HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010-03-08 - Agendas - Final MEETING NOTICE The Advertising and Promotion Commission will meet on Monday, March 8, 2010 at 2 :00 p.m. in the Director' s Room of the Fayetteville Town Center. AGENDA ADVERTISING AND PROMOTION COMMISSION March 8, 2010 2:00 p.m. Town Center I. Call to Order II. Appointment of Commissioner to fill term expiring 4/1 /14 III. Election of Chairman for 2010 IV. Reports A. Approval of Minutes for February 8, 2010 regular monthly meeting B. Financial Report 1 . HMR Revenues — Marilyn Heifner • 2. Financial Statements - Keith Glass 3 . Update from City Attorney re: delinquent tax collection efforts — Kit Williams C. Clinton House Museum Report - D. Visitor Bureau Report — Allyson Twiggs Dyer E. Town Center Report — Sandra Bennett F. Executive Director Report — Marilyn Heifner G. Advertising Agency Report — Mike Sells V. Old Business VI. New Business VII. Adjourn • ADVERTISING AND PROMOTION COMMISSION • REGULAR MEETING February 8, 2010 Commissioners Present: Bob Davis, Tim Freeman, Lioneld Jordan, Brandon Karn, and Robert Rhoads. Commissioners Absent: Neal Crawford, Maudie Schmitt Staff Present: Sandra Bennett, Allyson Twiggs Dyer, and Marilyn Heifner CALL TO ORDER Tim Freeman called the regular monthly meeting of the Fayetteville Advertising and Promotion Commission to order on February 8 at the Fayetteville Town Center at 2 :00 p.m. ELECTION OF CHAIRMAN Because of the absence of three commissioners (Rhoads arrived late), Davis moved to table the election until all commissioners could be present, second by Jordan. Motion carried. MINUTES Moved by Davis, second by Jordan to approve the minutes of the January 11 meeting with the following correction: under HMR COLLECTIONS first line should be even not event. Motion carried. HMR COLLECTIONS • HMR collections for January (December sales) were almost even with last year (09 - $ 166,214 and 10 - $ 166645). Collections for 2007, 2009, and 2010 are almost the same. FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Keith Glass reported on financials for the end of 2009. A & P revenue was $ 100,000 below 2008 revenue. Income budget to actual was $250,000 more than budget. Expenditures budget to actual was over $90,000 which was for the LED lights. Town center rental income was down $79,000. Overall loss was $8,000. Clinton House Museum was same as 208 with budget to actual only $ 100 different. CVB was within budget with income to budget equal except for $ 16,000 for Premier baseball tournament. CITY ATTORNEY The prosecutor's office collected $2,066.30 in overdue HMR taxes for January 2010. The City Council Ordinance Committee has reviewed and commented upon the proposal of Business Registry and License ordinance. If adopted by the City Council, the enforcement of overdue HMR will be easier. REPORTS CLINTON HOUSE MUSEUM Marilyn reported 56 visitors in January at the Museum. Art and Photography of Thomas B. Merritt of Bavarian Cream Designs have been displayed throughout the Museum. The Urn was placed for the First Ladies Garden. CHM Board of Directors met at the Museum. Local Master Gardeners helped to plant over 800 bulbs at the House. Kate Johnson addressed the Fayetteville Altrusa Club. The annual trivia • .. contest for President's Day is planned. VISITORS BUREAU • Restaurant Week is scheduled for Feb 18-25 . The Hospitality Summit is scheduled for March 30 at the Town Center. Robert Thomas from Wyndham Hotels is the keynote speaker. Students from the UA Hospitality program will be invited. March 12- 14 is the NCAA Indoor Track meet. Allyson lost the bid for the 2012 Governor' s conference to West Memphis. Julie is attending the Bank Travel show in Milwaukee this week. TOWN CENTER Sandra reported revenue collected for the Town Center exceeded the goal with collections of $34,466.59. The staff is preparing for the Bridal Fair on March 14. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Marilyn announced the Clinton House Museum was named to the National Register of Historic Places. She attended the Ft. Worth Home and Garden show. She has met the new Executive Director of the Botanical Garden Rae von Holdt. Dedication for the interpretive Butterfield sign at Lake Fayetteville will be March 2 at 1 :30. Commissioners expressed their appreciation to Marilyn for setting up the meeting with Peter Lane of Walton Arts Center. AD AGENCY REPORT Jade Gustin said work was progressing on the Visitor Guide. Profile pictures have been set up and she • will unveil the V. G. cover at the next meeting. Ad sales are at 52% of the goal. The agency is also working on print ads for the 2010 campaign. Leigh reported that the website numbers are still up from the pay per click campaign. OLD BUSINESS Bob Davis inquired about the loan to the Botanical Garden. It was reported that they had sold a piece of land and wouldn't be taking advantage of the loan. NEW BUSINESS Planning Calendar Robert Rhoads asked if the A & P planning calendar could be put on the website. Marilyn said that would be possible. She will work up information for Commissioners for the March meeting. She reminded them that funding requests were received in April for the current year and in October for the next year. The October date is for budgeting purposes. Funds are only allocated in April if there are unallocated funds available. The application form can also be placed on the website. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted/, • Marilyn Heifner Executive Director City of Fayetteville Application Form For appointment to City Boards, Commissions, and Committees � 2.A )jDo rJ / Se P Name ' Spouse name (if applicable) Occupation/Employer Name Resident Street Address City State Zip Code 5A fv 'c Mailing Address City State Zip Code , I4? Home phone # Business phone Email Addre5b Choice of Committee Length of Residency in the City Limits of Fayetteville Are you a Fayetteville registered voter? Yes No ❑ 1 . What are your qualifications for serving on this committee, including education and expertise in the subject matter? ?Qe- 16 (J5 • 2. Why would you like to be considered for appointment to this committee? ,S U(✓ fF r �GC I�� /l/A G'oRzC7-6" PA 2-e P 4 1 S C b Z DEo4S References: Name Address Phone Name Address Phone How did you hear about the opening(s)? NWA Times E Free Weekly 1:1Accessfayetteville.org ❑ Government Channel ❑ Chamber of Commerce U OtherL Please fill out application COMPLETELY and return to: City Clerk's Division 113 W. Mountain Street, Fayetteville 72701 Fax to 718-7695 or Email to city_clerk @ci.fayetteville.ar.us If you have any questions call 575-8323 Office Use Only: •, Tern Begins: Appointed: Term Expires: Replaced: Terminated: Resigned: Advertising and Promotion Commission For month of February 2010 Current Year HMR Collected (2120.0912.4101 .00) $ 143,373.13 Prior Year Collected (2120.0912 .4101 .01 ) $ 567.16 First Security Investment Interest Revenue (2120.0912.4708.00) $ 3,267. 10 Total Revenues $ 147,207.39 Annual Bond Audit Expense (2120.9120.7602.60) $ - Collection Expense (2120.9120.5333.00) $ (2,878.81 ) Bank of OK Quarterly Fee (2120.9120.5712.00) $ Town Center Bond Payment (2120.9120.5712.00) $ (55,949.41 ) 2008 Property Taxes on Town Center (2120.9120.7602.60) Total Expenses $ (58,828.22) Total Check to A&P $ 883379. 17 • • L 0 City of Fayetteville, Arkansas Monthly HMR Tax Collections 2007-2010 2007 2008 2008 2009 2009 2010 2010 Total Total Change Over Total Change Over Total Change Over HMR Taxes HMR Taxes Prior Year HMR Taxes Prior Year HMR Taxes Prior Year January $166,620 $174,005 4.43% $166,214 -4.48% $1660645 0.00% February $150,088 $158,693 5.58% $167, 141 5.32% $143,940 -13.88 March $157,317 $172,804 9.84% $1809027 4. 18% April $171 ,562 $183,672 7.06% $191 ,542 4.28% May $1659779 $1751064 5.60% $190,320 8.71 % June $177,594 $194,447 9.49% $190,237 -2. 17% July $173,079 $188,253 8.77% $1800944 -3.88% August $160,560 $1742648 8.77% $167,897 -3.87% September $172,373 $190,244 10.37% $176,463 -7.24% October $180,324 $187, 125 3.77% $189,728 1 .39% November $185, 111 $197,814 6.86% $190,887 -3.50% December $170,506 $174,682 2.45% $174,568 0.00% Total $ $2,030,913 $2,1719451 6.92% $2,1659969 0.00% $310,586 -6.83% \filename Fayetteville A&P Commission Statement of Assets, Liabilities & Equity - Modified Cash Basis January 31 , 2010 • ASSETS Current Assets CVB Cash in Register $ 100.00 CHM Cash in Register 100.00 Arvest A&P General #4856 7359794.53 1 st Security A&P General #8714 1439622.37 1 st Sec Fay Town Ctr #8722 41 , 1 15 .38 1st Sec. Clinton House #8749 31 ,545. 13 Ist Sec. Conv Visitor #8730 128,431 . 16 Arvest Payroll Account #4636 13,859.88 Fay A&P State Lottery 91 .57 Accounts Receivable 18.48 Due From Other Funds 1 %574.65 Inventory-Clinton House (3,306.42) CVB Inventory ( 15,646.07) Investments 1 ,756,379.58 Investment Adj to Market 4,256.62 Total Current Assets 218552936.86 Property and Equipment Furniture and Fixtures 313470.85 Equipment 171 ,560. 14 CVB Building 921 ,632.37 CVB Land 198,621 .00 Building Additions 318,677.24 • Accum. Depreciation _ (295,778.46) Total Property and Equipment 12346, 183. 14 Other Assets Total Other Assets 0.00 Total Assets $ 492027120.00 LIABILITIES AND CAPITAL Current Liabilities Accrued Expenses $ ( 12,874.90) Aflac 188.46 Colonial Life & Ace Ins Payabl (67. 11 ) Federal Payroll Taxes Payable 77138.72 FUTA Tax Payable 304.95 State Payroll Taxes Payable 710.51 SUTA Payable 688.72 Due to Other Funds 31329.04 Due to Town Center 61089. 10 Total Current Liabilities 51507.49 Long-Term Liabilities • Total Long-Term Liabilities _ _ 0:00 Total Liabilities 5,507.49 Capital See Accountants' Compilation Report Fayetteville A&P Commission Statement of Assets, Liabilities & Equity - Modified Cash Basis January 3 1 , 20 10 • Beginning Balance Equity 31879,562.33 Unresticted Fund Balance 236, 159.72 Restricted Fund-540 Film Grant 221 .53 Net Income 807668.93 Total Capital 43196,612.51 Total Liabilities & Capital $ 412029120.00 • • See Accountants' Compilation Report Fayetteville A&P Commission Statements of Revenue & Expenses - Modified Cash Basis For the Month and One Month Ending January 31 , 2010 �evenues Current Month Year to Date HMR Tax Revenue $ 157,436.05 43.56 $ 157,436.05 43.56 Prior Year HMR Tax Revenue 99016. 17 2.49 9,016. 17 2.49 Rental Income 36,586.59 10. 12 36,586.59 10. 12 Other Income 663.96 0. 18 663.96 0. 18 Parking Revenue 470.00 0. 13 470.00 0. 13 Gift Shop Sales 167. 17 0.05 167. 17 0.05 Visitor Store 665.83 0. 18 665.83 0. 18 Partnership Income 1 ,200.00 0.33 11200.00 0.33 Admission Revenue 67.91 0.02 67.91 0.02 . Interest Income Checking 165.80 0.05 165.80 0.05 Transfer In 155,000.00 42.88 1553000.00 42.88 Total Revenues 3613439.48 100.00 361 ,439.48 100.00 Cost of Sales Total Cost of Sales 0.00 0.00 0.00 . :: 0.00 Gross Profit 361 ,439.48 100.00 3612439.48 100.00 Expenses Signage- Tourism 1 , 155.53 0.32 11155.53 0.32 Credit Card Discounts 135.89 0.04 135.89 0.04 Bank Charges 16.97 0.00 16.97 0.00 Parking Expense 100.00 0.03 100.00 0.03 advertising & Marketing 1 ,470.52 0.41 13470.52 0.41 Accounting & Legal Fees 625.00 0. 17 625.00 0. 17 Office Expense 969.45 0.27 969.45 0.27 Visitor Store Exp 1 ,010.08 0.28 11010.08 0.28 Insurance & Health Benefits 5,472. 10 1 .51 51472. 10 1 .51 408 (P) Company Match 447.09 0. 12 447.09 0. 12 Car Allowance 150.00 0.04 150.00 0.04 Telephone Expense 1 ,391 .85 0.39 1 ,391 .85 0.39 Postage and Shipping Expense 21600.00 0.72 2,600.00 0.72 Repairs & Maintenance Expense 81169.26 2.26 8, 169.26 2.26 Kamensky Fountain Maintenance 523 . 14 0. 14 523. 14 0. 14 Linens 13703 .21 0.47 11703.21 0.47 Publications & Dues 964.95 0.27 964.95 0.27 Travel/Training Expense 21590.00 0.72 2,590.00 0.72 Collections Expense 31329.04 0.92 31329.04 0.92 Payroll Tax Expense 1 ,563.82 0.43 11563.82 0.43 Convention Development 600.00 0. 17 600.00 0. 17 Contract Labor 21897.50 0.80 2,897.50 0.80 Wages Expense 16,636.26 4.60 162636.26 4.60 Electricity Utility 5,025.08 1 .39 59025.08 1 .39 Gas Utility 2,304.65 0.64 29304.65 0.64 Water Utility 37.87 0.01 37.87 0.01 Cable 89.39 0.02 89.39 0.02 Recycling 165.28 0.05 165.28 0.05 Security 353.21 0. 10 353.21 0. 10 DECA 11350.00 0.37 17350.00 0.37 Bikes, Babes, & Bling 11350.00 0.37 1 ,350.00 0.37 isc Special Project 31172.00 0.88 3, 172.00 0.88 lend Payments-Town Center 55,949.41 15.48 55,949.41 15.48 Trustee Expense 11125.00 0.31 1 , 125.00 0.31 Transfer OUt 155,000.00 42.88 155,000.00 42.88 Total Expenses 280,443.55 77.59 280,443.55 77.59 See Accountants' Compilation Report • Fayetteville A&P Commission Statements of Revenue & Expenses - Modified Cash Basis For the Month and One Month Ending January 31 , 2010 Current Month Year to Date •Net Income $ 80,995.93 22.41 $ 80,995.93 22.41 • • See Accountants' Compilation Report Fayetteville A&P Commission Statement of Revenue & Expenses - Modified Cash Basis For the One Month Ending January 31 , 2010 Current Month Current Month Year to Date Year to Date This Year Last Year This Year Last Year Revenues HMR Tax Revenue $ 1575436.05 $ 1565778.82 $ 157,436.05 $ 156,778.82 Prior Year HMR Tax Revenue 9,016. 17 9,435.60 91016. 17 91435 .60 Rental Income 36,586.59 30,222.70 36,586.59 30,222.70 Other Income 663.96 10.94 663.96 10.94 Parking Revenue 470.00 470.00 470.00 470.00 Parking Lease 0.00 39554.56 0.00 35554.56 Gift Shop Sales 167. 17 446.93 167. 17 446.93 Visitor Store 665.83 874.07 665.83 874.07 Partnership Income 1 ,200.00 1 ,200.00 1 ,200.00 11200.00 Admission Revenue 67.91 157.00 67.91 157.00 Track Tickets 0.00 770.00 0.00 770.00 Special Projects 0.00 4,781 .39 0.00 41781 .39 Sustainability Summit 0.00 14,000.00 0.00 14,000.00 Interest Income Investments 0.00 4,485.52 0.00 41485.52 Interest Income Checking 165.80 285.55 165 .80 285.55 Transfer In 155,000.00 1005000.00 155,000.00 100,000.00 Total Revenues 3613439.48 3272473.08 361 ,439.48 327,473.08 Cost of Sales Total Cost of Sales 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Gross Profit _ 361 ,439.48 3279473.08 361343948 327,473.08 Expenses Signage- Tourism 11155.53 0.00 1 , 155.53 0.00 Credit Card Discounts 135.89 247.26 135.89 247.26 Bank Charges 16.97 48.35 16.97 48.35 Parking Expense 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 Advertising & Marketing 1 ,470.52 1 ,766.00 15470.52 15766.00 Accounting & Legal Fees 625.00 625.00 625.00 625.00 Office Expense 969.45 712.59 969.45 712.59 Visitor Store Exp 12010.08 11326.65 1 ,010.08 1 ,326.65 Insurance & Health Benefits 5,472. 10 61 .52 52472. 10 61 .52 408 (P) Company Match 447.09 993.67 447.09 993.67 Car Allowance 150.00 300.00 150.00 300.00 Telephone Expense 1 ,391 .85 1 ,358.01 17391 .85 1 ,358.01 Postage and Shipping Expense 21600.00 3,021 .35 2,600.00 31021 .35 Rent 1 0.00 12,000.00 0.00 125000.00 Repairs & Maintenance Expense 83169.26 21012. 11 8, 169.26 2,012. 11 Kamensky Fountain Maintenance 523. 14 0.00 523. 14 0.00 Linens 1 ,703.21 0.00 1 ,703.21 0.00 Publications & Dues 964.95 729.00 964.95 729.00 Travel/ raining Expense 25590.00 668.97 2,590.00 668.97 Collections Expense 3,329.04 31324.29 3,329.04 32324.29 Payroll Tax Expense 1 ,563.82 3,572.04 11563.82 31572.04 Convention Development 600.00 12400.00 600.00 13400.00 Contract Labor 2,897.50 29750.00 21897.50 22750.00 Commissions 0.00 1 ,952.48 0.00 1 ,952.48 eWages Expense 16,636.26 36,291 .34 169636.26 36,291 .34 lectricity Utility 5,025.08 69600.20 59025.08 65600.20 Gas Utility 2,304.65 29905.73 25304.65 2,905.73 Water Utility 37.87 516.96 37.87 516.96 Cable 89.39 89.53 89.39 89.53 Recycling 165.28 0.00 165.28 0.00 See Accountants' Compilation Report Fayetteville A&P Commission Statement of Revenue & Expenses - Modified Cash Basis For the One Month Ending January 31 , 2010 • Current Month Current Month Year to Date Year to Date This Year Last Year This Year Last Year Security 353.21 21 .85 353.21 21 .85 DECA 1 ,350.00 0.00 1 ,350.00 0.00 Square Gardens 0.00 29,244.43 0.00 29,244.43 Bikes, Babes, & Bling 11350.00 0.00 15350.00 0.00 Misc Special Project 3, 172.00 0.00 3, 172.00 0.00 Bond Payments-Town Center 55,949.41 55,413.35 55,949.41 555413.35 Trustee Expense I , 125.00 15125.00 15125.00 19125.00 Transfer OUt 155,000.00 100,000.00 155,000.00 100,000.00 Total Expenses 280,443.55 271 , 177.68 280,443 .55 271 , 177.68 Net Income $ 80,995.93 $ 563295.40 $ 80,995 .93 $ 569295.40 • • i See Accountants' Compilation Report Fayetteville Advertising and PnkhdOh Commission Stmt of Dudget, Revenue, and Expense-Mca ed Cash Basis Month Ending January 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 January January 2009 Annual Budget Year TO Date Year To Date Year Monthly Monday Year To Onto Acianunated Actual Balance Budget Amual Actual Budget Revenue HMR Tax Revenue 2.171.850.00 166,694.00 157,436.05 2.014,413.95 166.694.00 157,430.05 Pon Year HMR Tax Rev - 9,016.17 (9,016.17) 9.016.17 Interest 35,000.00 2.924.00 - 35,000.00 2,924.00 under Guide ads 1,500.00 125.00 - 1,500.00 125.00 Mist ladders 16,800.00 - 33.93 18.566.04 33.96 Square Garden Carryc 5,000.00 - - 5.000.01:1 Rental Income 2,750.00 (2.750.00) 2,750.00 Interest Inc Checking 1WAS (106.45) 106.45 Total 2.229.950.00 169.743.00 169.342.63 169,743.00 169,34263 - Expenses Tranders Tavn Center Fund 676,185.00 56,232.00 55,949.41 620,235.59 58,232.00 55,949.41 Baud Audit Exp 2000.00 - - 2.000.00 Bond Paying Agent Fe 6,000.00 1,500.00 1,125.00 4.875.00 1,500.00 1,125.0 Workman's Comp Ins 2575.03 - - 2.575.00 Collection Exp 43,437.03 3.333.00 3,32904 40.107.96 3,333.00 3,329.04 Transfer a CVB 352,822.00 125,000.00 125,000.00 227.822.00 125,000.00 125,1)1 Transfer a Clnton Ha 59.431.00 30,000.00 30,000.00 29,431.00 30.OD0.00 30000.00 Peace Fountain Maas 10,000.00 833.03 523.14 8,476.86 833.00 523.14 Contract Lam 2.750.00 (2,750.00) 2.750.00 Satisfied 84,453.00 7,038.00 3.145.83 81,307.17 7,038.W 3,145.83 Payroll Tax Exp 7,600.00 6XI DD 304.60 7,295.40 633.00 304.50 ]nsurand Heats 3,645.00 304.00 357.57 3,287.47 304.0) 357.53 401K Math 2.532.00 211.00 94.37 2,437.63 211.00 94.37 Car Alkxya00e 3.600.00 300.00 150.00 3.450.00 300.00 150.0 Aaverhing B Marketin 400.000.00 10,000.00 320.52 399,679.48 10'acti ' 320.52 Airport Info Booth 5,200.00 - - 5.20D.00 Airyon Aaverlisbg 6.000.00 - - 8.000.00 Brochures 100.000.00 - - 100,000.00 Website Update 20.000.00 - - 20,000.00 Slgnege- Tomam 10.000.00 400.00 1.155.53 8.%4.47 400.00 1.155.53 Publication 6 Dues 2.045.00 100.00 139.95 1.905.05 100.00 139.95 TrevelRreinirg 5,000.00 900.0 - 5.000.00 900.00 Recycl 165.28 (165.28) 185.26 off" Sup 8 Pdntmg 1,000.00 100.00 - 1,000.00 100.00 Postage W.W0.00 - 2.500.00 17.500.00 2.500.00 Professional Services 7.500.00 625.00 625.00 6,675.00 625,W 625.00 • EPlaning 30.000.00 - 30.000.00 Audit x Audit Expense 2.000.00 - - 2.000.00 Tam Canter Damonl 10,000.00 - _ 10,000.00 Square GarProjects Air Mus Projects 3,172.00 (3.172.00) 3,1]2.00 AU Museum 5,300.00 5,300.00 - 5.300.00 5.300.00 AR H.S. Coaches Ctid 17,29.00 - 17,250.00 Motive 1,000.00 1,000..00 - 1.000.00 1,000.00 Bikes. Sweden. 20.000.00 1. 500 18, 50.00 1.350.00 Ekes, Blues, ofR 10,000.00 10, 0.00 Dmnfor MorlG 2,000.00 2.050.00 DECA FaM 1,50000 1,350.00 100.00 1,35000 H.S. Aetar Games 31.000.00 30.1100.00 NWAdayof Ch Clinic 1,1300.00 - - 1,600.00 Saturday of Champions - - - State Sorter k ralsMee Mea 0 1.000.00 - - 1,000.0Stade Track 1,500.00 - - 1,500.0) Baseball & tMusic We 2.500.00 2.500.00 Dickson St Music Duathan - - 4 State Volleyball)Gas 1.000.00 - - 1.000.00 Inn Pg Festival 2.500.00 - - 2.500.00 Joe Meda Sage Rau 3,200.00 - - 3,200.00 had School Bonds 2,000.00 - - 2.000.00 COMM Valley TitaWon 500.00 - 500.00 FayettAlle Night Jam - - Ozark Miltnary Muldoon 1,000.00 Soar Splash 5,000.00 - - 5,000.W ymatre5quared 20,000.00 - - 20,000.00 Td Sports ]tie's a Fare 1.500.00 - - 1,500.00 NCAA Baseball Regia 10,000.00 - - 10,000.00 NCAA Track Indoor 7,000.00 - - 7,000.00 SEC Tends Townsmen SEC - - - SEC Man's a Women: 3.500.00 - - 3.500.00 SEC Soared Champio 2.000.00 - - 2.000.00 Welon Ans Center W,o00.00 - 30,000.00 Mist Expense - - RepairBMaintenance 75,000.00 6.250.00 635.36 74,364.64 6.25DW 635.36 Minor Equip 75,900.00 6,25000 - 75,000.00 6.250.00 Depreciation Exp 20.000.00 I,S65.W - 20,000.00 1,665.W Bank Charges - 16.97 (16.97) 16.97 Taxes a licenses - - Unallocated Revenue 4,074.00 4,074.00 Toa] 2.229,949.00 257,974.00 234.159.53 25].9]4.00 234,159.53 - • Fayetteville Town Center Stmt of Budget, Revenue, and Expense-Modified Cash Basis Month Ending January 2010 • 2010 2010 2010 2010 January January 2009 Annual Budget Year To Date Year To Date Year Monthly Monthly Year To Date Accumulated Actual Balance Budget Actual Actual Budget Revenue Rental Incl Service - - Actual 09 394,880.00 34,803.00 33,836.59 361,043.41 34,803.00 33,836.59 Interest - Checking 480.00 40.00 28.95 451.05 40.00 28.95 Parking Revenue - - - Daily 9,000.00 470.00 470.00 8,530.00 470.00 470.00 Leases 10,000.00 3,554.00 - 10,000.00 3,554.00 Sales Tax Exp (3,663.00) (333.00) - (3,663.00) (333.00) Special Projects 6,200.00 2,500.00 - 6,200.00 2,500.00 Mise Revenue - 630.00 (630.00) - 630.00 Transfer Total 416,897.00 41,034.00 34,965.54 41 ,034.00 34,965.54 - Expenses Salary+Benefits 142,332.00 10,948.00 5,529.80 136,802.20 10,948.00 5,529.80 Commissions 30,000.00 2,500.00 - 30,000.00 2,500.00 Contract Labor - - 147.50 (147.50) 147.50 Payroll Taxes 14,495.00 1 ,170.00 517.05 13,977.95 1 ,170.00 517.05 Credit Card Discount! 3,900.00 325.00 62.52 3,837.48 325.00 62.52 Insurance 15,600.00 1 ,300.00 1 ,310.12 14,289.88 1,300.00 1,310.12 , 401K Match 3,720.00 310.00 164.69 3,555.31 310.00 164.69 Utilities - - - Water 6,225.00 475.00 6,225.00 475.00 Phone 8,960.00 740.00 753.38 8,206.62 740.00 753.38 Electricity 64,741.00 5,458.00 4,423.52 60,317.48 5,458.00 4,423.52 Gas 11,969.00 2,954.00 2,046.32 9,922.68 2,954.00 2,046.32 Cable 1,080.00 90.00 89.39 990.61 90.00 89.39 Recycle Dumpster 1,980.00 165.00 1,980.00 165.00 Postage 135.00 135.00 100.00 35.00 135.00 100.00 Contract Services - - - • Office Expense 715.76 (715.76) 715.76 Linens 20,504.00 2,073.00 1,703.21 18,800.79 2,073.00 1 ,703.21 Outside Laundry 3,771.00 327.00 - 3,771.00 327.00 Repairs B Mainlenanr 60,750.00 1 ,000.00 7,533.90 53,216.10 1,000.00 7,533.90 Materials 8 Supplies 5,000.00 600.00 - 5,000.00 600.00 Advertising 8 Promo 3,000.00 1,750.00 - 3,000.OD 1,750.00 Travel/Training 500.00 200.00 - 500.00 200.00 Building Insurance 9,000.00 - - 9,000.00 Taxes 8 Licenses 3,035.00 - - 3,035.00 Special Projects 6,200.00 - - 6,200.01) Misc - - Bank Charges - - - Security - 331 .36 (331.36) 331.36 Transer In - Total 416,897.00 32,520.00 25,428.52 32,520.00 25,428.52 - • Convention Visitors Bureau Stmt of Budget. Revenue, and Expense-Modified Cash Basis Month Ending January 2010 • 2010 2010 2010 2010 January January 2009 Annual Budget Year To Date Year To Date Year Monthly Monthly Year To Date Accumulated Actual Balance Budget Actual Actual Budget Revenue Transfer from A&P 352,908.00 125,000.00 125,000.00 227,908.00 125,000.00 125,000.00 Interest 600.00 50.00 25.39 574.61 50.00 25.39 Partnership Dues 9,200.00 1,600.00 1,200.00 8,000.00 1,600.00 1,200.00 Travel Hero 3,000.00 500.00 - 3,000.00 50D.00 Vist. Clr. Store 15,000.00 600.00 665.83 14,334.17 600.00 665.83 Special Projects - - - First Thursday 2,400.00 200.00 - 2,400.00 200.00 Dickson St 1 ,500.00 - - 1 ,500.00 Film Festival 2,500.00 - - 2,500.00 Premeir Baseball 15,000.00 - - 15,000.00 Other Income - Total 402,108.00 127,950.00 126,891 22 127,950.00 126,891.22 - Expenses Salary+BeneSts 231,991.00 18,439.00 6,590.63 225,400.37 18,439.00 6,590.63 Payroll Tax Exp 20,775.00 1,650.00 614.07 20,160.93 1,650.00 - 614.07 Insurance-Health 21,756.00 1,300.00 3,452.56 18,303.44 1,300.00 3,452.56 401K Match 6.576.00 548.00 188.03 6,387.97 548.00 188.03 Utilities - - - Telephone 7,125.00 575.00 534.35 6,590.65 575.00 . 534.35 Electricity 4,195.00 225.00 529.51 3,665.49 225.00 529.51 Water 550.00 45.00 - 550.00 45.00 Conv & Tourism Develop 23,800.00 _ 1,600.00 600.00 23,200.00 1,600.00 600.00 Premier Baseball 15,000.00 - - 15,000.00 Travel & Training 32,520.00 3,275.00 2,590.00 29,930.00 3,275.00 2,590.00 Publications/Dues 3,220.00 125.00 825.00 2,395.00 125.00 825.00 Repair/Maintenance 2,000.00 - - 2,000.00 Office Supp/Printing 9,000.00 1,000.00 253.69 8,746.31 1,000.00 . 253.69 Tracking Sftware/Maint 3,500.00 1 ,800.00 - 3,500.00 1,800.00 Credit Card Discounts 1,200.00 100.00 57.89 1 ,142.11 100.00 57.89 • Taxes & Licenses(ASCAF 300.00 - - 300.00 Visitor Ctr Store 0ms 8,000.00 666.00 1,010.08 6,989.92 666.00 .1 ',010.08 Education Reimbursemen 3,000.00 - - 3,000.00 Bank Charges - - - Parking Expense 1,200.00 100.00 100.00 1100.00 100.00 100.00 Advertising & Marketing 1,150.00 (1 ,150.00) 1 ,150.00 Special Project - - - First Thursday 2,400.00 200.00 - 2,400.00 200.00 Dickson St 1,500.00 - - 1 ,500.00 Film Festival 2,500.00 - - 2,500.00 Transfer Out - Total 402,108.00 31 ,648.00 18,495.81 31,648.00 18,495.81 - • Clinton House Museum Stmt of Budget. Revenue, and Expense-Modified Cash Basis Month Ending January 2010 • 2010 2010 2010 2010 January January 2009 Annual Budget Year To Date Year To Date Year Monthly Monthly Year To Dale Accumulated Actual Balance Budget Actual Actual Budget Revenue Transfer from A&P 59,431.00 30,000.00 30,000.00 29,431.00 30,000.00 30,000.00 Admission 5,400.00 450.00 67.91 5,332.09 450.00 67.91 157.00 Special Events 900.00 - - 900.00 Gift Shop Sales 6,600.00 550.00 167.17 6,432.83 550.00 167.17 440.37 Interest 240.00 20.00 5.01 234.99 20.00 5.01 16.11 Other Income - 10.00 Total 72,571 .00 31,020.00 30,240.09 31 ,020.00 30,240.09 623.48 Expenses Salary+Benefits 36,180.00 3,015.00 1 ,370.00 34,810.00 3,015.00 1 ,370.00 2,781.44 Payroll Tax Exp 2,892.00 241 .00 128.10 2,763.90 241.00 128.10 246.02 Insurance-Health 3,951.00 325.00 351 .89 3,599.11 325.00 351.89 43.17 401K Match 984.00 82.00 - 984.00 82.00 Rent 12,000.00 - - 12,000.00 12,000.00 Utilities-$3690 - - - Water 500.00 37.00 37.87 462.13 37.00 37.87 Gas 1,300.00 218.00 258.33 1,041.67 218.00 258.33 219.02 Electricity 1,000.00 55.00 72.05 927.95 55.00 72.05 Telephone Actual 1,200.00 100.00 104. 12 1 ,095.88 100.00 - 104.12 73.80 Materials & Supplies 1,200.00 100.00 - 1 ,200.00 100.00 ' Credit Card Discount! 1,000.00 50.00 15.48 984.52 50.00 15.48 40.05 Bank Charges - - - 18.45 Security 264.00 22.00 21.85 242.15 22.00 21.85 21 .85 Maintenance/Lawn 500.00 - - 500.00 Repair/Maintenance 2,000.00 - - 2,000.00 Sales Tax 600.00 50.00 - 600.00 50.00 Special Projects 1,200.00 100.00 - 1,200.00 100.00 Publications/Dues 250.00 100.00 - 250.00 100.00 -150.00 Travel/Training 500.00 - - 500.00 • Gift Shop Items 5.000.00 1,000.00 - 5,000.00 1,000.00 Total 72,521.00 5,495.00 2,359.69 5,495.00 2,359.69 15,593.80 • FAYEI'T'ELLE THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS KIT WILLIAMS, CITY ATTORNEY DAVID WHITAKER, ASST. CITY ATTORNEY &PARTMENTAL CORRESPONDENCE LEGAL DEPAR'I'N9ENT TO: A & P Commissioners CC : Casey Jones, City Prosecutor Marsha Hertweck, Accounting Director FROM: Kit Williams, City Attorney DATE : March 2, 2010 RE : Overdue HMR tax collection The overdue HMR collections by the City Prosecutor' s Office hit what I believe is an all time low (at least since 2001 ) : $387.34. Thus far the first two months of 2010, only $2,453.64 has been collected. We are continuing to have • trouble with restaurants failing to report their sales on our HMR tax forms. The City Council Ordinance Review Committee is expected to recommend passage of the Business Registry and License Ordinance following its final reconsideration on Wednesday, March 3 , 2010 . This business license requirement might help alleviate this non-reporting problem. • CLINTON K. JONES ® MANDY FINKLEA CITY PROSECUTOR SY L vl le OFFICE ADMINISTRATOR E•mall: hotcheCk@Cl.fayetteville.ar.us 575-8377 e.ar.us BRIAN THOMAS pRKAN5p5 PHONE: 1479) 57"377 DEPUTY CITY PROSECUTOR (e79) s7s-s379 Hot Checks: (479) 575-9254 • OFFICE OF CITY PROSECUTOR FAX N . (479) 575-9373 MEMO TO: K. Williams Fayetteville City Attorney FROM: Casey Jones Fayetteville City Prosecutor DATE: March 2, 2010 RE: Status of Active HMR cases i . Acambaro Four Jesus Socarro Paid: -0- Delinquent Balance: Forms not turned in Active Criminal Summons (May & June 09) Active Criminal Summons (July & Aug 09) 2 . Brenda's Drive-In Collin L. Wilkins Paid: $312.34 Delinquent Balance: Forms not turned in Active Criminal Summons (Sept & Oct 09) Arraignment: 2/26/ 10 - Dismissed 3 . Butcher Block Gary W. Bell Paid: -0- Court Ordered to pay $200.00 Per Month Delinquent Balance: $ 1 ,871 .28 Active Contempt of Court 4. Camilles of NWA Robert Shoulders Paid: -0- Delinquent Balance: Forms not turned in Letter 5 . China Garden Hsiao L. J. Shen Paid: -0- Delinquent Balance: Forms not turned in TD: 2/ 10/10 — Settled — Plead Guilty • Telecommunication Device for the Deaf TDD (479) 521-1316 176 South Church, Suite 2 — Fayetteville, AR 72701 Kit Williams • March 2, 2010 Page 2 6. Dominoes Pizza Lloyd Hardison Paid: -0- Delinquent Balance: $4,590.66 TD: 7/08/09 — Court ordered to pay $200.00 a month Active Criminal Summons 7. Froggy's Rodney A. Hall Paid: -0- (Jan — April 09) Delinquent Balance: Forms not turned in 8. Hogwild Pizzeria David S. Mackey Paid: -0- (Jan — Mar 09) Delinquent Balance: $ 1 ,330.00 Paid -0- (April 09) Delinquent Balance: Forms not turned in TD: 10/28/09 — 90 days to pay TD: 2/17/ 10 (Fail to Pay Fines) 9. Los Cuates Maria S. Richard Paid: -0- Delinquent Balance: $ 103 .00 Trial Date: 9/02/09 — Settled Pending Criminal Summons 10. Mama Dean's Meneria D. Morrison Active Criminal Summons (4, 6 & 7, 09) Active Criminal Summons (9 & 105 09) Terry L. Morrison TD: 1 /06/10 (4, 6 & 7, 09) — No Show FTA Warrant — TD: 3/17/10 Delinquent Balance: -0- 11 . On The Rocks Richard E. Reynolds Delinquent Balance: -0- Arraignment: 3/19/10 (7 & 8, 09) Delinquent Balance: Forms not turned in Arraignment: 3/19/10 (9 & 10, 09) 12. Perk on Wedington Shea A. Hamm Paid: $75 .00 Delinquent Balance: $422.00 Arraignment: 4/13/09 - No Show FTAS Warrant Served Trial Date: 8/26/09 — Ordered to pay $75.00 a month • I t Williams arch 2, 2010 Page 3 13 . RX Catering Jarrod C. Butler Paid: -0- Delinquent Balance: $6,755 .85 Set for Trial: 12/03/08 — Guilty Ordered to Pay $200.00 a month Active Contempt of Court Served Arraignment: 7/13/09 — No Show FTAS Warrant Served TD: 11/04/09 — No Show Active Criminal Summons 14. Seafood Market Bar/Grill Craig Dowd Paid: -0- Delinquent Balance: $5,722.60 TD: 9/16/09 — Time Pay: $200.00 by the 30i° of every month. Arraignment: 3/12/10 (Fail to Pay HMR) 15. Shanghai Chinese Rest. Hsiao L. J. Shen Paid: -0- Delinquent Balance: Forms not turned in TD: 2/10/10 — Settled — Plead Guilty 16. WOW Japanese Bistro Chong N. Kim Delinquent Balance: -0- Arraignment: 12/07/09 — No Show Active FTAS Warrant TOTAL: $387.34 • CLINTON HOUSE MUSEUM • MONTHLY REPORT FEBRUARY 2010 The Clinton House Museum had a total of 82 visitors in February 2010. Visitors have come from all areas of the globe such as Kazakhstan, British Columbia, Montreal, Mexico, Torino, Great Britain, Washington DC, Texas Wisconsin, Delaware, and even our own backyard. MUSEUM ACTIVITIES AND EVENTS: During the month of February, the House featured its collection of magazines with the Clinton' s featured on the covers. February also brought an increase in visitors that seem � . to be growing with the approach of spring 'AS weather. It also marks the beginning of our ` "bulb watch". Annual and perennial flowers are making their presence known around the ?s; House and we look forward to seeing both thet°1 c { > Gardens and the surrounding flowers in full bloom. • President Clinton' s recent heart procedure also brought recognition to the House. Both Channel 5 and 40/29 interviewed Curator Kate Johnson for the reaction to Clinton' s health issues. 40/29 broadcasted live in front of the House for both their Evening News segments and the Morning segments. This brought a lot of recognition to the House and it' s presence as one of Fayetteville ' s historical sites. Monday, February 15'' marked the observance of President' s Day with our Annual Presidential Trivia Challenge. Winners included Rick Hall, Shontell Underdown, Brian Miers, and Mallory Shipman. Each received a Clinton House Museum t-shirt and coffee mug. Interesting questions probed facts such as which president never married (Buchanan), which president had his son embalmed and brought the process into mainstream society (Lincoln), and which president was born on the 4'h of July (Coolidge). MARCH ACTIVITIES: During the month of March, we will be featuring the art of Scott Mashburn. A reception is planned for March 23 , 2009. We will also continue our bulb watch. Several Group Tours are scheduled included the Arkoma Schools Gifted & Talented student and The Historic & Heritage Resources Action Group of the FFEAC (Fayetteville Forward Economic Accountability • Council). Activity Report From: 02/0112010 To: 03/01/2010 ALLYSON E-Mail 2/2/2010 Inspiring Women Foundation Denise Henderson WA Meeting working out details on site visit 2/8/2010 National School Board Association Patty Plummer Site Visit Fville photos and advertising 2/16/2010 Premier Baseball Championships Alan-i, aid of Dreams 16 Under Championship Tournament sent request for field use 2/17/2010 City of Fayetteville Julie McQuade letter requesting signs for ncaa track meet 2/23/2010 Allyson Twiggs-General Fville Attractions invite to meeting with Tim Freeman 2/23/2010 Allyson Twiggs-General Brandy Campbell-Highway Dept move CHM signs to Exit 62 from Exit 60 2/23/2010 Premier Baseball Championships Robert Smiley-Lokomotion 16 Under Championship Tournament inquire about opening meal/event 2/23/2010 Premier Baseball Championships Alan-Field of Dreams 16 Under Championship Tournament details on fields, rates, requirments File Note 2/16/2010 Fay-Ro Charity Classic Softball Tournament Don Moore Girls 10-18U needed 75 visitor guides for team packets Issued Lead 2/5/2010 UA Mens Golf Chris Pohl NCAA Regionals rates and doubles from hotels 2/5/2010 UA Mens Golf Chris Pohl NCAA Nationals rates and doubles from hotels 2/15/2010 Fay-Ro Charity Classic Softball Tournament Hotels iris 10-18U hotels near the softball fields 2/23/2010 VYPE I Clarion, HIX & Courtyard 7 on 7 Select Football Tournament for rates for this event Meeting 2/2/2010 Fayetteville Visitors Center Greg Doke-Coca Cola details on machine in center 2/3/2010 Washington County Fairgrounds Kendall Pendergraft details on changes at fairgrounds 2/15/2010 Fay-Ro Charity Classic Softball Tournament Don Moore Girls 10-18U hotel rates for 2010 event 2/18/2010 Arkansas Activities Association Jamey Sims-All star comm Arkansas High School Coaches Meeting new venue for the coaches early bird party 2/26/2010 NCAA Track and Field Scott Vanlaningham-XNA Indoor Championships details about welcome table at airport Phone Call 2/2/2010 Fayetteville Forward Summit Julie McQuade-City available space for april 17th 2/4/2010 Inspiring Women Foundation Denise Henderson NWA Meeting final details on site visits 2/11/2010 Arkansas Activities Association Matt Hargis-UA Admiss Arkansas High School Coaches Meeting admissions helping with all star week 2/16/2010 Premier Baseball Championships Mr Don Patty 16 Under Championship Tournament needs from the van buren fields • 2/19/2010 Allyson Twiggs-General Brandy Campbell-Highway Dept details about CHM highway signs 2/23/2010 VYPE I Mike Capshaw 7 on 7 Select Football Tournament 2010 dates, need hotel rates JESSI Blog Entry 2/12/2010 Fayetteville Visitors Bureau EF- Valentine's Day Specials 2/16/2010 Fayetteville Visitors Bureau EF- Fat Tuesday in Fayetteville 2/18/2010 Fayetteville Visitors Bureau EF-Restaurant Week reative 2/9/2010 Fayetteville Town Center Here Comes the Bride Artwork for Dickson St banner 2/10/2010 Fayetteville Town Center Here Comes the Bride T-shirt 2/10/2010 Fayetteville Town Center Here Comes the Bride Web site for event 2/16/2010 UA Track and Field NCAA Indoor Track and Field Championship button for hotel staff 2/18/2010 Fayetteville Visitors Bureau New mailer for Julie's Bank Travel contacts 2/19/2010 Heritage Trail Partners Butterfield Wayside Plaza dedication invitation 2/19/2010 Heritage Trail Partners Butterfield Overland Mail Route study invitation 2/23/2010 Hospitality Summit Logo for event 2/23/2010 Hospitality Summit Logo for event 2/24/2010 Hospitality Summit Save the Date for event Facebook Entry 2/12/2010 Fayetteville Visitors Bureau EF- Valentine's Day specials • 2/15/2010 Fayetteville Visitors Bureau CH- President's Day Contest 2/16/2010 Fayetteville Visitors Bureau EF- Fat Tuesday in Fayetteville 2/18/2010 Fayetteville Visitors Bureau EF- Restaurant Week 2/22/2010 Fayetteville Visitors Bureau EF Restaurant Week Giveaway 2/22/2010 Fayetteville Visitors Bureau EF Restaurant Week Giveaway 2/22/2010 Fayetteville Visitors Bureau EF Restaurant Week Giveaway 2/22/2010 Fayetteville Visitors Bureau EF Restaurant Week Giveaway 2/22/2010 Fayetteville Visitors Bureau EF Restaurant Week Giveaway Meetinq 2/4/2010 Fayetteville Town Center Sandra and Brittany Here Comes the Bride Planning Meeting 2/9/2010 Dine in Fayetteville KNWA-Brook and Jay Restaurant Week Morning Show for Event 2/9/2010 Dine in Fayetteville Cumulus- Anita Cowan Restaurant Week Radio Promo for Event 2/11 /2010 Clinton House Museum Kate W. promo for bridal fair and rate card ress Release 2/16/2010 Dine in Fayetteville Cumulus-Anita Cowan Restaurant Week Copy for Radio Promo 2/24/2010 Fayetteville Town Center Here Comes the Bride 2/26/2010 Heritage Trail Partners Butterfield Dedication Twitter Entry 2/12/2010 Fayetteville Visitors Bureau EF- Valentine's Day Specials 2/15/2010 Fayetteville Visitors Bureau • 2/16/2010 Fayetteville Visitors Bureau CH- President's Day Contest EF- Fat Tuesday in Fayetteville 2/18/2010 Fayetteville Visitors Bureau EF- Restaurant Week JULIE Convention 2/5/2010 Carefree Tours of Tennessee Mr Brad Byers ABA Senior Market Plan on going to Fort Smith 2011 2/5/2010 Vacations Made Easy Mr Matt Cook Travel South Student Market 2/5/2010 Ozarks Kirkwood Tour & Travel Mrs Angie Greeno American Bus Associate Beauty and the Beast 2/5/2010 Sweet Magnolia Tours Mr Mark Miller Travel South Going to work together at Bank Travel 2/5/2010 All In One Destinations Mr David Kinney Travel South Receptive Service needs everythin on NWA Ar 2/5/2010 Frances Custom Tours Mrs. Mary Francis Worked everything out wants new info from time 2/5/2010 Fleming Tours- Branson Division Mrs Sally Briggs Travel South will be at bank travel, all markets! ! 2/5/2010 Gaten's Adventures Mr Clarence Gaten South Central Motorcoach Wal-Mart information and VG 2/24/2010 Bus Supply Charters Mrs Karen Sanders South Central Motorcoach High School Credit Information 2/24/2010 People to People Mrs Kim Burchfiled ABA VG & City Map 2/24/2010 Art Henery's Tour and Receptive Mr Art Henry ABA Inforamtion and New Attraction 2/24/2010 Bieber Mrs Nancy Kreisher ABA Drive through to Texas Terra Studios 2/24/2010 Night Mark Travels Mrs Brenda Hall Bank Travel More info Loves the Blue and Gray 2/24/2010 Mascoma Savings Bank Mrs Doreen McKinney Bank Travel Follow Up 2/24/2010 BK Charter Mrs Gloria Frieson ABA GV and Eureka Springs 2/25/2010 Golden Arrow School and Charter Buses Mr Lonie Bartel ABA Over all info with AR Map 2/25/2010 Palladin Tour and Travel Mrs Judith Gillis ABA Casino Tours all they are interested 2/25/2010 Nowak Tour & Travel Mrs Jennifer Gannon ABA VG and Wal-Mart Information 2/25/2010 BSCI Tour and Travel Mr Bill Love ABA VG and City Map 2/25/2010 Bilbrey Tours Ms. Lena Bilbrey ABA New info on NWA 2/25/2010 Pittsburgh Panorama Inc Mrs Beverly Salvatore ABA Send VG and City Map Terra 2/25/2010 Platinum Circle Mrs Donna Adams Oank Travel 3 day tour to include NW A, Eureka and Branson 2/25/2010 First Federal Bank Mrs Ann Hall Bank Travel Follow Up- 2/25/2010 Legends Bank Ms. Patricia Koenigsfeld Bank Travel Terra Studios E-Mail Sent 2/23/2010 Citiizen Security Bank Horizen Club (beach@citizenssecurity.com Sorry it took so long! ! ! ! 2/24/2010 Crescent Hotel & Spa & Basin Park Hotel jodie@gmail.com Bank Travel I need to talk to you! ! 2/25/2010 Hawthorn Bank beaton@hawthornebank.com Bank Travel Hello Brenda! ! 2/25/2010 Hawthorn Bank mdewinter@HawthornBank.com ank Travel Hello Marge! ! 2/25/2010 Night Mark Travels ha117722@bellsouth.net Bank Travel Hello Brenda 2/25/2010 Preferred Travel samb@ellijay.com Bank Travel Hello Sam 2/25/2010 Citizens Bank and Trust bpreston@cbcfamily.com Bank Travel Hello Betty! 2/25/2010 Platinum Adventures moconnell@thebeverlybank.com Bank Travel Hello Margie! ! 2/25/2010 Mascoma Savings Bank doreen.mckinney@mascomabank.com Bank Travel Hello Doreen 2/25/2010 Platinum Circle donnaa@amnat.com Bank Travel Hello Donna 2/25/2010 Legends Bank magelven@legendsbk.com Bank Travel Hello Mary Ann 2/25/2010 Centrue Bank kathy. missel@centrue.com Bank Travel Hello Kathy 2/25/2010 Memphis Convention & Visitors Bureau Icatron@mcvb.org Bank Travel Enjoyed seeing you at Bank Travel 2/25/2010 The Maries County Bank kscego@mariescountybank.com Bank Travel Hello Kathleen 2/25/2010 Cynthia Haseloff Attorney cynthiahaseloff@yahoo.com Agri Tourism Keep In Touch �Group Tour 2/23/2010 AGAPE Tours and Charters Mrs Carolyn Joyce ABA March 12th AQ and Terra with Fayetteville Tour 2/24/2010 Travel Tours Ms. Joyce Lawson LOTO Tour for 2010 or 2011 Group Tour Packet 2/24/2010 Benedict's Mrs Tammy Mengee ABA Follow up from ABA 2/24/2010 Citizens Bank and Trust Mrs Betty Preston Bank Travel Follow Up 2/25/2010 Preferred Travel Mr Sam Burrell Bank Travel Follow Up Meeting 2/24/2010 Cherokee Nation Department of Cultural Toi MR Jasson Brook 02-23 to sale one another 2/25/2010 Julie Pennington Mrs Julie Pennington Glory Weekend Air Museum Phone Call 2/11/2010 First Security Bank Mrs Ann Snow Bank Travel Missed you at Bank Travel SHELLY E-Mail 2/8/2010 UA Gymnastics Julie Cain NCAA Championship Send lead results 2/8/2010 UA Gymnastics Julie Cain CAA South Central Regional send lead results 2/11 /2010 B. E.S.T Baseball 2009 hotels Baseball Tournaments hotels that didn't pay rebate can't bid E-Mail Sent 2/3/2010 USDA Rural Development Robert Cortez State Meeting check for decision 2/5/2010 Battle of the Badge James Morrow Softball Tournament Sent rates for hotels 2/15/2010 American Association of University Women Ms. Shawna Thorup State Convention Website for group 2/18/2010 Solar Splash Candlewood .olar Boat Race Rates for 2010 event 2/23/2010 National Association of State Aviation Officials Convention and Trade Show Agritourism Survey File Note 2/8/2010 National Street Rod Association Mid-America Street Rod Nationals Hotel rates for 2010 event 2/19/2010 UA Staff Senate Michele Payne Annual Staff Senate Picnic reserved booth for picnic Issued Lead 2/5/2010 UA Gymnastics NCAA South Central Regional lead for April 2012 event 2/5/2010 UA Gymnastics Julie Cain NCAA Championship for 2012 event Letter 2/9/2010 UA Graduate School Gloria Flores offer of support for international grad students 2/15/2010 UA Advanced Placement Summer Institute Summer Institute VG and Welcome letter to 12 instructors for event Meeting 2/1/2010 Battle of the Badge James Morrow Softball Tournament looking at dates for softball tournament 2/12/2010 Battle of the Badge James Morrow Softball Tournament Summer tournament 2/16/2010 B. E.S.T Baseball Mr. Greg Baxendale Baseball Tournaments possible use of Arvest Ballpark for June tournment Phone Call 2/5/2010 UA Gymnastics Julie Cain NCAA South Central Regional discussed bid process for event 2/26/2010 B.E.S.T Baseball Mr. Greg Baxendale Baseball Tournaments details for tournaments 0 ADVERTISING INQUIRIES BY STATE - 2010 JAN FEB MAR IAPR MAY JUN JUL JAUG SEPT OCT NOV DEC TOTAL AE 1 1 2 labama 8 17 25 laska 1 1 Alberta 1 4 5 Arizona 6 11 17 Arkansas 75 42 117 BnBsh Columbia 2 2 4 Califomia 25 30 55 Colomdo 9 15 24 Connectimt 1 7 8 Delaware 2 1 3 Florida 22 23 45 Georgia 9 14 1 1 1 23 Hawaii 1 2 3 Idaho 0 Illinois 39 43 82 Indiana 13 33 46 Iowa 16 19 1 35 Kansas 27 26 53 Kentucky 9 15 24 Louisiana 24 261 1 50 Maine 1 3 4 Manitoba 3 3 Maryland 11 12 23 Massachusetts 4 7 11 Michigan 15 24 39 Minnesota 11 18 29 Mississippi 18 6 1 24 Missoun 78 50 128 Montana 1 1 Nebraska 3 5 8 Nevada 5 9 14 New Hampshire 4 3 7 New Jerrey 8 8 16 New Mexico 5 3 8 New York 131 29 42 orth Carolina 15 14 29 Orth Dakota 2 2 ova Scoba 1 o Ohio 23 24 47 Oklahoma 51 39 90 Ontario 5 10 15 O on 2 5 7 Penns vania 19 25 44 Pnnce Edward IsI. p Puerto Rico 2 1 3 Quebec 9 9 Rhode Island 2 2 Saskatchewan 3 3 South Carolina 6 4 1 10 South Dakota 4 a 8 Tennessee 18 25 43 Texas 173 85 258 Utah 2 2 Vermont 1 1 2 Virginia 7 15 22 Washin ton 11 10 21 Washington, D. C. p West Virginia 3 5 8 Wisconsin 13 28 41 Wyomingp Militaryp TOTAL 828 817 0 0 0 0 01 01 01 0 0 0 1645 • i • • Fayetteville Visitor Center - 2010 Sales & Visitor Count Jan Feb Mar Apr E$2320 y lune July Aug Sep Oct Now Dec Sales Totals $557.65 $354.29 I 1009Totols $502.70 $670.45 $842.57 $19531 . 11 .70_ $2,211 .38 $1 ,919.87 $2,035.88_ $1 ,690.49 $1 ,566.65 $971 .37 _$2,385.23 °b Change from 1009 9.9% -89.2% Visitor Count 213 209 2009 76ta%i 235 381 _53_9 906 11042 _ 1 11_273 1 1 , 120 1 11148 6_95 1 747 456 353_ O% Change from 1009 -10.3% -82.3% 2010 Goal = $15,000/year or $1,250/month Yearly $911 .94 Monthly $455.97 Totals F 422 Averages 211 Rb Change = divide the difference between the two numbers by the starting number then move the decimal two spaces right 2009 Monthly Sales Average=$1554.03 2009 Monthly Visitor Average=742 2009 sales per visitor = $2.10 2010 sales per visitor = $2.16 Fayetteville Town Center, Manager's Activity Report February 1 , 2010 to February 28, 2010 *ales: FEBRUARY FEBRUARY Month YTD YTD YTD _ 2009 (base)- _ - 2010 % Change 2009 2010 % Change . Sales 22 20 (9%) 34 42 23% # returned contracts b to date — GL i Complete Events (Paid/Sponsored) 20 14 EMSCalendar - attached) Sales (30%) 27 22 (18%) $ returned contracts bylog date — GL $32,975.00 $33,098.95 38% $55, 125.00 743973.95 36% Collections " $33,793.62 $38,243. 10 13% $66,574. 32 72,709.69 9% $ - Payment Lo Credit $ GL -0- -0- NA -0- -0- -0 Executed Contracts $46,600.00 $29,200.00 (37%) 72,575.00 60,325.00 (16%) Average per event $1 ,498.86 13654.95 10% t$1 ,621 .32 11785.09 10% $ Sales / # Sales We collected $38,243. 10 for rentals and incidentals in February 2010 which exceed our goal for the month. Returned contracts and collections both show an increase over last year. Operations Items: • Carpet steam cleaned. • Roof repairs completed. • Fountain repairs complete. Marketing, Sales and Public Relations: Director of Sales v Jamey has been working with Arkansas Children's Shelter and has booked the Single Parent Scholarship Gala. v Corporate bookings are increasing; we have Process Dynamics, Pittsburg Paint, Re-Max and the Society of Civil Engineers using our space this year. Event List: • February 3 — UA Signing Day • February 21 — Girl Scouts • February 6 — SARPA 0 February 23 — Arvest Luncheon • February 9 — StarBYX 0 February 23 — Re-Max Luncheon February 15 — Moore Campaign Announcement 0 February 24 — PRSA • February 19 — Alpha Delta Pi 0 February 25 — FHS DECA February 20 — NWA Healthy Marriage • February 26 — UA Greek Sing February 20 — Vinson Reception 0 February 27 — Sonora Reception • DIRECTOR'S REPORT FEBRUARY 2010 • ACTIVITY Tourism Activities — Northwest Arkansas Tourism Association Speech — Three Trails one History for OLLIE Speech — Butterfield Overland Mail Route for Parks Department Julie McQuade — Historic Tourism Map/Cultural Mapping and Plan David Fike — design of Butterfield sign Martin Miller — Theatre Squared Relations with Media — Shelly Walrus @ Springhill Press A & P — Sells Agency - Visitor Guide Sonia Guiterrez — Gallery Guide Robert Baker — Edward Jones Meeting with Walt Eilers & Rae Van Holdt re: Botanical Garden of the Ozarks P. R. S. A.meeting David @Arkansas State Tourism re: HMR numbers TOP HMR COLLECTORS — January (December Sales) Logan's Roadhouse Olive Garden • Chick-Fil-A — NW Village Golden Corral Red Lobster Chili' s McDonald' s Joyce St Chartwell' s Shogun Japanese Steakhouse Chick-Fil-A — Razorback Road Penguin Ed' s Barbecue Razorback Twelve Cinema McDonald' s — MLK Blvd Noodles Italian Kitchen Buffalo Wild Wings McDonald' s Wedington Catfish Hole #3 Taco Bell — Hwy 62 Rick's Bakery Panera Bread •