HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008-11-10 - Agendas - Final MEETING NOTICE The Advertising and Promotion Commission will meet on Monday, November 10, 2008, at 2:00 p.m. in the Director's Room of the Fayetteville Town Center. AGENDA ADVERTISING AND PROMOTION COMMISSION November 10, 2008 2:00 p.m. Town Center 1. Call to Order - Chairman Pat Gazzola 11 . Reports A. Approval of Minutes for October 13 regular monthly meeting B. Financial Report 1 . HMR Revenues 2. Financial Statements 3 . Update from City Attorney re: delinquent tax collection efforts C. Clinton House Museum Report — Kelli Nixon • D. Visitor Bureau Report — Allyson Twiggs Dyer E. Town Center Report — Sandra Bennett F. Executive Director Report — Marilyn Heifner G. Advertising Agency Report — Mike Sells III. Old Business IV. New Business A. Set date for Funding Requests for 2009 - next A & P meeting is December 8 . V. Adjourn • ADVERTISING AND PROMOTION COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING October 13, 2008 Commissioners Present: Neal Crawford, Bob Davis, Tim Freeman, Pat Gazzola, and Robert Rhoads, and Maudie Schmitt Commissioners Absent: Dan Coody Staff Present: Sandra Bennett, Allyson Twiggs Dyer, Kelli Nixon and Marilyn Heifner 1. CALL TO ORDER Chairman Pat Gazzola called the regular monthly meeting of the Fayetteville Advertising and Promotion Commission to order on October 13 at the Fayetteville Town Center at 2 :00 p.m. 11. REPORTS MINUTES Moved by Davis, second by Schmitt to approve the minutes of the September 8 regular meeting. Motion carried. HMR COLLECTIONS • Marilyn presented HMR collections for September. September collections were up 10.37%. Year to date collections were up 7. 82% Hotel HMR revenue for September was up 12.37% and restaurant revenue was up 4.87%. Year- to-date revenue for hotels is up 10.61 % and restaurant revenue is up 9.90%. FINANCIAL REPORT Keith Glass presented financial statements. All budgets are in good shape. Expenses are in line with budget. CITY ATTORNEY City Attorney Kit Williams reported that the City Prosecutor's office collected $2,362.00 last month in overdue HMR taxes. Year to date collections total $83 ,864.37. Commissioners inquired about prosecutor note of restaurants not sending in forms. Williams said the city has a right to do a field audit, but haven't done so because of the expense. CLINTON HOUSE MUSEUM REPORT Kelli Nixon was introduced as the Clinton House Museum Marketing Manager. She reported 37 visitors in August. The Museum celebrated the Clinton' s Anniversary. November events will highlight Native American Heritage Month with Artist Dana Tiger art exhibit. The Museum will also show the Trail of Tears Cherokee Legacy cd. • Senator David Pryor' s office has confirmed that he will schedule a book signing at the Museum after the election. VISITOR BUREAU Allyson Twiggs Dyer announced that Fayetteville will have the Farmer' s Market Association in February 09. The Poultry Federation had a meeting at the Clarion last week. Sustainability Summit had 300+ people. Sports Experience festival was successful. Oct. 18 will highlight the Kite Festival, Skull Creek Trail Grand Opening, and War Eagle. TOWN CENTER Sandra Bennett brought cookies to the meeting in celebration of the Town Center making its September goals and exceeding the goal to meet year to date goals. $51 K cookies. The Town Center and the CVB hosted the Event Planner Showcase. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR REPORT Marilyn reported that the Butterfield Sesquicentennial commemorative ride was successfully completed on October 5. Casey Gill with the Wells Fargo Museum came through Northwest Arkansas in real time experience of the actual Butterfield ride. The Town Center successfully worked with the police department on the concerts which have happened at the Town Center. Clinton House Museum Board of Directors has met. Work on 501 (c) 3 continues. Marketing Director interviews were held and Kelli Nixon hired. Natalie McAnally will work at the • Museum on Thursday momings and Saturdays. AGENCY REPORT Mike Sells said that he and agency staff were working with Marilyn for 2009 planning. A GOST session will be held October 28 with CVB staff. The agency is trying to get ahead of the game on Visitor Guide and will have contract and sales sheet by next month' s meeting. Jade Gustin reported that tv spots with KTHV in Little Rock are running. Live broadcast for Amazed by Arkansas will be October 23 . We still are doing radio during the Razorback games. Leigh Allison reported that the web information is being revamped, re-energized and navigation is being tweeked. The e-newsletter for the fall has been released. She also reported on web stats. OLD BUSINESS None NEW BUSINESS A. Lease of Square for Lights of the Ozarks Discussion of the guidelines for merchants requested that the tax i. d. number or transient merchant i.d. number be on the permit, and health department guidelines followed for food service. Moved by Crawford, second by Freeman that the lease be approved. Motion carried unanimously. Respectfullly. submitted, nat�f Marilyn Heifner Executive Director • • • Advertising and Promotion Commission For month of October 2008 Current Year HMR Collected (2120. 0912.4101 .00) $ 186,887. 19 Prior Year Collected (2120.0912.4101 .01 ) $ 237.50 First Security Investment Interest Revenue (2120.0912.4708.00) $ 4,925.08 Total Revenues $ 192,049.77 Annual Bond Audit Expense (2120.9120.7602.60) $ -- ::1 Collection Expense (2120.9120.5333.00) $ (3,742.49) Bank of OK Quarterly Fee (2120.9120.7602.60) $ (1 , 125.00) Town Center Bond Payment (2120.9120.7602.60) $ (55,413.35) 2006 Property Taxes on Town Center (2120.9120.7602.60) $ (1 ,827.66) Total Expenses $ (62, 108.50) Total Check to ABP $ 129,941 .27 • • • • i City of Fayetteville, Arkansas Monthly HMR Tax Collections 2005-2008 2005 2006 2006 2007 2007 2008 2008 Total Total Change Over Total Change Over Total Change Over HMR Taxes HMR Taxes Prior Year HMR Taxes Prior Year HMR Taxes Prior Year January $ $1539048 164,284 7.30% $166,620 1 .42% $174,005 4.43% February $133,528 183,554 37.46% $150,088 -18.23% $158,693 5.58% March $164,763 1542067 -6.49% $1570317 2.11 % $172,804 9.84% April $1590473 174,063 9. 15% $171 ,562 -1 .43% $1830672 7.06% May $159,186 174,387 9.54% $165,779 -4.94% $175,064 5.60% June $162,754 1710098 5. 13% $177,594 3.80% $194,447 9.49% July $181 ,070 172,905 -4.51 % $173,079 0.00% $1880253 8.77% August $167,448 160,067 -4.40% $160,560 0.00% $174,648 8.77% September $1629215 169,793 4.67% $172,373 1 .52% $190,244 10.37% October $169,325 196,393 15.99% $180,324 -8.18% $1879125 3.77% November $170,780 193,469 13.29% $185, 111 -4.32% December $160,343 159,842 -0.01 % $170,506 6.67% Total $ $1 ,943,930 2,0739923 6.69% $29030,913 -2.07% $1 ,798,955 7.38% \f lename 0 0 0 HMR Comparison 2003 to 2006 Using Year-End totals per HMR Report HOTELS 2004 2005 % change 2006 % change 2007 % change 2008 % change Dec 12,329.60 14,024.64 13.75% 139284.28 -5.28% 12,577.76 -5. 10% 14, 112.82 12.20% Jan 12,614.03 13,738.64 8.91 % 13,650.85 0.64% 13,965.23 2.30% 14,742.43 5.57% Feb 16,210.91 17,930.90 10.61 % 16,006.58 -10.73% 16,534. 37 3.30% 20, 151 .69 21 .88% Mar 19,692.06 19,037.80 -3.33% 182941 .34 -0.50% 18,699.53 -1 .27% 202558.61 9.94% Apr 17,643.48 190720.73 11 .77% 19,000.83 -0.37% 19, 110. 12 0.56% 21 ,754.32 13.84% May 19,979.47 22,347.62 11 .85% 22,796.50 2.00% 23,204.74 1 .79% 25, 145.33 8.36% Jun 22,917.75 22,690.02 -0.99% 22,060.53 -2.78% 22,705.86 2.92% 24, 128.23 6.26% Jul 17,404.01 18,668.34 7.26% 16,804.33 -9.98% 17,054.25 1 .49% 19, 163.95 12.37% Aug 17,316.75 18,786.70 8.48% 17,513.64 -6.67% 18,081 .83 3.24% 19,365.78 12.37% Sep 21 ,910. 18 21 ,524.09 -1 .76% 28, 150.74 30.78% 21 ,879.99 -22.28% 23,535.98 7.50% Oct 241314.01 22,729.73 7.44% 22,208.80 -2.29% 27,695.43 2.47% Nov 16,294.83 17,073.24 4.78% 17,351 .42 1 .63% 18,329.41 5.64% 218,627.08 228,272.45 4.41 % 227,769.84 -0.22% 229,838.52 0.90% 202,659.14 10.25% RESTAURANTS 2004 2005 % change 2006 % change Dec 122,970.98 1373855.28 12. 10% 153,658.60 11 .46% 1459851 .07 -5.08 158,660.68 8.78% Jan 116,544.55 126,564.43 8.60% 142,675.37 12.73% 1263350. 10 -11 .44% 142, 157.30 12.51 % Feb 117,063.89 127,214.85 8.67% 1332701 .96 5. 10% 1339499.96 -0.001 % 151 ,899.46 13.78% Mar 125, 141 .62 140, 166.43 12.00% 153,462. 15 9.48% 145,240.82 -5.36% 1580904.51 9.41 % Apr 123,732. 13 137,712.38 11 .30% 1433149.32 7.57% 1462017.95 2.00% 160,405.28 9.85% May 126,572.41 1402966.98 11 .37% 1662542.00 18. 14% 142,484.49 -14.44% 163,216.58 14.55% Jun 128,880. 12 164,369.25 27.54% 139,677.98 -15.31 % 142,384.44 1 .93% 144,068.57 1 . 18% Jul 127, 161 .30 1363906.50 7.66% 1523031 .25 11 .05% 1369693.67 -10.09% 157,357.25 15. 12% Aug 1267217.05 1399830.39 10.78% 1439807.38 2.84% 1453060.67 0.87% 152, 130.52 4.87% Sep 134,327.89 143,215.20 6.61 % 1583151 .42 10.43% 1509651 .01 -4.74% 150,505.25 -0. 10% Oct 133,335.40 146,722.98 10.04% 1579626. 19 7.43% 152,987.98 -2.94% Nov 118, 147.51 133,691 .45 13. 16% 137,036.80 2.50% 140,563.66 2.57% 11500,094.85 19675,216.12 11 .67% 11781 ,520.42 6.68% 13707,785.82 4.14% 11539,305.40 8.84% Fayetteville A&P Commission Statement of Assets, Liabilities & Equity - Modified Cash Basis September 30, 2008 • ASSETS Current Assets CVB Cash in Register $ 100.00 CHM Cash in Register 100.00 Cash-Undeposited Funds 55035.96 Arvest A&P General #4856 3955773.30 1 st Security A&P General #8714 2365035. 16 1 st Sec Fay Town Ctr #8722 78,546. 14 1 st Sec. Clinton House #8749 95422. 19 1 st Sec. Conv Visitor #8730 (741 .03) Arvest Payroll Account #4636 24,735.88 Accounts Receivable 18.48 Due From Other Funds 11104.21 Inventory-Clinton House 11990.76 CVB Inventory 11 ,609.96 Investments 12801 ,552.31 Investment Adj to Market 19409.01 Total Current Assets 295662692.33 Property and Equipment Furniture and Fixtures 91602.98 Equipment 1662502.88 CVB Building 11120,253.37 Building Additions 2069677.24 Accum. Depreciation (2292893.48) • Total Property and Equipment 1 ,2739142.99 Other Assets Total Other Assets 0.00 Total Assets $ 35839,835.32 LIABILITIES AND CAPITAL Current Liabilities Aflac $ 137.00 Colonial Life & Acc Ins Payabl 153.40 Federal Payroll Taxes Payable 119569.58 FUTA Tax Payable 265.05 State Payroll Taxes Payable 1 ,482.55 SUTA Payable 643.47 Employee Benefits Payable 17350.64 Due to Other Funds 3,804.89 Due to Town Center 6,089. 10 Total Current Liabilities 25,495.68 Long-Term Liabilities • Total Long-Term Liabilities 0.00 Total Liabilities 25,495.68 Capital Beginning Balance Equity 3,8799562.33 See Accountants' Compilation Report Fayetteville A&P Commission Statement of Assets, Liabilities & Equity - Modified Cash Basis September 30, 2008 • Retained Earnings (65313.87) Net Income (58,908.82) Total Capital 31814,339.64 Total Liabilities & Capital $ 35839,835.32 • • See Accountants' Compilation Report Fayetteville A P Commission Stmt of Budget, Revenue and Expense-Modified Cash Basis Month Ending September 2008 • 2008 2008 2008 2008 September September 2007 Annual Budget Year To Date Year To Date Year Monthly Monthly Year To Date Accumulated Actual Balance Budget Actual Actual Budget Revenue HMR Tax Revenue 1 ,914,166.42 1 ,418,954.00 1 ,582,079.43 332,086.99 166,201 .00 189,756.90 1,463,453.59 Prior Year HMR Tax Rev - 29,752.32 487.50 18,986.71 Interest 120,000.00 90,000.00 43,175.21 76,824.79 10,000.00 112,939.37 Bond Refund - - - Other-Visitor Guide ad 20,000.00 20,000.00 - 20,000.00 18,534.31 Misc Inc/Special Proj - 16,435.42 (16,435.42) 12,822.92 2,192.82 Investment Fund Tram 447,013.04 432,831.00 - 447,013.04 50,000.00 Fund Transfer for CVB - 100,000.00 (100,000.00) Rental Income - 24,787.21 (24,787.21) 2,750.00 Interest Inc Checking 5,919.71 (5 919 71) 313.26 13,256.94 Total 2,501 ,179.46 1 ,961,785.00 1 ,802,149.30 226,201.00 206,130.58 1,616,106.80 Expenses Transfers 100,000.00 223,000.00 Tovm Center Fund 676,248.52 508,554.00 497,369.39 178,879.13 56,506.00 54,957.71 494,418.24 Bond Audit Exp 2,000.00 2,000.00 - 2,000.00 Bond Paying Agent Fe 6,000.00 4,500.00 - 6,000.00 Workman's Comp Ins 2,500.00 2,500.00 - 2,500.00 2,500.00 Collection Exp 39,739.00 29,383.00 32,236.64 7,502.36 2,935.00 3,604.89 70,924.38 CVB Rent 19,000.00 CVB Remodel - - - CVB Earnest Money - - - CVB Purchase - - 30,941.73 Transfer to CVB 301,209.66 301,210.00 230,000.00 71,209.66 Transfer to Clinton Hot 73,488.12 73,488.00 - 73,486.12 Peace Fountain Maint 10,000.00 9,250.00 44,042.26 (34,042.26) 250.00 1 ,006.77 25,305.56 Saltines 74,634.00 55,980.00 50,942.36 23,691.64 6,220.00 5,750.84 51 ,765.56 Payroll Tax Exp 6,203.36 4,655.00 4,343.82 1,859.54 516.00 457.06 4,037.22 Insurance-Health 2,880.00 2,160.00 3,349.90 (469.90) 240.00 2,654.70 16,495.63 401K Match 2,326.26 1,747.00 1,509.28 816.98 193.00 86.26 1 ,552.68 • Car Allowance 3,600.00 2,700.00 2,700.00 900.00 300.00 300.00 2,700.00 Advertising & Marketin 375,000.00 260,000.00 252,895.09 122,104.91 25,000.00 143,117.38 388,492.52 Airport Info Booth 5,200.00 4,800.00 1 ,200.00 4,000.00 1,200.00 3,600.00 Airport Advertising 5,940.00 4,455.00 6,855.00 (915.00) 1 ,485.00 1,485.00 4,305.00 Brochures 100,000.00 74,000.00 88,044.60 11 ,955.40 5,000.00 20,000.00 63,001.55 Website Update 10,000.00 8,000.00 - 10,000.00 32,92 Signage- Tourism 10,000.00 9,000.00 4,978.98 5,021.02 1 ,000.00 109.25 5,644.24 Publication & Dues 2,200.00 1 ,390.00 2,045.00 155.00 200.00 1,118.50 TreveVTreining 3,600.00 3,600.00 844.83 2,755.17 1 ,700.00 2,239.13 Office Sup & Printing 1,000.00 900.00 822.73 177.27 100.00 13.61 1,354.31 Postage 15,000.00 9,000.00 16,868.14 (1,868.14) 500.00 3,112.96 9,684.45 Professional Services 6,000.00 4,500.00 4,990.00 1 ,010.00 500.00 665.00 14,050.00 Straegic Planning 300.00 - - 300.00 Audit Expense - 1,700.00 (1,700.00) Town Center Garden It 20,856.00 15,642.00 - 20,856.00 1,738.00 5,381 .06 Botanical Garden 32,831.00 32,831 .00 32,831 .45 (0.45) 479 827,48 Square Gardens 414,182.00 400,000.00 253,766.84 160,415.16 50,000.00 15,330.00 46,179.41 REPAY Special Proj 35,000.00 35,000.00 - 35,000.00 Special Projects Other - 39,582.59 (39,582.59) 29,347.73 107,890.07 ASCE Mid Continent C 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 - Calcasieu Rabbit Shov 500.00 500.00 500.00 - 3,500.00 Ceramics Symposium 7,500.00 7,500.00 7,500.00 - Dickson St Music Fest 25,000.00 25,000.00 24,805.61 194.39 DECA Marketing Fash 1,000.00 1,000.00 11000.00 - 2,052.75 4 State Volleyball Clas 4,000.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 - 4,000.00 All Star Games 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 - 9,500.00 Coaches Clinic 15,000.00 15,000.00 20,000.00 (5,000.00) 15,000.00 Saturday of Champion 4,000.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 - 4,000.00 NWA Coaches Clinic 5,000.00 5,000.00 - 5,000.00 7,000.00 State Soccer Finals 1 ,500.00 1,500.00 1 ,500.00 - 7AState Track Meet 1 ,000.00 1 ,000.00 1 ,000.00 - Debate & Forensic Tot 1 ,500.00 1,500.00 - 1 ,500.00 Holiday Hoops 5,000.00 5,000.00 - 5,000.00 5,000.00 Joe Martin Stage Race 3,500.00 3,500.00 3,500.00 - 7,000.00 State Master Gardner 1 2,500.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 - • Mt. Sequoyah Caring 1, 1,000.00 1,000.00 - 1,000.00 Solar Splash 7,500.00 7,500.00 7,500.00 10,000.00 TheatreSquared 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 - 3,000.00 Fayetteville A P Commission Stmt of Budget, Revenue and Expense-Modified Cash Basis Month Ending September 2008 • 2008 2008 2008 2008 September September 2007 Annual Budget Year To Date Year To Date Year Monthly Monthly Year To Date Accumulated Actual Balance Budget Actual Actual Budget Walton Arts Center-An 15,000.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 - 28,509.34 Water-Ski Regional Ct 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,200.00 (200.00) Youth Slow Pitch Wod 7,500.00 7,500.00 6,196.82 1 ,303.18 4,000.00 Misc Equip 50,000.00 40,000.00 18,043.48 31 ,956.52 5,000.00 4,571.34 29,636.34 Repair 8 Maintenance 50,000.00 40,000.00 34,656.25 15,341 .75 5,000.00 419.66 Depredation Exp 20,000.00 14,985.00 - 20,000.00 1,665.00 15,000.03 Contract Labor - 25,029.89 (25,029.89) 2,750.00 Unallocated Revenues 12,241.54 12,242.00 - 12,241 .54 Bank Charges - 75.88 (75.88) 88,75 Taxes 8 Licenses 5,344.36 (5,344.36) Total 2,501,179.46 2,099,472.00 1,879,273.19 173,548.00 290,720.50 2,215,648.51 • • Fayetteville Town Center Stmt of Budget, Revenue, and Expense-Modified Cash Basis Month Ending September 2008 • 2008 2008 2008 2008 September September 2007 Annual Budget Year To Date Year To Date Year Monthly Monthly Year To Date Accumulated Actual Balance Budget Actual Actual Budget Revenue Rental InU Service 448,250.00 339,750.00 341,688.67 106,561.33 49,750.00 51,356.75 289,409.97 Interest - Checking 1,000.00 747.00 974.42 25.58 83.00 69.97 685.83 Parking Revenue - 370.00 (370.00) (295.05) Daily 8,000.00 5,600.00 14,117.46 (6, 117.46) 300.00 1,107.25 5,546.50 Leases 16,000.00 12,000.00 - 16,000.00 12,648.07 Other Income - 8,728.28 (8,728.28) 1,950.00 715.86 Sales Tax Exp (3,000.00) - - (3,000.00) (2,202.00) Less Returns & Allowance - - - Special Projects 10,000.00 - 200.00 9,800.00 3,121 .75 Mix Revenue - - - 23. 14 Transfer W 4,921.04 (4,921.04) Total 480,250.00 358,097.00 370,999.87 50,133.00 54,483.97 309,654.07 Expenses Salary+Benefits 182,658.00 130,140.00 111,326.51 71,331.49 14,460.00 11 ,168.37 125,566.49 Commissions 30,000.00 22,756.00 21,916.76 8,083.24 3,368.00 2,014.08 21,234.23 Contract Labor 7,200.00 5,400.00 4,887.50 2,312.50 600.00 575.00 1 ,402.00 Payroll Taxes 15,000.00 11,250.00 12,463.08 2,536.92 1 ,250.00 1 ,065.00 11 ,515.12 Credit Card Discount! 1,500.00 1,125.00 2,649.26 (1,149.26) 125.00 178.13 1 ,027.70 Insurance 13,350.00 8,008.00 9,922.37 3,427.63 1 ,112.00 1 ,394.46 5,199.39 401K Match 2,500.00 1,872.00 2,609.02 (109.02) 208.00 177.20 1 ,590.50 Utilities _ Water 8,000.00 5,721.00 5,896.23 2,103.77 336.00 634.17 5,291.53 Phone 10,000.00 7,600.00 6,622.85 3,377. 15 800.00 669.58 8,395.13 Electricity 65,000.00 50,000.00 48,588.71 16,411 .29 5,000.00 7,161.75 41 ,566.42 Gas 15,000.00 12,650.00 10,125.24 4,874.76 100.00 7,488.68 Cable 1,025.00 765.00 775.18 249.82 85.00 89.53 675.50 Postage 150.00 150.00 133.79 16.21 132.00 Contract Services - - - • Linens 26,000.00 19,000.00 19,949.54 6,050.46 2,200.00 2,263.11 17,446.21 Outside Repairs 8 Maintenam 55,000.00 39,200.00 63,078.95 (8,078.95) 7,400.00 12,102.33 47,697.53 Materials 8 Supplies 5,000.00 3,744.00 - 5,000.00 416.00 3,837.38 Office Supplies/Printing - 4,572.41 (4,572.41) 805.24 ' 1,004.19 Advertising 1,750.00 1,150.00 2,736.64 (986.84) 1,554.00 869.00 Travel/Training 500.00 400.00 371 .78 128.22 50.00 1,201 .32 Building Insurance 5,800.00 5,800.00 5,347.00 453.00 5,800.00 8,045.00 Taxes & Licenses 1,750.00 1,750.00 1,985.00 (235.00) 250.00 1 ,735.00 Special Projects 5,000.00 3,000.00 2,344.47 2,655.53 3,000.00 683.55 5,029.29 Mist 28,067.00 20,000.00 613.33 27,453.67 480.49 732.01 Bank Charges - 79.60 (79.60) 9.95 109.90 Oepr Expense - - - 15,000.03 Security - 1,300.00 (1,300.00) 600.00 Transfer In 867.45 (867 45) Total 480,250.00 351,48100 341,162.87 46,310.00 43,875.94 333,791.55 • Convention Visitors Bureau Stmt of Budget. Revenue, and Expense-Modified Cash Basis Month Ending September 2008 • 2008 2008 2008 2008 September September 2007 Annual Budget Year To Dale Year To Date Year Monthly Monthly Year To Date Accumulated Actual Balance Budget Actual Actual Budget Revenue Transfer from A&P 301,209.66 301,210.00 200,000.00 101,209.66 101,210.00 200,000.00 Interest 300.00 225.00 511.35 (211.35) 25.00 19.17 680.97 Partnership Dues 8,800.00 8,800.00 7,200.00 1,600.00 7,900.00 Travel Hero 5,000.00 1,000.00 1,251.28 3,748.72 500.00 996.63 Vist. CV. Store 15,200.00 11,402.00 8,485.17 6,714.83 1,266.00 1,274.17 65.55 Track Tickets - 3,145.00 (3,145.00) Other Income 10 175.68 (10J75.68) 154.00 1,399.51 Total 330,509.66 322,637.00 230,768.48 103,001.00 1,447.34 211,042.66 Expenses Salary+Benefits 200,806.00 143,073.00 136,625.37 64,180.63 15,897.00 15,432.09 126,492.50 Payroll Tax Exp 16,064.48 11 ,439.00 11 ,510.71 4,553.77 1 ,271.00 1,188.59 10,053.99 Insurance-Health 14,400.00 10,800.00 9,938.16 4,461.84 1 ,200.00 1,328.45 12,244.94 401K Match 6,024.18 4,518.00 3,532.56 2,491.62 502.00 220.62 2,746.02 Rent - - 24,600.00 Utilities - Telephone 7,500.00 5,625.00 5,633.54 1 ,866.46 625.00 615.03 4,725.11 Electricity 4,726.00 3,896.00 3,014.46 1 ,711.54 476.00 373.22 3,303.70 Water 724.00 524.00 429.39 294.61 47.00 37.24 310.92 Postage Conv & Tourism Develo 20,000.00 14,700.00 19,045.71 954.29 1 ,200.00 3,630.89 12,097.80 Travel & Training 32,065.00 24,700.00 16,921 .17 15,143.83 1 ,500.00 2,849.39 20,237.26 Publications/Dues 3,500.00 2,000.00 3,702.00 (202.00) 475.00 997.00 Repair/Maintenance 1,000.00 800.00 1 ,794.99 (794.99) 88.69 383.61 Office Supp/Pdnfing 7,500.00 5,625.00 4,898.79 2,601.21 625.00 174.80 5,983.00 Update Comp/Add Employee - - 696.47 Tracking Sftvrare[Mainl 1,700.00 1 ,700.00 1,695.00 5.00 5,014.52 Credit Card Discounts 1,200.00 900.00 627.08 572.92 100.00 54.19 282.48 Taxes & Licenses(ASC) 300.00 300.00 296.84 3.16 298.33 Visitor Ctr Store Itms 10,000.00 7,497.00 5,592.66 4,407.34 833.00 1,319.04 • Education Relmbursem, 3,000.00 3,000.00 - 3,000.00 1 ,500.00 Bank Charges 296.60 (296.60) 9.95 33.50 Parking Expense - 800.00 (800.00) 100.00 Special Pmject - 4,046.00 (4,046.00) Transfer Out 4.053.59 (4 053 59) Total 330,509.66 241 ,099.00 234,454.62 25,776.00 27,897.19 230,501.15 • Clinton House Museum Stmt of Budget, Revenue, and Expense-Modified Cash Basis Month Ending September 2008 • 2008 2008 2008 2008 September September 2007 Annual Budget Year To Date Year To Date Year Monthly Monthly Year To Date Accumulated Actual Balance Budget Actual Actual Budget Revenue Transfer from A&P 60,588.12 60,588.00 30,000.00 30,588.12 23,000.00 Admission 7,000.00 5,251.00 3,839.08 3,160.92 583.00 141.00 4,972.36 Special Events 225.00 225.00 - 225.00 650.00 Gift Shop Sales 5,000.00 3,752.00 3,034.38 1,965.62 416.00 148.74 ,3,271 .64 Interest 250.00 190.00 247.62 2.38 20.00 12.00 244.76 Other Income 150.00 (15o.00) 350.00 Total 73,063.12 70,006.00 37,271.08 1 ,019.00 301.74 32,488.76 Expenses Salary+Benefits 32,549.63 23,247.33 18,525.52 14,024.11 2,583.00 19,788.24 Payroll Tax Exp 2,725.00 2,043.00 1 ,714.24 1,010.76 227.00 4,317.64 Insuranoe-Health 2,859.00 2,142.25 1 ,357.65 1,501 .35 238.00 215.01 1,147.00 401 K Match 450.00 - 341.50 211.64 238.36 38.00 112.50 Rent 12,000.00 12,000.00 12,000.00 - 12,000.00 Utilities-$3500 - _ Water 500.00 369.00 327.75 172.25 41.00 38.12 335.35 Gas 1,500.00 1,186.00 983.05 516.95 62.00 29.00 870.45 Electricity 1,200.00 984.00 564.87 635.13 156.00 72.59 807.57 Telephone 1,600.00 1,197.33 1,158.17 441.83 133.00 128.87 1,131.87 Materials 8 Supplies 1,200.00 900.00 916.56 283.44 100.00 673.71 Credit Caro Discount 250.00 180.00 435.10 (185.10) 20.00 45.00 205.73 Bank Charges - 79.60 9.95 7.00 Security 275.00 207.00 174.15 100.85 23.00 21.85 196.55 Maintenance/Lawn 420.00 315.00 435.00 (15.00) 35.00 90.00 305.00 Repair/Maintenance 600.00 450.00 2,784.37 (2,184.37) 50.00 2,465.78 174.40 Sales Tax 700.00 522.00 - 700.00 58.00 Special Projects 600.00 550.00 - 600.00 1,249.56 501 c3 Application 500.00 500.00 795.00 (295.00) 795.00 Publications/Dues 50.00 100.00 200.00 (150.00) 50.00 • TraveVTraining 300.00 300.00 496.74 (196.74) 100.00 314.62 Gift Shop Items 5,000.00 3,744.00 2,040.14 2,959.86 416.00 39.77 1,591.25 Misc 7,784.37 5,832.00 7,784.37 648.00 Total 73,063.00 57,110.41 45,19955 4,928.00 3,950.94 45,278.44 CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE • OFFICE OF THE PROSECUTING ATTORNEY CLINTON K. JONESMEMO HOT MANDY FINKLEA CHECK ADMINISTRATOR CITY PROSECUTOR E-mail: hotcheck&l.tayetteville.ar.us BRIAN THOMAS 101 W. Mountain, Suite 202 FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS 72701 DEPUTY CITY PROSECUTOR PHONE: (479) 575-8377 (479) 575-8378 (479) 575-8374 (479) 575-8375 Hot Checks: (479) 575-8254 TO: K. Williams FAX N : (479) 575-8373 Fayetteville City Attorney FROM: Casey Jones yt Fayetteville City Prosecutor DATE: November 4, 2008 RE: Status of Active HMR cases 1 . Baskin Robbins Robert Szlemko FTAS Wan-ant Current Balance: $1 ,646. 12 • 2. Bizy's Express Cafe Jerry M. Newman Current Balance: -0- TD: 12/17/08 3. Bourbon Boys Brad C. Murphey Paid: $200.00 Current Balance: $ 1 ,796.40 4. Butcher Block Gary W. Bell Active Criminal Summons Current Balance: $ 1 ,871 .28 5 . China Garden Jeff Shen Active Criminal Summons 6. Corky's Ben Clark Paid: $ 150.00 Current Balance: $4,416.05 7. Dart Room John Faubus Active Criminal Summons William E. Gran Active Criminal Summons Current Balance: -0- 8. Dominoes Pizza Lloyd Hardison Paid: -0- Current Balance: $7,690.66 TD: 11 /05/08 • 9. Flames Shannon Fortenbeny Current Balance: Forms not Submitted to Accounting TD: 12/05/08 K. Williams • October 2, 2008 Page 2 10. Fuzzy's Restaurant Frank Giardino Paid: $75.00 Current Balance: $1 ,146.68 11 . JCB Catering/RX Catering Jarrod C. Butler Set for Trial: 12/03/08 12. LaFamilia . Virginia Amaral Paid: $50.00 Trial Date: 11 /19/08 Current Balance: $ 123.86 13. La Palmas Vicente Perea Active Criminal Summons 14. Los Cuates Maria Richard Active Criminal Summons 15. Mama Deans Soul Food Terry L. Morrison Active Criminal Summons Meneria Morrison TD: 11/05/08 Paid: $ 1 ,282.00 Current Balance: Forms not Submitted to Accounting • 16. Mordours Pizza Shannon Stout Trial Date: 11/05/08 Paid: -0- Current Balance: $1 ,682. 12 17. Seafood Market Bar/Grill Craig Dowd Set for Trial: 12/10/08 18. Shanghai Chinese Rest. Jeff Shen Active Criminal Summons 19. WOW Japanese Bistro Chong Kim Active Criminal Summons Paid: $1 ,721 .78 Current Balance: Forms not Submitted to Accounting TOTAL: $ 3,478.78 • FAYETTEVILLE THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS • KIT WILLIAMS, CITY ATTORNEY DAVID W WTAKER, ASST. CITY ATTORNEY DEPARTMENTAL CORRESPONDENCE LEGAL DEPARTMENT TO : A & P Commissioners City Council CC : Casey Jones, City Prosecutor Marsha Hertwick, Accounting Director FROM : Kit Williams, City Attorney DATE : November 6, 2008 RE : Overdue HMR tax collection The number of active prosecutions for overdue Hotel , Motel and Restaurant taxes declined from 22 last month to 19 this month. • Unfortunately there are still several large amounts owing and three restaurant managers who have failed to submit proper HMR tax forms to the City ' s Accounting Office. Nevertheless, the City Prosecutor was able to collect $3,478.78 in October to bring the year-to-date total of collected, overdue HMR taxes to $879343. 15. • Clinton House Museum Monthly Report October 2008 Kelli Nixon Visitors for October 2008 - total of 187 visitors to the Museum. Domestic: 32 Arkansas, 2 Arizona, 9 California, 3 Colorado, 2 Connecticut, 4 Illinois, 1 Kansas, 1 Minnesota, 11 Missouri, 2 Montana, 2 Nebraska, 2 New Mexico, 4 New York, 63 Oklahoma (55 Okmulgee Tour), 3 South Carolina, 11 Texas, 1 Vermont, 1 Virginia, 3 Wisconsin, 10 Elderhostel Tour. International : 2 China, 2 Colombia, 2 England, 2 Germany, 3 India, 2 Iran, 2 Mexico, 2 Netherlands, 2 Sweden, 1 Trinidad. Activities and Scheduled Events : Went on Billgrimage Tour (Hot Springs , Hope and Little Rock) • Finalized the Dana Tiger Art Show and Reception Reception November 8th 3 :00 Art Show November loth-22nd. Finalized documentary plans Every Saturday in November @ 2 :00 " Trail of Tears , Cherokee Legacy" Began work with Sells Agency on current events on website. Started publication of current events for Clinton House Museum. Began school program. Leverett Elementary will tour in November. Began event planning for December 2008 : Holiday Open House December 6th David Pryor Book Talk and Reception (dates tba) Began event planning for January 2009: Photography Show by Russell Cothran • Scrabble tournaments (in conjunction with FPS literacy program) Activity Report OLYSON From : 10/01/2008 To: 10/31/2008 E-Mail 10/10/2008 Arkansas Farmers' Market Association Janet Bachmann Annual Meeting committee selected fayetteville as site for c 10/14/2008 Arkansas Nurses Association Ms Glenda Krum Annual Convention about hosting conf in fville 10/22/2008 The Poultry Federation Paulette Binkley how did meeting go in fville? 10/23/2008 Arkansas Farmers' Market Association Janet Bachmann Annual Meeting bags donated for conference by Winrock 10/24/2008 Sells Agency Ms. Jade Hart details on freelance writers visit Total For E-Mail : 5 File Note 10/10/2008 Fayetteville Sustainability Summit Conference worked the summit 10/16/2008 Allyson Twiggs-General Mountain Ranch ground breaking new green business park 10/31 /2008 Arkansas Festival Association Elizabeth Elizandro-NLRCVB Annual Conference bidding on 2010 and 2011 conference Total For File Note : 3 eting 2008 Lights of the Ozarks KNWA and Dr Ogbeide Light the Night about knwa being tv sponsor for loto 10/7/2008 Bikes, Blues, BBQ Mr. Nelson Driver generals wrap up meeting 10/8/2008 Bikes, Blues, BBQ Dr Kelly Way & UA Students wrap up meeting for vip room 10/9/2008 Bikes, Blues, BBQ Carmen-Red Cross about a bikers ball for the spring 10/9/2008 Allyson Twiggs-General Narry Krushiker/Tim Freeman homewood suites details 10/16/2008 Arkansas Activities Association Dick Johnson Arkansas High School Coaches Meeting with cosmo management team about june e 10/20/2008 UA Hospitality Department Kelly Way spoke to her class about BBB wrap up meal 10/21 /2008 UA Hospitality Department Charles Ogbeide spoke to class about LOTO 10/24/2008 Lights of the Ozarks Louise Schaper-Library Light the Night New parade route, library events 10/24/2008 Lights of the Ozarks Dr Charles Ogbeide Light the Night details on sponsorships and vendors 10/27/2008 Allyson Twiggs-General Marvin Caston-UA Lifeskills Development networking event for students and business 10/30/2008 Lights of the Ozarks UA Hospitality Students Light the Night about dec 5th pet event on the square 0/2008 AAO Sports Experience Mr. Brad Friess Sports Festival spoke at AAO reunion event 111 /3/2008 Activity Report From : 10/01/2008 To: 10/31/2008 LYSON Meeting 10/30/2008 Fayetteville Chamber of Commerce Mr. Bill Ramsey attended regional slow dancing event at WP Total For Meeting : 14 Phone Call 10/9/2008 Arkansas Activities Association Dick Johnson Arkansas High School Coaches Meeting set up meeting with Cosmo folks about jun 10/16/2008 Arkansas Oil Marketers Association Ms Ann Hines needs space for meeting and a couple of r 10/24/2008 Arkansas Festival Association Mimi Minton-Cosmopolitan Annual Conference details for the bid 10/27/2008 Geiger & Associates Shea-Inn at the Mill rooms for the upcoming press trip Total For Phone Call : 4 • 11 /3/2008 Activity Report RELLY From: 10/01 /2008 To: 11/03/2008 E-Mail Received 10/30/2008 Society of Women Engineers Heather Nachtmann Region C Meeting Group will not be hosting in the near future Total For E-Mail Received : 1 E-Mail Sent 10/7/2008 UA Chancellor Gloria Sutherland offered assistance for Provost candidates 10/9/2008 Meeting Planner Showcase Participants Meeting Planner Showcase Sent out list of attendees and thank yous 10/9/2008 National Association of Black Geologists and Geophysicists Daniel Eldridge Annual Conference Asked to followup with JoAnn for group in 2 10/13/2008 Solar Splash Mantooth; Morehouse Solar Boat Race Confirmed dates for 2009 event 10/15/2008 Southwest Affiliate of College and University Residence Halls Ms. Sara Mansker Regional Conference Needs for November conference 10/27/2008 Arkansas Association of Public Universities Tim Woolridge Annual Meeting Invitation to host in 2009 10/30/2008 Wal-Mart Legal Misty Pickett Realty Division Compliance Conference Asked for business for Fayetteville 10/30/2008 American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing Dr. Jackson Cothran Technical Presentation Thanked for October meeting/invited for 20 • Total For E-Mail Sent : 8 Letter Sent 10/23/2008 UA Graduate School Ms. Diane Cook Sent out VG to recruits Total For Letter Sent : 1 Meeting 10/2/2008 Fayetteville Sustainability Summit Conference Planning meeting 10/6/2008 International Association of Administrative Professionals Committee APW Event held first planning meeting 10/10/2008 Fayetteville Sustainability Summit Conference Sustainability Summit 10/13/2008 Mid-America Association of Law Libraries Monika Annual Conference Provided VG bags for guests 10/23/2008 UA Chemistry & Biochemistry Liz Williams Delivered 200 VG 10/27/2008 Fayetteville Sustainability Summit Conference Wrap up of Sustainability Summit Total For Meeting : 6 Phone Call 10/6/2008 American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing Cothren Technical Presentation Hosting on short notice 10/7/2008 Solar Splash Carissa Skarin • Solar Boat Race discussed budget for event Total For Phone Call : 2 11 /3/2008 Activity Report PFrom: 10/0112008 To: 10/31 /2008 AN Convention 10/3/2008 United States Olympic Conference TSE Consulting US Olympic Committee-Future events in F 10/25/2008 Teams Conference Attended Team conference in Pittsburgh Total For Convention : 2 E-Mail 10/30/2008 USA Track & Field Mr. Brian Brase Is Fayetteville interested in 2010-13 US Ind( Total For E-Mail : 1 File Note 10/11 /2008 AAO Sports Experience Mr. Brad Friess Sports Festival Day of event 10/16/2008 Arkansas Activities Association I Dick Johnson All Star Week Tour of Cosmo/Assure AAA of no disruptio 10/31 /2008 Ryan Grigsby-General Information Mr. Ryan Grigsby Trick or Treat on the Square 10/31 /2008 Ryan Grigsby-General Information Mr. Ryan Grigsby Chile Pepper Media Day 10/31 /2008 Ryan Grigsby-General Information Mr. Ryan Grigsby • Annual Marketing Meeting with agency Total For File Note : 5 Meeting 10/3/2008 USA Sports Production Ms Linda Barclay Ozark Cup-New date for event-March 28-2 10/23/2008 USA Track & Field Mr. Douglas Logan CEO of USATF-Future events in Fayettev 10/23/2008 United States Triathlon Mr. F. Skip Gilbert Possible for USA Triathlon for the future for Total For Meeting : 3 Phone Call 10/3/2008 USA Sports Production Ms Linda Barclay Set-up meeting for Indianapolis for Ozark C 10/15/2008 Ryan Grigsby-General Information Mr. Ryan Grigsby NASC Monthly Conference: Green pract Total For Phone Call : 2 • 11 /3/2008 Activity Report From: 10/01 /2008 To: 11 /03/2008 LIE E-Mail Sent 10/7/2008 First National Bank phiggins@firstokmulgee.com Bank Travel Tour on the 21 st of October Total For E-Mail Sent : 1 File Note 10/31 /2008 Julie Pennington Trick or treat on the square Total For File Note : 1 Group Tour 10/1 /2008 Fun for Seniors Mrs Joyce Watson Going on Faith Booked Tour Octoner 28th 10/7/2008 Rockin R Travel Club Mrs Sharon Chamberland Travel South Booked group tour for Fayetteville Tour & T 10/9/2008 Fayetteville High School Mrs Tam Stassen Germany Exchange Students Historic Walking Tour 10/10/2008 Rockin R Travel Club Mrs Sharon Chamberland Travel South Terra Studios 10/16/2008 Concordia Mrs Patti Poulides Terra Studios Tour October 15th @ 10:00 10/16/2008 Women on the Wildside Mrs Paula Cox Terra Studios October 15th @ 3:30 Terra Studios 10 1 /2008 First National Bank Mrs Pat Higgins Bank Travel Apple Tour 10/22/2008 Travel Tours Ms. Joyce Lawson Terra Studios & Fayetteville Tour 10/23/2008 Time Line Tours Mrs Janet Raines Travel South Train, Air Museum, Catfish Hole, Bot Garde 10/24/2008 Cosmopolitan Tours Inc Mrs Laura Wheeler Hinze Billionaire & Happiness Tour Terra Studios 10/28/2008 Fun for Seniors Mrs Joyce Watson Going on Faith Air Museum and Terra Studios 10/29/2008 Bank of Siloam Springs Mr. Frank Scherer Bank Travel A&M Railroad 10/29/2008 Mt Sequoyah Mrs Marilyn Brasswell Leaves of Gold- Botanical Gardens Botanical Gardens 10/30/2008 First United Methodist Church of Broken Arrow Mrs Lynn Archibald Terra Studio's Tour Mt, Golden Coral and Terra Studios Total For Group Tour : 14 Meeting 10/16/2008 Julie Pennington Kite Fest 10/16/2008 Julie Pennington Troop Train Meeting Total For Meeting : 2 �ecard 7/2008 Julie Pennington Working Kite Fest 11 /3/2008 Activity Report From: 10/01/2008 To: 11/03/2008 LIE Notecard 10/17/2008 Julie Pennington Helped with BBQ Total For Notecard : 2 Thank You 11 /3/2008 First United Methodist Church of Broken Arrow Mrs Lynn Archibald Terra Studio's Tour Thank You Card 11 /3/2008 Fun for Seniors Mrs Joyce Watson Going on Faith Thank You Card 11 /3/2008 Time Tours Mrs Janet Raines Travel South Thank You 11 /3/2008 Travel Tours Ms. Joyce Lawson Thank You 11 /3/2008 Cosmopolitan Tours Inc Mrs Laura Wheeler Hinze Billionaire & Happiness Tour Thank you Total For Thank You : 5 • • 11 /3/2008 Fayetteville Town Center, Manager' s Activity Report October 1 , 2008 to October 31 , 2008 •Sales: OCTOBER OCTOBER Month YTD YTD YTD 2007 (base) 2008 % Change 2007 _ 2008 _ % Change Sales 17 20 18% 179 190 6% # returned contracts by log date — GL Complete Events (Paid/Sponsored) 22 23 .04% 198 194 (.02%) EMS Calendar - attached Sales $21 ,960.00 303735.00 40% $296,618.22 333,241 .79 12% $ returned contracts by log date — GL Collections ** $29,647.06 44,365.41 50% $321 ,716.50 390, 128.33 21 % $ - Payment Lo Credit -0- -0- NA -0- -0- NA $ - GL Average per event $1 ,291 .76 $1 ,536.75 19% $1 ,657.09 $1 ,753.90 5% $ Sales I # Sales ** We collected $44,365.41 for rentals and incidentals in October. The number of returned contracts and returned deposits are both up compared to last year and collections are up 50% compared to last October. All year to date numbers are up with the exception of completed events which is only .02% down from last year. We have reached 87% of our 2008 goal of $448,250.00. Operations Items: • Repairs to caulking on ramps of parking garage. 4Varketing, Sales and Public Relations: • Worked with CVB on Trick or Treat on the Square, which had a huge turn out. • City of Fayetteville Sustainability and Economic Development meetings held at the Town Center. • Jamey Goddard, Sales Director, reports: October executed contracts totaled $46,550.00; $119300.00 represents 2008 events and $35,250.00 is for 2009 events. Event List: • October 2, Cerebral Palsy Art Show 0 October 15, City of Fayetteville • October 4, Perkins Reception • October 16, Delta Waterfowl • October 4, UA Hindu Student Banquet 0 October 17, City of Fayetteville • October 5, Mental Health Rally — Plaza 0 October 17, John McDonald Banquet • October 7, PepsiCo 0 October 18, Pagnozzi Banquet • October 9, Hall of Honor 0 October 20, Ozarks Electric Banquet • October 10, Sustainability Summit 0 October 22, SW Energy Banquet • October 11 , Delgado Reception 0 October 23, American Public Works • October 11 , Collins Reception • October 24, Hutch Entertainment • October 14, Fayetteville Economic Development 0 October 25, Manjarrez Reception • October 15, Fayetteville HS Testing 0 October 25, Thornton Reception • October 31 , Trick or Treat on the Square - Plaza • A B C D 1 Contract Da Name of Event Date of Even Contract Tota 2 Oct-081 3 10/3/2008 MANA $500.00 4 10/1 /2008 Fernando Barbosa wedding re 20-Jun-09 $2,550.00 5 1 10/3/2008 Hulet/Perea Wedding Rece do 25-Jul-09 $975.00 6 10/6/2008 FHS - DECA 12-Feb-09 $1 ,500.00 7 10/6/2008 Mastic/Boger Wedding Rece ti 2-May-09 $2,550.00 8 10/7/2008 Muslim Celebration 1 -Nov-08 $350.00 9 10/8/2008 City of Fayetteville - Sustainabil 10-Oct-08 $3,750.00 101 10/8/2008 ASID Vendor Fair 10-Sep-08 $2,550.00 11 10/10/2008 Ozark Natural Foods &Mar-09 $4,400.00 12 10/10/2008 Bryan Herrell Birthda Pa $600.00 13 10/10/2008 K-Life $725.00 14 10/10/2008 Hanson Pipe and Pre-cast 11 -Dec-08 $500.00 15 1 10/14/20081 Moran Wedding Reception 17-Jan-09 $975.00 10/14/2008 Washington County Democratic $1 ,000.00 17 10/21/2008 UA Ducks Unlimited 31 -Jan-09 $2,450.00 18 10/22/2008 UA Chemistry Department 23-Oct-09 $3,500 19 10/23/2008 APWA 23-Oct-08 $725.00 201 10123/20081 Fayetteville Visitors Bureau February 6 - 7 $2,800.00 21 1 10/23/2008 UA ESL Symposium i 3-Apr-09 $3,500.00 22 10/28/2008 Washington Co. Home Health 5-Dec-08 $600.00 23 10/28/2008 Pa nozzi Charities 3-Oct-09 $3,500.00 24 10/29/2008 Love Wedding Reception 17-Oct-09 $1 ,050.00 25 10/29/2008 Young/Story Young/StoryWedding reception 20-Jun-09 $600.00 26 10/30/2008 UA Department of Biological ScJune 22 - 23, $4,900.00 271 1 28 Total $469550.00 29 30 • DIRECTOR'S REPORT October, 2008 INQUIRY RESPONSES October 2008 — 1 ,038 Year to date 2008 — 15,898 October 2007 — 1 ,234 Year to date 2007 — 15,252 ACTIVITY Tourism Activities — Butterfield sesquicentennial make=up event FHS Homecoming parade Heritage Trail Partners SE Tourism Society webcast Karen Boston — Bikes, Blues and BBQ volunteer meeting Glen Roberson — OK Historical Society Julie Pretty — bringing documentary film festival to NWA Denise — Seminole, OK — reindeer Tracy Lamar — LOTO Choirs on the Square LOTO pony rides — Julie Johanson Dale Christy — NATA — Jillian Harper needs visitor guides Relations with Media — Jennifer Cope, UA Journalism • Renee Bacher — Travel Writer Polk City Director Sue — True West Magazine A & P — UA Architecture class lecture - Heritage Trail Lecture to Hospitality class — LOTO City Economic Development Strategy meeting Billgrimage with Kelli Nixon Sells, CVB strategic planning session Teacher Inservice at Botanical Garden Colonial Life — Keisha Roxanne — Town Center landscaping LeAn — Gierger and Associates Don Burris — HMR for Siloam hotel Wade Williams — reappointment to P & T Commission Bob McCool — Eureka A & P — who collects HMR tax Town Center — Three 6 Mafia concert CHM — Natalie McAnally interview/part time help Daniel Keeley — First Ladies Garden design CVB — meeting with Liz Slape re: Fayetteville is Funky • HMR Collections — September collections, August sales Sodexho Red Lobster Olive Garden Chick-Fil-A (Northwest Village) Clarion Inn Courtyard by Marriott Golden Corral Penguin Ed' s BBQ TGI Friday's Chartwell' s Dining Chick-Fil-A (Razorback) Hampton Inn McDonald' s — Joyce Shogun Japanese Steakhouse Rick' s Bakery Holiday Inn Express Inn at Carnall Hall Noodles Logan's Roadhouse Buffalo Wild Wings • Bordino's Jason' s Deli McDonald' s Catfish Hole • Mo FT: RITIFFTUM, Source Summary Report 1/1/2008 - 12/31/2008 Source YTD Pct Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Southern Living 3,915 24.71 % 217 448 690 342 375 419 366 333 431 294 Midwest Living 3,634 22.94% 32 32 11084 177 429 393 458 112 622 295 Travel lnformation.com 3,538 22.33% 434 432 420 399 417 365 327 312 264 168 State Newspaper Insert 1 ,965 12.40% 1 ,965 <<None Specified>> 1 ,229 7.76% 20 80 154 163 127 160 120 119 175 111 UA Graduate School 11150 7.26% 181 133 228 263 88 87 170 Web Site 155 0.98% 145 2 1 3 2 2 Texas Monthly 64 0.40% 17 39 7 1 Ladies Home Journal 60 0.38% 28 22 10 Family Circle 45 0.28% 21 18 6 Better Homes & Gardens 35 0.22% 17 9 9 Meetings & Conventions 27 0.17% 27 TravelMeredith 11 0.07% 8 3 Friend/Family 6 0.04% 1 2 2 1 Arkansas Tour Guide 6 0.04% 1 3 1 1 Bikes, Blues & BBQ 2 0.01 % 1 1 Fayetteville Chamber-Relocation 1 0.01 % 1 Totals: 159843 11105 1 ,184 2,375 12111 1 ,597 32607 11368 879 19579 11038 Page 1 of 1 10/29/2008 09:45 AM Fayetteville Convention & Visitors Bureau 21 S. Block, Suite 100 - Fayetteville, AR 72701 Phone: (800) 766-4626, (479) 521-5776 - Fax: (479) 571 -4731 - info@experiencefayetteville.com - Web: www.experiencefayettevilie.com