HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007-08-13 - Agendas - Final MEETING NOTICE The Advertising and Promotion Commission will meet on Monday, August 13, 2007, at 2:00 p.m. in the Town Center Conference room. AGENDA ADVERTISING AND PROMOTION COMMISSION August 13, 2007 2 :00 p.m. Town Center 1. Call to Order - Chairman Pat Gazzola II. Reports A. Approval of Minutes for July 9 regular monthly meeting B. Financial Report 1 . HMR Revenues 2. Financial Statements 3. Update from City Attorney re: delinquent tax collection efforts C. Report from Executive Director — Marilyn Heifner • D. CVB Report — Allyson Twiggs E. Town Center Report — Willistine Smith F. Clinton House Museum Report — Brittany Starr G. Advertising Agency Report — Brian Clark III. New Business IV. Old Business A. Purchase of CVB building — building purchased on July 31 B. Advertising Agency RFQ V. New Business VI. Adjourn • • ADVERTISING AND PROMOTION COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING July 9, 2007 Commissioners Present: Dan Coody, Neal Crawford, Bob Davis, Pat Gazzola, Robert Rhoads, and Maudie Schmitt. Commissioners Absent: David McGeady Staff Present: Marilyn Heifner, Allyson Twiggs, and Jamey Goddard, and Brittany Shell Chairman Pat Gazzola called the regular monthly meeting of the Fayetteville Advertising and Promotion Commission to order on July 9, 2007 at the Fayetteville Town Center at 2:00 p.m. MINUTES Moved by Davis, second by Schmitt to approve the minutes of the May 14, 2007, regular meeting. Motion carried. HMR REVENUES Total collections of HMR tax in May (April sales) were $ 165,779 a -4.94% decrease over last May. June collections (May sales) were up 3 .80% with total collections of $ 177,594. Year to date decline in HMR revenues is -3 . 18% • Hotel revenue year to date is almost equally with same sales last year -.0039%. Restaurant revenue declined year to date -5 .37%. Marilyn noted the closing of Chloe's, O'Charley's, and Smokey Bones. New restaurants scheduled to open were discussed. FINANCIAL REPORT W. L. Cook introduced members of his firm, John McKinney and Fern Smith. Fern will be moving to Fayetteville from EI Dorado and will run this office. Financials did not reflect the appropriation of money for Botanical Garden and Square Gardens. Marilyn will get with agency to ensure financials reflect changes next month. Moved by Coody, second by Rhoads to accept financials. Motion carried. CITY ATTORNEY City Attorney Kit Williams reported that the City Prosecutor's office collected $5,722.89 in May and June to bring the year to date total collected to $32,453.76. DIRECTOWS REPORT Advertising inquiries continue to be down year to date -26.6%. Brian Clark will report on internet inquiries. We are cooperating with Kathleen Pate of the Clinton Presidential Library and Museum on a 4 city presidential state map. Travel writers were entertained from Oregon and California. Fayetteville will be featured in a guidebook by Betty Martin called "Undiscovered America". • Scott Foresman social studies textbook will also feature Fayetteville. Numerous meetings were held with the agency in the design of the new Visitors Guide and the • sports brochure. The Festival of Ozark Civil War Heritage Reunion was held in June at Pea Ridge. Marilyn met with the 2012 Civil War sesquicentennial commission prior to the reunion. One of their focuses will be the Effect of the Civil war on families. Work on the CVB building continues. Allyson has completed work on her CDME certification and will receive it in July. She will be one of two CDME's in the state. To repair leaks in the parking garage below the plaza will begin in two weeks. They will install a false ceiling and trough system to redirect the leaks. We have not been successful in determining where the leaks originate. Commissioners were notified that on July 19 Marilyn will address the National Parks subcommittee in Washington D. C. regarding the historic trails designation of the Butterfield Trail. On July 19-20, the Arkansas Parks and Tourism Commission will meet in Fayetteville. Commissioners were invited to attend their meeting. On August 5, Marilyn will entertain a delegation from Liberia with Congressman Boozman. CONVENTION VISITORS BUREAU Allyson distributed visitor stats from interviews with visitors since May 30, 2007, regarding their reasons for coming to Fayetteville, length of stay, etc. She will distribute list quarterly to • Commissioners. ICLEI conference will be in town next week with 150 people. Professional Insurance Agents conference will be here next month with another 150 people. Ryan is working on baseball and track events for '08. Shelly worked on a very successful Solar Splash last month and with the Oklahoma/Arkansas Association of Administration Professionals. She has been elected president of the Arkansas IAAP. Julie is very successful in recruiting bus tours. TOWN CENTER REPORT Jamey Goddard reported Town Center statistics for May and June. She indicated a problem in sales can be attributed to John Q. Hammonds donating space for non-profits. Ashden White has been hired for maintenance position. CLINTON HOUSE MUSEUM Brittany Starr presented her report. The street in front of the house has been closed for 6 weeks and has been a challenge for visitors getting to the Museum. She had the presidents wives of South America as guests and a group from Ireland. Brittany was guest speaker for Kiwanis and the Optimists. Movie night was a big success in spite of the road. June 23, she went to Little Rock and met Senator Clinton. She has scheduled private events in July and August. Tim Tarvin with the UA Law School has assigned a student to help her with 5013 c application. j She continues to solicit media coverage for the Museum. • AGENCY REPORT Brian Clark reported on the last 60 days working on the Visitor Guide featuring unique Fayetteville residents and a perfect bound digest size. The Sporting Guide will be a unique tool for Ryan to use in soliciting events. Website updates are complete. Web activity indicates • 68,420 visits year to date. For the next 60 days, work will be completed on the two television spots. He showed the Commissioners still shots taken during the video shooting. They will review media schedule with Marilyn on Thursday. This will include KTHV in Little Rock and cable outside the Little Rock area and banner ads. The print campaign will include the still shots. An e-newsletter is in the works as well. OLD BUSINESS Moved by Rhoads, second by Davis to reaffirm purchase of the building at 21 S. Block and authorization Marilyn Heifner to use $ 1 . 1 million from the investment account to purchase the property, sign necessary documents, and pay closing costs. Motion carried. NEW BUSINESS Advertising Agency Contract This is the third year of the second three year contract with Sells Clark as agency of record for advertising. After discussion regarding the process for selecting a new agency, it was moved by Coody, second by Schmitt to solicit requests for qualifications for an agency of record. Motion carried. The Mayor indicated that the city is getting a black eye from towing companies in private lots while parked near Dickson Street. Discussion followed. Crawford stated that he thought it was a • transitional problem until sufficient parking spaces are built. Legislation to regulate non- essential tows did not pass in the Arkansas legislature this year. The Commission convened in Executive Session to discuss an employee issue. No action was taken on their return. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Marilyn Heifner Executive Director • • Advertising and Promotion Commission For month of July 2007 Current Year HMR Collected (2120.0912 .4101 .00) $ 172,500.20 Prior Year Collected (2120.0912.4101 .01 ) $ 579.17 Checking Interest Revenue (2120.0912.4705.00) $ 3.74 Crews Investment Interest Revenue (2120.0912 .4708.00) $ 10,768.93 Total Revenues $ 183,852.04 Annual Bond Audit Expense (2120.9120.7602 .60) $ Collection Expense (2120.9120. 5333.00) $ (31461 .59) Bank of OK Quarterly Fee (2120.9120.7602.60) $ Town Center Bond Payment (2120.9120.7602.60) $ ---(54,935.36) 2004 Property Taxes on Town Center (2120.9120.7602 .60) $ Total Expenses $ (58,396.95) Total Check to A&P $ 125,455.09 City of Fayetteville, Arkansas Monthly HMR Tax Collections 2004-2007 2004 2004 2005 2005 2006 2006 2007 2007 Total Change Over Total Change Over Total Change Over Total Change Over HMR Taxes Prior Year HMR Taxes Prior Year HMR Taxes Prior Year HMR Taxes Prior Year January $ $135,930 12.75% $153,048 12.59% 164,284 7.30% $1669620 1 .42% February $129,922 12.05% $1339528 2.78% 183,554 37.46% $150,088 -18.23% March $1399442 18.89% $164,763 18.16% 154,067 -6.49% $157,317 2.11 % April $149,113 19.00% $159,473 6.94% 174,063 9. 15% $171 ,562 -1 .43% May $145,039 11 .85% $159, 186 9.75% 174,387 9.54% $165,779 -4.94% June $149,466 12.86% $162,754 8.89% 171 ,098 5.13% $1779594 3.80% July $152,917 17.11 % $181 ,070 18.41 % 1729905 -4.51 % $173,079 0.00% August $146,518 10. 19% $1671448 14.31 % 160,067 -4.40% September $146,097 10. 18% $1629215 11 .03% 169,793 4.67% October $155,320 14.07% $1699325 9.02% 196,393 15.99% November $168,369 8.75% $170,780 1 .43% 193,469 13.29% December $138,185 7.78% $160,343 16.03% 159,842 -0.01 % Total $ $19756,317 12.84% $1 ,943,930 10.68% 2,073,923 6.69% $1 ,162,039 -2.71 % \filename HMR Comparison 2003 to 2006 Using Year-End totals per HMR Report HOTELS 2003 2004 % change 2005 % change 2006 % change 2007 % change Dec 10,773.64 12,329.60 14.44% 149024.64 13.75% 13,284.28 -5.28% 12,577.76 -5. 10% Jan 10,638.74 12,614.03 18.57% 13,738.64 8.91 % 13,650.85 0.64% 13,965.23 2.30% Feb 12,140.56 16,210.91 33.52% 17,930.90 10.61 % 16,006.58 -10.73% 16,534.37 3.30% Mar 15,371 .78 19,692.06 28.11 % 191037.80 -3'.33% 18,941 .34 -0.50% 18,699.53 -1 .27% Apr 16,534.22 17,643.48 6.70% 19,720.73 11 .77% 19,000.83 -0.37% 19, 110. 12 0.56% May 16,568.61 19,979.47 26.62% 22,347.62 11 .85% 229796.50 2.00% 23,204.74 1 .79% Jun 18,530.45 22,917.75 23.67% 22,690.02 -0.99% 22,060.53 -2.78% 229705.86 2.92% Jul 16,031 .25 179404.01 8.56% 18,668.34 7.26% 16,804.33 -9.98% Aug 16,098. 10 17,316.75 7.56% 189786.70 8.48% 17,513.64 -6.67% Sep 16,875.70 21 ,910. 18 29.83% 219524.09 -1 .76% 28, 150.74 30.78% Oct 25,183.66 24,314.01 -3.45% 22,729.73 7.44% 22,208.80 -2.29% Nov 169468.24 16,294.83 1 .05% 17,073.24 4.78% 17,351 .42 1 .63% 1919214.95 2189627.08 14.34% 2289272.45 4.41 % 227,769.84 -0.22% 126,797.61 0.01 % RESTAURANTS 2003 2004 % change 2005 % change 2006 % change Dec 112, 143.74 122,970.98 9.65% 137,855.28 12.10% 153,658.60 11 .46% 145,851 .07 -5.08 Jan 104, 133.72 116,544.55 11 .92% 126,564.43 8.60% 142,675.37 12.73% 126,350.10 -11 .44% Feb 99,436.17 117,063.89 17.73% 127,214.85 8.67% 133,701 .96 5. 10% 133,499.96 -0.001 % Mar 1139299. 12 125, 141 .62 10.45% 140, 166.43 12.00% 153,462. 15 9.48% 145,240.82 -5.36% Apr 1089157.35 123,732.13 14.40% 137,712.38 11 .30% 143, 149.32 7.57% 146,017.95 2.00% May 114,543.92 126,572.41 10.50% 140,966.98 11 .37% 166,542.00 18.14% 142,484.49 -14.44% Jun 111 ,410.87 1289880.12 15.68% 164,369.25 27.54% 139,677.98 -15.31 % 142,384.44 1 .93% Jul 109,920.03 127,161 .30 15.68% 1369906.50 7.66% 152,031 .25 11 .05% Aug 117,824.90 126,217.05 7. 12% 139,830.39 10.78% 143,807.38 2.84% Sep 112,098.50 134,327.89 19.83% 143,215.20 6.61 % 1589151 .42 10.43% Oct 1279371 .76 133,335.40 4.68% 146,722.98 10.04% 1579626. 19 7.43% Nov 104,084.85 118, 147.51 13.51 % 133,691 .45 13.16% 137,036.80 2.50% 1 ,334,424.93 1 ,500,094.85 12.42% 1 ,6759216.12 11 .67% 1 ,781 ,520.42 6.68% 981 ,828.83 -4.94% FAYETTEVILLE THE CRY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS • KIT WILLIAMS, CITY ATTORNEY DAVID WHITAKER, ASST. CrrY ATTORNEY DEPARTMENTAL CORRESPONDENCE LEGAL DEPARTMENT TO: A & P Commissioners CC : Casey Jones, City Prosecutor FROM : Kit Williams, City Attorney DATE : August 8, 2007 RE : Overdue HMR tax collection The City Prosecutor's Office collected $6,051 .55 in overdue Hotel , Motel and Restaurant taxes in July of 2007 . 1 was happy to see that four establishments paying their overdue taxes achieved "Current" status • indicating they have caught up all past due taxes . The total amount of overdue HMR taxes collected in 2007 is now $38,505.31 for an average monthly collection of about $5,500.00. Attached is Casey Jones' report. CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE OFFICE OF THE PROSECUTING ATTORNEY MANDCLINTON K. JONES HECK MINISA HOT CHECK ADMINISTRATOR CITY PROSECUTOR E-mail: hotcheck&l.fayettevllie.ar.us BRIAN THOMAS 101 W. Mountain, Suite 202 FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS 72701 DEPUTY CITY PROSECUTOR MO PHONE: (479) 575-9377 ME (479) 5759379 (479) 5758374 (479) 5758375 Hot Checks: (479) 5758254 TO: K. Williams FAX # : (479) 575-8373 Fayetteville City Attorney FROM: Casey Jones Fayetteville City Prosecutor DATE: August 7 , 2007 RE: Status of Active BIMR cases 1 . Alligator Ray's Steve Woodard Active Criminal Summons • 2. Baskin Robbins Robert Szlemko FTAS Warrant 3. Bensons Kevin/Brittany Benson Paid $300.00 4. Bourbon Boys Brad C. Murphey Paid $200.00 5. Butcher Block Gary Bell Paid $0 6. Corky's Ben Clark Paid $ 150.00 TD: 1/23/08 7. Dominoes Pizza Lloyd Hardison Paid $200.00 8. Elenita's Elaine M. Reyes Paid $3,335.55 - Current 9. Frulati Cafd Todd/Mary McNeill Paid $250.00 TD: 9/5/07 10. Fuzzy's Restaurant Frank Giardino Active FTA warrant 11 . Gypsy's John Dortch Paid $ 1 ,520.40 - Current 12. LaFamilia Virginal Amaral Paid $50.00 TD: 8/29/07 • 13 . La Palmas Vicente Perea Active Criminal Summons • 14. Los Cuates Maria Richard Active Criminal Summons 15. Marlo's Taco Shack Marlo Underhill Active Criminal Summons 16. Picasso's Pizza Juan Barcenas Paid $23 .90 - Current 17. Sassafras Stephen Jenkins Active Criminal Summons Leah Miles 18. The Perk Marilyn Youmans Paid $21 .70 - Current TOTAL: $6,051 .55 • • • DIRECTOR'S REPORT July, 2007 INQUIRY RESPONSES Inquiry Responses July 2007 — 904 Year to date 2007 — 10,014 July 2006 — 1 ,684 Year to date 2006 — 14, 103 JULY ACTIVITY Tourism Activities — Warren Jones, Arkansas Air Museum Subcommittee on Natural Resources, House of Representatives, Washington D.C. — testimony Arkansas Chapter, Trail of Tears, Lake Dardanelle State Park Heritage Trail Partners Sam 's plane delivered at Air Museum Northwest Arkansas Tourism Assn. Arkansas Hospitality Association/NYAC program — Maggie Lemmerman — Congressman Boozman's office Bruce Dunn Jacci Perry — Butterfield commemorative ride Beverly Melton — goodie bags for convention 2008 • Relations with Media — Marsha, Northwest Arkansas Times Chris Atkisson — KNWA Bo Mattingly — Sports Talk show Robert Bell — Business Journal Simone — Meeting News A & P — A T & T white pages listings Joanne Hinson, Arkansas Parks and Tourism — brochure approval Rinata — Interspace Advertising @ airport Bill Lampmann — Sonora retirement community Bill Mock — regional water skiing tournament Amanda — Hooters — needs HMR research data John McKinney — Wm. P. Cook Roxanne Worthy — invoice from Westwood Gardens for renovation Clinton House Museum — Martha Haguewood, Maple Hills Garden club CVB — Rick Setting, Nabholz Washington County Extension office — bees removed Town Center — Mayo Sheet Metal, dropped ceiling I • HMR Collections — July collections (June sales) Olive Garden Cosmopolitan Red Lobster Golden Corral Chick-Fil-A (NW Village) Clarion TGI Fridays Hampton Inn Penguin Ed's Barbecue McDonald's — Joyce Noodles Inn at Carnall Hall Logan's Roadhouse Catfish Hole #3 Holiday Inn Express Rick's Bakery McDonald's Chili's Restaurant Bordino's • Ruby Tuesday McDonald's Wedington Shogun of Fayetteville Panera Bread Hooters McDonald's — Crossover Buffalo Wild Wings Activity Report WYSON From: 07/01/2007 To: 07/31/2007 E-Mail 7/16/2007 Allyson Twiggs-General Gloria Robbins-parks/Tourism attendance numbers 7/23/2007 Allyson Twiggs-General Louise Schaper-Library Lt Gov tour of Library aug 3 7/30/2007 Arkansas Association of CVB's Karen Trevino Annual Meeting lost cont to hot springs Total For E-Mail : 3 Meeting 7/16/2007 Allyson Twiggs-General Gary Weidner met about map for VC 7/16/2007 Allyson Twiggs-General Michele Towne-Inviting Arkansas wrote article for IA for Aug issue 7/21 /2007 Destination Marketing Association International Attended annual conf/CDME graduation 7/24/2007 Allyson Twiggs-General TJ Angeleno-Courtyard by Marriott New GM at Courtyard/office space 7/24/2007 Lights of the Ozarks Mayor Coody Light the Night details about lights of the ozarks 7/24/2007 Arkansas Hospitality Association Kerry Nelson-NWA NWA hospitality board and chapter 2007 Lights of the Ozarks Loto Committee Light the Night LOTO press conf at chamber 7/26/2007 Professional Insurance Agents of Arkansas Ms. Linda Thompson Annual Meeting conf in town, checking on details 7/26/2007 ASAE Ms Mary Dandurand Annual Meeting attended annual conf in Rogers 7/27/2007 Allyson Twiggs-General Andrea-Conway Farmers Market Ideas for their farmers market 7/31/2007 Sports Experience Mr. Brad Friess press conference at CVB Total For Meeting : 11 Phone Call 7/2/2007 ASAE Ms Mary Dandurand Annual Meeting needs speaker for tuesday lunch 7/2/2007 Professional Insurance Agents of Arkansas Ms. Linda Thompson Annual Meeting confirming details for late july conf. 7/16/2007 Allyson Twiggs-General Jennifer Frazier-Southern Living Mag visit to Fayetteville ideas 7/16/2007 Allyson Twiggs-General David Bates-Northside Rotary speak to rotary in September? 7/23/2007 Northwest Arkansas Business Journal Robert Bell interview about new hotels in fayetteville 7/23/2007 Allyson Twiggs-General Bill Clodfelter-Clarion august hotel meeting agenda 2007 Northwest Arkansas Times Dustin Tracy question about LOTO 7/31 /2007 Activity Report From: 07101/2007 To: 07/31/2007 YSON Phone Call 7/26/2007 Northwest Arkansas Times Trish Hollenbeck interview about BBBQ and hotel rooms 7/26/2007 Northwest Arkansas Times Marsha M interview about visitors center 7/30/2007 Allyson Twiggs-General Bev Saunders-Gentry Chamber How can they participate in bbbq 7/31 /2007 Northwest Arkansas Times Dustin Tracy story about bee keeper at CHM Total For Phone Call : 11 7/31 /2007 Activity Report INELLY From: 07/01/2007 To: 07/3112007 File Note 7/31/2007 UA Physics Dr. Gay Stewart delivered visitor guides 7/31/2007 UA International Students Organization delivered visitor guides Total For File Note : 2 Meeting 7/3/2007 Shelly Stewman - General Jim Kinnally-Morgan Stanley about UA contacts for meetings 7/10/2007 International Association of Administrative Professionals Ms. Jean Mitchell Razorback Chapter presided over board meeting 7/14/2007 International Association of Administrative Professionals Ms. Linda Dizney District Convention attended leadership workshop in Bartlesvil 7/23/2007 Destination Marketing Association International Ms Jill Calabria Attended annual conference 7/23/2007 Shelly Stewman - General Heather-Independent Study Intern about her study and projects 7/24/2007 AmericaView Mr. Bruce Gorham Annual Conference details for upcoming meeting 7/24/2007 International Association of Administrative Professionals Ms. Jean Mitchell Razorback Chapter attended chapter meeting 2007 Central Association of Physical Plant Administrators Mr. Michael Johnson Annual Conference finalizing details of upcoming conference 7/30/2007 Shelly Stewman - General Greg Benton-Rec professor, UA will teach marketing class again fall semest( Total For Meeting : 9 Phone Call 7/12/2007 UA Chemistry & Biochemistry Ms Liz Williams needs visitor guides 7/16/2007 UA Graduate School Ms. Diane Cook needs vgs, delivered vgs 7/23/2007 Bureau of Legislative Research Estella Smith Legislative Committee Meeting booked 40 rooms in rogers for football week 7/24/2007 UA Fulbright Institute Mr. Donald Kelley deliver visitor guides 7/25/2007 UA Information Systems Ms Christy Dean Needs retreat location for 16 7/25/2007 UA Information Systems Ms Christy Dean details on booking a meeting for august 7/26/2007 Shelly Stewman - General Chris Valentine-I POD walking tours ipod tours for cities 7/26/2007 Shelly Stewman - General Melanie Wilson-UA Extension about her fall conference 7/27/2007 Shelly Stewman - General Melissa-Education Alliance • interested in our services for her meeting in Total For Phone Call : 9 8/2/2007 Activity Report From: 07/0112007 To: 08/01 /2007 LIE Clinton House 7/31 /2007 Julie Pennington Clinton House Total For Clinton House : 1 File Note 7/23/2007 Julie Pennington Polar Express letter completed 7/26/2007 Julie Pennington Going on Faith Flyer completed Total For File Note : 2 Group Tour 7/18/2007 Evergreens Watson Chapel Group Ms. Bobbye Thomas Follow Up 7/20/2007 Julie Pennington AQ Chicken 7/31 /2007 Julie Pennington Little Debbie, Day Springs and Golden Corn Total For Group Tour : 3 Group Tour Packet 7/17/2007 Pebble Creek Forever Young Mr. Dennis Fite Wanted a new VG 2007 Trinity Baptist Church Mrs Betty Roseborough Going on Faith New VG 7/17/2007 Main Street Baptist Church Seniors Mr Bob Jones Going on Faith New VG 7/17/2007 Blessed Byways Travel Mr Burdell Hensley Going on Faith New VG 7/17/2007 Forever Young Mrs Gloria Stone Going on Faith New VG 8/1 /2007 Happy Travelers Mrs Ruth Boring Going on Faith New VG Total For Group Tour Packet : 6 Meeting 7/19/2007 Arkansas & Missouri Railroad Company Mrs Brenda Brown 1 st Annual Polar Express & Casino Packag( Total For Meeting : 1 Phone Call 7/10/2007 Exchange Avenue Baptist Srs. Mr. Stan Denton Follow up 7/10/2007 First Presbyterian Church Ms. Camelita LeFore Christian Fellowship Follow Up 7/18/2007 Oasis Church Ms. Louise Wagner To see if she recieved it 7/18/2007 Hays Senior Center Ms. Brenda Glover Follow Up 2007 Butterfield Place Retirement Mrs Stacy Shipman Follow up call- 8/1 /200 Activity Report WI E From: 07/01/2007 To: 08/01 /2007 Phone Call 7/18/2007 Landmark National Bank Mary Bender Little Rock Tour follow up 7/24/2007 Knights of Columbus Ms. Marjorie Smith Ladies Day Out Total For Phone Call : 7 Site Inspection 8/1 /2007 Arkansas 8 Missouri Railroad Company Mrs Brenda Brown Casino- August 9th Total For Site Inspection : 1 • 8/1 /2007 Activity Report *AN From: 07/01/2007 To: 07/31/2007 E-Mail Sent 7/2/2007 Ryan Grigsby-General Information Mr. Ryan Grigsby RE: [LOG] Owner: Fit for a President - GC1 : 7/3/2007 USA Track & Field Mr. Brian Brase RE: Bid Proposal 7/9/2007 Arkansas Comets - Soccer Mr. Samir Haj Ozark Cup Classic RE: Ozark Classic Cup 7/9/2007 Sells/Clark Ms. Jade Hart Sports Brochure 7/9/2007 Arkansas Women's Rugby - Iron Maidens Susan Riggs RE: Tournament? 7/9/2007 Sells/Clark Ms. Jade Hart RE: Sports Brochure 7/12/2007 Arkansas Activities Association II Mr Dick Johnson State Soccer Finals RE: Thank You's 7/12/2007 Fall Sports Festival Mr. Brad Friess Golf Tournament 7/12/2007 Premier Baseball Mr Don Patty 16's - 08' Baseball Tournament 7/17/2007 First Tennessee Fields Mr. Tim Dulin Fayetteville 2007 Dalhoff-Thomas-Daws Mr. Robert Dalhoff Fayetteville 7/17/2007 Dalhoff-Thomas-Daws Mr. Robert Dalhoff Follow-up for Gameday Fields 7/17/2007 First Tennessee Fields Mr. Tim Dulin Follow-up emai - Gameday Fields 7/17/2007 Allyson Twiggs-General Ms Allyson Twiggs Cheer Contact 7/18/2007 Michael Armstrong - USATF Master Official Mr. Michael Armstrong Events for Fayetteville 7/18/2007 Creative Awards Mr. Tom / Bill McBee Events for Fayetteville 7/18/2007 Michael Armstrong - USATF Master Official Mr. Michael Armstrong USA Track events 7/18/2007 Creative Awards Mr. Tom / Bill McBee USA Track events 7/19/2007 Arkansas Comets - Soccer Mr. Samir Haj Ozark Cup Classic Arkansas Comets October 19-20 7/19/2007 Arkansas Comets - Soccer Mr. Samir Haj Ozark Cup Classic Arkansas Comets Oct. 19-20 7/19/2007 Arkansas Comets - Soccer Mr. Samir Haj Ozark Cup Classic Arkansas Comets 7/20/2007 Fayetteville Parks & Recreation Mr David Wright Meeting /2007 Fayetteville Parks & Recreation Mr David Wright RE: Meeting 8/2/2007 Activity Report From : 07/0112007 To: 07/31/2007 AN E-Mail Sent 7/24/2007 Robert Albertson - Rugby Mr. Robert Albertson Rugby 7/25/2007 Arkansas Comets - Soccer Mr. Samir Haj Ozark Cup Classic Hotel Availability 7/27/2007 Robert Albertson - Rugby Mr. Robert Albertson Rugby Meeting 11 7/27/2007 Arkansas Women's Rugby - Iron Maidens Susan Riggs Rugby Tournament Total For E-Mail Sent : 27 Meeting 7/16/2007 First Tennessee Fields Mr. Tim Dulin Gameday Baseball/Softball Fields Total For Meeting : 1 Phone Call 7/18/2007 Fayetteville Martial Arts Academy Mr. Randy Edwards Tae Kwan Do Competition Meeting to discuss Martial Arts Event Total For Phone Call : 1 • 8/2/2007 Fayetteville Town Center, Manager's Activity Report July 1 , 2007 to July 31 , 2007 *Sales: JULY JULY Month YTD YTD YTD 2006 (base) 2007 % Change 2006 2007 % Change Sales 16 16 - 139 119 (14%) # executed contracts b to date — GL Complete Events (Paid/Sponsored) 14 18 28% 143 145 1 % EMS Calendar - attached Sales $ executed contracts by log date — GL $229275.00 $29, 125.00 30% $236,838.48 $198,533.22 (16%) Collections " $ - Payment Lo $20.329.99 $20,624.97 1 % $2419292.44 $216,224.77 (10%) Credit $ - GL 0- 0- NA Average per($ Sales / # Sal event $1 ,392. 19 $1 ,820.31 31 % $19703.87 $1 ,668.35 (2%) $ Sales / # Sates We collected $20,624.97 for rentals, incidentals and service charges in July. The year to date sales contracts are down 14% along with sales amounts down 16%. We have reached 48.2% of our 2007 goal of $448,250.00. Operations Items: • Peace Fountain leak issue — Nabholz Construction has successfully installed a drop ceiling to collect and redirect water Flow • New issue with Peace Fountain — auto fill valve on the control box is not working. We are currently filling manually as needed • Marketing, Sales and Public Relations: . • Jamey Goddard, Sales Director, reports: - Averaged 8 outside sales calls made each week - 50 cold telephone calls per week - 2 outside sales calls resulted in new bookings for 2007 - Another competitor, Waterford Estates, has opened for business Event List: • July 4 — Olivarez Wedding Reception a July 18 — Arkansas Parks & Tourism • July 6 — Dubbell/Beck Wedding Reception • July 21 — Malafavon 15th Birthday Party • July 7 — Eloise's 15th Birthday Party • July 21 — Bolton Wedding Reception • July 7 — Tautsch/Coffman Wedding Reception 0 July 24 — Professional Bankers Seminar • July 10 — ICLEI Symposium 9 July 26 — MANA Training Seminar • July 11 — ICLEI Symposium • July 28 — Rosa's 15th Birthday Party • July 12 — ICLEI Symposium • July 30 — Stutte Arbitration • July 12 — Mid-West Region Teleconference • July 31 — Stutte Arbitration • July 14 — Ryan Gibson Fundraiser • July 17 — Arkansas Parks & Tourism • Contract Date Name of Event Date of Event Contract Total Sales Persc Jul-07 • Jul-07 City of Fayetteville - Water 19-Dec-07 $13075.00 JG 7/3/2007 Ducks Unlimited of NWA 10-Se -07 $1 ,725.00 IJG 7/5/2007 Bates - Richardson Center 10-Nov-07 $2,425.00 IJG 7/5/2007 Misty Martin Wedding Reception 18-Au -07 $2,425.00 IIJG 7/5/2007 Junior Cotillion 10-Nov-07 $2,075.00 IJG 7/9/2007 Hendrix Wedding Reception 18-Aug-07 $1 ,725.00 fJJG 7/9/2007 FCC - Contractor's Banquet 29-Oct-07 $1 ,725.00 IkJG 7/13/2009 Ozark Food Bank 26-Oct-07 $19450.00 JG 7/13/2007 SW Energy Co. 25-Oct-07 $41150.00 IJG 7/20/2007 Jenny Felber Wedding Rece do 10-May-08 $1 ,725.00 JG/SB 7/20/2007 UA Literacy Symposium set-u 4-Jun-08 $2,075.00 I JG 7/20/2008 UA Literacy Symposium June 5-6, 2008 $6,350.00 IJG 7/20/2007 UA Law School - Toast/Roast 21 -Se -08 $19725.00 IJG 7/20/2007 UA Law School - 50 rad/cele 8-Sep-07 $1 ,725.00 IJG 7/20/2007 Donna Groff modeling & talent 18-Oct-07 $500.00 IJG • 7/23/20071 Ryan Gibson Foundation - OPH 12-Jul-08 $3, 175.00 IJG 7/26/2007 Southern Hospitality - Cox Com 8-Dec-07 $2,425.00 IJG 7/27/2007 Bureau of Education and Resear, 3-Apr-08 $725.00 IJG 7/31 /2007 Children's Therapy Team 15-Dec-08 $500.00 IJG 7/31 /2007 Gabel/Hanna Wedding reception 1 -Dec-07 $1 ,725.00 JG TOTAL $41 .425.00 • Clinton House Museum Monthly Report 2007 July Brittany Starr, Director Media Coverage and Interviews Front page article on June P of the Morning News, "Northern Ireland delegates visit Fayetteville, Clinton Home" Interviewed by a travel writer from Arkansas Democrat Gazette Article in the Morning News, "Museum Recalls Clinton Campaign" on July 16`" Free Weekly, "8 Days a Week" Visitors This month we had a total of 215 visitors (including groups) Domestic: Arkansas 94, California 22, Texas 24, Louisiana 11 , New York 6, , Pennsylvania 6, Missouri 6, Tennessee 2, Illinois 2, Washington DC 1 , Oklahoma 8, Hawaii 1 , Georgia 2, Minnesota 3, Colorado 1 , Wisconsin 1 , Massachusetts 2, Virginia 2 International: Tunisia 1 , Morocco 1 , Afghanistan 1 , Ireland 10, Cambodia 1 , Pakistan 1 , England 2, El Salvador 1 , Oman 1 , Palestine 1 , New Zealand 1 Directors Activities: • Hosted a group of Irish Legislators on July 2"a Hosted a group of Middle Eastern student Directors Hosted a group from Parks and Tourism (after hours event) Hosted a group from Drinking Liberally (after hours event) Met with Cathy Bass of Botanical Gardens Met with Martha Haguewood of Maple Hills Garden Club Met with Director of Youth Can, Susannah O'Daniel Attended the Washington County Democrat Central Committee Meeting Attended the Drinking Liberally Meeting Attended the Northwest Arkansas Museum Consortium at the Rogers Historical Museum Wrote an article for The Morning News to appear in early August Wrote an article for the Morning News, "Museum Recalls Clinton Campaign" that ran on July 161h Assisting the Maple Hills Garden Club with continual efforts to make the CHM gardens pretty Visited the Shiloh Museum to visit with Museum Staff and gather ideas for the CHM 111 % increase of $$ from 2006 to 2007 month of July Continual Process of the 501c-3 Routine Cleaning of the Museum Guiding visitor tours • • REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS ADVERTISING AND PROMOTION SERVICES The Fayetteville Advertising and Promotion Commission will receive statements of qualifications for advertising and promotion services from advertising agencies relating to, but not limited to tourism development including: 1 . Creative marketing and planning 2. Website development 3. Brochure development 4. Advertising placement 5. Radio and television production 6. City-wide promotional activities 7. Advertising sales for visitor/relocation guide The scope of work includes, but is not limited to the areas which will contribute to promotion of the above listed elements of tourism development It is requested that ten ( 10) copies of the following information be submitted from respondents: 1 . Qualifications 2. Experience 3 . Proposed method of doing work 4. Rate structure • 5 . Name, address, phone number of contact person 6. Three references including addresses, telephone numbers and contact person's name. (Please do not include as references members of the Fayetteville Advertising and Promotion Commission or the staff of the A & P Commission, Town Center, Visitor's Bureau or the Clinton House Museum). 7. Any other information or comments deemed necessary for the proper evaluation of your work. Selection of services in excess of $20,000 shall be based on the City of Fayetteville's Professional Selection Policy, as adopted and revised on July 5, 2005 . A copy of the Professional Selection Policy is available at the Fayetteville Town Center. Selection will be based on the following: Qualifications — 25% Experience and competence — 25% Past performance - $ 10% Proposed method of doing work — 25% Cost and pricing estimate — 15% Statements of Qualifications are due in the office of the Executive Director by 5 p.m. on August 31 , 2007 at the address below: Fayetteville Town Center P. O. Box 4157 • 15 W. Mountain Fayetteville, AR 72702-4157 vl THE CIN OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS July 23 , 2007 A & P Commission Attn : Pat Gazzola P.O. Box 4157 Fayetteville, AR 72702 Dear Pat and Commissioners, On behalf of the City of Fayetteville and ICLEI-Local Governments for Sustainability, we would like to thank you for your sponsorship of the 2007 ICLEI National Workshop here in Fayetteville. It was a tremendous success with more than 140 local government leaders from 19 different states — from as far away as Alaska — gathered together to discuss climate change issues and solutions. • The A&P Commission's support was critical to the success of this conference and we cannot begin to thank you enough for your help. Attendees were vocal in their appreciation of the opportunity to attend, learn and exchange ideas. We believe they left with a favorable impression of the State of Arkansas and the City of Fayetteville and a renewed commitment to do what it takes locally to improve the global climate. Once again, thank you for your help in making this happen and your commitment to environmental sustainability. Since y, Dan Coody Mayor 113 WEST MOUNTAIN 72701 479.5758330 FAX 479.5758257 All Sports Productions, Inc. • T Bruce Dunn — Event Director 1629 S. River Meadows Dr. ♦ Fayetteville, AR 72701 . 479-521 -7766 Bruce@misterguy.com ♦ www.allsportsproductionsinc.com August 9, 2007 Fayetteville Advertising and Promotion Commission C/o Marilyn Heifner 15 West Mountain Fayetteville, AR 72701 Re: Joe Martin Stage Race follow-up Dear A&P Commissioners, The Ozark Valley Triathlon had 220 competitors from 13 states and Canada. And once again, we had a large number of people who were in their very first triathlon. The most positive feedback we receive from the athletes is that in addition to how much they enjoy the venue, prizes and extra amenities, they like attending the event with their friends and families. We had athletes from across the athletic spectrum and I believe this is one of the key reasons our event has done so well. We not only attract the first-time triathletes, but also some of the top young triathletes in the region. FAYETTEVILLE ECONOMIC IMPACT: The impact of the Ozark Valley Triathlon has some similar qualities to the Joe Martin Stage . . Race in that it attracts people to our area for the event initially, but then has the long-term affect of once our out-of-town guests experience Fayetteville they return for extended periods of time to vacation. I hear this time and time again. The Fayetteville Advertising and Promotion Commission has been a vital component to the success of this event. The athletes not only enjoy the triathlon, but more importantly for our local economy, they like attending events with their friends and families. Listed below is a recap of where and how often the Fayetteville A&P name and logo appeared during the marketing of the Ozark Valley Triathlon. A. Fayetteville A&P name or logo appeared and mentioned: ♦ 6,500 entries forms direct mailed to a five-state region ♦ Citiscapes Metro Monthly — (1 ) '/.-page ad ♦ NW Arkansas Democrat/Gazette - (7) '%-page ads - same as poster ♦ Event posters — see piece • Event Web site — sponsor page • Event T-shirts — see shirt ♦ Banner on race course ♦ Throughout each day on PA system as a sponsor. Thank you again for the support of the Ozark Valley Triathlon. With regard, • Bruce Dunn All Sports Productions, Inc. Bruce Dunn — Event Director 1629 S. River Meadows Dr. • Fayetteville, AR 72701 • 479-521 -7766 bruce@misterguy.com ♦ www.allsportsproductionsinc. com July 19, 2007 Fayetteville Advertising and Promotion Commission C/o Marilyn Heifner 15 West Mountain Fayetteville, AR 72701 Re: Joe Martin Stage Race follow-up Dear A&P Commissioners, This year's Joe Martin Stage Race was once again a tremendous success. Riders attended from 49 states and 17 countries. Just as last year, we had one of the largest professional men's fields in the country with just over 150 riders and our professional women's field was equally impressive with 92 participants, which again ranked us in the top-five on the women's circuit. Our amateur rider participation was also very high this year. What was most impressive was the quality of the participants with the pro men and women bringing their "A" teams. Because of the race's growth and notoriety, the event is having an even greater impact on our economy than we once thought. Below are some of those reasons. • FAYETTEVILLE ECONOMIC IMPACT: ♦ Increase number of support personnel - With the increase in the quality of the teams combined with the continuing growth in the amateur ranks, the benefit to the Fayetteville economy is the number of support personnel that are attending our race. We estimate there were 2,000 additional support staff, friends and family who attended with the riders. ♦ Longer over night stays - For the past two years, the professional and elite amateur teams have been using our event as a mini training camp and grouping point for their riders and support staff. Instead of the typical fly in the night before the race begins and leave the afternoon after the race ends scenario, the teams are staying in town as much as 7 to 10 nights. • Return cycling visits — This has been one of the most unexpected benefits to our event. Amateur cyclists are coming in the late winter and early spring for long weekends and weeklong, early-season training camps. Several years ago we would ride with four or five individual riders who liked to come to Fayetteville. Now there are entire teams, families and even collegiate teams on their Spring breaks coming to Fayetteville to ride some of the best terrain in the country. BY THE NUMBERS - number of out-of-town riders, support staff, and significant others: • 625 — 49 states and 17 countries • 2,000 staff and significant others. ♦ Over 1 ,500 spectators from outside the NW Arkansas region. • Over 5,000 attended from the region. • Joe Martin Stage Race Fayetteville A&P Commission Follow-up • All of this would not have been possible without the generous and long-term support by the Fayetteville Advertising and Promotion Commission. The community, the race committee and myself are very blessed that you have continued to be involved with the race. From the amount of press coverage and spectators to both the increased number and quality of riders, our event set a new standard. More local, regional and national press coverage was noticeable not only during the event, but leading up to and after the race as well. Also, we as a committee feel like we improved on the overall appearance and marketing of the event. Listed below is a recap of where and how often the A&P logo, products and name appeared during the marketing of this year's Joe Martin Stage Race. As you can see, the A&P was woven into the fabric of the event. A. Fayetteville A&P logo appeared: • Multi images on 8' x 16' backdrop of podium • Multi images on finish line truss system - see image enclosed. ♦ Northwest Arkansas Democrat/Gazette newspaper - ( 13) Yrpage ads - see piece ♦ Citiscapes Metro Monthly (20, 000 NW AR distribution) — (1 ) '/rpage island ad - see piece ♦ Large-format event posters — see piece. ♦ Race Bible — see piece. ♦ Event registration brochures — 12,000 distributed (9,000 direct mailed to 24 states)- see piece • Event Web site — main banner and sponsor pages. ♦ National Press release — 1 ,400 national and cycling endemic media. ♦ Event T-shirts — see shirt. • B. Fayetteville A&P name mentioned: ♦ Local press conference as major supporter. • Throughout each day on PA system as a sponsor. • During interviews with print and television media. C. Fayetteville A&P logo item distribution: ♦ 700 pro and amateur riders. ♦ 350 volunteers. Our goal has been to bring a nationally competitive cycling event to Northwest Arkansas and to be the best race of our size in the country. This year's race was a home-run eventlII For 2008 and beyond we are continuing to pursue a nationally televised event. This has been our ultimate goal as a race committee. Please feel free to give us any feedback you have and we look forward to working with the commission on next year's event — May 8-11 , 2008 Respectfully submitted, Bruce Dunn Fayetteville Websites Web tracking stats: January 1 , 2007 - July 31 , 2007 Web site/ Month & Year January-07 February-07 March-07 Number of Visits Number of Visits Number of Visits ex eriencefa etteville.com 4513 6849 13889 fa ettevilletourism.com not available not available no longer available dintonhousemuseum.org not available not available 327 twncenter.com not available not available 496 TOTALS 4513 6849 14712 Web site/ Month & Year Aril-07 May-07 June-07 Number of Visits Number of Visits Number of Visits ex eriencefa etteville.com 12500 12769 12043 fa ettevilletourism.com no longer available no longer available no longer available dintonhousemuseum.org 561 525 431 twncenter.com 1501 1147 869 TOTALS 14562 14441 13343 Web site/- Month & Year July-07 August-07 September-07 Number of Visits Number of Visits Number of Visits ex eriencefa etteville.com 12335 fa ettevilletourism.com no longer available dintanhousemuseum.org 470 twncenter.com 1 091 TOTALS 13896 0 0 Sells/Clark 124 West Meadow, Suite 100 Fayetteville, AR 72701 8/ 30/07 A & P COMM 2007 BUDGET JAN FEB MAR APRIL MAY JUNE 6 month actual % of budget ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL INCOME 2007 budget Tax Revenue $20014,913.00 $159,841 .70 $166,619.69 $1509087.75 $1579317.48 $171 ,561 .70 $165,778.83 $971 ,207. 15 48.20% rest $120,000.00 $14,568.47 $11 ,544.74 $14,588.27 $149645.28 $19,235.29 $139390.67 $87,972.72 73.31 % Other - Visitor guide ads $259000.00 $8,900.00 $49462.50 $13,362.50 53.45% Miscellaneous $158.82 $60.00 $100.00 $318.82 Insurance reimb. $4,550.00 0.00% TOTAL $2,164,463.00 $174,410.17 $1781323.25 $164,736.02 $171 ,962.76 $199,796.99 $183,632.00 $1 ,072,861 . 19 49.57% EXPENSES Transfers Town Center Fund $672, 120.00 $54,935.36 $54,935.36 $54,935.36 $54,935.36 $54,935.36 $54,935.36 $329,612. 16 49.04% Bond Audit Expense $2,000.00 1 $0.00 0.00% Bond Paying Agt Fees(B $49500.00 $1 , 125.00 $19125.00 $29250.00 50.00% Workman's comp insuran $2,500.00 1 0.00% Collection Expense $43,000.00 $3,196.83 $3,332.39 $3,001 .76 $3,146.35 $30431 .23 $3,315.58 $19,424. 14 45.17% CVB Rent $79,200.00 $9,000.00 $9,000.00 $18,000.00 22.73% Transfer to CVB $304,817.77 $150,000.00 $150,000.00 49.21 % Transfer to Clinton House $45,703.00 $23,000.00 $23,000.001 50.32% Peace Fountain Maintena $10,000.00 $261 .60 1 $150.00 $223.90 $163.88 $799.38 7.99% Salaries $74,614. 10 $59750.84 $5,750.84 $5,758.84 $5,750.84 $5,750.00 $5,750.84 $34,512.20 46.25% Payroll Tax Expense $6,000.00 490.18 $476.98 $438.58 $438.58 $438.58 $438.58 $2,721 .48 45.36% Insurance - Health $12,500.00 $1 ,595.58 $1 ,560. 18 $2,878.76 $277.20 $11728.94 $19915.40 $9,956.06 79.65% 401KMatch $2,250.00 $172.52 $172.52 $172.52 $172.52 $172.52 $172.52 $1 ,035. 12 46.01 % Car Allowance $3,600.00 $300.00 $300.00 $300.00 $300.00 $300.00 $300.00 $1 ,800.00 50.00% Advertising and Marketing $375,000.00 $187.34 $74,598.96 $63,244.27 $51 ,182.25 $189,212.82 50.46% port Information Boo $59200.00 $19200.00 $19200.00 $2,400.00 46. 15% port Advertising $5,000.00 $1 ,335.00 $1 ,485.00 $29820.00 56.40% Brochures $100,000.00 $3,895.08 $7,398.56 $25,835.93 $15,949.47 $53,079.04 53.08% Website Update $10,000.00 0.00% Signage - Tourism $10,000.00 $1 ,012.53 $2,924. 15 $19.60 $819.39 $4,775.67 47.76% Publication and Dues $1 ,200.00 $100.00 $458.50 $125.00 $270.00 $953.50 79.46% Travel and Training $3,600.00 $80.00 $404.08 $484.08 13.45% Office Supplies and Printii $1 ,000.00 $13.91 $389.73 $403.64 40.36% Postage $209000.00 $1 ,685.12 $500.00 $500.00 $3,500.00 $322.87 $6,507.99 32.54% Professional Services $16,200.00 $1 ,350.00 $1 ,350.00 $1 ,350.001 $19350.00 $1 ,350.00 $19350.00 $8,100.00 50.00% Taxes & Licenses - ASC $300.00 0.00% Town Center Garden M $20,856.00 $1 ,458.33 $1 ,458.33 6.99% Arkansas Hospitality Fu $2,500.00 $2,500.00 $29500.00 100.00% Special Projects All Star Games $9,500.00 1 1 $9,000.001 1 $500.001 $9,500.00 100.00% AR Music Pay. $10,000.00 0.00% Arkansas Air Museum $17,500.00 $5,000.00 $5,000.00 28.57% Arkansas H. S. Coache $15,000.00 1 1 $15,000.001 1 1 1 $15,000.00 100.00% AR Statehood $1 ,000.00 0.00% CAPPA (Physical Plant $101000.00 $0.00 0.00% Chili Pepper C.C. $19000.00 0.00% CA Marketing $39000.00 $10725.00 $327.75 $2,052.75 68.43% kson St. History $5,000.00 0.00% Fall Sports Fest. $12,000.00 0.00% FAYRO Charity Classic $500.00 $500.00 $500.00 100.00% Fine Arts Festival $35,000.00 $11 ,980.091 $387.84 $12,367.93 35.34% First Night '06 $29700.00 $2,700.00 $2,700.00 100.00% First Night '07 $1 ,000.00 $0.00 0.00% Four State Elite Volle b $49000.00 $4,000.00 $4,000.00 100.00% George's 80 ann. $2,000.00 $0.00 0.00% Hogs in Bloom $39000.00 $0.00 0.00% Holiday Hoops $16,000.00 1 $0.00 0.00% ICLEI $8,075.00 $8,075.00 $8,075.00 100.00% Joe Martin Stage Race $7,000.00 $7,000.00 $7,000.00 100.00% Lewis & Clark Adv. $19000.00 0.00% Lights of the Ozarks $20,000.00 $82.69 $82.69 0.41 % Mardi Gras $3,000.00 $1 ,837.68 $1 ,837.68 61 .26% Calcasieu National Rabi $1 ,000.00 $1 ,000.00 $1 ,000.00 100.00% NCAA Baseball Regioni $10,000.00 $10,000.00 1 $100000.00 100.00% Northwest Arkansas Co $7,000.00 $7,000.00 $7,000.00 100.00% Ozark Military Museum $5,000.00 $59000.00 $5,000.00 100.00% Ozark Valley Triathlon $2,500.00 $2,500.00 $2,500.00 100.00% Real Deal on the Hill $8,000.00 $8,000.00 $89000.00 100.00% Red White and Boom $15,000.00 $15,000.00 $15,000.00 100.00% Saturday of Champions $4,000.00 $4,000.00 $4,000.00 100.00% Savor the Flavor $2,500.00 1 $0.00 0.00% War Splash $10,000.00 $10,000.00 $10,000.00 100.00% ol neatreSquared $3,000.00 $39000.00 $39000.00 100.00% Walton Arts Center $20,000.00 $13,300.90 $5,208.44 $10t000.001 $28,509.34 142.55% Youth Slow Pitch Softb $7,500.00 $0.00 0.00% Miscellaneous Equipment $759000.00 $7,504.52 $9,978.84 $3,699.37 $3,776.74 $24,959.47 33.28% Repair & Maintenance $0.00 Depreciation Expenses $20,000.00 $19666.67 $1 ,666.67 $1 ,666.67 $1 ,666.67 $1 ,666.67 $1 ,666.67 $10,000.02 50.00% Unallocated Revenues $0.00 TOTAL $2,2119435.87 $123,105.25 $123, 105.25 5.57% $0.00 CVB Office $1 ,200,000.00 $24,515.36 $437.20 $249952.56 2.08% Square Spec. Proj. $460,000.00 $121583.50 $33,595.91 $460179.41 10.04% Botanical Gardens $5469600.00 $1740646.81 $59,287.06 $959662.86 $329,596.73 60.30% $20206,600.00 $24,515.36 $356oO57.381 1 $180,426.85 $296,754.84 $280,838.97 $1 ,138,593.40 51 .60%