HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013-01-14 - Agenda AGENDA ADVERTISING AND PROMOTION COMMISSION January 14, 2013 2:00 p.m. Fayetteville Town Center I. Call to Order — Maudie Schmitt II. Introduction of New Commissioner — Matthew Petty who replaces Bobby Ferrell III. Election of Chairman IV. Election of replacement commissioner to fill unexpired term of Hannah Mills /ha,L-J [La�.Q • — '�.i2,-� a.� �a.L�a.17-u•�5,(..� V. Reports 0 rJ A. Approval of Minutes for December B. Financial Report 1 . HMR Revenues — Marilyn Heifner 2. Financial Statements - Keith Glass 3 . Update from City Attorney re: delinquent tax collection efforts — Kit Williams • C. Departmental Reports 1 .Clinton House Museum 2. Convention and Visitors Bureau 3 . Town Center 4. Executive Director D. Advertising Agency Report — Mike Sells V1 . Old Business A.Approval of Town Center budget for 2013, revised budgets VII. New Business A.Walton Arts Center Request B. Survey of Citizens for Bond issue C. Audit firm selection D. DMAP — Technology section VIII. Executive Session - Evaluation of Executive Director IX. Adjourn 0 ADVERTISING AND PROMOTION COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING December 10, 2012 Commissioners Present: Ching Mong, Bob Davis, Bobby Ferrell, Bill Lyle, Hannah Mills, Maudie Schmitt and Justin Tennant. Commissioner Absent: None Staff Present: Marilyn Heifner, Sandra Bennett, Matt Clement CALL TO ORDER Maudie Schmitt called the regular monthly meeting of the Fayetteville Advertising and Promotion Commission to order on December 10, 2012, at 2:00 p.m. MINUTES Moved by Davis, second by Mong to approve the November minutes of the Commission. Motion carried. FINANCIAL REPORTS HMR Revenue - Marilyn reported that HMR revenue for November showed a 3.34% increase over 2011, and 10.30% for the year to date. Financial Reports were reviewed and reflect increased revenue and controlled spending in all accounts. Delinquent Tax Collection Efforts - City Prosecutor did not collect any overdue HMR taxes in •November. DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS Clinton House Museum - a new website was launched on November 11. Additional hits were seen immediately on its release. It represents all of the history of the house as well as the collections. CVB - Sales in the store are sliding because of the opening of the Fayettechill store. Visitor count is also down. Town Center - Sales for the Town Center were up 3%, with total collections at $39,208.20. Social events and corporate events represent 35% each of total event makeup. ADVERTISING AGENCY REPORT Mike Sells and Media Director Greg Harrison presented the 2013 media plan. It is a more targeted approach and shows continued expansion of digital channels. A digital buy is a continual challenge because there is a lot more detail than in a print buy. Drew Finkbeiner said the 2012 buy is a smaller than 2013 buy. They will have behavioral targets through Trip Advisor, add the Columbia Mo area Facebook, as well as Waco, Sherman area. Residents will be locally targeted in the River Valley. The agency will look at where the visitor is coming from and concentrate that area with editorial 10overage. Facebook ads will be fewer than last year. Advertising there will concentrate on a concise 1me around specific events rather than a 12 month buy. Greg presented the print buy including American Road and Missouri Life. Mong moved to approve the media plan, second by Tennant. Motion carried. OLD BUSINESS UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS REQUEST avis said the Walton Arts Center originally created to run the facility which was a joint project between the City and the University. The UA has to pay to use the facility now and currently the WAC can't fulfill the need of the UA. A larger venue is needed and as they talked with the WAC, the University couldn 't afford the $40 million cost. The Men 's Gym is currently being used by the Architecture department. The University anticipated starting the remodeling in August 2013 (11/2 years to complete). The UA facility will be open to the public when the UA is not using the building. They estimate bringing in 10,000 people to the city. Revenue to the city is anticipated to be $300,000 - $1 million additionally. This is what the A & P Commission is about - putting heads in beds and increasing the revenue to the Commission - it's all about economic development. Citizen Sharon Davison said she was disappointed with the stewardship of money. She approved of the town and gown comingling because of efforts, not money. She thinks it inappropriate for A & P to put a million dollars to the UA. Davis said he appreciates what the UA does for the city - there is probably someone visiting the University and in a bed every night contributing to the HMR tax. Hannah Mills said she was not sure she could justify a million dollars to put heads in beds. Davis said the question was about opening 700 seats for the arts. Whether we look at a million or less, the HMR collection of the UA shouldn't drive the decision. The need is there. The UA is a revenue producer for the HMR and we need to look at it and see what level we can help. *Mills said she was looking at the larger picture. It is a beneficial project, but she's not sure the A & P is the appropriate benefactor. The UA will host the highest quality performances. Justin Tennant thanked the Chancellor for his leadership in making the UA what it is. It is a unique ask and there are reasons on both sides to approve the contribution or not. Sometimes there is a need of something to rekindle both sides. The HMR taxes might be used for some project. Looking at what the UA brings to us, we should support the UA in some amount. It will change the way the A & P does business and keeps arts thriving in Northwest Arkansas. Heifner said the arts was an acceptable way the A & P Commission could spend the HMR tax; however, the Commission had never awarded an amount larger than $500,000 to any entity who had come asking for help. She does not feel that the Commission can pay that over a three year period and recommended that the payment be paid in 2013 after construction begins. Bobby Ferrell said we must be responsive to our stakeholders who have an impact on the city and the UA does that. The UA is the largest economic driver for the City of Fayetteville. Ferrell moved that we award $500,000 to the UA for Field House remodeling in 2 payments in 2013, one when they break ground (begin construction) and another in December 2013, second by Davis. Motion carried. Chancellor Gearhart thanked the Commission for taking their civic duty seriously. He thanked them for their vote of confidence in the University. He looks forward to working together toward a common goal - a better Fayetteville. NEW BUSINESS RESIGNATION OF HANNAH MILLS Maudie Schmitt thanked Hannah Mills for her service to the A & P Commission and accepted her •resignation. Commissioners decided to use the names which were submitted for the last selection and choose a new Commissioner in January. Marilyn will call those who applied and see if they wish to be considered. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Marilyn Heifner Executive Director Fayetteville A & P Commission • ADVERTISING AND PROMOTION COMMISSION • January 7, 2013 MAUDIE SCHMITT (term expires 4/1/13) - Chair Cafe Rue Orleans 905 Eden Circle Fayetteville, AR 72701 479-443-2777 cell 409-6230 WILLIAM T LYLE (term expires 4/1 /16) Ella's Restaurant 920 E. Lighton Trail Fayetteville, AR 72701 479-582-0400 (b) cell 479-790-4492 479-790-4492 (h) WTLYIeQ,Yahoo.com BOB DAVIS (term expires 4/1/13) 1163 Montview Dr Fayetteville, AR 72701 479-521 -2233 (b) 479-442-5950 (h) bdavisna,easoninsurance.com CHING MONG (term expires 4/1 /14) Formosa • 3120 N. Essex Drive Fayetteville, AR 72704 479-571 -8886 (b) 479-466-9327 (cell) Chingmongl (a,gmail.com INDUSTRY SPOT (term expiring 4/1 /15) MATTHEW PETTY (term indefinite — (appointed 1 /13) 113 W. Mountain Fayetteville, AR 72701 479-595-8703 (h) citvcouncil(a,matthewpettY.org JUSTIN TENNANT (term indefinite — (appointed 1/11 ) Justin Tennant 113 West Mountain Fayetteville, AR 72701 301 -8677 (h) Justin(@tennantforcouncil.com • • RESOLUTION Be it resolved by the Fayetteville Advertising and Promotion Commission that Maudie Schmitt should be removed as a signator from the bank accounts at ARVEST and at First Security Bank. should be added as a signator in her place. Passed and approved this 14th day of January, 2013. Chairman, Fayetteville Advertising and Promotion Commission • • All information submitted on this application is subject to the Freedom of Information Act and will be released if requested. City of Fayetteville Application Form For appointment to City Boards, Commissions, and Committees Michael Andrews I Owner I Fresco Cafe & Pub Name Spouse name (if applicable) Occupation/Employer Name 925 N Meadowlands Drive Fayetteville AR 72704 Resident Street Address City State Zip Code 925 N Meadowlands Drive Fayetteville AR 72704 Mailing Address City State Zip Code (cell ) 479.530 . 3606 479.455. 5555 mandrewsl23@gmail.com Home phone # Business phone Email Address Advertising & Promotion Commission / / 45 Years Choice of Committee Position Length of Residency in the City Limits of Fayetteville Are you a Fayetteville registered voter? Yes Z No ❑ 1 . What are your qualifications for serving on this committee, including education and expertise in the subject matter? I am a restaurant owner having owned businesses in Fayetteville since 1994 and a life-long resident of this great city. 10 yrs Board of Adjustments, 2 yrs as Chair. 3 yrs Airport Board. My attendance record on these boards was over 95%. • 2. Why would you like to be considered for appointment to this committee? 1 want to serve. I have an understanding of the many groups and organizations in Fayetteville that request money from the A&P Commission. I will thoughtfully consider how we spend our taxpayers money to promote recreation and tourism in the City of Fayetteville. References: Ted Belden Campbell Bell Building , Fayetteville 501 .580.3762 Name Address Phone Bootsie Ackerman PO Box 1544 Fayetteville 479.236.4900 Name Address Phone How did you hear about the opening(s)? NWA Times ❑ Free Weekly ❑ / AAccessfayetteville.org ❑ Government Channel 1:1 Chamber of Commerce ❑ Otherg FeI /Ut:ij C , i 1Lch5 State statute §21 -8.701 requires the following persons shall file a written Statement of Financial Interest upon appointment. The Statement of Financial Interest for the previous calendar year shall be filed by January 31" of each year by the following: Planning Commission, Airport Board, Water or Sewer Board, Utility Board or Civil Service Commission. If you are applying for the Planning Commission you must also complete and submit a Real Estate Holdings Form which may be obtained on our website at accessfayetteville.org If you have any questions you may contact the City Clerk's office at 575.8323 or by email city clerk(a)ci.favetteville.ar.us • Office Use Only: Tenn Begins: Appointed: Term Expires: Replaced: Terminated: Resigned: All information submitted on this application is subject to the Freedom of Information Act and will be released if requested. City of Fayetteville Application Form For appointment to City Boards, Commissions, and Committees Nol�dd� fir. E�ue�s A �� &i� I GPf,�n, 1 1 1�I KHf� > s Name.� Spouse name (if applicable) Occupat nlEmployer Name 13Ai� 72�0k-( Residen Street Address City I State Zip Code l3� U dot Tt� tfi& y\ P� roegeWyLQ 1 fie i;? z?o `f Mailing Address City tateipip Code Ll �49 - 30T - 000s gi1a - Ltug -Goc> G Mbelhcet•,- E669, / Home phone # Business phone Email Address �— 1+ PM AMrxi ✓`( I Stie . 3 Choice of Committee PositionLength of Residency in the City Limits of Fayetteville nnn���----------✓✓✓y Are you a Fayetteville registered voter? Yes No ❑ OCAUZ 1 . What are your qualifications for serving on this committee, including education and expertise in the subject matter? i2 r.r�ra r t� FJ.- Wat 5el --,XA mv\ gtig=Ca Conant eds ' 2. Why would you like to be considered for appointment to this committee? kq� 4tz� �,�5 row � na % flfc�s � I'tneLE2 �J� CIe J References: /ytr, el6 Name Addres/s� �Phone 1 / q b=rr1L FJ VS { � l t�Y t� 1 'l� I' YV •v ` 1�111IJ A fcly � 1 C l aO 7 l � t01�� Name Address � Phone How did you hear about the opening(s)? NWA Times ❑ Free weekly ❑ Accessfayettevllle.org<o� Government Channel ❑ Chamber of Commerce ❑ Other❑ State statute §21 -8-701 requires the following persons shall file a written Statement of Financial Interest upon appointment. The Statement of Financial Interest for the previous calendar year shall be filed by January 31 at of each year by the following: Planning Commission, Airport Board, Water or Sewer Board, Utility Board or Civil Service Commission. If you are applying for the Planning Commission you must also complete and submit a Real Estate Holdings Form which may be obtained on our website at accessfayetteville.org If you have any questions you may contact the City Clerk's office at 575-8323 or by email city clerk(&ci.favetteville.ar.us • Office Use Only: Term Begins: Appointed: Term Expires: Replaced: Terminated: Resigned: J AU/rdbmtsd0rr adbrrrlNed on this eppgubon is subject to ow /Ysedor0 of br/OMHbw1 Ad arrdWll be released N►epussted. City of Fayetteville Application Form For appointment to City Boards, Commis3knn, and Committees !tame Spouse name (N applicable) OccupationlEmployor Name Z 05 G'l owls DR rAAMF POIIA !1/R 7 2 7 6 / Resident Street Address City state Lp Code s4mo' Nlaiting Addreas ofe City State Zip Code`/ [� f1/�79 �0 0 � - (o bO s f/M7 A u Ser n/ � AoTyt/II t L Homs phone • Business phone Email Address . GO v' ate , , Choice Committee tenger of Resider y in the City Umlts of Fayettevule Are you s Fayetteville registered voter? Yes g No 0 1. What aro your qualifications for serving on this committee, including education and sxpertlee In the subject matter? is IU L S ZSR &) r ' L0 4) 0 r �'- t/i�/fie �TA #/rA se) r ' e,£5 • Y)qu d you Ilk* tq bee Bred Tw ap npns to !leis 5 ► l ✓ w6` jj� G 6L4.1 rr✓ s t� J A/ jitt /� �.. .r/ C S,s 4 LS •.v F�Y'kf cf k , s rerrcea: l �' P S �c Qui /e / � r S % `a 4 � 1��� N — Address Phone Z Phone Froo w did you hear about the opening(s)7 NWA Tlrraa� Prw Weekly 11Accoaafayelrewrla.orpvern, m Channel ❑ Clamber of Commerce ❑ other❑ Stats statute W41-701 requires am following persona ahWl file a written Statement o1 Financial Interest upon appointment The Statement of Financial Interest for the previous calendar year shell be filed by January 810 of each year by the following: Planning Commission, Airport Board, Water or Sewer Board, Utility Board or Civil Servim Commission. If you are applying for the Planning Commission you must also complete and submit a Real Estate Holdings Forth whlch may be obtained on our webeite at ac cessfayettsvllle org N you have any questions you may COMact the MY Clerk's 011100 at 575-SW or by small cbLfJerk�ci.favattevlue.er.ua OfBee Liss only: • Term Begins: Appointed: Tenn Expires: Replaced: Terminated: Resigned: TO 3JVd 30V-Id 1V3 S , 30(I 6C9EE406LV 9S :ZB ZiOZIOE /LB v RECEIVED All information submitted on this application is subject to the JUL 3 0 2012 Freedom of Information Act and will be released if requested. CITY OF FAYETTEVILL • , City of Fayetteville Application Form (Q] 1 For appointment to City Boards, Commissions, and Committees I ( 2J riA 0,)(y2 1'7 t fd&- 6roap Name Spouse name (if applicable) Q Occupation/Employer Name -2,4 I g11 . Grc- Slz . S La.jgW4.Lall, �4e- ra7v3 Resident Street Address City State Zip Code () AIX ( 8 q Ka Iql l .11e ! le, Mailing Address City State Zip Code 499 �l q] qq `l Home phone # Business phone Email Address kytP I l ayy45 . Choice of Committee Position Length of Residency1fn the City Limits of Fayetteville Are you a Fayetteville registered voter? Yes No ❑ 1 . What are your qualifications for serving on this committee, including education and expertise in the subject matter? &-a, a4advo . • 2. Whwould you like to be considered for appointment to this committee? � o. aim �o,� � . References: .3z- 6- r4y&f6A, A° 1,1,70 ) JW 9(Jl - 2ZIy Name Address Phone �(1� C4. 4M In ne �d Q ct 13ta(a �� Il o 1k 2� �1� Q2 1(P 2 y�9 yqq— ole? e? Name Address Phone How did you hear about the opening(s)? NWA Times ol� Free Weekly ❑ Accessfayetteviile.org ❑ Government Channel ❑ Chamber of Commerce ❑ Other❑ State statute §21 -5-701 requires the following persons shall file a written Statement of Financial Interest upon appointment. The Statement of Financial Interest for the previous calendar year shall be filed by January 31" of each year by the following: Planning Commission, Airport Board, Water or Sewer Board, Utility Board or Civil Service Commission. If you are applying for the Planning Commission you must also complete and submit a Real Estate Holdings Form which may be obtained on our website at accessfayetteville.org If you have any questions you may contact the City Clerk's office at 575-8323 or by email city clerk([Dci.favetteville.ar.us • Office Use Only: Term Begins: Appointed: Terre Expires: Replaced: Terminated: Resigned: ,dl p p. z Application Form Attachment 1. What are your qualifications for serving on this committee, including education and expertise in the subject matter? • Bachelor of Arts and Science from the University of Arkansas, majoring in Journalism (1990). • Masters Degree in Adult Education from the University of Arkansas (1994). • Handled marketing and promotions for the University of Arkansas Center for Continuing Education from 1990- 1992. • Conference Coordinator for the University of Arkansas Center for Continuing Education from 1992- 1996. o Brought numerous conferences and meetings to Fayetteville and promoted the city through those efforts. o Arranged for group and spouse tours, hired local restaurants, hotels, vendors and entertainers for various conference groups. • Coordinator for the Chile Pepper Cross Country Festival from 1994-2004. o Handled all registrations for open, college and high school runners/teams. o Hired all vendors necessary to the event. o Managed the Festival budget and expenditures. • Owner/founder of The Event Group—Catering Division, Inc. ( 1996 to present). • o The Event Group has an off-premise catering and event planning division that provides services to hundreds of Fayetteville and Northwest Arkansas businesses. • Provider of catering services for corporate and social/wedding events. • Provider of event planning services for corporate and social/wedding events. o The Event Group also has an on-premise catering location at The Chancellor Hotel. 2. Why would you like to be considered for appointment to this committee? I have always been interested in serving on this committee, and would consider it an honor. I feel that I would bring a different type of expertise to the commission. Many of your past members have been restaurant owners and hotel executives. As the owner of a catering company, I am able to work outside the confines of my facility and deal with many other vendors, applicable to events that are held in Fayetteville. I also have a working relationship with clients and vendors from all aspects of the corporate arena. Lastly, I feel very strongly that Fayetteville needs to capitalize and expand upon its local attractions to keep people in our city and to draw more events to our city. I try to use local businesses whenever I can for shopping, eating out, etc. . In our current economic • climate, I feel that we should encourage this practice to help our business owners. All information submitted on this application Is subject to the Freedom of Information Act and will be released if requested. City of Fayetteville Application Form oil For appointment to City Boards, Commissions, and Committees q � AAMAIPr>y VVIT �I � �S l Sf1 �1�C tl(�PN o ) 7W l Lmfu &,Zm� PG Name Spouse name (1 applicable) Occupation/Employer Name 16YI nl � d�U � c P�j�GylAPS 72765 Resident Street Address City 7 State Lp Code 11 b nl P 10 cid 6z/o kr( P Ac u j f IP. hX Milling Address City —� StateLp Code �17Q - 2 L IVSI y79 - Sa7- Od �Z /ebrea )CO OR od CaA Home phone # Business phone Email Address Choice of Comm a Position Length of Residency in the City Limits of Fayetteville Are you a Fayetteville registered voter? Yessy No ❑ 1 . What are your qualifications for serving on this committee, including education and expertise i the subject matter? & e �& ids d led"5 6Us it (e ar o ock Ar • 2. Why would you likffe to be considered for appointment to this committee? 11 tlY a7f k (/J qk is e . 1 s References: 3 I /S _ TK jwids to I© c� 7 - y66 - 6939 Name Address Phone -� , oo4 s4� © 6 N hJo c% Avc N-i Name UFmcress Phone How did you hear about the opening(s)? NWA Times ❑ Free Weekly 1:1Accessfayettevllle.org ElGovernment Channel ❑ Chamber of Commerce ❑ Other State statute §21 -0-701 requires the following persons shall file a written Statement of Financial Interest upon appointment The Statement of Financial Interest for the previous calendar year shall be filed by January 31' of each year by the following: Planning Commission, Airport Board, Water or Sewer Board, Utility Board or Civil Service Commission. If you are applying for the Planning Commission you must also complete and submit a Real Estate Holdings Form which may be obtained on our website at accessfayettevllle.org If you have any questions you may contact the City Clerk's office at 576-8323 or by email city clerktfei.favettevllle.ar.us • Office Use Only: Term Begins: Appointed: Term Expires: Replaced: Terminated: Resigned: V All information submitted on this application is subject to the Freedom of Information Act and will be released if requested. • ' City of Fayetteville Application Form For appointment to City Boards, Commissions, and Committees l I N e Spouse name (if applicable) Occu ati /Employer Name .16 0 U/. /V/g °Cf` ST /���7�d�Lc� �/� 707 201 Resident Street Address Ci State Zip Code S �� ( - Mail g Address city State Zip Code �ynr.4ialI/s? .dy Home phone # Bus nes phone mai dress Choice of ommittee Position Length of Reside y in the City Limits of Fayetteville F]Are you a Fayetteville registered voter? Yes No '\ 1 . What are your qualifications for serving on this committee, including education and expertise in the subject matter? • 2. Why would you like to be considered for appointment to this committee? r Re a ence ame ddress Phonegin 11)A� '7e S�/y r X04 Mame Address Ph ne How did you hear about the opening(s)? NWA Times ❑ Free Weekly ❑ Accessfayetteville.org ❑ Government Channel ❑ Chamber of Commerce ❑ Other State statute §21-8-701 requires the following persons shall file a written Statement of Financial Interest upon appointment. The Statement of Financial Interest for the previous calendar year shall be filed by January 31 " of each year by the following: Planning Commission, Airport Board, Water or Sewer Board, Utility Board or Civil Service Commission. If you are applying for the Planning Commission you must also complete and submit a Real Estate Holdings Form which may be obtained on our website at accessfayetteville.org If you have any questions you may contact the City Clerk's office at 575-8323 or by email city clerk(a)ci.favetteville.ar.us • Office Use Only: Tenn Begins: Appointed: F Tern Expires: Replaced: Terminated: Resigned: • Advertising and Promotion Commission For month of December 2012 Current Year HMR Collected (2120.0912 .4101 .00) $ 208,418. 15 Prior Year Collected (2120.0912.4101 .01 ) $ 100.00 First Security Investment Interest Revenue (2120.0912.4708.00) $ 867.84 Total Revenues $ 209,385.99 Annual Bond Audit Expense (2120.9120.7602.60) �$ - Collection Expense (2120.9120.5333.00) $ (41170.36) Bank of OK Quarterly Fee (2120.9120.5712.00) Town Center Bond Payment (2120.9120.5712.00) $ (56,228 . 57) 2011 Property Taxes on Town Center (2120.9120.7602.60) $ Total Expenses $ (60,398.93) Total Check to A&P $ 1489987.06 • This report represents HMR collections through the end of the month. These figures may include past due amounts. 0 0 0 City of Fayetteville, Arkansas Monthly HMR Tax Collections 2008-2011 2009 2010 2010 2011 2011 2012 2012 Total Total Change Over Total Change Over Total Change Over HMR Taxes HMR Taxes Prior Year HMR Taxes Prior Year HMR Taxes Prior Year January $166,214 $166,645 0.00% $179,546 7.74% $205,939 14.70% February $167, 141 $1431940 -13.88% $158,037 9.80% $178,289 12.81 % March $180,027 $1720662 -4.09% $169,093 -2.06% $201 ,015 18.88% April $191 ,542 $187,730 -2.00% $187,976 0.00% $217,840 15.89% May $190,320 $1859096 -2.74% $188, 149 1 .65% $203,966 8.41 % June $190,237 $184,371 -3.08% $205,700 11 .57% $222,062 7.95% July $180,944 $196,323 0.08% $205,438 4.60% $2143750 4.53% August $167,897 $180,741 7.65% $189,839 5.03% $202,624 6.73% September $176,463 $184,471 4.54% $195,427 5.94% $215,653 10.35% October $189,728 $195,169 2.87% $214,713 10.01 % $241 ,017 12.25% November $190,887 $2139494 11 .84% $203,529 -4.67% $210,335 3.34% December $174,568 $171 ,511 -0.18% $2022027 17.79% $208,518 3.21 % Total $ $2,1659969 $2,182,155 0.75% $2,299,473 5.38% $2,522,008 9.68% \filename Keith M. Glass, CPA 2580 N. College 503 Pitman EO. Box 268 Fayetteville, AR 72703 Prairie Grove 72753 (479) 5714811 (479) 846-3424 (479) 571-0812 fax fax (479) 846-4314 Accountant's Compilation Report To Commission Members, I have compiled the accompanying Statements of Assets, Liabilities, and Capital arising from transactions of Fayetteville Advertising and Promotion Commission, The Fayetteville Town Center, The Convention and Visitors Bureau, and The Clinton House Museum as of November 30, 2012 and the related Statements of Revenue and Expenses for the period then ended, and eleven months then ended and the period then ended last year, and eleven months then ended last year, and the related Statements of Revenue and Expenses by Division for the period then ended and eleven months then ended last year. I have not audited or reviewed the accompanying financial statements and, accordingly, do not express an opinion or provide assurance about whether the financial statements are in accordance with the modified accrual basis of accounting. The financial statements have been prepared on the modified cash basis, which is a comprehensive basis of accounting other than generally accepted accounting principles. Management (Owners) is(are) responsible for the presentation and fair presentation of the financial statements in accordance with the modified cash basis of accounting and for • designing, implementing and maintaining internal control relevant to the preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements. My responsibility is to conduct the compilation in accordance with Statements on Standards for Accounting and Review Services issued by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. The objective of a compilation is to assist management in presenting financial information in the form of financial statements without undertaking to obtain or provide any assurance that there are no material modifications that should be made to the financial statements. Management has elected to omit substantially all of the disclosures ordinarily included in financial statements arising from modified cash basis of accounting. If the omitted disclosures were included in the financial statements, they might influence the user's conclusions about the Company's asset, liabilities, equity, revenue, and expenses. Accordingly, these financial statements are not designed for those who are not informed about such matters. I am not independent with respect to Fayetteville Advertising and Promotion Commission, The Fayetteville Town Center, The Convention and Visitors Bureau, and The Clinton House Museum. '00074 m= Keith s, CPA • ] � D Email• loeith@nwacpa.com www nwacpa corn Fayetteville A&P Commission Statement of Assets, Liabilities & Equity - Modified Cash Basis November 30, 2012 • ASSETS Current Assets CVB Cash in Register $ 100.00 CHM Cash in Register 100.00 Arvest A&P General #4856 109,330.50 1 st Security A&P General #8714 604,968.76 I st Sec Fay Town Ctr #8722 262,008.02 1 st Sec. Clinton House #8749 439586.23 1 st Sec. Conv Visitor 48730 889010.37 Arvest Payroll Account #4636 30,127.82 Accounts Receivable 18,48 Due From Other Funds 75,888.43 Investments 1 ,737,842. 16 Investment Adj to Market 41321 .33 Prepaid Expenses 701 .30 Total Current Assets 2,957,003.40 Property and Equipment Furniture and Fixtures 34,550.01 Equipment 92,309.97 CVB Building 930,569.02 CVB Land 1989621 .00 Building Additions 410287.38 Accum. Depreciation (340,227.64) Total Property and Equipment 13269109.74 Other Assets Deposita 1 ,904.91 'total Other Assets 1,904.91 Total Assets $ 4,285,018.05 LIABILITIES AND CAPITAL Current Liabilities Colonial Li& & Acc Ins Payabl $ (11157.02) Federal Payroll Taxes Payable 8985532 FUTA Tax Payable 732.93 State Payroll Taxes Payable 40.00 SUTA Payable (1 ,560.12) Employee Benefits Payable 14,586.37 Due to Other Funds g187.98 Due to Town Center 4,142.40 Total Current Liabilities 299827.86 Long-Tenn Liabilities Total Long-Term Liabilities _ 000 Total Liabilities 29,827.86 • Capital Beginning Balance Equity 32879,562.33 Unresticted Fund Balance 167352.22 See Accountants' Compilation Report Fayetteville A&P Commission Statement of Assets, Liabilities & Equity - Modified Cash Basis November 30, 2012 • Restricted Fund-540 Film Grant 221 .53 Net Income 208,054. 11 Total Capital 4,255,190. 19 Total Liabilities & Capital $ 4,285,018.05 • See Accountants' Compilation Report Fayetteville A&P Commission Statements of Revenue & Expenses - Modified Cash Basis For the Month and Eleven Months Ending November 30, 2012 • Revenues Current Month Year to Date HMR Tax Revenue $ 2091399.02 74.15 $ 2,2889367.30 76.09 Prior Year HMR Tax Revenue 0.00 0.00 24,258.38 0.81 Rental Income 44,778.65 15.86 387,764.96 12.89 Other Income 10,810.00 3.83 30,178.63 1 .00 Artini Income 0.00 0.00 160.00 0.01 Parking Revenue 0.00 0.00 61114.75 0.20 Parking Lease 31403.55 1 .21 11 ,369.06 038 Gift Shop Sales 492.03 0. 17 6,092.89 0.20 Visitor Store 45039.89 1 .43 50,002.96 1 .66 Partnership Income 0.00 0.00 2,000.00 0.07 Admission Revenue 1 ,002.00 0.35 6,732.04 0.22 Special Projects 700.00 0.25 5,466.00 0. 18 Interest Income Investments 1 ,803.63 0.64 10580.79 0.35 Interest Income Checking 784.73 0.28 41911 .47 0. 16 Visitor Guide Ad Income 0.00 0.00 36,650.00 1 .22 LOTO Sponsor Income 5, 190.00 1 .84 69715.00 0.22 Transfer In 0.00 0.00 130,000.00 4.32 Total Revenues 2823403.50 100.00 3,007,364.23 100.00 Cost of Sales Clinton House Gift Shop 0.00 0.00 41759.55 0.16 Total Cost of Sales 0.00 0.00 4,759.55 0. 16 Gross Profit 282,403.50 100.00 3,002,604.68 99.84 • Expenses _. Signage- Tourism 704.66 0.25 8,786.85 0.29 Credit Card Discounts 691 .41 0.24 61126.07 0.20 Bank Charges 17.00 0.01 231 .48 0.01 Advertising & Marketing 80,544.60 28.52 386,517.24 12.85 Brochures 7,521 .09 2.66 161 ,877.95 5.38 Accounting & Legal Fees 650.00 023 10,708. 10 0.36 Audit Expense 0.00 0.00 21200.00 0.07 Office Expense 805.32 0.29 14,170.53 0.47 Visitor Store Exp 1 ,858.65 0.66 42,160.85 1 .40 Insurance-Building 0.00 0.00 99134.00 0.30 Insurance & Health Benefits 51293.52 1 .87 59,724.90 1 .99 408 (P) Company Match 1 ,076.00 0.38 11 ,044.94 0.37 Car Allowance 300.00 0.11 3,300.00 0. 11 Telephone Expense 555.41 0.20 6,457.81 0.21 Postage and Shipping Expense 2,324.93 0.82 17,012.33 0.57 Material & Supplies 0.00 0.00 66.51 0.00 Rent 0.00 0.00 12,000.00 0.40 MaintenancelLawn 0.00 0.00 475.00 0.02 Repairs & Maintenance Expense 18,408.06 6.52 78,041 . 17 2.60 Kamensky Fountain Maintenance 0.00 0.00 19965.53 0.07 Linens 40980.55 1 .76 26,651 .61 0.89 Printing Expense 426.08 0. 15 821 .57 0.03 Publications & Dues 1 ,720.00 0.61 5,319.00 0. 18 Travel/Training Expense 119560.69 4.09 42,029.64 1 .40 Taxes & Licenses 0.00 0.00 4,008.80 0. 13 Collections Expense 41187.98 1 .48 46,252.52 1 .54 • Payroll Tax Expense 2,979.04 1 .05 37,973. 18 1 .26 Convention Development 41231 .81 1 .50 8018. 12 2.69 Contract Labor 5187550 2.08 570481 .73 1 .91 Wages Expense 37,756.08 1337 404,408.81 13.45 See Accountants' Compilation Report Fayetteville A&P Commission Statements of Revenue & Expenses - Modified Cash Basis For the Month and Eleven Months Ending November 30, 2012 • Current Month Year to Date Electricity Utility 49576.44 1 .62 60,15957 2.00 Gas Utility 383.87 0. 14 7,881 .66 0.26 Water Utility 1 ,486.43 0.53 9,813.78 0.33 Cable 483.13 0. 17 6,219.20 0.21 Recycling 0.00 0.00 1 ,046. 15 0.03 Security 403.70 0. 14 41930.34 0. 16 Airport Advertising 0.00 0.00 5, 175.00 0. 17 Minor Equipment 7,540.45 2.67 22,996.88 0.76 Minor Equipment Capitalized 0.00 0.00 38,814.72 1 .29 Airport 'lnfo Booth 19200.00 0.42 4,800.00 0. 16 Other Expense 8,867.96 3. 14 12,394.21 0.41 Artini Expenses 0.00 0.00 311 .41 0.01 LOTO Special Project 0.00 0.00 546.25 0.02 Misc Special Project 46,101 .34 16.32 328,932. 11 10.94 Bond Payments-Town Center 57,353.57 20.31 618,788.05 20.58 Trustee Expense 0.00 0.00 31975.00 0. 13 Transfer OUt 0.00 0.00 130,000.00 4.32 Total Expenses 322,865.27 114.33 2,794,550.57 92.92 Net Income S (40,461 .77) (14.33) S 208,054. 11 6.92 • • See Accountants, Compilation Report Fayetteville A&P Commission Statement of Revenue &. Expenses - Modified Cash Basis For the Eleven Months Ending November 30, 2012 • Current Month Current Month Year to Date Year to Date Revenues This Year Last Year This Year Last Year HMR Tax Revenue $ 209,399.02 $ 203,372.82 $ 2,288$ 67.30 $ 2,0839268.09 Prior Year HMR "fax Revenue 0.00 155.92 24,258.38 13,029.73 Rental Income 449778.65 359568.82 387,764.96 361, 137.70 Other Income 10,810.00 1 ,540.00 30,178.63 179979.85 Artini Income 0.00 27700.00 160.00 2,700.00 Parking Revenue 0.00 3,137.11 6, 114.75 7,503. 11 Parking Lease 39403.55 0.00 119369.06 8,680.86 Gift Shop Sales 492.03 327.94 6,092.89 3,862.44 Visitor Store 49039.89 4,704.79 50,002.96 56,309.06 Partnership Income 0.00 0.00 2,000.00 4,400.00 Admission Revenue 1 ,002.00 741 .00 6,732.04 7, 164.57 Special Projects 700.00 0.00 5,466.00 9,442. 19 Interest Income Investments 17803.63 984.44 109580.79 12,909.07 Interest Income Checking 784.73 278.02 40911 .47 4, 133. 19 Visitor Guide Ad Income 0.00 0.00 369650.00 12,075.00 Hospitality Summit 0.00 0.00 0,00 180.00 LOTO Sponsor Income 59190.00 900.00 6,715.00 21160.00 Fee Refunds 0.00 0.00 0.00 (2,525.00) Transfer In _ 0.00 _ 0.00 130,000.00 130,000.00 Total Revenues 282,40350 _ 254,410.86 3,007,364.23 2,7349409.86 Cost of Sales Clinton House Gift Shop 0.00 (19.73) 4,759.55 39695.05 • Total Cost of Sales 0.00 (19.73) 4,759.55 31695.05 Gross Profit 282,403.50 254,430.59 31002,604.68 2,730,714.81 Expenses Signage- Tourism 704.66 2,870.09 8,786.85 9.684. 13 Credit Card Discounts 691 .41 503.74 61126.07 5,440.62 Bank Charges 17.00 0.00 231 .48 437.73 Parking Expense 0.00 0.00 0.00 665.00 Advertising & Marketing 80,544.60 34,429.95 3869517.24 397,854.70 Brochures 7,521 .09 5,094.65 161 ,877.95 152,782.82 Accounting & Legal Fees 650.00 1 ,300.00 10,708. 10 7,170.00 Audit Expense 0.00 0.00 2,200.00 2,700.00 Office Expense 805.32 5,249.22 14, 170.53 17,896.21 Visitor Store Exp 1 ,858.65 7,059.69 42,160.85 45,303.94 Insurance-Building 0.00 0.00 9, 134.00 91634.00 Insurance & Health Benefits 5,293.52 (673.56) 59,724.90 47,836.64 408 (P) Company Match 19076.00 976.78 11 ,044.94 10,144. 16 Car Allowance 300.00 300.00 3,300.00 3,300.00 Telephone Expense 555.41 579.00 6,457.81 8,855.06 Postage and Shipping Expense 21324.93 3,869.03 17,012.33 14,513.78 Tracking Software 0.00 0.00 0.00 19695.00 Material & Supplies 0.00 0.00 66.51 21019.64 Rent 0.00 0.00 12,000.00 12,000.00 Maintenance/Lawn 0.00 0.00 475.00 490.97 Repairs & Maintenance Expense 18,408.06 61894.67 78,041 .17 1332250.98 Kamensky Fountain Maintenance 0.00 73.74 1 ,965.53 5065.84 • Linens 4,980.55 2,347.88 26,651 .61 23,799.95 Printing Expense 426.08 0.00 821 .57 0.00 Publications & Dues 1 ,720.00 810.00 51319.00 15,225.00 Travel/Training Expense 11 ,560.69 7,470.59 42,029.64 33,377.72 See Accountants' Compilation Report Fayetteville A&P Commission Statement of Revenue & Expenses - Modified Cash Basis For the Eleven Months Ending November 30, 2012 • Current Month Current Month Year to Date Year to Date This Year Last Year This Year Last Year Taxes & Licenses 0.00 0.00 41008.80 6,284.85 Collections Expense 42187.98 4,070.57 46,252.52 41 ,925.95 Payroll Tax Expense 2,979.04 2,711 .04 37,973. 18 31 ,906.55 Convention Development 4,231 .81 69440.91 80,818. 12 42,377.99 Research Expense 0.00 O.OD 0.00 475.00 Contract Labor 51875.50 5,263.75 579481 .73 49,684.74 Wages Expense 37,756.08 34,966.40 404,408.81 383,341 .45 Electricity Utility 49576.44 39973.99 60,159.57 589680.70 Gas Utility 383.87 337.49 71881 .66 9,869.58 Water Utility 19486.43 1 ,269.54 9,813.78 9,396.46 Cable 483.13 554.77 61219.20 61961 .28 Recycling 0.00 0.00 11046.15 1 ,444.77 Security 403.70 21 .85 4,93034 41916.57 Airport Advertising 0.00 1 ,485.00 51175.00 5,655.00 Minor Equipment 7,540.45 0.00 22,996.88 84,975. 10 Minor Equipment Capitalized 0.00 2,490.90 38,814.72 91 ,829.22 Airport Info Booth 1 ,200.00 1 ,200.00 4,800.00 2,400.00 Other Expense 8,867.96 594.94 12,394.21 8,408.58 Artini Expenses 0.00 0.00 311 .41 0.00 All Star Games 0.00 0.00 0.00 48,308.00 Saturday of Champions 0.00 0.00 0.00 6,198.50 DELA 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,827.75 Square Gardens 0.00 0.00 0.00 281 .65 Dickson St Special Project 0.00 0.00 0.00 900.00 Town Center Garden Maint 0.00 0.00 0.00 69.04 Joe Martin 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,500.00 Bikes, Blues, & Hot Rods 0.00 0.00 0.00 445.00 • LOTO Special Project 0.00 618.27 546.25 395127.40 Arts Live Theatre 0.00 0.00 0.00 19000.00 Misc Special Project 46,101 .34 149975.17 328,932. 11 1929699.43 Bond Payments-Town Center 57,353.57 569133.99 618,788.05 6199003.98 Trustee Expense 0.00 0.00 3.975.00 41500.00 TransferOUt _ O.OD 0.00 130,000.00 1300ODO.00 Total Expenses _ 322,865.27 216,264.05 2,794,550.57 2,848,638.43 Net Income S _ (407461 .77) $ - 38,166.54 $ _ 208,054.11 S (117,923.62) • See Accountants' Compilation Report Fayetteville A P Commission Statements of Revenue Expenses by Division - Modified Cath Basis For the Month Ending November 30, 2012 Fayetteville A&P Town Center Visilor Bureau Revenues 2012 2011 2012 2011 2012 2011 • HMR Tax Revenue S 209399.02 S 203372.82 Prior Year HMR Tax Revenue 155.92 Rental Income 2,750.00 2,750.00 S 41,073.65 S 32,818.82 S 955.00 Other Income 900.00 700.00 2,700.00 16,000.00 S 1,540.00 Parking Rcvenuc 3.137.11 Perking Lease 3,403.55 Gift Shop Sales Visitor Store 4,039.99 4,704,79 Admission Revenue Interest Income Investments 1,803.63 984.44 Interest Intone Checking 263.09 17321 103.50 58.49 400. 15 31.02 Transfer In Visitor Guide Ad Income Total Revenues 217.619.29 _208336.39 4%A77. 15 3871442 2139514 6.27581 Cost ofSelcs Clinton Flom Gift Shop Total Cost of Sales Gross Pmfn 217,619.29 208336.39 41,877.15 39,714.42 21r395.14 6p275.81 Expatscs Signage- Tourism 704.66 2,870.09 Bank Charge 17.00 Cn,dit Card Discounts 424.45 221.48 187.69 227.61 Advertising& Marketing 80,544.60 34,272.75 15.33 141 .87 Brochures 7,521.09 5,094.65 Accounting & Legal Fees 650.00 000.00 Office Expense 583.98 69.43 144.92 1,020.00 $02.50 31943.23 Visitor Store Exp 1 .858.65 7,059.69 • Insurance Insurance & Health Benefits 1,087.84 (834.96) 11552.02 80.36 12956.32 52.78 408 (P) Company Match 330.00 200.00 307.98 269.24 353.26 410.28 Car Allowance 300.00 300,00 Telephone Expense 67.51 417.50 369.54 Postage and Shipping Expense 2,324.93 3,590.79 MeintenanWlawr Repairs At Maintenance Expense 10,637.62 6,606.85 65.55 361 .56 Linens 41980.55 2347.88 Publications and Dues 1,040.00 150.00 690.00 660.00 TraveVfraining Expense 4,528.46 673.43 71032.23 6,797, 16 Taxes & Licenses Collections Expense 4,187.98 4,070.57 Payroll Tax Expense 858.60 527.11 929.13 861.97 97520 11174.98 Convention Development 1,691.44 6,016.35 2,540.37 474.56 Contract Labor 2,750.00 2,750.00 2,848.00 1,625.00 120.00 348.75 Wages Expense 11,000.00 6,666.66 11,490,26 11,33299 12,440.82 14391 .75 Electricity Utility 4,065.77 3,666.37 291 .75 261.77 Gas Iltdity 292.56 258.58 Water Utility 1,280.90 1,051.43 100.99 124.50 Cable 483.13 554.77 Recycling Security 360.00 Airpem Advertising 10485.00 Other F.xpenns Minor Equipment 9,867.96 949.91 Minor Equipment Capitalized 1 ,454.70 2,490.90 332.34 5,753.41 Airport Into Booth 1200.00 11200.00 Misc Special Project 39,913.15 12,132.39 4122.44 3,107.08 4,065.75 Transfer Out Bond Payments-Town Cerner 57353.57 56,133.99 • Trustee Fxpeosc Total Expenses 220,042.00 141,159.15 42,252.07 3310684 4820995 3764894 Net Income S (29422.71) S 67,177.74 $ (374.92) f 360758 S (2681481) S (3137313) See AccnuntartrS Cmmpilation Report Fayetteville A P Commission Statements of Revenue Expenses by Division . Modified Cash Basis For the Month Ending November 30, 2012 Clinton House TOTAL Revenues 2012 2011 2012 2011 . HMR Tax Revenue S 209,399.02 S 203,372.82 Prior Year FIMR Tax Revenue 155.92 Rental Income 44,778.65 35,568.82 Other Income 16,700.00 5, 140.00 Parking Revenue - 31137. 11 Parking lease 3,403.55 - Gill Shop Sales 492.113 S 327.94 492.01 327.94 Visitor Store 4,039.99 40704.79 Admission Revenue 1,002.00 741.00 1,002.00 741.00 Interest Income Investments 1,803.63 984.44 Interest Income Checking 17.99 1530 784.73 278.02 Transfer In - Visitor Guide Ad Income Total Revenues 1,512.02 1,084 24 282,403 60 254 41086 Cost of Sales Clinton House Gig Shop (19.73) ( 1973) Total Cost of Sales _ - (1973) - (1973) Goss Profit 1 ,512.02 1,103.97 282.403.60 25443059 Expenses Signage- Tourism 704.66 2,870.09 Bank Charge 1700 Credit Coni Discounts 79.27 54.65 691 .41 503.74 Advertising & Marketing 80,544.60 34,429.95 Brochures 7,521.09 5,094.65 Accounting & Legal Fora 650.00 1300.00 Office Expense 216.56 1,271.40 5,249.22 Visitor Store Exp• 1,858.65 7,059.69 lnsurana _ Insurance & Health Benefit 697.34 28.26 5,293.52 (673.56) 408 (P) Company Match 84.76 77.26 1,076.00 976.78 Car Allowance 300.00 300,00 Telephone Expense 137.91 141 .95 555.41 579.00 Postage and Shipping Expense 27824 2324.93 3,869.03 MaimcnanWlawn Repairs & Maintenance Expense 7,704.89 18,408.06 6,%6_41 Linens 4,980.55 2,347.88 Publications and Dues 1,720.00 810.00 TruntlTraining Expemc 11,560.69 7,470.59 Taxa & Liaise Collections Expense 4,187.98 4,07057 Payroll Tax Expose 216. 11 196.98 2,979.04 2,711.04 Convention Dendopment 4,231.81 6,440.91 Contract Labor 157.50 540.00 5,875.50 5,263.75 Wages Expense 2,825.00 2,575.00 37,756.08 34,966.40 Electricity Utility 218.92 45.85 4,576.44 3,973.99 Gas Utility 91.31 78.91 3&3.87 337.49 Water Utility 104.54 93.61 1,486.43 1269.54 Cable Recycling 493.13 554.77 Securily 43.70 21 .85 403.70 2185 Airport Advertising - 1,485.00 Other Cxpenses 8,861.% 948.91 Minor Equipment 7,540.45 2,490.90 Minor Equipment Capitalized Airport Info Booth 1,200.00 1,200.00 Mise Special "=I 46.101.34 15,239.47 Transfer Out Bond Payments-Town Center 57,353.57 56,133.99 • Trustee Expense Total Expensia l2r361.25 4-349.12 322,865.27 216 64.05 Net Income X10,849.23) f (3,245.15) f (40461671 S 3816634 See Aawuntans' Compilation Report Fayetteville A P Commission Statements of Revenue Expenses by Dimsum • Modified Cash Buis For the Eleven Months Ending November 30, 2012 PaYettcviltc ARP Town Center Visitor Bureau 2012 2011 2012 2011 2012 2011 Revenues • HMR Tax Revmue S 2,288,367.30 S 2,083,268.09 Prior Year HMR Tax Remo 24158.78 13,029.73 Rental Income 30,250.00 30,250.00 S 355,959.96 S 327,511.31 S 1,25500 S 1639 Other Income 3,652.75 4,045.00 5,89691 7,175.00 26,900.97 23,122.04 Yarling Rcvenue 25.00 6,114.75 7,478 II Parking Lease 5,347.66 2.638.51 6,021.40 6,042.35 Gift Shop Soles Visitor Store 50.002.96 56,309.06 Admission Reremto Trarafer film ARP 100,000.00 100,000 (lo Interest Income Investments 10,58079 12,909.07 Interest income Checking 3,074.39 3,04280 993.73 589.79 685.81 34425 LOTO Sponsor 9W.00 6,715.00 1,260.00 Visitor Guide Ad Income 36,650.00 12075.00 Tout Revmacs 2,402,18127 2,162,183.20 374.996.75 349-796.56 185.559.74 181.051.74 Cost of Sales Climon House Gin Shop Total Cast of Se1es Guru Profit 2,402,181.2) 2,162,183.20 37498675 74879656 18535974 18105174 Expenses SigruBe- Taurean 8,936.85 9,455.63 228,50 (150.00) Bank Clmge 155.00 254.88 19295 Credit Card Discounts 2,949.83 2,655.66 2,353.83 2,119. 15 Adverting R Marketing 385,489.48 369288.93 197.12 27,844.20 800.64 72157 Brochures 161,877.95 152,782.82 Accounting R Legal Fees 12,908.10 9,870.00 Office Expense 1112.48 1,656.19 5,404.88 6,37883 7,045.19 8,363.57 Visitor Store UP 42,160.83 45,24994 Insurance Building 9,134.00 9,63400 • insurance R Health Benefu 8,321.56 5,271.39 21,646.28 18,132.99 23,798.74 20,082.54 408 (P) Company Match 2,615.00 2,194.37 3,470.16 2,828.13 41109.80 4.27293 Car Allowance 3,300.00 3,300.00 Tdcphme Expense 848.02 2,673.51 4,460.93 4,79290 Postage and Shipping Fxpenu 16,250.37 13,607.96 682.20 609.99 79.56 10.95 RM MaimenanceirLs 1 Tracking Software 295.97 1,695 00 Retain R Meimsmmna Expense 3,456.78 69,448.67 66,961. 11 70,743.24 1,853.82 6.14484 Lincens 26,651.61 23.799.95 Publications and Dues 2,770.00 11,715.00 144.00 2,405.00 3,51000 TmveVfraining Expense 11 ,520. 17 1,903.43 45.42 29,533.40 30,911.99 'I axes R Licenses 498.80 1,922.62 3„510.00 3,395.00 405.34 Collection Expense 46152.52 41 ,925.95 Payroll Tax Expense 8,8&3 01 5,956.30 12,691.93 10,725.76 13,673.80 13,295 95 Cor mtim Development 36952.03 19,228.54 43.866.09 23,149.45 Contract labor 30150.00 30150.00 22,989,00 16,94849 35023 348.75 Wages Expense 100,166.66 73,333.24 131 ,066.70 123,181.79 143,512.95 157,516.43 Electricity Utility 57.74 54,524.02 53,837.03 4,344.06 3,83437 On Utility 7,028.08 8,808.43 Water Utility 7,426.53 7,478.24 667.99 619.51 Cable 5,96025 5,974.47 72238 Recycling 1,046. 15 1.444.77 Security 4,668. 14 4,67622 Airport Advmising 5,17500 5,655.00 Other Expenses (26.00) 083.34 1,08937 3.760.66 12,188.50 4,384.86 Minor Equipment 3,901.90 4,098.26 6,115 32 72,212.89 12,979.66 7.99643 Minor Fquipmmt Capiulimd 2,49090 78,814.72 89,338.72 Airport Info Bongo 4,800.00Z400.00 Misc Special Project 290,094.25 252,961.68 24,708.21 29,718.31 13.381 92 10.676 78 Trstco FAMose 3.975.00 4,500.00 Bond Paymems 1'mm Center 618,788.05 619,003.98 Transfer Out 1300000.00 130.000.00 • Total Emissions 1.998,W.16 1.825.916.78 45973305 59653138 36361696 351,21453 Net Income S 503.656.11 S 336,266.42 S (84,746.M S (247,73482) S ( 17803722) Sf17017281) See Aaasmtamd Compilation Repon payalcvillc A PCommission Statements of Revenue Expenses by IhviSicn - Modified Cash Basis For the E3even Momhs Ending November 30, 2012 Clinton House TOTAL 2012 2011 2012 2011 Revenues • HMR Tax Revenue S 2,288,36730 S 2,083,26809 Pricer Year HMR 'fax Revenue 24.258.38 13,029.73 Rated Income S 300.00 S 835.00 787,764.% 358.612.70 Other Income 1.354.00 360.00 37,80463 34,702.04 Parking Revenue 6.114.75 7,503.11 Parking terve 11,369,06 8,680.56 Gift Shop Sala 6,092.89 3.862.44 6,09289 3086244 Visitor Store 50,002.96 56,309.06 Admrsion Revenue 6,73204 7,166.57 6,732.04 7,164,57 Tmmfer from A&P 30.010.00 30,000.00 130.000.00 130,060.00 Interest Income Invmments 10,580.79 12,909.07 Interest lnmme Checking 157.54 15635 4,911.47 4,133 19 TATO Spurum 6,715.00 2.160.00 Visitor Guide Ad Income 36,65000 I 075 00 'I'om1 Rcvcnues 44,636 47 42378.36 3,007,364.23 2 73440986 Cast of Sales Clinton Hous Gift Shop 4,75955 3,695.05 475955 369505 Total Cost of Saks 49759.55 3,695.05 175955 769505 Gross Profit _ 39,876.92 38.683.31 3002604.68 273071481 Expctua Signage- To risco 8.786.85 9,684. 13 Bonk Charge 76.48 271.45 437.73 Credit Card lnsmunu 82241 665.81 6,126.07 5,440.62 Admnising & Markeing 30.00 386,517,24 397,854.70 Brochures 161,877.95 152,782.82 Accounting & Legal Pecs 12,909 to 9,87000 Olfax: Expense 1329.55 1,497.62 14,992.10 17,896.21 Vista Store Exp 54.00 42,160.85 45.303.94 Imumnc Building 9,13400 9,63400 insurance & Hcollh Hoenefis 5,958.32 4,349.72 59,724.90 47,836.64 408 (P) Company Match 889.98 84873 11,04494 10,144. 16 Ca Allowance 3300.00 3300.00 Telephone Expense 1,148.86 138875 6,457.81 8,855.06 postage and Shipping Expense 284.88 17,012.33 14,513.78 Rent 12,000.00 12.000 00 12,00(100 12,000.00 Maimenance/ awn 475.00 275.00 475.00 490.97 Tracking SoRwane 1,695.00 Repairs & Maintenaue Expense 7,801.50 14,097.75 80,073.21 140,436.46 linens 26,651.61 23,799.95 Publications and Ducs 5319.00 15,225.00 TroveLTramng Fxpenm 930.65 562.30 47,029.64 33,377.72 'faxes & Luamcs 561.89 4,008.80 6184.85 Collections Experue 46152.52 41,925.95 Payroll Tax Expense 2,724.44 2,428.54 77,973.18 31,906.55 Convention Dcvelopman 80,818. 12 42,377.99 Comma Labor 3,892.50 2,137.50 57,481.73 49,684.74 Wage' Expense 29,662.50 29,309.99 404,408.81 383,341.45 Electricity Utility 1,091 49 951.36 60,159.57 58,680.70 Gas Utility 853.58 1,061. 15 7,881.66 9,869.58 Water Utility 1,719.26 1,298.71 9,813.78 9396.46 Calla 258.95 264.43 6119.20 6,%1.28 Recycling 1,046. 15 1,444.77 Security 262.20 240.35 4,930.34 4,916.57 Airport Adserdang 5,175.00 5,655.00 Other Expenses 19.72 13151.87 9,548.58 Mirror Equipment 667.52 22,996.88 84,975. 10 Minor E9uipmom Capimliad 38,814.72 91,829,22 Airport Info Booth 4,800.00 2,400.00 Mise Special Project 74773 328,932. 11 293,356.77 Tnutce Expense 3.975.00 4,500.00 Bond Payments-Town Censer 618,788.05 619,003.98 Tmnsfer Out 130 000.00 130 000.00 • Tool Expenses 72.675.40 74.%5 72 2,794,550.57 284863843 Nee Income E (321798481 S (36182.41) S 20803411 S (11) 923621 Sec Acmumarbi Compilatimi Report iLqleDepartmental Correspondence I LFICAL i Kitwllliams . CityAtto,ney Jason B. Kelley Anktant City Anarney TO: Mayor Jordan A&P Commissioners CC: Casey Jones, Prosecuting Attorney FROM: Kit Williams, City Attorney DATE: January 3, 2013 i RE: Overdue HMR collection efforts The final City Prosecutor's report of his collection of overdue Hotel, Motel, • and Restaurant taxes for 2012 shows a collection of $2,931.78. This brings the total overdue HMR tax collection for 2012 to $54,559.93. The average monthly collection has been $4,546.66. The total amount of overdue HMR taxes collected since 2001 is . i . $75541331 . Please see the Annual Summaries (attached) for the yearly totals. i i e. l t • f • ANNUAL SUMMARIES Overdue HMR Taxes Collected By City Prosecutor i . 2001 Enforcement measures changed. City Prosecutor asked to emphasize collection of overdue HMR taxes in August of 2001 Fall 2001 through December 2002 Slightly over $ 100,000.00 i 2003 . $ 533000.00 2004 $ 533131 .97 2005 $ 67, 127.44 C 2006 $ 102,541 .05 2007 $ 48,748.73 2008 $ 106,508.40 • 2009 $ 719341 .64 2010 $ 51 ,373 .96 2011 $ 47,080. 19 2012 $ 54.559.93 ; . TOTAL $7551413.31 j I would like to commend City Prosecutor Casey Jones, Assistant City Prosecutor Brian Thomas, Office Administrator Mandy Finklea and the rest of the competent and dedicated staff for their excellent work. i i . CLINTON K. JONES MALADY FD608A CITY PROSECUTOR aFRCEADUDMM TM �l E+ro0: �" BRIAN THOMAS V e wroNe ��mea • DEPUTY CITY PROSECUTORSye NO ehal4: WD) 67542M OFFICE OF CITY PROSECUTOR PAX 9 : (M) 5754M I. MEMO I TO: IC Williams Fayetteville City Attorney FROM: Casey Jones Fayetteville City Prosecutor DATE: January 3, 2013 i RE: Status of Active HMR cases I ' When a Criminal Summons is issued for a violation and the Defendant subsequently pays the delinquent balance i. the Criminal Summons remains active and is then routinely dismissed by the Judge at arraignment if the Defendant is still current and not in violation. 1 . Acambaro Four Jesus Socarro Active Criminal Summons • Business Closed Delinquent Balance: $1 ,468.04 2. Billy's Pool Hall Kimberly A. Maguire Pending Criminal Summons Delinquent Balance: No Forms 3. Brenda's Drive-In Collin L. Wilkins Active Criminal Summons Business Closed Delinquent Balance: No Forms 4. Cable Car Pizza Ray A. Reynolds Letter Delinquent Balance: No Forms 5. Cafd Delta Soul Michael L. Vaughn Paid: $200.00 Delinquent Balance: $ 1 ,406. 11 6. Cherry Berry Robert M. Chafm Letter Deena D. Shelton Letter Delinquent Balance: $1,006.34 7. Dominoes Pizza Lloyd W. Hardison Trial Date: 2/13/13 Business Closed Delinquent Balance: $4,390.66 8. Emelia's Kitchen Sara H. Lusher Paid: $294.05 i Delinquent Balance: No Fomes • Pending Criminal Summons Telecommunication Device far tine Deet TDD (479) M-1316 176 South Church, Suft 2 — FayetEev H% AR 72701 Kit Williams January 3, 2013 Page 2 I • 9. Hogwild Pizzeria David S. Mackey Letter Business Closed Delinquent Balance: $1,330.00 I 10. Mama Dean's Soul Food Meneria D. Morrison Arraignment: 1/4/13 Terry L. Morrison Arraignment: 1/4/13 If Delinquent Balance: No Forms i 11 . Meas Luna Juan F. Barcenas Paid: $543.22 Delinquent Balance: -0- Active Criminal Summons 12. Pitas Mediterranean Grill Mohammed Khaldi Letter Stephanie K. Khaldi Letter I Delinquent Balance: $1 ,014.34 13. Razor's Edge Alan S. Burton Active Criminal Summons Barbara A. Burton Active Criminal Summons ` Delinquent Balance: No Forms I: 14. Rowdy Beaver Den Amber M. Biason-Dunn Active Criminal Summons Delinquent Balance: No Forms • 15. Seafood Market Bar/Grill Craig E. Dowd Active Contempt of Court Business.Closed Delinquent Balance: $4,367.60 16. Shanghai Chinese and Hsiao L. J. Shen Active Contempt of Court China Garden Delinquent Balance: $3,090.00 Businesses Closed 17. Silver Joe's Coffee Steve Clark Paid: $353.80 Business Closed William T. Smith, Jr. Delinquent Balance: -0- I Kenny J. Tomlin, Jr. Case Closed f 18. Something Better Foods G. W. Amez Chew Paid: $55.20 Business Closed Delinquent Balance: -0- Case Closed I 19. Spiedini Italian Grill Lynette S. Lee Paid: $1,485.51 Robert L. Lee Delinquent Balance: $385.12 20. Tangiers Mediterranean Mohammed Khaldi Letter Food & Cafd Stephanie K. Khaldi Letter i Delinquent Balance: $1,051 .24 I