HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004-11-08 - Agendas - Final • MEETING NOTICE The Advertising and Promotion Commission will meet on Monday, November 8, 2004 at 2:00 p.m. in the Town Center Conference room. AGENDA ADVERTISING AND PROMOTION COMMISSION November 8, 2004 2:00 p.m. Town Center I. Call to Order - Chairman David McGeady II. Reports A. Approval of Minutes for October 11 regular monthly meeting B. Financial Report 1 . HMR Revenues 2. Financial Statements - Scarbrough and Murtishaw 3. Update from City Attorney re: delinquent tax collection efforts C. Report from Executive Director — Marilyn Heifner D. CVB Report — Allyson Twiggs 1 . New staff member at CVB — Shelly Stewman E. Town Center Report — Willistine Smith F. Advertising Agency Report — Brian Clark III. Old Business IV. New Business A. Approve Budgets for 2005 B. Funding Requests for 2005 1 . Botanical Gardens of the Ozarks 2. North Arkansas Symphony C. Recommend new commissioner to fill unexpired term of Ching Mong V. Adjourn Pi ADVERTISING AND PROMOTION COMMISSION • REGULAR MEETING October 11 , 2004 Commissioners Present: Neal Crawford, Pat Gazzola, Don Marr, David McGeady Commissioners Absent: Dan Coody, Curtis Shipley Staff Present: Willistine Smith, Allyson Twiggs and Marilyn Heifner Chairman David McGeady called the regular monthly meeting of the Fayetteville Advertising and Promotion Commission to order on October 11 , 2004 at the Fayetteville Town Center conference room at 2:05 p.m. MINUTES Moved by Gazzola, second by Marr to approve the minutes of the September 13, 2004 regular meeting. Motion carried. HMR REVENUES HMR revenues for September were $ 146,097, a 10. 18% increase over last September. Year-to-date figures are up 13 .81 %. FINANCIAL REPORT • Larry Bilbrey from Scarbrough and Murtishaw reviewed Financials for the month of September. Moved by Gazzola, second by Marr to approve the financial statements. Motion carred. CITY ATTORNEY City Attorney Kit Williams reported that the Prosecutor's office collected $950 delinquent HMR taxes in September. Their efforts have resulted in $39,345.25 year to date. DIRECTOR' S REPORT Marilyn Heifner reviewed advertising inquiries. Year-to-date inquiries are down 9%. Internet unique visits for September are up (15,662) or 82%. over last September (8,596). Per day average visits are 522. State Hrseshoe Tournament over Labor Day weekend brought in 100 participants. Butterfield Stagecoach Commemorative Ride was a successful event which ended on the Fayetteville square. Bikes, Blues & BBQ had record attendance. Discovery Channel will air the World Biker Build-Off show in late February and all of March. University of Arkansas has leased the Tyson Track Center for use as an exhibit facility. America in Bloom national competition awarded Fayetteville another Championship in the 50,000- 100,000 population category • CVB REPORT P2 Allyson Twiggs reported that War Eagle begins Thursday. October 29`h the CVB will • host another Trick or Treat on the Square. Promise Keepers will bring in 75,000 men for their meeting June 10- 11 , 2005 . The CVB will be the housing bureau for the event. Farm Bureau will have a site visit this week for their 2005 meeting. The CVB has been fielding about 100 calls a day during the month of October for events. TOWN CENTER REPORT Willistine reported that Town Center collections were up for September 23% ($36,799.48) as well as year-to-date up 22% ($217,535 .48). The annual report to the City Council was presented in September. All of the staff is CPR/AED certified since Willistine and Julie have completed their training. The second business seminar " Andy Core" was completed this month with double attendance of the first one. Town Center sponsored Haunted House will be October 28- 3151. Sales staff participated in Bridal Show and had 700-800 people visiting our booth. AGENCY REPORT Brian Clark said the agency is getting ready for the 2005 marketing plan. This is the first month the Internet use has exceeded 500 per day. Brian presented the new visitor's guide/dining and lodging brochure. OLD BUSINESS • CVB Tourism Sales Manager position — Marilyn presented job description of Tourism Sales Manager who will work at the CVB. She said money was in the budget to be able to hire someone for this position in the 2004 budget. Moved by Gazzola, second by Crawford to hire a Tourism Sales Manager. Motion carried. Marketing plan will reflect a measure of productivity for this person. NEW BUSINESS Preliminary Budgets for 2005 — Marilyn discussed 2005 proposed budgets for A & P, Town Center, and CVB. Budget approval will be on November agenda. Special Funding Reauests for 2005 — Commissioners were distributed special funding request packets. November 3 at noon was set for discussion of funding requests. Security Issues — Marilyn and Willistine addressed loss of Town Center property and problem with security of the facility. Moved by Gazzola, second by Crawford to enter into a least agreement with ADT to provide security system for the Town Center. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. -- Respectfully submitted, • Marilyn Heifner, Executive Director P3 • Advertising and Promotion Commission For month of October 2004 HMR revenues collected $ 155,319.52 Interest revenue 99544.76 95 Bonds - Excess Funds 243,027.20 Total Revenues $ 407,891 .48 Ramsey, Krug, Farrell & Lensing (Property Ins 10/04 to 10/05) $ (71550.02) Bekka Development (Reimburse 2003 Property Tax) (11501 .95) Collection expense (31106.39) CEC Bond Payment (Ended ) _ Town Center Bond Payment (56,032.54) Total Expenses $ (68, 190.90) Total Check to A&P $ 339,700.58 • • P4 v Ln Ln rn o Ln to .. a1 m n > n o m Co 00 00 .. .. .. O V' 0 al N N 00 Ol .-1 N n O o p Y rl H rl rl rl rl '-I .-1 r1 ni fh N C O rl u Li I j O N N M O1 0 N 00 n O � II OM1 T .~-I O V' O% IA �LD Otpp M ISI O a0+ P'1 N M VO' v 7 VNl V' V' LA N �- a' W fPr 1R M W fR M 4A M W RRC F �I x i uvf, o 0 o o a o o a a' a o a° OR 0 V1 O t0 M M .ti O O O N n In N N l(1 M O M O O C 0 I (Vi O0 N .� ti G n n a O CM ll1 .V m 01 M t0 m 0 O Ln V' 00 O t0 M N t0 O O N O r/ N In 01 N M t0 V' LA 01 0 .ti 0 N • X O Vl n lit Oi N O N NI 7 OD MO T N .y .-I N N M M M M M to N b Ln N 9 V<• tR iPr W fR 1Pr i/1' 4A- iR V4 tH Ifl _ly 4wI o a' o o 2p zR o 0 o o Olt0 t0 Vl N p l(1 N N M O In > Lp N rl 00 O V: N 01 In In M O 'M N 0 n 0 N n rl . 4 n In M 01 N O O01 } N .-I .-I .ti H N .-� .ti H N N C O j 1O a` CD O O LLn 001 OCD ti O N N n N N o M 01 t0 V, V' 0 X IA M 00 tD Lf C6 00 01 ti tp Lr 01 00 O fH*ft f.ti *o N I- K � _Vf N♦• 4A- t HHi• 4A- *or fR fR fA O O N N N O n O 00 . . . d• V, N N -N _ to to 01 00 N N V' .-L N V' t0 t\ 0 n at O) M OD n 0 In N N n n n N 01 .-+ M0 0 Ln V' n M tD Ot N Ln l!1 O LA 0 Q O O 01 M O O o O O .ti .� rl N N t0 U O' O iPr if1 .ti .y .-1 .r .ti .ti H .-L .� rl N N lY fR 1Pr tlf Ni• iR tPr LV{• Ih A = N > F • N m x E o Z g .2 v Z+ o c a 'C m12 V F LT F Q f n n Q � O Z 0 P5 • HMR Comparison 2003 to 2004 Using Year-End totals per HMR Report HOTELS 2003 2004 % Dec 10,773.64 12,048.60 11 .83% Jan 109638.74 12,397.02 16.53% Feb 12,140.56 15,880.91 30.81 % Mar 15,371 .78 189217.06 18.51 % Apr 16,534.22 17,283.48 4.53% May 16,568.61 19,483.47 17.59% Jun 189530.45 22,255.75 20. 10% Jul 16,031 .25 17,050.01 6.36% Aug 16,098. 10 17,009.75 4.77% Sep 16,875.70 21 ,823.18 29.32% 149,563.05 173,449.23 15.97% Oct 25, 183.66 Nov 16,468.24 RESTAURANTS 2003 2004 % • Dec 112, 143.74 121 ,932.28 8.73% Jan 104,133.72 114,689.20 10. 14% Feb 99,436.17 113,449.63 14.09% Mar 113,299. 12 116,089.97 2.46% Apr 1089157.35 1169906.50 8.08% May 1149543.92 120,030.66 4.79% Jun 111 ,410.87 121 r219.99 8.80% Jul 109,920.03 122,417.98 11 .36% Aug 117,824.90 122,630.00 4.07% Sep 112,098.50 1249228.30 10.82% 1 ,102,9 68.32 11193p594.51 8.22% Oct 127,371 .76 Nov 104,084.85 • P6 Fayetteville Advertising and Promotion Commission Fayetteville Town Center Fayetteville Convention and Visitors Bureau Financial Statements October 31 , 2004 • • P7 SCARBROUGH SI. MURMHAW, CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOLIN'PANTS, P.A. • 2039 Green Acres Rd., Fayetteville, AR 7270N619 • Telephone (479) 521-1771 • Fax (479) 4430062 • Home Page: SMCPAS.com Wesley D. Murtishaw, CPA Larry H. Bilbrey, CPA Fayetteville Advertising & Promotion Fayetteville Town Center Fayetteville, Arkansas We have compiled the accompanying balance sheet, statements of revenues and expenditures, and schedules of general expenditures and special projects of the Fayetteville Advertising and Promotion Commission, The Fayetteville Town Center, and The Convention and Visitors Bureau as of October 31 , 2004 and for the ten months then ended in accordance with Statements on Standards for Accounting and Review Services issued by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. A compilation is limited to presenting in the form of financial statements information that is the representation of management. We have not audited or reviewed the accompanying financial statements and, accordingly, do not express an opinion or any other form of assurance on them . • Management has elected to omit substantially all of the disclosures and the statements of retained earnings and cash flows ordinarily included in financial statements. If the omitted disclosures and the statements of retained earnings and cash flows were included in the financial statements, they might influence the user's conclusions about the entity's assets, liabilities, equity, income, and expenses. Accordingly, these financial statements are not designed for those who are not informed about such matters. Scarbrough & Murtishaw, CPAs, P.A. Certified Public Accountants Fayetteville, Arkansas November 3, 2004 Mcmben: American Institute of CPAs Private Companies Practice Section Arkansas Society of CPAs P8 Fayetteville Advertising and Promotion Commission Balance Sheet As of October 31 , 2004 • ASSETS Current Assets Cash in Bank of Fayetteville - Town Center $ 52,580.81 Cash in Mcllroy Bank - A & P General 299,260.05 Cash in Bank of Fayetteville - HMR Account 92,978.07 Cash in Mcllroy Bank - A & P Payroll 14, 165.31 Cash in Bank - Conv & Visitor Bureau 30,602.41 Investments 2,534, 181 .58 Investment Adjustment to Market 31381 .37 Accounts Receivable 7,403.36 Accounts Receivable from HMR - Net of Expenses 78,291 .57 Accrued Interest Receivable 21 ,684.26 Total Current Assets $ 3,134,528.79 Property, Plant, & Equipment at Cost Furniture and Fixtures 91602.98 Building Additions 1813875.24 Equipment 160,725.88 • Less: Accumulated Depreciation ( 111 ,820. 13) Net Property and Equipment 240,383.97 Total Assets $ 31374,912.76 LIABILITIES AND CAPITAL Current Liabilities Payroll Taxes Payable $ 17.57 Employee Garnishment Payable 643.62 Accounts Payable 79,423.57 Accounts Payable -Parks HMR 3,696 .68 Due to Other Funds 41 ,674.54 Total Current Liabilities $ 125,455.98 Capital Unrestricted_Fund_ Balance 2,944,722.59 Current Year Earnings 304,734. 19 Total Capital 37249,456.78 Total Liabilities and Capital $ 31374,912.76 • See Accountants' Compilation Report. P9 Fayetteville Advertising and Promotion Commission Statement of Revenues and Expenditures Actual vs Budget • Ten Months Ending October 31 , 2004 2004 Month of 2004 Year to Date October 2004 Budget Actual Remaining Actual Revenues HMR Tax Revenue $ 11418,952.00 $ 11417,645.75 $ 11306.25 $ 1469097.58 Other Income 11248.07 (11248.07) - Governor's Conference Sponsors 47,775.00 461789.28 985.72 Total Revenues 17466,727.00 1 ,465,683. 10 11043.90 146,097.58 General Expenditures General Expenditures (See Schedule) 756,875.00 616,694. 15 140, 180.85 140,495.45 Capital Outlay Minor Equipment 25,000.00 26,878.23 (1 ,878.23) Other Revenues (Expenditures) • Interest Income - Investments 85,000.00 86,418.29 ( 11418.29) 13,664.68 CEC Bond Excess 204,000.00 204,207.67 (207.67) TC Bond Arbitrage Calculation (21080.00) 21080.00 CEC Washington County Property Tax (54,000.00) (55,261 .60) 11261 .60 (52,314.42) Bonds CEC Bond Payments - Arts Center (41 ,000.00) (40,282.79) (717.21 ) Bond Payments - Town Center (365,320.00) (241 ,259.60) (124,060.40) (24, 125.96) Bond Payments - CEC (289,640.00) (315,750.00) 26, 110.00 (31 ,575.00) Interest Expense Arbitrage Expense Transfers to Other Funds (223,892.00) (200,000.00) (23,892.00) Total Other Revenues (Expenditures) (684,852.00) (564,008.03) (120,843.97) (94,350.70) Excess Revenues Over Expenditures (Deficit) $ $ 258, 102.69 $ (258, 102.69) $ (88,748.57) • See Accountants' Compilation Report. NO Fayetteville Advertising and Promotion Commission Schedule of General Expenditures Actual vs Budget • Ten Months Ending October 31 , 2004 2004 Month of 2004 Year to Date October 2004 Budget Actual Remaining Actual General Expenditures Salaries & Wages $ 58,750.00 $ 48, 146.54 $ 10,603.46 $ 41833.90 Payroll Tax Expense 61000.00 41037.36 11962.64 368.44 Insurance 12,000.00 71922.97 41077.03 1 ,561 .81 401 (k) Company Match 21500.00 11684.42 815.58 175.02 Car Allowance 3,600.00 31000.00 600.00 300.00 Materials and Supplies 11000.00 11402.03 (402.03) 11019.80 Publications & Dues 11200.00 1 ,140.95 59.05 Postage 15,000.00 10, 131 . 12 41868.88 1 ,264.70 Other Insurance 29259.94 (21259.94) 546.94 Professional Services 12,200.00 10,000.00 29200.00 1 ,000.00 Collection Expense 32,000.00 28,453.03 3,546.97 2,921 .95 Bond Paying Agent Fees 41500.00 2,250.00 21250.00 Kamensky Fountain Maintenance 61000.00 - 61000.00 - New Brochures 30,000.00 12,568.99 17,431 .01 71204.05 Travel and Training 21000.00 313.04 1 ,686.96 10.00 Depreciation Expense 15,908.51 (15,908.51 ) 1 ,590.85 • Advertising and Marketing 250,000.00 215,241 .46 34,75854 85,378.75 Airport Information Booth 41800.00 41800.00 Interspace Airport Advertising 5,100.00 31698.55 11401 .45 Website Update 10,000.00 21390.00 71610.00 Signage - Tourism 10,000.00 453.93 91546.07 Special Projects (See Schedule) 290,225.00 240,891 .31 49,333.69 32,319.24 Total General Expenditures $ 756,875.00 $ 616,694. 15 $ 140,180.85 $ 140,495.45 • See Accountants' Compilation Report. Pll Fayetteville Advertising and Promotion Commission Schedule of Special Projects Actual vs Budget • Ten Months Ending October 31, 2004 2004 Month of 2004 Year to Date October 2004 Budget Actual Remaining Actual Special Projects Air Museum 20,000.00 209000.00 5,000.00 Bikes, Blues, BBQ 250000.00 25,000.00 Botanical Garden Society 15,000.00 - 15,000.00 - Town Center Garden Maintenance 17,500.00 16,041 .63 1 ,458.37 11458.33 Walton Arts Center 6,000.00 61000.00 - NWA B.E.S.T. 1 ,300.00 17300.00 - H . S. Coaches Clinic 13,500.00 13,500.00 - Saturday of Champions 39000.00 3,000.00 - State Soccer Championship 11000.00 11000.00 - Holiday Hoops 10,000.00 10,000.00 Joe Martin Stage Race 7,500.00 7,500.00 All Star Games 91000.00 91000.00 Ozark Blues Society 5,000.00 5,000.00 Brumley Gospel Sing 15,000.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 Downtown Dickson Enhancement Project - 520.95 (520.95) First Night Fayetteville 10,000.00 10,000.00 - - Rural Mountain Producers Exchange 61000.00 6,000.00 DDEP Fine Arts Festival 31500.00 31468.72 31 .28 • Ozark Valley Triathlon 41000.00 4,000.00 Lights of the Ozarks 20,000.00 20,000.00 American College Theatre Festival 2,400.00 21400.00 Council for the Adv of Science Writers 2, 100.00 21100.00 Governor's Conference 47,775.00 46,789.28 985.72 Art Car Weekend 41500.00 41418.32 81 .68 4,418.32 Chile Pepper Cross Country Festival 31500.00 3,500.00 - 3,500.00 Diamond Classic Baseball Tournament 750.00 750.00 Evergreen Cemetery Fence 10,000.00 10,000.00 - Heritage Trail Partners 51000.00 4,250.00 750.00 Lewis & Clark Urban Adventure Race 2,000.00 2,000.00 Pagnozzi Charities 31000.00 31000.00 UA Baseball Regionals 51000.00 51000.00 Walton Arts Center Ext. Banners 90900.00 3,298.80 6,601 .20 Washington County Historical Society 21000.00 19611 .02 388.98 Fourth of July Fireworks 3,500.00 (3,500.00) Autumnfest 21942.59 (2,942.59) 29942.59 Total Special Projects $ 290,225.00 $ 240,891 .31 $ 49,333.69 $ 32,319.24 • See Accountants' Compilation Report. P12 Fayetteville Town Center Statement of Revenues and Expenditures Actual vs Budget • Ten Months Ending October 31 , 2004 2004 Month of 2004 Year to Date October 2004 Budget Actual Remaining Actual Revenues Rental income $ 269,694.57 $ 246,946.63 $ 22,747.94 $ 32,061 .81 Daily Parking 51000.00 4,881 .00 119.00 722.00 Parking Leases 30,000.00 34,771 .89 (43771 .89) 91020.03 Other Income 500.00 9,080.00 (81580.00) 1 ,030.00 Sales Tax Expense (1 ,071 .30) (11071 .30) - Less Returns & Allowances (21289.41 ) 2,289.41 (400.00) Total Revenues 304,123.27 293,390. 11 10,733. 16 42,433.84 General Expenditures General Expenditures (See Schedule) 378,285.31 323,675.25 54,610.06 35,942.42 Capital Outlay - - - • Other Revenues (Expenditures) Interest Income - Checking 269.69 144.48 125.21 13.65 Transfers From Other Funds 73,892.35 50,000.00 23,892.35 Total Other Revenues (Expenditures) 74, 162.04 50, 144.48 24,017.56 13.65 Excess Revenues Over Expenditures (Deficit) $ 0.00 $ 19,859.34 $ (19,859.34) $ 61505.07 See Accountants' Compilation Report. P13 Fayetteville Town Center Schedule of General Expenditures Actual vs Budget • Ten Months Ending October 31 , 2004 2004 Month of 2004 Year to Date #REFI Budget Actual Remaining Actual General Expenditures Salaries & Wages $ 165,271 .00 $ 125,749.57 $ 39,521 .43 $ 12,453.26 Payroll Tax Expense 20, 138.06 13,486.47 61651 .59 11211 .08 Insurance 21 ,250.00 159181 .73 61068.27 11936.85 401 (k) Company Match 4,602. 15 29197.41 21404.74 203.62 Commissions 25,583.18 17,659.94 71923.24 39171 .50 Materials and Supplies 6,000.00 41163.59 1 ,836.41 756.26 Credit Card Discounts 500.00 829.21 (329.21 ) 104.66 Public Notification 100.00 100.00 - Publications & Dues 250.00 455. 10 (205.10) Postage 185.58 (185.58) Post Office Box Rent 125.00 126.00 (1 .00) Water 71234.65 51083.27 21151 .38 544.19 Gas 9,786.70 81078.55 11708. 15 68.40 Electricity 56,480.90 40,686.97 15,793.93 31575.97 Cable 914. 10 788.44 125.66 81 .70 • Telephone 8,549.20 69814.37 11734.83 600.75 Insurance - Building 71500.00 5,628.00 1 ,872.00 Taxes and Licenses 21500.00 11500.00 11000.00 Linens 11 ,250.37 10,646.07 604.30 11150.28 Repairs and Maintenance 25,000.00 359611 .52 (10,611 .52) 49683.12 Special Projects 2,500.00 10, 142.39 (71642.39) 3,759.93 Advertising and Marketing 2,500.00 2,674.84 (174.84) - Travel and Training 250.00 77.72 172.28 50.00 Depreciation Expense - 15,908.51 (15,908.51 ) 11590.85 Total General Expenditures $ 3789285.31 $ 323,675.25 $ 54,610.06 $ 35,942.42 See Accountants' Compilation Report. P14 Fayetteville Convention and Visitors Bureau Statement of Revenues and Expenditures Actual vs Budget • Ten Months Ending October 31 , 2004 2004 Month of 2004 Year to Date October 2004 Budget Actual Remaining Actual Revenues Bus Tours $ 17500.00 $ 654.00 $ 846.00 $ 75.00 Partnership Income 13500.00 11800.00 (300.00) Special Projects - Sponsorships 500.00 500.00 Brumley Shuttle 11500.00 11431 .00 69.00 Other Income 288. 17 (288.17) - Total Revenues 5,000.00 41173. 17 826.83 75.00 General Expenditures General Expenditures (See Schedule) 163,700.00 1255965.06 37,734.94 9,727.54 Capital Outlay 11794.87 (11794.87) 11794.87 • Other Revenues (Expenditures) Interest Income - Checking 125.00 358.92 (233.92) 17.62 Transfers from Other Funds 158,575.00 150,000.00 81575.00 - Total Other Revenues (Expenditures) 158,700.00 150,358.92 81341 .08 17.62 Excess Revenues Over Expenditures (Deficit) $ $ 26,772. 16 $ (26,772. 16) $ (119429.79) • See Accountants' Compilation Report. P15 Fayetteville Convention and Visitors Bureau Schedule of General Expenditures Actual vs Budget • Ten Months Ending October 31 , 2004 2004 Month of 2004 Year to Date October 2004 Budget Actual Remaining Actual General Expenditures Salaries & Wages $ 73,750.00 $ 60,458.40 $ 13,291 .60 $ 61045.84 Payroll Tax Expense 81000.00 51336.82 21663. 18 459. 10 Health Insuance 17,000.00 10, 122.74 61877.26 - 401 (k) Company Match 31000.00 11813.80 1 ,186.20 181 .38 Materials and Supplies 6,000.00 31465.71 2,534.29 254.67 Office Expense/Printing 21500.00 11937.01 562.99 Publications & Dues 11850.00 525.00 11325.00 Postage 150.00 163.00 (13.00) - Telephone 51200.00 21850.41 21349.59 420.02 Rent 6,000.00 6,200.00 (200.00) 1 ,200.00 Convention Development 25,000.00 19,057.85 51942.15 671 .63 Special Projects - 179.00 (179.00) 179.00 Repairs and Maintenance 250.00 11037.79 (787.79) • Travel and Training 15,000.00 12,817.53 2, 182.47 315.90 Total General Expenditures $ 163,700.00 $ 125,965.06 $ 37,734.94 $ 91727.54 • See Accountants' Compilation Report. P16 FAYETTEVI LLE THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS • KIT WILLIAMS, CITY ATTORNEY DAVID WHITAKER, ASST. CITY ATTORNEY DEPARTMENTAL CORRESPONDENCE LEGAL DEPARTMENT TO : A & P Commissioners CC : Casey Jones, City Prosecutor City Council FROM : Kit Williams, City Attorney DATE: November 4, 2004 RE: HMR Taxes collected • The Fayetteville City Prosecutor, Casey Jones, was very successful last month. One defendant paid in full, two defendants made multithousand dollar payments and several others made substantial payments on their overdue HMR taxes. The Fayetteville City Prosecutor' s Office collected $9,282.58 last month for a year-to-date total of $48,627.83. (Attached is his report.) This is about on track with 2003 prosecutor collections with a three year total of about $200,000.00. Prior to the City Council amending the HMR law (after I became City Attorney in 2001 ) to give us better investigatory power and my request that a City Prosecutor make collecting overdue HMR taxes a high priority, very little overdue HMR taxes had been collected. City Prosecutor Casey Jones and his staff have certainly proven their worth and ability by recovering $200,000.00 of overdue HMR taxes since then. Their work ensures that law abiding restaurants do not face unfair competition from the restaurants that fail to turn over the HMR taxes they collect from their customers. Pl7 CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE OFFICE OF THE PROSECUTING ATTORNEY CLINTON K. JONES MANDY FINKLEA HOT CHECK ADMINISTRATOR CITY PROSECUTOR Ercall: hotcheck@ci.fayetteville.ar.us W. BRANT WARRICK 140 W. ROCK FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS 72701 DEPUTY CITY PROSECUTOR PHONE: (479) 575.8377 (479) 575-8378 MEMO (479) 575.8374 (479) 575.8375 Hot Checks: (479) 575-8254 FAX # : (479) 5758373 TO: K, Williams Fayetteville City Attorney FROM: Clinton K. Jones Fayetteville City Prosecutor DATE: November 4, 2004 RE: Status ofHMR cases 1. Aviator's Grill Tammy Andujar-Johnson Active Criminal Summons W. Kevin Johnson Active Criminal Summons • 2. Butcher Block Gary W. Bell Active Criminal Summons aka Hospitality Plus ofAR 3. Cafe Santa Fe Sad Abu Haleema 2 Active FTA warrants 4. Casa Torres Arturo Torres Paid $123.34. Paid in Fun 5. Corky Ben Clark Paid $150, TD: 5-04-05 6. Dickson St Diner Nick Jeffries Active FTA warrant Deonna Darnell Active FTA warrant 7. Dominoes Pizza Lloyd Hardison Paid $200, TD: 2-23-05 8. El Camino Real Mex Santo O'Campo Active Criminal Summons Isamael Martinez Active Criminal Summons 9. Fat Toney 's Tony Goucher Paid $300, TD: I1-17-04 10. Frullad Cafe Todd/Mary McNeill Paid $250, TD: 11-17-04 11. Grubs Drew M. Christie Paid $l, 759. 24 • Active Criminal Summons Drew W. Christie Active Criminal Summons 1 P18 • 12. Heavenly Ham Robert Flocks Active Criminal Summons 13. Hog City Diner Richard T. Byrne Active FTA warrant 14. IHOP Kathy Lewis Active FTA warrant 15. Judy 's IP St Diner Judy N. Smith Active Criminal Summons Earl Smith Active Criminal Summons 16. La Familia Virgin Amaral Paid $50, TD: 11-17-04 17. Madame Wu Christina Wu Active FTAS warrant 18. Morning Glory 's William Reeves Paid $450, TD: 11-10-04 19, Old Town Deli M. Boroujeni Active Criminal Summons 20. Pepper's Pepper D. Glass FTA Warrant to be issued 21. Quizno 's John Ford Active Criminal Summons Tim Ford Paid $5,000, TD: 11-10-04 22. Taco Shack Mario Underhill Active FTAS warrant • aka: M. Hunt 23. Tones, Inc. D. Heerwagen TD: 11-03-04 24. Xtreme Pizza/ William Acklin Active Criminal Summons DBA: Dominos TOTAL COLLECTED: $ 9,282. 58 • 2 Pl9 DIRECTOR'S REPORT October, 2004 INQUIRY RESPONSES Advertising Responses October 2004 - 2524 Year to date 2004 - 162191 October 2003 - 1726 Year to date 2003 - 16,337 Tour Packets October 2004 - 25 Year to date 2004 - 932 Tourist Inquiries October 2004 - 95 Year to date 2004 - 1 , 173 October 2003 - 182 Year to date 2003 - 2,564 Relocation Inquiries October 2004 - 52 Year to date 2004 - 520 October 2003 - 48 Year to date 2003 - 728 October Total Advertising Inquiries 2004 - 2696 2003 - 1956 Year to Date Total Advertising Inquiries 2004 - 18,816 2003 - 19,629 • Internet Inquiries October 2004 - 712,700 hits October 2004 unique visits - 14, 155 October 2003 unique visits.- 8,616 October 2004 per day average visits - 456 October 2003 per day average visits - 277 OCTOBER ACTIVITY Tourism Activities - Centennial ! Committee meetings and press conference Autumnfest Hip Hop Concert - meeting with police and event management Chili Pepper Festival press conference Tree Dedication for Arkansas Forestry Association FHS Homecoming Heritage Trail Partners meeting - - -- - America in Bloom press conference------ - Trick onference- --Trick or Treat on the Square Promise Keepers Relations with Media - Arkansas Business, Tammy Gray • Cooking Light Magazine - Katie Flynn Independent Newspapers - Jerri Cranford Johnson Robinson Woods - David Welch Carroll County Newspapers - Aaron Bazone P20 Arkansas Democrat Gazette — Serenah McKay (HMR figures) Morning News — Dan Craft (Centennial!) • KNWA News — Brooks Thomas (Centennial!) NWA Times — Curt Cramer (Centennial !) Channel 5 news — Cassandra Gamess (Centennial !) Community Access TV — Fru Gallagher (press packet) NWA Times — Drew Terry Morning News — Ethan Nobles Twin Springs media — Deborah Gray (www.dicksonst.com) Maumelle Living Magazine — Gay Carpenter (photos of LOTO) Relations with other Tourism entities — Washington County Historical Society Pre-vet club pancake breakfast Ozark Classical Festival — Cindy Webb North Arkansas Symphony — Karen Capella Daughters of the American Colonists — Henrietta Holcomb (historical marker at old h. s.) NATA — Dale Christy Eureka Springs A & P Commission — Lynn Berry (HMR collections) A & P — Fayetteville Downtown Partners Quorum Court meeting CVB — CVB Sales Manager ad, interview, and hiring Town Center — Meeting with Richard Goff • Banners for Plaza Ray Dotson — reindeer on plaza Green Valley Windows — Jim Miscellaneous — HMR Collections — October (September sales) Sodexho Radisson Hotel Clarion Inn Jose's Chartwell's Dining Penguin Ed's Chili's Red Robin Gourmet Burger Chick-Fil-A (Northwest Village) — -- Hamptonhm- --- — — -- -- - -- — - - -- Inn at Camall Hall McDonald's #10937 Noodles Italian Kitchen McDonald's (Joyce) • Applebee's P21 raycucvute .voar www.iayetievuleiounsm.com - Last IL tviontns rage I of 1 Fayetteville A&P www.fayettevilletourism.com • Summary Period: Last 12 Months Generated 03-Nov-2004 23:59 CST Usage sunnary for www.fayettevilletouri n. con Y, ;LlSltft 1 - e Imo^ o r \ N G - V. ilia T1M . Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr Ma Jun Jul AugSeOct Nov trs Summary by Month Month Daily Avg Monthly Totals • Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes Visits Pages Files Hits Nov 2004 21982 18880 11799 398]F'11 7 21 240264F' 40264 1196 35398 56641 65947 Oct2004 22990 19675 11055 456 8912 2749241 14155 342733 609935 712700 Sep 2004 30634 26211 14776F 522 9765 3562005 L 1566211 443308 7863391919029 Au$ 2004 24220 20838 12176 454 8100 2837312 14100 377484 645999 750831 Ju1200419823 17050 9869 424 6979 2346272 13153 305962 528578 614522 Jun 2004 20235 17300 9946 421 6742 2300769 12652 298391 519001 607051 May 2004 16589 14155 8110]F-7349 5696 1941670 10848 251440 438806 514264 Apr 2004 15324 13049 7036 294 5180 1827071 8826 211105 391492 459732 Mar 2004 16731 14126 8126 279 5216 2050695 8661 251913 437929 518661 Feb 2004 15040 12642 7031 259 4629 1738380 7539 203924 366619 436182 Jan 2004 13112 11119 6392 225 4270 1600854 6980 198165 344694 406483 Dec 2003F 9390 7972 4826 186 36261126378 5778 149611 247162 291094 Totals 24320911 119550 3069434 5373195 6296496 Generated by Webalizer Version 2.01 httn://www.favettevilletnuricm-com/lone/ 11 /4/04 P22 • E 0 c c aY LO o a) .0 LO N N a7 _ C N O) O N O L O 0 1] L NJ CNF(n cu co QU N y NN E O O mV p oac "O a J a) a co N m N O a) a E Na) O U CL Na E N > y a) L ca O O mLaONoE ¢ a > c£ mm o N cU 3 c L o ma 4t E a)oc -0C, cm - p a LL CL £ o m ° 5 CU 0) c c y _ E c 0 co oo t LL -0 'o � � c � 0 a) c = co = E � �' 3om 0 0) Joccao � a5a L o W ¢ y £ `_' E 'c °' « E `m 3 a) E m E N � E c ZN O ro c c 'c c o. > -O 0 m O p Y L o a O E J a O '- o c - p ca o) � E ¢ N ca N O m O O N in cu a N N o c 0 L L L 3 a) C Y a) _ -O co C L ¢ _N L r L >. N C O L O c c E cd U E m is 3 = 'O a) O N d a) o '> m d Co Y > � >W a). 3 0 > > > E c £ O m d L co is c .0 E tea a $ ain JaE 'in 'v) U � 3 3 3 :9 c :� 205 L U N C J m N C J — O O J a) 07 ca L U r . a 3 U U 41 � N O N H r O C N N ca = N C U = O O ¢ a) a) N O N ca co Q co N O LL J E m N C LOL d L a3 m m C a) N Y - O LL p E L N y N CD c d N N CD c Q ca E a m Y U c Y O Y z ¢` CL o m ¢` 2 m 2 0 C N al C o a > ca O 6 > N E V U C U V U U co a > Q c > L c 5 5 ¢ m a) a) UC C C (DO O O o cn o_ c0) Lcl E a CLI a i . C V V a V a V 0 L O O O O O (D O N N N N N N )9 0) O c0r O O O O O �_ N N a) O O O (3 0- .. O � O . O O . _ _. p _ p O N N M O cr V > J O O O U rr O c CL > £ W N N C L O) Ol O 7 • C CO d E ac) ~ O O. O � � U 0 0 0 -c LN p a) C > O U o is L cu a1 3 U N 3 E •`- ,- m U T U E a a c o L 0 'a 3 0 0 « co �° 7 o E o 0 cc 3 0 o Np N C: co L ry N V a d t N yE ° 0LL LL Oo mNm oNm ¢ 'Y 0 « L N r m O N cl N 70 COCF, O L O 'U d 7 7 N cG C C C C r 0 CL a7 a O C Y0 3 a1 G > O LO-. co c c � <a y m 'O E 3 0 N a) a) O C U N O 0) d p O L 7 .`.. N to O) Y ._ U cis Y C N U c o_ 0 a7 'p '� c R ) N « 01 O N >. d r0 ._ N cc 'p > 4) 7 N O C O a) J O) .p p C 0) d ? N N N U a) a�j c 'n 7 N L a1 C a) N "O N m a) E X _ N O a) a) c ca a) N m 'O ca 2 w E 0 0 0 J c C « N m O. N N w N 3 coi w E U -0'o C ro coo t m N 3 N m « w ° m d as J U N c N O Y a W r CL • ca d N a) G O c m w m - CD 00` 3 3 ¢ o o > ¢_ F- ro U c U c d ¢ .2 o C O N LU co a J U N v_0i ❑ `o c a) 0 U H E a) LL s E m a = U N 7 7 N R a) a) of Q c m Q y m c a) cu d .o c Z c d ca > ` m ¢ N L 9 Y N > Y I (n ❑ ti ¢ U) ¢ ❑ ¢ LL co , C U O O lcoz U U U C a) C rCp1 C a) a) d N E LE -o E L L v LCL aa)) 000 0 o m N N N N N N 0 N OO O �00N m O CD CD N N N _ cmO O O O OO N O O O P24 Fayetteville Town Center, Manager's Activity Report October 1 , 2004 to October 31 , 2004 r Al5ales: OCTOBER OCTOBER Month YTD _ YTD YTD 2003 (base) 2004 . _ ✓a Change 2003 20041 % Change Sales ' + S 1629 81 % - 140 190 36% # executedcontiacts b to date — GL - Complete Events (Paid/Sponsored) 20 25 25% 139 146 5% EMS Calendar - attached ($ execuutet6 d contracts b to date — GL Sales . . 201130.00 39,570.00 96% $188,517.91 274l748.20 46%'• $ e ($ - P.atld'ns $ " 25,319.00 32,641 .86 29% $203,706.71 250, 177.34 23% Pa ant Lo $edit 14 GL NA ($8,230.00) (59194.41 ) NA Average #'Per event ' 1 ,258. 13 19364.48 $10435.91 $19446.04 '3 day event for Gun & Knife Show (Bikes, Blues and BBQ counted as 1 event '3 day event for "Terror On The Square" counted as 1 event We collected $32,641 .86 for rentals, incidentals and service charges in October bringing our YTD collections to $250, 177.34. This amount leaves us at 92.7% of our 2004 goal (269,694.57) and represents an increase of $46,470.63 over 2003 YTD collections. Sales for October 2004 compared to October 2003 represent a 96% increase. Operations Items: • Graffiti was painted on the parking garage wall, 2°0 level, elevator door and 2°0 level stairwell wall and inside of door. There were several other downtown businesses that were hit as well. We have been able to get the graffiti off both doors and have ordered a special cleaner that should remove the remaining graffiti off of the • concrete areas. • Secured freight elevators with lock out keys — ThyssenKrupp Elevator install key cylinders at no cost to The Center. • Blind repair — still a maintenance issue. We are having a hard time finding anyone who repairs they type of blinds we have. • Small leak in women's restroom. Gasket around pie was torn. Repaired by using sealant. • Accident in parking garage on Sunday, October 24` . Estimated cost to repair ramp and support cables is $5,000.00. Marketing, Sales and Public Relations: • Participation with Autumnfest staff — using Center to store items on Friday and Saturday evening. • Conducted a tour of Town Center facilities for a group of architecture students. They are doing a class study of our facility. • Haunted House — "Terror on the Square Two" was a great success with around 2,000 people attending. • Sales staff is doing an outstanding job of issuing contracts for repeat business by contacting our clients immediately following their event. Event List: • Gun & Knife Show — Bikes, Blues & BBQ • Ozark Electric Awards Banquet • Camp Bear Track APWA Seminar — 1 • United Group Associates — I - -- - - - — • APWA Reception — — — • UA Track Banquet • Eddie Armstrong Scholarship Fundraiser • North Arkansas Symphony • Homecoming Concert • Pagnozzi Charities Fundraiser • FHS Class Reunion — 1974 • Occhipinti Wedding Reception 0 KLRC Clergy Appreciation Banquet • Hall of Honor • United Group Associates — 2 • • Cassat/Sargent Wedding Reception • Junior Cotillion • Stumbaugh Wedding Reception • Morgan/Schader Wedding Rehearsal • Hickman/Gay Wedding Reception • Fayetteville Public School — CSAT Testing • Terror On The Square Two P25 A & P COMMISSIC 2004 Budget 004 Revised Bud8 month actual next 4 months Antic. Year end 2005 BUDGET INCOME HMR Tax Revenue 1,500,000 1418952 $1,125,030.03 $583,598.00 $1 ,708,628.03 $1 ,759,886 Interest 60,000 85000 $63,105.87 $31,500.00 $94,605.87 $90,000 Bond Refund 200,000 204000 $204,207.67 $204,207.67 Other $1 ,248.07 $1 ,248.07 AM Miscellaneous 47775 $46,789.28 $46,789.28 TOTAL 1,760,000 1755727 $1 ,440,380.92 $615,098.00 $2,055,478.92 $1,849,886 Depreciation Ex 21,500 21500 $12,726.81 EXPENSES Bad Debt Write Off 98-03 5006 Transfers III AAs Center Bondi85,000 41000 $40,282.79 $40,282.79 $41,000 Town Center Funj 365,320 365320 $193,007.68 $193,007.68 $673,200 TC Bond Arbitrgagagalculation $2,080.00 $2,080.00 CEC Bond Fund 1 289,640 289640 $252,600.00 $252,600.00 Bond Paying A t Fees Bank of OK - 111 4500 $1 ,125.00 $1 ,125.00 $1 ,125 Property Insurance $9,000 CEC Taxes 54,0001 54000 $2,947.18 $2,947.18 $50,000 Collection Expense 32,0001 32000 $22,600.72 $17,500.00 $40,100.72 $52,800 Transfer to CVB 163.7001 150000 $150,000.00 $150,000.00 $221 ,227 Transfer to Town C 73,892 73892 $50,000.00 $50,000.00 $0 Pears Fountain Mz 6,000 6000 $2,000.00 $5,000 Salaries 58,750 58750 $39,478.74 $58,750.00 $65,000 Payroll Tax Ex ens 5,000 6000 $3,300.51 $51000.00 $5,200 Insurance 12,000 12000 $5,723.37 $9,000.00 $9,400 401K Match 2,000 2500 $1 ,364.38 $2,500.00 $1 ,950 Car Allowance 3,600 3600 $2,400.00 $3,600.00 $3,600 Advertising and Me 250,000 250000 $129,862.71 $120,137.29 $250,000.00 $300,000 Airport Infonnatio 4,800 4800 $3,600.00 $1 ,200.00 $4,800.00 $5,200 Airport Adventism 5,100 5100 $2,465.70 $2,634.30 $5,100.00 $5,355 Brochures 30,0001 30000 $5,364.94 $24,635.06 $30,000.00 $30,000 Website Update 10,000 10000 $2,390.00 $7,610.00 $10,000.00 $10,000 Signage - Tourism 10,000 10000 $453.93 $9,546.07 $10,000.00 $10,000 Publication and Du 1 ,200 1200 $1 ,128.95 $1 ,128.95 $1,200 Travel and TraininE 2,000 2000 $238.79 $238.79 $2,000 Office Supplies anc 1 ,000 1000 $251 .81 $251.81 $1,000 Postage 15,000 15000 $7,271 .99 $7,728.01 $15,000.00 $15,000 rofessional Services Accounting 12,000 12000 $8,000.00 $4,000.00 $12,000.00 $12,000 Audit Expense 200 200 $200 Town Center Gar 17,500 17500 $13,124,97 $4,375.03 $17,500.00 $17,500 Convention Develo 10,0001 47775 $47,775.00 Special Projects Air Museum 20,0001 20000 $15,000.00 $5,000.00 $20,000.00 All Star Games 9,0001 9000 $9,000.00 $9,000.00 American Crile 2,400 2400 $2,400.00 $2,400.00 Arkansas H. S. C 13,500 13500 $13,500.00 $13,500.00 Botanical Garden 15,000 15000 $15,000.00 $15,000.00 Brumley Gospel 15,000 15000 $15,000.00 $15,000.00 Council for the Ar 2,100 2100 $2,100.00 $2,100.00 DDEP ca ver from 2003 $520.95 $520.95 High School Satul 3,000 3000 $3,000.00 $3,000.00 High School Staff 1,000 1000 $1,000.00 $1 ,000.00 Holiday Hoops 10,000 10000 $10,000.00 $10,000.00 Joe Martin Stage 7,500 7500 $7,500.00 $7,500.00 LI hts of the Oza 20,000 20000 $20,000.00 $20,000.00 Watton Arts Cent 6,000 6000 $6,000.00 $6,000.00 An Car Weekend 4500 $4,500.00 $4,500.00 Bikes, Blues & BBO 25000 $25,000.00 $25,000.00 Chile Pepper Cross Country Festival 3500 $3,500.00 $3,500.00 Diamond Classic Baseball Toum. 750 $750.00 $750.00 Evergreen Cemetery Fence 10000 $10,000.00 $10,000.00 DDEP Fine Arts Festival 3500 $3,500-001 $3,500.00 Farmer's Market 1 60001 $6,000.00 $6,000.00 First Night Fayetteville 10000 $10,000.00 $10,000.00 Fourth of July Fireworks $3,500.00 $3,500.00 Govemor•s Conference on Tourism 47775 $46,789.25 $46,789.25 Heritage Trail Partners 5000 $4,250.00 $4,250.00 Lewis & Clark Urban Adventure Race 2000 $2,000.00 $2,000.00 Northwest Arkansas B. E. S. T. 1300 $1,300.00 $1 ,300.00 Ozark Blues Sm. Bluesapalooze 5000 $5,000.00 $5,000.00 Ozark Valley Triathlon 4000 $4,000.00 $4,000.00 Pa nozzi Charities 3000 $3,000.00 $3,000.00 UA Baseball Regionals 5000 $5,000.00 $5,000.00 Walton Arts Center exterior banners 9000 $9,000.00 $9,000.00 Washington Co. Historical Society 2000 $1 ,611 .02 $1 ,611 .02 Miscellaneous Eguipment/Re airs 250001 $2,076.23 $24,000.00 $26,076.23 $65,300 Unallocated Revenues $236,629 1807608 $1 ,130,361 .61 $309,865.76 $1 440 227.37 $1 849 886 P2GL TOWN CENTER 8 month actual Four month proj. Yr. End anticipated 2005 BUDGET 2004 BUDGET INCOME _ Rental incl Service charge 268,623.27 $179,455.34 $97,553.77 $2779009. 11 $325, 172.00 Interest - Checking 269.69 $114.75 $80.00 $194.75 $200.00 tal 1 Taxes 1071 .30 _ ellaneous 500.00 Parking Revenue Daily 5,000.00 $3,733.00 $1 ,200.00 $4,933.00 $5,000.00 Leases 30,000.00 $25,751 .86 $8,500.00 $34,251 .86 $35,000.00 Sales Tax Expense (refund) Transfer from A & P Comq 73,892.35 $50,000.00 $50,000.00 Less Returns & Allowances -$1 ,889.41 -$11889.41 Special Projects $6,680.00 $10,000.00 $16,680.00 $40,000.00 TOTAL 379,356.61 $2639845.54 $117,333.77 $381 ,179.31 $405,372.00 Depreciation $129726.81 EXPENSES Salaries & Wages 165,271 .00 $100,398.41 $17,572.88 $117,971 .29 $165,557.00 Commissions 259583. 18 $11 ,797. 18 $4,877.65 $169674.83 $32,517.25 Payroll Taxes 209138.06 $110068.68 $6,000.00 $17,068.68 $249833.55 Rental Taxes 1 ,071 .30 Credit Card Discounts 500.00 $605.15 $300.00 $905.15 $1 ,500.00 Insurance 21 ,250.00 $11 ,905.82 $5,423.96 $17,329.78 $17,814.85 401KMatch 4,602. 15 $1 ,790. 17 $1 ,254.48 $3,044.65 $7,750.00 Utilities Water 7,234.65 $3,960.28 $2,675.00 $6,635.28 $6,846.00 Phone 8,549.20 $59511 .25 $2,839.00 $8,350.25 $8,632.00 Electricity 56,480.90 $32,765.60 $19, 197.65 $51 ,963.25 $51 , 124.00 s 9,786.70 $7,895.21 $3,831 .96 $11 ,727.17 $1 ,203.99 able 914.10 $625.04 $367.42 $992.46 $1 ,029.36 Postage 125.00 $311 .58 $0.00 $311 .58 $325.00 Contract Services Linens 11 ,250.37 $81452.84 $4,000.00 $12,452.84 $19,811 .00 Legal Outside Repairs and Maintenance 259000.00 $21 ,815.92 $10,000.00 $319815.92 $38, 178.00 Materials & Supplies 6,000.00 $3,236.80 $1 ,000.00 $4,236.80 $59000.00 Advertising and Promotion 2,500.00 $2,674.84 $25.00 $2,699.84 $3,000.00 Public Notification 100.00 Travel & Training 250.00 $27.72 $0.00 $27.72 $250.00 Publications & Dues 250.00 $455. 10 $0.00 $455. 10 $500.00 Building Insurance 7,500.00 $5,628.00 $5,628.00 $6,000.00 Taxes and Licenses 21500.00 $1 ,500.00 $0.00 $1 ,500.00 $1 ,500.00 Special Projects - T. C. Pr 21500.00 $5,671 . 13 $7,500.00 $13, 171 . 13 $12,000.00 Legal Services TOTAL 379,356.61 $232,468.72 $929493.00 $3249961 .72 $405,372.00 • P27 CONVENTION VISITORS BUREAU 8 mo. Actual NEXT 4 MONTH Anticipated Yr. En PROPOSED 2004 BIDGET 2005 BUDGET INCOME Transfer from A & P 158,575.00 $150,000.00 $150,000.00 $221 ,227.00 Interest 125.00 $322.99 $75.00 $397.99 $300.00 Bus Tour Income 11500.00 $554.00 $250.00 $804.00 $1 ,000.00 Special Projects - Sponsorships 500.00 Brumley Shuttle 19500.00 $1 ,431 .00 $1 ,431 .00 $11500.00 Partnership Dues 1 ,500.00 $2, 100.00 $2, 100.00 $39000.00 Other income $288.17 $288. 17 163,700.00 $154,696. 16 $325.00 $155,021 . 16 $227,027.00 EXPENSES Salaries & Wages 73,750.001 $48,366.72 $25,000.00 $73,366.72 $109,377.00 .Payroll Tax Expense 8,000.00 $4,418.62 $1 ,850.00 $69268.62 $16,312.00 Insurance 17,000.00 $9, 198.72 $3,500.00 $12,698.72 $169688.00 401KMatch 31000.00 $1 ,451 .04 $725.00 $2,176.04 $3,250.00 Unemployment Ins. Publications and Dues 1 ,850.00 $125.00 $1 ,725.00 $1 ,850.00 $20000.00 Utilities Rent 61000.00 $49500.00 $1 ,500.00 $6,000.00 $8,400.00 Phone 5,200.00 $2,140.48 $1 ,000.00 $3, 140.48 $4,000.00 Postage 150.00 $163.00 $163.00 $200.00 Convention & Tourism Development 25,000.00 $13,489.46 $5,000.00 $189489.46 $20,000.00 Travel & Training 15,000.00 $12,220.91 $11500.00 $13,720.91 $20,000.00 irs & Maintenance 250.00 $19037.79 $1 ,037.79 $29000.00 ertising & Wing (Brochure) Materials & Supplies 61000.00 $2,047.09 $1 ,000.00 $3,047.09 $59000.00 Copier (Office Supplies/Printing) 21500.00 $1 ,597.09 $750.00 $2,347.09 $2,500.00 Update computers to Windows 2003 $1 ,500.00 Tracking software $10,000.00 163P700.001 $100,755.92 $43,550.00 $144,305.92 $221 ,227.00 • P28 005 Funding Requests Fayetteville Advertising and Promotion Commission 2004 Recd . 2005 Request ommission A p All Star Games $9,000 $9,000 $9,000.00 American College Theater Festival $2 ,400 $6,000 $69000.00 Arkansas H . S. Coaches Clinic $ 13,500 $ 15,000 $ 15,000.00 Arknsas H. S. Baseball/Softball Finals $0 $3,000 $3,000.00 Botanical Garden Society of the Ozarks $ 15,000 $21 ,000 Community Access TV - 25th anniversary_ $0 $5,000 $5,000.00 Heritage Trail Partners $4,250 $5,000 $50000.00 Ho eye Marathon $0 $ 11 ,267 $0.00 Hogs in Bloom - NWA Garden Show $0 $5,000 $3,650.00 Holiday Hoops $ 10,000 $21 , 500 $ 10,000.00 Joe Martin Stage Race $7,500 $ 10,000 $9,000.00 North Arkansas Symphony $0 $ 12 ,250 Ozark Classical Festival $0 $ 1041500 $0.00 Ozark Valley Triathlon $4,000 $5,000 $1 ,000.00 Savor the Flavor $0 $5,625 $4,000.00 State Soccer Championships $ 19000 $ 1 ,750 $1 ,750.00 Walton Arts Center $ 159000 $7,750 $7,750.00 AML $81 ,650 $248,642 $80, 150.00 Unallocated Funds - $237 ,029 • wzs for appointment to City Boards, Commissions, and Committees 3me j r{ t/l C ` / ,f1 /�1 ) T / Soc. Sec. # —� If married, please give /y spouse's first name W0 "C) E d u\ CI rd e, Length of residency in Fayetteville :sident Street gd5ress �— ( � 70 How did you find out about opening(s)? y t State Zip Code riling Ad r!�!s Zip Code � �A _ („ 1 References: ephone Number: Home: "l W (l� Name �NL B `j Business: 47j - Z'I 1 I�1 -t3 O Address V\) no(C,5c" Y-t'VA- C'uM2U�ht�1 ;upation/Employer Nam/e1 Phone �j - Li (7C1 c w f\m Of C�n .u Name j I P-cl V �Q 1 IL lice of Committee Address Phone rr v rt� �+"k? 11 iiS F ... �i {d'Fe`d" 'FY r..�'•�`. Kr1 91� r • 1 x1, ��l r s .. .. t 'S � n IfeS � `w . ^i. >' .Cr. _ . �. t.. :,'�.i`.+✓. m.� s�. s...�$.. " ,.l Replaced .. \'s? y. Y. Cn . , s. t � �. 1'� 5 1; , What are your qualifications for serving on this committee, including education and expertise in the subject matter? G'.e.�,r-e,� 5oect:4P �,du.u.�O.`T"ta,c,l��.�s4r•%A.c�tstuhti 1 Why would you like to be considered for appointment to this committee? , alik it e - t i I out application COMPLETELY and return to: i�0 ox 4f 5`7 have any questions call 3. 519 1 - y�� y � � � � a7o z - 415 7 P30