HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010-07-12 - Agendas - Final The Advertising and Promotion Commission will meet on Monday, July 12, 2010 at 2 : 00 p.m. at the Fayetteville Town Center. AGENDA ADVERTISING AND PROMOTION COMMISSION July 12, 2010 2:00 p.m. Fayetteville Town Center I. Call to Order II. Appointment of Commissioner — William Lyle, exec. Chef, manager Ella' s Restaurant III. Reports A. Approval of Minutes for May 10, 2010 regular monthly meeting B. Financial Report 1 . HMR Revenues — Marilyn Heifner 2. Financial Statements - Keith Glass • 3 . Update from City Attorney re: delinquent tax collection efforts — Kit Williams C. Clinton House Museum Report - D. Visitor Bureau Report — Allyson Twiggs Dyer E. Town Center Report — Sandra Bennett F. Executive Director Report — Marilyn Heifner G. Advertising Agency Report — Mike Sells IV. Old Business A. Approve Employee Handbook B. Green Initiatives for Festivals and Events V. New Business A. Lease agreement for CVB parking spaces B. Television media protocol VI. Adjourn • • ADVERTISING AND PROMOTION COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING May 10, 2010 Commissioners Present: Neal Crawford, Bob Davis, Lioneld Jordan, Brandon Karn, Robert Rhoads, and Maudie Schmitt. Commissioners Absent: None Staff Present: Sandra Bennett, Allyson Twiggs Dyer, and Marilyn Heifner COMMITTEE AS A WHOLE The Fayetteville A & P Commission met as a committee of the whole to consider special funding requests at noon. Requesters were set up and answered questions as Commissioners circulated among them. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Lioneld Jordan called the regular monthly meeting of the Fayetteville Advertising and Promotion Commission to order on May 10 at the Fayetteville Town Center at 2 :00 p.m. SPECIAL FUNDING REQUEST ALLOCATIONS Moved by Robert Rhoads, second by Davis to approve the following funding requests: • Fayetteville Half Marathon $ 18,000 Puppets in the Park 15000 Ozark Harvest Food Festival 4,000 (contingent on them moving to a non- football weekend and non-Bikes Blues and BBQ weekend) Lewis & Clark Adventure Race 12300 Cyclocross 2,500 540 Film Fest 53000 Lights of the Ozarks 305000 All OUT June 4,000 Offshoot Film Festival 5,000 Fayetteville Underground 103000 Beauty and the Beast 253000 TheatreSquared 61000 Washington County Fair 25,992 Hooten.com Kickoff Classic 10,000 Shop Fayetteville campaign poster/logo 1 ,500 TOTAL $ 1455292 2011 Requests — both funded at %: request for their planning purposes. Commission will reconsider full funding in October International Fulbright Concerto Competition $ 10,000 Rockit-Northwest Arkansas Music Week 145000 . Motion carried. • MINUTES Moved by Davis, second by Karn to approve the minutes of the April 12 meeting. Motion carried. HMR COLLECTIONS Marilyn reported that the HMR collections were down 2% for the month of April (March sales). Year to date collections are down 4.54%. Year to date collections are $672,884. FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Keith Glass reported on March financials. Budget to expenses, for CVB and CHM are similar to 2009. Town Center revenue is bouncing back with a $8-9,000 increase. A & P revenue is down about $20,000. Marilyn said next step in sustainability efforts at the Town Center will include tinting windows in lobby, offices and exhibit hall to reduce sunlight. CITY ATTORNEY City Attorney Kit Williams said monthly collections for overdue HMR taxes was $ 16,986.26 due mostly from Cosmopolitan paying their overdue taxes. Three cases with Prosecutor are closed. REPORTS CLINTON HOUSE MUSEUM One hundred sixty seven visitors were at the Clinton House in April. Group tours included a Chocolate Tour and a group of Bolivian exchange students. • Citiscapes featured the Clinton House Museum as part of its In Our Own Backyard series. Dedication Ceremony for the National Register of Historic Places plaque was held. VISITORS BUREAU Allyson reported on National Tourism Week contest with a contest of "great places to take a visitor." Future upcoming events look promising for tourists and the HMR taxes. TOWN CENTER The Town Center collected $37,217.23 during April. Latest operational items which have been repaired include automatic fill valve in fountain and ruptured pipes in irrigation lines for plaza flower beds. New plants have been installed in large containers on plaza. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR America in Bloom judges will arrive in Fayetteville on June 14- 15 . Work is progressing on Gallery Guide with Creative Economy group of Fayetteville Forward. City Map is being updated (300 new streets have been added since last update in 2007). Electric bill is down $ 1 ,000 and we received a check from S WEPCO for energy rebate of $9,000. Windows in Town Center will be tinted to continue sustainability work. AD AGENCY REPORT Mike Sells reviewed collections versus trends. The Jan. and Feb. collections in the state were down 14. 1 % vs. Fayetteville down 6.8%. Lead generation from the website was up 207% over last April • with 2, 197 leads in April. New Visitor Guides were presented to the Commissioners. • OLD BUSINESS None NEW BUSINESS A. Employee Handbook Because Commissioners had not had time to review, this will be on the June agenda. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted,'` n 4U Marilyn Heifner Executive Director • I I I • 479 )9111399 Tysnn Fnnds, Inr. 09:49:43 05-09-7010 1 /1 RECEIVED oity o/ ra"Rerx ill, . Application Form CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE For appointment to CIV Boards, Commissions, and ConOflktU9IVS OFFICE A✓, /r u/r Name Spouse name (Il applicable) OeeupatlonlEmployerftameName Resident Street Address CI �8fate Zlp Cois Io Malling Address Clty state Zip Code N79 a90�/ Y�a- k5ed k!&e ;Micts cc. L Nome phone 0 Buslneae phone Email Address 91149/- 44-F rsA AarfLm �,`e Cf�M.a SS.o-n/ / Cholee of Comml a Length of Realdenty in th Clty Limits of Fayetteville Are you a Fayettevillo registered voter? Yos l)Q No ❑" 1. What are your qualifications for serving on this committee, Including education and expertise In the subject matter? _ — lf: Ja[.� tw1 ,�,,J� VO e.�,r J f . . ` 2. 'Whywdul8 ydu-gke tote �cana••Itl�re for pa porn entt�othlac mdlittee? n�'� "f 1 ' Sere ifnxt m5 at C •� - '�h, ) t)4610-ya 44 C1. 5 Tna r Ain M: Q 5 c4, �/� i 4. , p� l� l �c . ''� References: r fi' It;e -�il+.� f(„ lle,� 35899 �rsb 8aN 9700 NameAft1druve Phone Name �l,tir(•G. .iso I�en. T , y ,,,�}___SFw v A2 997ca c'7s-iso s7sg Name Adtlresa �� Phone How did you hear about the openingfs)? NWA Timoa l: Free Weekly ❑ Acceaafayatte illemre Gavemment Channsl D Chamber of Commerce UFAONsrEr Please rrll out application COMPLETELY and return to: City Clerk's Division 113 W. Mountain Street, Fayetteville 72701 Fax to 718.7995 or Email to elty_clerk @cl.fayettevilleor.us If you have any questions call 575.8323 Office Use Only: Term Begins: Appointed: Term Expires: Replaced: /� Terminated: Resigned: Advertising and Promotion Commission For month of May 2010 Current Year HMR Collected (2120.0912 .4101 .00) $ 184,854.34 Prior Year Collected (2120.0912.4101 .01 ) $ 242.03 First Security Investment Interest Revenue (2120.0912.4708.00) $ 21905.43 Total Revenues $ 188,001 .80 Annual Bond Audit Expense (2120.9120.7602.60) $ Collection Expense (2120.9120.5333.00) $ (3,701 .93) Bank of OK Quarterly Fee (2120.9120.5712.00) Town Center Bond Payment (2120.9120.5712.00) $ (55,949.41 ) 2008 Property Taxes on Town Center (2120.9120.7602.60) Total Expenses $ (59,651 .34) Total Check to A&P $ 1282350.46 • • Advertising and Promotion Commission For month of June 2010 Current Year HMR Collected (2120.0912.4101 .00) $ 184,227.04 Prior Year Collected (2120.0912.4101 .01 ) $ 143.52 First Security Investment Interest Revenue (2120.0912.4708.00) $ 2,890.38 Total Revenues $ 187,260.94 Annual Bond Audit Expense (2120.9120.7602.60) $ Collection Expense (2120.9120.5333.00) $ (307.41 ) Bank of OK Quarterly Fee (2120.9120.5712.00) Town Center Bond Payment (2120.9120.5712.00) $ (55,949.41 ) 2008 Property Taxes on Town Center (2120.9120.7602.60) Total Expenses $ (59,636.82) Total Check to A&P $ 127,624.12 • • City of Fayetteville, Arkansas Monthly HMR Tax Collections 2007-2010 2007 2008 2008 2009 2009 2010 2010 Total Total Change Over Total Change Over Total Change Over HMR Taxes HMR Taxes Prior Year HMR Taxes Prior Year HMR Taxes Prior Year January $166,620 $174,005 4.43% $166,214 -4.48% $166,645 0.00% February $150,088 $158,693 5.58% $167,141 5.32% $143,940 -13.88% March $157,317 $1723804 9.84% $180,027 4. 18% $172,662 -4.09% April $171 ,562 $183,672 7.06% $191 ,542 4.28% $187,730 -2.00% May $165,779 $175,064 5.60% $190,320 8.71 % $1850096 -2.74% June $177,594 $194,447 9.49% $1901237 -2.17% $184,371 -3.08% July $173,079 $188,253 8.77% $180,944 -3.88% August $160,560 $174,648 8.77% $1679897 -3.87% September $172,373 $190,244 10.37% $176,463 -7.24% October $180,324 $187,125 3.77% $189,728 1 .39% November $185,111 $197,814 6.86% $190,887 -3.50% December $170,506 $174,682 2.45% $174,568 0.00% Total $ $230303913 $2,171 ,451 6.92% $2,165,969 0.00% $13040,444 -4.15% \filename Fayetteville A&P Commission Statement of Assets, Liabilities & Equity - Modified Cash Basis May 31 , 2010 ASSETS • Current Assets CVB Cash in Register $ 100.00 CHM Cash in Register 100.00 Arvest A&P General #4856 759,349.46 1 st Security A&P General #8714 137,268.98 1 st Sec Fay Town Ctr #8722 66,345.79 1 st Sec. Clinton House #8749 85824.86 1st Sec. Conv Visitor #8730 325208.28 Arvest Payroll Account #4636 18,622.06 Accounts Receivable 18.48 Due From Other Funds 36,608.28 Investments 1 ,761 , 1 17.71 Investment Adj to Market 41256.62 Total Current Assets 21824,820.52 Property and Equipment Furniture and Fixtures 31 ,470.85 Equipment 1719560. 14 CVB Building 921 ,632.37 CVB Land 198,621 .00 Building Additions 318,677.24 Accum. Depreciation (2959778.46) Total Property and Equipment 1 ,346,183.14 • Other Assets Total Other Assets 0.00 Total Assets $ 4,171 ,003.66 LIABILITIES AND CAPITAL Current Liabilities Accrued Expenses $ ( 13,089. 11) Aflac 188.46 Colonial Life & Acc Ins Payabl 155.36 Federal Payroll Taxes Payable 6,560.50 FUTA Tax Payable 719.54 State Payroll Taxes Payable 790.55 SUTA Payable 939.86 Employee Benefits Payable 11283.69 Due to Other Funds 31944. 19 Due to Town Center 61089. 10 Total Current Liabilities 71582. 14 Long-Term Liabilities Total Long-Tenn Liabilities 0.00 • Total Liabilities 7.582.14 Capital Beginning Balance Equity 31879,562.33 Unresticted Fund Balance 258,274.40 See Accountants' Compilation Report Fayetteville ARP Commission Statement of Assets, Liabilities R Equity - Modified Cash Basis May 31 , 2010 • Restricted Fund-540 Film Grant 221 .53 Net Income 25,363.26 Total Capital 41163,421 .52 Total Liabilities RCapital $ 4, 171 ,003.66 • See Accountants' Compilation Report Fayetteville A&P Commission Statements of Revenue & Expenses - Modified Cash Basis For the Month and Five Months Ending May 31 , 2010 Current Month Year to Date venues HMR Tax Revenue $ 184,854.34 79.96 $ 838,083.65 66.84 Prior Year HMR Tax Revenue 242.03 0.10 17,369.75 1 .39 Rental income 30,837.36 13.34 179, 179.54 14.29 Other Income 15760.00 0.76 185305.71 1 .46 Parking Revenue 1 ,366.00 0.59 3,211 .00 0.26 Parking Lease 2,505.89 1 .08 5,903.28 0.47 Gift Shop Sales 592.62 0.26 1 ,651 .49 0. 13 Visitor Store 2,237.39 0.97 57818. 12 0.46 Partnership Income 800.00 0.35 33400.00 0.27 Admission Revenue 460.00 0.20 23176.93 0. 17 Special Projects 0.00 0.00 600.00 0.05 Interest Income Investments 0.00 0.00 12,392.29 0.99 Interest Income Checking 180.81 0.08 993.25 0.08 Visitor Guide Ad Income 3,500.00 1 .51 7,750.00 0.62 Hospitality Summit 1 ,840.00 0.80 2,000.00 0. 16 Transfer In 0.00 0.00 1552000.00 12.36 Total Revenues 2315176.44 100.00 12253,835.01 100.00 Cost of Sales Clinton House Gift Shop 0.00 0.00 595.43 . 0.05 Total Cost of Sales 0.00 0.00 595.43 0.05 Dross Profit 2319176.44 100.00 19253,239.58 99.95 xpenses Signage- Tourism 621 .51 0.27 51214.66 0.42 Credit Card Discounts 341 .86 0.15 1 ,661 .96 0. 13 Bank Charges 0.00 0.00 18.94 0.00 Parking Expense 100.00 0.04 500.00 0.04 Advertising & Marketing 109261 .07 4.44 125,799.31 10.03 Brochures 455068.37 19.50 85,444.42 6.81 Accounting & Legal Fees 625.00 0.27 31115.00 0.25 Office Expense 1 , 172.30 0.51 79234. 12 0.58 Visitor Store Exp 450.70 0. 19 21314.93 0. 18 Insurance & Health Benefits 37270.04 1 .41 15,408.81 1 .23 408 (P) Company Match 468.96 0.20 39609.81 0.29 Car Allowance 150.00 0.06 1 ,350.00 0.11 Telephone Expense 1 ,308.59 0.57 51595.23 0.45 Postage and Shipping Expense 11226.09 0.53 8,262.67 0.66 Tracking Software 0.00 0.00 1 ,695.00 0. 14 Rent 0.00 0.00 12,000.00 0.96 Maintenance/Lawn 60.00 0.03 120.00 0.01 Repairs & Maintenance Expense 4,296.69 1 .86 389636.01 3.08 Kamensky Fountain Maintenance 627.74 0.27 29923.02 0.23 Linens 1 ,980.45 0.86 91191 .79 0.73 Publications & Dues 225.00 0. 10 4,190.95 0.33 Travel/Training Expense 81170.65 3.53 219471 .20 1 .71 Taxes & Licenses 202.68 0.09 202.68 0.02 Collections Expense 31701 .93 1 .60 17, 109.07 1 .36 Payroll Tax Expense 1 ,520.51 0.66 152195 .48 1 .21 onvention Development 774.18 0.33 5,896.63 0.47 ontract Labor 31245.80 1 .40 18,305.80 1 .46 Commissions 0.00 0.00 91610.90 0.77 Wages Expense 18,633. 14 8.06 161 ,013.13 12.84 Electricity Utility (49392.75) ( 1 .90) 12,790.44 1 .02 Gas Utility 404.40 0. 17 81304.38 0.66 See Accountants' Compilation Report Fayetteville A&P Commission Statements of Revenue & Expenses - Modified Cash Basis .For the Month and Five Months Ending May 31 , 2010 Current Month Year to Date OaterUtility593.97 0.26 2,572. 15 0.21 Cable 89.39 0.04 446.95 0.04 Recycling 165.28 0.07 826.40 0.07 Security 21 .85 0.01 11976.66 0. 16 Airport Advertising 15485.00 0.64 2,970.00 0.24 Minor Equipment 202747.73 8.97 309391 . 13 2.42 Airport Info Booth 0.00 0.00 2,400.00 0. 19. Coaches Clinic 0.00 0.00 17,250.00 1 .38 All Star Games 0.00 0.00 30,000.00 2.39 7A State Track 12500.00 0.65 15500.00 0. 12 DECA 0.00 0.00 1 ,350.00 0. 11 Dickson St Special Project 0.00 0.00 2,288.00 0. 18 Town Center Garden Maint 11575.00 0.68 2,868.96 0.23 AR Air Museum 0.00 0.00 5,300.00 0.42 Theatre Squad 0.00 0.00 167676.62 1 .33 Bikes, Babes, & Bling 7,042. 18 3.05 10,248.86 0.82 . Bikes, Blues, & Hot Rods 0.00 0.00 81489. 17 0.68 National School Boards 0.00 0.00 21257.26 0. 18 NCAA Baseball Regional 109000.00 4.33 109000.00 0.80 NCAA Track Indoor 10,500.00 4.54 10,500.00 0.84 SEC Softball Chamionship 2,000.00 0.87 2,000.00 0. 16 Misc Special Project 535.00 0.23 24,380.77 1 .94 Bond Payments-Town Center 55,949.41 24.20 279,747.05 22.31 Trustee Expense 0.00 0.00 29250.00 0. 18 Transfer OUt 0.00 0.00 155,000.00 12.36 otal Expenses 2162719.72 93.75 19227,876.32 97.93 et Income $ 14,456.72 6.25 $ 259363.26 2.02 • See Accountants' Compilation Report Fayetteville A&P Commission Statement of Revenue & Expenses - Modified Cash Basis For the Five Months Ending May 31 , 2010 • Current Month Current Month Year to Date Year to Date This Year Last Year This Year Last Year Revenues HMR Tax Revenue $ 184,854.34 $ 189,564.27 $ 8389083.65 $ 875,256.08 Prior Year HMR Tax Revenue 242.03 756. 12 172369.75 199989.20 Rental Income 30,837.36 28,549.93 1799179.54 1735740.04 Other Income 1 ,760.00 173 .00 18,305.71 1 ,353.67 Travel Hero 0.00 499.97 0.00 499.97 Parking Revenue 1 ,366.00 909.00 39211 .00 31039.00 Parking Lease 29505.89 31870.00 53903.28 81744.56 Gift Shop Sales 592.62 450.97 11651 .49 2,248.45 Visitor Store 2,237.39 2, 192.76 51818. 12 53563.25 Partnership Income 800.00 0.00 3,400.00 6,900.00 Admission Revenue 460.00 381 .84 23176.93 11789.26 Track Tickets 0.00 0.00 0.00 3, 155.70 Special Projects 0.00 19580.00 600.00 11 ,386.39 Sustainability Summit 0.00 0.00 0.00 14,000.00 Interest Income Investments 0.00 35464.54 12,392.29 197277.26 Interest income Checking . 180.81 210.30 993.25 1 ,263.08 Visitor Guide Ad Income . 31500.00 4,250.00 79750.00 81625.00 Hospitality Summit 19840.00 1 ,920.00 21000.00 11920.00 Transfer In 0.00 0.00 155,000.00 115,000.00 Total Revenues 231 ,176.44 238,772.70 19253,835.01 122732750.91 Cost of Sales limon House Gift Shop 0.00 932.62 595.43 . 17590.66 otal Cost of Sales 0.00 932.62 595.43 1 ,590.66 Gross Profit 231 ,176.44 237,840.08 1 ,253,239.58 1 ,272, 160.25 Expenses 621 .51 655.51 5,214.66 3,291 .71 Signage- Tourism Credit Card Discounts 341 .86 382.92 12661 .96 . 21425. 15 Bank Charges 0.00 19.90 18.94 177.80 Parking Expense 100.00 100.00 500.00 500.00 Advertising & Marketing 102261 .07 195548.69 :125,799.31 164,641 .65 Brochures 45,068.37 14,216.97 85,444.42 249835.85 Accounting & Legal Fees 625.00 625.00 31115.00 31125.00 Office Expense 12172.30 19773 .56 7,234. 12 75836. 13 Visitor Store Exp 450.70 396.68 29314.93 37137.85 insurance & Health Benefits 3,270.04 6,231 .85 15,408.81 189550.75 408 (P) Company Match 468.96 15524.68 39609.81 5,030.60 Car Allowance 150.00 300.00 19350.00 1 ,500.00 Telephone Expense 12308.59 11361 .14 51595.23 69803.65 Postage and Shipping Expense 1 ,226.09 13403.89 8,262.67 82181 .61 Tracking Software 0.00 0.00 11695.00 0.00 Material & Supplies 0.00 0.00 0.00 95.85 Rent 0.00 0.00 12,000.00 122000.00 Maintenance/Lawn 60.00 60.00 120.00 190.00 Repairs & Maintenance Expense 41296.69 19301 .78 38,636.01 219783.76 Kamensky Fountain Maintenance 627.74 155.54 20923.02 12582.51 pmens 19980.45 21086.42 99191 .79 102487.96 ublications & Dues 225.00 82.00 4, 190.95 2,687.00 Travel/I'rainingExpense 8, 170.65 329.59 219471 .20 102269.33 Taxes & Licenses 202.68 1 ,915.30 202.68 25208.80 Collections Expense 32701 .93 3,806.41 175109.07 179904.91 Payroll Tax Expense 11520.51 3,010.54 153195.48 16,732.93 See Accountants' Compilation Report Fayetteville A&P Commission Statement of Revenue & Expenses - Modified Cash Basis For the Five Months Ending May 31 , 2010 Current Month Current Month Year to Date Year to Date This Year Last Year This Year Last Year Convention Development 774. 18 25951 .39 5,896.63 61243.59 Research Expense 0.00 0.00 0.00 11700.00 Contract Labor 3,245.80 21750.00 18,305.80 14,612.50 Commissions 0.00 1 ,741 . 15 9,610.90 11 ,121 .23 Wages Expense 18,633.14 36,510.88 161 ,OI3. 13 183,888. 10 Electricity Utility (4,392.75) 61332. 13 123790.44 30, 182. 14 Gas Utility 404.40 768.40 82304.38 81480.84 Water Utility 593.97 520.76 2,572. 15 2, 198.01 Cable 89.39 89.54 446.95 447.69 Recycling 165.28 0.00 826.40 0.00 Security 21 .85 849.39 1 ,976.66 11592.29 Airport Advertising 15485.00 0.00 29970.00 15485.00 Minor Equipment 20,747.73 11916.41 307391 . 13 3,533. 15 Airport Info Booth 0.00 11200.00 22400.00 2,400.00 Coaches Clinic 0.00 0.00 175250.00 359800.00 All Star Games 0.00 0.00 30,000.00 15,000.00 Saturday of Champions 0.00 0.00 0.00 49000.00 State Soccer 0.00 0.00 0.00 11750.00 7A State Track 11500.00 0.00 19500.00 0.00 DECA 0.00 0.00 11350.00 3,000.00 Walton Arts Special Project 0.00 0.00 0.00 10,000.00 Solar Splash Specail Project 0.00 51000.00 0.00 51000.00 Square Gardens 0.00 0.00 0.00 295244.43 Waterski Champion 0.00 0.00 0.00 17500.00 Dickson St Special Project 0.00 7,954.87 29288.00 162944.87 Aiown Center Garden Maint 19575.00 0.00 21868.96 0.00 Air Museum 0.00 0.00 52300.00 71000.00 lwfheatre Squad 0.00 0.00 169676.62 25000.00 Duathlon 0.00 0.00 0.00 59000.00 Joe Martin 0.00 0.00 0.00 3,000.00 Ozark Valley 0.00 0.00 0.00 12000.00 Ozark Military Special Proj 0.00 153.54 0.00 153.54 Bikes, Babes, & Bling 7,042. 18 0.00 10,248.86 0.00 Bikes, Blues, & Hot Rods 0.00 0.00 8,489.17 0.00 National School Boards 0.00 0.00 2,257.26 0.00 NCAA Baseball Regional 109000.00 0.00 10,000.00 0.00 NCAA Track Indoor 10,500.00 0.00 10,500.00 0.00 SEC Softball Chamionship 25000.00 0.00 2,000.00 0.00 Misc Special Project 535.00 39165. 18 24,380.77 6,716.27 Bond Payments-Town Center 553949.41 55,413.35 279,747.05 277,066.75 Trustee Expense 0.00 11125.00 21250.00 22250.00 Transfer OUt 0.00 0.00 155,000.00 1159000.00 Total Expenses 216,719.72 18%730.36 11227,876.32 1 , 155,291 .20 Net Income $ 143456.72 $ 48, 109.72 $ 25,363.26 $ 1167869.05 • See Accountants' Compilation Report Fayetteville Town Center Stmt of Budget. Revenue, and Expense-Modified Cash Basis Month Ending May 2010 • 2010 2010 2010 2010 May May 2009 Annual Budget Year To Dale Year To Dale Year Monthly Monthly Year To Date Accumulated Actual Balance Budget Actual Actual Budget Revenue Rental Ind Service - Actual 09 394,880.00 165,934.00 167,370.08 227,509.92 28,258.00 28,163.36 162,045.04 Interest - Checking 480.OD 200.00 178.70 301.30 40.00 45.02 234.58 Parking Revenue - - Daily 9,000.00 4,359.00 3,211.00 5,789.00 909.00 1,366.00 3,039.00 Leases 10,000.00 7,424.00 5,903.28 4,096.72 3,870.00 2,505.89 8,744.56 Sales Tax Exp (3,663.00) (1,665.00) (1,621 .54) (2,041.46) (333.00) (76.00) (2,055.00) Special Projects 6,200.00 5,000.00 - 6,200.00 5,956.39 Mise Revenue - 12,461.25 (12,461.25) 0.94 Transfer - Total 416,897.00 181,252.00 187,502.77 32,744.00 32,004.27 177,965.51 Expenses Salary+Benefits 142,332.00 54,740.00 46,638.20 95,693.80 10,948.00 5,062.30 61,818.87 Commissions 30,000.00 12,500.00 9,610.90 20,389.10 2,500.00 11,121.23 Contract Labor - - 4,555.80 (4,555.60) 495.80 862.50 Payroll Taxes 14,495.00 5,850.00 4,920.78 9,574.22 . 1,170.00 407.95 6,205.14 Credit Card Discount: 3,900.00 1,625.00 1 ,226.06 2,673.94 325.00 197.46 1,721 .33 Insurance 15,600.00 6,500.00 6,727.62 8,872.38 1,300.00 1,220.14 -7,217.00 401K Match 3,720.00 1 ,550.00 1,068.11 2,651.89 310.00 129.06 1,630.50 Utilities - - Water 6,225.00 2.350.00 2,181.89 4,043.11 475.00 542.04 1,791.33 Phone 81960.00 3,700.00 3,773.91 5,186.09 740.00 755.82 3,632.40 Electricity 64,741.00 25,344.00 19,718.57 45,022.43 5,525.00 4,330.27 28,060.71 Gas 11,969.00 8,643.00 - 7,531.29 4,437.71 800.00 369.00 7,842.18 Cable 1,080.00 450.00 446.95 633.05 90.00 89.39 447.69 Recycle Dumpster 1,980.00 825.00 165.28 1,814.72 165.00 165.28 Postage, 135.00 135.00 344.30 (209.30) 98.00 Contract Services - - - • Office Expense - 1 ,690.95 (1,690.95) 219.62 2,318.07 Linens 20,504.00 8,083.00 9,191.79 11,312.21 1,671.00 1 ,980.45 8,816.70 Outside Laundry 3,771 .00 1 ,494.00 - 3,771 .00 229.00 Repairs 8 Maintenanr 60,750.00 20,000.00 32,541.89 28,208.11 1,000.00 301.69 18,976.83 Materials 8 Supplies 5,000.00 2,200.00 - 5,000.00 400.00 Advertising 8 Promo 3,000.00 1,750.00 1,131 .14 1,868.86 1,766.00 Travel/fraining 500.00 400.00 2,500.00 (2,000.00) 2,500.00 (869.12) Building Insurance 9,000.00 - - 9,000.00 Taxes 8 Licenses 3,035.00 1 ,800.00 - 3,035.00 1 ,800.00 1,915.30 Special Projects 6,200.00 5,000.00 8,570.20 (2,370.20) 535.00 3,398.52 Misc - 451.99 (451.99) Bank Charges - - - 48.75 Security - 1 ,867.41 (1 ,867.41) 1 ,483.04 Transer In - - Total 416,897.00 164,939.00 166,855.03 29,448.00 19,301.27 170,503.97 -- • Convention Visitors Bureau Stmt of Budget, Revenue, and Expense-Modified Cash Basis Month Ending May 2010 • 2010 2010 2010 2010 May May 2009 Annual Budget Year To Date Year To Date Year Monthly Monthly Year To Date Accumulated Actual Balance Budget Actual Actual Budget Revenue Transfer from A&P 352,908.00 250,000.00 125,000.01) 227,908.00 125,000.00 100,000.00 Interest 800.00 250.00 256.45 343.55 50.00 36.89 198.12 Partnership Dues 9,200.00 4,800.00 3,800.00 5,400.00 800.00 6,900.00 Travel Hero 3,0010.01) 1,000.00 - 3,000.00 499.97 Visl. Ch. Store 15,000.00 4,800.00 6,108.43 8,891.57 1,20D.00 2,290.39 5,782.81 Special Projects - - - 50.00 First Thursday 2,400.00 1,000.00 300.00 2,100,00 200.00 300.00 Dickson St 1 ,500.00 1,000.00 - 1 ,500.00 500.00 Film Festival 2,500.00 - - 2,500.00 Premeir Baseball 15,000.00 - - 15,000.00 Other Income 3,340.00 (3,340.00) 1,780.00 6,449.61 Total 402,108.00 262,850.00 138,804.88 126,950.00 5,207.28 119,880.51 Expenses Salary•Benefits 231,991.00 92,195.00 74,133.05 157,857.95 18,439.00 9,061.26 79,172.40 Payroll Tax Exp 20,775.00 8,250.00 6,596.38 14,178.62 1,650.00 747.69 6,816.76 Insurance-Health 21 ,756.00 7,800.00 7.399.60 14,356.40 1,950.00 1,358.84 10,060.40 401K Match 6,576.00 2,740.00 1,504.24 5,071 .76 548.00 188.03 2,277.50 Utilities - - - Telephone 7,125.00 2,875.00 1,404.07 5,720.93 550.00 448.25 2,733.12 Electricity 095.00 1,675.00 1,793.06 2,401.94 600.00 237.70 1 ,879.91 Water 550.01) 225.00 185.71 364.29 45.00 221.18 Conv & Tourism Develop 23,800.00 9,700.00 5,896.63 17,903.37 1,700.00 774.18 7,943.59 Premier Baseball 15,000.00 - 2,835.00 12,165.00 Travel & Training 32,520.00 17,220.00 16,873.39 15,646.61 100.00 4,909.09 8,986.48 Publications/Dues 3,220.00 2,070.00 2,802.00 416.00 225.00 1,807.00 Repair/Maintenance 2,000.00 800.00 296.01 1,703.99 1 ,914.64 Office Supp/Pdnling 9,000.00 4,000.00 4,184.90 4,815.10 1,000.00 94.74 6,082.60 Tracking Sftware/Maint 3,500.00 3,500.00 1,695.00 1,805.00 Credit Card Discounts 1 ,200.00 500.00 247.55 952.45 100.00 72.83 486.80 • Taxes & Licenses(ASCAF 300.00 300.00 493.68 (193.68) 255.68 506.50 Visitor Clr Store ams 8,000.00 3,330.00 2,314.93 5,685.07 666.00 450.70 3,137.85 Education Reimbursemen 3,000.00 - - 3,000.00 Bank Charges - - - 49.75 Parking Expense 1,200.00 500.00 500.00 700.00 100.00 100.00 500.00 Advertising & Marketing - 1,150.00 (1 ,150.00) Special Project - 1,390.63 (1 ,390.63) 3,162.00 First Thursday 2,400.00 1,000.00 - 2,400.00 200.00 Dickson St 1 .500.00 1 ,000.00 - 1,500.00 500.00 Film Festival 2,500.00 - - 2,500.00 Transfer Out - Total 402,108.00 159,680.00 133,695.83 28,148.00 18,943.99 137,718.48 I Clinton House Museum Slml of Budget. Revenue, and Expense-Modified Cash Basis Month Ending May 2010 • 2010 2010 2010 2010 May May 2009 Annual Budget Year To Date Year To Date Year Monthly Monthly Year To Date Accumulated Actual Balance Budget Actual - Actual Budget Revenue Transfer from A&P 59,431.00 30,000.00 30,000.00 29,431.00 15,000.00 Admission 5,400.00 2,250.00 2,176.93 3,223.07 450.00 460.00 1,545.35 Special Events 900.00 . 200.00 - 900.00 150.00 Gift Shop Sales 6,600.00 2,750.00 1,623.49 4,776.51 550.00 680.62 2,422.48 Interest 240.00 100.00 38.79 201.21 20.00 7.57 54.28 Other Income 20.07 (20.07) 59.00 Total 72,571.00 35,300.00 34,059.28 1,170,00 1,148.19 19,081.11 Expenses Salary+Benefits 36,180.00 15,075.00 12,156.52 24,023.48 3,015.00 1,343.75 12,809.35 Payroll Tex Exp 2,892.00 1 ,205.00 1,113.44 1,778.56 241.00 115.65 1,187.76 Insurance-Health 3,951.00 1 ,625.00 1 ,358.84 2,592.16 325.00 327.53 46.00 401K Match 984.00 410.00 262.50 721.50 82.00 37.50 Rent 12,000.00 12,000.00 12,000.00 - 12,000.00 Utilities-$3690 - - Water 500.00 165.00 204.55 295.45 37.00 51.93 185.50 Gas 1,300.00 637.00 773.09 526.91 40.00 35.40 638.66 Electricity 1,000.00 241.00 299.37 700.63 45.00 59.34 241.52 Telephone Actual 1,200.00 500.00 417.25 782.75 100.00 104.52 438.13 Materials & Supplies 1,200.00 500.00 384.96 815.04 100.00 72.88 804.04 Credit Card Discount: 1,000.00 250.00 188.35 811.65 50.00 71.57 217.02 Bank Charges - - - 48.30 Security 264.00 110.00 109.25 154.75 22.00 21.85 109.25 Maintenance/Lawn 500.00 250.00 120.00 380.00 50.00 60.00 190.00 Repair/Maintenance 2,000.00 400.00 - 2,000.00 200.00 38.24 Sales Tax 600.00 250.00 172.00 428.00 50.00 88.00 180.59 Special Projects 1,200.00 500.00 - 1,200.00 100.00 155.75 Publications/Dues 250.00 200.00 104.27 145.73 100.00 50.00 TravelRmining 500.00 1,000.00 94.99 405.01 500.00 200.31 • Gift Shop Items 5,000.00 2.000.00 595.43 4,404.57 1,590.66 Total 72,521.00 37,338.00 30,354.81 5,057.00 2,389.92 31,131.08 i fel l FaymteAs A P Commission Stmt of Budget. Revenue, and Expense-Mo:111iee Cash Basta Month Ening May 2010 • 2010 2010 2010 2010 May May 2009 .chisel Bu0gel Year TO Data Year TOYear Monthly Monthly Year TO Data Accumulated Actual Balance Budget AGual Actual Budget Revenue HMR Tax Revenue 2.171,850.00 897.844.00 838,083.85 1,333,768.35 190,600.00 184.054.34 875,256.08 Prier Year HMR Tax Rev - 17,389.75 (17.389.75) 242.03 19.989.20 Interest 35.000.00 14.M.W 12,392.29 22.807.71 2.916.W 19,277.26 Uietor Guide ads 1.500.00 8,425.00 7,750.W (6,250.00) 8,300.00 3,WD.W 8.625.00 Miss Income 16,M.00 - 4,812.46 11.787.0 1.520.W 19,543]3 Square Garden Cerlyr 5,000.00 - - 5,000.00 Rental Income - 13,423.00 (13,423.00) 2.7W.W 13.750.00 Interest Inc Ch roan 500.00 499.24 (499.24) 125.00 91.33 778.10 Total 2,229,950.00 821,157.00 894.33049 22,141.00 182,957.70 957,217.37 Expenses Tmrhsfem TownCanterFund 678.185.00 281,160.00 279.747.05 398,437.95 56.232.00 55.949.41 277.66.75 Bono Audit Exp 2,00(1.00 - - 2,000.00 Bono Paying Agent Fe 8,000.00 3.000.00 2.250.00 3,75.00 2,250.00 Workman's Camp Ins 2.575.W - - 2,575.00 Collection Exp 43.437.00 17.951.00 17,10.07 26.327.93 3,616.00 3,701.2 17,904.91 Transfer to CVB 352.622.00 225.000.00 125,00(1.00 227,822.00 100.000.00 Transfer to Clinton Hol 59.431.W 30,0W.00 30.00.00 29.431.00 15,000.W Peace Fountain Maros 10.000.00 4,165.00 2.23.2 7.078.98 833.00 627.74 1,181.89 Convect taoor - 13,75.00 (13,75.00) 2,75.00 13.75.W Salaries 84,453.00 35,19D.W 28.485.38 5,307.64 7,036.00 3,145.2 30.087.48 Payroll Tax Exp 7,800.00 3,185.00 2.564.86 5,05.12 833.00 249.22 2.23.27 Insuramod-Heats 3,645.00 1,520.00 (77.25) 3,722.25 304.00 32.5 1.227.35 401K Match 2,52.00 1.055.00 774.98 1,757.04 2+1.00 114.37 22.5 Car AlMvronce 3,600.00 1,500.00 1.35.00 2.25.0300.00 1W.OD 1.50.00 Adver aing B Markeen 400.00.00 140,000.00 123,413.90 276.588.10 25,000.00 10,261.07 182,875.85 Airport Info Booth 5,200.00 2,400.00 2.4W.00 2.800.00 2,400.00 Airport Advertising 8.000.00 1.500.00 2.970.00 3,20.00 1.485.00 1,4BS.W Brochures 100,000.00 24,WO.W 85.444.42 14,555.5 7,WO.W 45,088.37 24,835.65 Website Updag 20,000.00 B,WD.00 - 20.000.00 Shlml o- Tourism 1O.M.00 5.700.00 5.214.66 4,785.34 2,o00.W 621.51 3,281.71 Publication& Wes 2,045.00 1,25.W 1,279.95 765.05 830.00 ' TravetRaMBg 5,000.00 3,OOO.W 2,02.82 2.997.18 800.00 781.5 1.971.5 Recycling - 51.12 (W1.12) Office sup B Pninttrg 1.000.00 500.W 981.01 16.2 100.00 785.00 438.93 Postage 20,000.00 8,500.00 7,007.67 12,092.33 2,500.00 1,226.09 8,043.21 Professional SeMces 7.50.00 3,125.W 3,115.00 4,385.00 825.00 625.00 3,125.00 • AmmSursisgic Ex erase 60,000.00 - 30.000.00 Audit Expense 2,000.00 2,001.00 qCantor Gardens 10,000.00 2.W.96 7,+31.00 1.575.00 Square Proteans - 29.244.43 Spades Projects 10,160.91 (10,15.. 00. 91) 1,500 Air Museum 54W.00 5,=.00.W 5,3W.W - 7.000.00 ARH.S. Coaches ON 17,25.0 17.25.00 17.25.00 - 55,800.00 Arts Live 1.000.0 1,000.00 - 1.000.00 axed, eabm.a almg 20,000.00 - +0.2411.60 e,751.14 7,042.1e Bikes, Bales. B Hot Rc 10,000.0 - 8,489.17 1,510.83 Committee for Mardi G 2.000.00 2.000.00 1,404.03 595.97 DECA Madrebg Fash 1,50.00 1,500.00 1.350.00 15.00 3.060.00 H.S. A9star Games 30.000.00 30.000.00 60,WO.W - 15,OOD.W NWA Coaches CWtic I.M.W 1,600.00 - 1,600.00 Saturday of Champions - 4,000.00 State Soccer F6uats I.M.W 1,000.0 - I.DW.W +,WO.W 1]5.00 7A State Track Meet 1.50.00 1,500.00 1,500.W - 1,50.00 I,StIm Baseball Is Satball WE 2.500.00 - 2.500.00 Dicl san St Music - 2.288.00 (2,2W.W) 16.944.87 . . . Warthlon - - S,OOO.W 4 State Volleyball Cuts 1.000.00 1.400.00 Iran Pig Festival 2,500.00 2,50.0 - 2,500.00 2,50.00 Joe Manor Stage Rem 3,200.00 3.200.00 - 3.200.00 3,20DW 3.M.W Has Spool Boards 2.000.00 2,000.00 2.257.26 (257.26) OzaN Valley Triathlon 50.00 - - 50.00 1,000.00 FayttNNe Night Jam - - - OLeNMiIteryMuseun 1,W0.00 500.0 - I.M.00 15.54 Solar Splash 5,000.00 5.000.0 - 5,000.00 5,000.00 S,OOO.W Theatresquarad 20.0W.00 20.000.00 16,676.62 3,323.38 2.000.0 Td Sports Me & Fam +.500.00 1.500.00 NCM BasebaE Region 10,000.0 - 10,000.00 - 10,oI NCM Track Indoor 7.00D.W 10.500.00 (3,50.00) 10.50.00 SEC Telerate; Tournament - - SEC Men's & Women': 3.500.00 3,500.00 - 3,50D W SECSoftWIChamplo, 2,000.00 2.000.00 ZODD.W - 2.000.00 2.000.00 Walton Ams Center 30.000.00 - - 5.000.00 10,000.00 Mix Expense 6,25.00 (9.20.06) 9,020.W (9.2000) Repair& Maintenance 75,000.00 31,25.00 5,7911.11 69,201.89 6,25.00 3,995.00 1,274.67 Minor Equip 75.00.00 2SW5.00 30.008.14 44,951.5 6,25.W 20,747.73 3.533.15 Depredation Exp 20.00D.W 6,660.00 - 20,00D.00 105.00 Bank Charges - 18.84 (16.94) 30.W Taxes B Licenses - Unallocated Revenue 4,074.00 4.074.0 - 4,074.00 • Total 2,229,949.00 976.20.W 898.28.5 1W.557.W 176.225.54 617.921.2 FAYETTEVILLE THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS KIT WILLIAMS, CITY ATTORNEY DAVID WHITAKER, ASST. CITY ATTORNEY PARTMENTAL CORRESPONDENCE LEGAL DEPARTMENT TO: A & P Commissioners City Council CC : Casey Jones, City Prosecutor Marsha Hertweck, Accounting Director FROM: Kit Williams, City Attorney �C DATE: June 3, 2010 RE: Overdue HMR tax collection Before the Cosmopolitan Hotel went into receivership, they paid the City Prosecutor' s Office another $3 ,075 .71 making their delinquent balance $0. The • total overdue Hotel, Motel, and Restaurant taxes collected last month was $6,656.98. Thus, during the first five months of 2010, the City Prosecutor' s Office has collected $27,716.95. The Business Registry and License Ordinance will be considered by the City Council at its next meeting. r • FAYETTEVILLE THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS KIT WILLIAMS, CITY ATTORNEY DAVID WHITAKER, ASST. CITY ATTORNEY PARTMENTAL CORRESPONDENCE LEGAL DEPARTMENT TO: A & P Commissioners City Council CC : Casey Jones, City Prosecutor Marsha Hertweck, Accounting Director / FROM : Jason Kelley, Assistant City Attorney CC : Kit Williams, City Attorney DATE : July 7, 2010 RE: Overdue HMR tax collection • The total overdue Hotel, Motel , and Restaurant taxes collected last month was $6,185.00. Thus, during the first six months of 2010, the City Prosecutor' s Office has collected $33,902.05. At the July 6, 2010 City Council meeting, the Business Registry and License Ordinance was tabled until September 2010, so that the entire Council may be present for its consideration . • Kit Williams July 6, 2010 •Page 2 7. Drifters, The Club John M. Dortch Paid: -0- ( 11/09 — 2/10) Delinquent Balance: -0- Trial Date: 7/14/10 Paid: -0- (3-10) Delinquent Balance: -0- Arraignment: 7/23/10 8. Firehouse Subs, #47 Audie J. White TD: 7/14/10 James J. White TD: 7/14/10 Paid: -0- (1 & 2, 10) Delinquent Balance: -0- 9. Firehouse Subs, #101 Audie J. White TD: 7/14/10 James J. White TD: 7/14/10 Paid: -0- ( 1 & 2, 10) Delinquent Balance: -0- 10. Frulatti Mary A. McNeil Paid: $150.00 Todd E. McNeill Delinquent Balance: $709.94 •11 . Green Room Laurie L. Fuller Paid: $257.00 (3 & 4, 10) Rustin E. Fuller Delinquent Balance: -0- Case Closed 12. Hogwild Pizzeria David S. Mackey Paid: -0- (Jan — Mar 09) Delinquent Balance: $ 1 ,330.00 . Paid -0- (April 09) Delinquent Balance: No Forms TD: 10/28/09 — 90 days to pay TD: 7/14/10 (Fail to Pay HMR) 13 . Los Cuates Maria S. Richard Paid: -0- Delinquent Balance: $ 103 .00 Trial Date: 9/02/09 — Settled Trial Date: 8/04/10 (Fail to Pay HMR). 14. Mama Dean' s Meneria D. Morrison Paid: -0- (2 & 3 , 10) Delinquent Balance: -0- (4 — 7, 09) Delinquent Balance: -0- (9 & 10, 09) Delinquent Balance: -0- ( 12/09 & 1 /10) Delinquent Balance: -0- (2/10) Delinquent Balance: -0- (3/10) Delinquent Balance: No Forms (4/ 10) • Trial Date: 8/25/10 Terry L. Morrison Active Criminal Summons (2/10) Active Criminal Summons (3/10) Active Criminal Summons (4/10) Kit Williams July 6, 2010 4vage 4 22. Willco One Stop J. Rex Williams Paid: -0- James Williams Delinquent Balance: $ 10.42 Letter 23 . WOW Japanese Bistro Chong N. Kim Delinquent Balance: -0- (7 & 8, 09) Delinquent Balance: No Forms (1 & 2, 10) Delinquent Balance: No Forms (3/10) Trial Date: 7/28/10 TOTAL: $6,185.10 • • CLINTON HOUSE MUSEUM • MONTHLY REPORT MAY 2010 The Clinton House Museum had a total of 169 visitors in May 2010. May has brought many visitors from all over the globe and welcomed a group tour of school children and a wedding. MUSEUM ACTIVITIES AND- EVENTS: On May 26h, Herbert Vanegas and Natsumi Sato were married in the living room replicating the Clinton ceremony. The two are both graduate students at the University of Arkansas and were extremely excited to share their vows in this historical setting. Natsumi even purchased her wedding dress at Dillard' s just as Hillary did in 1975 . We wish them the best in their lives together. J� � It We have also teamed up with Claudia Smith, former historian of the Swanson Plant, to help build an exhibit on the Swanson's. She also provided pictures of then Governor Clinton, spending a day at the plant processing chicken. UPCOMING IN .TUNE: ■ Planting of flowers in First Ladies Garden • Group Tour — 50 school-aged children — June 9th • ■ America in Bloom Judges Breakfast — June 15`h CLINTON HOUSE MUSEUM • MONTHLY REPORT JUNE 2010 i i The Clinton House Museum had a total of 286 visitors in June 2010. This has been our biggest volume month since opening in 2005. We continue to welcome visitors from all over the globe, in addition to locals "finally coming in." Group tours in July have ranged from Garden Clubs, Summer Programs for children, and a family reunion. MUSEUM ACTIVITIES AND EVENTS: i Major changes have occurred in the now TWO garden areas at the House. The First Ladies' Garden has been planted with many of the flowers of the First Ladies. The Garden will change on a seasonal basis, and now features: Geraniums — Martha Washington, Rosalynn Carter Asters — Dolley Madison • Roses — Mary Lincoln, Lucretia Garfield, Ida McKinley, Bess Truman, Mamie Eisenhower, Jackie Kennedy, Pat Nixon, Betty Ford, and Nancy Reagan Lilies — Julia Grant Forsythia — Lucy Hayes Daisies — Florence Harding, Barbara Bush Wildflowers — Eleanor Roosevelt, Lady Bird Johnson Hydrangeas — Hillary Rodham Clinton • x ' ¢ai •f• -=9.. IX, r 1 I Additionally, we have made some improvements to the West Yard that was sodded by the University upon demolition of a metal building that previously occupied the space. Arkansas Flatrock from the property now lines a path to the flat, grassy, picnic-type area perfect for • weddings and social events and the ability to draw in further revenue as the area can be rented for such purposes. I • On July 15`h, we hosted an America In Bloom Judges' Breakfast as part of Fayetteville' s participation in the nationwide challenge. America in Bloom promotes nationwide beautification through education and community involvement by encouraging the use of flowers, plants, trees, and other environmental and lifestyle enhancements. Fayetteville has won it's population category all participating years since 2002. Attendees included not only the Judges, but local master gardeners, and representatives from the City of Fayetteville, the Chamber of Commerce, and local "Green" Businesses. Another addition to the House was the purchase of bunting for the front railings. This visual stimulus has provided much needed recognition from the street level in both attracting visitors and helping lost guests. 0 Oy9 i t 1 • � r UPCOMING IN JULY: • Crude-Bennett Family Reunion • Clinton House Museum Board of Directors — Quarterly Meeting ■ Signs for First Ladies' Garden I • Activity Report From: 06/01/2010 To: 07/02/2010 ALLYSO_ N •E-Mail 6/7/2010 Arkansas Juvenile Officers Association Kolin Blakely Annual Meeting visitor guides for conference File Note 6/4/2010 UA Baseball Mr. Matt Shanklin Regional Baseball Tournament worked baseball regional 6/23/2010 Arkansas Activities Association Mr Lance Taylor Arkansas High School Coaches Meeting worked registration Meeting 6/7/2010 Premier Baseball Championships Brittany D FTC 16 Under Championship Tournament details about premier dinner at FTC 6/22/2010 Bikes, Blues, BBQ Mr. Nelson Driver 6/24/2010 Bikes, Babes & Bling Coleson Burns Summer Motorcycle Rally final details 6/25/2010 Bikes, Babes & Bling Coleson Burns Summer Motorcycle Rally wrap up meeting from generals meeting 6/25/2010 Allyson Twiggs-General Julie Sill/Brandon Karn planning for Oktoberfest Phone Call 6/1 /2010 UA Baseball Mr. Matt Shanklin Regional Baseball Tournament details about hospitality at regional 6/3/2010 UA Baseball TJ Angeleno-Courtyard Regional Baseball Tournament umpire rooms at Towneplace 6/16/2010 Arkansas Activities Association Maureen-Hog Haus •Arkansas High School Coaches Meeting confirmed dinner for coaches clinic JESSI Blog Entry 6/4/2010 Fayetteville Visitors Bureau Fayetteville Visitor Center has extended hours Creative 6/1 /2010 Fayetteville Visitors Bureau Parking tags for Coaches Clinic 6/16/2010 Fayetteville Visitors Bureau Name Tag Designs 6/17/2010 Premier Baseball Championships Mr Don Patty 16 Under Championship Tournament Updated meal tickets & week passes Facebook Entry 6/15/2010 First Thursday Fayetteville Call to artists 6/15/2010 Fayetteville Visitors Bureau Ef-Happy Statehood Day to Arkansas 6/16/2010 Fayetteville Visitors Bureau EF-Follow us @ ExpFayetteville 6/17/2010 Fayetteville Visitors Bureau EF-Newsweek's 2010 list of America's Best High Sch 6/21 /2010 Fayetteville Visitors Bureau EF-Happy International TShirt Day • 6/23/2010 Fayetteville Visitors Bureau EF-Welcome to Coaches Clinic 6/25/2010 Fayetteville Visitors Bureau EF- Dive In Movie at Wilson Park 6/30/2010 Fayetteville Visitors Bureau EF-concert at BGO, First Thursday, Bikes, Babes, b Press Release 6/8/2010 First Thursday Fayetteville • outdoor movie 6/21 /2010 First Thursday Fayetteville July's events 6/25/2010 Fayetteville Visitors Center Visitor Center expands bike rental program Twitter Entry 6/3/2010 First Thursday Fayetteville Getting ready for First Thursday 6/3/2010 Fayetteville Visitors Bureau EF-Spontaneous knitted art on the Square 6/8/2010 Fayetteville Visitors Bureau EF-National Tourism week foursquare 6/10/2010 Fayetteville Visitors Bureau EF-Gulley Park Concert Series 6/16/2010 Fayetteville Visitors Bureau EF-Zach cox to Baseball America's All-American tea 6/17/2010 Fayetteville Visitors Bureau EF- BGO tonight-Cocktails in the Garden. 6/17/2010 Fayetteville Visitors Bureau EF-hot day-Wilson Park pool Clinton House Muse 6/21 /2010 Fayetteville Visitors Bureau EF-Fayetteville hit 93. hottest day of year so far 6/21/2010 Fayetteville Visitors Bureau EF-Happy International T-Shirt Day • 6/22/2010 Fayetteville Visitors Bureau EF-welcome to annual Coaching Clinic 6/24/2010 Fayetteville Visitors Bureau EF-FREE Summer Concert Series at Gulley Park 6/24/2010 Fayetteville Visitors Bureau EF-Visitors Center is the place to shop 6/25/2010 Fayetteville Visitors Bureau EF-Michael Washington will play NBA summer league 6/28/2010 Fayetteville Visitors Bureau Ef-Kris Allen will be LIVE in Fayetteville on July 6/28/2010 Fayetteville Visitors Bureau EF-Happy Social Media Day 6/28/2010 Fayetteville Visitors Bureau EF-LI of A grad Dan Faires is on HGTV Design Star 6/30/2010 Fayetteville Visitors Bureau EF-Free concert at BGO JULIE E-Mail Sent 6/11 /2010 Good to Go with Patti Beth Mrs Patti Anderson Diva's Do Dickson Wanted you to have something for your meeting on M 6/17/2010 McKinzie Tours info@MckinzieTours.com New Addition to the BAck Yard Billionaire Tour 6/17/2010 Happy Travelers boringroute66@aol.com New addition to the Back Yard Billionaire Tour • 6/17/2010 Exchange Avenue Baptist Srs. g.j.denton@worldnet.att.net New addition to the Back Yard Billionaire Tour 6/17/2010 Karen's Tours smithworld@cox.net Strawberry Tour New addition to the Back Yard Billionaire Tour 6/17/2010 Little Rock Tours Cary@littlerocktours.com New addition to the Back Yard Billionaire Tour 6/17/2010 First Baptist Senior Adults sherrim@mail.fbccoll.org New addition to the Back Yard Billionaire Tour 6/17/2010 Happy Heart ronheadnashville@aol.com • New addition to the Back Yard Billionaire Tour 6/17/2010 Bilbrey Tours lena@bilbreytours.com New Addition to the Back Yard Billionaire Tour 6/17/2010 Heber Springs State Bank patti@summit55.com New addition to the Back Yard Billionaire Tour 6/17/2010 Glory Tours sue@glorytours.com New addition to the Back Yard Billionaire Tour 6/17/2010 West Side Christian Church ga5g62@aol.com New addition to the Back Yard Billionaire Tour 6/17/2010 Pontotoc Travel pontotoctravel@aol.com New Addition to the Back Yard Billionaire Tour 6/17/2010 Joe Gunnels Tours and Guide Service JoeGunnelsTours@cox.net New addition to the Back Yard Billionaire Tour 6/17/2010 St. Joseph's Golden Agers hintodd@aol.com New addition to the Back Yard Billionaire Tour 6/17/2010 Grand Adventures jshipman@grandbankok.com New addition to the Back Yard Billionaire Tour 6/17/2010 Holy Spirit Fun Group jwlandsr@bellsouth.net New addition to the Back Yard Billionaire Tour 6/17/2010 Elderhostel Program Division of Continuing Educe glyoung@uark.edu Just wanted to keep you in the Loop! ! 6/17/2010 Senior Saints d_nsteele@msn.com Back Yard Billionaire Tour 6/17/2010 Great Southern Travel bgarrison@greatsoutherntravel.com • Back Yard Billionaire Tour 6/17/2010 Prudent Tours Prudenttours@earthlink.net Back Yard Billionaire Tour 6/17/2010 Northwood Church bjdickey@att.worldnet.net Back Yard Billionaire Tour 6/17/2010 Regions Bank ctcarrigan@hsnp.com Back Yard Billionaire Tour 6/17/2010 Good Will Tours charlie@goodwilltours.com LOTO Tour Back Yard Billionaire Tours 6/17/2010 Tourco amy@tourco.com Back Yard Billionaire Tour 6/17/2010 Royalty Tours tourinfo@royaltytours.com Back Yard Billionaire Tour 6/17/2010 Broadway Baptist Church dlbrown78@aol.com Back Yard Billionaire Tour 6/17/2010 Community Bank & Trust thigdon@cbthomebank.com Strawberry Tour New addition to the Back Yard Billionaire Tour 6/17/2010 Beeline Travel Tours BeelineTours@yahoo.com New addition to the Back Yard Billionaire Tour 6/17/2010 Arrow Travel Agency arrowtravel@sbcglobal. net New addition to the Back Yard Billionaire Tour 6/17/2010 Coach USA tena.hayholloway@coachusa.us New Addition to the Back Yard Billionaire Tour 6/17/2010 M & M Tours cemaddux@aol.com New Addition to the Back Yard Billionaire Tour • 6/17/2010 Group Travel Leader hsparrow@grouptour.com New Addition to the Back Yard Billionaire Tour 6/24/2010 Brazos Valley Travel Mrs Ruby Safley Billionaire Tour NW Arkansas Tour 6/28/2010 Arkansas Destinations jcohen152@comcast.net New Up Dated Billionaire Tour 6/28/2010 Travel Tours joyce@traveltours.com New Addition to the Billionaire Tour 6/28/2010 MJ Tours LLC mjtours@hotmail.com • New addition to the Back Yard Billionaire Tour 6/28/2010 Sweet Magnolia Tours tim@sweetmagnoliatours.com New addition to the Back Yard Billionaire Tour 6/28/2010 Tours to Perfection travel@tourstoperfection.com Back Yard Billionaire Tour 6/28/2010 Landmark National Bank mbender@banklandmark.com Billgrimage Tour Back Yard Billionaire Tour New Addition 6/28/2010 Wanda's Tours wandastour@aol.com Back Yard Billionaire Tour 6/28/2010 Citiizen Security Bank Horizen Club (beach@citizenssecurity.com New Addition to the Back Yard Billionaire Tour File Note 6/25/2010 Julie Pennington Mrs Julie Pennington Helped with Coaches Clinic 22nd,23rd & 24th Group Tour 6/4/2010 Brazos Valley Travel Mrs Ruby Safley Billionaire Tour To confirm tour for July MARLO E-Mail 6/1/2010 Arkansas Activities Association Lance Taylor All Star Week Getting parking hangtag approved by city 6/1/2010 Razorback Aquatic Club - AquaHawgs Mr. Scott Berry Sent hotel rate flier for State Championships 6/1/2010 Super Series Baseball Steve Smith • Emailed Terry Cook @ Harrison CVB to get input 6/7/2010 NWA Kickball League Bryan Ellithorpe Sent hotel rate sheet to Bryan 6/8/2010 UA Intramural/Recreational Sports Jeremy Battjes Jeremy will email me calendar of events 6/9/2010 Midwest Cheer and Dance Association Kim Schaub Emailed Kim - no longer interested in event 6/9/2010 US Lacrosse Ariana Andis-Klein Follow up on Regional Qualifiers 6/11 /2010 Arkansas Activities Association Lance Taylor All Star Week Work on getting volunteers for Coaches Clinic Reg. 6/14/2010 Premier Baseball Championships Mr Don Patty 16 Under Championship Tournament Got revised times from Baum 6/15/2010 AmeriKids Gymnastics Mr. Mike Stanner Follow up on email to Regional Rec 6/28/2010 American Bicycle Association John David Sent email again to John David and Rhona Luthi 6/28/2010 Arkansas Activities Association Lance Taylor All Star Week Sent follow-up email to Barry 6/30/2010 Premier Baseball Championships Mr Don Patty 16 Under Championship Tournament Emailed Don costing sheet 6/30/2010 Premier Baseball Championships Mr Don Patty 16 Under Championship Tournament Emailed list of scorekeepers for Rogers E-Mail Sent • 6/9/2010 US Lacrosse Ariana Andis-Klein 2011 National Championship Regional Qualifiers 6/18/2010 Premier Baseball Championships Mr Don Patty 16 Under Championship Tournament FW: Premier Baseball Tournament - question File Note 6/7/2010 Premier Baseball Championships Mr Don Patty 16 Under Championship Tournament Working on various documents for tournament 6/9/2010 Premier Baseball Championships Mr Don Patty •16 Under Championship Tournament Working on Meal Time Slots for Team/Meal Tickets 6/16/2010 Arkansas Activities Association Lance Taylor All Star Week Working Fri. nt. directors dinner 6/18 @ Hog Haus 6/25/2010 Premier Baseball Championships Mr Don Patty 16 Under Championship Tournament Revised field costs spreadsheet 6/29/2010 Premier Baseball Championships Mr Don Patty 16 Under Championship Tournament Finished up various docs Issued Lead 6/4/2010 NWA Kickball League Bryan Ellithorpe Get rates from hotels Meeting . 6/7/2010 Premier Baseball Championships Mr Don Patty 16 Under Championship Tournament Mtg. w/ Brittany @ Town Center 6/8/2010 UA Intramural/Recreational Sports Jeremy Battjes Mtg. w/ Jeremy at 2:30 6/24/2010 Arkansas Activities Association Lance Taylor All Star Week Worked Coaches Clinic Tues., Wed. , & Thurs. Phone Call 6/1/2010 NWA Kickball Association Bryan Ellithorpe Phone meeting at 10am to discuss tournaments 6/1 /2010 Arkansas Activities Association Lance Taylor All Star Week Calling around for print quotes 6/3/2010 NWA Kickball Association Bryan Ellithorpe Discussed league & tournaments • 6/9/2010 Midwest Cheer and Dance Association Kim Schaub Spoke to Kim & had long discussion 6/10/2010 Premier Baseball Championships Mr Don Patty 16 Under Championship Tournament Discussed schdule/fields with Don 6/18/2010 Premier Baseball Championships Mr Don Patty 16 Under Championship Tournament Spoke to Don 6/18/2010 Midwest Cheer and Dance Association Kim Schaub Call Kim to discuss facility rental, hotels, etc. SHELLY E-Mail 6/18/2010 UA Graduate School Ms. Diane Cook Plan for Graduate School orientation in Aug 6/18/2010 UA Office of Student Involvement and Leadership Ms Mary Coonley Registered for table at Razorbash 6/22/2010 UA Information Technology Research Institute Kym Walls Technology Awareness Program (TAP) Services for camp in July 6/24/2010 Arkansas Philological Association Lisa Hinrichsen Annual Conference Offered assistance with October conference 6/14/2010 B. E.S.T Baseball Group hotels Baseball Tournaments Sent out pickup request form to hotels Meeting 6/1 /2010 Solar Splash Dr William Springer Solar Boat Race Planning meeting for event 6/4/2010 UA First Year Experience Jonathan Davies •Orientation Delivered VGs for orientation 6/9/2010 Solar Splash Dr William Springer Solar Boat Race Worked event 6/9-6/13 6/17/2010 UA Curriculum & Instruction Linda Eilers UA Literacy Symposium: Differentiated Literacy Assisted with registration