HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013-02-11 - Agenda AGENDA ADVERTISING AND PROMOTION COMMISSION February 11 , 2013 2:00 p.m. Fayetteville Town Center I. Call to Order — Ching Mong II. Reports A. Approval of Minutes for January B. Financial Report 1 . HMR Revenues — Marilyn Heifner 2. Financial Statements - Keith Glass 3 . Update from City Attorney re: delinquent tax collection efforts — Kit Williams C. Departmental Reports 1 .Clinton House Museum 2. Convention and Visitors Bureau 3 . Town Center 4. Executive Director D. Advertising Agency Report — Mike Sells • III. Old Business A.Survey of Citizens for Bond Issue B. Walton Arts Center Request IV. New Business A.DMAP — Visitor Services section B. Attorney for A & P Commission — Commissioner Petty C. Funding Request from Fayetteville Rotary Club V. Adjourn • ADVERTISING AND PROMOTION COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING January 14, 2013 Wommissioners Present: Ching Mong, Bob Davis, AWer ll, Bill Lyle, Maudie Schmitt and Justin Tennant. Commissioner Absent: None Staff Present: Marilyn Heifner, Sandra Bennett, Matt Clement CALL TO ORDER Maudie Schmitt called the regular monthly meeting of the Fayetteville Advertising and Promotion Commission to order on January 14, 2014, at 2:00 p.m. INTRODUCTION OF NEW COMMISSIONER - Maudie introduced Matthew Petty who replaces Bobby Ferrell as a representative of the City Council. ELECTION OF CHAIRMAN Moved by Davis to nominate Ching Mong as chairman, second by Petty. Motion carried. Ching Mong took over the chair. Resolution by Davis, second by Tennant to change the signator for the A & P Commission from Maudie Schmitt to Ching Mong. Motion carried. Mong thanked the Commission. He said he was honored to take the position as Chair and will do his best to serve and represent the A & P Commission. Is. LECTION OF REPLACMENT COMMISSIONER TO FILL UNEXPIRED TERM A list of those applicants who wished to be considered for the position was included in the Commissioners packets. A new application was received from Cyrena Hattabaugh. Davis said since Mills position represented the hotel industry, he would like to see a hotel person placed in that position. Mong said there were a lot of good applicants, but agreed that the hotel link was currently missing. Moved by Davis, second by Schmitt to nominate Matt Behrend to fill the unexpired position which ends in April 2015. Motion carried. REPORTS MINUTES Moved by Davis, second by Petty to approve the December minutes of the Commission. Motion carried. FINANCIAL REPORTS HMR Revenue - Marilyn reported that end of the year HMR revenue was strong with a 9.68% increase for the year. December showed a 3.21% increase over 2011. Financial Reports for 11 months of 2012 were reviewed by Keith Glass. Year to date revenue was up for A & P, Town Center and CVB. Davis moved to approve the financials, second by Tennant. Motion carried. Delinquent Tax Collection Efforts - City Attorney Kit Williams reported that the City Prosecutor 001lected $2,931.78 in December. Overall collection for 2012 was $54,559.93. Average monthly collection was $4,546.66. Commissioners expressed a concern that there were now 25 restaurants on the delinquent list. He was asked about taking the business license away from delinquent restaurants. Williams said he thought the system was working well since most collectors are remitting and only a small number of the collectors are a problem. 4WEPARTMENTALREPORTS linton House Museum - Report included in the Commissioner packet. CVB - Report included in the Commissioner packet. Matt Clement presented plans for First Thursday o13 and the new Hospitality Hero program. Town Center - Sandra Bennett reported that the Town Center completed 236 events in 2012 (a 12% increase), and collected $390,042,67 (a 5% increase). For the month of December corporate events were 78%, social events were 17%, and community events were 5%. OLDBUSINESS BUDGETS FOR 2013 Marilyn presented revised budgets for A & P, Town Center, and CVB and new budget for the Town Center. Moved by Schmitt to approve the budgets as presented, second by Lyle. Motion carried with Matt Petty voting 'NO'. ADVERTISING AGENCY REPORT Mike Sells reported on the 2012 vs 2011 site visits to the web site up 33%. Mobile accounted for 24% of the visits. It is projected that mobile visits will be 50% of the visits in 2-3 years. NEW BUSINESS kALTON ARTS CENTER REQUEST eter Lane requested $8.5 million dollars from the A & P Commission - $1 million in 2013, $1 million in 2014, and $6.5 million in bond revenue. He indicated that it was a big request, multifaceted, and had far reaching impact. It would transform Dickson Street and have a dramatic change in Walton Arts Center impact. Lane indicated that attendance would increase from 148,911 in 2012 to 310,995 in 2015. Economic impact in 2015 would be $20,086,033 - a 34% increase. Davis asked of the ticket sales, how much was Broadway series. Lane said $3 million of the $4 million was Broadway series ticket sales. WAC does 390 events per year. Requested funds would be spent: to improves the Fayetteville campus (it needs major investment to keep the current level of programming) for more programming to service more community events. Resident companies need more space to rehearse Schmitt asked if the WAC had a plan for a bond election. Lane said more work would have to be done to plan for an election. Davis said the largest contribution to date for the A & P has been $500,000. Lane said the funds would be needed to leverage other dollars. 40 member of the audience, Rice Brewer, asked if the A & P was funding competing projects, the Town Center, the UA concert hall, and the WAC. Staff said the Town Center weekends were full. WAC is currently operating at 95% full capacity. Tennant said he likes options. The more options bring more interest. Petty asked Lane if there needed to be a commitment to be made today or can the Commission wait a Wonth. Lane said he hoped the Commission would take time to digest the information and work together for a solution. Moved by Petty, second by Davis to direct Marily to work with the WAC to develop a multiyear plan to sort through the options and make a plan work. Options would include number of years and amounts. Motion carried. Information would be presented to the Commission in February. Schmitt asked about the bond reauthorization survey. Petty said the bond election would probably be in September - deadline for the City Council would be in July. The question was asked if the A & P could participate in funding a survey based on A & P's regulations. Petty will ask City Attorney. Davis moved to table decision of survey until more information could be obtained and give the public time for feedback. Second by Petty. Motion carried. Schmitt said this was a big decision and the Commission needed to take time to make the decision. AUDIT Moved by Petty, second by Tennant to hire Beall Barclay to do the A & P audit. Motion carried. EXECUTIVE SESSION Moved by Schmitt, second by Davis to go into Executive Session to evaluate the Executive Director. Motion carried. Commission adjourned into Executive Session. Ooved by Davis, second by Petty to go out of Executive Session and back into regular meeting. Motion carried. Schmitt moved to give Marilyn Heifner a 5% increase ($4,000), second by Mong. Motion carried. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Marilyn Heifner Executive Director Fayetteville A & P Commission • • Advertising and Promotion Commission For month of January 2013 Current Year HMR Collected (2120.0912.4101 .00) $ 186,665. 19 Prior Year Collected (2120.0912.4101 .01 ) $ 24,473 .24 First Security Investment Interest Revenue (2120.0912.4708.00) L $ 885.56 Total Revenues $ 212,023.99 Annual Bond Audit Expense (2120.9120.7602 .60) Collection Expense (2120.9120.5333.00) $ (41222.77) Bank of OK Quarterly Fee (2120.9120.5712.00) $ (1 , 125.00)1 Town Center Bond Payment (2120.9120.5712.00) $ (562228.57 2011 Property Taxes on Town Center (2120.9120.7602.60) $ Total Expenses $ (61 , 576.34) Total Check to A&P $ 150.447.65 This report represents HMR collections through the end of the month. These figures may include past due amounts. • City of Fayetteville, Arkansas Monthly HMR Tax Collections 2010-2013 2010 2011 2011 2012 2012 2013 2013 Total Total Change Over Total Change Over Total Change Over HMR Taxes HMR Taxes Prior Year HMR Taxes Prior Year HMR Taxes Prior Year January $166,645 $179,546 7.74% $205,939 14.70% C21-11.38 2.52% February $143,940 $158,037 9.80% $178,289 12.81 % March $172,662 $169,093 -2.06% $201 ,015 18.88% April $187,730 $187,976 0.00% $217,840 15.89% May $185,096 $188, 149 1 .65% $203,966 8.41 % June $184,371 $205,700 11 .57% $222,062 7.95% July $196,323 $205,438 4.60% $214,750 4.53% August $180,741 $189,839 5.03% $202,624 6.73% September $184,471 $195,427 5.94% $215,653 10.35% October $195, 169 $2141713 10.01 % $241 ,017 12.25% November $213,494 $203,529 -4.67% $210,335 3.34% , December $171 ,511 $202,027 17.79% $208,518 3.21 % Total $ $2,182,155 $29299,473 5.38% $2,522,008 9.68% $211 , 138 2320/6'n \filename 41 Keith M. Glass, CPA 2580 N. College 503 Pitman P.O. Box 268 Fayetteville, AR 72703 (479) 571-0811 Prairie Grove 72753(479) 571-0812 fax (479) 846-3424fax (479) 846, 4314 Accountant's PRELIB'IINARY Compilation Report To Commission Members, I have compiled the accompanying PRELIMINARY Statements of Assets, Liabilities, and Capital arising from transactions of Fayetteville Advertising and Promotion Commission, The Fayetteville Town Center, The Convention and Visitors Bureau, and The Clinton House Museum as of December 31 , 2012 and the related Statements of Revenue and Expenses for the period then ended, and eleven months then ended and the period then ended last year, and twelve months then ended last year, and the related Statements of Revenue and Expenses by Division for the period then ended and twelve months then ended last year. 1 have not audited or reviewed the accompanying financial statements and, accordingly, do not express an opinion or provide assurance about whether the financial statements are in accordance with the modified accrual basis of accounting. The Financial statements have been prepared on the modified cash basis, which is a comprehensive basis of accounting other than generally accepted accounting principles. Management ((Tuners) is(are) responsible for the presentation and fair presentation of the • financial statements in accordance with the modified cash basis of accounting and for designing, implementing and maintaining internal control relevant to the preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements. My responsibility is to conduct the compilation in accordance with Statements on Standards for Accounting and Review Services issued by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. The objective of a compilation is to assist management in presenting financial information in the form of financial statements without undertaking to obtain or provide any assurance that there are no material modifications that should be made to the financial statements. Management has elected to omit substantially all of the disclosures ordinarily included in financial statements arising from modified cash basis of accounting. If the omitted disclosures were included in the financial statements, they might influence the user's conclusions about the Company's asset, liabilities, equity, revenue, and expenses. Accordingly, these financial statements are not designed for those who are not informed about such matters. I am not independent with respect to Fayetteville Advertising and Promotion Commission, The Fayetteville Town Center, The Convention and Visitors Bureau, and The Clinton House Museum. Keith M. GI ss, CPA • Da 3 Email: keith@nwacpa.com www.nwacpa,com I_ Fayetteville A&P Commission Statement of Assets, Liabilities & Equity - Modified Cash Basis December 31 , 2012 pp • ASSETS /REu1ASI�Aay Current Assets CVB Cash in Register $ 100.00 CHM Cash in Register 100.00 Arvest A&P General #4856 34,328.50 I st Security A&P General 48714 698,623.01 1 st Sec Fay Town Ctr 48722 269,628.35 1st Sec. Clinton House 48749 41 ,738.09 1 st Sec. Come Visitor #8730 82,653.79 Arvest Payroll Account #4636 50, 139.03 Accounts Receivable 18.48 Due From Other Funds 882.53 � , Investments 1 ,811 ,916.96 ,E Investment Adj to Market 4,321 .33 Prepaid Expenses 13,940.05 , ��,Zelec� Total Current Assets 3 008r]190. 12 Property and Equipment Furniture and Fixtures 34,550.01 Equipment 92,309.97 CVB Building 930,569.02 CVB Land 198.621 .00 Building Additions 410,287.38 Accum. Depreciation (340,227.64) Total Property and Equipment 1 ,326, 109.74 • Other Assets Deposits 19904.91 Total Other Assets 1 ,904.91 Total Assets $ 4,336,404.77 LIABILITIES AND CAPITAL Current Liabilities Colonial Life & Acc Ins Payabl $ (1 ,276,21 ) Popr Federal Payroll Taxes Payable 4,913.73 FUTA Tax Payable 732.93 State Payroll Taxes Payable (715.51 ) SUTA Payable ( 1 ,544.47) Employee Benefits Payable 14,586.37 Due to Other Funds 4, 170.36— C(;' a.��Qi 10-e Due to Town Center 4t] 42.40 I Total Current Liabilities 25,009.60 Long-fcnn Liabilities Total Long-Term Liabilities 0.00 Total Liabilities 25,009.60 • Capital Beginning Balance Equity 3,879,562.33 Unresticted Fund Balance 167,352.22 See Accountants' Compilation Report Fayetteville A&P Commission Statement of Assets, Liabilities & Equity - Modified Cash Basis D December 31 , 2012 DR£ • Restricted Fund-540 Film Grant 221 .53 Net Income 264,259.09 Total Capital 4,31 1395. 17 Total Liabilities & Capital $ 4336,404.77 • • See Accountants' Compilation Report Fayetteville A&P Commission Statements of Revenue & Expenses - Modified Cash Basis OPafoW.MAAy For the Month and Twelve Months Ending December 31 , 2012 J • Revenues Current Month Year to Date HMR Tax Revenue $ 208,418. 15 83.50 $ 2,496,785.45 76.66 Prior Year HMR Tax Revenue 100.00 0.04 24,358.38 0.75 Rental Income 28,729.62 11 .51 416,494.58 12.79 Other Income 11607.00 0.64 319785.63 0.98 Artini Income 0.00 0.00 160.00 0.00 Parking Revenue 0.00 0.00 6. 114.75 0. 19 Parking Lease 0.00 0.00 11 ,369.06 0.35 Gift Shop Sales 451 .38 0. 18 61544.27 0.20 Visitor Store 7,270.02 2.91 579272.98 1 .76 Partnership Income 0.00 0.00 29000.00 0.06 Admission Revenue 639.00 0.26 7,371 .04 0.23 Special Projects 0.00 0.00 5.466.00 0. 17 Interest Income Investments 885.56 0.35 11 ,466.35 0.35 Interest Income Checking 452.87 0. 18 5,364.34 0. 16 Visitor Guide Ad Income 0.00 0.00 36,650.00 1 . 13 LOTO Sponsor Income 1 ,060.00 0.42 71775.00 0.24 Transfer In 0.00 0.00 130,000.00 3.99 Total Revenues 2499613.60 100.00 3,256,977.83 100.00 Cost of Sates Clinton House Gift Shop 791 .00 0.32 5,550.55 0. 17 Total Cost of Sales 791 .00 0.32 59550.55 0. 17 Gross Profit 2487822.60 99.68 3,251 ,427.28 99.83 • Expenses Signage- Tourism 821 .56 0.33 9,608.41 0.30 Credit Card Discounts 888.59 0.36 71014.66 0.22 Bank Charges 5.63 0.00 237.11 0.01 Advertising & Marketing 829.02 0.33 387,346.26 11 .89 Brochures 524.04 0.21 162,401 .99 4.99 Accounting & Legal Fees 650.00 0.26 11 ,358.10 0.35 Audit Expense 0.00 0.00 2,200.00 0.07 Office Expense 1 ,997.04 0.80 16,167.57 0.50 Visitor Store Exp 1 ,085.10 0.43 43,245.95 1 .33 Insurance-Building 0.00 0.00 9,134.00 0.28 Insurance & Health Benefits 5,166.29 2.07 649891 . 19 1 .99 408 (P) Company Match 538.00 0.22 11 ,582.94 0.36 Car Allowance 150.00 0.06 31450.00 0. 11 Telephone Expense 539.46 0.22 6,997.27 0.21 Postage and Shipping Expense 19094.23 0.44 18, 10656 0.56 Material & Supplies 0.00 0.00 66.51 0.00 Rent 0.00 0.00 12,000.00 0.37 MainienancNlawn 0.00 0.00 475.00 0.01 Repairs & Maintenance Expense 23,792.87 9.53 101 .834.04 3.13 Kamensky Fountain Maintenance 343.35 0. 14 2,308.88 0.07 Linens 218.50 0.09 26,870. 11 0.83 Printing Expense 0.00 0.00 821 .57 0.03 Publications & Dues 244.00 0. 10 51563.00 0. 17 Trevel/fraining Expense 5,268.78 2. 11 47,298.42 1 .45 Taxes & Licenses 0.00 0.00 41008.80 0. 12 Collections Expense 4, 170.36 1 .67 50,422.88 1 .55 • Payroll Tax Expense 20613.57 1 .05 40,586.75 1 .25 Convention Development 4,886.44 1 .96 85,704.56 2.63 Contract Labor 8,508.50 3.41 65,990.23 2.03 Wages Expense 339898.04 13.58 438,306.85 13.46 See Accountants' Compilation Report Fayetteville A&P Commission Statement% of Revenue & Expenses - Modified Cash Basis ��j =MZN/Itly For the Month and Twelve Months Ending December 31 , 2012 • Current Month Year to Date Electricity Utility 49346.87 1 .74 64,506.44 1 .98 Gas Utility 1 ,498. 10 0.60 9,379.76 0.29 Water Utility 613. 17 0.25 10,426.95 0.32 Cable 552.27 0.22 6,771 .47 0.21 Recycling 0.00 0.00 I ,046.15 0.03 Security 141 .85 0.06 5,072. 19 0. 16 Airport Advertising 1 ,785.00 0.72 65960.00 0.21 Minor Equipment 0.00 0.00 229996.88 0.71 Minor Equipment Capitalized 0.00 0.00 38,814.72 1 . 19 Airport Info Booth 0.00 0.00 4,800.00 0. 15 Other Expense 92.53 0.04 12,486.74 0.38 Artini Expenses 0.00 0.00 311 .41 0.01 LOTO Special Project 0.00 0.00 546.25 0.02 Misc Special Project 29,218.42 11 .71 358, 150.53 11 .00 Bond Payments-Town Center 56,136.04 22.49 674,924.09 20.72 Trustee Expense 0.00 0.00 3,975.00 0. 12 TransferOUt 0.00 0.00 130,000.00 3.99 Total Expenses 192,617.62 77. 17 2,9879168. 19 91 .72 Net Income $ 56,204.98 22.52 $ 264,259.09 8.11 • • See Accountants' Compilation Report Fayetteville A&P Commission Statement of Revenue & Expenses - Modified Crash Basis SPF[ S+rISMRM For the Twelve Months Ending December 31 , 2012 • Current Month Current Month Year to Dale Year to Date Year This Year Revenues This Year Last YLast Year HMR Tax Revenue $ 2089418.15 S 201 ,958. 16 $ 2,496,785.45 $ 2,285,226.25 Prior Year HMR Tax Revenue 100.00 Rental income 28,729.62 24,574.99) 24,358.38 12.%0.73 Other Income 1 ,607.00 416,494.58 385,712.69 Artini Income 300.00 31,785.63 18,279.85 00 0. 2170.00 160.00 4,870.00 Parking Revenue 0.00 0.00 Parking Leasc 6, 114.75 7,503. 11 0.00 0.00 11 ,369.06 Gift Shop Sales 451 .3R 162.66 8.680.84 Visitor Store 6,544.27 4,025. 10 7,270.02 10,653.39 57,272.98 66,962.45 Partnership Income 0.00 Admission Revenue 639.00 0.00 2,000.00 4,400.00 Special Projects 267.00 7,371 .04 7,431 .57 Interest In0.00 0.00 5,466.00 9,442, 1Income Investments 885.56 905.59 11 ,466.35 13,814.66 Unrealized Gain/Loss0.00 (573574), . 0.00 (5,735.74) Interest Incomc Checking 452.87 296.40 5364.34 Visitor Guide Ad Income 000 4,429.59 Hospitality Summit 500.00 36,650.00 12,575.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 180.00 LOTO Sponsor Income 1 ,060.00 1 ,573.75 7,775.00 Fee Refunds 0.00 0.00 3,733.75 Transfer In 0.00 0.00 130,000.00 130,000.00) Total Revenues 249,613.60 237,557.20 3,256,977.83 2,971,967.06 Cost of Sales Clinton House Gift Shop 791 .00 0.00 5,550.55 • 3,695.05 Total Cost of Sales 791 .00 _ 0.00 51550.55 3,695.05 Gross Profit 2481822.60 237,557.20 3,251 ,427.28 2,968,272.01 Expenses Signage- Tourism 821 .56 2, 178,88 Credit Card Discounts 9,608.41 11 .863.01 888.59 553.78 71014.66 5,994.40 Bank Charges 5.63 0.00 Parking Expense 237. 11 437.73 Advertising & Marketing 0.00 0.00 0.00 665.00829.02 21 ,465.96 387,346.26 419,320.66 Brochures 524.04 1 .915.77 162,401 .99 154,698.59 Accounting & Legal Fees 650.00 656. 12 Audit Expense 0 11 .358. 10 7,82612 .00 Office Expense 0•� 21200.00 2.700.00 11997.04 159. 15 16, 167.57 Visitor Store Exp 1 ,085. 10 120.95 43,245.95 18,05536 Insurance-Building 0.00 45,424.89 Insurance & Health Benefits 0.00 9, 134.00 9,634.00 408 (P) Company Match 5, 38.00 5,639.66 64.891 . 19 53,476.30 Car Allowance 150.00 981 .78 11 ,582.94 11 . 125.94 Telephone Ex 150'00 300.00 3,450.00 P ins` 539.46 23511 3,600.00 Postage and Shipping Expense 6'997.27 99090. 17 Tracking Software I '�4' 1 ,305.90 187106.56 159819.68 Material & Supplies 0.00 0.00 0.00 1 ,695.00 Rent 0.00 0.00 66.51 2,019.64 0.00 0.00 12,000.00 Maintenance/Lawn 0 UO 12,000.00 Repairs & Maintenance Expense 23 792 87 0.00 475.00 490.97 Kamensky Fountain Maintenance 6,581 .86 101 ,834.04 139,832.84 • Linens 343.35 147.49 2,308.88 218 5313.33 Printing Expense .50 186.05 26,870. 11 23.986.00 Publications & Dues 0.00 0.00 821 .57 0.00 244.00 1 ,324.00 5,563.00 16,549.00 See Accountants' Compilation Report Fayetteville A&P Commission e�u�rN Statement of Revenue & Expenses - Modified Cash Basis / A For the Twelve Months Ending December 31 , 2012 • Current Month Current Month Year to Date Year to Date This Year Last Year This Year Last Year Travel/Training Expense 5,268.78 12922.86 47,298.42 35,300.58 Taxes & Licenses 0.00 0.00 4t008.80 6,284.85 Collections Expense 41170.36 4,037.78 50,422.88 45.963.73 Interest Expense 0.00 391 .24 0.00 39124 Payroll Tax Expense 21613.57 31949,81 4%586.75 35,856.36 Depreciation Expense 0.00 140,876.67 0.00 140,876.67 Convention Development 41886.44 500.00 85.704.56 42,877.99 Research Expense 0.00 0.00 0.00 475.00 Contract Labor 89508.50 59971 .50 65,990.23 55,656.24 Wages Expense 33,898.04 51 ,300. 17 438,306.85 434,641 .62 Electricity Utility 49346.87 39905.46 64,506.44 62,586, 16 Gas Utility 11498.10 992.02 9.379.76 10,861 .60 Water Utility 613. 17 85.55 10,426.95 9,482.01 Cable 552.27 561 .37 6,771 .47 7,522.65 Recycling 0.00 171 .89 11046. 15 1 ,616.66 Security 141 .85 29039.02 5,072. 19 6,955.59 Airport Advertising 10785.00 0.00 6.960.00 5,655.00 Minor Equipment 0.00 (2,991 .59) 22,996.88 81 ,983.51 Minor Equipment Capitalized 0.00 (91 ,829.22) 38.814.72 0.00 Airport Info Booth 0.00 0.00 4,800.00 29400.00 Other Expense 92.53 0.00 129486.74 8,408.58 Artini Expenses 0.00 0.00 311 .41 0.00 All Star Games 0.00 0.00 0.00 48,308.00 Saturday of Champions 0.00 0.00 0.00 69198.50 DECA 0.00 0.00 0.00 1 ,827.75 Square Gardens 0.00 0.00 0.00 281 .65 Dickson St Special Project 0.00 0.00 0.00 900.00 • Town Center Garden Maint 0.00 0.00 0.00 69.04 Joe Martin 0.00 0.00 0.00 21500.00 Bikes, Blues, & Hot Rods 0.00 0.00 0.00 445.00 LOTO Special Project 0.00 500.00 546.25 39,627.40 Arts Live Theatre 0.00 0.00 0.00 1 ,000.00 Misc Special Project 29,218.42 12, 173.12 358, 150.53 204,872.55 Bond Payments=fownCenter 56, 136.04 56, 133.99 674,924.09 675, 137.97 Trustee Expense 0.00 0.00 3,975.00 4,500.00 Transfer OUt 0.00 0.00 13%000.00 130.000.00 Total Expenses 192,617.62 234,444, 10 2t987, 168. I9 3,083,082.53 I Net Income $ 56,204.98 S 31113. 10 S 264,259.09 S (114,810.52) • See Accountants' Compilation Report Fayellevillc A P Commission Statements of Revenue Expenses by Division • Modirred Cash Basis ��RELI'+rsw�4� for the Month Ending December 31. 2012 • Fayetteville A&P Town Center Visitor Bureau 2012 2011 2012 2011 2012 2011 Revenues IIMR Tax Revenue $ 208,418. 15 S 201.958. 16 Prior Year HMR Tax Revenue 100.00 (69.00) Renal Income 2,750.00 2,750.00 S 25,979.62 S 21,824.99 Other Income 657.00 2,17000 S 2,010.00 S 1.87375 Parking Revenue Parking Lease (lift Shop Saks Visitor Store 7,27002 10,653.39 Admission Revenue Interest Income Investments 985.56 905.59 Unrealized Gain(Lms) on Investments (5,735.74) Interest Income Checking 280.59 187.70 113.98 65.06 39.81 28.52 Transfer In Visitor Guide Ad Income 500.00 Total Ravmues 212,434.30 199996.71 26750.60 24,060.05 9319.83 13,055.66 Cost of Saks Clinton Housc Gift Shop Total Cast of Sales Gross Profit 212,434.30 199,996.71 26 75060 24.060.05 9.31993 13.05566 ExKn= Signal Tourism 821 .56 2, 178.88 Bank Charge 2.00 Credit Cud Discounts 517.49 219.09 242.64 217. 19 • Advertising & Marketing 829.02 20,374. 17 1.061 .79 Brochures 524,04 1 ,915.77 Accounting & Legal Fax 650.00 65h. )2 OBicc Expense 605.26 143.65 243.59 58537 Visitor Store Exp 1 ,085.10 120.95 Insurance Insurance & I Iealth Benefits 1 ,253.65 19323.34 1,467.24 2,212.13 1,956.32 1,64304 408 (P) Company Match 165.00 205.00 153.99 289,24 176.63 410.28 Car Allowance 150.00 300.00 Telephone Expense 431.48 335. 11 Passage and Shipping Expense 1.000.00 11305.90 79.40 Maintmance/14%ri Repairs & Maintenance Expense 343.35 147.49 4,963.05 5.471 .80 223.33 Linens 218.50 1 R6.05 Publications and Docs 100.00 385.00 144.00 939.00 'I'ravcI[Imining rxpense 2,146.90 997.86 149.00 2,972.88 92500 Taxes & Liamscs Collections Fxpense 4,170.36 4,037.79 Interest Expense 391 .24 Npmiution Expense 116r604.9n 24,271 .77 Payroll Tax Expense 528.77 539.87 855.78 1,365.75 996.88 1,729.01 Convention Development 352.62 4,53382 500.00 Contract labor 2,75000 2,750.00 4.949,50 2,7111.50 154.00 100.00 Wages Expense 6.800.00 6,833.33 11203.13 23,437.70 12,860.41 16,90914 Clectricity utility 4,046.08 3,530.85 300.79 319.14 Gas Utility 1,394.75 813.39 Water Utility 520.43 52.73 Cable 552.27 561.37 Recycling 171 .89 Security 120.00 21017. 17 Airport Advertising 1 ,785.00 Other Expenses 92.53 • Minor Equipment 3,949.41 Minor Equipment CepealiytA (0.01) (91,829.21) (6940.110) See Accountants' Compilation Report Fayetteville A P Commission Statements of Revenue Fxpatses by Division - Modified Cash Basis For the Month Ending December 31, 2012 • Fayetteville A&P Town Center _ Visitor Bureau Airport Info Barth Mise Special Project 26.857.55 7,977.75 1.983.97 3,755.37 47690 940.00 Transfer Out Bond Pa)menis-Toxo Center 56,136.04 56,133.99 Tnugee Expense Total Fxpensts 108,063.65 229.15044 33,318 17 (43,954.12) 27 193 28 42,41963 Net Income 5 104370.65 S (29,153.73) S (6.567.57) S 68.01417 E ( 1787345) E (2Y36397) • it I • See Accountants' Compilation Report Fayetteville A 1' Commission }� Statements of Revenue Expend s by Division - Modified Cash Basis For the Month Ending December 31, 2012 • Clinton House _ TOTAL 2012 2011 2012 2011 Revenues HMR Tax Revenue S 208,418. 15 E 201,958. 16 Prior Year HMR 'I'ax Revenue 100.00 (69.00) Rental Income 28,729.62 24,574 99 Other Income 2,667.00 4,043.75 Parking Revenuc _ Parking Lease _ Gin Shop Sales 45138 S 162.66 451.38 162.66 Visitor Store 7,270.02 10,653.39 Admission Revenue 639.00 267.00 639.00 267.00 Interest Income Investments 885.56 905.59 Unnoeli4eol Gain(Loss) on Investments - (5,735.74) Interest Income Checking 18.49 15.12 452.87 296.40 Transfer In _ VisitOT Guide Ad Income 50000 Total Revenues 1,108.87 444.78 249,61360 23755720 Cog of Sala Clinton House Gift Shop 791 .00 791,00 Total Copt of Sates 791.00 791 .00 Grusy Profit 317.87 444.78 248,822.60 237.557.20 Expenses Signage- 'Tourism 821 .56 2,178.88 Bank Charge 3.63 5.63 Crudit Card Discounts 128.46 117.50 888.59 553.78 Advertising & Marketing 30.00 829.02 21,465.96 • Brochures 524.04 1 .915.77 Accounting & Legal Ices 650.00 656. 12 Office Ggscnse 562.82 15.50 1,997.04 159.15 Visitor Store Exp 1,085. 10 120.95 Insurance Insurance & Health Benefits 489.08 461. 15 5,16639 5,639.66 408 (P) Company Match 4238 77.26 538.00 981.78 Car Allownnce 150.00 300.00 Telephone E.epense 107.98 (100.00) 539.46 235 11 Postage and Shipping Expense 14.83 1,094.23 1705.90 MaimenanceJU%n Repairs & Maintenance Expense 18,606.49 1,110.06 24.136.22 6,72935 Linens 218.50 186.05 Publications and Dues 244.00 1324.00 TmvcIrrmining Expense 5,268.78 1,922.86 Trues & Licenses Collcclions Fxpc= 4,170.36 4,037.78 Interest Expense 391.24 Depreciation Expense - 140,876.67 Payroll Tax Expense 232. 14 315.18 2,613.57 3.949.81 Convention Development 4,886.44 500.00 Contract labor 655.00 340.00 8,508.50 5,971.50 Wages Expense 3,034.50 4, 120.00 33,898.04 51,300.17 Electriciy Utility 55.47 4,346.87 3,905.46 Gas Utility 103.35 178.63 1,498. 10 992.02 Water Utility 40.01 85.55 613.17 85.55 Cable 552.27 561.37 Recycling - 171 .89 security21.85 21.85 141.BS 2,039.02 Airport Advertising 178500 Other Expcnsm 92.53 • Minor Equipment - (2,991 .59) Minor Equipment Capitalized (91,829.22) Sce Accountants' Compilation Itepon FaycmilleAPCommission .Statements ofRevenuc Expenses by Division - Modified Cash Basis r Fm the Month Ending Dmcmba 31, 2012 • Clinton (louse 'I'OTAI. Airport Info Booth Miss Special Project 29,218.42 12,673.12 'I'ransfcr Out _ Bond Payments-Town Center 56,136.04 56,137 99 Truslm Expense l otel Expenses 24,042.52 6.828.15 192,617 62 234,444. 10 Ncl Income f (23,724.65) S (6,383.371 5 5620498 S 311310 • • See Accountants' Compilation Repon Fuycttmdle A P Commmiun I �.A-.. Sm Statements of Revenue Expenses by Uston - Modified Cash 13,11s Rw u4w!4� Fw the Twelve Months Funding December 31, 2012 / 3ownm'11k A&P Tuwn Center Visitor Rurou 2012 2011 2012 2011 2012 2_011 .. Revenues • HMR Tax Revenue S 2406,785.45 S 2,285,226 25 Prim Year MMR Tax Revenue 24,358.38 12,960.73 Renal Income 33,OW.W 33,000.00 S 381,93958 S 349,336.30 S 1,255.00 S 1639 Other Inuome 3.652.75 4,045.00 6.55391 9,345 00 27,85097 23,422 04 Perking Revenue 25.00 6,114.75 7,47811 ParLing Lease 554766 2,638.51 6,021.40 6,072.35 Gift Shop Soles Vial" Sera Admission Revenue 57,27298 66.962_ 45 Transfer Oum A&P 100,000.00 100,00000 (tnmeU Income Investments 11.466.35 13,814.66 lhueehrcd GainlLess) un Inmanee5 (5.735.74) Interim; Income Checking 3,35498 3,230.50 1,107.71 654.85 725.62 37277 IATOSpumor 90000 7,775.00 2,83375 Visitor Guide Ad Income 36650.00 12,07500 50000 Total Kaenues 2,614,615.57 2,362,179.91 401,73735 37285661 19487957 19410740 Cost of Saks Chmon House Gift Shop Tom) Coat of Sales Gross Profit 261461557 2,36217991 40173735 372,956.61 19487957 19110740 Upenscs Stgrege. Tomsm 9,758.41 11,634.51 228.50 (150.00) Rank C1arga 15700 254.88 182 85 Credit Carl Discounts 3.46732 2,874 75 2.596.47 2,336.34 Adventsnp}& Marketing 386,318.50 389,663. 10 19712 28,90.509 80067 721.57 Brochures 162,401 99 154,698.59 Accounting & Lea Far 13,558 10 10.526 12 Office Expense IA1774 2,873.66 5.648.47 6,378.83 7,63056 8,363 .57 Visitor Store Cap 43,245.95 45,37099 Insurance Budding 9.134.00 9,634.00 • Insurenoe & Health Bsmefsa 9,S75.21 6.594.73 23,113 52 20,345.12 25,755.U6 21,725.58 409 (P)Comparry, Match 2.791 OU 2,399.37 3,59415 3,11737 4296.43 4,68321 Car Allowvrce 3,450.00 3,600.00 Telephone Expense 848.02 2,67351 4,892.41 5.12791 Postage and Shipping upen5e 17,250 57 14,913.96 761.60 609.99 7916 10 95 Rem Mm IM1121 a9awn Tracking Saftware 21597 ,695 00 Repairs & Mmmcracce Expense 3,800.13 48,522 .30 71,924. 16 76,217.07 2,077. 15 6.14484 Linen 26,870.11 23.99600 Publications and Dues 2,870.00 12.100.00 144.00 2,54900 4,44900 TrovelTrainmg Expense 13,66707 2.90129 194.42 32,50628 31,83699 Taro & Licenses 49880 1,92262 3.510.00 3,395.W 405.34 Cullecrimts lv:apcnsa 50.422.88 45,963.73 Interest Expense 391.24 Payroll Tec Expense 9,411.79 6.496.17 13,547.71 11.591 51 14,67068 15,024.96 Cmvcmm Development 37,304.65 19,228.54 48,399.91 23,649.41 Depreciation Expense 116,604.90 24271.77 Comm Lotter 33,000.00 33.000.00 27,938.50 19,72999 50423 448.75 WaM Expense 106,96666 80,166.57 142,269.83 146,61949 156,37336 174,425.57 Mccumity Utility 57.74 58,5.2. 10 57,36788 4,84485 4,113 71 8,422.63 9,621.82 Water Utility 7,946.96 7,478.24 720.72 61951 Cable 6.51252 6,535.84 722.38 Recycling 1,046 15 1,616.66 Security 4.798. 14 6,69339 Ampon Advertising 6.960.00 5,655.00 Other apenscs 66.53 1,383.34 1,08937 3.760.66 11.642.25 4,3001,86 MinorEqumpinent 3,90190 8,04667 6,11.532 72,71289 12,979.66 1.05643 Minor Equipment Capialind 2.490.89 39,814.72 (2.490.89) Airport Infe Ra4h 4,800.00 2,40000 Mix Special Pru)x 316,951 80 260,939.43 26,592 1 A 33.473.68 14.40507 11,616 78 Trustee ripens: 3,971.00 4,500.00 Bond Psy :ms=Town Center 674,924.09 675.137.97 Transfer Out 130,000 W 130.000.00 • Tnal Expenses 2006,598.81 2, 49305122 55257726 39081024 393.644 IN Nei Income S 608,026.76 S 307,112.69 S J91,313 971 S (179.720 65) S 1195930673 S (199.53679) See Accountants Cumpilaunn Report Fayenevile A P Commisston Statements of Revenue F.xpoucs by Ulvisim - Madirmid lash Basis �� (S�1T7✓AIPI� For the T-walve Months Ending I)ccembet 31, 2012 Clinton House _ TOTAL 2012 2011 2012 2011 Resuwav • NMR Tac Revenge S 2,496,785 45 S 2,285,21' 6 25 Pnr nYear HMR Tax Rnenue 24,358.38 12,960.73 Rental Income S 300.00 S 835.00 416,494.58 383,187.69 Other lncume 115000 360.011 39,411 .63 37.172 tw Parking Revenue 6,114.75 7,50311 Parking lore 11}6906 8.680.86 01RShap Sala 6,544.27 4,025.10 6,544.27 4,02310 Visdm Store 57,272.98 66,962.45 Admissmn Revcouc 717104 7,431.57 7,37104 7,431.57 Transfer from A&P 30,OW.00 30,000.00 130,00000 130.00000 Intescst Invome Imotmeng 11,466.35 13,814 66 Ilntmlow Gain1"Pun Imesmcm, - (5,735.74) Imered Imine Checking 1760.3 171.47 5164.34 4,429.59 LOTO Spunsor 7,775.00 3.73375 Visitor Guide Ad Imomc 3665000 12,575.00 Total Revcnuo 45,745.34 42,82314 325697783 2,97196716 Cost of-Sates Clinton I louse Qfi Shop 5,550 55 3,695.05 5,550.55 3 697 05 '1=1 Cost ofSalcs 5.550,55 3.695.05 5.55055 769305 (Inco Root 40.194.79 3912809 3,25102728 2968,27201 Expense Snymata 1'nurism 9,60841 11,863.01 Bank Charge SU 11 237.11 437.73 Cmda Card Discolmn 950.87 78331 7,01466 5,99440 A&Wisng & Merkcan8 30.00 3000 387,34616 419,32066 Brachura 162,401.99 154,698.59 Alxxnuntltlg & legal Feet 13,558 10 10,526 12 Office Expense 1,892.37 2,458.94 16,98914 20,07500 Vishor Sim Exp 54.00 4324595 45,42499 Insurance Building 9,134.00 9,63400 • Insaaner& I health llenetits 6,44740 4,810.87 64,891.19 53,47630 409(P) Cumpany Match 932.36 92599 11,582.94 11,12594 Car Allowance 3,430. 3,600 00 TeTelephone: Extreme 1256.84 1,288.75 6,997.2727 9,090 17 Postage and Shipping Lxpmse 1483 284.88 18.106.56 15,819 68 Rt'm 12,000 00 12,000.00 12.000.00 12.000.00 Meinlennncvlawn / 475.00 275.00 475.00 490.97 'rrncking S*fk%m - 1,69.500 Rclaim & Mamtemnce Expense 26.40799 1426199 104,20943 145,14617 V nem 26,870. 11 23,986.00 Publications; and Dues 5,563.00 16,549.00 Travel/Training Lxtxuisc 930.65 562.30 47,298.42 35,300.58 Tum& Ltconses 561.89 4,008.80 6,284.85 Callectrons Ezpensc 50.42288 45,963.73 Interest Exprne 791.24 PR)TOR Fax Expense 2.956.58 2,743.72 4058675 35,85636 Convcotlm DmIopmem 85.704.56 42,87799 Depredation Expense - 140,876.67 Commit Labor 4.54750 2,477.50 65,990.23 53,65614 Wage' Expense 32,697.00 33.429.99 438.306.85 434,641.62 Electricity 1.111111) 1,09149 1.01)6.83 64.50644 62,586. 16 Gas Utility 95693 1.23978 9,379.76 10,86160 Water Utility 11759.27 1,38426 10,426.95 9,482.01 Coble 258.95 26443 6.771.47 7,522.65 Recycling 1,046 15 1,61666 Securit) 28405 262.20 5,072.19 6,95559 Airpon Adscnis40 6,960.00 5,635.00 Other Fxpenses 19.72 12,798.15 954858 M1mr Equipment 66752 22,996.88 81,983.51 Miran Cquipnent C-apWvd 38,81472 0.110 Airport Info Bnnth 4,800.00 2,40000 Mac Special Pmjml 747.73 3.5.696.78 306.12989 Twstm Expense 3.975.00 4,300.00 Bond Poyments4msa Cooter 674,924.09 675,137.97 Transfer Ow 170 U11D 00 130,000.00 • 1'ntal Fxp:ma 96,717.92 81793.87 298716819 308308253 Nm Income S 156523. 131 $ (42,665.781 5 264 25909 S t 114 810 PI See Amoummn& Compilation Retort aylcal aDepartmental Correspondence N1A1 Kit wwlains City Attorney Jason B. Kelley Assistant City Attorney TO: Mayor Jordan A&P Commissioners CC : Casey Jones, Prosecuting Attorney FROM: Kit Williams, City Attorney �C I DATE: February 6, 2013 RE: Overdue BT*M collection efforts The City Prosecutor' s report of his collection of overdue Hotel, Motel, and • Restaurant taxes for January, 2013 shows a collection of $2,630.40. Seven of the 23 open cases showed a delinquent balance of $0.00. Three of these cased were closed. At least four cases showed a failure of the restaurant owner to properly turn in forms to report the HMR taxes due. i I h I i c 1'' NAMY QM CLINTON K. JONES ADUNSTMTOR CITY PROSECUTOR e v all � �`"`' @dJq@U ff1em" BRIAN THOMAS PHONe: (ne) BMW" *DEPUTY CITY PROSECUTORFY "" "" Hot Chedw (4")eTe� SSM OFFICE OF CITY PROSECUTOR FA7e ) SY I } MEMO I TO: K. Williams Fayetteville City Attorney FROM: Casey Jones Fayetteville City Prosecutor DATE: February 1, 2013 I RE: Status of Active 1D1R cases • When a Criminal Summons is issued for a violation and the Defendant subsequently the delinquent balance subseque YPa1's 4 the Criminal Summons remains active and is then routinely dismissed by the Judge at arraignment if the Defendant is still current and not in violation. 1 . Acambaro Four Jesus Socarro Active Criminal Summons • CBusin� Delinquent Balance: $1 ,468.04 2. Billy's Pool Hall Kimberly A. Maguire Paid: $209.00 Delinquent Balance: -0- Arraignment: 2/22/13 3. Brenda's Drive-In Collin L. Wilkins Paid: $382. 10 LBusm�'ess-ClosedD Delinquent Balance: -0- Arraignment: 2/25/13 4. Cable Car Pizza Ray A. Reynolds Paid: $889.54 Delinquent Balance: -0- Case-closed3 S. Cafes Delta Soul Michael L. Vaughn Paid: -0- fBusiness Closed Delinquent Balance: $1 ,406. 11 6. Cherry Berry Robert M. Chafin Paid: $902.30 CBusinessflosed7 Deena D. Shelton Delinquent Balance: -0- 6a a Closed? 7. Dominoes Pizza Lloyd W. Hardison Trial Date: 2/13/13 • Bus 'sass-CIn d- Delinquent Balance: $4,390.66 TebeanmunlealMte DirAce for Uro Deaf TDD (478) SM4318 176 South Chweh, 8ulEe 2 - Fayeaev8le, AR 72701 Kit Williams •February 1, 2013 Page 2 8. Emelia's Kitchen Sara H. Lusher Arraignment: 2-22-13 Paid: -0- Delinquent Balance: $1,419.66 �.. 9. Hogwild Pizzeria David S. Mackey Letter CBusiness-Clo d� Delinquent Balance: No Forms 10. Mama Dean's Soul Food Meneria D. Morrison Trial Date: 2/6/13 Tent' L. Morrison Trial Date: 2/6/13 Delinquent Balance: No Fours 11 . Mezza Luria Juan F. Barcenas Active Criminal Summons Delinquent Balance: -0-' 12. Pitas Mediterranean Grill Mohammed Khaldi Making Payments LBusiness Closed Stephanie K. Khaldi Delinquent Balance: $1,014.34 13. Razor's Edge Alan S. Burton Arraignment: 3/8/13 ,u`siness Closed Barbara A. Burton Arraignment: 3/8/13 • Delinquent Balance: No Forms 14.. Rowdy Beaver Den Amber M. Biason-Dunn Active Criminal Summons Business Closed Delinquent Balance: No Forms 15. Seafood Market Bar/Grill . Craig E. Dowd Arraignment: 2/22/13 (Business-C 6Ws D Delinquent Balance: $4,367.60 16. Shanghai Chinese and Hsiao L. J. Shen Active Contempt of Court i China Garden Delinquent Balance: $3,090.00 tB aesses Closed 17. Spiedini Italian Grill Lynette S. Lee Paid: -0- Robert L. Lee Delinquent Balance: $385. 12 18. Tangiers Mediterranean Mohammed Khaldi Paid: $247.46 Food & Cafd Stephanie K. Khaldi Delinquent Balance: $772.84 Busin s Closed= i ' 19. Tim's Pizza (North) Michael A. Stephens Active Criminal Summons (Business Closed Delinquent Balance: -0- I. i Kit Williams February 1 , 2013 • Page 3 20. Uncle Gaylord's Hiram F. Brandon Pending Criminal Summons <B_usins-Cllosed� Paid: -0- Delinquent Balance: $508. 12 21 . Wheels Grill George W. Glover Jr. Delinquent Balance: -0- . Business Closed J7 CCase-Closed 22. Wingz on Dickson Mohammed Khaldi Making Payments Business-Closed= Stephanie K. Kbaldi Delinquent Balance: $813.25 ! . 23. WOW Japanese Bistro Chong N. Kim FTA Warrant tBusiness:Closedz� Paid: -0- Delinquent Balance: $2,527.00 I TOTAL: $2,630.40 i I I I I r f' I: I I 1 ti 1 i i I. I I • I CLINTON HOUSE MUSEUM MONTHLY REPORT JANUARY 2013 The Clinton House Museum had a total of 86 visitors in the month of January. MUSEUM ACTIVITIES AND EVENTS : This political happenings of this month has created a buzz that always brings the Museum to mind. From the Presidential Inauguration, to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's health scare, Senate testimony, and conclusion of her tenure at the State Department, all the way to Former President Clinton being named Father of the Year and making a special appearance at the Golden Globes — 2013 has already established itself as a formidable contender. The Clinton House Museum has seen unprecedented traffic this month on the web. Introduction of an In The News section, promoted on both the homepage of the site and in social media, reached an average of 157,955 per week and engaged just shy of 6000 users. For the month of January as a whole, over a MILLION people saw content associated with the Museum's page on Facebook as part of both postings directly from the Museum and paid advertising. • Flowers in the First Ladies Gardens made their W-2-debut debut this month. The first daffodil blooms along the front rock wall were seen on January 28'". The Garden at the Museum is gaining notoriety with Fayetteville locals and visitors alike making it a must-see in Northwest Arkansas. r� 7 4 1 x i first daffodil blooms on Jan. 28 " • Inquiries By Source From: 11112013 To: 113112013 • Showing: all records Source Inquiries S/Inquiry Travel Guides Free 510 $0.00 UA Graduate School 420 $0.00 Travel lnformation.com 374 $0.00 @ Website 139 $0.00 Southern Living 5 $0.00 UA - General 4 $0.00 1 ,452 • Page 1 of 1 2/4/2013 09:42 AM Fayetteville Convention & Visitors Bureau • 21 S. Block - Fayetteville, AR 72701 Phone: (800) 766-4626, (479) 521-5776 - Fax: (479) 571-4731 - info@experiencefayetteville.com - Web: v .experiencefayetteville.com Inquiries by State/Country From: 11112013 To: 113112013 • Showing: all records State/Country Inquiries AE 1 Alabama 19 Alaska 3 Arizona 10 Arkansas 149 California 40 Colorado 11 Connecticut 8 Delaware 2 Florida 42 Georgia 38 Hawaii 1 Idaho 3 Illinois 58 Indiana 27 Iowa 23 Kansas 30 • Kentucky 15 Louisiana 37 Maine 2 Manitoba 1 Maryland 17 Massachusetts 9 Michigan 21 Minnesota 21 Mississippi 19 Missouri 75 Montana 1 Nebraska 9 Nevada 2 New Brunswick 2 New Hampshire 1 New Jersey 11 Total, 688 Page 1 of 2 2/4/2013 09:41 AM Fayetteville Convention & Visitors Bureau • 21 S. Block - Fayetteville, AR 72701 Phone: (800) 7664626, (479) 521-5776 - Fax: (479) 571 -4731 - info@experiencefayetteville.com - Web: www.experiencefayetteville.com New Mexico 1 New York 39 None Entered 235 • North Carolina 72 North Dakota 2 Ohio 35 Oklahoma 39 Ontario 6 Oregon a Pennsylvania 28 Prince Edward Island 1 Puerto Rico 17 Quebec 5 Saskatchewan 2 South Carolina 23 South Dakota 4 Tennessee 27 Texas 117 Utah 5 Vermont 2 Virgin Islands 3 Virginia 29 Washington 8 • Washington, DC 2 West Virginia 5 Wisconsin 43 Wyoming 6 Total, 1 ,452 Page 2 of 2 2/4/2013 09:41 AM Fayetteville Convention & Visitors Bureau • 21 S. Block - Fayetteville, AR 72701 Phone: (800) 766-4626, (479) 521-5776 - Fax: (479) 5714731 - info@experiencefayetteville.com - Web: www.experie ncefayettevi l le.cem • • Definite Bookings By Booking Date January 2013 Meeting Dates Attnd Peak Rooms $ Value Vicki's Tours 10/05/2012 35 0 0 3,633 10/05/2012 Garvan Woodland Gardens 10/10/2012 32 0 0 3,322 10/10/2012 Friends International 10/11 /2012 5 0 0 519 10/11/2012 Sweet Magnolia Tours 10/17/2012 38 0 0 3,944 10/17/2012 Karen's Tours 10/18/2012 54 0 0 5,605 Strawberry Tour 10/18/2012 Senior Saints 10/22/2012 32 0 0 3,322 10/22/2012 Friends International 10/29/2012 48 0 0 4,982 10/29/2012 Senior Activity Group 11/27/2012 27 0 0 2,803 11/27/2012 Fayetteville Senior Center 01/24/2013 15 0 0 11557 Clinton House Tour 01/24/2013 All Sports Productions" 03/29/2013 1 ,000 25 25 207,600 Iron Pig Festival 03/30/2013 Arkansas Recreation and Parks Association 04/10/2013 100 25 30 31 ,140 Women in Leadership Conference 04/12/2013 Primal Challenge 04/19/2013 1 ,000 25 50 207,600 04/20/2013 All Sports Productions 04/25/2013 1 ,500 100 300 622,800 Joe Martin Stage Race 04/28/2013 Arkansas Activities Association 05/17/2013 1 ,500 250 500 467,100 Weekend of Champions 05/19/2013 AAO 05/24/2013 500 75 150 155,700 Arkansas PRIMETIME National Qualifier 05/26/2013 All Sports Productions" 06/22/2013 750 30 30 155,700 Ozark Valley Triathlon 06/23/2013 Page 1 of 2 Printed: 2/6/2013 12:26PM • Definite Book • Bookings By Booking Date January 2013 Meeting Dates Attnd Peak Rooms $ Value AAO 07/11/2013 750 100 300 311 ,400 Girls Showcase Tournament 07/14/2013 Sunrise Tours 09/05/2013 53 0 0 5,501 09/05/2013 Creative Tours 10/31/2013 45 0 0 4,671 10/31/2013 All Sports Productions 12/14/2013 1 ,200 50 50 249,120 Fayetteville Half Marathon 12/15/2013 UA Track and Field 05/27/2014 6,000 11500 6,900 3,736,800 NCAA Outdoor West Preliminary Round 06/01/2014 Sub-Total for January 21 Meetings 14,684 8,335 $6,164,819 GRAND TOTAL 21 Meetings 14,684 89335 $6,184,819 Page 2 of 2 Printed: 2/6/2013 12:26PM Fayetteville Visitor Center - 2013 Sales & Visitor Count )an Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Sales Totals $996.00 2012Totdi $1 ,863.93 $4,548.24 $4,516.75 $5, 115.91 $8,605.52 $7,445. 15 $6,500.47 $51994.26 $4,466.88 $4,551 .39 $3,781 .01 $6,434.56 % Change from 2011 -46.6% -100.0% -100.0% -100.0% -100.0% -100.0% -100.0% -100.0% -100.0% -100.0% -100.0% -100.0% Visitor Count 614 2012 rqlNL 686 1 1041 1 1513 1570 1898 2271 1684 1853 1359 1 1111 805 1 1026 % Change hom2011 -10.50% -100.00% -100.00% -100.00% -100.00% -100.00% -100.00% -100.00% -100.00% -100.00% -100.00% -100.00% 2012 Totals 2013 Totals 11 Sales 1 $63,824.07 1 Sales 1 $996.00 Visitors 16817 Visitors 614 9b Change = divide the difference between the two numbers by the 2012 number then move the decimal two spaces right X2012 monthly sales average= 1 $59318.67 2013 monthly sales average= $996.00 X2012 monthly visitor average= 1401 2013 monthly visitor average 614 [2012 sales per visitor = 5380 2013 sales per visitor = $1 .62