HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008-09-08 - Agendas - Final MEETING NOTICE The Advertising and Promotion Commission will meet on Monday, September 8, 2008, at 2 :00 p.m. in the Director' s Room of the Fayetteville Town Center. AGENDA ADVERTISING AND PROMOTION COMMISSION September 8, 2008 2:00 p.m. Town Center I . Call to Order - Chairman Pat Gazzola II. Reports A. Approval of Minutes for August 11 regular monthly meeting B. Financial Report 1 . HMR Revenues 2. Financial Statements A. Request for increase of accounting fees to $625/mo 3 . Update from City Attorney re: delinquent tax collection efforts • C. Clinton House Museum Report — D. Visitor Bureau Report — Allyson Twiggs Dyer E. Town Center Report — Sandra Bennett F. Executive Director Report — Marilyn Heifner G. Advertising Agency Report — Mike Sells III. Old Business IV . New Business V. Adjourn Funding Request for 2009 are due October 1 . • • ADVERTISING AND PROMOTION COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING August 11 , 2008 Commissioners Present: Dan Coody, Bob Davis, Tim Freeman, Pat Gazzola, and Maudie Schmitt. Commissioners Absent: Neal Crawford and Robert Rhoads Staff Present: Sandra Bennett, Allyson Twiggs Dyer and Marilyn Heifner 1. CALL TO ORDER Chairman Pat Gazzola called the regular monthly meeting of the Fayetteville Advertising and Promotion Commission to order on August 11 at the Fayetteville Town Center at 2 :00 p.m. II. REPORTS MINUTES Moved by Davis, second by Schmitt to approve the minutes of the July 14 regular meeting. Motion carried. HMR COLLECTIONS • Marilyn presented HMR collections for July. July collections were up 8 .77%. Year to date collections were up 7.30% Hotel HMR revenue for July was up 6.26% and restaurant revenue was up 1 . 18 . Year-to-date revenue for hotels is up 10.88% and restaurant revenue is up 9.93%. FINANCIAL REPORT Keith Glass presented financial statements. If the A & P were in business for ourselves, we would be showing a $45,000 profit for the year. A & P revenue is up actual to budget. Clinton House Museum is breaking even and Visitor Bureau is ahead — with budget being held. Town Center is collecting what was projected and revenues cut down. CITY ATTORNEY City Attorney Kit Williams reported that the City Prosecutor's office collected $ 11 ,334.38 last month with over 20 still on the list. He indicated that field audits can be done if restaurants do not submit forms. He also responded that business licenses would have a tradeoff with more paperwork and not having a tool for enforcement. CLINTON HOUSE MUSEUM REPORT No report. • VISITOR BUREAU Allyson Twiggs Dyer reported that sales were up 31 % in the Visitor Center and visitors were up 11 .2%. I I I I, • She showed a new kid' s t-shirt available in the visitor center. She detailed upcoming events. TOWN CENTER Sandra Bennett reported Town Center increased sales and collections over last year same time. Year to date collections were $261 ,918.64 representing 58% of the sales goal for 2008. She reported events completed were skewed because of 13 meetings by Decision Point last year during the same month. Contracts written during the month totaled $44,350.00 EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR REPORT Marilyn reported that inquiry responses are up 24%. She continues to work with the Fine Arts Festival for their event at the Town Center. She said the Butterfield Driving Guide for Arkansas, Oklahoma and Missouri was at the press. The book is being published by Heritage Trail Partners. Marilyn is working with Katie Harlan (UA Legal Clinic) on 501 (c ) 3 statues for the Clinton House. AGENCY REPORT Mike Sells announced that his agency has a new name, but all of the same people will still be working on the Fayetteville account. The agency will be called The Sells Agency. Jade Gustin informed the Commission that the sports broadcasting budget had been finalized. We will be doing radio with ARSN and a television package with KTHV in their Amazed by Arkansas series. Leigh reported on web stats that are higher. • OLD BUSINESS Slow Dancing — Walton Arts Center Schmitt moved to fund $20,000 for advertising this program. Second by Davis. Motion carried. Wayfinding and Signage Coody moved to allocate $20,000 for wayfinding and signage study with the University of Arkansas, Davis second. Davis moved to amend the motion to allocate $ 18,000 for the study and up to $2,000 for travel expenses with the city matching the allocation. Schmitt second. Amendment carried. Motion carried. Lights of the Ozarks Davis moved that the A & P contribute $ 12,500 for lights for Lights of the Ozarks. Coody second. Motion carried. NEW BUSINESS None Respectfully submitted, OA • Marilyn Heifner Executive Director • Advertising and Promotion Commission For month of August 2008 Current Year HMR Collected (2120.0912.4101 .00) $ 172,416.72 Prior Year Collected (2120.0912.4101 .01 ) I $ 21230.80 First Security Investment Interest Revenue (2120.0912.4708.00) L$ 61368.03 Total Revenues $ 181 ,015. 55 Annual Bond Audit Expense (2120.9120.7602.60) $ (500.00) Collection Expense (2120.9120.5333.00) $ (3,492.95) Bank of OK Quarterly Fee (2120.9120.7602.60) $ Town Center Bond Payment (2120.9120.7602.60) $ (54,957.71 ) 2004 Property Taxes on Town Center (2120. 9120.7602.60) $ Total Expenses $ (589950.66) Total Check to A&P $ 122,064.89 • • City of Fayetteville, Arkansas Monthly HMR Tax Collections 2005-2008 2005 2006 2006 2007 2007 2008 2008 Total Total Change Over Total Change Over Total Change Over HMR Taxes HMR Taxes Prior Year HMR Taxes Prior Year HMR Taxes Prior Year January $ $153,048 164,284 7.30% $166,620 1 .42% $174,005 4.43% February $133,528 183,554 37.46% $150,088 -18.23% $158,693 5.58% March $164,763 154,067 -6.49% $157,317 2.11 % $172,804 9.84% April $159,473 1740063 9. 15% $171 ,562 -1 .43% $183,672 7.06% May $159, 186 174,387 9.54% $165,779 -4.94% $175,064 5.60% June $162,754 171 ,098 5. 13% $177,594 3.80% $194,447 9.49% July $181 ,070 172,905 -4.51 % $173,079 0.00% $1881253 8.77% August $167,448 160,067 -4.40% $160,560 0.00% $174,648 8.77% September $162,215 169,793 4.67% $172,373 1 .52% October $169,325 196$ 93 15.99% $180,324 -8.18% November $170,780 193,469 13.29% $185,111 -4.32% December $160,343 159,842 -0.01 % $170,506 6.67% Total $ $1 ,943,930 290731923 6.69% $290309913 -2.07% $1 ,421 ,586 7.48% \filename 0 0 0 HMR Comparison 2003 to 2006 Using Year-End totals per HMR Report HOTELS 2004 2005 % change 2006 % change 2007 % change 2008 % change Dec 12,329.60 143024.64 13.75% 13,284.28 -5.28% 120577.76 -5. 10% 14, 112.82 12.20% Jan 12,614.03 13,738.64 8.91 % 13,650.85 0.64% 13,965.23 2.30% 14,742.43 5.57% Feb 16,210.91 17,930.90 10.61 % 16,006.58 -10.73% 16,534.37 3.30% 20, 151 .69 21 .88% Mar 192692.06 19,037.80 -3.33% 18,941 .34 -0.50% 180699.53 -1 .27% 20,558.61 9.94% Apr 17,643.48 19,720.73 11 .77% 19,000.83 -0.37% 19, 110. 12 0.56% 21 ,754.32 13.84% May 192979.47 22,347.62 11 .85% 22,796.50 2.00% 23,204.74 1 .79% 25, 145.33 8.36% Jun 229917.75 223690.02 -0.99% 22,060.53 -2.78% 22,705.86 2.92% 24, 128.23 6.26% Jul 17,404.01 182668.34 7.26% 16,804.33 -9.98% 172054.25 1 .49% 19, 163.95 12.37% Aug 17,316.75 18,786.70 8.48% 17,513.64 -6.67% 189081 .83 3.24% Sep 21 ,910. 18 213524.09 -1 .76% 28, 150.74 30.78% 21 ,879.99 -22.28% Oct 24,314.01 22,729.73 7.44% 22,208.80 -2.29% 272695.43 2.47% Nov 16,294.83 17,073.24 4.78% 17,351 .42 1 .63% 189329.41 5.64% 218,627.08 228,272.45 4.41 % 227,769.84 -0.22% 229,838.52 0.90% 159,757.38 10.69% RESTAURANTS 2004 2005 % change 2006 % change Dec 122,970.98 137,855.28 12. 10% 153,658.60 11 .46% 145,851 .07 -5.08 158,660.68 8.78% Jan 116,544.55 126,564.43 8.60% 142,675.37 12.73% 126,350. 10 -11 .44% 142, 157.30 12. 51 % Feb 117,063.89 127,214.85 8.67% 133,701 .96 5. 10% 1339499.96 -0.001 % 151 ,899.46 13.78% Mar 125, 141 .62 140, 166.43 12.00% 153,462. 15 9.48% 145,240.82 -5.36% 158,904.51 9.41 % Apr 123,732. 13 137,712.38 11 .30% 143, 149.32 7.57% 1463017.95 2.00% 160,405.28 9.85% May 126,572.41 140,966.98 11 .37% 166,542.00 18. 14% 1429484.49 -14.44% 163,216.58 14.55% Jun 128,880. 12 164,369.25 27.54% 139,677.98 -15.31 % 142,384.44 1 .93% 144,068.57 1 . 18% Jul 1272161 .30 136,906.50 7.66% 152,031 .25 11 .05% 136,693.67 -10.09% 157,357.25 15. 12% Aug 126,217.05 139,830.39 10.78% 143,807.38 2.84% 1459060.67 0.87% Sep 1342327.89 143,215.20 6.61 % 158, 151 .42 10.43% 150,651 .01 -4.74% Oct 133,335.40 146,722.98 10.04% 157,626. 19 7.43% 152,987.98 -2.94% Nov 118, 147.51 133,691 .45 13. 16% 137,036.80 2.50% 140,563.66 2.57% 1 ,500,094.85 11675,216.12 11 .67% 1 ,781 ,520.42 6.68% 11707,785.82 -4.14% 1 ,236,669.83 10.56% Fayetteville A&P Commission Statement of Assets, Liabilities & Equity - Modified Cash Basis July 31 , 2008 • ASSETS Current Assets CVB Cash in Register $ 100.00 CHM Cash in Register 100.00 Arvest A&P General #4856 406,048.03 1 st Security A&P General #8714 2539574.07 1 st Sec Fay Town Ctr #8722 70,090.41 1 st Sec. Clinton House #8749 13,341 .50 1 st Sec. Conv Visitor 98730 46,550.24 Arvest Payroll Account #4636 249735.67 Accounts Receivable 18.48 Due From Other Funds 129790.88 Inventory-Clinton House 19990.76 CVB Inventory 119609.96 Investments 158009627.09 Investment Adj to Market 17409.01 Total Current Assets 21642,986. 10 Property and Equipment Furniture and Fixtures 9,602.98 Equipment 166,502.88 CVB Building 10201253.37 Building Additions 206,677.24 Accum. Depreciation (2295893.48) • Total Property and Equipment 112739142.99 Other Assets Total Other Assets 0.00 Total Assets $ 319165129.09 LIABILITIES AND CAPITAL Current Liabilities Accounts Payable $ 12125.00 AFlac 95.30 Colonial Life & Ace Ins Payabl 192.53 Federal Payroll Taxes Payable 1 19887.34 FUTA Tax Payable 247.32 State Payroll Taxes Payable 29407.27 SUTA Payable 601 .75 Employee Benefits Payable 15112.59 Due to Other Funds 39765.06 Due to Town Center 69089. 10 Total Current Liabilities 27,523.26 Long-Term Liabilities • Total Long-Term Liabilities 0.00 Total Liabilities 279523.26 Capital Beginning Balance Equity 3,8791562.33 See Compilation Letter Fayetteville A&P Commission Statement of Assets, Liabilities & Equity - Modified Cash Basis July 31 , 2008 • Retained Earnings (6,313.87) Net Income 15,357.37 Total Capital 338885605.83 Total Liabilities & Capital $ 3,9165129.09 • I • I See Compilation Letter Fayetteville A&P Commission Statements of Revenue & Expenses - Modified Cash Basis For the Seven Months Ending July 31 , 2008 Current Month Year to Date Revenues HMR Tax Revenue $ 185,389.41 74.00 $ 11219,905.81 62.46 Prior Year HMR Tac Revenue 21863.43 1 . 14 272034.02 1 .38 Rental Income 42,525.98 16.97 284,689.01 14.58 Other Income 31362.50 1 .34 49229.66 0.22 Travel Hero 0.00 0.00 19251 .28 0.06 Parking Revenue 370.00 0. 15 109287.87 0.53 Parking Lease 21513.34 1 .00 2,513.34 0. 13 Gift Shop Sales 165.05 0.07 29406.32 0. 12 Visitor Store 11701 .59 0.68 5,811 .54 0.30 Partnership Income 0.00 0.00 7,200.00 0.37 Admission Revenue 602.49 0.24 3,201 .08 0. 16 Track Tickets 0.00 0.00 3, 145.00 0. 16 Special Projects 0.00 0.00 270.00 0.01 Miscellaneous Income 0.00 0.00 1 , 111 . 11 0.06 Interest Income Investments 61368.03 2.54 389307.45 1 .96 Interest Income Checking 613.20 0.24 69756.28 0.35 Fee Refunds 0.00 0.00 50.00 0.00 Transfer In 41053.59 1 .62 3349921 .04 17. 15 Total Revenues 2503528.61 100.00 119532090.81 100.00 Cost of Sales Clinton House Gift Shop 352.64 0. 14 21000.37 0. 10 • Total Cost of Sales 352.64 0. 14 29000.37 0. 10 Gross Profit 250, 175.97 99.86 1 ,951 ,090.44 99.90 Expenses Signage- Tourism 29651 .35 1 .06 4,541 .98 0.23 Credit Card Discounts 424. 17 0. 17 2,805.59 0. 14 Bank Charges 39.85 0.02 461 .98 0.02 Parking Expense 100.00 0.04 600.00 0.03 Advertising & Marketing 0.00 0.00 96,080.99 4.92 Brochures 33000.00 1 .20 38,421 .51 1 .97 Accounting & Legal Fees 425.00 0. 17 32475.00 0. 18 Office Expense 11409.75 0.56 91067.69 0.46 Visitor Store Exp 57.36 0.02 1 ,745. 15 0.09 Insurance & Health Benefits 11105.81 0.44 17,055.27 0.87 408 (P) Company Match 901 .71 0.36 59954.25 0.30 Car Allowance 300.00 0. 12 2, 100.00 0. 11 Telephone Expense 11410.96 0.56 10,570.85 0.54 Postage and Shipping Expense 515.99 0.21 115424.22 0.58 Tracking Software 0.00 0.00 15695.00 0.09 Material & Supplies 130.38 0.05 42166. 16 0.21 Rent 0.00 0.00 12,000.00 0.61 Maintenance/Lawn 90.00 0.04 260.00 0.01 Repairs & Maintenance Expense 25,863.83 10.32 862790.52 4.44 Kamensky Fountain Maintenance 163.88 0.07 43,035.49 2.20 Linens 4, 164.26 1 .66 17,369.59 0.89 Publications & Dues 265.00 0. 11 51272.00 0.27 Travel/Training Expense (67.99) (0.03) 14,527.53 0.74 • Taxes & Licenses 200.00 0.08 73044.36 0.36 Collections Expense 31765.06 1 .50 249938.80 1 .28 Interest Expense 0.00 0.00 132.84 0.01 Payroll Tax Expense 29881 .75 1 . 15 24,520.64 1 .26 Convention Development 19293.67 0.52 41447.42 0.23 Contract Labor 3,900.00 1 .56 232842.39 1 .22 See Compilation Letter Fayetteville A&P Commission Statements of Revenue & Expenses - Modified Cash Basis For the Seven Months Ending July 31 , 2008 Current Month Year to Date Commissions 11801 .46 0.72 175656.68 0.90 Wages Expense 343922.76 13.94 252,979.71 12.95 Electricity Utility 61415. 18 2.56 37,525.38 1 .92 Gas Utility 86.06 0.03 103980.93 0.56 Water Utility 727. 13 0.29 5, 138.28 0.26 Cable 89.53 0.04 596. 12 0.03 Security 21 .85 . 0.01 830.45 0.04 Airport Advertising 0.00 0.00 59370.00 0.27 Minor Equipment 39272.04 1 .31 135472. 14 0.69 Botanical Gardens of the Ozark 0.00 0.00 325831 .45 1 .68 Special Proj/Ceramic Syposium 0.00 0.00 7,500.00 0.38 Caring for Creation Conference 0.00 0.00 12000.00 0.05 Calcasieu Rabbit Show 0.00 0.00 500.00 0.03 Coaches Clinic 0.00 0.00 205000.00 1 .02 4 State Volleyball 0.00 0.00 47000.00 0.20 All Star Games 0.00 0.00 102000.00 0.51 Saturday of Champions 0.00 0.00 4,000.00 0.20 State Soccer 0.00 0.00 1 ,500.00 0.08 7A State Track 0.00 0.00 51046.00 0.26 DECA 0.00 0.00 11000.00 0.05 Annie- Special Projsect 0.00 0.00 15,000.00 0.77 Solar Splash Specail Project 0.00 0.00 71500.00 0.38 Square Gardens 106,960.32 42.69 231 ,720.35 11 .86 ASCE Special Project 0.00 0.00 57000.00 0.26 Waterski Champion 4,000.00 1 .60 51200.00 0.27 Dickson St Special Project 0.00 0.00 24,805.61 1 .27 Youth Slow Pitch 6, 196.82 2.47 61196.82 0.32 • MiscSpecial Project 17008.60 0.40 12, 160.92 0.62 Bond Payments-Town Center 565082.71 22.39 386,953.97 19.81 Transfer OUt 49053.59 1 .62 334,921 .04 17. 15 Total Expenses 280,629.84 112.02 19935,733.07 99. 11 Net Income $ (30,453.87) ( 12. 16) $ 15,357.37 0.79 • See Compilation Letter Fayetteville A P Commission Stmt of Budget, Revenue, and Expense-Modified Cash Basis Month Ending July 2008 • 2008 2008 2008 2008 July July 2007 Annual Budget Year To Date Year To Date Year Monthly Monthly Year To Dale Accumulated Actual Balance Budget Actual Actual Budget Revenue HMR Tax Revenue 1 ,914,166.42 1 ,081 ,211 .00 1 ,219,905.81 694,260.61 161 ,883.00 185,389.41 1 ,131 ,803.55 Prior Year HMR Tax Rev - 27,034.02 2,863.43 16,997.37 Interest 120,000.00 70,000.00 38,307.45 81 ,692.55 10,000.00 6.368.03 91 ,632.73 Bond Refund - - - Other-Visitor Guide ad 20,000.00 22,500.00 - 20,000.00 2,000.00 17,440.33 Misc Income 32,831 .00 3.612.50 (3,612.50) 3,012.50 318.82 Investment Fund Tran: 447,013.04 300,000.00 - 447,013.04 50,000.00 Fund Transfer for CVB - 100,000.00 (100,000.00) Rental Income - 19,287.21 (19,287.21 ) 2,750.00 Interest Inc Checking 5,263.38 (5,263.38) 437.79 8,805.80 Total 2,501 ,179.46 1 ,506,542.00 1 ,413,410.37 223.883.00 200,821 .16 1 ,258,192.80 Expenses Transfers 100,000.00 173,000.00 Town Center Fund 676,248.52 395,542.00 386,953.97 289,294.55 56,506.00 56,082.71 384,547.52 Bond Audit Exp 2,000.00 2,000.00 - 2,000.00 2,000.00 Bond Paying Agent Fe 6,000.00 4,500.00 - 6,000.00 1 ,500.00 Workman's Comp Ins 2,500.00 - - 2,500.00 Collection Exp 39,739.00 23,001 .00 24,938.80 14,800.20 3,461 .00 3.765.06 64,251 .59 CVB Rent - - - 19.000.00 CVB Remodel - - - - CVB Earnest Money - - - CVB Purchase - - - 30,941 .73 Transfer to CVB 301 ,209.66 200.000.00 230,000.00 71 ,209.66 Transfer to Clinton Hoi 73,488.12 73,488.00 - 73,488.12 33,488.00 Peace Fountain Maint 10,000.00 8.750.00 43,035.49 (33,035.49) 250.00 163.88 10,819.64 Salaries 74,634.00 43,540.00 39,440.68 35,193.32 6,220.00 5,846.14 40,263.88 Payroll Tax Exp 6,203.36 3,623.00 3,429.71 2,773.65 516.00 464.35 3,160.06 Insurance-Health 2,880.00 1 ,680.00 710.10 2,169.90 240.00 28.27 12,056.57 401K Match 2,326.26 1 ,361 .00 1 ,164.24 1 ,162.02 193.00 175.38 1 ,207.64 Car Allowance 3,600.00 2,100.00 2,100.00 1 ,500.00 300.00 300.00 2,100.00 Advertising & Marketin 375,000.00 190.000.00 94,898.15 280,101 .85 35,000.00 299,621 .51 Airport Info Booth 5,200.00 2,400.00 - 5,200.00 3,600.00 Airport Advertising 5,940.00 1 ,485.00 5,370.00 570.00 2,820.00 Brochures 100,000.00 46,000.00 38,421 .51 61 ,578.49 15,000.00 3,000.00 58,031 .25 Website Update 10,000.00 4,000.00 - 10,000.00 32.92 Signage- Tourism 10,000.00 8,000.00 4,541 .98 5,458.02 1 ,000.00 2,651 .35 4,775.67 Publication & Dues 2,200.00 1 ,190.00 2,045.00 155.00 165.00 265.00 1 ,118.50 TravelRraining 3,600.00 2,900.00 819.83 2,780.17 173.44 484.08 Office Sup & Printing 1 ,000.00 700.00 698.13 301 .87 100.00 97.15 670.44 Postage 15,000.00 9,000.00 11 ,290.43 3,709.57 1 ,500.00 515.99 7,573.58 Professional Services 6,000.00 3,500.00 3,475.00 2,525.00 500.00 425.00 9.450.00 Straegic Planning 300.00 - - 300.00 Audit Expense - - - TownCenterGardenA 20,856.00 12,166.00 - 20,856.00 1 ,738.00 1 ,458.33 Botanical Garden 32,831 .00 32,831 .00 32,831 .45 (0.45) 391 ,824.18 Square Gardens 414,182.00 300,000.00 235,571 .60 178,610.40 50,000.00 106,960.32 46.179.41 REPAY Special Proj 35,000.00 35,000.00 - 35,000.00 Special Projects Other - 2,500.00 (2,500.00) 89,344.21 ASCE Mid Continent C 5.000.00 10,000.00 5,000.00 - Calcasieu Rabbit Shov 500.00 500.00 500.00 - 3,500.00 Ceramics Symposium 7,500.00 7,500.00 7,500.00 - Dickson St Music Fest 25,000.00 25,000.00 24,805.61 194.39 DECA Marketing Fash 1 ,000.00 1 ,000.00 1 ,000.00 - 2,052.75 4 State Volleyball Clas 4,000.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 - 4,000.00 All Star Games 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 - 9.500.00 Coaches Clinic 15,000.00 15,000.00 20,000.00 (5,000.00) 15.000.00 Saturday of Champion 4,000.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 - 4,000.00 NWA Coaches Clinic 5,000.00 5,000.00 - 5,000.00 7,000.00 • State Soccer Finals 1 ,500.00 1 ,500.00 1 ,500.00 7A Slate Track Meet 1 ,000.00 1 ,000.00 1 ,000.00 - Debate & Forensic TOL 1 ,500.00 1 ,500.00 - 1 ,500.00 Holiday Hoops 5,000.00 - - 5,000.00 Fayetteville A P Commission Stmt of Budget, Revenue, and Expense-Modified Cash Basis Month Ending July 2008 • 2008 2008 2008 2008 July July 2007 Annual Budget Year To Date Year To Date Year Monthly Monthly Year To Date Accumulated Actual Balance Budget Actual Actual Budget Joe Martin Stage RacE 3,500.00 7,000.00 3,500.00 - 7,000.00 State Master Gardner 2,500.00 5,000.00 2,500.00 - Mt. Sequoyah Caring f 1 ,000.00 1 ,000.00 - 1 ,000.00 Solar Splash 7,500.00 7,500.00 7,500.00 - 10,000.00 TheatreSquared 3,000.00 6,000.00 3,000.00 - 3,000.00 Walton Arts Center-An 15,000.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 - 28,509.34 Water-Ski Regional Ct 5,000.00 10,000.00 ' 5,200.00 (200.00) 4,000.00 Youth Slow Pitch Wort 7,500.00 15,000.00 6,196.82 1 ,303.18 6,196.82 4,000.00 Misc Equip 50,000.00 35,000.00 13,472.14 36,527.86 5,000.00 3,272.04 16,396.54 Repair & Maintenance 50,000.00 35,000.00 34,658.25 15,341 .75 5,000.00 419.66 Depreciation Exp 20,000.00 11 ,655.00 - 20,000.00 1 ,665.00 11 ,666.69 Contract Labor - 19,529.89 (19,529.89) 2,750.00 Unallocated Revenues 12,241 .54 12,242.00 - 12,241 .54 Bank Charges - 65.88 (65.88) 10.00 88.75 Taxes & Licenses 5.344.36 (5,344.36) Total 2,501 ,179.46 1 ,655,154.00 1 ,459,509.02 221 ,342.00 197,142.90 1 ,784,466.44 • • Fayetteville Town Center Stmt of Budget. Revenue, and Expense-Modified Cash Basis Month Ending July 2008 • 2008 2008 2008 2008 July July 2007 Annual Budget Year To Date Year To Date Year Monthly Monthly Year To Date Accumulated Actual Balance Budget Actual Actual Budget Revenue Rental Ind Service 448.250.00 259,000.00 265,351.80 182,898.20 32,000.00 - 39,725.98 218,750.85 Interest - Checking 1 ,000.00 581.00 831.36 168.64 83.00 88.53 447.98 Parking Revenue - 370.00 (370.00) 370.00 (295.05) Daily 8,000.00 4,650.00 12,431.21 (4,431.21) 550.00 2,513.34 4,259.00 Leases 16,000.00 12,000.00 - 16,000.00 4,000.00 12,648.07 Other Income - 978.27 (978.27) 200.00 715.86 Sales Tax Exp (3,000.00) - - (3,000.00) (2,202.00) Less Returns & Allowance - - - Special Projects 10,000.00 - - 10,000.00 3,121 .75 Misc Revenue - - - 23,14 Transfer 4,921 .04 (4,921.04) 4,053.59 Total 480,250.00 276,23100 284,883.68 36,633.00 46,951.44 237,469.60 Expenses Salary+Benefits 182,658.00 101,220.00 89,824.20 92,833.80 14,460.00 11 ,909.94 97,703.86 Commissions 30,000.00 17,332.00 17,656.68 12,343.32 2,126.00 1,801.46 15,993.83 Contract Labor 7,200.00 4,200.00 4,312.50 2,887.50 600.00 1 ,150.00 1,402.00 Payroll Taxes 15,000.00 8,750.00 10,296.09 4,703.91 1,250.00 1,084.75 9,010.85 Credit Card Discount! 1,500.00 875.00 1,943.73 (443.73) 125.00 224.59 815.64 Insurance 13,350.00 5,784.00 7,667.87 5,682. 13 1,112.00 968.79 3,781.31 401K Match 2,500.00 1,456.00 . 1,928.29 571 .71 208.00 283.54 1,154.58 Utilities - - - Water 8,000.00 4,560.00 4,538.28 3,461 .72 825.00 631.30 4,346.90 Phone 10,000.00 6,000.00 5,137.56 4,862.44 800.00 789.16 6,856.23 Electricity 65,000.00 39,000.00 34,930.42 30,069.58 6,000.00 5,983.71 33,791.58 Gas 15,000.00 12,450.00 10,034.87 4,965. 13 100.00 58.38 7,396.89 Cable 1,025.00 595.00 596.12 428.88 85.00 89.53 506.62 Postage 150.00 150.00 133.79 16.21 132.00 Contract Services - - • Linens 26,000.00 15,000.00 17,369.59 8,630.41 2,800.00 4,164.26 13,614.71 Outside Repairs B Maintenanr 55,000.00 30,600.00 50,057.38 4,942.62 6,200.00 25,782.17 38,234.99 Materials & Supplies 5,000.00 2,912.00 - 5,000.00 416.00 3,320.03 Office Supplies/Printing - 3,164.29 (3,184.29) 522.93 1,004.19 Advertising 1 ,750.00 1,150.00 1 ,182.84 567.16 869.00 Travellfraining 500.00 300.00 371.78 128.22 50.00 1 ,201.32 Building Insurance 5,800.00 - - 5,800.00 Taxes & Licenses 1 ,750.00 1,700.00 1,700.00 50.00 200.00 200.00 1 ,700.00 Special Projects 5,000.00 - 1 ,660.92 3,339.08 1 ,008.60 4,816.65 Misc 28,067.00 15,000.00 132.84 27,934. 16 732.01 Bank Charges - 59.70 (59.70) 9.95 60.85 Depr Expense - - - 11,666.69 Security - 700.00 (700.00) Transfer In 867.45 (867.45) Total 480,250.00 269,034.00 266,287.19 37,357.00 56,663.06 260,112.73 Convention Visitors Bureau Stmt of Budget, Revenue, and Expense-Modified Cash Basis Month Ending July 2008 • 2008 2008 2008 2008 July July 2007 Annual Budget Year To Date Year To Dale Year Monthly Monthly Year To Date Accumulated Actual Balance Budget Actual Actual Budget Revenue Transfer from A&P 301 ,209.66 200,000.00 200,000.00 101 ,209.66 150,000.00 Interest 300.00 175.00 440.19 (140.19) 25.00 70.83 466.11 Partnership Dues 8,800.00 7,200.00 7,200.00 1 ,600.00 7,100.00 Travel Hero 5,000.00 - 1 ,251 .28 3,748.72 Vist. CV. Store 15,200.00 8,870.00 5,811 .54 9,388.46 1,266.00 1 ,701.59 Track Tickets - 3,145.00 (3,145.00) Other Income 970.00 (870.00) 150.00 182.64 Total 330,509.66 216,245.00 218,818.01 1,291 .00 1 ,922.42 157,748.75 Expenses Salary+Benetits 200,806.00 111,279.00 105,967.44 94,838.56 15,897.00 15,916.68 97,773.32 Payroll Tax Exp 16,064.48 8,897.00 9,152.57 6,911.81 1,271 .00 1 ,232.57 7,879.37 Insurance-Health 14,400.00 8,400.00 7,534.66 6,865.34 1,200.00 108.75 10,629.41 401K Match 6,024.18 3,514.00 2,650.08 3,374.10 502.00 442.79 2,022.86 Rent - 24,300.00 Utilities - - Telephone 7,500.00 4,375.00 4,479.33 3,020.67 625.00 485.23 4,035.99 Electricity 4,726.00 3,002.00 2,212.21 2,513.79 396.00 341.35 2,564.78 Water 724.00 435.00 354.39 369.61 42.00 61.18 267.97 Postage - Conv & Tourism Develc 20,000.00 11,900.00 4,447.42 15,552.58 2,700.00 1 ,293.67 9,747.80 Travel & Training 32,065.00 20,200.00 12,839.18 19,225.82 2,500.00 (241.43) 16,989.33 Publications/Dues 3,500.00 2,000.00 3,227.00 273.00 997.00 Repair/Mamanance 1 ,000.00 600.00 1,706.30 (706.30) 249.09 Office Supp/Printing 7,500.00 4,375.00 4,684.00 2,816.00 625.00 886.82 5,460.05 Update Comp/Add Employee - - 696.47 Tracking Sftware/Maint 1,700.00 1,700.00 1,695.00 5.00 5,014.52 Credit Card Discounts 1 ,200.00 700.00 518.07 681.83 100.00 102.26 Taxes & Licenses(ASC) 300.00 300.00 - 300.00 298.33 Visitor CU Store Itms 10,000.00 5,831.00 1,745.15 8,254.85 833.00 57.36 • Education Reimbursem, 3,000.00 1,500.00 - 3,000.00 Bank Charges 276.70 (276.70) 9.95 Parking Expense - 600.00 (600.00) 100.00 Special Project - 4,046.00 (4,046.00) Transfer Out 4.053.59 (4,053.59) 4,053.59 Total 330,509.66 189,008.00 172,189.09 26,691 .00 24,850.77 188,826.29 • Clinton House Museum Stmt of Budget, Revenue, and Expense-Modified Cash Basis ' Month Ending July 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 July July 2007 Annual Budget Year To Date Year To Date Year Monthly Monthly Year To Date Accumulated Actual Balance Budget Actual Actual Budget Revenue Transfer from ABP 60,588.12 60,588.00 30,000.00 30,588.12 20,588.00 23,000.00 Admission 7,000.00 4,085.00 3,201.08 3,798.92 583.00 602.49 3,576.36 Special Events 225.00 150.00 - 225.00 75.00 650.00 Gift Shop Sales 5,000.00 2,920.00 2,406.32 2,593.68 416.00 165.05 2,365.49 Interest 250.00 150.00 221.35 28.65 20.00 16.05 170.53 Other Income 150.00 (150.00) 50.00 350.00 Total 73,063.12 67,893.00 35,978.75 21,682.00 833.59 30,112.38 Expenses Salary+Benefits 32,549.63 18,081 .33 17.747.39 14,802.24 2,583.00 1,250.00 14,788.24 Payroll Tax Exp 2,725.00 1,589.00 1,642.27 1 ,082.73 227.00 100.08 3,935.12 Insurance-Health 2,859.00 1,666.25 1,142.64 1 ,716.36 238.00 860.25 401 K Match 450.00 265.50 211 .64 238.36 38.00 75.00 Rent 12,000.00 12,000.00 12,000.00 - 12,000.00 Utilities-53500 - Water 500.00 287.00 245.61 254.39 41 .00 34.65 250.43 Gas 1,500.00 1,062.00 946.06 553.94 62.00 27.68 815.23 Electricity 1,200.00 682.00 382.75 817.25 130.00 90.12 544.12 Telephone 1,600.00 931.33 899.09 700.91 133.00 136.57 880.50 Materials B Supplies 1,200.00 700.00 871 .05 328.95 100.00 33.23 633.80 Credit Card Discountt 250.00 140.00 343.79 (93.79) 20.00 97.32 125.47 Bank Charges - 59.70 9.95 7.00 Security 275.00 161 .00 130.45 144.55 23.00 21 .85 152.85 Maintenance/Lawn 420.00 245.00 310.00 110.00 35.00 90.00 200.00 Repair/Maintenance 600.00 350.00 318.59 281.41 50.00 81.66 177.40 Sales Tax 700.00 406.00 - 700.00 58.00 Special Projects 600.00 450.00 - 600.00 100.00 1,249.56 501 c3 Application 500.00 500.00 - 500.00 Publications/Dues 50.00 100.00 - 50.00 50.00 • TraveVfraining 300.00 200.00 496.74 (196.74) 314.62 Gift Shop Items 5,000.00 2,912.00 2,000.37 2,999.63 416.00 352.64 1,082.62 Misc 7,784.37 4,536.00 7,784.37 648.00 Total 73,063.00 47,264.41 39,748. 14 4,902.00 2,325.75 38,142.21 • I was wondering if you had had a chance to discuss my fee increase to $ 625 with any of the members of the Commission? Let me know if there is anything that you need from me on this matter . a Due to the amount of time involved in preparing your information I feel that I need to make the fee adjustment at this time . I look forward long lasting work relationship . Keith Keith Glass , CPA Phone 479 - 571 - 0811 Fax 866 - 481 - 0811 • • FAYETTEVILLE THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS • KIT WILLIAMS, CITY ATTORNEY DAVID WHITAKER, ASST. CITY ATTORNEY DEPARTMENTAL CORRESPONDENCE LEGAL DEPARTMENT 1 TO : A & P Commissioners City Council CC : Casey Jones, City Prosecutor Marsha Hertwick, Accounting Director FROM : Kit Williams, City Attorney DATE : September 4, 2008 RE : Overdue HMR tax collection City Prosecutor Casey Jones and his staff collected what may be a • record amount of overdue Hotel , Motel and Restaurant taxes in July . They topped $20,000. 00 and were able to collect all outstanding HMR taxes due from four restaurants which hopefully will shorten the prosecution list next month . The $20,838.73 collected in July brings the year-to-date collection of overdue HMR taxes to $81 ,502 .37. Since we have placed collection of overdue HMR taxes as a priority in 2001 , we have collected over $500,000.00 of taxes paid by the customers, but not timely remitted to the City. All of this has been done with no increase in staffing in our Department. We wish to acknowledge the vital help of the Accounting Department and Fayetteville Police in this effort. • CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE �y OFFICE OF THE PROSECUTING ATTORNEY CLINTON K. JONES MANDYFINKLEA HOT CHECK ADMINISTRATOR CITY PROSECUTOR MEMO E-mail: hotcheck@ci.fayetteville.ar.us BRIAN THOMAS 101 W. Mountain, Suite 202 FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS 72701 DEPUTY CITY PROSECUTOR PHONE: (479) 575.8377 (479) 575-8378 (479) 575.8374 (479) 575.8375 Hol Checks: (479) 575-8254 FAX 4 : (479) 575-8373 TO: K. Williams Fayetteville City Attorney FROM: Casey Jones Fayetteville City Prosecutor DATE: September 4, 2008 RE: Status of Active HMR cases 1 . Baskin Robbins Robert Szlemko FTAS Warrant • Current Balance: $ 1 ,646. 12 2. Benson Kevin/Brittany Benson Paid: $334.54 Current Balance: -0- Active Criminal Summons 3 . Bizy's Express Caf6 Jerry M. Newman Paid: $ 16,856.25 Current Balance: -0- Active Criminal Summons 4. Bourbon Boys Brad C. Murphey Paid: $200.00 Current Balance: $2, 196.40 5. Butcher Block Gary W. Bell Active Criminal Summons Current Balance: $1 ,871 .28 6. China Garden Jeff Shen Active Criminal Summons 7. Corky's Ben Clark Paid: $ 150.00 Current Balance: $4,716.05 8. Dari Room John Faubus Active Criminal Summons • William E. Gran Active Criminal Summons K. Williams September 4, 2008 • Page 2 9. Dominoes Pizza Lloyd Hardison Paid: -0- Current Balance: $7,690.66 TD: 11/05/08 10. Fuzzy's Restaurant Frank Giardino Paid: $75.00. Current Balance: $ 1 ,296.68 11 . Gypsy's John Dortch Trial Date: 9/17/08 John Warren Active Criminal Summons Paid: $581 :00 Current Balance: -0- 12. JCB Catering/RX Catering Jarrod C. Butler TD: 9/10/08 13 . LaFamilia Virginia Amaral Paid: $50.00 Trial Date: 9/24/08 Current Balance: $223.86 14. La Palmas Vicente Perea Active Criminal Summons • 15. Los Coates Maria Richard Active Criminal Summons 16. Mama Deans Soul Food Terry L. Morrison TD: 9/17/08 Meneria Morrison TD: 11 /05/08 Paid: $ 1 ,637.04 Current Balance: Forms not Submitted to Accounting 17. Mordours Pizza Shannon Stout Trial Date: 9/24/08 Paid: -0- Current Balance: $2, 182. 12 18. 1936 Cafe/Early Berlin Peter Steinhart Paid: $954.90 Current Balance: -0- Active Criminal Summons 19. Seafood Market Bar/Grill Craig Dowd Trial Date: 10/01/08 20. . Shanghai Chinese Rest. Jeff Shen Active Criminal Summons • TOTAL: $20,838.73 Activity Report From: 08/01/2008 To: 08/31/2008 LYSON E-Mail 8/7/2008 Allyson Twiggs-General Bill Stafford-Star Shopper about classic cars on the square 8/18/2008 Allyson Twiggs-General Jeff Caudle-Powerhouse Seafood gift certificate for NATA basket 8/19/2008 The Poultry Federation Paulette Binkley helping w/ welcome bags and registation fo Total For E-Mail : 3 File Note 8/12/2008 Arkansas Forestry Association Max Braswell Annual Conference new ED at forestry, met at ASAE lunch 8/26/2008 Allyson Twiggs-General City Council turned in memo for support of signage/wayf Total For File Note : 2 Meeting 8/12/2008 ASAE Ms Mary Dandurand Annual Meeting attended monthly luncheon in LR 8/12/2008 Bikes, Blues, BBQ Mr. Nelson Driver Generals meeting, updates on rally areas 8/21/2008 AAO Sports Experience Mr. Brad Friess Sports Festival finalizing details for the festival •'2008 Arkansas Parks and Tourism Commission Joe David Rice Monthly Meeting tourism research mtng at Mt Mag 8/22/2008 Bikes, Blues, BBQ Mr. Nelson Driver about headquarters area and info area 8/26/2008 Fayetteville Sustainability Summit Committee Conference finalizing details of summit 8/28/2008 Bikes, Blues, BBQ Chamber/Jimbob signage meeting Total For Meeting : 7 Phone Call 8/18/2008 Housing Authority of Monette Angie Roland 7 State Regional Conference info fville for planning a regional conference 8/18/2008 ASAE Tonia Beavers-Clarion Hotel Annual Meeting rates for the 2010 convention 8/20/2008 ASAE Mimi Minton-Cosmopolitan Annual Meeting rates for the 2010 convention 8/20/2008 Bikes, Blues, BBQ Sean P-Staybridge Suites rates for BBB rooms _ 8/21 /2008 AAO Sports Experience Terry Lawson-FFD Sports Festival details on helping with sports experience 8/26/2008 Bikes, Blues, BBQ Doug Pope-FPD rooms for troopers during event 8/29/2008 Arkansas Airport Operators Association Mr. Ray Boudreaux • Annual Meeting needs stuff for golf bags Total For Phone Call : 7 9/2/2008 Activity Report INELLY From: 08101/2008 To: 09/02/2008 E-Mail Sent 8/1/2008 Solar Splash Edie Kudlis Solar Boat Race Sent media recap to ASME 8/4/2008 Tyson Foods Bethany Capps Sent list of private charter operators 8/7/2008 Solar Splash Dr William Springer Solar Boat Race Group is exploring Memorial Day weekend f 8/8/2008 Shelly Walters - General Belinda Cole Sent Northern IA and DNA leads to Homewi 8/11 /2008 Arkansas Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Offic Jean Mitchell Articulation Workshop Offered assistance for 2008 meeting 8/18/2008 Society of Manufacturing Engineers Manufacturing Data Management Conference Offered assistance for upcoming conferenc Total For E-Mail Sent : 6 Meeting 8/1 /2008 Fayetteville Sustainability Summit Conference Planning meeting for October 17 8/5/2008 International Association of Administrative Professionals Shelly Stewman Razorback Chapter Board Meeting 8/7/2008 International Association of Administrative Professionals Shelly Stewman Razorback Chapter Leadership Meeting 02008 UA Civil Engineering Carrie Pennington VGs to ITTP at ERC 8/11 /2008 UA Center for Executive Education Kevin Rose Interested in starting meeting with conv. mgi 8/13/2008 UA International Students & Scholars Mr Michael Freeman Booth at Resource Fair 8/15/2008 UA International Students & Scholars Verhonika Salazar Delivered 250 Visitor Guide bags 8/19/2008 UA Graduate School Ms. Diane Cook Gave two bus tours of city 8/20/2008 UA Graduate School Ms. Diane Cook Conducted two panel sessions at Oriental 8/22/2008 Society of Architectural Historians, Southeast Chapter Dr. Ethel Goodstein Annual Meeting Discussed group coming 10/10 8/25/2008 Fayetteville Sustainability Summit Conference Committee planning meeting 8/27/2008 UA Office of Student Involvement and Leadership Ms Mary Coonley Distributed VGs at Razorbash 8/27/2008 UA Student Development Carol Altom Introduced services 8/27/2008 UA Admissions Mr. David Edwards Delivered visitor guides 8/27/2008 UA Arkansas Union Ms Juanita Muckelroy • Delivered maps for information center - - Total For Meeting 15 Phone Call - 8/11/2008 UA College of Engineering Evease Tucker Rooms for Homecoming Football Game/Sta Total For Phone Call : 1 Activity Report From: 08/01/2008 To: 08/31 /2008 AN E-Mail Sent 8/11 /2008 Premier Baseball Championships Mr Don Patty 16 Under Championship Tournament Premier Picture Information 8/13/2008 Fayetteville Parks & Recreation Mr David Wright Sport Reports 8/13/2008 Ozark Volleyball Club Mr. Evan Kirkconnell FW: Sporting Event Promoter Guy 8/13/2008 Ozark Volleyball Club Mr. Evan Kirkconnell RE: FW: Sporting Event Promoter Guy 8/20/2008 Ryan Grigsby-General Information Mr. Ryan Grigsby RE: IronKids Fayetteville Total For E-Mail Sent : 5 Evaluation 8/28/2008 Arkansas Activities Association I Dick Johnson All Star Week Final follow-up meeting for 08' events Total For Evaluation : 1 File Note 8/28/2008 Premier Baseball Championships Mr Don Patty 16 Under Championship Tournament Baseball Fields used for Premier Champion: 8/28/2008 USA Sports Production Ms Linda Barclay Can Ozark Cheer Comp. move to March 2 •'2008 High School Sports the Magazine Mr. Rhett Lashlie 7 on 7 Select Football Tournament Check with hotels - confirm rooms 8/29/2008 Springdale Parks & Recreation Johnny Gabbard Helped with fields, water, re-chalk b/w game 8/29/2008 Clinton House Museum Mrs Brittany Starr Worked at Museum Total For File Note : 5 Meeting 8/1 /2008 Rogers Parks & Recreation Mr. Rick Stocker Rogers Baseball Field at NW Park 8/28/2008 Premier Baseball Championships Q'Doba 16 Under Championship Tournament Discuss & finalize dinner arrangements for i 8/29/2008 AAO Sports Experience Mr. Brad Friess Sports Festival Sports Experience Festival B'Ville Total For Meeting : 3 Phone Call 8/3/2008 Northwest Arkansas Naturals AA Mr. Eric Edelstein Yes to use Ballpark for Premier Championsl 8/4/2008 Picture Me Studios Mr. John Matthews Information on Premier website for team pic 8/5/2008 Steven's Sweets & Co. Mr. John Begordis Can do concessions for tournaments/event 8/29/2008 Iron Kids Triathlon Mr. Stephen Stafford • Hosting IronKids Triathlon for 2009? Total For Phone Call : 4 9/3/2008 Activity Report From: 08/01/2008 To: 09/03/2008 LIE Clinton House 8/13/2008 Julie Pennington Clinton House 8/20/2008 Julie Pennington Clinton House 4th,5th,8th 11th, 12th 15th 18 Total For Clinton House : 2 E-Mail Sent 8/20/2008 Tulsa Air and Space Museum LJONES@TULSAMUSEUM.COM Kite Fest Chamber Membership List, Churches, Wal Total For E-Mail Sent : 1 Group Tour 8/13/2008 First United Methodist Church of Broken Arrow Mrs Lynn Archibald Terra Studio's Tour October 30th Happiness Tour Total For Group Tour : 1 Group Tour Packet 8/7/2008 Citizens First Bank Mr Sam Hull Bank Travel VG & Map 8/7/2008 Bank of the West Mrs Shelly Ruddick Bank Travel VG & Map 8/7/2008 66 Federal Credit Union Mrs Cindy Reynolds Bank Travel VG & Map 0008 American Bank of Texas Mrs Melissa Musgrove Bank Travel VG & Map 8/7/2008 First State Bank Mrs Myrna Story Bank Travel VG & Map 8/7/2008 First Western Bank Mrs Cathy Berg Bank Travel VG & Map 8/27/2008 First United Methodist Church of Broken Arrow Mrs Lynn Archibald Terra Studio's Tour Send information packet with Directions Total For Group Tour Packet : 7 Meeting 8/20/2008 Tulsa Air and Space Museum p Mrs Loretta Jones Kite Fest Kite Fest Air Museum October 18th 2008 Total For Meeting : 1 Phone Call 8/13/2008 Julie Pennington Chamber to confirm spouses tour Total For Phone Call : 1 Tour Confirmation 8/13/2008 Cosmopolitan Tours Inc Mrs Laura Wheeler Hinze Billionaire & Happiness Tour Confirmed Tour October 23 & 24th Total For Tour Confirmation : 1 • 9/3/2008 Fayetteville Town Center, Manager' s Activity Report August 1 , 2008 to August 31 , 2008 *Sales: AUGUST AUGUST Month YTD YTD YTD _2.0_07 (base) 2008 % Change 2007 _ 2008 % Change ' ales returned contracts b to date — GL 23 9 (6%) 142 147 03% # Complete Events (Paid/Sponsored) 14 17 2% 159 148 (.06%) EMS Calendar - attached Sales $45, 325.00 $16,725.00 . (63%) $243,858.22 $262,706.791 .07% $ returned contracts b to date — GL Collections " $42,023. 50 $32, 111 .29 $ - Payment Lo ($24%) $2583248.27 294,029.93 14% $reG� 0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- Average per event ° o $ Sales / # Sales $1 ,970.65 $1 ,858.33 (.05%) $1 ,717.31 $1 ,787. 12 04 /o We collected $32, 111 .29 for rentals and incidentals in August. Year to date collections are up 14% and the number of returned contracts shows a slight increase. We have reached 66% of our 2008 goal of $448,250.00. Operations Items: • New hand dryers installed. • General cleaning and maintenance of facility. �arketing, Sales and Public Relations: • South Central Regional Watering skiing banquet was well attended and very successful. (A&P Sponsored) National Companies was here for first time; the event has been at the Springdale Convention Center for the past several years. Fine Arts Festival was success for artist — approx. $30,000.00 art sold. (A&P Sponsored) • Arkansas Bride will be the sponsor for the FTC Bridal Fair "Here Comes the Bride'. Sponsorship includes a full page ad in the magazine and we will also be advertising the bridal fair in Wedding Ideas magazine. • Jamey Goddard, Sales Director, reports: July executed contracts totaled $26,575.00; $16,925.00 represents 2008 events and $9,650.00 is for 2009 events. Event List: • August 1 — South Central Region 0 August 23 — Sweeny-Bond Reception • August 2 — Twist Reception 0 August 23 — Weir Reception • August 8 — Johnson Wedding 0 August 24 — The Community Church Service • August 9 — National Companies 0 August 24 — Raymick Reception • August 10 - St. James 143 Anniv. Celebration 0 August 28 — Fayetteville Fine Arts Festival • August 16 — Cardwell Reception 0 August 29 — Fayetteville Fine Arts Festival • August 16 — Castleberry Reception • August 30 — Fayetteville Fine Arts Festival • August 21 — David Allen Coe Concert a August 31 — Fayetteville Fine Arts Festival • August 22 — AR Orthodontist Seminar • 1 -Aug 8/5/2008 Sorensen/Lum kin Wedding Rec 21 -Mar-09 $1 ,050.00 JG • 8/7/2008 Southwestern Energy Co. 22-Oct-08 $42150.00 JG 8/11/2008 Southern Hospitality - Deborah's 23-May-09 $22550.00 JG 8/13/200811999 FHS Reunion 8-Aug-09 $19450.00 JG 8/12/2008 Sarah Smith Baby Shower 14-Sep-09 $200.00 JG 8/13/2008 Benson & Wood 15-Sep-08 $500.00 JG 8/19/2008 St. James MB Church 20-Sep-08 $800.00 JG 8/19/2008 NWA High School Leadership Cc 3-Nov-08 $1 ,725.00 JG 8/19/2008ICity of Fayetteville 10-Oct-08 $2,000.00 JG 8/19/2008 Smith/West Wedding reception Mar-09 $600.00 JG 8/19/2008 Perez-Sandi Wedding Reception 13-Jun-09 $600.00 JG 8/19/2008 Ern /Newton Wedding Rece do 11 -Jul-09 $975.00 JG 8/20/2008 African Student Organization 1 -Nov-08 $800.00 JG 8/25/2008 The Event Group - John McDon 17-Oct-08 $15725.00 JG 8/25/2008 The Event Group - Youth Bride 11 -Nov-08 $1 ,725.00 JG 8/26/2008 FCC - Night of Stars 10-Nov-08 $3,500.00 JG • 8/27/2008 Shiloh Jr./Sr. Awards Dinner 17-Apr-09 $1 ,725.00 JG 8/29/2008 Moon Distributors 15-Sep-08 $500.00 JG Total $26,575.00 DIRECTOR'S REPORT July, 2008 INQUIRY RESPONSES August 2008 — 879 Year to date 2008 — 13,226 August 2007 — 1 , 114 Year to date 2007 — 115574 ACTIVITY Tourism Activities — Rogers Early Morning Rotary Teacher Inservice — Fayetteville Public Schools Teacher Inservice — Springdale Public Schools Heritage Trail Partners Fayetteville Fine Arts Festival Karen Minkle — signage and Wayfinding proposal to City Council Susan Hutchcroft — FAF booth for NEA Community Center Liz — Botanical Garden of the Ozarks — needs trails guides Gina — reference question Ray Dotson — Lights of the Ozarks Relations with Media — Kristin — Arkansas Democrat Gazette — businesses closing Laurie Whalen — Arkansas Democrat Gazette — restaurant revenue • Angela — Superpages.com A & P — Photo shoot for HTP Approve radio spot Cathy Bass — funding of BGSO since 2000 Town Center — Blind repairman Bridal Fair proposal — "Here Comes the Bride" David Allen Coe concert CHM — Rogers Education Fair Fayetteville Education Fair Marketing position interviews Abshire Heating and Air Conditioning CVB — Premier Baseball Tournament • Source Summary Report 1/1/2008 - 12/31/2008 Source YTD Per Jail Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Southern Living 31282 24.55% 217 448 690 342 375 419 366 333 92 Travel lnformation.com 3,106 23.23% 434 432 420 399 417 365 327 312 Midwest Living 2,759 20.64% 32 32 11084 177 429 393 458 112 42 State Newspaper Insert 1 ,965 14.70% 11965 <<None Specified>> 953 7. 13% 20 80 154 163 127 160 120 119 10 UA Graduate School 893 6.68% 181 133 228 263 88 Web Site 155 1 .16% 145 2 1 3 2 2 Texas Monthly 64 0.48% 17 39 7 1 Ladies Home Journal 60 0.45% 28 22 10 Family Circle 45 0.34% 21 18 6 Better Homes & Gardens 35 0.26% 17 9 9 Meetings & Conventions 27 0.20% 27 TravelMeredith 11 0.08% 8 3 Friend/Family 6 0.04% 1 2 2 1 Arkansas Tour Guide 6 0.04% 1 3 1 1 Bikes, Blues & BBQ 2 0.01 % 1 1 Fayetteville Chamber-Relocation 1 0.01 % 1 Totals: 133370 1 ,105 1 ,184 23375 19111 11597 39607 1 ,368 879 144 Page 1 of 1 9/2/2008 04:06 PM Fayetteville Convention & Visitors Bureau 21 S. Block, Suite 100 - Fayetteville, AR 72701 Phone: (800) 7664626, (479) 521-5776 - Fax: (479) 5714731 - info@expedencefayetteville.com - Web: www.experiencefayetteville.com Inquiries by State/Country • From: 8/1/2008 To: 813112008 Showing: all records State./Country Inquiries Alabama 24 Alaska 1 Alberta 1 Arizona 7 Arkansas 66 British Columbia 1 California 25 Colorado 5 Connecticut 7 ,Delaware 3 Florida 53 Georgia 17 Hawaii 3 Idaho 1 Illinois 48 Indiana 17 • Iowa 12 Kansas 31 Kentucky 9 Louisiana 53 Maine 2 Maryland 12 Massachusetts 6 Michigan 26 Minnesota 13 Mississippi 34 Missouri 54 Montana 1 Nebraska 6 Nevada 3 New Hampshire 1 New Jersey 5 New Mexico 4 Total: 551 Page 1 of 2 9/2/2008 04:00 PM Fayetteville Convention & Visitors Bureau • 21 S. Block, Suite 100 - Fayetteville, AR 72701 Phone: (800) 766-4626, (479) 521 -5776 - Fax: (479) 5714731 - info@experiencefayetteville.com - Web: vrvwv.experiencefayettevil le.com New York 10 None Entered t • North Carolina 16 North Dakota 2 Nova Scotia 2 Ohio 32 Oklahoma 29 Ontario 4 Oregon 5 Pennsylvania t t South Carolina 7 South Dakota 2 Tennessee 36 Texas 129 Utah t Virginia 14 Washington 6 West Virginia t Wisconsin 20 • Total: 879 Page 2 of 2 9/2/2008 04:00 PM • Fayetteville Convention & Visitors Bureau 21 S. Block, Suite 100 - Fayetteville, AR 72701 Phone: (800) 7664626, (479) 521 -5776 - Fax: (479) 5714731 - info@experiencefayetteville.cem - Web: www.experie ncefayetteville.corn Inquiries Tabulated by Source/Mode From: 81112008 To: 813112008 NOTE: This report shows only active modes and sources, and can only display the first nine active modes defined in your system. _I mope Source 800 Number e-mail Formatted - Mail Walk-In Totals Bulk c<None Specified>> 12 105 0 1 1 119 Bikes, Blues & BBQ 1 0 0 0 0 1 Fayetteville Chamber-Relocation 1 0 0 0 0 1 Midwest Living 0 0 112 0 0 112 Southern Living 0 0 333 0 0 333 Texas Monthly 0 0 1 0 0 1 Travel lnformation.com 0 0 312 0 0 312 Totals: 14 105 758 1 1 879 Page 1 of 1 9/212008 04:06 PM Fayetteville Convention & Visitors Bureau 21 S. Block, Suite 100 - Fayetteville, AR 72701 Phone: (800) 7664626, (479) 521-5776 - Fax: (479) 5714731 - info@experiencefayetteville.com - Web: www.expe riencefayettevi Ile.com