched to the side of the house. He informed the Board that all other requirements, including rear yard are, or would be met. Mr. Crocker moved that Mr. Chaffin's application for variation be granted. Mr. Bryan seconded the motion and the following vote was cast: Mr. Clarence Young Aye Mr. Heydon Lewis Aye Mr. Leland Bryan Aye Mr. J. R. Croker Aye There being no further business the meeting was adjourned to August 28, 40 1952, at 4:00 P.M. Secretary Approved August 28, 1952