HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010-08-09 - Agendas - Final The Advertising and Promotion Commission will meet on Monday, August 9, 2010 at 2 :00 p.m. at the Fayetteville Town Center. AGENDA ADVERTISING AND PROMOTION COMMISSION August 9, 2010 2 :00 p.m. Fayetteville Town Center 1 . Call to Order II . Welcome Commissioner — William Lyle, exec. Chef, manager Ella's Restaurant Ill . Election of Chairman IV . Reports A. Approval of Minutes for July 12, 2010 regular monthly meeting B. Financial Report 1 . HMR Revenues — Marilyn Heifner 2 . Financial Statements - Keith Glass • 3 . Update from City Attorney re: delinquent tax collection efforts — Kit Williams C. Clinton House Museum Report - D. Visitor Bureau Report — Allyson Twiggs Dyer E. Town Center Report — Sandra Bennett F. Executive Director Report — Marilyn Heifner G. Advertising Agency Report — Mike Sells V. Old Business A. Buy/Shop Fayetteville Campaign VI . New Business VII. Adjourn • • ADVERTISING AND PROMOTION COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING July 12, 2010 Commissioners Present: Neal Crawford, Bob Davis, Lioneld Jordan, Brandon Karn, Robert Rhoads, and Maudie Schmitt. Commissioners Absent: None Staff Present: Sandra Bennett, Allyson Twiggs Dyer, and Marilyn Heifner CALL TO ORDER Mayor Lioneld Jordan called the regular monthly meeting of the Fayetteville Advertising and Promotion Commission to order on July 12 at the Fayetteville Town Center at 2 :00 p.m. APPOINTMENT OF COMMISSIONER Davis moved to appoint William Lyle, the executive chef and manager of Ella's Restaurant to the A & P Commission. Second by Crawford. Motion carried. MINUTES Moved by Davis, second by Crawford to approve the minutes of the May 10 meeting. Motion carried. • HMR COLLECTIONS Marilyn reported that the HMR collections were down 2 .74% for the month of May and down 3 .08% for the month of June. Year to date collections are down 4. 15%. Year to date collections are $ 1 ,040,444. FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Marilyn reported on May financials. Total revenues for all sources id 1 , 253,835 .01 and total expenses are 1 ,227,876.32. Town Center revenue is bouncing back with approximately $ 10,000 increase in income over last year to date and expenses about $4,000 less than last year to date. CVB and CHM expenses are less than last year for year to date. A & P expenses exceed revenue by about $4,000. CITY ATTORNEY Monthly collections in May for overdue HMR taxes was $6,656.98 and in June was $6, 185 .00. At their July 6 meeting, the City Council tabled the Business License until September. There are 23 active delinquent HMR cases. REPORTS CLINTON HOUSE MUSEUM Two university graduate students were married at the Clinton House in May. The first ladies garden was planted prior to the America in Bloom judges breakfast at the house. Bunting was • purchased for the front railings. • VISITORS BUREAU The Courtyard by Marion received the coveted Hotel of the Year Award. All star week was very successful and is going strong. Solar Splash will hold its final program here. We have hosted that for five years and it will be going to Iowa. Premier Baseball, the sophomore tournament for national champs will be the last week in July. It will bring at least 2,000 hotel room nights. Restaurant week is scheduled for August 12-22, 2010. TOWN CENTER The Town Center has finished window tinting in its sustainability efforts. There have been issues with the air conditioning and the ice machine. Collections were up $3,000 in May, but down $ 11 ,000 in June. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Marilyn attended the National Historic Trails conference in San Antonio. All forms were filed for the 501 c 3 status for the Clinton House Museum. Winner of the Gallery guide contest for magnet was Judy Goodwin who displays her work at the Heartwood Gallery. A new city map, and a historic register brochure for the Clinton House Museum are in the works. AD AGENCY REPORT Mike Sells reviewed collections with the Fayetteville HMR down 4. 15% and the state down • 5 . 13%. 2010 growth in inquiries up 161 . 1 % over last year. The CVB has over 10,000 fans on facebook now. The trend on the website is the remind residents what there is to do. 13V2 returned to visit the old website and now there are 18.8% returning. Current project for the agency is shooting a tv commercial. A Benjamin del Shreve song will be used as background music. They are working on the media plan for August — December. 60% of the media budget is spent in the second half of the year. OLD BUSINESS A. Employee Handbook Moved by David, second by Karn to approve the revisions to the Employee Handbook. B. Green Initiative Suggestions for Festivals and Special Events A list of green initiatives for festivals and special events was distributed to the Commissioners and will be given to those requesting A & P funds and who apply for city special event permits. It will also be put on the website. NEW BUSINESS A. Lease agreement for CVB parking spaces Moved by Crawford, second by Davis to approve the lease agreement. Motion carried. B. Television Media Protocol • This was distributed to commissioners with no action required. • OTHER BUSINESS A. Dickson Street Paid Parking Crawford asked that Marilyn and the agency look into a positive ad campaign regarding the new paid parking on Dickson St. We need a proactive rather than a reactive approach. We need to explain to the public what the city is doing. Marilyn and the agency will look into a campaign which can explain the program to residents and visitors. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, ? iy � Marilyn Heifner Executive Director • • • ADVERTISING AND PROMOTION COMMISSION July 31 , 2010 NEAL CRAWFORD — (term expires 4/01 /11 ) Jose' s 324 W. Dickson Fayetteville, AR 72701 479-521 -0194 (b) cell 283-6526 479-444-6616 (h) WILLIAM T LYLE (term expires 4/1 /12) Ella's Restaurant 920 E. Lighton Trail Fayetteville, AR 72701 479-582-0400 (b) 479-790-4492 (h) WTLyle@yahoo.com BOB DAVIS (term expires 4/1 /13) 1163 Montview Dr Fayetteville, AR 72701 479-521 -2233 (b) 479-442-5950 (h) bdavis(@easoninsurance.com • MAUDIE SCHMITT (term expires 4/1 /13) Cafe Rue Orleans 905 Eden Circle Fayetteville, AR 72701 479-443-2777 cell 409-6230 BRANDON KARN (term expires 4/1/14) Jammin' Java 2383 Hummingbird Lane Fayetteville, AR 72703 479-443-2233 (b) brandon@iammin-iava.com LIONELD JORDAN, MAYOR (term indefinite — appointed 1 /09) 113 W. Mountain Fayetteville, AR 72701 479-575-8330 (b) 479-575-8257 (FAX) Ijordan(a ci.fayetteville.ar.us ROBERT RHOADS (term indefinite — appointed 9/06) 1931 Harold Fayetteville, AR 72703 • 479-973-5202 cell 236- 1414 RRhoads@HallEstill.com Advertising and Promotion Commission For month of July 2010 Current Year HMR Collected (2120.0912.4101 .00) $ 196, 144.35 Prior Year Collected (2120.0912.4101 .01 ) $ 179.00 First Security Investment Interest Revenue (2120.0912.4708.00) $ 2,634.23 Total Revenues $ 198,957.58 Annual Bond Audit Expense (2120.9120.7602 .60) $ Collection Expense (2120.9120.5333.00) $ (31926.47) Bank of OK Quarterly Fee (2120.9120.5712.00) Town Center Bond Payment (2120.9120.5712.00) $ (55,949.41 ) 2008 Property Taxes on Town Center (2120.9120.7602.60) Total Expenses $ (599875.88) Total Check to A&P $ 139,081 .70 • City of Fayetteville, Arkansas Monthly HMR Tax Collections 2007-2010 2007 2008 2008 2009 2009 2010 2010 Total Total Change Over Total Change Over Total Change Over HMR Taxes HMR Taxes Prior Year HMR Taxes Prior Year HMR Taxes Prior Year January $166,620 $174,005 4.43% $166,214 -4.48% $166,645 0.00% February $150,088 $158,693 5.58% $167,141 5.32% $143,940 -13.88% March $157,317 $172,804 9.84% $180,027 4. 18% $172,662 -4.09% April $171 ,562 $183,672 7.06% $191 ,542 4.28% $187,730 -2.00% May $165,779 $175,064 5.60% $190,320 8.71 % $1850096 -2.74% June $177,594 $194,447 9.49% $190,237 -2. 17% $184,371 -3.08% July $173,079 $188,253 8.77% $180,944 -3.88% $196,323 8.50% August $160$ 60 $174,648 8.77% $1670897 -3.87% September $172,373 $190,244 10.37% $176,463 -7.24% October $180$ 24 $187, 125 3.77% $189,728 1 .39% November $185, 111 $197,814 6.86% $190,887 -3.50% December $1709506 $174,682 2.45% $174,568 0.00% Total $ $2,030,913 $2,171 ,451 6.92% $29165,969 0.00% $1 ,236,768 -2.34% \filename Fayetteville A&P Commission Statement of Assets, Liabilities & Equity - Modified Cash Basis June 30, 2010 • ASSETS Current Assets CVB Cash in Register $ 100.00 CHM Cash in Register 100.00 Arvest A&P General #4856 642,681 .59 1st Security A&P General #8714 138, 158.57 1 st Sec Fay Town Ctr #8722 52,462.76 1 st Sec. Clinton House #8749 341930.84 1 st Sec. Conv Visitor #8730 1297451 .66 Arvest Payroll Account #4636 23, 175. 16 Accounts Receivable 18.48 Due From Other Funds 31015.22 Investments 19793,471 .50 Investment Adj to Market 4,256.62 Total Current Assets 2,821 ,822.40 Property and Equipment Furniture and Fixtures 31 ,470.85 Equipment 171 ,560. 14 CVB Building 921 ,632.37 CVB Land 1989621 .00 Building Additions 318,677.24 Accum. Depreciation (2959778.46) Total Property and Equipment 11346, 183. 14 • Other Assets Total Other Assets 0.00 Total Assets $ 49168,005.54 LIABILITIES AND CAPITAL Current Liabilities Accrued Expenses $ ( 139320. 13) Aflac 188.46 Colonial Life & Acc Ins Payabl 155.36 Federal Payroll Taxes Payable 6,560.50 FUTA Tax Payable 732.93 State Payroll Taxes Payable 19686.76 SUTA Payable 595.35 Employee Benefits Payable 15283.69 Due to Other Funds 35687.41 Due to Town Center 65089. 10 Total Current Liabilities 73659.43 Long-Term Liabilities Total Long-Term Liabilities 0.00 • Total Liabilities 71659.43 Capital Beginning Balance Equity 3,879,562.33 Unresticted Fund Balance 258,274.40 See Accountants' Compilation Report Fayetteville A&P Commission Statement of Assets, Liabilities & Equity - Modified Cash Basis June 30, 2010 • Restricted Fund-540 Film Grant 221 .53 Net Income 22,287.85 Total Capital 4, 160,346. 11 Total Liabilities & Capital $ 49168,005.54 • • See Accountants' Compilation Report Fayetteville A&P Commission Statements of Revenue & Expenses - Modified Cash Basis For the Month and Six Months Ending June 30, 2010 Current Month Year to Date *Revenues HMR Tax Revenue $ 184,227.04 49.49 $ 1 ,022,310.69 62.87 Prior Year HMR Tax Revenue 143.52 0.04 17,513.27 1 .08 Rental Income 14,860.22 3.99 194,039.76 11 .93 Other Income 3,087.49 0.83 21 ,393.20 1 .32 Parking Revenue 421 .00 0. 11 31632.00 0.22 Parking Lease 31624.94 0.97 91528.22 0.59 Gift Shop Sales 450.99 0. 12 2,102.48 0. 13 Visitor Store 29539.48 0.68 8,357.60 0.51 Partnership Income 11200.00 0.32 41600.00 0.28 Admission Revenue 589.27 0. 16 21766.20 0. 17 Investment Income 2,634.23 0.71 2,634.23 0. 16 Special Projects 19740.00 0.47 2,340.00 0. 14 Interest Income Investments 0.00 0.00 12,392.29 0.76 Interest Income Checking 189.44 0.05 11182.69 0.07 Visitor Guide Ad Income 19500.00 0.40 91250.00 0.57 Hospitality Summit 40.00 0.01 22040.00 0. 13 Transfer In 1559000.00 41 .64 310,000.00 19.06 Total Revenues 372,247.62 100.00 19626,082.63 100.00 Cost of Sales Clinton House Gift Shop 783. 16 0.21 1 ,378.59 0.08 Total Cost of Sales 783. 16 ' 0.21 15378.59 0.08 • Gross Profit 371 ,464.46 99.79 116249704.04 99.92 Expenses 540 Film Fest Grant Restr (271 .05) (0.07) (271 .05) (0.02) Signage- Tourism 1 ,480.00 0.40 6,694.66 0.41 Credit Card Discounts 396.88 0. 11 2,058.84 0. 13 Bank Charges 0.00 0.00 18.94 0.00 Parking Expense 100.00 0.03 600.00 0.04 Advertising & Marketing 19,897.35 5.35 145,696.66 8.96 Brochures 21949.73 0.79 887394. 15 5.44 Accounting & Legal Fees 625.00 0. 17 31740.00 0.23 Office Expense 356.97 0. 10 79591 .09 0.47 Visitor Store Exp 1 , 178.07 0.32 3,493.00 0.21 Insurance & Health Benefits 49086.99 1 . 10 19,495.80 1 .20 408 (P) Company Match 935.42 0.25 49545.23 0.28 Car Allowance 300.00 0.08 1 ,650.00 0. 10 Telephone Expense 19238.07 0.33 65833.30 0.42 Postage and Shipping Expense 35084.72 0.83 11 ,347.39 0.70 Tracking Software 0.00 0.00 19695.00 0. 10 Rent 0.00 0.00 122000.00 0.74 Maintenance/Lawn 90.00 0.02 210.00 0.01 Repairs & Maintenance Expense 99236.66 2.48 479872.67 2.94 Kamensky Fountain Maintenance 237.07 0.06 31160.09 0. 19 Linens 21285.77 0.61 11 ,477.56 0.71 Publications & Dues 0.00 0.00 4, 190.95 0.26 Travel/Training Expense 1 ,469.20 0.39 22,940.40 1 .41 Taxes & Licenses 509.56 0. 14 712.24 0.04 Collections Expense 3,687.41 0.99 20,796.48 1 .28 • Payroll Tax Expense 3, 127. 16 0.84 18,322.64 1 . 13 Convention Development 67003.90 1 .61 11 ,900.53 0.73 Contract Labor 4,205.00 1 . 13 22,510.80 1 .38 Commissions 1 ,975.80 0.53 112586.70 0.71 Wages Expense 379256.54 10.01 1985269.67 12. 19 See Accountants' Compilation Report Fayetteville A&P Commission Statements of Revenue & Expenses - Modified Cash Basis For the Month and Six Months Ending June 30, 2010 Current Month Year to Date • Electricity Utility 5,386.97 1 .45 18, 177.41 1 . 12 Gas Utility 362.88 0. 10 85667.26 0.53 Water Utility 716.24 0. 19 32288.39 0.20 Cable 89.39 0.02 536.34 0.03 Recycling 165.28 0.04 991 .68 0.06 Security 181 .85 0.05 29158.51 0. 13 Airport Advertising 0.00 0.00 29970.00 0. 18 Minor Equipment 0.00 0.00 305391 . 13 1 .87 Airport Info Booth 0.00 0.00 25400.00 0. 15 Coaches Clinic 0.00 0.00 17,250.00 1 .06 A11 Star Games 0.00 0.00 30,000.00 1 .84 Saturday of Champions 2,500.00 0.67 2,500.00 0. 15 7A State Track 0.00 0.00 1 ,500.00 0.09 DECA 0.00 0.00 19350.00 0.08 Walton Arts Special Project 309000.00 8.06 30,000.00 1 .84 Solar Splash Specail Project 51000.00 1 .34 59000.00 0.31 Dickson St Special Project 0.00 0.00 29288.00 0. 14 Town Center Garden Maint 0.00 0.00 29868.96 0. 18 AR Air Museum 0.00 0.00 51300.00 0.33 Theatre Squad 39195.24 0.86 19,871 .86 1 .22 Bikes, Babes, & Bling 5,650.00 1 .52 15,898.86 0.98 Bikes, Blues, & Hot Rods 0.00 0.00 81489.17 0.52 National School Boards 0.00 0.00 2,257.26 0. 14 NCAA Baseball Regional 0.00 0.00 107000.00 0.61 NCAA Track Indoor 0.00 0.00 10,500.00 0.65 SEC Softball Chamionship 0.00 0.00 2,000.00 0. 12 Misc Special Project 32900.39 1 .05 282281 . 16 1 .74 • Bond Payments-Town Center 55,949.41 15.03 335,696.46 20.64 Trustee Expense 0.00 0.00 29250.00 0. 14 Transfer OUt 1559000.00 41 .64 310,000.00 19.06 Total Expenses 3749539.87 100.62 11602,416. 19 98.54 Net Income $ (3,075.41 ) (0.83) S 229287.85 1 .37 i • See Accountants' Compilation Report Fayetteville A&P Commission Statement of Revenue & Expenses - Modified Cash Basis For the Six Months Ending June 30, 2010 • Current Month Current Month Year to Date Year to Date This Year Last Year This Year Last Year Revenues HMR Tax Revenue $ 1849227.04 $ 190,287.35 $ 110229310.69 $ 190659543.43 Prior Year HMR Tax Revenue 143.52 (49.96) 17,513.27 1 %939.24 Rental Income 149860.22 28, 109.35 194,039.76 201 ,849.39 Other Income 3,087.49 5.08 212393.20 19358.75 Travel Hero 0.00 0.00 0.00 499.97 Parking Revenue 421 .00 1 ,389.30 3,632.00 41428.30 Parking Lease 31624.94 0.00 9,528.22 8,744.56 Gift Shop Sales 450.99 712.77 21102.48 21961 .22 Visitor Store 2,539.48 2,453.24 82357.60 81016.49 Partnership Income 1 ,200.00 0.00 47600.00 61900.00 Admission Revenue 589.27 1 ,005.00 2,766.20 21794.26 Track Tickets 0.00 0.00 0.00 3, 155.70 Investment Income 2,634.23 0.00 29634.23 0.00 Special Projects 1 ,740.00 0.00 2,340.00 11 ,386.39 Sustainability Summit 0.00 0.00 0.00 145000.00 Interest Income Investments 0.00 21669.66 12,392.29 219946.92 Interest Income Checking 189.44 245.88 1 , 182.69 19508.96 Visitor Guide Ad Income 19500.00 3,475.00 91250.00 12, 100.00 Hospitality Summit 40.00 80.00 2,040.00 21000.00 Transfer In 155,000.00 117,265.00 310,000.00 2329265.00 Total Revenues 3727247.62 3479647.67 1 ,626,082.63 1 ,6211398.58 Cost of Sales • Clinton House Gift Shop 783. 16 134.26 11378.59 1 ,724.92 Total Cost of Sales 783. 16 134.26 1 ,378.59 1 ,724.92 Gross Profit 371 ,464.46 3479513.41 11624,704.04 1 ,619,673.66 Expenses 540 Film Fest Grant Restr (271 .05) 0.00 (271 .05) 0.00 Signage- Tourism 11480.00 327.75 6,694.66 3,619.46 Credit Card Discounts 396.88 533.67 21058.84 25958.82 Bank Charges 0.00 9.95 18.94 187.75 Parking Expense 100.00 100.00 600.00 600.00 Advertising & Marketing 199897.35 200.00 1459696.66 164,841 .65 Brochures 2,949.73 0.00 88,394.15 24,835.85 Accounting & Legal Fees 625.00 625.00 3,740.00 3,750.00 Office Expense 356.97 681 .06 7,591 .09 89517. 19 Visitor Store Exp 11178.07 67.06 3,493.00 3,204.91 Insurance & Health Benefits 4,086.99 30.76 19,495.80 185581 .51 408 (P) Company Match 935.42 501 . 16 4,545.23 5,531 .76 Car Allowance 300.00 150.00 12650.00 11650.00 Telephone Expense 1 ,238.07 19389.50 6,833.30 8, 193. 15 Postage and Shipping Expense 39084.72 816.85 119347.39 81998.46 Tracking Software 0.00 0.00 1 ,695.00 0.00 Material & Supplies 0.00 0.00 0.00 95.85 Rent 0.00 0.00 12,000.00 129000.00 Maintenance/Lawn 90.00 65.00 210.00 255.00 Repairs & Maintenance Expense 9,236.66 8, 141 .72 47,872.67 29,925.48 • Kamensky Fountain Maintenance 237.07 401 .91 31160.09 1 ,984.42 Linens 2,285.77 1 ,892.04 11 ,477.56 12,380.00 Publications & Dues 0.00 0.00 47190.95 2,687.00 Travel/Training Expense 19469.20 159.05 22,940.40 10,428.38 Taxes & Licenses 509.56 0.00 712.24 2,208.80 See Accountants' Compilation Report Fayetteville A&P Commission Statement of Revenue & Expenses - Modified Cash Basis For the Six Months Ending June 30, 2010 • Current Month Current Month Year to Date Year to Date This Year Last Year This Year Last Year Collections Expense 3,687.41 3,804.74 20,796.48 21 ,709.65 Payroll Tax Expense 3,127. 16 1 ,293.53 18,322.64 18,026.46 Convention Development 65003.90 304.55 11 ,900.53 62548. 14 Research Expense 0.00 0.00 • 0.00 19700.00 Contract Labor 43205.00 2,750.00 22,510.80 17,362.50 Commissions 19975.80 1 ,275.00 11 ,586.70 12,396.23 Wages Expense 37,256.54 18,015.67 198,269.67 201 ,903.77 Electricity Utility 51386.97 5,531 .44 18, 177.41 35,713.58 Gas Utility 362.88 236.61 83667.26 81717.45 Water Utility 716.24 533.87 39288.39 2,731 .88 Cable 89.39 89.54 536.34 537.23 Recycling 165.28 0.00 991 .68 0.00 Security 181 .85 21 .85 25158.51 1 ,614. 14 Airport Advertising 0.00 1 ,485.00 25970.00 29970.00 Minor Equipment 0.00 3, 140.85 305391 . 13 6,674.00 Airport Info Booth 0.00 0.00 21400.00 21400.00 Coaches Clinic 0.00 0.00 17,250.00 359800.00 All Star Games 0.00 0.00 30,000.00 15,000.00 Saturday of Champions 25500.00 0.00 29500.00 49000.00 State Soccer 0.00 0.00 0.00 1 ,750.00 7A State Track 0.00 0.00 1 ,500.00 0.00 DECA 0.00 0.00 1 ,350.00 3,000.00 Walton Arts Special Project 305000.00 0.00 30,000.00 109000.00 Solar Splash Specail Project 5,000.00 0.00 51000.00 59000.00 Square Gardens 0.00 0.00 0.00 29,244.43 Waterski Champion 0.00 0.00 0.00 13500.00 * Dickson St Special Project 0.00 11506.00 22288.00 18,450.87 Town Center Garden Maint 0.00 0.00 2,868.96 0.00 AR Air Museum 0.00 0.00 59300.00 75000.00 Theatre Squad 31195.24 0.00 19,871 .86 21000.00 Duathlon 0.00 0.00 0.00 5,000.00 Joe Martin 0.00 0.00 0.00 35000.00 Ozark Valley 0.00 0.00 0.00 1 ,000.00 Ozark Military Special Proj 0.00 0.00 0.00 153.54 Bikes, Babes, & Bling 51650.00 0.00 15,898.86 0.00 Bikes, Blues, & Hot Rods 0.00 0.00 8,489. 17 0.00 National School Boards 0.00 0.00 2,257.26 0.00 NCAA Baseball Regional 0.00 0.00 10,000.00 0.00 NCAA Track Indoor 0.00 0.00 10,500.00 0.00 SEC Softball Chamionship 0.00 0.00 2,000.00 0.00 Misc Special Project 39900.39 339.86 28,281 . 16 71056. 13 Bond Payments-Town Center 55,949.41 55,413.35 335,696.46 332,480. 10 Trustee Expense 0.00 0.00 2,250.00 29250.00 Transfer OUt 155,000.00 117,265.00 3107000.00 2329265.00 Total Expenses 374,539.87 229,099.34 19602,416. 19 11384,390.54 Net Income $ (3,075.41 ) $ 118,414.07 $ 22,287.85 $ 2359283. 12 • See Accountants' Compilation Report Fayette MAP Cammissan Stmt of Budget Revenue and Expense-Modiried Cean Basis for Monty Ending June 2010 • al St 2010 ZTo 2010 June Jun 2009 AnnualBWBet Vear Mated Year 900414 Year Mor" M ual Year TO l Ac Budget Aural Balance Budget Aaual Apual Bu0pe1 Revenue HMR Tax Revenue 2,171,850.00 1,088,381.24 1,022.310.89 1,169,539.31 190,]1].00 180,227.01 1,085,50.9.23 Pew Year HMR Tax Rev - 1],513.2] (17,513.27) 143.52 19,939.22 Manuel 35,000.00 17,501.00 15,028.52 19,973.06 2.818.00 2,632.23 21,916.92 Msite ViGuice ads 1,500.00 18,85.00 .250.00 (7,750.00) 8,300.00 1,500.00 Mlm6 inceme 18,600.00 - 6.823.51 9,776.49 2,011.05 19.503.73 Rental Gahan CenyO 5.000.00 - - 5,000.00 12,100.00 Renest ft e . 18.173,00 (16(605.17) 2.750.00 16,500.00 Total Unc COetldnp 625.00 805.17 (605.17) 125.00 105.03 911.22 TOMI 2,228,850.00 1,123,215.00 1,08],]02.18 202,058.00 183,371]] 1,158,286.58 Expertness Transient Tam Center Fund 676,185.00 337,392.00 335,696.46 310.488.51 5.23200 55,819.41 332480.10 Bond Audit Exp 2,00D.W - - 2,000.00 Bond Paying Agent Fe 6.000.00 3,000.00 2,250.00 3,750.00 2,250.00 WorMnan's Canp ins 2,575.0 - - 2,575.00 Creadian Exp 43437.00 21,765.00 20)96.48 22.640.52 3,814.00 3,687.41 21,709.65 Tradswto CVB 352,822.00 225,000.00 250,000.00 102,822.00 125,000.00 200,000.00 Transfer to Queen Ha 59,431.00 30,000.00 50,000.24 (569.00) 30240.00 32,265.00 Pastas Fountain Maim 10.00D.00 4,998.00 3,160.09 6,639.91 833.00 237.07 1,583.80 Conaa UW - 18.500.00 (18.wixt) 2.750.00 16,50000 Seams 94.453.00 42.228.00 34,37].02 50,075.98 7.038.00 6.281.88 33.129.56 Payroll Tax Exp 7,600.00 3,798.00 3,063.30 4,536.70 633.00 498.42 2,764.55 lraumnc HealM 3,645.00 1,624.00 (150.17) 3,795.17 304.00 (72.92) 1,04061 BO1KMMM 2,532.00 1,288.W 963.70 1,568.30 211.00 188.74 1,013.86 Car Allowance 3.600.00 1.900.00 1,650.00 1.950.00 300.24 300.00 1.650.00 Adveming d Marketin 000,240.24 175,000.24 143,311.25 256.688.75 35,000.00 18,897.35 163,075.85 Airport true Booty 5,200.00 3.600.00 2,40BW 2,800.00 1,224.W 24,835.85 Airport Advertising 6.000.00 3,0000 2,970.00 3,030,00 1,500.00 2,970.00 Broclgres 100,000.00 29.000.00 88,394.15 11,605.85 25,000.00 2,649.73 Weleshe Update 20,000.00 12,000,00 - 20.000.00 4,000.00 Signage, Taudsm 10.000.00 8,100.00 6,694.66 3,305.34 400.00 1,480.00 3,619.46 Puaks6an 8 Dues 2,045.00 1,025.00 1,278.95 765.05 830,00 TroveVframung 5,000.00 3,000.00 2,535.22 2,464.78 532.40 2,276.21 R"UV - 661.12 (661.12) Office Sup 8 Printing I,000.W 600,00 1,008.57 (48.57) 100.00 67.56 238.93 Postage 20,000.00 9.000.00 10,926.60 9,073.60 500.00 3.018.73 6,851.26 Professional Services 7,500.00 3.750.00 3,740W 3,760.00 825,00 625.00 3.750.00 • Seaepkerase 1p 00,000.00 - 32,000.00 Wi At Expense 2.000.00 2,000.04 Toxo Carder GaNanl 10.240.00 2,880.1 7,131.01 Square Garden - 29,266.43 Spatial Projects13.203.30 (13,203..30) 3.022.39 1.500.00 AU Museum 5.300.00 5,300..00 5.300.00 - 7,000.00 Art H.S. CmMes Gini 17,250.0 17,250.00 17,250.00 - Bikes. a 1.000.00 1,000.00 - 4.000.00 Bikes, Saxes, 8 of R 20,000.00 . 15,898.86 4,101.14 5,850.00 Tikes, Sixes. B Hat i G 10.000.0 10,000.00 8,489.17 1,510.83 10,000.00 COmmitlarfa MdrulG 2.000.00 2,000.00 1,4041 595.07 OECA Marketing a 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,350.24 150.00 3,000.00 H.S. Meter G21n9e 32,000.00 24,24o.24 W.WO.W - 15.240.24 NWA Cy 0 Cl ClfiBo 1,600.00 1,600.00 - 1,600.00 35,800.00 State Seal CFirsts ns . 2,500.00 (2524,00) 2,500.24 4.050.00 7A Stakes Tr tMee 1,000.00 1900.24 - 1,000.00 1,750.24 ]Aman Truck Meet 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,524.24 - Oickso tl 8 ScaMusic We 3.524.24 2.500.00 2,524.24 2.524.24 G Vleln St Musk - 2,388.24 (2,288.00) 18450.67 OuaWan - - 5,000.24 4 State S V i aGee 1.000.00 - 1,00024 Iron Pi Irog Festival 2.500.00 2.500..0 - 250 .00 0 Jog Mahn Stype Rea 3,224.00 3,200.24 . 3,257.00 3,000.24 Nag a Valle Boards 2,240.00 2,000.00 2,257.ffi (257.28) CurFaye Ile bl ThaNbn 500.24 524.00 - SW.W 524.24 1,000.00 Ozark diary Jam -Ozark Military uxun 1,000.00 500.24 . 1,000.24 153.54 nen asqua 5,000.24 5.000.00 5,000.00 - 5,000.24 5.000.00 Tri Sponau s 20,000.00 20,240.24 19,871.88 128.14 3,185.20 2,000.24 Td Aporiasoon 8 Fare ooco.W - . 1,524.24 NCAA Bassoon r t0,000.W 10,000.00 10,000,24 . 10,000.00 NCAATr ; Indra 7,000.00 ],000.00 10.500.00 (3.524.00) ],240.00 SEC TerWSTwmameM - - - SECMen'aBWamic, 3,500.00 3,500.24 . 3,500.00 SEC $aMa Center it 2.000.00 2000.00 2,000.24 - MiscEpense ter W,240.24 30,000.24 30.24000 - W.WO.W 30,000.24 10,000.24 Rep Expense 6.250.0 (9,020.1) 8.020.00 MinorBMaNtenance 75,000.00 32.915.DO 8,822.14 85,1]7.89 6.250.00 2,024.00 6.4]4.1] Mora Equipower ]5.000.24 32,815.24 00.008.14 44,11,86 8,250.00 Bank CAvarg Exp 20.000.00 6,325.24 . 20,240.00 1.685.24 Tank Gnerpae - 18.84 (18.51) 30.24 Taxes B ed Revenue . 9.56 (4.58) 8.58 Total atad Revenue 4.074.00 1,074.24 4,0]4.24 TOMI 2.228.849.24 1,186.000.00 1,204,828.33 211,15.24 308,801.75 1,005,217.50 • Fayetteville Tovm Center Stmt of Budget. Revenue, and Expense-Modified Cash Basis Month Ending June 2010 • 2010 2010 2010 2010 June June 2009 Annual Budget Year To Date Year To Date Year Monthly Monthly Year To Date Accumulated Actual Balance Budget Actual Actual Budget Revenue Rental Ind Service -Actual 09 394,880.00 22,680.00 12,559.22 382,320.78 22,680.00 12,559.22 187,563.39 Interest - Checking 480.00 40.00 53.37 426.63 40.00 53.37 283.60 Parking Revenue - - Daily 9,000.00 921.00 421.00 8,579.00 921.00 421.00 4,428.30 Leases 10,000.00 - 3,624.94 6,375.06 3,624.94 8,744.56 Sales Tax Exp (3,663.00) (333.00) (449.00) (3,214.00) (333.00) (449.00) (2,214.00) Special Projects 6,200.00 - - 6,200.00 5,956.39 Misc Revenue - - - 0,94 Transfer Total 416,897.00 23,308.00 16,209.53 23,308.00 16,209.53 204,763.18 Expenses Salary+Benefits 142,332.00 10,948.00 10,161.60 132,170.40 10,948.00 10,161.60 67,889.09 Commissions 30,000.00 2,500.00 1,975.80 28,024.20 2,500.00 1,975.80 12,396.23 Contract Labor - - 1 ,455.00 (1,455.00) 1,455.00 862.50 Payroll Taxes 14,495.00 1,170.00 948.40 13,546.60 1,170.00 948.40 6,555.48 Credit Card Discount, 3,900.00 325.00 208.12 3,691.88 325.00 208.12 1,989.78 Insurance 15,600.00 1,300.00 1 ,212.68 14,387.32 1,300.00 1,212.68 7,325.75 401K Match 3,720.00 310.00 258.12 3,461.88 310.00 258.12 2,012.65 Utilities - - - Water 6,225.00 450.00 603.10 5,621.90 450.00 603.10 2,246.15 Phone 8,960.00 740.00 753.86 8,206.14 740.00 753.86 4,379.38 Electricity 64,741.00 4,752.00 5,046.25 59,694.75 4,752.00 5,046.25 33,341 .00 Gas 11,969.00 233.00 338.60 11,630.40 233.00 338.60 8,054.24 Cable 1,080.00 90.00 89.39 990.61 90.00 89.39 537.23 Recycle Dumpster 1,980.00 165.00 165.28 1,814.72 165.00 165.28 Postage 135.00 - 65.99 69.01 65.99 98.00 Contract Services - - - Office Expense - - 2,874.24 Linens 20,504.00 1,495.00 2,285.77 18,218.23 1,495.00 2,285.77 10,708.74 Outside Laundry 3,771.00 251.00 3,771 .00 251.00 Repairs & Maintenam 60,750.00 3,000.00 4,867.65 55,882.35 3,000.00 4,867.65 21,919.05 Materials & Supplies 5,000.00 400.00 - 5,000.00 400.00 Advertising & Promo 3,000.00 - - 3,000.00 1,766.00 Travel/Treining 500.00 - - 500.00 (869.12) Building Insurance 9,000.00 - - 9,000.00 Taxes & Licenses 3,035.00 1,200.00 500.00 2,535.00 1,200.00 500.00 1,915.30 Special Projects 6,200.00 - 834.00 5,366.00 834.00 Misc - - - 3,698.52 Bank Charges - - - 49.75 Security - 160.00 (160.00) 160.00 1,483.04 Transer in Total 416,897.00 29,329.00 31,92961 29,329.00 31 ,929.61 191,233.00 • Clinton House Museum Stmt of Budget, Revenue, and Expense-Modified Cash Basis Month Ending June 2010 • 2010 . 2010 2010 2010 June June 2009 Annual Budget Year To Date Year To Date Year Monthly Monthly Year To Date Accumulated Actual Balance Budget Actual Actual Budget Revenue Transfer from A&P 59,431.00 39,431.00 30,000.00 29,431.00 39,431.00 30,000.00 32,265.00 Admission 5,400.00 450.00 589.27 4,810.73 450.00 589.27 2,550.35 Special Events 900.00 - - 900.00 Gift Shop Sales 6,600.00 550.00 450.99 6,149.01 550.00 450.99 3,135.25 Interest 240.00 20.00 6.45 233.55 20.00 6.45 68.18 Other Income - 64.08 Total 72,571.00 40,451.00 31,046.71 40,451.00 31,046.71 38,082.86 Expenses Salary«Benefits 36,180.00 3,015.00 2,740.00 33,440.00 3,015.00 2,740.00 13,940.68 Payroll Tax Exp 2,892.00 241.00 220.44 2,671.56 241.00 220.44 1 ,293.83 Insurance-Health 3,951.00 325.00 303.17 3,647.83 325.00 303.17 46.00 401K Match 984.00 82.00 75.00 909.00 82.00 75.00 Rent 12,000.00 - - 12,000.00 12,000.00 Utililies-$3690 - - - Water 500.00 37.00 63.71 436.29 37.00 63.71 222.55 Gas 1,300.00 25.00 24.28 1,275.72 25.00 24.28 663.21 Electricity 1,000.00 50.00 89.00 911.00 50.00 89.00 291.67 Telephone Actual 1,200.00 100.00 104.65 1,095.35 100.00 104.65 535.98 Materials & Supplies 1,200.00 100.00 105.09 1,094.91 100.00 105.09 876.51 Credit Card Discount! 1,000.00 50.00 53.90 946.10 50.00 53.90 305.40 Bank Charges - - - 58.25 Security 264.00 22.00 21.85 242.15 22.00 21 .85 131.10 MaintenancelLi wn 500.00 50.00 90.00 410.00 50.00 90.00 255.00 Repair/Maintenance 2,000.00 - 108.16 1,891.84 108.16 38.24 Sales Tax 600.00 50.00 - 600.00 50.00 180.59 Special Projects 1,200.00 100.00 - 1 ,200.00 100.00 195.61 PublicationslDues 250.00 - - 250.00 50.00 Travel/Training 500.00 - 100.00 400.00 100.00 200.31 • Gift Shop Items 5,000.00 - 783.16 4,216.84 783.16 1,724.92 Total 72,521.00 4,247.00 4,882.41 4,247.00 4,882.41 33,009.85 • Convention Visitors Bureau Stmt of Budget, Revenue, and Expense-Modified Cash Basis Month Ending June 2010 • 2010 2010 2010 2010 June June 2009 Annual Budget Year To Date Year To Date Year Monthly Monthly Year To Dale Accumulated Actual Balance Budget Actual Actual Budget Revenue Transfer from A&P 352,908.00 - 125,000.00 227,908.00 125,000.00 200,000.00 Interest 600.00 50.00 23.69 576.31 50.00 23.69 Partnership Dues 9,200.00 - 1,200.00 8,000.00 1,200.00 6,900.00 Travel Hero 3,000.00 - - 3,000.00 499.97 Visl. Cb. Store 15,000.00 1,500.00 2,539.48 12,460.52 1,500.00 2,539.48 8,236.05 Special Projects - - - 50.00 First Thursday 2,400.00 200.00 - 2,400.00 200.00 Dickson St 1,500.00 - - 1,500.00 Film Festival 2,500.00 - - 2,500.00 Premeir Baseball 15,000.00 - - 15,000.00 Other Income 735.00 (735.00) 735.00 6,529.61 Total 402,108.00 1,750.00 129,498.17 1 ,750.00 129,498.17 222,215.63 Expenses Salary.Benefits 231,991.00 18,439.00 18,060.28 213,930.72 18,439.00 18,060.28 86,944.49 Payroll Tax Exp 20,775.00 1,650.00 1,459.90 19,315.10 1,650.00 1,459.90 7,412.60 Insurance-Health 21,756.00 1,950.00 2,644.06 19,111.94 1,950.00 2,644.06 10,169.15 401K Match 6,576.00 548.00 413.58 6,162.44 548.00 413.56 2,505.25 Utilities - - - Telephone 7,125.00 550.00 379.56 6,745.44 550.00 379.56 3,277.79 Electricity 4,195.00 350.00 251.72 3,943.28 350.00 251.72 2,080.91 Water 550.00 45.00 49.43 500.57 45.00 49.43 263.18 Conv & Tourism Develop 23,800.00 1,700.00 6,003.90 17,796.10 1,700.00 6,003.90 6,243.59 Premier Baseball 15,000.00 - - 15,000.00 Travel & Training 32,520.00 100.00 836.80 31 ,683.20 100.00 836.80 9,825.53 Publications/Dues 3,220.00 - - 3,220.00 1,807.00 Repair/Maintenance 2,000.00 400.00 - 2,000.00 400.00 1,914.64 Office Supp/Printing 9,000.00 500.00 184.34 8,815.66 500.00 184.34 6,143.82 Tracking S6ware/Malnt 3,500.00 - - 3,500.00 Credit Card Discounts 1,200.00 100.00 134.86 1,065.14 100.00 134.86 663.64 • Taxes & Llcenses(ASCAF 300.00 - - 300.00 506.50 Visitor Cb Store ltms 8,000.00 666.00 1,178.07 6,821.93 666.00 1 ,178.07 3,204.91 Education Reimbursemen 3,000.00 3,000.00 Bank Charges - - - 49.75 Parking Expense 1,200.00 100.00 100.00 1,100.00 100.00 100.00 600.00 Advertising 8 Marketing - - Special Project - 44.00 (44.00) 44.00 3,162.00 First Thursday 2,400.00 200.00 - 2,400.00 200.00 Dickson St 1,500.00 - - 1,500.00 Film Festival 2,500.00 - - 2,500.00 Transfer Out - Total 402,108.00 27,298.00 31,740.48 27,298.00 31 ,740.48 146,774.75 • FAYET'T'EVILLE THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS • KIT WILLIAMS, CITY ATTORNEY DAVID WHITAKER, ASST. CITY ATTORNEY DEPARTMENTAL CORRESPONDENCE LEGAL DEPARTMENT TO: A & P Commissioners City Council CC : Casey Jones, City Prosecutor FROM: Kit Williams, City Attorney DATE : August 5, 2010 RE : Overdue HMR tax collection City Prosecutor Casey Jones collected $6,848.56 of overdue Hotel, Motel , and Restaurant taxes in July. This brings the total year to date collected to • $40,750.61 . Six cases (25% of the total) were closed in July because the restaurant or hotel manager has now fully paid all previously due HMR taxes. CLINTON K. JONES ® MANDY FINKLEA r OFFICE ADMINISTRATOR CITY PROSECUTOR Y E-mail: hotcheck&l.fayettevllle.ar.us BRIAN THOMAS y ARKANSA9 PHONE: (479 575.5377 ) 575-8378 •EPUTY CITY PROSECUTOR Hot Checks: (479) 575A254 OFFICE OF CITY PROSECUTOR FAX # : (479) 575$373 MEMO TO: K Williams Fayetteville City Attorney FROM: Casey Jones Fayetteville City Prosecutor DATE: August 3, 2010 RE: Status of Active HMR cases 1 . Acambaro Four Jesus Socarro Paid: -0- (5 & 6, 09) Delinquent Balance: $ 1 ,468.04 Active Criminal Summons •2. Big River BBQ Nels E. Danielson, Sr. Arraignment: 8/16/10 Nels E. Danielson, Jr. Arraignment: 6/18/10 No Show — Active FTAS Warrant Delinquent Balance: -0- (2 & 3, 10) 3 . Butcher Block Gary W. Bell Paid: -0- Court Ordered to pay $200.00 Per Month Delinquent Balance: $ 1 ,871 .28 Active Contempt of Court 4. Cosmopolitan Hotel Richard P. Alexander Paid: $2,604.57 (5/10) Ventures Alexander P. Jerde Delinquent Balance: -0- John C. Nock Case Closed 5 . Dominoes Pizza Lloyd W. Hardison Paid: -0- Delinquent Balance: $4,590.66 TD: 7/08/09 — Court ordered to ,pay $200.00 a month Active CS (Fail to Pay HMR) Arraignment: 8/16 • Telecommunication Device for the Deaf TDD (479) 521-1316 176 South Church, Suite 2 — Fayetteville, AR 72701 Kit Williams August 3, 2010 'age 2 6. Drifters, The Club John M. Dortch Delinquent Balance: -0- (11 /09 - 2/10) Trial Date: 8/4/10 Delinquent Balance: -0- (3/10) Arraignment: 7/23/10 - No Show. Active FTAS Wan-ant Paid: $ 133 .00 (5/10) Delinquent Balance: -0- Active Warrant 7. Firehouse Subs, #47 Audie J. White TD: 7/14/10 - Settled James J. White TD: 7/14/10 - Settled Paid: -0- (1 & 2, 10) Delinquent Balance: -0- Case.Closed 8. Firehouse Subs, # 101 Audie J. White TD: 7/14/10 - Settled James J. White TD: 7/14/10 - Settled Paid: -0- (1 & 2, 10) Delinquent Balance: -0- 41 Case.Closed 9. Frulatti Mary A. McNeil Paid: $ 150.00 Todd E. McNeill Delinquent Balance: $409.34 10. Habibi Jordan A. Curtis Paid: $268.63 (4 & 53 10) Delinquent Balance: -0- Case Closed 11 . Hogwild Pizzeria David S. Mackey Delinquent Balance: $ 1 ,330.00 (1 — 3, 09) Delinquent Balance: No Forms (4/09) TD: 10/28/09 — 90 days to pay TD: 7/14/10 (Fail to Pay HMR) Settled (90 days to pay) 12. Los Cuates Maria S. Richard Paid: -0- (10 — 12, 07) Delinquent Balance: $ 103.00 Trial Date: 9/02/09 — Settled Trial Date: 8/04/10 (Fail to Pay HMR) Kit Williams August 3, 2010 'age 3 13 . Mama Dean's Meneria D. Morrison Delinquent Balance: -0- (4 — 7, 09) Delinquent Balance: -0- (9 & 10, 09) Delinquent Balance: -0- (12/09 & 1/10) Delinquent Balance: -0- (2/10) Delinquent Balance: -0- (3/10) Paid: $345.68 (4/10) Delinquent Balance: -0- Trial Date: 8/25/10 Paid: $296.76 (5/10) Delinquent Balance: -0- Arraignment: 8/27/10 Terry L. Morrison Active Criminal Summons (2/10) Active Criminal Summons (3/10) Active Criminal Summons (4/10) Active Criminal Summons (5/10) 14. Orange Mango Frozen Moon G. Pei Paid: $2, 191 .94 (3 — 5, 10) Yogurt Delinquent Balance: -0- Case Closed 05. Parlor Dogs Dana R. Cash Paid: $30.98 (4 & 5, 10) Delinquent Balance: -0- Case Closed 16. Patron Mexican Grill Steven A. Jones Arraignment: 7/19/10 — Dismissed (4/10) Arraignment: 8/27/10 (5/10) Raul Mendez, Jr. Arraignment: 7/19/10 — Dismissed (4/10) Arraignment: 8/27/10 (5/10) Delinquent Balance: No Forms (5/10) 17. Perk on Wedington Shea A. Hamm Paid: $75.00 Delinquent Balance: $47.00 Arraignment: 4/13/09 - No Show FTAS Warrant Served Trial Date: 8/26/09 — Ordered to pay $75.00 a month • Kit Williams August 3, 1010 Wage 4 18. RX Catering Jarrod C. Butler Paid: $ 100.00 Delinquent Balance: $3, 177.92 Set for Trial: 12/03/08 — Settled Ordered to Pay $200.00 a month Active Contempt of Court Served Arraignment: 7/13/09 — No Show FTAS Warrant Served TD: 11 /04/09 — No Show Active Criminal Summons Trial Date: 4/7/10 — Settled Ordered to pay $ 100.00 a month Pending Contempt of Court 19. Seafood Market Bar/Grill Craig E. Dowd Paid: $100.00 Delinquent Balance: $5,422.60 TD: 9/16/09 — Time Pay: $200.00 by the 30'" of every month. Trial Date: 5/19/10 .(Fail to Pay HMR) Settled — to pay $ 100.00 a month IW0. Shanghai Chinese and Hsiao L. J. Shen Paid: -0- China Garden Delinquent Balance: $3, 190.00 21 . Soul Restaurant & Lounge Casey E. Dighero Delinquent Balance: $2,235.80 (3 & 4, 10) Trial .Date: 9/15/10 22. Willco One Stop J. Rex Williams Paid: -0- (12/09 - 2/10) James Williams Delinquent Balance: $ 10.42 Letter 23. WOW Japanese Bistro Chong N. Kim Delinquent Balance: -0- (7 & 8, 09) Paid: $552.00 ( 1 & 2, 10) Delinquent Balance: $38.00 (1 & 2, 10) Delinquent Balance: $398.00 (3/10) Trial Date: 7/28/10 — Settled Paid: -0- (4 & 5, 10) Delinquent Balance: $354.00 Arraignment: 8/30/10 • TOTAL: $6,848.56 CLINTON HOUSE MUSEUM MONTHLY REPORT .JULY 2010 The Clinton House Museum had a total of 178 visitors in July 2010. Visitors have come from all areas of the globe such as Egypt, Guatemala, Canada, Mexico, China, New Zealand, Washington DC, Texas, New York, Pennsylvania, California, and even right in our own backyard. MUSEUM ACTIVITIES AND EVENTS: 3`d — Crudet/Bennet Reunion Group Tour, 37 guests 9th — Board of Directors Meeting — resolution passed to request change of street name to City Council, California Boulevard — Clinton Drive 17`h — Boatright Birthday on West Lawn 19th — Westwood Health & Rehab Group Tour, 8 guests 23 `d — 40/29 Evening News — Change of Street Name 27`h — Chris Durrance of ArkMedia interview with Stephen Smith for a PBS biography of President Clinton 27' — 31St • Interviews and features on the news concerning Chelsea Clinton' s wedding. KNWA, 40/20, 5 News, Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, Politics Daily, Entertainment Tonight, CBS Morning News 31St — Chelsea Clinton marries in Rhinebeck, NY AUGUST ACTIVITIES: 3`d — City Council vote to change name of California Blvd to Clinton Drive 11th — Bill Clinton to visit Northwest Arkansas 13th — Bella Vista Red Hat Society Group Tour, 25 guests 19th — Bill ' s Birthday • Activity Report From: 07101/2010 To: 08/02/2010 ALLYSON E-Mail • 7/26/2010 UA Women's Athletics Ms. Chris Pohl NCAA Basketball Tournament details on cont call and bid for 2012 women's bbal 7/28/2010 Cherokee, Butterfield and Trail of Tears Mimi-Cosmopolitan Symposium open weekends and rates for 2011 symposium 7/28/2010 Cherokee, Butterfield and Trail of Tears Heather-Carnall Hall Symposium open weekends and rates for 2011 symposium 8/2/2010 Cherokee, Butterfield and Trail of Tears Mimi-Cosmopolitan Symposium Available dates and rates for 2011 cont File Note 7/1 /2010 Bikes, Babes & Bling Coleson Burns Summer Motorcycle Rally worked booth at bling 7/29/2010 Premier Baseball Championships Mr Don Patty 16 Under Championship Tournament work baseball tournament Meeting 7/15/2010 Allyson Twiggs-General Mayor's Festival Task Force attended meeting about festivals 7/15/2010 Allyson Twiggs-General TJ Angeleno-Courtyard attended courtyard hotel of the year ceremony 7/15/2010 Sells Agency Sharon Waters-City of Fville about dickson parking details 7/22/2010 Allyson Twiggs-General Mayor's festival task force attended festival meeting 7/22/2010 Allyson Twiggs-General Fayetteville Hotels hosted fayetteville hotel meeting 7/28/2010 Allyson Twiggs-General Mayor's festival task force attended task force meeting Phone Call 7/6/2010 Arkansas Department of Parks and Tourism Dena Woerner-Communications speak at hotel meeting in late july 7/19/2010 UA Football Matt Trantham Home Football Games how to get the parking details to football fans 7/23/2010 Walton Arts Center Jodi Beznoska working together on dickson parking collateral 7/28/2010 UA Women's Athletics Ms. Chris Pohl NCAA Basketball Tournament sat in on conference call with NCAA officials JESSI Ellog Entry 7/9/2010 Fayetteville Visitors Bureau EF-Fayetteville receives Arkansas Arts grant 7/14/2010 Fayetteville Visitors Bureau EF-Fayetteville Gallery Guide now available to dove 7/27/2010 Fayetteville Visitors Bureau EF-Fayetteville welcomes teams to Premier Baseball Creative 7/13/2010 Premier Baseball Championships Mr Don Patty 16 Under Championship Tournament Downtown Square maps for parents 7/15/2010 Clinton House Museum Kate Johnson Flower signs for First Ladies Garden • 7/20/2010 Fayetteville Visitors Bureau postcard for Restaurant Week 7/22/2010 Fayetteville Visitors Bureau Website for Restaurant Week Facebook Entry 7/5/2010 Fayetteville Visitors Bureau EF-Kris Allen concert at George's 7/7/2010 Fayetteville Visitors Bureau EF-businesses on the square 7/8/2010 Fayetteville Visitors Bureau • EF-First Thursday call to artists 7/14/2010 Fayetteville Visitors Bureau EF-Visitors Center carries local music 7/15/2010 Fayetteville Visitors Bureau EF-tomatoes at Farmers' Market 7/15/2010 Fayetteville Visitors Bureau EF-New Fayetteville Gallery Guide 7/16/2010 Fayetteville Visitors Bureau EF-Fayetteville Funky stickers at the Visitors Cen 7/16/2010 Fayetteville Visitors Bureau EF-weekend activities on the Square 7/23/2010 Fayetteville Visitors Bureau EF-weekend plans for staying cool 7/24/2010 Fayetteville Visitors Bureau EF-Farmers market and underground art 7/24/2010 Fayetteville Visitors Bureau EF-bike racks at the Farmers' Market 7/29/2010 Fayetteville Visitors Bureau EF-First Thursday article on Ozarks Unbound 7/29/2010 Fayetteville Visitors Bureau EF-Farmers' Market Tues and Thurs hours 7/30/2010 Fayetteville Visitors Bureau EF-Wilson Park Dive-In movie Press Release 7/21/2010 Premier Baseball Championships Mr Don Patty •16 Under Championship Tournament Sent press release for Premier to media Twitter Entry 7/1 /2010 Fayetteville Visitors Bureau EF-First Thursday tonight and @BabesRally 7/7/2010 Fayetteville Visitors Bureau EF-Trees for Arkansas Parks 7/8/2010 Fayetteville Visitors Bureau EF-Tonight's Gulley Park concert moved 7/9/2010 Fayetteville Visitors Bureau EF-recipients of Arkansas Arts Council grant 7/14/2010 Fayetteville Visitors Bureau EF-heat is excuse to visit omuseums or art galled 7/15/2010 Fayetteville Visitors Bureau EF-Gallery Guide available 7/16/2010 Fayetteville Visitors Bureau EF-Wilson Park Dive-in Movie is canceled 7/16/2010 Fayetteville Visitors Bureau EF-Fayetteville basketball star Ronnie Brewer who 7/23/2010 Fayetteville Visitors Bureau EF-Football season is almost here 7/26/2010 Fayetteville Visitors Bureau EF-almost time for Restaurant Week 8/2/2010 Fayetteville Visitors Bureau EF-SEC Media Day for the @/1rkRazorbacks •JULIE E-Mail Sent 7/22/2010 Manes County Bank kscego@mariescountybank.com New addition to the Billionaire Tour 7/22/2010 Lyon County Bank momgeitz@seamless. net New Addition to the Back Yard Billionaire Tour 7/22/2010 Hawthorn Bank beaton@hawthornebank.com Billionaire Tour New addition to the Back Yard Billionar Tour 7/22/2010 Bank of Lee's Summit rmadison@bankofleessummit.com New Addition to the Back Yard Billionaire Tour • 7/22/2010 First Midwest Bank of Poplar Bluff rcallahan@lmidwest.com New Addition to the Back Yard Billionaire Tour 7/22/2010 Callaway Bank jerry. brandt@callawaybank.com New addition to the Back Yard Billionaire Tour 7/22/2010 Chillicothe State Bank state@gostatebank.com New Addition to the Back Yard Billionaire Tour 7/22/2010 Commerce Bank St Joe barb.scott@commercebank.com New addition to the Back Yard Billionaire Tour 7/22/2010 Legends Bank magelven@legendsbk.com New addition to the Back Yard Billionair Tour 7/22/2010 Commerce Bank Columbia jennifer.bennett@commercebank.com New addition to the Back Yard Billionair Tour 7/22/2010 MidWest One Bank hensley@mahaska.org New addition to the Back Yard Billionaire Tour 7/22/2010 Progress Bank slcreech@progressbankmo.com New addition to the Back Yard Billionaire Tour 7/22/2010 Premier Bank jmoreland@premierbank.com New addition to the Back Yard Billionaire Tour 7/22/2010 Butte Community Bank mgonzalez@buttecommunity.com New addition to the Back Yard Billionaire Tour 7/22/2010 First United Bank and Trust sebell@mybankfirstunited.com New addition to the Back Yard Billionaire Tour 7/22/2010 Bridgewater Savings klawrence@bridgewater.com New addition to the Back Yard Billionaire Tour 7/22/2010 Bank of Anguilla mvirden@tecinfo.com • New addition to the Back Yard Billionaire Tour 7/22/2010 Cumberland Bank karen.mcpeak@cumberlandbank.com New addition to the Back Yard Billionaire Tour 7/23/2010 Premier Bank mmcmanama@premierbank.com New addition to the Back Yard Billionaire Tour 7/23/2010 Premier Bank msmith@premierbank.com New addition to Back Yard Billionaire Tour 7/23/2010 First Federal Bank ahall@ffbtn.com New addition to the Back Yard Billionaire Tour 7/23/2010 Citizens Bank and Trust tdp0574@hotmail.com New addition to the Back Yard Billionaire Tour 7/23/2010 Community Bank and Trust cstribling@applebank.net New addition to the Back Yard Billionaire Tour 7/23/2010 Cameron State Bank bfontenot@csbbanking.net New addition to the Back Yard Billionaire Tour 7/23/2010 Priority One Bank dadcox@priorityonebank.com New addition to the Billionaire Tour 7/23/2010 Gilmer County Bank samb@ellijay.com New addition to Back Yard Billionaire Tour Group Tour 7/8/2010 Southwest Tours Mrs Laurel Johnson Confirmed Tour for 2011 7/21 /2010 Village Tours Ms. Debra Paige Mystery Tour Village Tours rescheduled for Sep 21st Meetin 7/19/2010 Julie Pennington Mrs Julie Pennington Air Museum Board Meeting 7/20/2010 Julie Pennington Mrs Julie Pennington Brumley Meeting for 2011 Arvest Ball Park Phone Call 7/13/2010 Julie Pennington Mrs Julie Pennington Boys and Girls Club interested in tours for kids MARLO Wreative 7/20/2010 Premier Baseball Championships Mr Don Patty 16 Under Championship Tournament Opening meal flipchart 7/23/2010 Premier Baseball Championships Mr Don Patty 16 Under Championship Tournament Put together "Things To Do" flier for families 7/23/2010 Premier Baseball Championships Mr Don Patty 16 Under Championship Tournament Printed & assembling 42 coaches packets for Don 7/23/2010 Premier Baseball Championships Mr Don Patty 16 Under Championship Tournament Put together money bags for each field 7/26/2010 Premier Baseball Championships Mr Don Patty 16 Under Championship Tournament Stuffed 42 coaches packets E-Mail 7/12/2010 VYPE I Mr. Kenyatta Wright 7 on 7 Select Football Tournament Emailed Mike & Cheryl to get status 7/13/2010 Premier Baseball Championships Mr Don Patty 16 Under Championship Tournament Sent Don press quote to approve 7/13/2010 USSSA Mr. Billy Lee Yarbrough National Slow Pitch Tournament Sent email to Eric @ Naturals about group tkts. 7/15/2010 Tyson Invitational Indoor Track & Field Mr. Art Huff Emialed Julie Cain for exact dates for '11 7/16/2010 Premier Baseball Championships Mr Don Patty 16 Under Championship Tournament Emailed Don downtown square map 7/19/2010 UA Intramural/Recreational Sports Jeremy Battjes Emailed Jeremy to touch base 407/19/2010 Razorback Aquatic Club - AquaHawgs Mr. Scott Berry Emailed Anita to touch base 7/19/2010 Midwest Cheer and Dance Association Kim Schaub Touched base about their new website 7/19/2010 Premier Baseball Championships Mr Don Patty 16 Under Championship Tournament Sent revised team meal time slots to Don 7/21/2010 Premier Baseball Championships Mr Don Patty 16 Under Championship Tournament Send reminder email to Don about email blast 7/26/2010 Premier Baseball Championships Mr Don Patty 16 Under Championship Tournament Touched base w/ all hotel volunteers 7/6/2010 NWA Disk Golf Association Kelly Ganzel 5th Annual Northshore Invitational RE: Fayetteville Disc Golf 7/13/2010 Premier Baseball Championships Mr Don Patty 16 Under Championship Tournament Field Directions & Contacts 7/14/2010 USSSA Mr. Billy Lee Yarbrough National Slow Pitch Tournament National Slow-Pitch Tournament 7/14/2010 Premier Baseball Championships Mr Don Patty 16 Under Championship Tournament Opening Meal - Team Assignments 7/15/2010 Midwest Cheer and Dance Association Kim Schaub RE: new logos please 7/19/2010 USSSA Mr. Billy Lee Yarbrough National Slow Pitch Tournament Information Flier 7/26/2010 Premier Baseball Championships Mr Don Patty 16 Under Championship Tournament Premier Baseball Tournament week 7/26/2010 University of Arkansas Mr. Joe Swingle •Facilities Premier Baseball Tournament week 7/26/2010 Fayetteville Parks & Recreation Mr. Chase Gibson File Note 7/1 /2010 Bikes, Babes & Bling Coleson Burns Summer Motorcycle Rally Working Bling booth 5-9pm 7/13/2010 Premier Baseball Championships Mr Don Patty 16 Under Championship Tournament Printed meal coupons & All-week passes Issued Lead 7/7/2010 NWA Disk Golf Association Kelly Ganzel 5th Annual Northshore Invitational Emailed hotels for leads eetin 7/22/2010 Premier Baseball Championships Mr Don Patty 16 Under Championship Tournament Met w/ hotels & discussed Premier week 7/27/2010 Premier Baseball Championships Mr Don Patty 16 Under Championship Tournament Staff Mtg. to discuss Premier week 7/27/2010 Premier Baseball Championships Mr Don Patty 16 Under Championship Tournament Working Opening Meal tonight 7/27 Phone Call 7/6/2010 NWA Disk Golf Association Kelly Ganzel 5th Annual Northshore Invitational Spoke about future events 7/12/2010 USSSA Mr. Billy Lee Yarbrough National Slow Pitch Tournament Spoke to Billy about details 7/13/2010 Premier Baseball Championships Mr Don Patty 16 Under Championship Tournament Called Ernie @ KNWA to discuss Premier 7/19/2010 Premier Baseball Championships Mr Don Patty 16 Under Championship Tournament Discussed team info. w/ Don 7/19/2010 USSSA Mr. Billy Lee Yarbrough National Slow Pitch Tournament Called Jody @ J.J.'s to discuss Fri. nt. event Press Release 7/23/2010 Premier Baseball Championships Mr Don Patty 16 Under Championship Tournament Sent press release to Ernie @ KNWA SHELLY E-Mail 7/1/2010 H & L Media Partners Shea Moseley information Seminar Follow up on July meeting 7/6/2010 UA Advanced Placement Summer Institute Maribeth Lyons Summer Institute materials for attendees in late July 7/8/2010 Arkansas Communication & Theater Arts Assoc Tim Hollis Summer Leadership Retreat Offered assistance with event in July 7/20/2010 B. E.S.T Baseball Participating hotels Baseball Tournaments Sent reminders regarding rebate due to group 7/21 /2010 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Nathan Bramlett Regional Conference Requested contract for Spicer 7/30/2010 Dine in Fayetteville Restaurant Week Sent out requests for specials to restaurants Meeting 7/27/2010 UA Housing Heather Schneller UA Summer conferences Phone Call 7/7/2010 Crohn's & Colitis Foundation of America Kristin Trulock Charity Walk Planning for possible October event 7/13/2010 H & L Media Partners Shea Moseley Information Seminar find out location for august meeting 7/21/2010 UA College of Engineering Eric Specking Alerted Lake Fyv staff abt Solar Boat exhibition Fayetteville Visitor Center - 2010 Sales & Visitor Count Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Sales Totals $557.65 $354.29 $745.40 $1 ,759.83 $2,300.70 $2,360.35 $3,516.20 2009Totals $670.45 $842.57 $1 ,531 . 11 $2,320.70 $2,211 .38 $1 ,919.87 $2,035.88 $1 ,690.49 $15_6.6.65 1 $971 .37 $2, 385.23 % Change — -- -from 2009 9.9% -89.2% -13.0% 13.0% -0.09% 6.3% 45.4% Visitor Count 213 209 432 901 945 13062 1 ,378 2009 Totals 235 381 539 1-90-61-1164-2 1 1,273,_ 1 11120 1 11148 1 695 1 747_ 456 — 353 1 % Change from 2009 -10% -82% -25% 1 -0.50% 0. 10 -20% 19% 2010 Goal = $15,000/year or $1,250/month Yearly $11 ,594.42 Monthly $1 ,656.35 Totals 53140 Averages 734 RS Change = divide the difference between the two numbers by the stalling number then move the decimal two spaces right 2009 Monthly Soles Average=$1.554.03 2009 Monthly Visitor Average=742 2009 sales per visitor = $2.10 2010 sales per visitor n TIM, k k�pi 0 rM