HomeMy WebLinkAbout1952-04-18 MinutesMINUTES OF A MEETING OF THE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT APRIL 18, 1952 = 4:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBER Present: L. M. Mc Goodwin Leland Bryan Absent: J. R. Crocker, Sr. Attendants: Clarence H. Young Heydon Lewis Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Vaughan, Applicants for Variation W. H. Pryor, Chairman of the City Planning Commission Ruth Anne Grisso, Secretary The meeting was held to continue the hearing on the application for variation submitted by Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Vaughan.- The Chair- man explained that due to illness and absence from the city the continuance scheduled for April 11th was postponed to April 18th. After roll call, Minutes of the meeting held April 4, 1952, were read and approved. The Chairman reviewed the application for var- iation and stated that members of the Board had made an inspection of the site in question. He stated that the Board of Adjustment could only grant a variation to the Ordinance if there was undue hardship with no alternative to building the two-family unit in the building at the northeast corner of Leverett and York Streets and if there was sufficient area for such construction. He pointed out again, however, that the Zoning Ordinance requires 7000 square feet for a'two-family dwelling whereas the lbt in question contains only 3500 square feet. Mr. and Mrs. Vaughan stated they had nothing further to bring before the Board, except to say that the Board's previous suggestion of mak- ing a one -family dwelling out of this building was likely to result in a dwelling of such immensity that furnishing same would be prohib- itive to the average income. The Board noted that there would be no parking space and no space available on the lot for a garage. It was also pointed out that there was no adjoining property to be purchased to ease the situ- ation. The Vaughans informed the Board their $1000.00 investment in flooring, wiring and partitioning made them reluctant to con- sider re -renting the building as a church. Mr. Pryor called the Boardts attention to the article "Variations" a by Roger Arnebergh, Assistant City Attorney of Los Angeles, Calif- ornia, regarding "undue hardship", noting that "undue hardship" was apparent in situations where no alternative was -evident, but in the instance under consideration several alternatives were apparent. y I4� • Mr. Pryor commented again at length about the town meetings, the news- paper publicity, both in paid and unpaid advertising, the availability of maps and charts on zoning and the information given to all real es- tate men before and after the passage of the Zoning Ordinance and ex- pressed his regret that arxy real estate man would advertise property for uses that the Zoning Ordinance specifically prohibited. The Board, feeling sympathetic to the predicament of the Vaughans, and aware of their investment, made the suggestion of moving the building to a lot of sufficient area to permit a two-family dwelling. The Vaughans informed the Board they have two lots approximately three blocks from the present site of the building. Mr. Pryor checked with Mayor Rhea to ascertain whether or not the structure could be legally moved to these lots which are of sufficient size to permit the con- struction of a two-family unit and found such was within the law. The Board also suggested then that the lot from which the structure was removed could then be used for building a one -family dwelling or could be sold to help defray moving costs and other expense. Mr. Young then moved that the variation requested by the Vaughans be denied. Mr. Bryan seconded the motion and the following vote was cast by calling the roll: Mr. L. M. Mc Goodwin Aye Mr. Leland Bryan Aye Mr. Clarence Young Aye Mr. Heydon Lewis Aye The Chairman expressed the Board's appreciation to the Vaughans for bringing their case before the Board and said they were anxious to be helpful in every way, but their function was to carry out the pro- visions of the Zoning Ordinance to insure Fayetteville's beauty and utility in its rapid growth. They felt the case of the Vaughans should be publicized and cited as an instance of a realtor mislead- ing a client to believe prohibitive uses could be made of property he wished to sell. Mr. Pryor stated he would cooperate with the Board of Adjustment in every way to bring this case to the attention of real estate men, lumbermen, contractors and all persons interested in any way in the construction of dwellings and businesses in Fayette- ville. There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting vias adjourned at 4:50 P.M. to a meeting to be held at 4:00 P.M., May 23rd, 1952, Approved May 12, 1952 5