HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010-11-08 - Agendas - Final • The Advertising and Promotion Commission as a committee of the whole will meet on Monday, November 8, 2010 at NOON at the Fayetteville Town Center to determine special project funding for 2011 . Maudie will bring lunch. Commissioners will visit with requestors from noon until 1 : 00 p. m., then convene in conference to discuss projects to receive funding. AGENDA ADVERTISING AND PROMOTION COMMISSION November 8, 2010 approx. 2 :00 p.m. Fayetteville Town Center I. Call to Order — II . Special Project Funding for 2011 A. Approval of Proposed Budget B. Approval of Funding for Special Projects for 2011 Ill. Reports A. Approval of Minutes for October 10, 2010 regular monthly meeting • B. Financial Report 1 . HMR Revenues — Marilyn Heifner 2. Financial Statements - Keith Glass 3 . Update from City Attorney re: delinquent tax collection efforts — Kit Williams C. Clinton House Museum Report - D. Visitor Bureau Report — E. Town Center Report — Sandra Bennett F. Executive Director Report — Marilyn Heifner G. Advertising Agency Report — Mike Sells IV. Old Business V. New Business VI. Adjourn • ADVERTISING AND PROMOTION COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING October 11 , 2010 Commissioners Present: Bob Davis, Lioneld Jordan, Brandon Kam, Bill Lyle, Robert Rhoads, and Maudie Schmitt. Commissioners Absent: Neal Crawford Staff Present: Sandra Bennett, Allyson Twiggs Dyer, and Marilyn Heifner CALL TO ORDER Chairman Maudie Schmitt called the regular monthly meeting of the Fayetteville Advertising and Promotion Commission to order on October 11 at the Fayetteville Visitor Bureau at 2:00 p.m. MINUTES Moved by Davis, second by Rhoads to approve the minutes of the September 13 meeting. Motion carried. HMR COLLECTIONS Monthly collections are up 4.54% for the month and year to date collections even with last year at this time. • FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Keith Glass reported that through August comparing the financials to budget, though A & P revenue was even with the budget and expenses were down $ 17,000. Revenue for the Town Center is up about $9,000 for the year. Overall for the first eight months, income and expenses to budget are as anticipated. Jordan moved to approve the financial statements, second by Davis. Motion carried. CITY ATTORNEY $3,600 was collected in September in overdue HMR taxes by the City Prosecutor; $46,000 has been collected year to date. Williams said he planned to propose an amendment to the HMR tax ordinance to expressly require a timely filing of the HMR tax forms. Heifner had requested that he include in the amendment taxing short term U of A and Mt. Sequoyah Assembly housing facilities which were not used for their major purposes. In 'the case of the UA, it would include summer camps and for Mt. Sequoyah would include renting rooms for football games and events other than their own sponsored retreats. Davis moved to require forms be sent in or businesses be penalized, Kam second. Motion carried. REPORTS CLINTON HOUSE MUSEUM Attendance at the Museum continues to increase. A bus tour from Tulsa OK was included in the guests who registered. Future plans for the Garden will include the installation of engraved • pavers which can be purchased. A second campaign for bricks for the front path will be launched. The side yard and front beds will be targeted. VISITORS BUREAU Allyson reported that First Thursday continued to be very successful. The event will move inside the Town Center for November and December. Trick or Treat on the Square will be held October 29 with 1500 kids expected. TOWN CENTER Town Center sales, contracts, and collections are all up. CAT television will host a Halloween fund raising event inside the Town Center during Treat or Treat on the Square. Marilyn reported that almost $96,000 has been spent on the maintenance and repair of the fountain since its installation. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Marilyn is working with the Civil War sesquicentennial committee in NWA for 2012 events. She lectured Prof. Ogbede' s hospitality class regarding the Lights of the Ozarks history. A joint effort between the Hogeye Marathon and Fayetteville Half Marathon is being coordinated. AD AGENCY REPORT Mike Sells from The Sells Agency reported that the Television schedule begins next week and will run until November 2 in Little Rock, Tulsa, and Springfield. The agency is scheduling a • planning session to review marketing for 2011 . Jade reported that the Historic Clinton House brochure has been delivered. She showed the new ad which is running in Hawgs Illustrated for fall. Web stats are down in September from August, but still up from 2009. OLD BUSINESS None NEW BUSINESS None There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. Respecttffultly� submitted, na4 Marilyn Heifner Executive Director Advertising and Promotion Commission For month of October 2010 Current Year HMR Collected (2120.0912 .4101 .00) $ 195,094.64 Prior Year Collected (2120.0912.4101 .01 ) $ 74.20 First Security Investment Interest Revenue (2120.0912.4708.00) $ 2,034.46 Total Revenues $ 197,203.30 Annual Bond Audit Expense (2120.9120.7602.60) $ -� Collection Expense (2120.9120.5333.00) $ (31903.38) Bank of OK Quarterly Fee (2120.9120.5712.00) $ (1 ,125.00) Town Center Bond Payment (2120.9120.5712.00) $ (56,304.00) 2008 Property Taxes on Town Center (2120.9120.7602.60) Total Expenses $ (61 ,332.38) Total Check to A&P $ 135,870.92 • Fayetteville A&P Commission Statement of Assets, Liabilities & Equity - Modified Cash Basis September 30, 2010 • ASSETS Current Assets CVB Cash in Register $ 100.00 CHM Cash in Register 100.00 Arvest A&P General #4856 7052533.33 Ist Security A&P General #8714 2619410.29 1 st Sec Fay Town Ctr #8722 639680.82 Ist Sec. Clinton House #8749 299171 .80 1 st Sec. Conv Visitor #8730 73,266.88 Arvest Payroll Account #4636 187952.83 Accounts Receivable 18.48 Due From Other Funds 8,339.27 Investments 117875304.20 Investment Adj to Market 4,256.62 Total Current Assets 219529134.52 Property and Equipment Furniture and Fixtures 315470.85 Equipment 1719560. 14 CVB Building 9219632.37 CVB Land 1982621 .00 Building Additions 318,677.24 Accum. Depreciation (2955778.46) Total Property and Equipment 1 ,346, 183. 14 • Other Assets Total Other Assets 0.00 Total Assets $ 4,298,317.66 LIABILITIES AND CAPITAL Current Liabilities Accrued Expenses $ ( 13,422.02) Aflac 188.46 Colonial Life & Ace Ins Payabl 124.24 Federal Payroll Taxes Payable 61560.50 FUTA Tax Payable 732.93 State Payroll Taxes Payable 13575.42 SUTA Payable 245.75 Employee Benefits Payable 11283.69 Due to Other Funds 31695.63 Due to Town Center 6,089. 10 Total Current Liabilities 71073.70 Long-Term Liabilities Total Long-Term Liabilities 0.00 • Total Liabilities 7,073.70 Capital Beginning Balance Equity 33879,562.33 Unresticted Fund Balance 258,274.40 See Accountants' Compilation Report Fayetteville A&P Commission Statement of Assets, Liabilities & Equity - Modified Cash Basis September 30, 2010 • Restricted Fund-540 Film Grant 221 .53 Net Income 153, 185.70 Total Capital 4,291 ,243.96 Total Liabilities & Capital $ 452985317.66 • • See Accountants' Compilation Report Fayetteville A&P Commission Statements of Revenue & Expenses - Modified Cash Basis For the Month and Nine Months Ending September 30, 2010 Current Month Year to Date Oevenues HMR Tax Revenue $ 182,889.42 76.97 $ 135829443.92 67.74 Prior Year HMR Tax Revenue 1 ,582.06 0.67 189916.26 0.81 Rental Income 44,221 .57 18.61 2975042.92 12.72 Other Income 0.00 0.00 382761 .20 1 .66 Travel Hero 99.83 0.04 99.83 0.00 Parking Revenue 767.00 0.32 55135.00 0.22 Parking Lease 0.00 0.00 12,268. 17 0.53 Gift Shop Sales 249.84 0. 11 2,987.27 0. 13 Visitor Store 2,289.71 0.96 17,706.40 0.76 Partnership Income 0.00 0.00 4,600.00 0.20 Admission Revenue 366.21 0. 15 4,412.08 0. 19 Special Projects 500.00 0.21 29840.00 0. 12 Interest Income Investments 45383.86 1 .84 25,092.78 1 .07 Interest Income Checking 268.25 0. 11 19945.46 0.08 Visitor Guide Ad Income 0.00 0.00 9,750.00 0.42 Hospitality Summit 0.00 0.00 2,040.00 0.09 Transfer In 0.00 0.00 310,000.00 13.27 Total Revenues 2375617.75 100.00 25336,041 .29 100.00 Cost of Sales Clinton House Gift Shop 0.00 0.00 12990.99 0.09 Total Cost of Sales 0.00 0.00 19990.99 0.09 • Gross Profit 237,617.75 100.00 253349050.30 99.91 Expenses 540 Film Fest Grant Restr 0.00 0.00 (271 .05) (0.01 ) Signage- Tourism (625.00) (0.26) 81341 . 12 0.36 Credit Card Discounts 283.87 0. 12 21982.49 0. 13 Bank Charges 0.00 0.00 18.94 0.00 Parking Expense 100.00 0.04 900.00 0.04 Advertising & Marketing 562.36 0.24 201 ,649.84 8.63 Brochures 0.00 0.00 102, 177.65 4.37 Accounting & Legal Fees 625.00 0.26 5,655.00 0.24 Audit Expense 0.00 0.00 21100.00 0.09 Office Expense 11354.62 0.57 10,703.36 0.46 Visitor Store Exp 240. 10 0. 10 8,755.67 0.37 Insurance & Health Benefits 9,295.37 3.91 32, 118.40 1 .37 408 (P) Company Match 15047.92 0.44 75671 .49 0.33 Car Allowance 300.00 0. 13 25550.00 0. 11 Telephone Expense 776.55 0.33 95642.83 0.41 Postage and Shipping Expense 515.99 0.22 169991 .49 0.73 Tracking Software 0.00 0.00 1 ,695.00 0.07 Rent 0.00 0.00 129000.00 0.51 Maintenance/Lawn 60.00 0.03 390.00 0.02 Repairs & Maintenance Expense 159002.82 6.31 78, 192.83 3.35 Kamensky Fountain Maintenance 715.26 0.30 45270.32 0. 18 Linens 1 ,998.71 0.84 179698.67 0.76 Publications & Dues 0.00 0.00 49505.95 0. 19 Travel/Training Expense 0.00 0.00 26,838. 14 1 . 15 • Taxes & Licenses 0.00 0.00 947.24 0.04 Collections Expense 3,689.43 1 .55 325027.21 1 .37 Payroll Tax Expense 29873.60 1 .21 27,603.96 1 . 18 Convention Development 21376. 13 1 .00 197665. 18 0.84 Contract Labor 41182.00 1 .76 342605.30 1 .48 Commissions 0.00 0.00 139414.06 0.57 See Accountants' Compilation Report Fayetteville A&P Commission Statements of Revenue & Expenses - Modified Cash Basis For the Month and Nine Months Ending September 30, 2010 Current Month Year to Date Wages Expense 37,252.52 15.68 316,402.58 13.54 Electricity Utility 6,441 .87 2.71 38,247.65 1 .64 Gas Utility 123.60 0.05 8,954.96 0.38 Water Utility 159. 13 0.07 59107.89 0.22 Cable 773. 13 0.33 19488.27 0.06 Recycling 165.28 0.07 1 ,487.52 0.06 Security 561 .85 0.24 49610.86 0.20 Airport Advertising 1 ,485.00 0.62 41455.00 0. 19 Minor Equipment 0.00 0.00 309391 . 13 1 .30 Airport Info Booth 0.00 0.00 35600.00 0. 15 Coaches Clinic 0.00 0.00 175250.00 0.74 4 State Volleyball 500.00 0.21 500.00 0.02 Al I Star Games 0.00 0.00 309000.00 1 .28 Saturday of Champions 0.00 0.00 29500.00 0. 11 7A State Track 0.00 0.00 15500.00 0.06 DECA 0.00 0.00 19350.00 0.06 Walton Arts Special Project 0.00 0.00 309495. 18 1 .31 Solar Splash Specail Project 0.00 0.00 5,000.00 0.21 Dickson St Special Project 0.00 0.00 29288.00 0. 10 Town Center Garden Maint 0.00 0.00 25868.96 0. 12 AR Air Museum 0.00 0.00 55300.00 0.23 Theatre Squad 0.00 0.00 195871 .86 0.85 Ozark Military Special Proj 0.00 0.00 150.00 0.01 Bikes, Babes, & Bling 0.00 0.00 18,796.38 0.80 Bikes, Blues, & Hot Rods 0.00 0.00 83489. 17 0.36 National School Boards 0.00 0.00 21257.26 0. 10 NCAA Baseball Regional 0.00 0.00 10,000.00 0.43 • NCAA Track Indoor 0.00 0.00 103500.00 0.45 SEC Softball Chamionship 0.00 0.00 2,000.00 0.09 Premier Baseball 0.00 0.00 257160.00 1 .08 Misc Special Project 21730.05 1 . 15 66,481 . 15 2.85 Bond Payments-Town Center 55,949.41 23.55 503,544.69 21 .56 Trustee Expense 0.00 0.00 37975.00 0. 17 Transfer OUt 0.00 0.00 310,000.00 13.27 Total Expenses 151 ,516.57 63.76 21180,864.60 93.36 Net Income $ 86, 101 . 18 36.24 $ 1535185.70 6.56 • See Accountants' Compilation Report Fayetteville A&P Commission Statement of Revenue & Expenses - Modified Cash Basis For the Nine Months Ending September 30, 2010 • Current Month Current Month Year to Date Year to Date This Year Last Year This Year Last Year Revenues HMR Tax Revenue $ 1829889.42 $ 1759367.79 $ 19582,443.92 $ 19589,225.00 Prior Year HMR Tax Revenue 12582.06 988.68 18,916.26 21 ,401 .02 Rental Income 44,221 .57 297684.93 297,042.92 2999141 .35 Other Income 0.00 2,860.00 385761 .20 49618.75 Travel Hero 99.83 0.00 99.83 22996.55 Parking Revenue 767.00 515.00 57135.00 69277.30 Parking Lease 0.00 0.00 12,268. 17 105619.24 Gift Shop Sales 249.84 133.83 2,987.27 45013.30 Visitor Store 22289.71 19639.77 17,706.40 13,098.53 Partnership Income 0.00 125.00 41600.00 79425.00 Admission Revenue 366.21 298.00 4,412.08 49308.54 Track Tickets 0.00 0.00 0.00 35155.70 Special Projects 500.00 0.00 21840.00 212911 .44 Sustainability Summit 0.00 0.00 0.00 14,000.00 Interest Income Investments 49383.86 39093.30 25,092.78 322197.09 Interest Income Checking 268.25 200.21 11945.46 29182.06 Visitor Guide Ad Income 0.00 0.00 97750.00 149100.00 Hospitality Summit 0.00 40.00 2,040.00 15956.73 Transfer In 0.00 0.00 3102000.00 2325265.00 Total Revenues 2375617.75 2149946.51 2,336,041 .29 212849892.60 Cost of Sales Clinton House Gift Shop 0.00 0.00 19990.99 3,306.42 • Total Cost of Sales 0.00 0.00 15990.99 32306.42 Gross Profit 2371617.75 2143946.51 2,3345050.30 2,2811586. 18 Expenses 540 Film Fest Grant Restr 0.00 0.00 (271 .05) 0.00 Signage- Tourism (625.00) 218.50 89341 . 12 59597.26 Credit Card Discounts 283.87 514.57 22982.49 55620.07 Bank Charges 0.00 8.50 18.94 196.25 Parking Expense 100.00 100.00 900.00 900.00 Advertising & Marketing 562.36 48, 168.92 201 ,649.84 308,688.88 Brochures 0.00 14,847.23 1023177.65 945921 .09 Accounting & Legal Fees 625.00 0.00 5,655.00 59625.00 Audit Expense 0.00 2,000.00 21100.00 29000.00 Office Expense 1 ,354.62 15027.98 10,703.36 11 ,523.57 Visitor Store Exp 240. 10 15225.25 81755.67 81960.72 Insurance-Building 0.00 85900.00 0.00 81900.00 Insurance & Health Benefits 9,295.37 51320. 12 32, 118.40 293849. 14 408 (P) Company Match 12047.92 933.30 79671 .49 89477.65 Car Allowance 300.00 300.00 25550.00 21700.00 Telephone Expense 776.55 11478.80 99642.83 123516.59 Postage and Shipping Expense 515.99 11065.99 163991 .49 14, 107.91 Tracking Software 0.00 0.00 19695.00 0.00 Material & Supplies 0.00 0.00 0.00 95.85 Rent 0.00 0.00 129000.00 12,000.00 • Maintenance/Lawn 60.00 561 .73 390.00 941 .73 Repairs & Maintenance Expense 15,002.82 91036.89 782192.83 80,037.03 Kamensky Fountain Maintenance 715.26 172.49 45270.32 2,560.66 Linens F 11998.71 11820.08 17,698.67 179945.60 Publications & Dues 0.00 0.00 41505 .95 35002.00 Travel/Training Expense 0.00 4,058.05 26,838. 14 169773.62 See Accountants' Compilation Report Fayetteville A&P Commission Statement of Revenue & Expenses - Modified Cash Basis For the Nine Months Ending September 30, 2010 • Current Month Current Month Year to Date Year to Date This Year Last Year This Year Last Year Taxes & Licenses 0.00 0.00 947.24 2,603.80 Collections Expense 3,689.43 3,529.26 32,027.21 32,214.65 Payroll Tax Expense 21873.60 27723.78 27,603.96 28, 163.05 Convention Development 21376. 13 25333.99 197665. 18 423518.85 Research Expense . 0.00 0.00 0.00 11700.00 Contract Labor 4, 182.00 29750.00 34,605.30 25,612.50 Commissions 0.00 0.00 135414.06 169501 .48 Wages Expense 37,252.52 349531 .02 316,402.58 3279010. 13 Electricity Utility 61441 .87 69257.51 389247.65 54,290.63 Gas Utility 123.60 0.00 8,954.96 8,976.64 Water Utility 159. 13 655.62 52107.89 43772.33 Cable 773. 13 0.00 1 ,488.27 805.40 Recycling 165.28 0.00 19487.52 0.00 Security 561 .85 964.77 49610.86 51785.50 Airport Advertising 11485.00 0.00 4,455.00 4,455.00 Minor Equipment 0.00 0.00 309391 . 13 61674.00 Airport Info Booth 0.00 0.00 3,600.00 3,600.00 Coaches Clinic 0.00 0.00 17,250.00 35,800.00 4 State Volleyball 500.00 0.00 500.00 0.00 All Star Games 0.00 0.00 303000.00 159000.00 Saturday of Champions 0.00 0.00 21500.00 49000.00 State Soccer 0.00 0.00 0.00 1 ,750.00 7A State Track 0.00 0.00 15500.00 0.00 DECA 0.00 0.00 11350.00 39000.00 Walton Arts Special Project 0.00 0.00 30,495. 18 10,000.00 Solar Splash Specail Project 0.00 0.00 5,000.00 52000.00 • Square Gardens 0.00 0.00 0.00 299244.43 Waterski Champion 0.00 0.00 0.00 1 ,500.00 Dickson St Special Project 0.00 0.00 29288.00 182450.87 Town Center Garden Maint 0.00 0.00 2,868.96 0.00 AR Air Museum 0.00 0.00 5,300.00 71000.00 Theatre Squad 0.00 0.00 19,871 .86 21000.00 Duathlon 0.00 0.00 0.00 52000.00 Joe Martin 0.00 0.00 0.00 31000.00 Ozark Valley 0.00 0.00 0.00 1 ,000.00 Ozark Military Special Proj 0.00 0.00 150.00 307.08 Outdoor Track 0.00 0.00 0.00 109000.00 Bikes, Babes, & Bling 0.00 0.00 18,796.38 0.00 Bikes, Blues, & Hot Rods 0.00 0.00 83489. 17 0.00 National School Boards 0.00 0.00 21257.26 0.00 NCAA Baseball Regional 0.00 0.00 10,000.00 0.00 NCAA Track Indoor 0.00 0.00 107500.00 0.00 SEC Softball Chamionship 0.00 0.00 25000.00 0.00 Premier Baseball 0.00 0.00 252160.00 0.00 Misc Special Project 2,730.05 29200.47 66,481 . 15 13,070. 10 Bond Payments-Town Center 557949.41 55,913.35 503,544.69 499,220. 15 Trustee Expense 0.00 0.00 39975.00 31375.00 Transfer OUt 0.00 0.00 3105000.00 232,265.00 Total Expenses 151 ,516.57 2139618. 17 211809864.60 251195607.21 Net Income, $ 86, 101 . 18 $ 13328.34 $ 153, 185.70 $ 1615978.97 See Accountants' Compilation Report L Clinton House Museum Stmt of Budget, Revenue, and Expense-Modified Cash Basis Month Ending September 2010 • - 2010 2010 2010 2010 September September 2009 Annual Budget Year To Date Year To Date Year Monthly Monthly Year To Date Accumulated Actual Balance Budget Actual Actual Budget Revenue Transfer from A&P 59,431 .00 69,431 .00 60,000.00 (569.00) 32,265.00 Admission 5,400.00 4,050.00 4,412.08 987.92 450.00 366.21 4,064.63 Special Events 900.00 200.00 - 900.00 Gift Shop Sales 6,600.00 4,950.00 3,385.27 3,214.73 550.00 317.84 4,467.33 Interest 240.00 180.00 113.30 126.70 20.00 21.05 97.13 Other Income 20.07 (20.07) 214.08 Total 72,571.00 78,81100 67,930.72 1 ,020.00 705.10 41 ,108.17 Expenses Salary+Benefits 36,180.00 27,135.00 23,176.52 13,003.48 3,015.00 2,740.00 22,197.21 Payroll Tax Exp 2,892.00 2,169.00 2,010.33 881.67 241.00 212.97 2,056.36 Insurance-Health 3,951.00 2,925.00 2,773.39 1,177.61 325.00 735.13 46.00 401K Match 984.00 738.00 562.50 421.50 82.00 75.00 Rent 12,000.00 12,000.00 12,000.00 - 12,000.00 Utilities-$3690 - _ _ Water 500.00 333.00 746.99 (246.99) 37.00 159.13 334.44 Gas 1,300.00 729.00 875.07 424.93 22.00 24.30 708.59 Electricity 1,000.00 709.00 830.13 169.87 109.00 149.59 573.25 Telephone Actual 1,200.00 900.00 834.90 365.10 100.00 104.27 832.31 Materials 8 Supplies 1,200.00 900.00 949.00 251.00 100.00 378.23 1,001 .82 Credit Card Discount: 1,000.00 450.00 389.45 610.55 50.00 44.84 895.30 Bank Charges - - - 58.25 Security 264.00 198.00 196.65 67.35 22.00 21.85 196.65 Maintenance/Lam 500.00 450.00 390.00 110.00 50.00 60.00 450.00 Repair/Maintenance 2,000.00 800.00 268.16 1 ,731.84 200.00 38,24 Sales Tax 600.00 450.00 398.00 202.00 50.00 68.00 460.59 Special Projects 1 ,200.00 900.00 142.30 1 ,057.70 100.00 195.61 Publications/Dues 250.00 250.00 104.27 145.73 50.00 50.00 Travel/Training 500.00 1 ,000.00 194.99 305.01 200.31 • Gift Shop Items 5,000.00 3,000.00 1,990.99 3,009.01 3,306.42 Total 72,521.00 56,036.00 48,833.64 4,553.00 4,773.31 45,601.35 • Convention Visitors Bureau Stmt of Budget, Revenue, and Expense-Modified Cash Basis Month Ending September 2010 • 2010 2010 2010 2010 September September 2009 Annual Budget Year To Date Year To Date Year Monthly Monthly Year To Date Accumulated Actual Balance Budget Actual Actual Budget . Revenue Transfer from A&P 352,908.00 343,413.00 250,000.00 102,908.00 93,413.00 200,000.00 Interest 600.00 450.00 503.20 96.80 50.00 55.80 348.39 Partnership Dues 9,200.00 8,000.00 5,000.00 4,200.00 1,600.00 7,425.00 Travel Hero 3,000.00 2,500.00 99.83 2,900.17 1,000.00 99.83 2,996.55 Vist. Cb. Store 15,000.00 10,500.00 18,226.71 (3,226.71) 1,500.00 2,289.71 13,848.53 Special Projects 1 - - - 9,935.05 First Thursday 2,400.00 1 ,800.00 300.00 2,100.00 200.00 Dickson St 1 ,500.00 1 ,500.00 - 1 ,500.00 Film Festival 2,500.00 - - 2,500.00 Premeir Baseball 15,000.00 15,000.00 16,708.00 (1,708.00) Other Income 4,075.00 (4,075.00) 7,193.10 Total 402,108.00 383,163.00 294,912.74 97,763.00 2,445.34 241,746.62 Expenses Salary+Benefits 231,991.00 165,951.00 146,512.91 85,478.09 18,439.00 18,023.76 142,216.18 Payroll Tax Exp 20,775.00 14,850.00 12,480.96 8,294.04 1,650.00 1,382.10 11,675.83 Insurance-Health 21,756.00 15,600.00 15,965.19 5,790.81 1,950.00 4,468.49 14,183.23 401K Match 6,576.00 4,932.00 3,458.48 3,117.52 548.00 526.06 3,871.75 Utilities - - m Telephone 7,125.00 5,250.00 3,210.68 3,914.32 650.00 429.17 5,054.25 Electricity 4,195.00 3,175.00 3,195.93 999.07 375.00 384.49 3,023.21 Water 550.00 415.00 341.85 208.15 45.00 401.52 Conv 8 Tourism Develop 23,800.00 20,600.00 18,687.81 5,112.19 2,200.00 2,376.13 40,214.30 Premier Baseball 15,000.00 15,000.00 2,835.00 12,165.00 Travel &,Training 32,520.00 28,370.00 21,607.93 10,912.07 1 ,550.00 15,188.28 Publications/Dues 3,220.00 3,220.00 2,802.00 418.00 1 ,807.00 Repair/Maintenance 2,000.00 1,600.00 428.51 1,571.49 3,030.30 Office Supp/Printing 9,000.00 7,000.00 4,716.66 4,283.34 1,000.00 9,958.98 Tracking S6ware/Maint 3,500.00 3,500.00 1,695.00 1,805.00 Credit Card Discounts 1,200.00 900.00 686.14 513.86 100.00 117.86 1 ,403.67 • Taxes & Licenses(ASCAF 300.00 300.00 723.68 (423.68) 1,043.50 Visitor Cur Store Itms 8,000.00 5,994.00 8,755.67 (755.67) 666.00 240.10 8,960.72 Education Reimbursemen 3,000.00 3,000.00 - 3,000.00 3,000.00 Bank Charges - - - 58.25 Parking Expense 1,200.00 900.00 900.00 300.00 100.00 100.00 900.00 Advertising & Marketing - 1,150.00 (1,150.00) Special Project - 26,594.63 (26,594.63) 4,662.00 First Thursday 2,400.00 1,800.00 - 2,400.00 200.00 Dickson St 1,500.00 1,500.00 - 1,500.00 Film Festival 2,500.00 - - 2,500.00 Transfer Out - i Total 402,108.00 303,857.00 276,749.03 32,473.00 28,048.16 267,652.97 I, i Fayetteville Town Center Stmt of Budget, Revenue, and Expense-Modified Cash Basis Month Ending September 2010 • 2010 2010 2010 2010 September September 2009 Annual Budget Year To Date Year To Date Year Monthly Monthly Year To Date Accumulated Actual Balance Budget Actual Actual Budget Revenue Rental Ind Service Actual 09 394,880.00 292,369.00 275,166.46 119,713.54 41,703.00 41 ,497.57 277,201.35 Interest - Checking 480.00 360.00 356.17 123.83 40.00 43.26 409.94 Parking Revenue - - - Daily 9,000.00 7,229.00 5,135.00 3,865.00 615.00 767.00 6,277.30 Leases - 10,000.00 9,299.00 12,268.17 (2,268.17) 10,619.24 Sales Tax Exp (3,663.00) (2,997.00) (2,554.54) (1,108.46) (333.00) (26.00) (2,960.00) Special Projects 6,200.00 6,200.00 - 6,200.00 1,200.00 5,956.39 Misc Revenue - 12.461.25 (12,461 .25) 0,94 Transfer Total 416,897.00 312,460.00 302,832.51 43,225.00 42,281.83 297,505.16 Expenses Salary*Benefits 142,332.00 98.532.00 88,514.54 53,817.46 10,948.00 10,197.10 108,172.62 Commissions 30,000.00 22,500.00 13,414.06 16,585.94 2,500.00 16,501.48 Contract Labor - - 9,855.30 (9,855.30) 1 ,432.00 862.50 Payroll Taxes 14,495.00 10,530.00 8,554.08 5,940.92 1,170.00 780.10 9,977.37 Credit Card Discount! 3,900.00 2,925.00 1 ,906.90 1,993.10 325.00 121.17 3,321.10 Insurance 15,600.00 11,700.00 12,385.82 3,214.18 1,300.00 2,940.52 11,766.91 401K Match 3,720.00 2,790.00 2, 100.59 1,619.41 310.00 258.12 3,044.48 Utilities 700.00 - - Water 6.225.00 4,500.00 4,019.05 2,205.95 400.00 4,036.37 Phone 8,960.00 11,203.00 5,597.25 3,362.75 755.00 243.11 6,630.03 Electricity 64,741 .00 38,715.00 43,242.15 21,498.85 3,609.00 5,907.79 50,694. 17 Gas 11,969.00 9,183.00 8,083.96 3,885.04 165.00 99.30 8,268.05 Cable 1,080.00 865.00 1 ,488.27 (408.27) 90.00 773.13 805.40 Recycle Dumpster 1,980.00 1,320.00 826.40 1,153.60 165.00 165.28 Postage 135.00 135.00 558.26 (423.26) 15.99 98.00 Contract Services - - - • Office Expense - 3,601.02 (3,601.02) 917.56 3,571 .01 Linens 20,504.00 13,864.00 17,698.67 2,805.33 1,459.00 1 ,998.71 16,274.35 Outside Laundry 3,771 .00 2,871 .00 - 3,771 .00 100.00 Repairs & Maintenant 60,750.00 39,500.00 60,633.24 116.76 7,500.00 6,774.07 36,219.29 Materials & Supplies 5,000.00 3,800.00 - 5,000.00 400.00 Advertising & Promo 3,000.00 3,000.00 1 ,743.50 1,256.50 67.36 2,216.00 TraveVTraining 500.00 500.00 2,500.00 (2,000.00) (869.12) Building,Insurance 9,000.00 9,000.00 - 9,000.00 9,000.00 Taxes & Licenses 3,035.00 3,035.00 735.00 2,300.00 2,310.30 Special Projects 6,200.00 6,200.00 13,430.12 (7,230.12) 1,200.00 2,730.05 4,562.49 Misc - 451.99 (451 .99) Bank Charges - - - 49.75 Security - 4,414.21 (4,414.21) 540.00 5,588.85 Transer In Total 416,897.00 297,388.00 305,754.38 41,396.00 37,961 .36 294,101.40 • Fayetteville AP Commission SWI of Budget, Revenue. and Expense-Monified Cash Basis Month Ending September 2010 • 2010 2010 2010 2(110 September September 2009 Annual Budget Year To Date Year To Date Year Monthly Monthly Year To Date Accumulated! Actual Balance Budget Actual Actual Budget Revenue HMR Tax Revenue 2.171,650.00 1.615.105.00 1,582,443.92 589,406.08 176,943.00 182.889.42 1,589,225.00 Prior Year HMR Tax Rev - 18,916.26 (18,91626) 1,582.6 21401.02 Interest 35,00000 26,252.0 25.092.78 9.907.22 2.916.00 4,383.86 32,197.09 Vmtor Guideads 1,500.00 16,725.00 9,750.00 (8,250.00) 14,100.00 Misc Income 18.800.00 - 7,983.51 8,616.49 500.00 22,74373 Square Garden Carryo 5,000.00 - - 5,00000 Rental Income - 24,423.0 (24,423.00) 2750.00 24750.00 Interest Inc Checking 1000.00 95272 (952.72) 125.0 148.14 1,326.60 Total 2,229.950.00 1,659,082.00 1,669,562.19 179.984.00 192,25348 1,705,743." Expenses Transfers Torn Center Fund 676,185.00 506436.0 503,544.69 172,640.31 56.580.00 55,949.41 499,220.15 Sond Audit Exp 2,000.00 2,0".00 1,725.00 275.00 Bone Paying Agent Fe, 6,000.00 4,500.00 2.250.00 3,750.00 3,375.00 Workman's Comp Ins 2,575.00 2,575.00 - 2,575.00 2,57500 Collection EN) 43,437.00 32,298,00 32,027.21 11409.79 3538.00 3,689.43 32,214.65 Transfer to CVB 352822.00 352.822.0 25.000.00 102,822.0 32,265.00 Transfer to Ctmon Hot 59,431.00 59431.00 6.000.00 (569.00) X10=" Peace Fountain Maid 10"0." 7,497.00 4,270.32 5,729.68 933.00 715.26 2.140.04 Comma Labor - 24.750.00 (24,750.") 2.750,00 24,750.00 Selanis 84,453.0 63,342.00 5].]82.75 28,670.25 7,038.00 6,291.66 54424.12 Payroll Tax Exp 7,600.00 5,697.00 4,558.59 3,041.41 633.00 498.43 4,453.49 Insurance-Heaab 3,645.00 2,738.00 994.00 2.651.00 304.0 1,151.23 3.853.00 401K Match 2,532.0 1,899.00 1,549.92 982.06 211.00 168.74 1,56142 Car Allowance 3,600.00 2.700.00 2.550.00 1.050.00 300,00 300.00 2.700.00 Advertising B MarkeW! 40.000.00 285.000.00 196,652.07 201,347.93 35,000.0 495.00 306472.88 Airport Imo Booth 5,20.00 4.800.0 3,600.00 1.600.00 3,600.00 Airport Advemsing 6.000.00 4,500.00 4,455,00 1.545.00 1,500.00 1485.00 4,455.00 Brerhures 100,000.00 74.000.00 1132,1n.65 (2,177.65) 5,000.0 94,921,09 Website Update 20.00.0 16,000.0 - 2.00000 Signage- Tounsm 10,000.00 8,800.0 8.341.12 1,658.88 2,000.0 (625.0) 5.597.26 Pudifation 8 Dues 2.045.0 1,225.00 1.594.95 450.05 1,145.00 Travearaining 5.000.00 3,"0.00 3,512.59 1,487.41 2,254.15 Recycling - 651.12 (661.12) Offico Sup S Printing 1,000.00 900.00 1,446.87 (446.97) 100.00 56.63 2,829.02 Postage 20,000.00 14,000.00 16,420.08 3,579.94 2,000.00 500.00 13,944.31 • Professional Services 7,500.00 5,625.00 5,655.00 1,845.00 625.00 625.00 5,625.00 Smiegic Plan " 30,000.00 25.".0 30,000.00 25.000.00 Audit Expense 2,000." 2,1"," (100.") 2,000." Town Center Garden N 10.00." - 2.688.96 7,131.04 SquareGardens - - - 29,244.43 Special Projects - 47,235.07 (47,235.07) 5,150.00 Aur Museum 5,300.00 5.3"." 5,30D.00 - 7,0".00 AR H.S. Coaches Ci ni 17,250." 17,250." 17,25." - Arls Live , 1,000." 1,000." 1,000." Bikes, Babes, 8 Bung 20,000.00 20,000,00 18,796.38 1,203.62 Bikes, Shoes, 8 Hot Ro 10,0".00 10,000." 8489.17 1,510.83 Committee for Mami G 2.000.00 2,000.00 1,404." 595.97 DECA Marketing Fach. 1,500." 1,500.00 1,350.00 150.00 3,000.00 H.S. .Minor Games 30.000." 30.000." ","0" 15,000." NWA Coaches GNic 1,600.00 1,600." - 1,6"." 35,8",00 Saturday of Champions - 2,500.00 (2.500.00) 4.000.00 State Soccer Finals 1."." 1.000.00 - 1."." 1,750." 7A State Track Meet 1,500." 1,5"." 1,500.00 - 10.00D.00 10.0 .00 Baseball B Serious] We 2.500." 2,500.00 - 2.500." Dickson SI Music - 2,286" (2,288.") 18,450.87 DuaWon - - - 5"0" 4 State vctleybae Claw 1,000.00 - 500,00 500,00 500.00 Iron Pig Festival 2.500." 2.50().00 - 2,500.00 Joe Martin Stage Race 3.200.00 3,200.00 - 3,2".00 3,000.00 Nag School Boards 2,000." 2,000.00 2,257.26 (257.26) Ozark Valley Triathlon 5".0 500." - 500." Fayeaville Night Jam - - O7am MiNtary Museun 1.000." 1,000.00 15O." 8".00 307.08 Solar Spiash 5,000." 5,000.00 5."." 5,000." Thi s reSquaree 200".00 20.000." 19,871.88 128.14 2,"0.00 Td Sports We B Farm 1,500.00 1,500." - 1,500.00 NCAA Baseball Regior 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000." - NCAA Track Indoor 7,000." 7,000.00 10,5".00 (3.500.") SEC Tennis Tournament - SEC Men's BWomen': 3.500.00 3,500." - 3.500.00 SEC SaMall Champlin 2,000.00 2.000.00 2.",00 - Walion Arts Center 30,000." 30,000." 30495.18 (495.18) 10.000." Misc Expensa 6.250.00 (9.020.06) 9,020.06 Repair B Maintenance 75.000." "."." 16,636.07 58,363.93 6,228.75 41,661.55 Muer Equip 75,000.00 51,665.00 3.048,14 44,951.88 6.250.00 6,674," Depreciation Exp 20,000." 17,005." - 200"." 6.250.0 Bank Charges 1,665." 18.94 (18.94) 1,685." 30." • Texas is Licenses 8.58 (9.56) Una & c Revenue 4,074." 4,074.00 4,074." Total 2,229,949.00 1,B",292.00 1,552.067.47 157,402.00 80,801.74 1,5()7,868.51 FAYETTEVILLE THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS KIT WILLIAMS, CITY ATTORNEY SDAVID WHITAKER, ASST. CITY ATTORNEY PARTMENTAL CORRESPONDENCE LEGAL DEPARTMENT TO: A & P Commissioners CC : Casey Jones, City Prosecutor FROM: Kit Williams, City Attorney .v4 DATE : November 3, 2010 - RE: Overdue HMR tax collection The City Prosecutor' s Office collected $29477.20 in overdue HMR taxes last month bringing the year-to-date total to $489628.62 . Attached is Casey' s report. • • CLINTON K. JONES (479) 57541378 MANDY FINKLEA CITY PROSECUTOR SY ki OFFICEADMINISTRATORet E-mall: hotthk(dcl.fayettevllle.ar.us BRIAN THOMAS PHONE: (479) 57541377 nNsns •DEPUTY CITY PROSECUTOR Hot checks: (479) 57541254 OFFICE OF CITY PROSECUTOR FAX (479) 5754071 MEMO TO: K. Williams Fayetteville City Attorney FROM: Casey Jones Fayetteville City Prosecutor DATE: November 2, 1010 RE: Status of Active MMR cases 1 . Acambaro Four Jesus Socarro Delinquent Balance: $ 1 ,468.04. (5 & 6, 09) Active Criminal Summons • 2. Butcher Block Gary W. Bell Court Ordered to pay $200.00 Per Month Delinquent Balance: $ 1 ,871 .28 Active Contempt of Court 3 . Dominoes Pizza Lloyd W. Hardison Delinquent Balance: $4,590.66 TD: 7/08/09 — Court ordered to pay $200.00 a month Criminal Summons (Fail to Pay HMR) Trial Date: 9/ 15/10 — No Show Active FTA Warrant 4. Drifters, The Club John M. Dortch Delinquent Balance: -0- (3 & 5, 10) Arraignment: 7/23/10 - No Show FTAS Warrant (3/10) Arraignment: 9/3/10 (3 & 5, 10) No Show - FTAS Warrant — TD: 10/25 Dismissed at Arraignment Case Closed 5. Frulatti Mary A. McNeil Delinquent Balance: $409.34 Todd E. McNeill Letter • Telecommunication Device for the Deaf TDD (479) 521.1316 176 South Church, Suite 2 — Fayetteville, AR 72701 Kit Williams November 2, 2010 40 Page 2 6. Hogwild Pizzeria David S. Mackey Delinquent Balance: $ 1 ,330.00 ( 1 — 39 09) Delinquent Balance: No Forms (4/09) TD: 10/28/09 - 90 days to pay TD: 7/14/ 10 (Fail to Pay HMR) Settled (90 days to pay) Letter 7. Mama Dean 's Meneria D. Morrison Trial Date: 10/27/10 (5/10) Dismissed at Arraignment Trial Date: 12/15/10 (6 & 7, 10) Terry L. Morrison Trial Date: 11 /02/ 10 (5/ 10) Trial Date: 12/15/10 (6 & 75 10) Delinquent Balance: -0- (5/10) Delinquent Balance: $354.56 (6/10) Delinquent Balance: $295.26 (7/10) 8. Patron Mexican Grill Steven A. Jones Paid: $620.20 Trial Date: 11 /10/10 (5/10) Trial Date: 1 / 12/ 11 (6 & 71 10) Raul Mendez, Jr. Trial Date: 11 /10/10 (5/ 10) • Active Criminal Summons (6 & 73 10) Delinquent Balance: -0- (5, 6 & 7, 10) 9. Razor's Edge Alan S. Burton Paid: $ 1 ,607.00 Barbara A. Burton Delinquent balance: -0- Case Closed 10. Seafood Market Bar/Grill Craig E. Dowd Paid: $ 100.00 Delinquent Balance: $5, 122.60 TD: 9/16/09 — Time Pay: $200.00 by the 30'hof every month. Trial Date: 5/ 19/10 (Fail to Pay HMR) Settled — to pay $ 100.00 a month 11 . Shanghai Chinese and Hsiao L. J. Shen Delinquent Balance: $3, 190.00 China Garden Letter 12. Soul Restaurant & Lounge Casey E. Dighero Paid: $ 150.00 Delinquent Balance: $2,093.64 (3 & 41 10) Trial Date: 10/13/10 Settled — to pay $ 150.00 a month • Kit Williams November 2, 2010 4Vage 13. Wilma I s Restaurant Wilma J. Walker Arraignment: 10/1/10 Dismissed at Arraignment Erma L. Rainey Arraignment: 10/1 /10 Dismissed at Arraignment Delinquent Balance: -0- (6 & 73 10) Case Closed 14. WOW Japanese Bistro Chong N. Kim Delinquent Balance: $38.00 (1 & 21 10) Delinquent Balance: $398.00 (3/10) Trial Date: 7/28/10 — Settled Delinquent Balance: $354.00 (4 & 52 10) Trial Date: 11 /03/10 (4 & 5, 10) Delinquent Balance: No Forms (6/10) Trial Date: 12/8/10 (6/10) Delinquent Balance: No Forms (7/10) Trial Date: 12/8/10 (7/10) TOTAL: $2,477.20 • r • CLINTON HOUSE MUSEUM • MONTHLY REPORT OCTOBER 2010 The Clinton House Museum had a total of 149 visitors in October 2010 . On a domestic scale, we have had visitors from California, Texas, North Dakota, Illinois, Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoma, and more. On an international scale, we have had visitors from Russia, Singapore, Rio de Janeiro, the United Kingdom and Mexico City. On the 6° , we hosted a bus tour of fifty-five from Oklahoma. The guests received a newly constructed floor plan of the house with corresponding facts about each room. This was and continues to be a valuable tool of reference after the formal tour. October 27`s was Hillary' s 64 ' birthday. Guests received free admission, were able to sign a birthday card for the Secretary of State and take their pictures with her likeness. The annual Trick or Treat on the Square was held on October 29th. A costumed Hillary in a Halloween Pantsuit arrived and passed out Free Admission passes for the children. The City of Fayetteville and the University of Arkansas commenced on a joint drainage and trail project to the north and west of the House. After destruction of the parking lot • and west yard created a parking problem for a few days, we now have a newly sodded West Yard with a mulch trail heading north to the University which will soon be united with the Fayetteville Trails System. Wildflowers have also been planted on the entire west side of the parking lot and will bring much needed color and beauty this spring. • Fayetteville Town Center, Manager's Activity Report October 1 , 2010 to October 31 , 2010 *sales: OCTOBER OCTOBER Month YTD YTD YTD 2009 (base) 2010 % Change _2009 -----2010 -- % Change Sales 23 20 (13%) 164 171 6% # returned contracts b to date — GL Complete Events (Paid/Sponsored) 22 27 22% 185 185 0% EMS Calendar - attached Sales $383100.00 $30,975.00 (18%) $276,002.47 $281 ,543.06 2% $ returned contracts by log date — GL Collections "$ - Payment Lo $282223.06 $28,423.56 7% $312,832.51 $319,280.24 2% Credit -0- -0- NA -0- -0- NA ( $ - GL Average per event $1 ,656.52 $1 ,548.75 (6 /°) $1 ,682.94 $1 ,646.45 $ Sales / # Sales _ ° -- " We collected $28,423.56 for rentals and incidentals in October. We have reached 70% of our 2010 goal of $431 ,360.00. Operations Items: • Peace fountain preventative maintenance completed. • Ice Machine repaired. • General Maintence. • Marketing, Sales and Public Relations: • Worked with CVB on Trick or Treat on the Square, which had a huge turn out. • CAT TV Spooktacular was successful event and we plan to have it again next year. Event List: • October 2 — Albarran Reception 0 October 14 — Leadership Fayetteville • October 5 — 7 Habits Seminar 0 October 15 — UA Chemistry Banquet • October 6 — 7 Habits Seminar a October 16 — Fayetteville Senior Center • October 7 — 7 Habits Seminar 0 October 16 — Lincoln Class Reunion • October 7 — Hall of Honor • October 18 — Fayetteville Chamber Banquet • October 8 — SCA Conference 0 October 20 — Smart Step Literacy • October 8 — UCP Banquet 0 October 21 — Smart Step Literacy • October 9 — Knafila Reception 0 October 21 — American Public Works • October 10 — Gaeta Reception 0 October 22 — Burlsworth Foundation • October 11 — Conner-Winners a October 23 — Garba Banquet • October 11 — KKG Founders Day Banquet • October 25 — Conner-Winters • October 12 — Joe Thompson a October 28 — UA Ducks Unlimited • October 13 - FHS • October 29 — CAT TV Spooktacular • October 30 — Walker/Williams Wedding • Activity Report From : 1010112010 To: 1013112010 •JESSI Blog Entry 10/7/2010 Fayetteville Visitors Bureau EF-Fayetteville high celebrates homecoming 10/14/2010 Fayetteville Visitors Bureau EF-Dickson St celebrates oktoberfest 10/27/2010 Fayetteville Visitors Bureau EF-university of arkansas celebrates homecoming Creative 10/15/2010 Lights of the Ozarks Light the Night Website for Lights of the Ozarks Facebook Entry 10/1 /2010 Fayetteville Visitors Bureau EF-helicopter ride during BBB 10/5/2010 Fayetteville Visitors Bureau EF-First Thursday october 10/6/2010 Fayetteville Visitors Bureau EF-Stop by Fayetteville's Dickson Street Oktoberfe 10/7/2010 Fayetteville Visitors Bureau EF-first thursday on the Fayetteville Square tonig 10/8/2010 Fayetteville Visitors Bureau EF-Fayetteville High School homecoming parade at 3 10/15/2010 Fayetteville Visitors Bureau EF-busy and beautiful weekend in Fayetteville • 10/19/2010 Fayetteville Visitors Bureau EF-The Color Purple starts today at the Walton Art 10/21 /2010 Fayetteville Visitors Bureau EF-Fayetteville's Village Inn recently renovated 10/27/2010 Fayetteville Visitors Bureau EF-University of Arkansas homecoming game this wee 10/28/2010 Fayetteville Visitors Bureau EF-Trick or Treat on the Square tomorrow from 3 to Twitter Entry 10/1/2010 Fayetteville Visitors Bureau test driven an off-road Jeep yet at #BBB? 10/4/2010 Fayetteville Visitors Bureau EF-Christmas lights are already going up 10/5/2010 Fayetteville Visitors Bureau EF-Happy Birthday toFeltner Brothers 10/6/2010 Fayetteville Visitors Bureau EF-#fayettevillear is one of six Arkansas cities 10/7/2010 Fayetteville Visitors Bureau EF-First Thursday Fayetteville! Join us on the Squ 10/8/2010 Fayetteville Visitors Bureau EF-Fayetteville high school homecoming parade at 3 10/9/2010 Fayetteville Visitors Bureau EF-#wps Go Hogs RT Felix Jones 10/9/2010 Fayetteville Visitors Bureau • EF-Penguin Ed's BBQ is turning 50 today 10/11 /2010 Fayetteville Visitors Bureau EF-Student newspaper wins national award 10/13/2010 Fayetteville Visitors Bureau EF-wo awesome events on campus TONIGHT 10/14/2010 Fayetteville Visitors Bureau EF-grand opening of Fayetteville's newest dog park 10/20/2010 Fayetteville Visitors Bureau • EF-lights are going up on the Square 10/20/2010 Fayetteville Visitors Bureau EF-Fall Leaf Removal Information for Fayetteville 10/21 /2010 Fayetteville Visitors Bureau EF-sample version of your Arkansas ballot before 10/21 /2010 Fayetteville Visitors Bureau EF-Ozark Natural Foods hosting a cooking demonstra 10/22/2010 Fayetteville Visitors Bureau EF-Fayetteville schools named 4th among U.S. publi 10/25/2010 Fayetteville Visitors Bureau EF-Joe Adams is the SEC Special Teams Player of th 10/29/2010 Fayetteville Visitors Bureau EF-it's time for Trick or Treat on the Square! JULIE Group Tour 10/8/2010 Trippers Mr Jim Hook Back Yard Billionaire and Eureka Springs Back Yard Billionaire and Botanical Gardens 10/15/2010 1st Baptist Church- Senior Adults Mrs Pam Pilote Terra Studios 10/19/2010 Mt Sequoyah Mrs Marilyn Brasswell Leaves of Gold- Botanical Garden Tour Leaves Of Gold Air Museum 10/27/2010 Mt Sequoyah Mrs Marilyn Brasswell Leaves of Gold- Botanical Garden Tour Autumn Time Air Museum 10/27/2010 Friends International Mrs Glenda Carr • Lunch Mermaids 10/28/2010 Friends International Mrs Glenda Carr Lunch Mermaids Meeting 10/12/2010 Julie Pennington Mrs Julie Pennington Walton Art Center Follow Up 10/27/2010 Julie Pennington Mrs Julie Pennington Ar Hospitality Meeting Phone Call 10/12/2010 Emmanuel Baptist Mrs Betty Walker Got packet and Black apples 10/12/2010 Regina Nance Travel Club Ms. Martha Terry Packey and Cowboy Jelly 10/12/2010 Trinity Baptist Church Mrs Betty Roseborough To talk about the Back Yard Billionaire Tour 10/12/2010 Fun for Seniors Mrs Joyce Watson Confirm Packet 10/12/2010 Southern Hills Baptist Mrs Bonnie Wilson Makes sure she recieved the packet 10/12/2010 First Baptist Church Mr George Baldwin Follow up on packet 10/12/2010 Baptist Travelers Mrs Nancy Brown Just to make sure you got your packet :) 10/14/2010 GET AWAY FOR A DAY! ! Mrs Gail Hurlbut LOTO and Terra Studios Confirm Tour • 10/14/2010 West Division Street Baptist Church Mr Duane Smith Follow Up Going on Faith 10/14/2010 Christ Family Church Mrs Bobby Burroughs Follow Up Going on Faith 10/14/2010 Barnett United Methodist Church Mrs Dorothy Mitchell Follow Going on Faith 10/14/2010 Blessed Byways Travel Mr Burdell Hensley Follow Up • MARLO Convention 10/25/2010 Mario Priest - General Attended TEAMS in Charlotte (Oct. 18-22) Creative 10/5/2010 Mario Priest - General Mailing for all TEAMS appt. requests 10/6/2010 Premier Baseball Championships Mr Don Patty 16 Under Championship Tournament Put together projections spreadsheet for ' 11 10/14/2010 Mario Priest - General Ordered 1000 red koozies w/ Fay AR logo 10/25/2010 Mario Priest - General Completed Self-Appraisal Form E-Mail 10/15/2010 UA Gymnastics Ms Chris Pohl NCAA South Central Regional Contact Julie Cain about hotel leads/needs 10/4/2010 University of Arkansas Mr. Joe Swingle Facilities AAU Meeting on 10/13 10/4/2010 AAU Track and Field Kim Lynk Area 11 National Qualifying Meet AAU Meeting on 10/13 10/11/2010 AAU Track and Field Area 11 National Qualifying Meet Emailed few hotels about AAU visit 10/11/2010 Mario Priest - General Emailed '11 Sports Marketing Pian to Allyson 10/25/2010 Hogeye Mr. Barry Brown Hogeye Marathon Got information for Memphis Marathon Expo 10/27/2010 Chile Pepper Run Mr. Danny Green Emailed all hotels to find out room nt. pickup 10/29/2010 B. E.S.T Baseball Mr. Greg Baxendale Baseball Tournaments ' 11 Tournaments Letter 10/6/2010 360 Flag Football Robert Licopoli Sent note & facility guide 10/6/2010 AAU Golf Mr Hal Yost Sent note & requested appt. @ TEAMS 10/6/2010 Amateur Softball Association of America Ron Radigonda Sent note & requested TEAMS appt. 10/6/2010 Duramed FUTURES Tour Tracy Kerdyk Sent note & requested TEAMS appt. 10/6/2010 Game Day USA Rich Janor Sent note & requested TEAMS appt. 10/6/2010 International Senior Softball Association R.B. Thomas Sent note & requested TEAMS appt. 10/6/2010 Mid America Youth Basketball (MAYB) Alonzo Jamison Sent note & requested TEAMS appt. 10/6/2010 NAIA Mr Scott McClure Sent note & requested TEAMS appt. 10/6/2010 National Senior Games Association Phil Godfrey • Sent note & requested TEAMS appt. 10/6/2010 Nations Baseball Don Mason Sent note & requested TEAMS appt. 10/6/2010 NDP Lacrosse Brian Tatum Sent note & requested TEAMS appt. 10/6/2010 Premier Baseball Championships Mr Don Patty 16 Under Championship Tournament Sent note to Don & requested TEAMS appt. 10/6/2010 Professional Disc Golf Association Brian Graham Sent note & requested TEAMS appt. • 10/6/2010 Running USA Susan Weeks Sent note & requested TEAMS appt. 10/6/2010 US Federation of Inline Figure Skaters Joe Kaplenk Sent note & requested TEAMS appt. 10/6/2010 US Fencing Karen Kuhlman Sent note & requested TEAMS appt. 10/6/2010 US Orienteering Federation Glen Schorr Sent note & requested TEAMS appt. 10/6/2010 USA Canoe Kayak Stacey Hepp Sent note & requested TEAMS appt. 10/6/2010 USA Dance Angela Prince Sent note & requested TEAMS appt. 10/6/2010 USA Table Tennis Doru Gheorghe Sent note & requested TEAMS appt. 10/6/2010 USA Weightlifting Courtney Kulick Sent note & requested TEAMS appt. 10/6/2010 Youth Golf of America Rob Ondo Sent note & requested TEAMS appt. 10/7/2010 US Lacrosse Ariana Andis-Klein Sent note & requested TEAMS appt. 10/7/2010 USA Sports Production Ms Linda Barclay Sent note & requested TEAMS appt. 10/7/2010 USA Team Handball Sent not & requested TEAMS appt. 10/7/2010 American Bicycle Association (ABA BMX) John David • Sent note & requested TEAMS appt. 10/7/2010 Firefighter Combat Challenge Mr. Rob Alesbury Sent note & requested TEAMS appt. 10/7/2010 National Collegiate Athletics Association Marcus Blossom Sent note & requested TEAMS appt. Meeting 10/5/2010 Hogeye Mr. Barry Brown Hogeye Marathon Mtg. w/ Bentonville 10/6/2010 AAO Sports Experience Mr. Brad Friess Sports Festival Mtg. w/ Brad Friess 10/13/2010 AAU Track and Field Area 11 National Qualifying Meet Meeting w/ AAU Area 11 reps Phone Call 10/4/2010 UA Track and Field Chris Pohl SEC Indoor Championships Reminder call to Chris 10/7/2010 UA Baseball Kevin Trainor Regional Baseball Tournament Reminder call about funding application 10/7/2010 Marto Priest - General Conference Call w/ Renee / TEAMS Mtg.- 2pm 10/8/2010 UA Baseball Kevin Trainor Regional Baseball Tournament Spoke to Kevin about funding application 10/14/2010 Hogeye Mr. Barry Brown Hogeye Marathon Called/emailed Tulsa Run to inquire about booth 10/25/2010 Hogeye Mr. Barry Brown • Hogeye Marathon Called about Expo 10/26/2010 B. E.S.T Baseball Mr. Greg Baxendale Baseball Tournaments LM about '11 tournaments 10/27/2010 Hogeye Mr. Barry Brown Hogeye Marathon Booked booth space for Memphis Marathon Expo 10/28/2010 Premier Baseball Championships Mr Don Patty 16 Under Championship Tournament Spoke to Don about tournaments 10/29/2010 AAU Track and Field Kim Lynk Area 11 National Qualifying Meet Spoke to Joe Swingle about costs SHELLY E-Mail 10/4/2010 H & L Media Partners Shea Moseley Information Seminar Ask for future business 10/5/2010 Council of Supply Chain Management Prot Justin Patton RFID Forum Offered assistance with event 10/12/2010 UA Graduate School Mike Rau Packets for VIP recruitment guests 10/25/2010 US Beef Corporation Teresa Compton Arby's Franchisee Regional Meeting Follow up on lead 10/29/2010 PAM Transportation Services Kelly RFP for 2010 event 10/29/2010 Teva Neuroscience Lisa Duke Offered assistance for upcoming meetings Issued Lead 10/18/2010 US Beef Corporation Hotels Arby's Franchisee Regional Meeting Lead for Regional Arby's Franchisee meeting Meeting 10/5/2010 UA Hospitality Department Allan Powell Guest lecturer for Hotel Ops class 10/8/2010 UA Spring International Delivered 200 VGs 10/11 /2010 Shelly Walters - General • Bonnie Burton - Rec Independent Study student 10/14/2010 UA Admissions Vicki Anderson Delivered VGs and bags 10/18/2010 UA Electrical Engineering Connie Howard Advances in Breast Cancer Research Delivered 100 VGs for conference 10/20/2010 Bikes, Blues, BBQ Mr. Nelson Driver Event recap meeting 10/25/2010 Bikes, Blues, BBQ Kendall Pendergraft Planning for campground reservations for 2011 Phone Call 10/18/2010 Theatre Squared Roger Haak Discussed marketing opportunities to UA students 10/29/2010 Shelly Walters - General Set up account on cvent to receive RFPs • 0 1 • • Fayetteville Visitor Center - 2010 Sales & Visitor Count Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sep Oct Now Dec Sales Totals $557.65 $354.29 $745.44 $2, 166.24 $2,296.32 $2,360.35 $3,516.20 $3,557.59 $2,680.20 $2,889.62 2oo9Tota/f $502.70 $670.45 $842.57 $1 ,531 . 11 $2,320.70 $22211 .38 $1 ,919.87 $2,035.8V -$-11690.49 $19566.65 $971 .37 $2,385.23 % Change from 2009 9.9% -89.2% -13.0% 29.0% -0.09% 6.3% 45.4% 42.8% 36.9% 45.8% Visitor Count 213 209 432 901 945 1 ,062 1 ,378 11304 11049 13145 2009 rota/f 235 381 539 906 11042 11273 11120 1 , 148 6951 747 1 456 1 353 Change from 2009 -10.30% -82.30% 1 -25.00% 1 -0.50% 1 10.00% 1 -20.00% 1 19.00% 1 12.00% 1 34.0% 1 34.8% 2010 Coal = 815,000/year or 81,250/month Yearly $21 , 123.90 Monthly $2, 112.39 Totals 8,638 Averages 863 96 Change = divide the difference between the two numbers by the starting number then move the decimal two spaces right 2009 Monthly Sales Averages51,554.03 2009 Monthly Visitor Average=742 2009 sales per visitor = $2.10 2010 sales per visitor = $2.44 ADVERTISING INQUIRIES BY STATE - 2010 JAN FEB MAR JAPR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEPT OCT NOV DEC TOTAL AE 1 1 1 3 Alabama 8 17 17 28 21 15 13 13 11 5 148 laska 1 1 3 1 4 6 1 17 Alberta 1 4 1 2 1 1 1 11 AP 1 Arizona 6 11 17 7 13 12 16 6 10 14 112 Arkansas 75 42 105 270 439 122 77 631 66 811 1340 British Columbia 2 2 1 1 1 4 1 11 California 2530 32 41 29 23 49 21 18 29 297 Colorado 91 151 281 9 24 3 10 7 12 4 121 Connecticut 1 7 71 10 5 2 5 2 2 41 Delaware 2 1 31 1 3 2 2 2 2 16 Florida 22 23 541 44 58 39 54 28 27 25 374 Georgia 9 14 20 19 23 12 17 8 10 15 147 Hawaii 1 2 2 3 2 2 3 2 17 Idaho 6 3 1 1 3 2 1 2 19 Illinois 39 43 195 116 139 65 115 46 112 41 911 Indiana 13 33 118 52 71 25 43 25 50 22 1 452 Iowa 16 19 81 30 561 221 48 221 41 151 350 Kansas 27 26 90 75 103 89 75 59 60 33 637 Kentucky 9 15 36 11 21 14 22 10 14 13 165 Louisiana 24 26 21 74 129 77 63 30 36 24 504 Maine 1 3 3 7 3 1 2 4 2 26 Manitoba 31 1 1 1 3 7 Ma and 11 12 6 9 16 3 24 1 2 3 87 MeaaachUSatts 4 7 11 4 10 8 11 4 3 11 73 Michigan 15 24 106 63 81 24 71 24 55 29 492 Minnesota 11 18 98 28 54 19 47 17 48 16 356 Mississippi 18 6 18 17 34 28 27 16 5 9 1 178 Missouri 78 50 185 219 3121 1351 173 1111 1071 811 1451 Montana 1 2 3 5 3 2 16 Nebraska 3 5 40 15 25 7 13 12 18 11 149 Nevada 5 9 7 6 6 3 1 2 3 1 43 New Foundland 1 1 1 1 New Hampshire 41 31 11 1 2 2 3 1 4 21 New Jersey 81 81 81 15 17 7 13 6 5 12 99 • New Mexico 5 31 1 6 6 3 3 1 6 33 Nev; York 13 29 161 35 28 20 30 9 12 30 222 North Carolina 15 14 171 14 30 16 15 14 10 12 157 North Dakota 2 81 4 5 31 7 4 11 33 Nova Scotia 11 21 1 1 3 Ohio 23 24 85 48 75 27 73 21 38 231 437 Oklahoma 51 39 56 76 118 82 91 50 61 651 689 Ontario 5 10 9 5 3 2 4 6 5 41 53 Oregon 2 5 13 7 10 2 8 1 4 41 56 Pennsylvania 19 25 18 27 19 6 22 13 12 211 182 Prince Edward Isl. 0 Puerto Rim 2 1 3 1 2 1 1 11 Quebec 9 4 8 2 1 3 1 1 4 33 Rhode Island 2 2 1 1 3 9 Saskatchewan 1 31 21 1 0 1 fi South Carolina 6 4 $1 13 141 71 18 4 6 8 88 South Dakota 4 4 8 10 16 3 8 3 9 6 71 Tennessee 18 25 26 71 72 31 30 20 21 12 326 Texas 173 85 91 234 444 230 244 186 128 103 1918 Thailand 1 Utah 2 3 3 1 7 4 1 11 51 27 Vermont 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 10 Virginia 7 15 22 12 17 9 28 8 6 12 138 Washington 11 10 17 8 9 5 13 7 6 8 94 Washington, D. C. 1 3 4 West Virginia 3 5 6 6 12 6 5 1 1 2 1 47 Wisconsin 13 28 122 56 89 28 64 28 56 19 483 ming3 1 2 2 3 1 2 14 Military I 1 TOTAL 1 8281 8171 18581 1257 1689 920 1115 863 01 01 13838 • • ADVERTISING AND PROMOTION COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING October 11 , 2010 Commissioners Present: Bob Davis, Lioneld Jordan, Brandon Karn, Bill Lyle, Robert Rhoads, and Maudie Schmitt. Commissioners Absent: Neal Crawford Staff Present: Sandra Bennett, Allyson Twiggs Dyer, and Marilyn Heifner CALL TO ORDER Chairman Maudie Schmitt called the regular monthly meeting of the Fayetteville Advertising and Promotion Commission to order on October 11 at the Fayetteville Visitor Bureau at 2 :00 p.m. MINUTES Moved by Davis, second by Rhoads to approve the minutes of the September 13 meeting. Motion carried. HMR COLLECTIONS Monthly collections are up 4.54% for the month and year to date collections even with last year at this time. • FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Keith Glass reported that through August comparing the financials to budget, though A & P revenue was even with the budget and expenses were down $ 17,000. Revenue for the Town Center is up about $9,000 for the year. Overall for the first eight months, income and expenses to budget are as anticipated. Jordan moved to approve the financial statements, second by Davis. Motion carried. CITY ATTORNEY $3,600 was collected in September in overdue HMR taxes by the City Prosecutor; $46,000 has been collected year to date. Williams said he planned to propose an amendment to the HMR tax ordinance to expressly require a timely filing of the HMR tax forms. Heifner had requested that he include in the amendment taxing short term U of A and Mt. Sequoyah Assembly housing facilities which were not used for their major purposes. In the case of the UA, it would include summer camps and for Mt. Sequoyah would include renting rooms for football games and events other than their own sponsored retreats. Davis moved to require forms be sent in or businesses be penalized, Kam second. Motion carried. REPORTS • CLINTON HOUSE MUSEUM Attendance at the Museum continues to increase. A bus tour from Tulsa OK was included in the guests who registered. Future plans for the Garden will include the installation of engraved • pavers which can be purchased. A second campaign for bricks for the front path will be launched. The side yard and front beds will be targeted. VISITORS BUREAU Allyson reported that First Thursday continued to be very successful. The event will move inside the Town Center for November and December. Trick or Treat on the Square will be held October 29 with 1500 kids expected. TOWN CENTER Town Center sales, contracts, and collections are all up. CAT television will host a Halloween fund raising event inside the Town Center during Treat or Treat on the Square. Marilyn reported that almost $96,000 has been spent on the maintenance and repair of the fountain since its installation. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Marilyn is working with the Civil War sesquicentennial committee in NWA for 2012 events. She lectured Prof. Ogbede's hospitality class regarding the Lights of the Ozarks history. A joint effort between the Hogeye Marathon and Fayetteville Half Marathon is being coordinated. AD AGENCY REPORT Mike Sells from The Sells Agency reported that the Television schedule begins next week and will run until November 2 in Little Rock, Tulsa, and Springfield. The agency is scheduling a • planning session to review marketing for 2011 . Jade reported that the Historic Clinton House brochure has been delivered. She showed the new ad which is running in Hawgs Illustrated for fall. Web stats are down in September from August, but still up from 2009. OLD BUSINESS None NEW BUSINESS None There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Marilyn Heifner U Executive Director • • DIRECTOR'S REPORT OCTOBER 2010 ACTIVITY Tourism Activities — Larry Foley tour of Fayetteville Meeting with Bentonville Run festival organizers "Up Among the Hills" presentation Bruce Dunn Tabby Holmes — Hogeye Marathon NATA Board of Directors meeting Jo Ann Kaminsky — AR Arts Center Grant Relations with Media — Ron Wood, NWA Times Marci Manley — KNWA Runner Triathlete News Dustin, Fayetteville Flyer — Allyson leaving Aundra — USA Mature Living Roseann Pearson — replacing Allyson Alex Ramada — Broadstreet Interactive — digital agency, web banners GO NEXT Advertising — agency of record for Hogeye Marathon Kathy Spalding — Muskogee Phoenix newspaper • CVB — conference call regarding TEAMS Resignation of Allyson Twiggs Dyer Dickson St. meeting Marlo — booth Memphis Marathon Town Center — hired Collin Brunner as Event Coordinator New job description for Sales & Event Coordinator A & P — Literature racks for Chamber and City Hall FHS Homecoming parade AACVB meeting in Harrison Chef Throwdown at Butterfield Trail Village Meeting with Garth Symonds and investors re: Cosmopolitan Meeting with Peter Lane & Barb Putman, Walton Arts Center Steve Aust — Underground Fayetteville Kendall Pendergraff — FairBBBQ Ron Cox — Botanical Garden of the Ozarks Daniel McCormick — Evergreen Cemetary Kaci Pinalto — camels for LOTO Rebecca McBride — Central Methodist Youth Choir - LOTO Cynthia Haseloff — May Farms (agritourism tours) Lindsey Lorrence — Whiteman Group, Dallas — potential restaurant • Job Applicants - numerous Joe Wingate — corn dogs, funnel cakes, lemonade — LOTO Cheri Weeks — collect money for troops during LOTO