HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007-09-10 - Agendas - Final MEETING NOTICE The Advertising and Promotion Commission will meet on Monday, September 10, 2007, at 2 :00 p.m. in the Town Center Conference room. AGENDA ADVERTISING AND PROMOTION COMMISSION September 10, 2007 2:00 p.m. Town Center I. Call to Order - Chairman Pat Gazzola II. Reports A. Approval of Minutes for August regular monthly meeting B. Financial Report 1 . HMR Revenues 2. Financial Statements 3. Update from City Attorney re: delinquent tax collection efforts C. Report from Executive Director — Marilyn Heifner • D. CVB Report — Allyson Twiggs E. Town Center Report — Willistine Smith F. Clinton House Museum Report — Brittany Starr G. Advertising Agency Report — Brian Clark III. New Business A. Employee Health Insurance B. DMAI Accreditation C. Commission By-Laws D. Employee Handbook IV. Old Business A. Advertising Agency RFQ's V. New Business VI. Adjourn • • ADVERTISING AND PROMOTION COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING August 13, 2007 Commissioners Present: Bob Davis, Pat Gazzola, David McGeady, and Maudie Schmitt. Commissioners Absent: Dan Coody, Neal Crawford and Robert Rhoads Staff Present: Marilyn Heifner, Allyson Twiggs, and Willistine Smith, and Brittany Shell Chairman Pat Gazzola called the regular monthly meeting of the Fayetteville Advertising and Promotion Commission to order on August 13, 2007 at the Fayetteville Town Center at 2 :00 p.m. Warren Jones from the Arkansas Air Museum announced that the Museum had acquired Sam Walton's first plane, an Air coupe. He thanked the Commissioners for their matching contribution to purchase the plane. MINUTES Moved by Davis, second by Schmitt to approve the minutes of the July 9, 2007, regular meeting. Motion carried. • HMR REVENUES Total collections of HMR tax in July (June sales) were $ 173,079. Year to date decline in HMR revenues is -2.71 % Hotel revenue collected in July was up 2.92%. Hotel revenue year to date is almost equally with same sales last year .001 %. Restaurant revenue is down year to date -4.94%. However collections in July was up 1 .93% for restaurants. FINANCIAL REPORT No one was present from the accounting firm. Financials were not ready. CITY ATTORNEY City Attorney Kit Williams reported that the City Prosecutor's office collected $6,051 .55 in July to bring the year to date total collected to $38,505.31 . Four restaurants were in "Current" status. Indicating that they have caught up on all past due taxes. DIRECTOR'S REPORT Thank you letters and results of A & P expenditures had been received from ICLEI, Joe Martin Race, and Ozark Valley Triathlon. Advertising inquiries continue to be down year to date. Marilyn testified before the subcommittee on Natural Resources for HR 1266, the Butterfield Trail bill. Butterfield • Commemorative Ride will be September 15-16. Commissioners were invited to ride in stage coach. • Marilyn commended the Maple Hills Garden Club for their work at the Clinton House Museum. The bees found at the House were exterminated by Jim Pickett at no charge. The wedding at the House this weekend was a success and garnered front page publicity. Work on the CVB building and store is complete and ready for merchandise to be received. The drop ceiling under the Town Center plaza has been installed. TOWN CENTER Willistine reported that sales continue to be down for the Town Center. Staff is concentrating on sales calls, both inside and out and contacting past clients. Staff feels that business is being lost to "newer" facilities. Willistine reported on a new issue with the Peace Fountain. The auto fill valve on the control box is not working. In order not to drain the fountain to repair now, we are manually filling the fountain until the fall. CONVENTION VISITORS BUREAU Allyson anticipates a mid-September opening of the Visitor Center Store. Phones are ringing for Bikes, Blues, and BBQ and football. Julie leaves this week for a Going on Faith travel show. Shelly is working on CAPPA, a national meeting scheduled here in September. Ryan • is working on a taekwondo tournament and cheerleading competition. The CVB hosted a hotel meeting with good attendance from the hotels. They will be distributing a hangtag on Fridays on the hotel rooms announcing the website, location and invitation to visit the Fayetteville store. CLINTON HOUSE MUSEUM Brittany said the street in front of the Museum was closed the whole month of July. It has been scheduled to reopen August 20. She has hosted several private events. The bricks are in. She received a thank you note from the couple who were married at the house on Saturday. AGENCY REPORT Brian Clark reported that the tv spot had been sent to all Commission members. The website is having 82,000 year to date inquiries. The e-newsletter will be sent out within the next month. We have scheduled it as quarterly, but aren't publishing that. Next month, the agency will have samples of new print ads. They are also working on city map. OLD BUSINESS None • NEW BUSINESS Purchase of 21 S. Block • Marilyn announced that the purchase of the building at 21 S. Block was done on July 31 . Advertising Agency RFQ Requests for RFQ's for the Advertising Agency contract were send to those who had expressed an interest in the account. An ad also has been placed in the newspaper. Those were due in August 31 . Commission will have those for the September meeting. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. Reesppectf illy submitted, Marilyn Heifner Executive Director • • Advertising and Promotion Commission For month of August 2007 Current Year HMR Collected (2120.0912.4101 .00) $ 159,149.84 Prior Year Collected (2120.0912.4101 .01 ) $ 11410. 17 Checking Interest Revenue (2120.0912.4705.00) $ 3.78 Crews Investment Interest Revenue (2120.0912.4708.00) $ 10,537.71 Total Revenues $ 171 ,101 .50 Annual Bond Audit Expense (2120.9120.7602.60) $ (1 ,900.00) Collection Expense (2120.9120. 5333.00) $ (3,211 .20) Bank of OK Quarterly Fee (2120.9120.7602 .60) $ (1 ,125.00) Town Center Bond Payment (2120.9120.7602.60) $ (54,935.36) 2004 Property Taxes on Town Center (2120.9120.7602 .60) $ Total Expenses $ (61 , 171 .56) • Total Check to A&P $ 1099929.94 • City of Fayetteville, Arkansas Monthly HMR Tax Collections 2004-2007 2004 2004 2005 2005 2006 2006 2007 2007 Total Change Over Total Change Over Total Change Over Total Change Over HMR Taxes Prior Year HMR Taxes Prior Year HMR Taxes Prior Year HMR Taxes Prior Year January $ $135,930 12.75% $153,048 12.59% 164,284 7.30% $166,620 1 .42% February $129,922 12.05% $133,528 2.78% 183,554 37.46% $150,088 -18.23% March $1399442 18.89% $164,763 18.16% 1549067 -6.49% $1579317 2.11 % April $149,113 19.00% $159,473 6.94% 1749063 9.15% $171 ,562 -1 .43% May $145,039 11 .85% $1599186 9.75% 174,387 9.54% $165,779 -4.94% June $149,466 12.86% $162,754 8.89% 171 ,098 5.13% $1779594 3.80% July $152,917 17.11 % $181 ,070 18.41 % 1729905 -4.51 % $173,079 0.00% August $146,518 10.19% $167,448 14.31 % 1609067 -4.40% $160,560 0.00% September $1461097 10.18% $1629215 11 .03% 169,793 4.67% October $1559320 14.07% $1699325 9.02% 196,393 15.99% November $1689369 8.75% $170,780 1 .43% 193,469 13.29% December $138,185 7.78% $160,343 16.03% 159,842 -0.01 % Total $ $1,7569317 12.84% $19943,930 10.68% 29073,923 6.69% $1 ,322,599 -2.35% \filename HMR Comparison 2003 to 2006 Using Year-End totals per HMR Report HOTELS 2003 2004 % change 2005 % change 2006 % change 2007 % change Dec 109773.64 12,329.60 14.44% 14,024.64 13.75% 13,284.28 -5.28% 12,577.76 -5. 10% Jan 101638.74 12,614.03 18.57% 13,738.64 8.91 % 13,650.85 0.64% 139965.23 2.30% Feb 129140.56 169210.91 33.52% 17,930.90 10.61 % 16,006.58 -10.73% 16,534.37 3.30% Mar 151371 .78 19,692.06 28.11 % 19,037.80 -3.33% 18,941 .34 -0.50% 18,699.53 -1 .27% Apr 16,534.22 17,643.48 6.70% 199720.73 11 .77% 19,000.83 -0.37% 19, 110. 12 0.56% May 16,568.61 19,979.47 26.62% 221347.62 11 .85% 229796.50 2.00% 23,204.74 1 .79% Jun 18,530.45 229917.75 23.67% 22,690.02 -0.99% 22,060.53 -2.78% 229705.86 2.92% Jul 160031 .25 17,404.01 8.56% 18,668.34 7.26% 16,804.33 -9.98% 17,054.25 1 .49% Aug 16,098. 10 17,316.75 7.56% 18,786.70 8.48% 17,513.64 -6.67% Sep 16,875.70 21 ,910.18 29.83% 21 ,524.09 -1 .76% 28, 150.74 30.78% Oct 25,183.66 24,314.01 -3.45% 22,729.73 7.44% 229208.80 -2.29% Nov 16,468.24 16,294.83 1 .05% 17,073.24 4.78% 17,351 .42 1 .63% 191 ,214.95 218,627.08 14.34% 228,272.45 4.41 % 227,769.84 -0.22% 143,851 .86 0.01 % RESTAURANTS 2003 2004 % change 2005 % change 2006 % change Dec 112,143.74 122,970.98 9.65% 137,855.28 12. 10% 153,658.60 11 .46% 145,851 .07 -5.08 Jan 1049133.72 116,544.55 11 .92% 126,564.43 8.60% 142,675.37 12.73% 1269350.10 -11 .44% Feb 99,436.17 117,063.89 17.73% 127,214.85 8.67% 133,701 .96 5.10% 133,499.96 -0.001 % Mar 113,299.12 125, 141 .62 10.45% 140,166.43 12.00% 153,462. 15 9.48% 145,240.82 -5.36% Apr 108,157.35 123,732.13 14.40% 1379712.38 11 .30% 143, 149.32 7.57% 146,017.95 2.00% May 114,543.92 126,572.41 10.50% 140,966.98 11 .37% 166,542.00 18.14% 142,484.49 -14.44% Jun 111 ,410.87 128,880.12 15.68% 164,369.25 27.54% 139,677.98 -15.31 % 142,384.44 1 .93% Jul 109,920.03 127, 161 .30 15.68% 136,906.50 7.66% 152,031 .25 11 .05% 136,693.67 Aug 117,824.90 126,217.05 7.12% 139,830.39 10.78% 1439807.38 2.84% Sep 112,098.50 134,327.89 19.83% 143,215.20 6.61 % 1581151 .42 10.43% Oct 127,371 .76 133,335.40 4.68% 146,722.98 10.04% 157,626. 19 7.43% Nov 1040084.85 1189147.51 13.51 % 133,691 .45 13.16% 137,036.80 2.50% 113349424.93 19500,094.85 12.42% 1 ,675,216.12 11 .67% 1 ,7819520.42 6.68% 191189522.50 -5.60% Fayetteville Advertising and Promotion Commission Fayetteville Town Center Fayetteville Convention and Visitors Bureau Clinton House Museum Financial Statements July 31 , 2007 • • Fayetteville A & P Commission BALANCE SHEET As of July 31 , 2007 • ASSETS Current Assets Cash in Bank of Fayetteville - Town Center $ 14,936.88 Cash in First Security Bank - Town Center 263361 .22 Cash in Arvest Bank - A & P General 119,605.28 Cash in Bank of Fayetteville 124,057. 12 Cash in First Security Bank - A & P General 681 ,781 . 15 Cash in Arvest Bank - A & P Payroll 15,731 .09 Cash in Bank of Fay. - Conv & Visitor Bureau 1 .71 Cash in First Security - Conv & Visitor Bureau (379.84) Cash in Bank of Fayetteville - Clinton House 564.06 Cash in First Security.Bank - Clinton House 11 ,432.86 Clinton House Inventory 19897.08 Investments 1 ,642,824.46 Investment Adjustment to Market (592081 .27) Accounts Receivable 116,296.46 Accrued Interest Receivable 352342. 14 Due from City 25.00 Total Current Assets $ 2,7319395.40 • Property, Plant, & Equipment at Cost Furniture and Fixtures 93602.98 CVB Building 190999352.92 Building Additions 206,677.24 Restricted Deposits 20,000.00 Equipment 166,502.88 Less: Accumulated Depreciation (221 ,768.68) Net Property and Equipment 11280,367.34 Total Assets $ 4,011 ,762.74 LIABILITIES AND CAPITAL Current Liabilities Payroll Taxes Payable $ 901 .51 Sales Tax Payable 805.00 Accounts Payable 117,409.50 Due to Other Funds 3, 196.83 Total Current Liabilities $ 122,312.84 Capital Unrestricted Fund Balance 49475,052.22 Excess Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures (585,602.32) • Total Capital 39889,449.90 Total Liabilities and Capital $ 4,011 ,762.74 See Accountants' Compilation Report 1 L Fayetteville A & P Commission • Statement of Revenues and Expenditures One Month Ending July 31 , 2007 July 31 , 2007 July 31 , 2007 Budget Actual Revenue HMR Tax Revenue $ 167,909.42 $ 176,401 .60 Prior Year HMR Tax Revenue 0.00 1 , 192. 17 Insurance Reimbursement 379. 17 0.00 Other Income 21083.33 2,762.83 Total Revenue 170,371 .92 180,356.60 General Expenditures See Schedule 81 ,251 .64 221 ,569.75 Minor Equipment 6,250.00 93.62 Other Revenues (Expenditures) Interest Income - Checking 0.00 1 ,853.78 • Interest Income - Investments 10,000.00 10,605.51 Miscellaneous Revenue 7,275. 18 0.00 Bond Payments - Town Center 0.00 (54,935.36) Arbitrage Expense (375.00) 0.00 Transfers to Other Funds (85,220.06) 0.00 Total Other Revenues (Expenditures) (680319.88) (42,476.07) Excess Revenues Over Excess Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures $ 14.550.40 $ (83,782.84) • See Accountants' Compilation Report 2 Fayetteville A & P Commission • Schedule of General Expenditures One Month Ending July 31 , 2007 Month of Month of July 31 , 2007 July 31 , 2007 Budget Actual General Expenditures Salaries & Wages $ 6,217.84 $ 5,750.84 Payroll Taxes Expense 500.00 438.58 Insurance and Health Benefits 1 ,041 .67 2, 100.51 408(P) Company Match 187.50 172.52 Car Allowance 300.00 300.00 Office Expense 83.33 166.80 Publications & Dues 100.00 165.00 Postage 1 ,666.67 1 ,065.59 Rent 6,600.00 1 ,000.00 Insurance 208.33 0.00 Professional Services 1 ,350.00 1 ,350.00 Taxes and Licenses 25.00 0.00 Collection Expense 3,583.33 3,551 .88 Bond Paving Agent Fees 166.67 0.00 Repairs and Maintenance 0.00 419.66 Kamensky Fountain Maintenance 0.00 2,830.35 CVB - Office 0.00 5,989. 17 • Advertising and Marketing 31 ,250.00 110,408.69 Airport Information Booth 433.33 1 ,200.00 Interspace Airport Advertising 416.67 0.00 Website Update 833.33 32.92 Signage - Tourism 833.33 0.00 New Brochures 8,333.33 4,952.21 Travel and Training 300.00 0.00 Depreciation Expense 1 ,666.67 1 ,666.67 Special Projects (See Schedule) 15, 154.64 789008.36 Total General Expenditures $ 81 ,251 .64 $ 221 .569.75 • See Accountants' Compilation Report 3 Fayetteville A & P Commission • Schedule of Special Projects One Month Ending July 31 , 2007 Month of Month of July 31 , 2007 July 31 , 2007 Budget Actual Special Projects Air Museum $ 416.67 $ 129500.00 Town Center Garden Maintenanc 11738.00 0.00 Committee for Mardi Gras 250.00 0.00 Walton Arts Center 833.33 0.00 H. S. Coaches Clinic 1 ,250.00 0.00 Saturday of Champions 333.33 0.00 Holiday Hoops 1 ,333.33 0.00 Joe Martin Stage Race 583.33 0.00 All Star Games 791 .67 0.00 DDEP Fine Arts Festival 0.00 3,280.91 Ozark Valley Triathlon 208.33 0.00 4th of July Fireworks 1 ,250.00 0.00 Hogs in Bloom - NWA Garden Sh 250.00 0.00 • Savor the Flavor 208.33 0.00 Arkansas Hospitality Fund Drive 208.33 0.00 National Rabbit Show 83.33 0.00 NWA Coaches Clinic 583.33 0.00 Ozark Military Museum 416.67 0.00 Real Deal on the Hill 666.67 0.00 Solar Splash 833.33 0.00 Peace Fountain Maintenance 833.33 0.00 CAPPA (Physical Plant Adminst.) 833.33 0.00 DECA Marketing 250.00 0.00 FAYRO Charity Classic 41 .67 0.00 Four State Elite Volleyball Classic 333.33 0.00 Youth Slow Pitch Softball World 625.00 0.00 Botanical Gardens of the Ozarks 0.00 62,227.45 Total Special Projects $ 15. 154.64 $ 78,008.36 • See Accountants' Compilation Report 4 Fayetteville A & P Commission • Statement of Revenues and Expenditures Seven Months Ending July 31 , 2007 2007 Annual Year to Date 2007 2006 2007 Accumulated Totals Year to Date Year to Date Budget Budget Actual Actual Revenue HMR Tax Revenue $ 2,014,913.00 $ 1 ,175,365.94 $ 11131 ,803.55 $ 1 ,171 ,767.23 Prior Year HMR Tax Revenue 0.00 0.00 16,997.37 0.00 Insurance Reimbursement 4,550.00 2,654.19 0.00 0.00 Other Income 25.000.00 14.583.31 17.440.33 5.750.00 Total Revenue 2.044,463.00 1 .192.603.44 1 .166.241 .25 1 .177,517.23 General Expenditures See Schedule 975,020. 10 568.761 .48 1 .206.433.63 547.474.84 Capital Outlay Minor Equipment 75.000.00 43.750.00 23.966.27 4.378.93 Other Revenues (Expenditures) Interest Income - Checking 0.00 0.00 8,805.80 0.00 Interest Income - Investments 120,000.00 70,000.00 91 ,632.73 93,915.98 • Miscellaneous Revenue 87,302.13 50,926.26 31882 0.00 Bond Payments - Town Center 0.00 0.00 (384,547.52) (387,484.93) Arbitrage Expense (4,500.00) (2,625.00) (2,250.00) (3,375.00) Transfers to Other Funds (1 .022,640.77) (596,540.42) (173.000.00) (120.000.00) Total Other Revenues (Expenditures) (819,838.641 (478,239.16) (459,040.17) (416,943.95) Excess Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures $ 174,604.26 $ 101 ,852.80 $ (523,198.82) $ 208,719.51 See Accountants' Compilation Report 5 Fayetteville A & P Commission • Schedule of General Expenditures Seven Months Ending July 31 , 2007 2007 Annual Year to Date 2007 2006 2007 Accumulated Total Year to Date Year to Date Budget Budget Actual Actual General Expenditures Salaries & Wages $ 74,614.10 $ 43,524.88 $ 40,255.88 $ 39,083.38 Wages and Salaries - Additional 0.00 0.00 8.00 0.00 Payroll Taxes Expense 6,000.00 3,500.00 3,160.06 3,165.54 Insurance and Health Benefits 12,500.00 7,291 .69 12,056.57 4,570.08 408(P) Company Match 2,250.00 1 ,312.50 1 ,207.64 1 ,380.83 Car Allowance 3,600.00 2,100.00 2,100.00 2,100.00 Materials and Supplies 0.00 0.00 403.64 0.00 Office Expense 1 ,000.00 583.31 166.80 121 . 14 Publications & Dues 1 ,200.00 700.00 1 ,118.50 611 .95 Postage 20,000.00 11 ,666.69 7,573.58 9,961 .03 Telephone 0.00 0.00 100.00 0.00 Rent 79,200.00 46,200.00 19,000.00 0.00 Insurance 2,500.00 1 ,458.31 0.00 0.00 Professional Services 16,200.00 9,450.00 9,450.00 9,012.00 Strategic Planning 0.00 0.00 0.00 1 ,495.34 Taxes and Licenses 300.00 175.00 0.00 0.00 • Collection Expense 43,000.00 25,083.31 22,976.02 23,439.85 Bond Paying Agent Fees 2,000.00 1 ,166.69 0.00 0.00 Collection Expense - Prior Year B 0.00 0.00 41 ,275.57 0.00 Repairs and Maintenance 0.00 0.00 419.66 3,141 .73 Kamensky Fountain Maintenance 0.00 0.00 3,629.73 7,189.91 Kamensky Fountain Maint. - Prior 0.00 0.00 7,189.91 0.00 CVB - Office 0.00 0.00 30,941 .73 0.00 Advertising and Marketing 375,000.00 218,750.00 299,621 .51 202,248.56 Airport Information Booth 5,200.00 3,033.31 3,600.00 2,400.00 Interspace Airport Advertising 5,000.00 2,916.69 2,820.00 2,465.70 Website Update 10,000.00 5,833.31 32.92 0.00 Signage - Tourism 10,000.00 5,833.31 4,775.67 1 ,771 .08 New Brochures 100,000.00 58,333.31 58,031 .25 53,910.45 Travel and Training 3,600.00 2,100.00 484.08 1 ,979.96 Depreciation Expense 20,000.00 11 ,666.69 11 ,666.69 11 ,658.50 Special Projects (See Schedule) 181 .856.00 106 082.48 622.368.22 165,767.81 Total General Expenditures $ 975,020.10 $ 568,761 .48 $ 1 ,206,433.63 $ 547,474.84 See Accountants' Compilation Report 6 Fayetteville A & P Commission • Schedule of Special Projects Seven Months Ending July 31 , 2007 2007 Annual Year to Date 2007 2006 2007 Accumulated Total Year to Date Year to Date Budget Budget Actual Actual Special Projects Air Museum $ 5,000.00 $ 2,916.69 $ 17,500.00 $ 5,000.00 Botanical Garden Society 0.00 0.00 0.00 17,500.00 Town Center Garden Maintenance 20,856.00 12,166.00 1 ,458.33 10,208.31 Committee for Mardi Gras 3,000.00 1 ,750.00 1 ,837.68 1 ,500.00 Walton Arts Center 10,000.00 5,833.31 28,509.34 2,749.49 H. S. Coaches Clinic 15,000.00 8,750.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 Saturday of Champions 4,000.00 2,333.31 4,000.00 3,000.00 State Soccer Championship 0.00 0.00 0.00 1 ,750.00 Holiday Hoops 16,000.00 9,333.31 0.00 0.00 Joe Martin Stage Race 7,000.00 4,083.31 7,000.00 7,000.00 All Star Games 9,500.00 5,541 .69 9,500.00 9,000.00 Lights of The Ozarks - 2004 Budget Carryover 0.00 0.00 82.69 0.00 First Night Fayetteville 0.00 0.00 2,700.00 0.00 DDEP Fine Arts Festival 0.00 0.00 15,648.84 0.00 Ozark Valley Triathlon 2,500.00 1 ,458.31 2,500.00 2,000.00 Governor's Conference 0.00 0.00 0.00 -450.00 • U A Baseball Regionals 0.00 0.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 Walton Arts Center Ext. Banners 0.00 0.00 0.00 3,974.27 4th of July Fireworks 15,000.00 8,750.00 0.00 10,000.00 Hogs in Bloom - NWA Garden Show 3,000.00 1 ,750.00 0.00 0.00 Savor the Flavor 2,500.00 1 ,458.31 0.00 0.00 Arkansas Music Pavilion 0.00 0.00 0.00 225.00 Fayetteville Downtown Partners 0.00 0.00 0.00 3,810.74 Arkansas Hospitality Fund Drive 2,500.00 1 ,458.31 2,500.00 2,500.00 National Rabbit Show 1 ,000.00 583.31 1 ,000.00 2,500.00 NWA Coaches Clinic 7,000.00 4,083.31 7,000.00 7,000.00 Ozark Military Museum 5,000.00 2,916.69 5,000.00 5,000.00 Real Deal on the Hill 8,000.00 4,666.69 8,000.00 7,000.00 Texas Trophy Hunters 0.00 0.00 0.00 20,000.00 Walton Arts Center - "Rain" 0.00 0.00 0.00 10,000.00 Solar Splash 10,000.00 5,833.31 10,000.00 7,000.00 TheatreSquared 0.00 0.00 3,000.00 0.00 Faith in Action 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,500.00 Peace Fountain Maintenance 10,000.00 5,833.31 0.00 0.00 CAPPA (Physical Plant Adminst.) 10,000.00 5,833.31 0.00 0.00 DECA Marketing 3,000.00 11750.00 2,052.75 0.00 FAYRO Charity Classic 500.00 291 .69 500.00 0.00 Four State Elite Volleyball Classic 4,000.00 2,333.31 4,000.00 0.00 Youth Slow Pitch Softball World Series 7,500.00 4,375.00 0.00 0.00 Botanical Gardens of the Ozarks 0.00 0.00 391 ,824.18 0.00 Square Gardens 0.00 0.00 46,179.41 0.00 Red White and Bloom 0.00 0.00 15,000.00 0.00 ICLEI 0.00 0.00 8,075.00 0.00 Rabbit Show - Prior Year Balance 0.00 0.00 2.500.00 0.00 Total Special Projects $ 181 ,856.00 $ 106,082.48 $ 622,368.22 $ 165,767.81 • See Accountants' Compilation Report 7 I Fayetteville Town Center • Statement of Revenues and Expenditures One Month Ending July 31 , 2007 July 31 , 2007 July 31 , 2007 Budget Actual Revenue Rental Income $ 37,354. 19 $ 21 ,414.04 Daily Parking 500.00 373.00 Parking Leases 21833.33 60040. 13 Other Income 291 .67 0.00 Special Projects 958.33 0.00 Refunds (125.00) (10.00) Sales Tax Expense (166.67) (1 ,031 .00) Total Revenue 41 ,645.85 26,786. 17 General Expenditures See Schedule 41 ,909.04 38,339.36 Capital Outlay • Other Revenues (Expenditures) Interest Income - Checking 13. 17 112.74 Total Other Revenues (Expenditures) 13. 17 112.74 Excess Revenues Over Excess Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures $ (250.02) $ (11 ,440.45) • See Accountants' Compilation Report 8 Fayetteville Town Center • Schedule of General Expenditures One Month Ending July 31 , 2007 Month of Month of July 31 , 2007 July 31 , 2007 Budget Actual General Expenditures Salaries & Wages $ 16,367.25 $ 13,474.38 Waqes and Salaries - Additional Expens 0.00 575.00 Payroll Taxes Expense 1 ,510.35 1 , 161 . 15 Insurance and Health Benefits 1 ,294.26 890. 18 408(P) Company Match 430. 17 164.94 Commissions 2,512. 17 1 ,244.00 Materials and Supplies 250.00 432.76 Office Supplies/Printing 84.58 0.00 Credit Card Discounts 125.00 62. 16 Office Expense 0.00 106.57 Postaqe 16.67 0.00 Water 736.67 1 ,330.22 Gas 1 ,387.01 67.93 Electricity 5,817.85 5,223.40 Cable 95.98 84.44 Telephone 776.78 797.82 Insurance 541 .67 0.00 Taxes and Licenses 221 .67 200.00 • Linens 2,059.08 2,606.39 Miscellaneous Expense 28.33 0.00 Repairs and Maintenance 4,381 .76 7,279.95 Advertisinq and Marketinq 333.33 0.00 Travel and Traininq 313.46 0.00 Depreciation Expense 1 ,666.67 1 ,666.67 Special Projects 958.33 971 .40 Total General Expenditures $ 41 ,909.04 $ 38,339.36 • See Accountants' Compilation Report 9 Fayetteville Town Center Statement of Revenues and Expenditures • Seven Months Ending July 31 , 2007 2007 Annual Year to Date 2007 2006 2007 Accumulated Totals Year to Date Year to Date Budget Budget Actual Actual Revenue Rental Income $ 448,250.29 $ 261 ,479.33 $ 218,750.85 $ 241 ,095.72 Partnership Income 0.00 0.00 400.00 0.00 Daily Parking 6,000.00 3,500.00 4,259.00 3,172.00 Parking leases 34,000.00 19,833.31 12,648.07 26,913.67 Other Income 3,500.00 2,041 .69 315.86 1 ,367.00 Special Projects 11 ,500.00 6,708.31 3,121 .75 4,543.00 Refunds (1 ,500.00) (875.00) (295.05) (1 ,212.50) Sales Tax Expense (2,000.00) (1 , 166.69) (2,202.00) (655.00) Total Revenue 499.750.29 291 ,520.95 236.998.48 275.223.89 General Expenditures See Schedule 502.908.29 293.363.28 260.112.73 255.487.67 Capital Outlay Other Revenues (Expenditures) • Interest Income - Checking 158.00 92.19 447.98 98.15 Miscellaneous Revenue 0.00 0.00 23.14 0.00 Total Other Revenues (Expenditures) 158.00 92.19 471 . 12 98.15 Excess Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures $ (3,000.00) $ (1 ,750.14) $ (22,643.13) $ 19,834.37 • See Accountants' Compilation Report 10 Fayetteville Town Center • Schedule of General Expenditures Seven Months Ending July 31 , 2007 2007 Annual Year to Date 2007 2006 2007 Accumulated Total Year to Date Year to Date Budget Budget Actual Actual General Expenditures Salaries & Wages $ 196,407.00 $ 114,570.75 $ 95,034.86 $ 96,236.08 Outside Services 0.00 0.00 120.00 313. 13 Wages and Salaries - Additional 0.00 0.00 2,669.00 0.00 Payroll Taxes Expense 18,124.24 10,572.45 9,010.85 9,229.18 Insurance and Health Benefits 15,531 .14 9,059.82 3,781 .31 7,792.82 408(P) Company Match 5,162.00 3,011 .19 1 ,154.58 1 ,459.62 Commissions 30,146.00 17,585.19 15,993.83 17,804.66 Materials and Supplies 3,000.00 1 ,750.00 3,320.03 1 ,675.73 Office Supplies/Printing 1 ,015.00 592.06 507.06 507.06 Credit Card Discounts 1 ,500.00 875.00 815.64 1 ,066.91 Bank Charges 0.00 0.00 60.85 23.00 Office Expense 0.00 0.00 497. 13 400.52 Postage 200.00 116.69 132.00 43.64 Water 8,840.00 5,156.69 4,346.90 4,173.61 Gas 16,644.10 9,709.07 7,396.89 11 ,023.00 Electricity 69,814.20 40,724.95 33,791 .58 34,998.14 • Cable 1 ,151 .70 671 .86 506.62 579.00 Telephone 9,321 .40 5,437.46 6,737.87 4,568.12 Long Distance Telephone 0.00 0.00 118.36 138. 19 Insurance 6,500.00 3,791 .69 . 0.00 0.00 Taxes and Licenses 2,660.00 1 ,551 .69 1 ,700.00 1 ,500.00 Contract Services 0.00 0.00 1 ,282.00 0.00 Linens 24,708.90 14,413.56 13,614.71 12,053.64 Miscellaneous Expense 340.00 198.31 732.01 40.00 Repairs and Maintenance 52,581 .10 30,672.32 38,234.99 26,697.07 Advertising and Marketing 4,000.00 2,333.31 869.00 2,329.35 Travel and Training 3,761 .51 2,194.22 1 ,201 .32 0.00 Depreciation Expense 20,000.00 11 ,666.69 11 ,666.69 11 ,658.50 Special Projects 11 .500.00 6.708.31 4.816.65 9.176.70 Total General Expenditures $ 502,908.29 $ 293,363.28 $ 260, 112.73 $ 255,487.67 • See Accountants' Compilation Report 11 Fayetteville Convention and Visitors Bureau Statement of Revenues and Expenditures • One Month Ending July 31 , 2007 July 31 , 2007 July 31 , 2007 Budget Actual Revenue Bus Tours $ 83.33 $ 0.00 Partnership Income 625.00 700.00 Travel Hero 416.67 0.00 Total Revenue 1 , 125.00 700.00 General Expenditures See Schedule 25,401 .47 24,355.58 Capital Outlay Other Revenues (Expenditures) Interest Income - Checking 25.00 48.94 Transfers from Other Funds 24.251 .48 0.00 Total Other Revenues (Expenditures) 24,276.48 48.94 • Excess Revenues Over Excess Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures $ 0.01 (23.606.64) • See Accountants' Compilation Report 12 Fayetteville Convention and Visitors Bureau • Schedule of General Expenditures One Month Ending July 31 , 2007 Month of Month of July 31 , 2007 July 31 , 2007 Budget Actual General Expenditures Salaries & Wages $ 15,213.75 $ 14, 192.92 ' Payroll Taxes Expense 1 ,217. 10 1 ,074.56 Insurance and Health Benefits 1 ,332.97 1 ,802. 11 408(P) Company Match 456.41 288.98 Materials and Supplies 416.67 0.00 Office Supplies/Printing 208. 33 1 ,313.52 Software 625.00 0.00 Update Computers/Added Secretarial Ex 275.00 0.00 Publications & Dues 208.33 0.00 Postaqe 16.67 0.00 Water 0.00 33.61 Electricity 0.00 317.71 Telephone 600.00 599.79 Taxes and Licenses 39.58 0.00 Convention Development 2,083.33 2,497.38 Repairs and Maintenance 208.33 0.00 Travel and Traininq 9 500 00 9 935 n0 • Total General Expenditures $ 25.401 .47 $ 24,355.58 • See Accountants' Compilation Report 13 Fayetteville Convention and Visitors Bureau Statement of Revenues and Expenditures _ • Seven Months Ending July 31 , 2007 2007 Annual Year to Date 2007 2006 2007 Accumulated Totals Year to Date Year to Date Budget Budget Actual Actual Revenue Bus Tours $ 1 ,000.00 $ 583.31 $ 0.00 $ 975.00 Partnership Income 7,500.00 4,375.00 7,100.00 4,900.00 Special Projects - Sponsorships 0.00 0.00 0.00 210.00 Travel Hero 5,000.00 2,916.69 0.00 0.00 Other Income 0.00 0.00 48.74 0.00 Total Revenue 13.500.00 7.875.00 7.148.74 6.085.00 General Expenditures See Schedule 304.817.77 177.810.29 188.926.29 120.288.43 Capital Outlay Other Revenues (Expenditures) Interest Income - Checking 300.00 - 175.00 466. 11 194.14 Transfers from Other Funds 291 ,017.77 169,760.36 150,000.00 120,000.00 • Miscellaneous Revenue 0.00 0.00 133.90 0.00 Total Other Revenues (Expenditures) 291 .317.77 169.935.36 150.600.01 120.194.14 Excess Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures $ 0.00 $ 0.07 $ (31 ,177.54) $ 5,990.71 • See Accountants' Compilation Report 14 Fayetteville Convention and Visitors Bureau Schedule of General Expenditures • Seven Months Ending July 31 , 2007 2007 Annual Year to Date 2007 2006 2007 Accumulated Total Year to Date Year to Date Budget Budget Actual Actual General Expenditures Salaries & Wages $ 182,565.00 $ 106,496.25 $ 97,773.32 $ 63,736.99 Payroll Taxes Expense 14,605.20 8,519.70 7,879.37 5,125.74 Insurance and Health Benefits 15,995.62 9,330.79 10,629.41 9,195.80 408(P) Company Match 5,476.95 3,194.87 2,022.86 1 ,912.17 Materials and Supplies 5,000.00 2,916.69 617.92 702.25 Office Supplies/Printing 2,500.00 1 ,458.31 4,842.13 1 ,219.62 Software 7,500.00 4,375.00 5,014.52 0.00 Update Computers/Added Secret 3,300.00 1 ,925.00 696.47 1 ,097.00 Credit Card Discounts 0.00 0.00 0.00 1 .75 Office Expense 0.00 0.00 0.00 535.80 Publications & Dues 2,500.00 1 ,458.31 997.00 2,624.00 Postage 200.00 116.69 0.00 132.00 Water 0.00 0.00 267.97 0.00 Electricity 0.00 0.00 2,564.78 0.00 Telephone 7,200.00 4,200.00 4,035.99 2,662.86 Rent 0.00 0.00 24,300.00 5,600.00 • Taxes and Licenses 475.00 277.06 298.33 283.50 Convention Development 25,000.00 14,583.31 9,747.80 10,101 .71 Repairs and Maintenance 2,500.00 1 ,458.31 249.09 0.00 Travel and Training 30,000.00 17,500.00 16,989.33 14,883.34 Special Projects 0.00 0.00 0.00 473.90 Total General Expenditures $ 304,817.77 $ 177,810.29 $ 188,926.29 $ 120,288.43 • . See Accountants' Compilation Report 15 Clinton House Museum Statement of Revenues and Expenditures • One Month Ending July 31 , 2007 July 31 , 2007 July 31 , 2007 Budget Actual Revenue Admission Revenue $ 625.00 $ 699.00 Special Events 52.08 0.00 Gift Shop Sales 208.33 454.27 Sales Tax Expense 50.00 (267.00) Gross Revenue 935.41 886.27 Less Cost of Goods Sold 0.00 (207.91 ) Total Revenue 835.41 678.36 General Expenditures See Schedule 4,654.00 5,030.78 Capital Outlay • Other Revenues (Expenditures) Interest Income - Checking 6.25 40.25 Transfers from Other Funds 3,808.58 0.00 Total Other Revenues (Expenditures) 3,814.83 40.25 Excess Revenues Over Excess Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures $ (3.76) $ (4.312. 17) • See Accountants' Compilation Report 16 Clinton House Museum • Schedule of General Expenditures One Month Ending July 31 , 2007 Month of Month of July 31 , 2007 July 31 , 2007 Budget Actual General Expenditures Salaries & Wages $ 2,625.00 $ 2,500.00 Payroll Taxes Expense 208.33 191 .26 Insurance and Health Benefits 250.00 286.75 408(P) Company Match 78.75 0.00 Materials and Supplies 83.33 0.00 Credit Card Discounts 20.00 38.06 Bank Charqes 0.00 7.00 Water 44.75 35.25 Gas 71 .67 27. 15 Electricity 76.50 110. 15 Security 25.00 21 .85 Telephone 129.00 126.07 Rent 1 ,000.00 0.00 Repairs and Maintenance 0.00 84.75 Maintenance/Lawn Service 0.00 120.00 Other Special Projects 41 .67 1 ,249.56 Travel and Traininq n nn 23293 • Total General Expenditures $ 4.654.00 $ 5.030.78 • See Accountants' Compilation Report 17 Clinton House Museum Statement of Revenues and Expenditures • Seven Months Ending July 31 , 2007 2007 Annual Year to Date 2007 2006 2007 Accumulated Totals Year to Date Year to Date Budget Budget Actual Actual Revenue Admission Revenue $ 7,500.00 $ 4,375.00 $ 3,576.36 $ 2,412.00 Special Events 625.00 364.56 650.00 625.00 Gift Shop Sales 2,500.00 1 ,458.31 2,365.49 1 ,266.44 Other Income 0.00 0.00 350.00 100.00 Sales Tax Expense (600.00) (350.00) (553.00) -118.00 Gross Revenue 10,025.00 5,847.87 6,388.85 4,285.44 Less Cost of Goods Sold 0.00 0.00 (1 .082.62) (580.941 Total Revenue 10.025.00 5.847.87 5.306.23 3.704.50 General Expenditures See Schedule 55.848.00 32.578.00 37.059.59 37.866.81 Capital Outlay • Other Revenues (Expenditures) Interest Income - Checking 75.00 43.75 170.53 63.16 Transfers from Other Funds 45.703.00 26.660.06 23.000.00 0.00 Total Other Revenues (Expenditures) 45.778.00 26.703.81 23.170.53 63.16 Excess Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures $ (45.00) $ (26.32) $ (8,582.83) $ (34,099.15) See Accountants' Compilation Report 18 Clinton House Museum • Schedule of General Expenditures Seven Months Ending July 31 , 2007 2007 Annual Year to Date 2007 2006 2007 Accumulated Total Year to Date Year to Date Budget Budget Actual Actual General Expenditures Salaries & Wages $ 31 ,500.00 $ 18,375.00 $ 14,788.24 $ 17,384.64 Payroll Taxes Expense 2,500.00 1 ,458.31 3,935.12 11419.99 Insurance and Health Benefits 3,000.00 11750.00 860.25 1 ,687.42 408(P) Company Match 945.00 551 .25 75.00 0.00 Materials and Supplies 1 ,000.00 583.31 633.80 410.99 Credit Card Discounts 240.00 140.00 125.47 37.39 Bank Charges 0.00 0.00 7.00 0.00 Publications & Dues 0.00 0.00 50.00 0.00 Water 537.00 313.25 250.43 243.00 Gas 860.00 501 .69 815.23 543.76 Electricity 918.00 535.50 544.12 320.45 Security 300.00 175.00 152.85 152.60 Telephone 1 ,548.00 903.00 880.50 766.40 Rent 12,000.00 7,000.00 12,000.00 12,000.00 Miscellaneous Expense 0.00 0.00 0.00 198.72 Repairs and Maintenance 0.00 0.00 177.40 0.00 • Maintenance/Lawn Service 0.00 0.00 200.00 0.00 Advertising and Marketing 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,701 .45 Other Special Projects 500.00 291 .69 1 ,249.56 0.00 Travel and Training . 0.00 0.00 314.62 0.00 Total General Expenditures $ 55,848.00 $ 32,578.00 $ 37,059.59 $ 37,866.81 • See Accountants' Compilation Report 19 -- FAYETTEVILLE THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE ARKANSAS KIT WILLIAMS. CITY.ATTORNEY DAVID WHITAKER, ASST. CITY ATTORNEY APARTMENTAL CORRESPONDENCE LEGAL U111K1 ,\ 11 ,\ 1 TO: A & P Commissioners CC : Casey Jones, City Prosecutor FROM : Kit Williams, City Attorney DATE : September 6, 2007 RE : Overdue HMR tax collection I have two multi-day jury trials scheduled for September and so cannot attend your A & P Commission Meeting this month . The City Prosecutor collected $1 ,960.84 last month in overdue HMR taxes. This is the first time in my memory that- his report was a single page with only 13 establishments listed . Two of those are listed as paid in full or • paid current indicating they should not be on the list next month . The City is apparently successful collecting HMR taxes from an increasingly greater proportion of our restaurants. This year the City Prosecutor has collected a total of $40,466. 15 in overdue HMR taxes . October should be less hectic for me so I plan to attend that month's A & P Commission meeting to answer any of your questions. I i • CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE OFFICE OF THE PROSECUTING ATTORNEY *CLINTON K. JONES MANDY FINKLEA CITY PROSECUTOR OFFICE ADMINISTRATOR W. BRANT WARRICK E-mail: hotcheck@cl.Iayettevllle.ar.us 140 W. ROCK DEPUTY CITY PROSECUTOR FAYETfEVILLE, ARKANSAS 77701 MEMO PHONE: (479( 5758777 (479( 575-8778 (479) 575-8774 (479) 5754375 TO: K. Williams Hot Checks: (479) 575-8754 Fayetteville City Attorney FAX Is (479) 575-8373 FROM : Casey Jones Fayetteville City Prosecutor DATE: September 6 , 2007 G RE: Status of Active HMR cases 1 . Baskin Robbins Robert Szlemko FTAS Warrant 2. Benson Kevin/Brittany Benson Paid $300.00 3 . Bourbon Boys Brad C. Murphey Paid $200.00 4. Butcher Block Gary Bell Paid $0 • 5 . Corky's Ben Clark Paid $ 150.00 TD: 1 /23/08 6. Dominoes Pizza Lloyd Hardison Paid $200.00 7. Frulati Cafe Todd/Mary McNeill Paid $ 175.02 — Paid in Full 8. Fuzzy's Restaurant Frank Giardino Active FTA warrant 9. LaFamilia Virginal Amaral Paid $50.00 TD: 9/26/07 10. La Palmas Vicente Perea Active Criminal Summons 11 . Los Cuates Maria Richard Active Criminal Summons 12. Marlo's Taco Shack Marlo Underhill Paid $885.82 — Current 13 . Sassafras Stephen Jenkins/Leah Miles Active Criminal Summons TOTAL: $ 1 ,960.84 • DIRECTOR'S REPORT August, 2007 INQUIRY RESPONSES Inquiry Responses August 2007 — 1 , 114 Year to date 2007 — 112574 August 2006 — 1 ,757 Year to date 2006 — 15,865 AUGUST ACTIVITY Tourism Activities — NATO assembly — 7 Liberians and Congressman Boozman Emily Smith & Dina Wood — Fulbright College UA Ceramics symposium Hog Drop for First Night State Regional Associations planning — Brian Clark NATA Trail of Tears research group Mt. Nebo Chicken Fry movie Carla — Workforce Development Steve Gray — Barbara Fairchild & Veterans Day Relations with Media — Nancy Hartney, Arkansas Horseman Roundup Susan Raines — A Y Magazine • Brian Haney — Travel Host magazine Ray Dotson — NWA Viewpoint, Ch. 53 Darcy _Polk City Directories Graham Cobb — Arkansas Business new show Arkansas Sports 360 Carol Phillips — KTHV — Amazed by Arkansas Jorge Bernardo — Retirement Living Television David Lagasse — U. S. News and World Reports Richard Massey — Arkansas Democrat Gazette Tammy — Channel 5 — Razorback game impact A & P — Robert Baker, Edward Jones State Parks and Tourism regional association meeting — Petit Jean Meeting Wade Williams, Arkansas Parks and Tourism Commissioner PRSA Advertising Agencies — RFQ's Employee Insurance — Joe Hamman Carson — Miry Lite tables Bob Davis — insurance for CVB John McKinney — Wm. P. Cook Brian French — Strategic Advisory Group John Gilliam — Colorado Steve — Banner Sign and Barricade • e-newsletter Tom Reifert — T. C. sq. footage, costs