HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010-09-13 - Agendas - Final The Advertising and Promotion Commission will meet on Monday, September 13, 2010 at 2 :00 p.m. at the Fayetteville Town Center. AGENDA ADVERTISING AND PROMOTION COMMISSION September 13, 2010 2:00 p.m. Fayetteville Town Center I. Call to Order - II. Election of Chairman 111 . Reports A. Approval of Minutes for August 9, 2010 regular monthly meeting B. Financial Report 1 . HMR Revenues — Marilyn Heifner 2. Financial Statements - Keith Glass 3 . Update from City Attorney re: delinquent tax collection efforts — Kit Williams • C. Clinton House Museum Report - D. Visitor Bureau Report — Allyson Twiggs Dyer E. Town Center Report — Sandra Bennett F. Executive Director Report — Marilyn Heifner G. Advertising Agency Report — Jade Gustin IV. Old Business A. Advertising Agency Bids B. Insurance Bids V. New Business VI. Adjourn • ADVERTISING AND PROMOTION COMMISSION • REGULAR MEETING August 9, 2010 Commissioners Present: Neal Crawford, Bob Davis, Lioneld Jordan, Bill Lyle, and Maudic Schmitt. Commissioners Absent: Brandon Kam and Robert Rhoads Staff Present: Sandra Bennett, Allyson Twiggs Dyer, and Marilyn Heifner CALL TO ORDER Mayor Lioneld Jordan called the regular monthly meeting of the Fayetteville Advertising and Promotion Commission to order on August 9 at the Fayetteville Town Center at 2 :00 p.m. Jordan welcomed new Commissioner William (Bill) Lyle, executive chef at Ella's Restaurant. ELECTION OF CHAIRMAN Davis nominated Maudie Schmitt. Crawford asked if all commissioners should be present before a vote is taken. Election was tabled until September. MINUTES Moved by Crawford, second by Schmitt to approve the minutes of the July 12 meeting with the • correction that Schmitt was absent. Motion carried. HMR COLLECTIONS Marilyn reported that the HMR collections for July were up 8. 50%. Total of $ 196,323 was the largest amount since November 2008 . Year to date collections are down 2.34%. FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Keith Glass reported on June, 2010, financials. Total revenues for all sources for year to date are $ 1 ,626,082.63 and total expenses are $ 1 ,602,416. 19. Town Center monthly expenses are following trend of 2009. CHM is on an even swing and CVB expenses are slightly higher than last year. Commissioners were reminded that we have one new staff member at the CVB. & P expenses exceed revenue by about $4,000. A & P monthly expenses were above revenue with transfers made to CVB and CHM. CITY ATTORNEY City Prosecutor collected $6,848.56 of overdue HMR taxes in July. Total of $40,750.61 has been collected year to date. Six cases are closed. Business license ordinance is scheduled to appear before the city council in September. REPORTS CLINTON HOUSE MUSEUM Guest totaled 178 visitors in July. The Museum received a lot of publicity regarding Chelsea' s • wedding. A Reunion Group brought in 37 guests. Board of Directors passed a resolution to change the street name from California Blvd to Clinton Blvd. VISITORS BUREAU • The last week of July we hosted the sophomore national baseball championship, Premier Baseball. They had 40 teams playing. Restaurant week is August 12-22. Visitor Center sales were $3500, the largest month to date and a 19% increase in sales. We are assisting the UA in a bid for the 2012 151 and 2"d rounds of the NCAA Women's Basketball Tournament. Ozark Harvest Food Festival will be September 11 and is cooperating with area restaurants and the Farmer' s Market. TOWN CENTER The Town Center collected 30% more than last July with $35,654.27. Year to date collections are up 5%. Contracts are up $48,318, a 125% increase. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR During July, Marilyn participated in the City Festival Committee meetings, the City Buy/Shop Fayetteville Committee and the Parking Committee meetings. She hosted Diana West, a writer for Southern Traveler magazine. AD AGENCY REPORT Mike Sells reviewed the local parking campaign which includes a tear off map, Facebook advertising. fayettevilleparking.com, talking points, a P. R. campaign and a visitor campaign for out of market strategy of Facebook advertising, razorback game day e-mails, and a razorback talk radio advertising. They are looking at online advertising for Arkansas Razorback sports ads • replaced by parking ads. Message is I ) parking will be easier and guests will have improved customer service; 2) Deck is on the horizon; 3) City will not be towing cars; 4) this has a long term benefit for residents; and 5) visitors will see a significant improvement in Dickson Street parking. The Agency will present the television spot at the September meeting. AGNECY CONTRACT Marilyn informed the Commission that the agency contract will expire in December, 2010. Commission has two options 1 ) renew the contract or 2) go out for Request for Qualifications for agencies. It was the consensus that that the Commission was not dissatisfied with Sells Agency as their agency of record but since this is a quasi-governmental agency, it would be best to get Requests for Qualifications. OLD BUSINESS A. Find it in Fayetteville campaign The Sells Agency designed the campaign logo as pro-bono work. Marilyn presented the logo to the Commissioners and announced that with the special project money allocated to the program, stickers will be purchased. NEW BUSINESS None • OTHER BUSINESS Fayetteville was named #2 in a list of "Unexpected Green Cities in the United States", just • behind Eugene Oregon. City was congratulated on the site proposal for the Walton Arts Center. The idea of a cooperative proposal with the U of A was great. Crawford said the city staff has been great to work with on the Dickson St. parking. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Marilyn Heifner Executive Director • • Advertising and Promotion Commission For month of August 2010 Current Year HMR Collected (2120.0912 .4101 .00) $ 181 ,099.46 Prior Year Collected (2120.0912.4101 .01 ) $ (358 .07) First Security Investment Interest Revenue (2120.0912.4708.00) $ 22792.02 Total Revenues $ 183,533.41 Annual Bond Audit Expense (2120.9120.7602.60) $ Collection Expense (2120.9120.5333.00) $ (31614.83) Bank of OK Quarterly Fee (2120.9120.5712.00) $ (17125.00) ' Town Center Bond Payment (2120.9120.5712.00) $ (557949.41 ) 2008 Property Taxes on Town Center (2120.9120.7602.60) Total Expenses $ (60,689.24) Total Check to A&P $ 122,844.17 • • City of Fayetteville, Arkansas Monthly HMR Tax Collections 2007-2010 2007 2008 2008 2009 2009 2010 2010 Total Total Change Over Total Change Over Total Change Over HMR Taxes HMR Taxes Prior Year HMR Taxes Prior Year HMR Taxes Prior Year January $166,620 $1749005 4.43% $166,214 -4.48% $166,645 0.00% February $150,088 $1580693 5.58% $167,141 5.32% $143,940 -13.88% March $157,317 $172,804 9.84% $180,027 4. 18% $172,662 -4.09% April $171 ,562 $183,672 7.06% $191 ,542 4.28% $1872730 -2.00% May $165,779 $175,064 5.60% $190$ 20 8.71 % $185,096 -2.74% June $177,594 $194,447 9.49% $190,237 -2. 17% $184,371 -3.08% July $173,079 $188,253 8.77% $180,944 -3.88% $196,323 8.50% August $160,560 $1740648 8.77% $167,897 -3.87% $180,741 7.65% September $172,373 $190,244 10.37% $176,463 -7.24% October $180,324 $187, 125 3.77% $189,728 1 .39% November $185, 111 $197,814 6.86% $190,887 -3.50% December $170,506 $174,682 2.45% $174,568 0.00% Total $ $2,030,913 $2,1719451 6.92% $291659969 0.00% $19417,509 1 .17% \filename Fayetteville A&P Commission Statement of Assets, Liabilities & Equity - Modified Cash Basis July 31 , 2010 • ASSETS Current Assets CVB Cash in Register $ 100.00 CHM Cash in Register 100.00 Arvest A&P General #4856 714,703.58 1 st Security A&P General #8714 1379875. 12 1 st Sec Fay Town Ctr #8722 505338.91 1st Sec. Clinton House #8749 31 , 125.84 1st Sec. Conv Visitor #8730 99,564.83 Arvest Payroll Account #4636 16,496.07 Accounts Receivable 18.48 Due From Other Funds 9,268.02 Investments 19801 ,963.51 Investment Adj to Market 41256.62 Total Current Assets 298655810.98 Property and Equipment Furniture and Fixtures 31 ,470.85 Equipment 171 ,560. 14 CVB Building 921 ,632.37 CVB Land 1989621 .00 Building Additions 3185677.24 Accum. Depreciation (295,778.46) Total Property and Equipment 17346, 183. 14 • Other Assets Total Other Assets 0.00 Total Assets $ 412115994. 12 LIABILITIES AND CAPITAL Current Liabilities AFlac $ 188.46 Colonial Life & Acc Ins Payabl 63. 10 Federal Payroll Taxes Payable 10,767. 12 FUTA Tax Payable 732.93 State Payroll Taxes Payable 29378. 10 SUTA Payable 216.50 Employee Benefits Payable 11283.69 Due to Other Funds 3,926.47 Due to Town Center 61089. 10 Total Current Liabilities 25,645.47 Long-Tenn Liabilities Total Long-Term Liabilities 0.00 Total Liabilities 25,645.47 • Capital Beginning Balance Equity 39879,562.33 Unresticted Fund Balance 258,274.40 Restricted Fund-540 Film Grant 221 .53 See Accountants' Compilation Report Fayetteville A&P Commission Statement of Assets, Liabilities & Equity - Modified Cash Basis July 31 , 2010 • Net Income 48,290.39 Total Capital 4, 186,348.65 Total Liabilities & Capital $ 4,21 1 ,994. 12 • • See Accountants' Compilation Report Fayetteville A&P Commission Statements of Revenue & Expenses - Modified Cash Basis For the Month and Seven Months Ending July 31 , 2010 Current Month Year to Date *Revenues HMR Tax Revenue $ 196, 144.35 80.81 $ 1 ,218,455.04 65. 10 Prior Year HMR Tax Revenue 179.00 0.07 177692.27 0.95 Rental Income 38,087. 15 15.69 232, 126.91 12.40 Other Income 320.00 0. 13 21 ,713.20 1 . 16 Parking Revenue 387.00 0. 16 49019.00 0.21 Parking Lease 0.00 0.00 99528.22 0.51 Gift Shop Sales 207.08 0.09 29309.56 0. 12 Visitor Store 37397.59 1 .40 112755. 19 0.63 Partnership Income 0.00 0.00 41600.00 0.25 Admission Revenue 466.00 0. 19 39232.20 0. 17 Special Projects 0.00 0.00 21340.00 0. 13 Interest Income Investments 29792.02 1 . 15 209708.92 1 . 11 Interest Income Checking 250.40 0.10 11433.09 0.08 Visitor Guide Ad Income 500.00 0.21 95750.00 0.52 Hospitality Summit 0.00 0.00 29040.00 0. 11 Transfer In 0.00 0.00 3102000.00 16.56 Total Revenues 242,730.59 100.00 1 ,871 ,703.60 100.00 Cost of Sales Clinton House Gift Shop 612.40 0.25 11990.99 0. 11 Total Cost of Sales 612.40 0.25 1 ,990.99 0. 11 Gross Profit 242, 118. 19 99.75 1 ,8699712.61 99.89 SlExpenses 540 Film Fest Grant Restr 0.00 0.00 (271 .05) (0.01 ) Signage- Tourism 734.25 0.30 71428.91 0.40 Credit Card Discounts 214.67 0.09 2,273.51 0. 12 Bank Charges 0.00 0.00 18.94 0.00 Parking Expense 100.00 0.04 700.00 0.04 Advertising & Marketing 22,981 .44 9.47 168,678. 10 9.01 Brochures 12,037.54 4.96 100,431 .69 5.37 Accounting & Legal Fees 665.00 0.27 4,405.00 0.24 Office Expense 536.44 0.22 85127.53 0.43 Visitor Store Exp 19655.36 0.68 59148.36 0.28 Insurance & Health Benefits 39451 .86 1 .42 22,947.66 1 .23 408 (P) Company Match 19534.38 0.63 69079.61 0.32 Car Allowance 450.00 0. 19 21100.00 0. 11 Telephone Expense 1 ,360.65 0.56 87193.95 0.44 Postage and Shipping Expense 11565.99 0.65 12,913.38 0.69 Tracking Software 0.00 0.00 11695.00 0.09 Rent 0.00 0.00 129000.00 0.64 Maintenance/Lawn 90.00 0.04 300.00 0.02 Repairs & Maintenance Expense 99738.80 4.01 57,611 .47 3.08 Kamensky Fountain Maintenance 239.91 0. 10 31400.00 0. 18 Linens 21211 .66 0.91 13,689.22 0.73 Publications & Dues 315.00 0. 13 41505.95 0.24 Travel/Training Expense 39090.36 1 .27 269030.76 1 .39 Taxes & Licenses 0.00 0.00 712.24 0.04 Collections Expense 3,926.47 1 .62 24,722.95 1 .32 Payroll Tax Expense 41727.44 1 .95 235050.08 1 .23 • Convention' Development 1 ,509.08 0.62 13,409.61 0.72 Contract Labor 41370.00 1 .80 26,880.80 1 .44 Commissions 0.00 0.00 119586.70 0.62 Wages Expense 619081 .44 25. 16 2599351 . 11 13.86 Electricity Utility 61603.87 2.72 24,781 .28 1 .32 See Accountants' Compilation Report Fayetteville A&P Commission Statements of Revenue & Expenses - Modified Cash Basis For the Month and Seven Months Ending July 31 , 2010 Current Month Year to' Date •Gas Utility 29. 10 0.01 8,696.36 0.46 Water Utility 802.90 0.33 4,091 .29 0.22 Cable 89.40 0.04 625.74 0.03 Recycling 165.28 0.07 1 , 156.96 0.06 Security 1 ,388.65 0.57 3,547. 16 0. 19 Airport Advertising 0.00 0.00 2,970.00 0. 16 Minor Equipment 0.00 0.00 30,391 . 13 1 .62 Airport Info Booth 19200.00 0.49 3,600.00 0. 19 Coaches Clinic 0.00 0.00 17,250.00 0.92 All Star Games 0.00 0.00 30,000.00 1 .60 Saturday of Champions 0.00 0.00 29500.00 0. 13 7A State Track 0.00 0.00 1 ,500.00 0.08 DECA 0.00 0.00 1 ,350.00 0.07 Walton Arts Special Project 495. 18 0.20 303495. 18 1 .63 Solar Splash Specail Project 0.00 0.00 51000.00 0.27 Dickson St Special Project 0.00 0.00 2,288.00 0. 12 Town Center Garden Maint 0.00 0.00 2,868.96 0. 15 AR Air Museum 0.00 0.00 51300.00 0.28 Theatre Squad 0.00 0.00 19,871 .86 1 .06 Ozark Military Special Proj 150.00 0.06 150.00 0.01 Bikes, Babes, & Bling 21897.52 1 . 19 18,796.38 1 .00 Bikes, Blues, & Hot Rods 0.00 0.00 89489. 17 0.45 National School Boards 0.00 0.00 2,257.26 .0. 12 NCAA Baseball Regional 0.00 0.00 109000.00 0.53 NCAA Track Indoor 0.00 0.00 105500.00 0.56 SEC Softball Chamionship 0.00 0.00 29000.00 0. 11 Premier Baseball 49450.00 1 .83 49450.00 0.24 Misc Special Project 65196.98 2.55 345478. 14 1 .84 • Bond Payments-Town Center 559949.41 23.05 3919645.87 20.92 Trusiee Expense 0.00 0.00 21250.00 0. 12 Transfer OUt 0.00 0.00 310,000.00 16.56 Total Expenses 219,006.03 90.23 1 ,821 ,422.22 97.31 Net Income $ 23, 112. 16 9.52 $ 48,290.39 2.58 • See Accountants' Compilation Report Fayetteville A&P Commission Statement of Revenue & Expenses - Modified Cash Basis For the Seven Months Ending July 31 , 2010 Current Month Current Month Year to Date Year to Date This Year Last Year This Year Last Year Revenues HMR Tax Revenue $ 1965144.35 $ 1805506. 13 $ 19218,455.04 $ 1 ,2461049.56 Prior Year HMR Tax Revenue 179.00 384.00 177692.27 20,323.24 Rental Income 389087. 15 285055.61 232, 126.91 229,905.00 Other Income 320.00 100.00 215713.20 13458.75 Travel Hero 0.00 999.74 0.00 11499.71 Parking Revenue 387.00 650.00 49019.00 59078.30 Parking Lease 0.00 1 ,874.68 99528.22 10,619.24 Gift Shap Sales 207.08 313.33 2$ 09.56 39274.55 Visitor Store 31397.59 1 ,292.40 11 ,755. 19 91308.89 Partnership Income 0.00 400.00 4,600.00 7,300.00 Admission Revenue 466.00 497.00 31232.20 39291 .26 Track Tickets 0.00 0.00 0.00 3, 155.70 Special Projects 0.00 30.00 21340.00 119416.39 Sustainability Summit 0.00 0.00 0.00 14,000.00 Interest Income Investments 29792.02 35641 .07 20,708.92 25,587.99 Interest Income Checking 250.40 243.20 11433.09 1 ,752. 16 Visitor Guide Ad Income 500.00 25000.00 9,750.00 14, 100.00 Hospitality Summit 0.00 (83.27) 2,040.00 11916.73 Transfer In 0.00 0.00 310,000.00 232,265.00 Total Revenues 242,730.59 220,903.89 118715703.60 1 ,842,302.47 Cost of Sales Clinton House Gift Shop 612.40 116.25 1 ,990.99 1 ,841 . 17 • Total Cost of Sales 612.40 116.25 15990.99 15841 . 17 Gross Profit 2425118. 19 220,787.64 1 ,869,712.61 1 ,840,461 .30 Expenses 540 Film Fest Grant Restr 0.00 0.00 (271 .05) 0.00 Signage- Tourism 734.25 11349.61 79428.91 45969.07 Credit Card Discounts 214.67 761 .62 2,273.51 31720.44 Bank Charges 0.00 0.00 18.94 187.75 Parking Expense 100.00 100.00 700.00 700.00 Advertising & Marketing 229981 .44 42,990. 12 1687678. 10 207,831 .77 Brochures 12,037.54 429601 .07 100,431 .69 679436.92 Accounting & Legal Fees 665.00 625.00 4,405.00 49375.00 Office Expense 536.44 1 ,837.50 89127.53 10,354.69 Visitor Store Exp 1 ,655.36 3,770.31 59148.36 61975.22 Insurance & Health Benefits 37451 .86 21786.49 22,947.66 219368.00 408 (P) Company Match 12534.38 1 ,510.23 69079.61 7,041 .99 Car Allowance 450.00 450.00 29100.00 21100.00 Telephone Expense 15360.65 19385.31 81193.95 92578.46 Postage and Shipping Expense 1 ,565.99 29582.39 12,913.38 11 ,580.85 Tracking Software 0.00 0.00 12695.00 0.00 Material & Supplies 0.00 0.00 0.00 95.85 Rent 0.00 0.00 12,000.00 12,000.00 Maintenance/Lawn 90.00 70.00 300.00 325.00 Repairs & Maintenance Expense 93738.80 91204.09 579611 .47 395129.57 Kamensky Fountain Maintenance 239.91 231 .26 31400.00 2,215.68 • Linens 21211 .66 1 ,349.05 13,689.22 13,729.05 Publications & Dues 315.00 150.00 41505.95 2,837.00 Travel/frainingExpense 3,090.36 673.92 26,030.76 11 , 102.30 Taxes & Licenses 0.00 0.00 712.24 2,208.80 Collections Expense 3,926.47 3,617.80 24,722.95 25,327.45 See Accountants' Compilation Report Fayetteville A&P Commission Statement of Revenue & Expenses - Modified Cash Basis For the Seven Months Ending July 31 , 2010 Current Month Current Month Year to Date Year to Date This Year Last Year This Year Last Year Payroll Tax Expense 41727.44 4,496.89 239050.08 22,523.35 Convention Development 1 ,509.08 71917.30 135409.61 14,465.44 Research Expense 0.00 0.00 0.00 1 ,700.00 Contract Labor 42370.00 23750.00 26,880.80 209112.50 Commissions 0.00 21709.65 11 ,586.70 155105.88 Wages Expense 61 ,081 .44 54,800.95 259,351 . 11 2565704.72 Electricity Utility 6,603.87 6,282.41 24,781 .28 41 ,995.99 Gas Utility 29. 10 77.91 81696.36 81795.36 Water Utility 802.90 768.81 4,091 .29 3,500.69 Cable 89.40 89.39 625.74 626.62 Recycling 165.28 0.00 11156.96 0.00 Security 1 ,388.65 21917.59 3,547. 16 49531 .73 Airport Advertising 0.00 0.00 21970.00 21970.00 Minor Equipment 0.00 0.00 309391 . 13 61674.00 Airport Info Booth 17200.00 0.00 39600.00 21400.00 Coaches Clinic 0.00 0.00 179250.00 352800.00 All Star Games 0.00 0.00 30,000.00 15,000.00 Saturday of Champions 0.00 0.00 2,500.00 4,000.00 State Soccer 0.00 0.00 0.00 17750.00 7A State Track 0.00 0.00 13500.00 0.00 DECA 0.00 0.00 11350.00 39000.00 Walton Arts Special Project 495. 18 0.00 30,495. 18 10,000.00 Solar Splash Specail Project 0.00 0.00 5,000.00 59000.00 Square Gardens 0.00 0.00 0.00 29,244.43 Waterski Champion 0.00 0.00 0.00 19500.00 Dickson St Special Project 0.00 0.00 29288.00 18,450.87 Town Center Garden Maint 0.00 0.00 2,868.96 0.00 • AR Air Museum 0.00 0.00 59300.00 71000.00 Theatre Squad 0.00 0.00 19,871 .86 21000.00 Duathlon 0.00 0.00 0.00 5,000.00 Joe Martin 0.00 0.00 0.00 3,000.00 Ozark Valley 0.00 0.00 0.00 19000.00 Ozark Military Special Proj 150.00 153.54 150.00 307.08 Outdoor Track 0.00 10,000.00 0.00 109000.00 Bikes, Babes, & Bling 21897.52 0.00 18,796.38 0.00 Bikes, Blues, & Hot Rods 0.00 0.00 8,489. 17 0.00 National School Boards 0.00 0.00 29257.26 0.00 NCAA Baseball Regional 0.00 0.00 105000.00 0.00 NCAA Track Indoor 0.00 0.00 10,500.00 0.00 SEC Softball Chamionship 0.00 0.00 29000.00 0.00 Premier Baseball 45450.00 0.00 49450.00 0.00 Misc Special Project 65196.98 463.50 347478. 14 7,519.63 Bond Payments-Town Center 55,949.41 557413.35 391 ,645.87 387,893.45 Trustee Expense 0.00 1 , 125.00 23250.00 3,375.00 Transfer OUt 0.00 0.00 310,000.00 2322265.00 Total Expenses 219,006.03 268,012.06 19821 ,422.22 1 ,652,402.60 Net Income $ 23, 112. 16 $ (475224.42) $ 489290.39 $ 1885058.70 • See Accountants' Compilation Report FayettOVJle AP Commission Stmt of Budgel, Revenue, and Espense-Mod4led Cash Basis Month Ending July 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 July July 2009 • Annual Budget Year TO Dale Year TO Date Year Monudy MOMMy Year To Date A Jlrted Actual Balance Budget Actual Actual Budget RBv0nue HMR Tas Revenue 2,171,850.00 1,269,785.00 1,218,655,01 (17.691.96 181,624.00 198,179.35 1,248,049.58 82.27 (0,69 Prior Vear HMR Tea Rev - 1],82.27) 17963 20,323.26 Interest 35.000.00 20,420.00 20,708.92 14,291.08 2,91800 2,792.02 25.587.99 Vuiw Guide ads 1,500.00 16.725.00 9,750M (8,250.00) 500.00 14,100.00 Misclncome 16,600.00 - 7,143.51 9,456.49 now 19,57313 Square Garden Carryc 5,000.00 - - 5.630.63 Rental Income - 18,923.00 (18.923.00) 2,750.00 19.250.00 Interest Inc Checong 750.00 701.72 (701.72) 125.00 W55 1,050.98 Tolal 2,28,950.63 1,307.880.00 1,293,374.48 184,465.00 202,781.92 1,315.915.50 Espeneas Transfers TOYm Center Fund 676,185.00 393,624.00 391,845.87 284,539.13 56.232.00 55,949.41 387,893.45 Bend Auld Em 2,000.00 - - 2.000.00 Bard Paying Agent Fe 6.000.00 4,500.00 2.250.00 3,750.00 1,500.00 3.375.00 Woremm'e Camp In 2,575.00 - - 2,575.00 CpOepbn Em 43.437.00 25.393.00 24,722.95 18,714.05 3.628.00 3,926.47 25.327.45 Tmnsw to CVB 352.822.00 225.000.00 250,000.00 10'1.822.00 200.000.00 Transfer to Climon Ha 59,0.11.00 59,431.00 60,000.00 (569.00) 8,431.00 32,265.00 Peace Fountain Main 10,000.00 5,811.00 3.400.00 8,800.00 833.00 239.91 1.795.06 Contract labor - 19,250.63 (19.250.00) 2,750.00 19.250.00 Salaries 84.49.00 49.288.00 46,758.12 35.694.86 7.038.00 14.381.10 42,255.80 PeyMO Ta% E1T 7,600.00 4,431.00 3,810.94 3.789.06 633.00 747.64 3.488.38 - Insuran wfflln 3.865.00 2.128.00 (17.54) 3,682.51 304.0 132.63 945.70 401K Mawl 2,532.00 1,4]].00 1,246.81 1,285.19 211.00 283.11 1,287.61 Car AOMeaca 3.600.00 2,100.00 2.100.0 1,500.00 300.00 450.00 2,100.00 Advertising d Markets 40.000.0 210,000.00 165.747.69 231,252.31 35,000.00 22,436.44 2(16.065.]7 Airport into Boom 5100.00 3,600.0 3.663.00 1,800.00 1.263.00 2,400.00 Airport AdveNsing 6,630.00 3,000.63 2,970.00 3,030.00 2.970.00 Brochures 10.630.00 81,630.63 163,431.89 (431.69) 15.063.63 12.037.56 67,438.92 Websde Update 8.000.00 12.ODU.63 8,630.00 Signage, Tourism 10.000,00 6,500.00 7,428.91 2,571.09 400.63 734.25 4,969.07 Pudira5m d Was 2,045.0 1,225.00 1,594.95 450.05 80.63 315.00 980.00 Travel'I'maung 5,000.00 3,630.0 3,512.59 1,487.41 8]7.3] 2,45621 Recycling - WIA2 (661.12) Office Sup d Printing 1,000.00 700.00 1,318.04 (318.04) 163.0 89.47 488.50 Postage 8.000.63 10.563.00 12.48.40 7.573.60 1,500.00 1.500.63 11.417.25 Prafessbeal Snrvioes 7,563.63 4,375.00 4,405.63 3.85.63 625.00 665.00 4,375.63 Stmegic PWMIng 30.000.63 - 30.000.63 • Audit Expense 2.000.63 - - 2.631.63 Twm Centersrdml 10,630.63 2,888.88 7,131.07 Spatial Gardens - 8,244.43 TSpatial Mus Pralacta 1].82.11 (1],902.1 t) 4,]9.81 1.500.00 A Air Museum 5,363.01 5,363.63 5,300.00 - 7,630.00 Ars; Uv Coaches CBM 1],250.0 17,250.00 17.250,00 35,800.00 Ane Uva 1, 0.00 1,000.63 - 1.00..00 Bikes. Babes. 8 Bang 8.00.00 8,000.0 18.788.38 1.203.82 20,630.63 2,897.52 Bikes, Blue, d HM 1 G 12=01) 10,630.63 8,488.1] 1,510.93 Dmomi0eme tris 2.000.00 2.000.00 1.404.03 595.07 OECA SUIrC p l 1.563.00 1.563.00 1.350.63 19.00 3,063.63 H.S. Apolar Gamea 8.000.00 30.000.00 30.000.00 15.000.63 NWA CeactGenic 1.600.63 1.60000 - 1.800.63 Saturday of Champions ampion 2.500.00 (2.511.631 4.000.00 Stats tate SocoerFBMls 1.063.63 1.063..00 - 1.000.63 1.79.63 Slate TraUMee1 1,500.63 1,563.63 1,500.00 - 10,063.63 Ba Beaeba8d Music WE 2.500.63 2.563.63 - 2.500.63 Ouabdo St Music - 2,288.63 (2,288.63) 18.49.87 4 Spot Volleyball - - . 5.000.00 I State stivalGag 1,630.63 . - 1.00.0 Iran Pg Festival 2,563.63 2.500.63 2.563.00 Joe Schee Stege Race 3.200.00 7.200.0 . 3,200.00 3,000.00 Had Scheel Boards 2.063.00 2,630.00 2.25].8 (257.8) Odyn Valley TraWon 500.00 563.63 - 500.00 1,000.00 FayegvBe Night Jam usa - - - O]ak pl sh Muaeun 1.000.63 563.00 1 00 850.00 150.00 307.08 Soar Splash 5,000.63 5.000.00 5.000.00 - 5.063.00 The ports uer I 8,000.00 8.000.00 19,871.88 128.17 2,063.63 Tr Sports dd's d Fern 1,500.63 1,563.00 . 1,500.63 1,500.00 NCM BaxbIndow er 10,630.00 10,000.63 1.000.00 - NCM Truck Tennis Tw er 7,OD0.63 7.063.63 10.563.63 (3.500.63) SEG MwyB Toumemmt . - - SECMeneBWampic, 3,563.00 3.500.63 - 3.500.00 SEC SBAre enter o 2.000.00 2.00.0 2.000.00 - MiscWallonE pence ter 30.063.00 30.063.0 30.495.18 (695.18) 695.18 10,000.00 Rep Expense 6.250.00 (9.020.00) 8.@0.08 Maintenance 75,063.00 43.750.00 9.822.11 85.177.89 6.250.63 7.764.18 MmorEquip 75.000.00 39.165.00 30,068.14 67,851.88 8,250.0 8,874.00 Depreciation Fs 8.000.63 8.863.00 8.063.94 1,665.63 Sam shapes - 18..94 (18.94) 30.00 Tama 8I%emaes 9.9 (9.9) Unameafted 4,079.63 6,074..00 6,076.63 Total TOMI 2.28,848.00 1,378.680.00 1,332.125.18 188,800.00 127,288.85 • Fayetteville Town Center Stmt of Budget, Revenue, and Expense-Modified Cash Basis Month Ending July 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 July July 2009 • Annual Budget Year To Date Year To Date Year Monthly Monthly Year To Date Accumulated Actual Balance Budget Actual Actual Budget Revenue Rental Inc] Service - - Actual 09 394,880.00 218,750.00 215,536.45 179,343.55 30,136.00 35,607.15 215,307.00 Interest - Checking 480.00 280.00 272.26 207.74 40.00 40.19 329.85 Parking Revenue - - - Daily 9,000.00 5,930.00 4,019.00 4,981.00 650.00 387.00 5,078.30 Leases 10,000.00 9,299.00 9,528.22 471.78 1 ,875.00 10,619.24 Sales Tax Exp (3,663.00) (2,331.00) (2,340.54) (1 ,322.46) (333.00) (270.00) (4,652.00) Special Projects 6,200.00 5,000.00 - 6,200.00 5,956.39 Misc Revenue - 12,461.25 (12,461.25) 0.94 Transfer Total 416,897.00 236,928.00 239,476.64 32,368.00 35,764.34 232,639.72 Expenses Salary+Bensfits 142,332.00 ' 76,636.00 72,398.70 69,933.30 10,948.00 15,598.90 86,499.07 Commissions 30,000.00 17,500.00 11,586.70 18,413.30 2,500.00 15,105.88 Contract Labor - - 7,630.80 (7,630.80) 1,620.00 862.50 Payroll Taxes 14,495.00 8,190.00 7,172.38 7,322.62 1,170.00 1 ,303.20 8,199.89 Credit Card Discount: 3,900.00 2,275.00 1,524.81 2,375.19 325.00 90.63 2,452.86 Insurance 15,600.00 9,100.00 9,347.86 6,252.14 1,300.00 1 ,407.56 8,769.95 401K Match 3,720.00 2,170.00 1,713.41 2,006.59 310.00 387.18 2,565.85 Utilities 700.00 - - 700.00 Water 6,225.00 3,550.00 3,397.80 2,827.20 750.00 612.81 2,925.34 Phone 8,960.00 9,698.00 5,309.05 3,650.95 5,258.00 781 .28 5,127.22 Electricity 64,741.00 30,156.00 30,873.31 33,867.69 60.00 6,108.49 39,183.10 Gas 11,969.00 8,966.00 7,869.89 4,099.11 90.00 8,108.83 Cable 1,080.00 705.00 625.74 454.26 165.00 89.40 626.62 Recycle Dumpster 1,980.00 990.00 495.84 1,484.16 165.28 Postage 135.00 135.00 476.28 (341.28) 65.99 98.00 Contract Services - - Office Expense - 1 ,957.92 (1,957.92) 266.97 3,504.23 • Linens 20,504.00 10,675.00 13,689.22 6,814.78 1,097.00 2,211.66 12,057.79 Outside Laundry 3,771.00 2,411.00 3,771 .00 666.00 Repairs & Maintenant 60,750.00 30,500.00 47,148.34 13,601 .66 7,500.00 9,738.80 28,737.47 Materials & Supplies 5,000.00 3,000.00 - 5,000.00 400.00 Advertising & Promo 3,000.00 3,000.00 1,676.14 1,323.86 1,250.00 545.00 1,766.00 Travel/Training 500.00 400.00 2,500.00 (2,000.00) (869.12) Building Insurance 9,000.00 - - 9,000.00 Taxes & Licenses 3,035.00 3,035.00 500.00 2,535.00 35.00 1,915.30 Special Projects 6,200.00 5,000.00 10,700.07 (4,500.07) 1,295.87 4,162.02 Misc - 451.99 (451.99) Bank Charges - - - 49.75 Security - 3,394.21 (3,394.21) 1,366.80 4,378.78 Trannser In ' Total 416,897.00 228,792.00 242,440.46 34,524.00 43,655.82 236,227.33 • Convention Visitors Bureau Stmt of Budget Revenue, and Expense-Modified Cash Basis Month Ending July 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 July July 2009 • Annual Budget Year To Date Year To Date Year Monthly Monthly Year To Date Accumulated Actual Balance Budget Actual Actual Budget Revenue Transfer from ABP 352,908.00 250,000.00 250,000.00 102,908.00 200,000.00 Interest 600.00 350.00 369.85 230.15 50.00 89.71 303.15 Partnership Dues 9,200.00 6,400.00 5,000.00 4,200.00 1,600.00 7,300.00 Travel Hero 3,000.00 1,500.00 - 3,000.00 500.00 1,499.71 Viet. Ch. Store 15,000.00 7,800.00 12,045.50 2,954.50 1,500.00 3,397.59 10,309.36 Special Projects - - - 50.00 First Thursday 2,400.00 1,400.00 300.00 2,100.00 200.00 Dickson St 1,500.00 1,000.00 - 1,500.00 Filin Festival 2,500.00 - - 2,500.00 Premeir Baseball 15,000.00 - - 15,000.00 Other Income 4,075.00 (4,075.00) 6,302.43 Total 402,108.00 268,450.00 271,790.35 3,850.00 3,487.30 225,764.65 Expenses Salary+Benefits 231,991 .00 129,073.00 119,124.77 112,866.23 18,439.00 26,931.44 110,742.64 Payroll Tax Exp 20,775.00 11 ,550.00 10,375.89 10,399.11 1,650.00 2,319.61 9.245.27 Insurance-Health 21 ,756.00 11,700.00 11 ,603.44 10,152.56 1,950.00 1,559.78 11,606.35 401K Match 6,576.00 3,836.00 2,669.39 3,906.61 548.00 751.59 3,188.50 Utilities - - - Telephone 7,125.00 3,975.00 2,258.43 4,866.57 550.00 474.80 3,817.30 Electricity 4,195.00 2,200.00 2,400.80 1,794.20 175.00 356.02 2,412.44 Water 550.00 325.00 288.80 261.20 55.00 53.66 315.75 Conv & Tourism Develop 23,800.00 16,400.00 12,432.24 11,367.76 5,000.00 531 .71 14,160.89 Premier Baseball 15,000.00 - 2,835.00 12,165.00 Travel & Training 32,520.00 22,570.00 20,800.55 11,719.45 5,250.00 3,090.36 9,619.45 Publications/Dues 3,220.00 3,020.00 2,802.00 418.00 950.00 1,807.00 Repair/Maintenance 2,000.00 1 ,200.00 296.01 1,703.99 3,030.30 Office Supp/Pdntlng 9,000.00 5,500.00 4,369.24 4,630.76 1 ,000.00 7,297.17 Tracking Sfivlare/Mainl 3,500.00 3,500.00 1,695.00 1 ,805.00 . 1 ,700.00 Credit Card Discounts 1 ,200.00 700.00 455.20 744.80 100.00 72.79 825.66 Taxes & Licenses(ASCAF 300.00 300.00 493.68 (193.68) 1 ,043.50 • Visitor Ctr Store Ims; 8,000.00 4,662.00 5,148.36 2,851.64 666.00 1,655.36 6,975.22 Education Reimbursemen 3,000.00 3,000.00 Bank Charges - - - 49.75 Parking Expense 1,200.00 700.00 700.00 500.00 100.00 100.00 700.00 Advertising & Marketing - 1,150.00 (1,150.00) Special Project - 5,884.63 (5,884.63) 4,450.00 3,162.00 First Thursday 2,400.00 1 ,400.00 - 2,400.00 200.00 Dickson St 1 ,500.00 1,000.00 - 1,500.00 Film Festival 2,500.00 - - 2,500.00 Transfer Out - Total 402,108.00 223,611.00 207,783.43 36,633.00 42,347.12 191 ,699.21 • Clinton House Museum Stmt of Budget. Revenue, and Expensa-Modified Cash Basis Month Ending July 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 July July 2009 • Annual Budget Year To Date Year To Date Year Monthly Monthly Year To Date Accumulated Actual Balance Budget Actual Actual Budget Revenue Transfer from ABP 59,431.00 69,431.00 60,000.00 (569.00) 32,265.00 Admission 5,400.00 3,150.00 3,232.20 2,167.80 450.00 466.00 3,047.35 Special Events 900.00 200.00 - 900.00 Gift Shop Sales 6,600.00 3,850.00 2,543.56 4,056.44 550.00 269.08 3,728.58 Interest 240.00 140.00 69.19 170.81 20.00 23.95 68.18 Other Income 20.07 (20.07) 64.08 Total 72,571.00 76,77100 65,865.02 1,020.00 759.03 39,173.19 Expenses Salary+Benefits 36,180.00 21,105.00 19,066.52 17,113.48 3,015.00 4,170.00 17,207.21 Payroll Tax Exp 2,892.00 1,687.00 1,690.87 1 ,201.13 241.00 356.99 1 ,589.81 Insurance-Health 3,951.00 2,275.00 2,013.90 1 ,937.10 325.00 351.89 46.00 401K Match 984.00 574.00 450.00 534.00 82.00 112.50 Rent 12,000.00 12,000.00 12,000.00 - 12,000.00 Utilities-$3690 - - - Water 500.00 259.00 404.69 95.31 37.00 136.43 259.60 Gas 1 ,300.00 665.00 826.47 473.53 23.00 29.10 686.53 Electricity 1,000.00 492.00 527.73 472.27 201.00 139.36 400.45 Telephone Actual 1,200.00 700.00 626.47 573.53 100.00 104.57 633.94 Materials & Supplies 1,200.00 700.00 490.05 709.95 100.00 897.50 Credit Card Discount: 1,000.00 350.00 293.50 706.50 50.00 51.25 441.90 Bank Charges - - - 58.25 Security 264.00 154.00 152.95 111.05 22.00 21.85 152.95 Maintenance/Lawn 500.00 350.00 300.00 200.00 50.00 90.00 325.00 Repair/Maintenance 2,000.00 400.00 108.16 1 ,891.84 38.24 Sales Tax 600.00 350.00 234.00 366.00 50.00 62.00 460.59 Special Projects 1,200.00 700.00 142.30 1,057.70 100.00 142.30 195.61 Publications/Dues 250.00 200.00 104.27 145.73 50.00 Travel/Training 500.00 1,000.00 194.99 305.01 200.31 Gift Shop Items 5,000.00 3,000.00 1,990.99 3,009.01 1,000.00 612.40 1,841 .17 • Total 72,521.00 46,981.00 41,617.86 5,396.00 6,380.64 37,485.06 • FAYETTEVILLE THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS KIT WILLIAMS. CITY ATTORNEY DAVID WHITAKER, ASST. CITY ATTORNEY &PARTMENTAL CORRESPONDENCE LEGAL DEPARTMENT TO: A & P Commissioners City Council CC : Casey Jones, City Prosecutor FROM: Kit Williams, City Attorney DATE : September 3, 2010 RE : Overdue HMR tax collection City Prosecutor Casey Jones collected $1 ,719.74 of overdue Hotel, , Motel, and Restaurant taxes in August. His total year-to-date collection of overdue HMR taxes is $42,470.35. • • CLIrJTON K. JONES MANDY FINKI.EA CITY PROSECUTOR a vl le OFFtchockICE I l. aTRATOR BRIAN THOMAS Emell: HONE: (479)t6764377 .anus PHONE: (479) 57b-9277 A0.KANSA3 (479) 5758379 DEPUTY CITY PROSECUTOR Hot Checks: (479) 5759264 • OFFICE OF CITY PROSECUTOR FAX # : (479) 5758373 MEMO TO: K. Williams Fayetteville City Attorney FROM: Casey Jones Fayetteville City Prosecutor DATE: September 2, 2010 RE: Status of Active HMR cases 1 . Acambaro Four Jesus Socarro Delinquent Balance: $ 1 ,516.04 (5 & 61 09) Active Criminal Summons 2. Big River BBQ Nels E. Danielson, Sr. Arraignment: 8/16/10 - Dismissed • Nels E. Danielson, Jr. Arraignment: 6/18/10 No Show — Active FTAS Warrant Delinquent Balance: -0- (2 & 3, 10) 3 . Brenda's Drive-In Collin L. Wilkins Paid: $535. 14 Delinquent Balance: -0- (5 & 6, 10) Arraignment: 9/27/10 4. Butcher Block Gary W. Bell Court Ordered to pay $200.00 Per Month Delinquent Balance: $ 1 ,871 .28 Active Contempt of Court 5 . Delicious Delights Bhadresha Patel Paid: $39.60 Delinquent Balance: -0- (5 & 65 10) Active Criminal Summons 6. Dominoes Pizza Lloyd W. Hardison Delinquent Balance: $4,590.66 TD: 7/08/09 — Court ordered to pay $200.00 a month Criminal Summons (Fail to Pay HMR) Trial Date: 9/15/10 • Telecommunication Device for the Deaf TDD (479) 521.1316 176 South Church, Suite 2 - Fayetteville, AR 72701 Kit Williams September 2, 1010 _ Page 2 07. Drifters, The Club John M. Dortch Delinquent Balance: -0- (11 /09 - 2/10) Trial Date: 9/l/l0 - Settled Delinquent Balance: -0- (3/10) Arraignment: 7/23/10 - No Show FTAS Warrant Arraignment: 9/3/10 Delinquent Balance: -0- (5110) Arraignment: 9/3/10 8. Frulatti Mary A. McNeil Delinquent Balance: $409.34 Todd E. McNeill 9. Hogwild Pizzeria David S. Mackey Delinquent Balance: $ 1 ,330.00 (1 — 35 09) Delinquent Balance: No Forms (4/09) TD: 10/28/09 — 90 days to pay TD: 7/14/10 (Fail to Pay HMR) Settled (90 days to pay) 10. Los Cuates Maria S. Richard Paid: $ 103 .00 (10 - 12, 07) Delinquent Balance: -0- Trial Date: 9/02/09 — Settled Trial Date: 8/04/10 (Fail to Pay HMR) Case Settled and Closed 11 . Mama Dean 's Meneria D. Morrison Delinquent Balance: -0- (4 — 7, 09) Delinquent Balance: -0- (9 & 109 09) Delinquent Balance: -0- (12/09 & 1 /10) Delinquent Balance: -0- (2/10) Delinquent Balance: -0- (3/10) Delinquent Balance: -0- (4/10) Trial Date: 8/25/10 - Settled Delinquent Balance: -0- (5110) Trial Date: 10/27/10 (5/10) Delinquent Balance: No Forms (6/10) Active Criminal Summons (6/10) Terry L. Morrison Active Criminal Summons (2/10) Active Criminal Summons (3/10) Active Criminal Summons (4/10) Active Criminal Summons (5/10) Active Criminal Summons (6/10) • Kit Williams September 2, 1010 Page 3 012. Patron Mexican Grill Steven A. Jones Trial Date: 10/27/10 (5/10) Active Criminal Summons (6/10) Raul Mendez, Jr. Trial Date: 10/27/10 (5/10) Active Criminal Summons (6/10) Delinquent Balance: No Forms (5/10) Paid: $492.00 (6/10) Delinquent Balance: No Forms (6/10) 13 . Perk on Wedington Shea A. Hamm Delinquent Balance: $47.00 Arraignment: 4/13/09 - No Show FTAS Warrant Served Trial Date: 8/26/09 — Ordered to pay $75.00 a month 14. Razor's Edge Alan S. Burton Active Criminal Summons Barbara A. Burton Active Criminal Summons Delinquent Balance: No Forms (5 & 6, 10) 15 . RX Catering Jarrod C. Butler Paid: $300.00 Delinquent Balance: $2,877.92 Set for Trial: 12/03/08 — Settled Ordered to Pay $200.00 a month Active Contempt of Court Served Arraignment: 7/13/09 — No Show FTAS Warrant Served TD: 11/04/09 — No Show Active Criminal Summons Trial Date: 4/7/10 — Settled Ordered to pay $100.00 a month Contempt of Court Arraignment: 8/16/10 - NP 16. Seafood Market Bar/Grill Craig E. Dowd Paid: $ 100.00 Delinquent Balance: $5,322.60 TD: 9/16/09 — Time Pay: $200.00 by the 30th of every month. Trial Date: 5/19/10 (Fail to Pay HMR) Settled — to pay $ 100.00 a month 17. Shanghai Chinese and Hsiao L. J. Shen Delinquent Balance: $3, 190.00 China Garden 18. Soul Restaurant & Lounge Casey E. Dighero Paid: $ 150.00 Delinquent Balance: $2,243.65 (3 & 45 10) Trial Date: 9/15/10 Kit Williams September 2, 1010 •Page 4 19. Willco One Stop J. Rex Williams Paid: -0- ( 12/09 — 2/10) James Williams Delinquent Balance: $ 10.42 Letter 20. WOW Japanese Bistro Chong N. Kim Delinquent Balance: -0- (7 & 8, 09) Delinquent Balance: $38.00 ( 1 & 2, 10) Delinquent Balance: $398.00 (3/10) Trial Date: 7/28/10 — Settled Delinquent Balance: $354.00 (4 & 5, 10) Trial Date: 11/03/10 (4 & 5, 10) Delinquent Balance: No Forms (6/10) Arraignment: 10/01 /10 (6/10) TOTAL: $1,719.74 • CLINTON HOUSE MUSEUM • MONTHLY REPORT AUGUST 2010 The Clinton House Museum had a total of 178 visitors in August 2010. We had our first visitors from Mongolia as the House continues to attract people from all over the world. MUSEUM ACTIVITIES AND EVENTS: 3rd — City Council vote to change name of California Blvd to Clinton Drive 5'' — Chris Durrance interviews Stephen Smith for PBS biography for the Former President. 8'h — Clinton Drive street signs installed 11 '" — First Ladies ' Garden Dedication Clinton Drive Ribbon Cutting BILL CLINTON VISITS ! 13'h — Bella Vista Red Hat Society Group Tour, 25 guests • 19'h — Bill ' s Birthday — moon pies and RC colas to guests PRESS COVERAGE : KNWA — evening and morning coverage 40/29 — evening and morning coverage Channel 5 News — evening and morning coverage Arkansas Democrat-Gazette — Clinton Has Full Day at Museum Northwest Arkansas Times — Clinton Strolls Down Memory Lane Politics Daily — www.politicsdaily.com Fayetteville Flyer Citiscapes Metro Monthly — President Bill Clinton Visits Northwest Arkansas 93 .3 The Eagle • Activity Report From: 08/01/2010 To: 08/31/2010 ALLYSON E-Mail 8/2/2010 Cherokee, Butterfield and Trail of Tears Mimi-Cosmopolitan posium Available dates and rates for 2011 conf 8/4/2010 Cherokee, Butterfield and Trail of Tears Heather-Carnall Hall Symposium rates and available dates 8/16/2010 Arkansas Parks and Tourism Commission Ms. Gloria Robins Monthly Meeting invite to host commission in 2011 8/23/2010 American Water Works Association Ms. Amy Wilson Southwest Section Annual Meeting when can we bid on this again? 8/23/2010 Arkansas Airport Operators Association Mr. Ray Boudreaux Annual Meeting when can we bid on this again? 8/24/2010 First Night Fayetteville Amy Robinson New Year's Eve Celebration need a place to house the puppets File Note 8/23/2010 Arkansas Airport Operators Association Mr. Ray Boudreaux Annual Meeting details on bidding on the conf 8/25/2010 City of Fayetteville Parking Dept attended media tour of parking machines Meeting 8/4/2010 Ozark Slow Food Katy Deaton restaurant rating program for slow food 8/10/2010 Oktoberfest Julie Sill details about upcoming festival 8/12/2010 Bikes, Blues, BBQ Mr. Nelson Driver headquarters tent and vip events •8/13/2010 Trick or Treat on the Square Matt Partain-FPD idea about closing the square for the event 8/16/2010 AAO Sports Experience Mr. Brad Friess Sports Festival touching base about new events at aao 8/17/2010 ASAE Ms Mary Dandurand Annual Meeting attended monthly luncheon in LR 8/18/2010 Bikes, Blues, BBQ Mr. Nelson Driver details about sponsors 8/19/2010 City of Fayetteville Julie McQuade details about volunteer event in sept 8/19/2010 Hogeye Tabby Holmes Hogeye Marathon, how we can help with promotion/social media 8/19/2010 Allyson Twiggs-General Mayor's Festival Task Force attended meeting 8/23/2010 Allyson Twiggs-General Matt Garcia-Go Next Consult changes to Hogeye branding 8/24/2010 Bikes, Blues, BBQ Mr. Nelson Driver attended board meeting Phone Call 8/12/2010 Midwest. Nationals Kevin Trainor-UA Athletics Baseball Tournament follow up on the tourney, plans for 2011 8/20/2010 Hogeye David Wright-Bentonville parks Hogeye Marathon date of Bville half marathon 8/24/2010 Allyson Twiggs-General Tom Galyon-Rogers CVB traffic from highway signs •8/25/2010 Arkansas Department of Parks and Tourism Mrs Renee Robison details about new sports website for Ark JESSI Blog Entry 8/4/2010 Fayetteville Visitors Bureau Ef-Fayetteville Half Marathon 8/19/2010 Fayetteville Visitors Bureau Fayetteville Featured in Where to Retire Magazine 8/25/2010 Fayetteville Visitors Bureau Fayetteville Roots Festival 8/27/2010 Fayetteville Visitors Bureau teativeFayettevilleparking.com provides Dickson Street pa eative 8/4/2010 Fayetteville Visitors Bureau EF-Website for Dine in Fayetteville 8/23/2010 Fayetteville Visitors Bureau EF-festival webpage 8/26/2010 Fayetteville Visitors Bureau postcard designs for Visitors Center 8/27/2010 Fayetteville Visitors Bureau updated sports rack cards Facebook Entry 8/3/2010 Fayetteville Visitors Bureau favorite indoor summer activity in Fayetteville? 8/4/2010 Fayetteville Visitors Bureau EF-Fayetteville Half Marathon 8/5/2010 Fayetteville Visitors Bureau Ef-First Thursday tonight 8/9/2010 Fayetteville Visitors Bureau EF- one more week to enjoy the Wilson Park Pool 8/11/2010 Fayetteville Visitors Bureau EF-Restaurant Week starts tomorrow 8/12/2010 Fayetteville Visitors Bureau EF-Restaurant Week has begun 8/13/2010 Fayetteville Visitors Bureau EF-Cafe Rue Orleans talking about Restaurant Week /16/2010 Fayetteville Visitors Bureau EF-celebrating restaurant week 8/17/2010 Fayetteville Visitors Bureau U of A Ranked Among Best of 'Best American College 8/18/2010 Fayetteville Visitors Bureau sign up to exhibit at the Sept 2 First Thursdday 8/19/2010 Fayetteville Visitors Bureau EF-Restaurant Week deal 8/20/2010 Fayetteville Visitors Bureau EF-Restaurant Week is almost over 8/23/2010 Fayetteville Visitors Bureau EF-Record enrollment at U of A this fall 8/25/2010 Fayetteville Visitors Bureau EF-feels like fall outside 8/30/2010 Fayetteville Visitors Bureau EF-link about Fayetteville's Walker Park district Press Release 8/6/2010 Fayetteville Visitors Bureau EF-Press release for Restaurant Week 8/7/2010 Fayetteville Visitors Bureau First Thursday press release Twitter Entry 8/2/2010 Fayetteville Visitors Bureau EF-SEC Media Day for the @,ArkRazorbacks • 8/5/2010 Fayetteville Visitors Bureau EF-First Thursday is the best Thursday of every mo 8/6/2010 Fayetteville Visitors Bureau Sights and Sounds from First Thursday Fayetteville 8/10/2010 Fayetteville Visitors Bureau RT FPL_Library Elvis Week is half over 8/11 /2010 Fayetteville Visitors Bureau EF-Fayetteville Restaurant Week starts tomorrow 8/12/2010 Fayetteville Visitors Bureau EF-New specials added to the Fayetteville Restaura 8/12/2010 Fayetteville Visitors Bureau EF-Fayetteville Restaurant Week starts today /13/2010 Fayetteville Visitors Bureau EF-Day 2 of Restaurant Week is going to be a hot o 8/16/2010 Fayetteville Visitors Bureau EF-dinein_fayar Happy Monday restaurant goers 8/17/2010 Fayetteville Visitors Bureau EF-Tuesday of Restaurant Week 8/17/2010 Fayetteville Visitors Bureau EF-Cooking Demos at farmers market 8/19/2010 Fayetteville Visitors Bureau EF-Another great Restaurant Week deal 8/20/2010 Fayetteville Visitors Bureau EF-Fan Day is tomorrow in the Gardens! 8/23/2010 Fayetteville Visitors Bureau EF-FayParksAndRec opened up more spots in kickball 8/23/2010 Fayetteville Visitors Bureau EF-Welcome back University of Arkansas students 8/24/2010 Fayetteville Visitors Bureau EF-Tonight at 6:30 p.m. : @FPL_Library is hosting 8/25/2010 Fayetteville Visitors Bureau EF-favorite thing about autumn in Fayetteville? 8/27/2010 Fayetteville Visitors Bureau EF-Free Backyard Bluegrass concert tonight-BGO 8/28/2010 Fayetteville Visitors Bureau EF-Washington County Fair had a twitter acct 0/28/2010 Fayetteville Visitors Bureau EF-Visitors center has tons of unique local shirts 8/30/2010 Fayetteville Visitors Bureau EF-Football season is finally here JULIE Convention 8/2/2010 Kaleo Tours Ms. Janet Raines SCMC- Loves Arkansas 8/2/2010 Blackwell Tours Mr. Jack Blackwell SCMA- Wants a Tour Packet 8/2/2010 Tri City Charter Mr Jim Pitstick SCMC-Want's more info 8/2/2010 Bus Supply Charters Mrs Karen Sanders SCMC-New VG 8/2/2010 Traveling Friends Ms Bunia Baxter SCMC- New VG 8/2/2010 Odyssey Travel Ms. Natalie Newman SCMC-New Info 8/2/2010 Adventure Tours Dr. David Sexton SCMC & ABA- Itin for 3 days 8/2/2010 Salter Trailways Mrs Patricia Byrd SCMC- Email only 8/2/2010 Southern Coaches Mr John Adams SCMC- tour packet • 8/2/2010 Capital Trailways Alabama Mr Doug Cumuze SCMC- Travels through Arkansas all the time 8/2/2010 Vision Tours Mrs Mary LaCour SCMC- Tour Packet 8/2/2010 Expert Travel Ms. Hanna Smith SCMC-Tour Packet 8/2/2010 Star Coach Mrs Sandy Smith I SCMC-Tour Packet 8/2/2010 Rockin R Travel Club Mrs Sharon Chamberland SCMC- 2011 Tour Ideas 8/2/2010 Gaten's Adventures Mr Clarence Gaten SCMC_ Tour Ideas • 8/2/2010 MJ Tours LLC Mrs Mary Jean Keating SCMC- Tour Packet 8/20/2010 King Tour Ms Annette King SCMC- Coming to Arkansas in November 8/20/2010 Julie Pennington Mrs Julie Pennington South Central Motorcoach 8/1 -8/4 8/20/2010 Julie Pennington Mrs Julie Pennington Going on Faith 8/24-8/26 8/20/2010 Julie Pennington Mrs Julie Pennington Red Carpet Tradeshow 8/26-8/29th E-Mail Sent 8/23/2010 Citiizen Security Bank Horizen Club Mrs Lisa Beach Group Tour 8/17/2010 Good to Go with Patti Beth Mrs Patti Anderson Diva's Do Dickson Back Yard Billionaire Tour 8/20/2010 Julie Pennington Mrs Julie Pennington U of A orientation Meeting 8/11/2010 Julie Pennington Mrs Julie Pennington Clinton House First Ladies Garden Ribbon Cutting MARLO eative 8/4/2010 NWA Disk Golf Association Kelly Ganzel 5th Annual Northshore Invitational Put together hotel rate Flier for Kelly 8/18/2010 USSSA Mr. Billy Lee Yarbrough National Slow Pitch Tournament Created spreadsheet for team hotel rooms 8/19/2010 UA Women's Athletics Ms. Chris Pohl NCAA 2012 Women's Basketball 1st & 2nd Rounds Created NCAA Hotel Agreement for each hotel 8/24/2010 USSSA Mr. Billy Lee Yarbrough National Slow Pitch Tournament Gave Marilyn check request for bid fee E-Mail 8/31/2010 Midwest Cheer and Dance Association Kim Schaub Website is still being updated E-Mail Sent 8/3/2010 USSSA Mr. Billy Lee Yarbrough National Slow Pitch Tournament Touched base with Billy Lee 8/4/2010 Premier Baseball Championships Mr Don Patty 16 Under Championship Tournament Emailed all fields to get final invoices 8/6/2010 AAU Track and Field Kim Lynk Area 11 National Qualifying Meet RE: AAU Athletics National Qualifying Meet 8/6/2010 American Bicycle Association John David Followed up with John David again about events 8/9/2010 AAU Track and Field 'dgeen@uark.edu' Area 11 National Qualifying Meet AAU Athletics National Qualifying Meet 8/9/2010 B.E.S.T Baseball 'swalters@experiencefayettevil Baseball Tournaments AAU Athletics National Qualifying Meet 8/9/2010 AAU Track and Field Danny Green, UA Track a 11 National Qualifying Meet Introduce & Inquire about the 2011 AAU Track 8/10/2010 UA Women's Athletics Ms. Chris Pohl NCAA 2012 Women's Basketball 1st & 2nd Rounds NCAA Women's Basketball - 1st & 2nd Round bid 8/10/2010 UA Gymnastics Julie Cain NCAA South Central Regional 2012 NCAA Gymnastics Regional 8/11/2010 UA Intramural/Recreational Sports Jeremy Battjes Touched base about calendar of events 8/11 /2010 Tri-State Volleyball Challenge Ms. Jessica Phelan Jade getting ad & logo sent to Jessica 8/12/2010 UA Women's Athletics Ms. Chris Pohl AA 2012 Women's Basketball 1st & 2nd Rounds Touched base w/ Chris Pohl 8/12/2010 UA Gymnastics Ms Chris Pohl AA South Central Regional Touched base again with Juli Cain about hotels 8/16/2010 Premier Baseball Championships Mr Don Patty 16 Under Championship Tournament Final Revised '10 Premier Costing Spreadsheet 8/17/2010 USSSA Mr. Billy Lee Yarbrough National Slow Pitch Tournament USSSA Southern National Men's Slow-Pitch Tournamen 8/17/2010 UA Gymnastics Julie Cain NCAA South Central Regional RE: 2012 NCAA Gymnastics Regional 8/17/2010 UA Women's Athletics Ms. Chris Pohl NCAA 2012 Women's Basketball 1 st & 2nd Rounds NCAA 2012 1 st & 2nd Round Women's Basketball Bid 8/17/2010 UA Women's Athletics Ms. Chris Pohl NCAA 2012 Women's Basketball 1 st & 2nd Rounds Sent out hotel leads for bid 8/17/2010 USSSA Mr. Billy Lee Yarbrough National Slow Pitch Tournament Email blast sent to all teams 8/20/2010 USSSA Mr. Billy Lee Yarbrough National Slow Pitch Tournament JJ's contact 8/23/2010 UA Intramural/Recreational Sports Jeremy Battjes Sent email to Jeremy about events calandar 8/23/2010 AAU Track and Field Area 11 National Qualifying Meet Emailed Danny Green again to touch base 8/23/2010 USSSA Mr. Billy Lee Yarbrough National Slow Pitch Tournament RE: USSSA Room Pick-up 8/25/2010 USSSA Mr. Billy Lee Yarbrough National Slow Pitch Tournament Checks being processed e8/27/2010 World Spirit Association Wes Miller mpionships and/or Nationals Host site for 2012 8/27/2010 World Spirit Association Darren DeMoss Championships and/or Nationals Host site for 2012 8/27/2010 World Spirit Association Darren DeMoss Championships and/or Nationals Emailed Wes & Darren to discuss 2012 calendar 8/27/2010 Killer B Promotions Mr. Gary Beck Teen Masters Bowling Potential Host Site 8/30/2010 Killer B Promotions Mr. Gary Beck Teen Masters Bowling RE: Potential Host Site 8/31/2010 USSSA Mr. Billy Lee Yarbrough National Slow Pitch Tournament Sent email to Tyler at H.I. Express 8/31/2010 USSSA Mr. Billy Lee Yarbrough National Slow Pitch Tournament Emailed Jody at J.J.s to follow up on Coaches Mtg. 8/31/2010 Tri-State Volleyball Challenge Ms. Jessica Phelan Tri-State Challenge 8/31/2010 NWA Disk Golf Association Kelly Ganzel 5th Annual Northshore Invitational Northshore Invitational (Sept. 17-19th) Meeting 8/24/2010 UA Women's Athletics Ms. Chris Pohl NCAA 2012 Women's Basketball 1 st & 2nd Rounds Mtg. w/ GM at each hotel for signature 8/25/2010 UA Women's Athletics Ms. Chris Pohl NCAA 2012 Women's Basketball 1 st & 2nd Rounds Took hotel bid materials to Chris' office 8/30/2010 B. E.S.T Baseball Mr. Greg Baxendale Baseball Tournaments Met Baxendale & discussed '11 tournaments one Call 8/16/2010 USSSA Mr. Billy Lee Yarbrough National Slow Pitch Tournament Call to remind Jody @ JJs about Players Cards 8/16/2010 UA Women's Athletics Ms. Chris Pohl NCAA 2012 Women's Basketball 1 st & 2nd Rounds Left message for Chris 8/17/2010 USSSA Mr. Billy Lee Yarbrough National Slow Pitch Tournament Called & LM for Jody at JJs to confirm Fri. Night 8/19/2010 USSSA Mr. Billy Lee Yarbrough National Slow Pitch Tournament Spoke to Jody at JJs - SHELLY ail 8/9/2010 UA Center for Leadership and Community Engagement Michael McAllister FVB included in RSO officer handbook 8/19/2010 Tyson Bethany Capps National Sales Meeting Dickson Street Event September 20 8/23/2010 Shelly Walters - Project Beau Patrick scheduled Career Orientation talk 8/23/2010 UA Chemical Engineering Amber Hutchinson Spring Banquet 2011 follow up on April events 8/23/2010 Crohn's & Colitis Foundation of America Kristen Trulock Walk booked event in Bentonville 8/27/2010 IAAP Mary Herrington Razorback Chapter Strategic Planning meeting 8/30/2010 Ozark Harvest Food Festival John McClure planning details for event 8/30/2010 Society for Photographic Education Michael Peven details for October conference Meeting 8/3/2010 UA Graduate School Diane Cook Graduate and ISS Orientation Planning 8/10/2010 UA Admissions Vicki Anderson materials for incoming students 8/11 /2010 UA Global Campus Shannon Stewart met to discuss possible leads 408/17/2010 UA International Students & Scholars Matt orientation fair 8/18/2010 UA Graduate School Diane Cook 3 orientation sessions and fair 8/20/2010 UA Hospitality Charles Ogbeide planning for LOTO 8/26/2010 UA Student Involvement Mary Coonley Razorbash 8/26/2010 UA Hospitality Rebeckah Koone LOTO planning 8/30/2010 UA Geosciences Sonja Hausmann International PAGES Floodplain Lake Workshop will provide FYV info for attendees 8/30/2010 B.E.S.T. Baseball Greg Baxendale Hawg Showcase wrap up of june tournament • Fayetteville Visitor Center - 2010 Sales & Visitor Count Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Sales Totals $557.65 $354.29 $745.44 $2, 166.24 $2,296.32 $2,360.35 $3,516.20 $3,557.59 2009Totatr $502.70 $670.45 $842.57 $1 ,53111 $2,320.70 $2,211 .38 $1 ,919.87 $2,035.88 $1 ,690.49 $1 ,566.65 $971 .37 $2,385.23 % Change — - -- — from 2009 9.9% -89.2% -13.0% 29.0% -0.09% 6.3% 45.4% Visitor Count 213 209 432 901 945 1 ,062 1 ,378 1 ,304 2009 Totals 235 381 539 906 1 ,042 1 ,273 .__ 1, 120 11148 695 747 456 353 "/o Change - � � � -from 200.9 -10% 1 -82% -25% 1 -0.50% 1 0. 10 -20% 19% 12% 2010 Goal = 515,000/year or $1,250/month Yearly $15,554.08 Monthly 1 $11944.26 Totals 63444 Averages 805 4b Change = divide the difference between the two numbers by the starting number then move the decimal two spaces right 2009 Monthly Sales Average=$6554.03 2009 Monthly VisitorAverage=742 2009 sales per visitor = $2.10 2010 sales per visitor = $2.44 ;New