HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007-07-09 - Agendas - Final MEETING NOTICE The Advertising and Promotion Commission will meet on Monday, July 9, 2007, at 2:00 p.m. in the Town Center Conference room. AGENDA ADVERTISING AND PROMOTION COMMISSION July 9, 2007 2:00 p.m. Town Center I. Call to Order - Chairman Pat Gazzola II. Reports A. Approval of Minutes for May 14 regular monthly meeting B. Financial Report 1 . HMR Revenues 2. Financial Statements 3 . Update from City Attorney re: delinquent tax collection efforts C. Report from Executive Director — Marilyn Heifner • D. CVB Report — Allyson Twiggs E. Town Center Report — Willistine Smith F. Clinton House Museum Report — Brittany Starr G. Advertising Agency Report — Brian Clark III. New Business IV. Old Business A. Purchase of CVB building — motion to authorize Marilyn Heifner to use $ 1 . 1 million to purchase 21 S. Block, sign necessary documents and pay closing costs V. New Business A. Advertising Agency contract Executive Session for personnel issue VI. Adjourn • • ADVERTISING AND PROMOTION COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING May 14, 2007 Commissioners Present: Dan Coody, Neal Crawford, Bob Davis, Pat Gazzola, David McGeady, and Maudie Schmitt. Commissioners Absent: Bob Rhoads Staff Present: Marilyn Heifner, Allyson Twiggs, and Willistine Smith, and Brittany Shell Chairman Par Gazzola called the regular monthly meeting of the Fayetteville Advertising and Promotion Commission to order on May 14, 2007 at the Fayetteville Town Center at 1 : 15 p.m. FUNDING REQUESTS FOR SPECIAL PROJECTS After discussion of each project, Commissioners were encouraged by the Chairman to vote with caution because of decrease in sales tax and potential inability to recover from HMR decline. Commissioners agreed that if the HMR tax is still running behind or is flat, they will cut back on October allocations. The following were approved by the Commission: • Airport Terminal $0 Arkansas Air Museum $ 12,500 The AMP (Arkansas Music Pavilion) $ 10,000 Arkansas Statehood Days $ 11000 Art Expo NWA $0 Chile Pepper Cross Country Festival $ 11000 Dickson Street History Project $ 51000 Fall Sports Festival — AAO $ 12,000 Fayetteville Arts Festival $35,000 First Night Fayetteville $ 11000 George's 801h Ann. Music Festival $ 21000 ICLEI $ 8,075 Lewis & Clark Urban Adventure Race $ 1 ,000 Lights of the Ozarks $20,000 Lions 5K Challenge for Sight $0 NCAA Baseball Regionals $ 1000 TheatreSquared $ 39000 Walton Arts Center — website redesign $ 10,000 Total allocated $ 131 ,575 . $36,775 will be taken out of reserve funds. MINUTES Moved by McGeady, second by Coody to approve the minutes of the April 9, 2007, regular meeting. Motion carried. • HMR REVENUES Total collections of HMR tax in April (March sales) were $ 171 ,562 a 1 .43% decrease over last April. Year to date decline in HMR revenues is -4.49% Monthly hotel revenue was down - 1 .27% in April. Year to date hotel collections are down 1 .73%. Restaurant collections were down -536% this April over last April. To date figures have not caught up with last year. They are down -5 .57%. FINANCIAL REPORT W. L. Cook presented financial summary. Year to date actuals vs. budget shows -$26,000. Moved by Davis, second by Crawford to approve financials. Motion carried. CITY ATTORNEY City Attorney Kit Williams reported that the City Prosecutor's office collected $2,964.87 during April to bring the year to date total collected to $26,730.87. DIRECTOR'S REPORT Advertising inquiries continue to be down year to date. Agency has re-instituted an internet advertising program which is pay per inquiry. Marilyn met with Damn Gray, new Arkansas Parks & Tourism Commissioner. She also met with Margaret Lemmering from Congressman Boozman's office regarding national certification • of the Butterfield Stage Route. Visitor Guide has been planned, prepared, and proof. It is at the printers now. Auditors for the City from BKD in Ft. Smith are in. Marilyn has provided them the information which they requested. John Coleman has been hired as the City Sustainability coordinator and the Mayor has offered his assistance in working with the Town Center on such issues. The Town Center is implementing recycling of plastic, glass and cans with groups using the Town Center. CONVENTION VISITORS BUREAU Ryan is working with Saturday of Champions and a cheerleading event for Tyson complex. Shelly is working on Solar Splash. Julie is working on group tours and Planes Trains and Automobiles at the Air Museum. Allyson reported that the Professional Insurance Agents will be here is summer and has bid for the Arkansas Festival Association meeting. TOWN CENTER REPORT Kodi Lee has been hired as Event Coordinator for the Town Center. Willistine Smith reported • that the Town Center sales were down for the month and for the year. Contracts for the month total $30, 124.50 • CLINTON HOUSE MUSEUM Brittany Starr presented her report. She continues to solicit media coverage for the Museum. She hosted the first movie night at the house and it was well attended. She attended Media Days in Russellville. Brick order is being finalized. Sales increased 284% from 2006 to 2007. AGENCY REPORT Brian Clark thanked Marilyn, Allyson and the Visitors Bureau staff for the team effort in producing the Visitors Guide. A sample should be ready this week. The Town Center website is now live. It is easier to navigate than the old site. Brian presented a summary of the web stats. 60% of visitors added it to their favorites. Average visit is 4 minutes, 50 seconds. Town Center had over 1500 visits, Experience Fayetteville has 12,500 visits, and Clinton House Museum had 560 visits. Key words were Clinton, House, Museum. In April, we had 14,562 hits on all sites. OLD BUSINESS Marilyn reported that $ 1 . 1 million will be needed from reserve for purchase of building at 21 S. • Block. This is necessary because $300,000 was put into reserve because of delay of purchase from November 2006. Purchase is to close in July. NEW BUSINESS None There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Marilyn Heifner Executive Director • • Advertising and Promotion Commission For month of May 2007 Current Year HMR Collected (2120.0912 .4101 .00) $ 164,947.83 Prior Year Collected (2120.0912 .4101 .01 ) 1 $ 831 .00 Checking Interest Revenue (2120.0912.4705.00) $ 2.931 Crews Investment Interest Revenue (2120.0912.4708.00) S _ _109730.23 Total Revenues $ 176,511 .99 Annual Bond Audit Expense (2120.9120.7602.60) Collection Expense (2120.9120.5333.00) $ (3,315.58) Bank of OK Quarterly Fee (2120.9120.7602 .60) $ Town Center Bond Payment (2120.9120.7602.60) $ (54,935.36) 2004 Property Taxes on Town Center (2120.9120.7602.60) $ Total Expenses $ (58,250.94) • Total Check to A&P $ 118,261 .05 • • Advertising and Promotion Commission For month of June 2007 Current Year HMR Collected (2120.0912 .4101 .00) $ 176,401 .60 Prior Year Collected (2120.0912 .4101 .01 ) $ 1 ,192. 17 Checking Interest Revenue (2120.0912.4705.00) $ 4.39 Crews Investment Interest Revenue 2120.0912.4708.00 $ 10,605.51 Total Revenues $ 188,203.67 Annual Bond Audit Expense (2120.9120.7602 .60) $ _ Collection Expense (2120.9120 . 5333.00) $ (3,551 .88) Bank of OK Quarterly Fee (2120.9120.7602.60) $ Town Center Bond Payment (2120.9120.7602 .60) $ (54,9. 35.36) 2004 Property Taxes on Town Center (2120.9120.7602 .60) $ Total Expenses $ (58,487.24) • Total Check to A&P $ 129,716.43 • 9 0 0 City of Fayetteville, Arkansas Monthly HMR Tax Collections 2004-2007 2004 2004 2005 2005 2006 2006 2007 2007 Total Change Over Total Change Over Total Change Over Total Change Over HMR Taxes Prior Year HMR Taxes Prior Year HMR Taxes Prior Year HMR Taxes Prior Year January $ $135,930 12.75% $153,048 12.59% 164,284 7.30% $166,620 1 .42% February $129,922 12.05% $133,528 2.78% 183,554 37.46% $150,088 -18.23% March $139,442 18.89% $164,763 18. 16% 154,067 -6.49% $157,317 2.11 % April $149,113 19.00% $159,473 6.94% 174,063 9.15% $171 ,562 -1 .43% May $145,039 11 .85% $159,186 9.75% 174,387 9.54% $165,779 -4.94% June $149,466 12.86% $162,754 8.89% 171 ,098 5.13% $177,594 3.80% July $152,917 17.11 % $181 ,070 18.41 % 172,905 -4.51 % August $146,518 10.19% $167,448 14.31 % 160,067 -4.40% September $146,097 10.18% $162,215 11 .03% 169,793 4.67% October $155,320 14.07% $169,325 9.02% 196,393 15.99% November $168,369 8.75% $170,780 1 .43% 193,469 13.29% December $138,185 7.78% $160,343 16.03% 159,842 -0.01 % Total $ $19756,317 12.84% $1 ,943,930 10.68% 2,0739923 6.69% $988,959 -3.18% \filename HMR Comparison 2003 to 2006 Using Year-End totals per HMR Report HOTELS 2003 2004 % change 2005 % change 2006 % change 2007 % change Dec 10,773.64 12,329.60 14.44% 14,024.64 13.75% 13,284.28 -5.28% 12,577.76 -5. 10% Jan 10,638.74 12,614.03 18.57% 13,738.64 8.91 % 13,650.85 0.64% 13,965.23 2.30% Feb 12, 140.56 169210.91 33.52% 17,930.90 10.61 % 16,006.58 -10.73% 16,534.37 3.30% Mar 15,371 .78 19,692.06 28. 11 % 19,037.80 -3.33% 189941 .34 -0.50% 189699.53 -1 .27% Apr 169534.22 171643.48 6.70% 19,720.73 11 .77% 19,000.83 -0.37% 191110.12 0.56% May 16,568.61 19,979.47 26.62% 22,347.62 11 .85% 221796.50 2.00% 239204.74 1 .79% Jun 18,530.45 221917.75 23.67% 221690.02 -0.99% 22,060.53 -2.78% Jul 16,031 .25 17,404.01 8.56% 18,668.34 7.26% 16,804.33 -9.98% Aug 16,098. 10 179316.75 7.56% 189786.70 8.48% 17,513.64 -6.67% Sep 16,875.70 21 ,910. 18 29.83% 21 ,524.09 -1 .76% 289150.74 30.78% Oct 25, 183.66 24,314.01 -3.45% 22,729.73 7.44% 221208.80 -2.29% Nov 161468.24 16,294.83 1 .05% 17,073.24 4.78% 17,351 .42 1 .63% 191 ,214.95 218,627.08 14.34% 228,272.45 4.41 % 2279769.84 -0.22% 104,091 .75 -.0039% RESTAURANTS 2003 2004 % change 2005 % change 2006 % change Dec 112,143.74 1229970.98 9.65% 137,855.28 12.10% 1539658.60 11 .46% 145,851 .07 -5.08 Jan 104,133.72 116,544.55 11 .92% 126,564.43 8.60% 142,675.37 12.73% 126,350. 10 -11 .44% Feb 99,436. 17 1171063.89 17.73% 127,214.85 8.67% 1331701 .96 5. 10% 133,499.96 -0.001 % Mar 113,299. 12 125, 141 .62 10.45% 140, 166.43 12.00% 153,462. 15 9.48% 145,240.82 -5.36% Apr 108, 157.35 123,732.13 14.40% 137,712.38 11 .30% 1439149.32 7.57% 146,017.95 2.00% May 114,543.92 126,572.41 10.50% 140,966.98 11 .37% 1661542.00 18.14% 1421484.49 -14.44% Jun 111 ,410.87 Il 281880. 12 15.68% 164,369.25 27.54% 1399677.98 -15.31 % Jul 1099920.03 127,161 .30 15.68% 136,906.50 7.66% 152,031 .25 11 .05% Aug 1179824.90 1269217.05 7.12% 1399830.39 10.78% 143,807.38 2.84% Sep 112,098.50 134,327.89 19.83% 143,215.20 6.61 % 158,151 .42 10.43% Oct 127,371 .76 133,335.40 4.68% 146,722.98 10.04% 157,626. 19 7.43% Nov 104,084.85 118, 147.51 13.51 % 133,691 .45 13. 16% 137,036.80 2.50% 11334,424.93 11500,094.85 12.42% 19675,216.12 11 .67% 11781 ,520.42 6.68% 8399444.39 -5.37% FAYETTEVILLE THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS KIT WILLIAMS, CITY ATTORNEY DAVID WHITAKER, ASST. CITY ATTORNEY PARTMENTAL CORRESPONDENCE LEGAL DEPARTMENT TO: A & P Commissioners CC : Casey Jones, City Prosecutor FROM: Kit Williams, City Attorney DATE : July 3, 2007 _. RE : Overdue HMR tax collection This is a report for both May and June since the A & P Commission did not meet in June. Collection of overdue HMR has slowed somewhat from the first quarter's almost $8,000.00 per month collection . In May and June, the City Prosecutor's Office collected a total of $5 ,722 .89 making the • half year total $32 ,453.76. Attached is the two month report from the City Prosecutor's Office. 0 CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE OFFICE OF THE PROSECUTING ATTORNEY CLINTON K. JONES MANDY FINKLEA HOT CHECK ADMINISTRATOR CITY PROSECUTOR Et 11: hotcketk&l.feyettevllle.er.ue BRIAN THOMAS 101 W. Mounteln, sone 202 FAYETfEVILLE, ARKANSAS 72791 DEPUTY CITY PROSECUTORPHONE:PHONE: (479) 676.9777 (479) 67641379 (479) 676-0374 (479) 67641376 Hot Cheeks: (479) 67641264 TO: K Williams FA% 6 : (479) 67641373 Fayetteville City Attorney FROM: Casey Jones Fayetteville City Prosecutor DATE: July 3 , 2007 RE: Status of Active HMR cases 1 . Alligator Ray's Steve Woodard Active Criminal Summons 2. Avaitor Grill Tammy A. Johnson Paid $1184.34 - Current • 2. Baskin Robbins Robert Szlemko FTAS Warrant 3. Bensons Kevin/Brittany Benson Paid $600.00 4. Bourbon Boys Brad C. Murphey Paid $400.00 Steven T. Wilkerson Settlement entered 5. Butcher Block Gary Bell Paid $0 6. Club West John Justis, H Paid $700.55 - Current 7. Corky's Ben Clark Paid $300.00 TD: 7/18/07 8. Cowboy BBQ John Justis, R Current 9. Dominoes Pizza Lloyd Hardison Paid $400.00 11 . Elenita's Elaine M. Reyes Active Criminal Summons 12. Frulati Cafd Todd/Mary McNeill Paid $500.00 TD: 8/1/07 • 13. Fuzzy's Restaurant Frank Giardino Active FTA warrant • 15. Gypsy's John Dortch Active Criminal Summons 16. Heavenly Grace Chinese Sineng Geng Paid $48.00 - Closed 17, LaFamilia Virginal Amaral Paid $150.00, TD 7/25/07 18. La Palmas Vicente Perea Active Criminal Summons 19. Los Cuates Maria Richard Active Criminal Summons 20. Marlo's Taco Shack Marlo Underhill Active Criminal Summons 21 . Picasso's Pizza Juan Barcenas Bal. $23.90 22. Sassafras Stephen Jenkins Active Criminal Summons Leah Miles 23. The Perk Marilyn Youmans Paid $ 1 ,440.00 Bal: $21 .70 • TOTAL: $5,722.89 • • DIRECTOR'S REPORT May/June, 2007 INQUIRY RESPONSES Inquiry Responses May 2007 — 2,080 Year to date 2007 — 7,888 May 2006 — 1 ,954 Year to date 2006 — 11 ,216 June 2007 — 1 ,222 Year to date 2007 — 9, 110 June 2006 — 1 ,262 Year to date 2006 — 12,419 MAY ACTIVITY Tourism Activities — Joe Martin Press conference NATA executive committee America in Bloom, Fayetteville — travel writers Kathleen Pate, Clinton Presidential Library and Museum Heritage Trail Partners NATA Warren Jones Leonard McCandless — Ozark Military Museum Dan White — The AMP • Wooden Boat Regalia Relations with Media — Steve Painter, Arkansas Democrat Gazette Robert Bell — NWA Newcomer's Guide Doug Begley — Morning News - AirFest A & P — First Security — Jim Watson, Blaine Francis Sells Clark (numerous meetings regarding Visitor Guide and sports brochure) Bank Card Depot Scott Starr — Botanical Garden of the Ozarks Betty Martin — travel writer writing guidebooks "Undiscovered America" Elenia — At Home in Arkansas Gina Roberts, City Clerk's office — microfilming A & P minutes NWA Mall — Visitor guide billing Walt Eilers — NSU graduate need hospitality job Byron — parks benches Don Marr — Conway Chamber Economic Development abt. Farmer's Market Patricia Weber — Art Expo funding Jesse Core, Springdale City Council abt. A & P Commissions Kristy — Russellville A & P Commission Clinton House Museum — Mary, Facilities Management about mowing • CVB — Mity Lite I Town Center — Frannie — VISTA (Riggs Invoice) Rick Setting - Nabholz NNE ACTIVITY Tourism Activities — NATA Executive committee Trail of Tears research Festival of Ozark Civil War Heritage Reunion Bill Bradley — Model Train Museum Heritage Trail Partners America in Bloom, Fayetteville — judges visit Lee Ann Baldwin — Jefferson School project Meeting with Darin Gray — Arkansas Parks and Tourism commissioner NATA strategic planning session Cona Johnson, 55'h high school reunion Hal Parazine — Buterfield brochures Relations with Media — Roger, FHS poster • Rich, Hotel Business magazine Andy Jensen — Business Journal — fuel prices Robert Bell — Business Journal - HMR figures A & P — Missy Shanklin, Chamber of Commerce Donna Perrin, State Parks & tourism Teresa, Scarbrough & Murtishaw C3 Group for Travel Host Magazine Daniel Hintz — Town Center rental check Sharon Crosson, and agency re: photo shoot Jimmie Beauchamp — FayRo Classic Interspace Airport Advertising Arkansas Parks & Tourism — brochures sent for approval Baldwin Shell — HMR figures for Grubs Mike Graves — A T & T — yellow page advertising Kit Williams — process for purchase of building Julie Orr — permission to use Fayetteville photo in Scott Foresman book Maggie Lemmering — hearing on Buterfield Trail as National Historic Trail Clinton House Museum — Butch Clinton, move urns CVB — Gary Weidner, map for CVB wall • Ken Buchanan, KINCO Janet Selby — furniture for CVB • Town Center — employee resignation Ashden White hired for maintenance, set-up HMR Collections — May collections (April sales) Olive Garden Golden Corral Cosmopolitan Chick-Fil-A (NW Village) Clarion Red Lobster Chili 's Restaurant Logan ' s Roadhouse Hampton Inn Noodles TGI Friday's Penguin Ed's McDonald's — Joyce Inn at Carnall Hall McDonald' s Bordino's • Holiday Inn Express Chartwell's Dining Catfish Hole #3 Taco Bell — Hwy 62 HMR Collections — June collections (May sales) Clarion Olive Garden Golden Corral Chick-Fil-A (NW Village) Cosmopolitan Hampton Inn Chartwell's Dining Red Lobster Noodles Bordino's McDonald's — Joyce Inn at Camall Hall Logan's Roadhouse Catfish Hole #3 TGI Friday's • McDonald's Rick's Bakery Chili 's Restaurant • Panera Bread McDonald's Wedington Common Grounds Shogun of Fayetteville McDonald's — Crossover Taco Bell — Hwy 62 • • Activity Report From: 05101/2007 To: 06/01/2007 WYSON Convention 5/8/2007 Destination Marketing Association International Ms Jill Calabria attended CEO Forum in Mobile Total For Convention : 1 File Note 5/3/2007 Allyson Twiggs-General Mt Sequoyah attended national day of prayer luncheon 5/24/2007 Northwest Arkansas Times Adam Walworth interview about visitor guide/center 5/24/2007 Northwest Arkansas Times Susannah Patton interview about gas prices Total For File Note : 3 Meeting 5/1/2007 Arkansas Air Museum Mr Warren Jones Attraction about board details, signage from highway 5/16/2007 Allyson Twiggs-General Coach Zena Antoine-Ladyback Bball w/ camall hall about future recruits 5/16/2007 Allyson Twiggs-General Terry Baumgartner-KUAF about working with kuaf 5/22/2007 Allyson Twiggs-General LadyBack Staff marketing for ladyback basketball 007 Lights of the Ozarks committee Light the Night plans for july press conf. 5/24/2007 Arkansas Air Museum Mr Warren Jones Attraction highway dept signs for museum on 540 5/25/2007 Lights of the Ozarks Greg Mack Light the Night media proposals for loto Total For Meeting : 7 Trade Show_ 5/15/2007 ASAE Ms Mary Dandurand Annual Meeting booth at trade show in LR Total For Trade Show : 1 • 6/1/2007 Activity Report From: 0510112007 To: 06/0112007 WE Clinton House 5/1/2007 Julie Pennington Clinton House 5/23/2007 Julie Pennington Worked Total For Clinton House : 2 File Note 5/1/2007 Julie Pennington Brochure Completed 5/1/2007 Julie Pennington Beaks, Bills Feathers & Thrills Flyer Comple 5/1/2007 Julie Pennington Battle of Fayetteville 4/21/07 Total For File Note : 3 Group Tour 5/1/2007 Ladies Day Out Mrs Sandy Ridout Ladies Day Out Clinton House, Bordino's and Headquarters 5/6/2007 Elderhostel Program Division of Continuing Education Mrs Gloria Young Clinton House Tour 5!7/2007 Elderhostel Program Division of Continuing Education Mrs Gloria Young Clinton House Tour 2007 Elderhostel Program Division of Continuing Education Mrs Gloria Young Clinton House Tour Total For Group Tour : 4 Group Tour Packet 5/1/2007 Beeline Travel Tours Ms Toyea Youngblood Information 5/1 /2007 Tours to Perfection Mrs Elizabeth Johnson Travel South Courthouse Information 5/1/2007 Alliannce Travelers Mrs Eileen Spencer Travel South Military Tour Air Museum 5/1/2007 Sweet Magnolia Tours Mr Mark Miller Travel South capture one night tours on their way to Bran 5/1/2007 Time Tours Mrs Janet Raines Travel South Gardens & Walton Art Center Daisy BeeBe 5/1/2007 Julie Pennington Janis Robins- New to the Area Total For Group Tour Packet : 6 Meefina 5/1/2007 Julie Pennington Planes, Trains and Automobiles- Farther's 1 5/1/2007 Julie Pennington Troop Train- May 28th ® Air Museum 5/1/2007 Julie Pennington • Planes, Trains and Automobiles- June 17th Total For Meeting : 3 Phone CaH 6/1/2007 Activity Report WIE From: 05/0112007 To: 06/01/2007 Phone Call 5/1/2007 Affordable Travel Mrs Erma Bridges Travel South Follow up on packet 5/1/2007 XYZ First Baptist Church Mrs Francine Hickox Apple Festival Tour Touch Base Total For Phone Call : 2 Site Inspection 5/1/2007 Julie Pennington Donna & Steve Benicke April 26th Total For Site Inspection : 1 Thank You 5/1/2007 Pine Bluff Convention & Visitors Bureau Mrs Susie Q Madsen Thank You Card Total For Thank You : 1 Tour Confirmation 5/1/2007 Affordable Travel Mrs Erma Bridges Travel South Group Tour Confirmed-2 night stay Total For Tour Confirmation : 1 • i • 6/1 /2007 Activity Report From: 05101/2007 To: 06101/2007 OAN E-Mail Sent ' 511/2007 Power Cheer Mary RE: Meeting 5/1/2007 Team Championships International Mr Dean Reinke RE: NASC 5/1/2007 Power Cheer Mary RE: Meeting 5/1/2007 Arkansas Women's Rugby Susan Riggs RE: Rugby 5/1/2007 UA Intramural/Recreational Sports Mr. Bill Mock RE: Fields 5/1/2007 Arkansas Women's Rugby Susan Riggs RE: Rugby 5/2/2007 USA Sports Production Ms Linda Barclay RE: NASC 5/2/2007 UA Intramural/Recreational Sports Mr. Bill Mock RE: Fields 5/2/2007 Tyson Invitational Indoor Track & Field Mr. Art Huff Indoor's 5/3/2007 USA Sports Production Ms Linda Barclay Fayetteville Cheer Event 007 Premier Baseball Mr Don Patty Baseball Tournament July 2008 5/9/2007 Premier Baseball Mr Don Patty RE: Baseball Tournament July 2008 5/9/2007 National Softball - Basebal Players Association Mr Hugh Cantrell Softball/Baseball Tournament Fayetteville, 1 5/9/2007 Arkansas Activities Association III Mr Lance Taylor Saturday of Champions FW: Rooming List 5/9/2007 Arkansas Activities Association III Mr Lance Taylor Saturday of Champions FW: Rooming List 5/10/2007 Arkansas Activities Association III Mr Lance Taylor Saturday of Champions RE: Confirmation #'s - Homewood Suites B 5/10/2007 Team Championships International Mr. Dean Reinke Events for Fayetteville 5/10/2007 Fayetteville Fanatics Ms. Furonda Brasfield RE: The Fayetteville Fantastics 5/10/2007 Arkansas Activities Association III Mr Lance Taylor Saturday of Champions RE: N. LR info 5/10/2007 Arkansas Activities Association III Mr Lance Taylor Saturday of Champions RE: Rooming List 5/11 /2007 Arkansas Activities Association III Mr Lance Taylor Saturday of Champions RE: Texarkana 5/15/2007 Fayetteville Martial Arts Academy Mr. Randy Edwards Tae Kwan Do Competition Martial Arts Event 0/2007 Ryan Grigsby-General Information Mr. Ryan Grigsby 9 Y Youth Baseball 6/1 /2007 Activity Report OAN From: 0510112007 To: 06/0112007 E-Mail Sent 5/15/2007 Randal Tyson Track Center Ms. Pam Luker Available Dates for Track Center April 08' 5/15/2007 USA Sports Production Ms Linda Barclay RE: Fayetteville Cheer Event 5/15/2007 Janero Pargo Foundation Ms. Tasha Cauley RE: URGENT INFO RE: JANNERO PARG 5/15/2007 Robert Albertson - Rugby Mr. Robert Albertson Rugby Tournament 5/16/2007 Sells/Clark Ms. Jade Hart Sports Brochure 5/16/2007 Chelsea Shaffer - Miniture Golf Ms. Chelsea Shaffer RE: Mini Golf Tournament 5/16/2007 Chelsea Shaffer - Miniature Golf Ms. Chelsea Shaffer RE: Mini Golf Tournament 5/16/2007 Ryan Grigsby-General Information Mr. Ryan Grigsby RE: GeoCaching 5/17/2007 John Paradiso & Associates Ms. Christi Strouse RE: Just checking in.. . 5/172007 Sells/Clark Ms. Jade Hart Sports Brochure 007 Sells/Clark Ms. Jade Hart 2 t FW: Sports Brochure 5/17/2007 Sells/Clark Ms. Jade Hart RE: Sports Brochure 5/21/2007 Ryan Grigsby-General Information Mr. Ryan Grigsby Jannero Pargo Basketball Camp 5212007 Ryan Grigsby-General Information Mr. Ryan Grigsby Jannero Pargo Basketball Camp 5/23/2007 Arkansas Women's Rugby Susan Riggs Rugby Fields 523/2007 Robert Albertson - Rugby Mr. Robert Albertson Rugby Tournament 5/23/2007 Arkansas Women's Rugby Susan Riggs RE: Rugby Fields 5/242007 Arkansas Comets Mr. Samir Haj Soccer Tournament 524/2007 Chelsea Shaffer - Miniature Golf Ms. Chelsea Shaffer RE: Lunch 5/25/2007 Robert Albertson - Rugby Mr. Robert Albertson RE: Rugby Tournament 5/25/2007 Robert Albertson - Rugby Mr. Robert Albertson RE: Rugby Tournament 5/25/2007 Fayetteville Fantastics - ABA Ms. Furonda Brasfield RE: The Fayetteville Fantastics /2007 Robert Albertson - Rugby Mr. Robert Albertson RE: Rugby Tournament in Fayettenam ??? 6/1/2007 Activity Report MIAN From: 0510112007 To: 0610112007 E-Mail Sent 5/29/2007 Robert Albertson - Rugby Mr. Robert Albertson Rugby Tournament 5/30/2007 NWA Twisters - Diving Ms Kitty Patterson NWA Twisters Dive Championships 5/30/2007 Robert Albertson - Rugby Mr. Robert Albertson RE: Rugby 10's in Fayette'nam Total For E-Mail Sent : 49 Evaluation 5/30/2007 Sells/Clark Mr Brian Clark Final Approval for Sports Brochure Total For Evaluatlon : 1 Gift Bays 5/17/2007 NWA Twisters - Diving Ms Kitty Patterson Regional Diving Meet at HPER June 21 -24 Total For Gift Bogs : 1 Meeting 5/1/2007 Springdale Parks & Recreation Dr. Rick McWhorter 5/1/2007 Arkansas Activities Association III Mr Lance Taylor Saturday of Champions 007 Power Cheer Mary Talk about cheer event in Jan 08' & Sports I 5/15/2007 Robert Albertson - Rugby Mr. Robert Albertson Rugby Toumament Summer 07708' 5/16/2007 Arkansas Activities Association I Mr Lance Taylor Arkansas High School Coaches Meeting Talking about All-Star Week Duties 5/18/2007 Janero Pargo Foundation Mr. Ening Bryant Check out Town Center for June 28 party 5/23/2007 Fayetteville Martial Arts Academy Mr. Randy Edwards Tae Kwan Do Competition Martial Arts Event 5/24/2007 Arkansas Comets - Soccer Mr. Samir Haj Soccer Tournament Oct. 20-21 , 2007 5/24/2007 Chelsea Shaffer - Miniature Golf Ms. Chelsea Shaffer Miniture Golf Tournament Oct. 20 Gator Go 5/24/2007 Chelsea Shaffer - Miniature Golf Ms. Chelsea Shaffer Miniature Golf Toumey - Needs help sponsc 5/29/2007 Team Championships International Mr. Dean Reinke 4 on 4 Football Fall 07' - Triatholon Summe 5/30/2007 Robert Albertson - Rugby Mr. Robert Albertson Discuss Rugby Tournament Sept. 8-9, 200 Total For Meeting : 12 Phone Call 5/1/2007 USA Sports Production Ms Linda Barclay 0007 Randal Tyson Track Center Ms. Pam Luker Checking on Availability/Prices 6/1 /2007 Activity Report From: 0510112007 To: 06/0112007 &N Phone Call 5/3/2007 USA Sports Production Ms Linda Barclay Rechecking dates for event-possibly beg. A 5/3/2007 USA Sports Production Ms Linda Barclay Decision on April 5-61 2008 weekend for ev 5/3/2007 Power Cheer Ms. Mary Getting in contact with Linda Barclay 5/3/2007 USA Sports Production Ms Linda Barclay Changing event date to April 5-6, 2008 5/9/2007 Team Championships International Mr. Dean Reinke 4 on 4 Football - Triatholon - Bowling Tour 5/10/2007 Janero Pargo Foundation Mr. Erving Bryant Tasha calling about a venue for NBA party J 5/10/2007 Janero Pargo Foundation Tahsa Cauley Check dates for Town Center event 5/15/2007 Janero Pargo Foundation Mr. Erving Bryant Requested Meeting and Venue Tour 5/15/2007 Randal Tyson Track Center Ms. Pam Luker April 2008 - Dates 5/15/2007 All Star Sports Arena Mr. Will Holt Dates open for April 4-61 2008 - Cheer Even 2007 Fayetteville Martial Arts Academy Mr. Randy Edwards Tae Kwan Do Competition Meeting for May 23 12:00 5/16/2007 Janero Pargo Foundation Tasha Meeting 5. 17.2007 about Camp/Party 5/16/2007 Premier Baseball Mr Don Patty June Baseball Tournament 08' - 16 & under 5/23/2007 Janero Pargo Foundation Mr. Erving Bryant Ticket broker? 5/23/2007 Janero Pargo Foundation Tasha Cauley Towncenter for Party, Need DJ & ticket br 5/29/2007 Team Championships International Mr. Dean Reinke Generations Bowling Tour & 4 on 4 football Total For Phone Call : 16 Tour Confirmation 5/1/2007 USA Sports Production Ms Linda Barclay Total For Tour Confirmation : 1 • 6/1 /2007 Activity Report From: 05/01/2007 To: 06101/2007 &LLY Meeting 5/3/2007 International Association of Administrative Professionals Ms Jean Mitchell APW Event Thank you note writing session 5/14/2007 International Association of Administrative Professionals Ms. Linda Dizney District Convention Committee Planning Meeting 5/14/2007 Solar Splash Dr William Springer Solar Boat Race Committee Meeting 5/21/2007 International Association of Administrative Professionals Ms. Jean Mitchell Razorback Chapter Bylaws Committee Meeting 5/21/2007 Solar Splash Dr William Springer Solar Boat Race Committee Meeting 5/22/2007 International Association of Administrative Professionals Ms. Jean Mitchell Razorback Chapter Speaker for monthly membership meeting 5/23/2007 UA First Year Experience Craig Willie Orientation Delivered 3000 VG for Orientation 5/25/2007 Solar Splash Dr William Springer Solar Boat Race Committee Meeting 5/29/2007 AmericaView Mr. Bruce Gorham Annual Conference Detail events for conference/budget 5/30/2007 UA Microelectronics - Photonics Graduate Program Ms. Renee Jones-Hearon Activities for REU students 5#007 Solar Splash Dr William Springer Solar Boat Race Committee Meeting 5/31/2007 International Association of Administrative Professionals Ms. Linda Dizney District Convention Details of meeting in June Total For Meeting : 12 Phone Call 5/30/2007 Landmark National Bank Mary Bender Little Rock Tour ' Needs rooms and dinner for 9/10 5/31/2007 EPA Region VI Jeff Roberts Stormwater Conference Providing VG, Dickson St. Guide and pens f Total For Phone Call : 2 • 6/1 /2007 Activity Report From: 06/01/2007 To: 06/29/2007 QLYSON E-Mail 6/4/2007 Arkansas Festival Association Tonia Beavers-Fville Clarion lost event to eureka springs 6/20/2007 Joint House-Senate Committee Kathy White-Clarion NWA Meeting can do the 50 rooms in sept Total For E-Mail : 2 E-Mail Sent 6/27/2007 Sells/Clark Ms. Jade Hart RE: FW: Inviting AR Total For E-Mail Sent : 1 Issued Lead 6/20/2007 Arkansas Association of CVB's Cosmo/Clarion Annual Meeting aacvb's annual meeting details Total For Issued Lead : 1 Meeting 6/6/2007 Allyson Twiggs-General Chuck Bushong-Multi Line brokers promo items for visitors center 6/11/2007 Northwest Arkansas Times Dustin Tracy ozark profile interview 6/12/2007 Pagnozzi Charities Ms Sarah Eldridge attended board meeting 2007 Fayetteville Downtown Partners Mr Daniel Hintz signage meeting with UA 6/14/2007 Allyson Twiggs-General Chuck Bushong-Multi-Line Brokers promo items for the visitors center 6/15/2007 Allyson Twiggs-General Jesse Smith-Travel Writer, Philadelphia lunch and tour of fayetteville 6/18/2007 Lights of the Ozarks Blake Russell-KNWA Light the Night partnering with lighting contest 6/20/2007 Fayetteville Downtown Partners Mr Daniel Hintz attended board retreat 6/26/2007 Allyson Twiggs-General Steve Moore-photographer about using photos in visitor center 6/26/2007 Northwest Arkansas Naturals AA Mr. Eric Edelstein new marketing guy for naturals Total For Meeting : 10 Phone Call 6/6/2007 Allyson Twiggs-General John Launder-Springdale Rotary speaker for rotary 6/6/2007 Allyson Twiggs-General Carol Green-Downtown Rotary speaker for rotary 6/7/2007 Allyson Twiggs-General Nathan Lobban-Mapinfo conf call about downtown retail 6/8/2007 Allyson Twiggs-General Andrea Woods-Nabholz, Conway Conway farmers market ideas /2007 Allyson Twiggs-General Elise Mitchell-Mitchell Comm Phone Call tour for arts/culture travel writer 6/19/2007 Joint House-Senate Committee Mark Hudson NWA Meeting 50 rooms for september, w, th, fr Total For Phone Call : 6 Activity Report WIE From: 06/01 /2007 To: 06/29/2007 Clinton House 6/19/2007 Julie Pennington Trains, Planes and Automobiles 6/19/2007 Julie Pennington Delivered Visitor Guides Total For Clinton House : 2 Gift Baps 6/19/2007 Julie Pennington Trains, Planes and Automobiles Total For Gift Bags : 1 Group Tour 6/19/2007 Karen's Tours Ms. Karen Smith Strawberry Tour Strawberry Tour 6/19/2007 Grand Adventures Ms. Judy Shipman Strawberry Tour 6/19/2007 Wal-Mart Shareholders Mr Larry Butler Wal-Mart Shareholders Wal Mart Shareholders 6/29/2007 Landmark National Bank Mary Bender Little Rock Tour September 10th, 2007 Total For Group Tour : 4 Group Tour Packet 2007 Travel Tours Ms. Joyce Lawson New Visitor Guide 6/19/2007 Wanda's Tours Mrs Wanda Shank New Visitor Guide 6/19/2007 MM Touring- Tulsa Mrs Julia Moore New VG 6/19/2007 LK & Company Tours Mrs Linda Wofford Group Tour 6/19/2007 Kraft Tours Ms. Donna Kraft New VG 6/25/2007 Oasis Church Ms. Louise Wagner New VG and Brochure 6/25/2007 First Baptist Church-Heber Springs Mr John Kurtz New VG & Brochure 6/25/2007 Scoot Tours Mrs Martha Nix Sent NV & Brochure 6/25/2007 Cruises & More Sent New VG & Brochure 6/25/2007 Silver Chase Tours Mr Stan Carter Planning on going to Eureka Springs 2008 6/29/2007 Citiizen Security Bank Horizen Club Mrs Lisa Beach Send a packet of info. Train, AQ and Hotels Total For Group Tour Packet : 11 card /2007 Landmark National Bank Mary Bender Little Rock Tour Sent Menu's & Brochures 7/2/2007 Activity Report *LIEFrom: 06/01/2007 To: 06/29/2007 Total For Notecard : 1 Phone Call 6/19/2007 Wal-Mart Shareholders Mr Larry Butler Wal-Mart Shareholders Follow Up and Start planning next year 6/22/2007 Citiizen Security Bank Horizen Club Mrs Lisa Beach Left Message 6/25/2007 Butterfield Place Retirement Mrs Stacy Shipman Not in Grandmother Passed away 6/25/2007 Evergreens Watson Chapel Group Ms. Bobbye Thomas Group Tour 6/25/2007 Hays Senior Center Ms. Brenda Glover Group Tour 6/25/2007 Kincade Travel Mr David Bishop Introduction 6/25/2007 Council on Aging Mrs Nancy Harris Sent New VG & Brochure 6/25/2007 Spirit Bank Gold Club Ms. Jackie Larkin Bank Travel 6/25/2007 Silver Chase Tours Mr Stan Carter Introduction 6/29/2007 Karen's Tours Ms. Karen Smith Strawberry Tour Follow Up on Ideas /2007 Kraft Tours Ms. Donna Kraft Follow Up 6/29/2007 LK & Company Tours Mrs Linda Wofford Follow Up VG 6/29/2007 MM Touring- Tulsa Mrs Julia Moore Follow Up- VG 6/29/2007 Wanda's Tours Mrs Wanda Shank Follow Up on VG 6/29/2007 Travel Tours Ms. Joyce Lawson Follow Up witha phone call 6/29/2007 First United Methodist Church Mrs Bonnie Laycock Follow up Total For Phone Call : 16 • 7/2/2007 Activity Report *AN From: 06/01 /2007 To: 06/29/2007 E-Mail Sent 6/1 /2007 Janero Pargo Foundation Ms. Tasha Cauley Pargo Camp 6/4/2007 Janero Pargo Foundation Ms. Tasha Cauley RE: Pargo Camp 6/4/2007 Janero Pargo Foundation Ms. Tasha Cauley Party for June 28 6/4/2007 Arkansas Women's Rugby - Iron Maidens Susan Riggs FW : Rugby 10's in Fayette'nam 6/4/2007 Arkansas Women's Rugby - Iron Maidens Susan Riggs RE: Rugby 10's in Fayette'nam . 6/4/2007 Robert Albertson - Rugby Mr. Robert Albertson Rugby 10's 6/4/2007 USA Sports Production Ms Linda Barclay RE: Fayetteville Cheer Event 6/5/2007 Sells/Clark Ms. Jade Hart RE: Sports brochure 6/6/2007 Janero Pargo Foundation Ms. Tasha Cauley Pargo Party-Town Center 6/7/2007 Arkansas Activities Association III Mr. Dick Johnson Saturday of Champions Bud Walton 007 Arkansas Women's Rugby - Iron Maidens Susan Riggs Rugby 10's Event 6/7/2007 Robert Albertson - Rugby Mr. Robert Albertson Rugby 10's Event 6/7/2007 Arkansas Men's Rugby - Griffons Mr. Alan Rugby 10's Event 6/8/2007 Arkansas Comets - Soccer Mr. Samir Haj Ozark Cup Classic Soccer: Arkansas Classic 6/8/2007 Arkansas Women's Rugby - Iron Maidens Susan Riggs RE: Rugby 10's Event 6/8/2007 Robert Albertson - Rugby Mr. Robert Albertson RE: Rugby 10's Event 6/8/2007 Arkansas Women's Rugby - Iron Maidens Susan Riggs RE: Rugby 10's Event 6/8/2007 Robert Albertson - Rugby Mr. Robert Albertson RE: Rugby 10's Event 6/11 /2007 Power Cheer Ms. Mary Cheer/Dance Event 6/11 /2007 USA Sports Production Ms Linda Barclay Cheer/Dance - Ozark Cup 2008 6/11 /2007 Arkansas Comets - Soccer Mr. Samir Haj Ozark Cup Classic RE: Soccer: Arkansas Classic 6/12/2007 Arkansas Comets - Soccer Mr. Samir Haj Ozark Cup Classic Soccer: Arkansas Classic *2007 Ryan Grigsby-General Information Mr. Ryan Grigsby TEAMS 2007 7/2/2007 Activity Report PAN From: 06101/2007 To: 06/29/2007 E-Mail Sent 6/13/2007 Ryan Grigsby-General Information Mr. Ryan Grigsby RE: TEAMS 2007 6/14/2007 Arkansas Comets - Soccer Mr. Samir Haj Ozark Cup Classic RE: Arkansas Classic Cup Soccer 6/14/2007 Ryan Grigsby-General Information Mr. Ryan Grigsby RE: Proof 6/15/2007 NWA Twisters - Diving Ms Kitty Patterson RE: Dive Meet 6/15/2007 Janero Pargo Foundation Ms. Tasha Cauley Pargo Camp 6/15/2007 Arkansas Activities Association II Mr Dick Johnson State Soccer Finals RE: [Fwd: Rooms for All-Star Officials) 6/20/2007 Team Championships International Mr Dean Reinke RE: Fayetteville Events 6/20/2007 Tyson Invitational Indoor Track & Field Mr. Art Huff Tyson Invitational 6/20/2007 Arkansas Women's Rugby - Iron Maidens Susan Riggs Rugby Tournament 6/20/2007 Arkansas Women's Rugby - Iron Maidens Susan Riggs RE: Rugby Tournament 92007 Janero Pargo Foundation Ms. Tasha Cauley FW: hey stranger! 6/26/2007 Fall Sports Festival Mr. Brad Friess RE: AAO/Houston Nutt Classic Volunteer O 6/27/2007 Ryan Grigsby-General Information Mr. Ryan Grigsby RE: Geo-Cache 6/28/2007 Robert Albertson - Rugby Mr. Robert Albertson RE: FYI - rugby in NWA 6/29/2007 Ryan Grigsby-General Information Mr. Ryan Grigsby RE: [LOG] Owner: Fit for a President - GC1 : Total For E-Mail Sent : 38 Evaluation 6/26/2007 Arkansas Comets - Soccer Mr. Samir Haj Ozark Cup Classic Partner Leads Total For Evaluation : 1 Meeting 6/4/2007 Arkansas Women's Rugby Susan Riggs Rugby Tournament for Sept. 07' 6/7/2007 Arkansas Women's Rugby - Iron Maidens Susan Riggs 1 st Committe Meeting 6/13/2007 Robert Albertson - Rugby Mr. Robert Albertson Rugby Sponsors - Team commitments 6/15/2007 Arkansas Activities Association I Mr Lance Taylor Arkansas High School Coaches Meeting AAA Dinner at Powerhouse /2007 Arkansas Comets - Soccer Mr. Samir Haj Ozark Cup Classic Housing Bureau Meeting 7/2/2007 Activity Report From: 06/0112007 To: 06/29/2007 IRAN Meeting 6/21 /2007 Team Championships International Mr. Dean Reinke 6/22/2007 Arkansas Activities Association I Mr Lance Taylor Arkansas High School Coaches Meeting AAA Banquet at UA Alumni Center 6/22/2007 Arkansas Activities Association I Mr Lance Taylor Arkansas High School Coaches Meeting AAA Media Golf Outing Fayetteville CC 6/22/2007 Arkansas Activities Association I Mr Lance Taylor Arkansas High School Coaches Meeting AAA Golf Outing - Paradise Valley GC 6/22/2007 Arkansas Activities Association I Mr Lance Taylor Arkansas High School Coaches Meeting AAA Golf Outing - Stonebridge GC 6/22/2007 Arkansas Activities Association I Mr Lance Taylor Arkansas High School Coaches Meeting AAA Outing - Jones Center 6/22/2007 Arkansas Activities Association I Mr Lance Taylor Arkansas High School Coaches Meeting AAA Basketball Game - Bud Walton 6/22/2007 Arkansas Activities Association I Mr Lance Taylor Arkansas High School Coaches Meeting AAA Football Game - Razorback Stadium 6/22/2007 Arkansas Activities Association I Mr Lance Taylor Arkansas High School Coaches Meeting AAA Cook-out at AAO Total For Meeting : 14 Phone Call 007 Team Championships International Mr Dean Reinke 08' Triathlon -07' 4on4 Flag Football- 08' Bo 6/12/2007 NWA Twisters - Diving Ms Kitty Patterson Diving Championships-200 Bags HPER 2P 6/21 /2007 Team Championships International Mr. Dean Reinke Conference call with Sommer Sports - Tria 6/26/2007 Arkansas Comets - Soccer Fayetteville Hotels Ozark Cup Classic that did not respond to lead Total For Phone Call : 4 • 7/2/2007 Activity Report From: 06/01 /2007 To: 07/02/2007 (AELLY Meeting 6/5/2007 Solar Splash Dr William Springer Solar Boat Race Planning Committee Meeting 6/8/2007 International Association of Administrative Professionals Ms. Linda Dizney District Convention AR-OK Division Annual Meeting 6/13/2007 Solar Splash Dr William Springer Solar Boat Race On-site for event management 6/15/2007 University Research Magazine Association Ms. Melissa Blouin Annual Meeting Group wants to host in 2009 6/18/2007 International Association of Administrative Professionals Ms. Jean Mitchell Razorback Chapter Board meeting 6/21 /2007 Mid-America Association of Law Libraries Lorraine Lorne Annual Meeting offered services for October 2008 meeting 6/26/2007 International Association of Administrative Professionals Ms. Jean Mitchell Razorback Chapter Installed as President of the Razorback Cha 6/28/2007 _ UA Arkansas Union Ms Juanita Muckelroy Delivered 500 VG 6/28/2007 UA Arkansas Center for Space and Planetary Sciences Dr. Derek Sears Delivered VGs and maps 6/28/2007 UA Chemistry & Biochemistry Ms Liz Williams Delivered VGs • Total For Meeting : 10 • 7/2/2007