HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004-08-09 - Agendas - Final MEETING NOTICE The Advertising and Promotion Commission will meet on Monday, Aaugust 9, 2004 at 2 :00 p.m. in the Town Center Conference room. AGENDA ADVERTISING AND PROMOTION COMMISSION August 9, 2004 2 :00 p.m. Town Center I. Call to Order A. Introduction of new commissioner — Don Marr B. Election of new chairman II. Reports A. Approval of Minutes for July 12 regular monthly meeting B. Financial Report 1 . HMR Revenues 2. Financial Statements - Scarbrough and Murtishaw 3. Update from City Attorney re: delinquent tax collection efforts C. Report from Executive Director — Marilyn Heifner • D. CVBReport — AllysonTwiggs E. Town Center Report — Willistine Smith F. Advertising Agency Report — Brian Clark III. Old Business IV. New Business A. Advertising Agency review V. Adjourn • • ADVERTISING AND PROMOTION COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING July 12, 2004 Commissioners Present: Chairman Bob Davis, Dan Coody, Neal Crawford, Pat Gazzola, Ching Mong, and Curtis Shipley. Commissioners Absent: David McGeady Staff Present: Willistine Smith and Marilyn Heifner Chairman Bob Davis called the regular monthly meeting of the Fayetteville Advertising and Promotion Commission to order on July 12, 2004 at the Fayetteville Town Center conference room at 2:00 p.m. MINUTES Moved by Shipley, second by Coody to approve the minutes of the June 14, 2004 regular meeting. Motion carried. FINANCIAL REPORT HMR collections are up 12.86% over last year same month. Collections were $ 149,466. Hotels are up 17.59% and restaurants are up 4.79%. Larry Bilbrey of Scarbrough and Murtishaw presented financial report for June. Moved • by Shipley, second by Gazzola to approve the financial statements. Motion carried. CITY ATTORNEY City Attorney Kit Williams reported that the Prosecutor's office continued their successful efforts to prosecute and collect delinquent HMR taxes in June. Their efforts resulted in collecting $8,361 .97 in June for a total of $27, 133.99 year to date. DIRECTOR'S REPORT Marilyn Heifner reported that June advertising inquiries are up over previous year. Internet unique visits for June are up ( 12,652). Per day average visits are 421 . Arkansas Parks and Tourism will have the See Arkansas First Promotion on Dickson Street was a success. The A & P Commission will host the 6`h international Cephalopod Symposium in September. The conference has been held in Europe and this is the first time in North America. We worked with the Advanced Microelectronics and Phototonics for Satellites conference held in Fayetteville in June. The Promise Keepers will have their meeting here in 2005 . It is estimated that they will have 70,000 in attendance. AAA Southern Traveler will have an article on Fayetteville in the fall. Richard Alderman and Thomas Campbell will have a meeting on Wednesday to determine position for lamp poles for the plaza lighting. • CVB REPORT • Marilyn reported that Allyson Twiggs was working with the A. S. A. E. convention. She will be on the A. S. A. E. board this next year as the associate member representative. Allyson attended a CDME Class on Sports marketing. All Star festival and Coaches Clinic went well. . TOWN CENTER REPORT Willistine Smith reported that Town Center sales were up for June 68.71 % as well as year-to-date up 14.99%. Collections are up 114.20% for the month and 6.06% year to date. The Community Development Block Grant documentary project is on display in the Town Center lobby this month. Hank Kaminsky also displayed his art during the month. The Chamber of Commerce 2004 Business Resource Expo was very successful with 78 businesses represented. A group from the Cherokee "Trail of Tears Peace and Dignity Journey 2004" visited Fayetteville and the Peace Fountain as well as the Trail of Tears Park, John Ridge House and the public library. Wal-Mart Shareholders used our facility during their meeting. AGENCY REPORT Brian Clark presented the agency report. Tax collections are the highest total ever as are • unique visits to the website. The Clinton visit to sign books and the Travel Channel publicity should increase tourism. OLD BUSINESS Fireworks Display — The Mayor reported that the City learned a lot. It was a good show and well attended. Parking was an issue. The newspaper has asked that other venues be considered such as the Washington County Fair grounds. Mong congratulated Airport Manager Ray Boudreaux and Air Museum Director Judy Hammond for a great air show. They had a great attendance and a great program. It was a very family oriented event. Bob Davis was thanked for his service on the A & P Commission and as chairman. He is moving and has resigned from the City Council effective the end of the month. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, • Marilyn Heifner Executive Director • Advertising and Promotion Commission For month of July 2004 HMR revenues collected $ 152 ,916.67 Interest revenue 91271 .31 Total Revenues $ 162 , 187.98 Bond Resource Partners - Arbitrage Calculation $ (21080.00) Bekka Dev. - 2001 /2002 Property taxes (reimb) Plaza (2,947. 18) Collection expense (31058.33) CEC Bond Payment (31 ,575.00) Town Center Bond Payment (241125.96) Total Expenses $ (630786.47) Total Check to A&P $ 98,401 .51 • • tltlpp i `- OR O m O 0000 0000 O�rvi co b I' N O O r M N ry ti M two .^-1 M 00 Rcr 75 x MN M 7 � m i O I N F LY Hr M iR +R -VI. yr Vr f � 2 � 0 0 0 0 o a 0 0 a 0 a 0 a a 0 0 OQ a a a a a l o O to M MO O O N 7 n Lil tO lf1 M CD O M O O � N M 0 } , N O O N N r1 � 4 O r� V n ti ti a ry m M U N .ti lit 01 M tO m to O .ti N MI n N 7 00 O to M to O to N O L•i ' • x 1l1 01 N M to O' 1(1 01 t0 . + 00 N Ifl _ X O 111 I� lD O� N O N N tD 00 M �p 10 N .ti rl N N M M M M M l!1 N PA , O 1� F .-I rl rl rl 4A 4A i H H rl rl rll IN ' N � VR Lt � fA Vi fR Vf fR iPr fH -bRe fR 1/I a o a o OR o a' a OR o 0 0 O) to to 111 N O V' lA N N M O Ln N > m 1� .r C7 O T tt N ON Ln lA M O N O N 00 N n .-I . + n LA M Ot N p O Q) } N rl H rl H N rl N H T M N C O ~ a I 00 N Ol to 7 00r� tD .-1 O O O Ln O1 O N N a I� N N O M O? tO R 00 1� to V4 X Li) M 00 tD Ln co 00 N Oi .ti to lA Ot V N — 1p 00 O a� 4 N F Q' 1Pr iR Vr Vr M fR M iR Vr *pr iR M O N �NQ N „ O N O 00 V. N n M M m yj V1 01 .r ; N V* .� N ? t0 N aul O1 M co I� to lA 01 00 LA P% M to Oi N Lr Lil O LA 0 O1 ON O O O O O .+ .+ .-1 N N 0 V OO ih Vr rl N H rl N H H H rl N N N H K w iq yr Vr Nr M iR M Nr M 1y _ •& i H • D d f w � N U, a% E c o ° y E E o c ' pny > k F- c� I ° LL F ¢ f ', a' Ln 0 z° a • HMR Comparison 2003 to 2004 Using Year-End totals per HMR Report HOTELS 2003 2004 % Dec 109773.64 12,048.60 11 .83% Jan 10,638.74 12,397.02 16.53% Feb 12,140.56 159880.91 30.81 % Mar 15,371 .78 18,217.06 18.51 % Apr 16,534.22 179283.48 4.53% May 16,568.61 19,483.47 17.59% Jun 18,530.45 22,255.75 20. 10% 100,558.00 1179566.29 16.91 % Jul 16,031 .25 Aug 160098. 10 Sep 16,875.70 Oct 25,183.66 Nov 16,468.24 RESTAURANTS 2003 2004 % • Dec 112,143.74 121 t932.28 8.73% Jan 104, 133.72 114,689.20 10. 14% Feb 99,436.17 113,449.63 14.09% Mar 113,299.12 116,089.97 2.46% Apr 108,157.35 116,906.50 8.08% May 1149543.92 120,030.66 4.79% Jun 111 ,410.87 121 ,219.99 8.80% 763,124.89 824,318.23 8.01 % Jul 109,920.03 Aug 117,824.90 Sep 112,098.50 Oct 127,371 .76 Nov 104,084.85 • Fayetteville Advertising and Promotion Commission Fayetteville Town Center Fayetteville Convention and Visitors Bureau Financial Statements July 31 , 2004 • • SCARBROUGH • MURTISHAW, CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS, P.A. 2039 Green Acres Rd., Fayetteville, AR 727032619 • Telephone (479) 521-1771 • Fax (479) 4430082 • Home Page: SMCPAS.com Wesley D. Murtishaw, CPA Larry H. Bilbrey, CPA Fayetteville Advertising & Promotion Fayetteville Town Center Fayetteville, Arkansas We have compiled the accompanying balance sheet, statements of revenues and expenditures, and schedules of general expenditures and special projects of the Fayetteville Advertising and Promotion Commission, The Fayetteville Town Center, and The Convention and Visitors Bureau as of July 31 , 2004 and for the seven months then ended in accordance with Statements on Standards for Accounting and Review Services issued by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. A compilation is limited to presenting in the form of financial statements information that is the representation of management. We have not audited or reviewed the accompanying financial statements and, accordingly, • do not express an opinion or any other form of assurance on them . Management has elected to omit substantially all of the disclosures and the statements of retained earnings and cash flows ordinarily included in financial statements. If the omitted disclosures and the statements of retained earnings and cash flows were included in the financial statements, they might influence the user's conclusions about the entity s assets, liabilities, equity, income, and expenses. Accordingly, these financial statements are not designed for those who are not informed about such matters. Scarbrough & Murtishaw, CPAs, P.A. Certified Public Accountants Fayetteville, Arkansas August 3, 2004 • Members, American Institute of CPAs Private Companies Practice Section Arkansas Society of CPAs Fayetteville Advertising and Promotion Commission • Balance Sheet As of July 31 , 2004 ASSETS Current Assets Cash in Bank of Fayetteville - Town Center $ 57,812.62 Cash in Mcllroy Bank - A & P General 248,055.66 Cash in Bank of Fayetteville - HMR Account 92,978.07 Cash in Mcllroy Bank - A & P Payroll 13,583.24 Cash in Bank - Conv & Visitor Bureau 70,492.20 Investments 2,534,181 .58 Investment Adjustment to Market 31381 .37 Accounts Receivable 71403.36 Accounts Receivable from HMR - Net of Expenses 78,291 .57 Accrued Interest Receivable 21 ,684.26 Total Current Assets $ 3, 1271863.93 Property, Plant, 8, Equipment at Cost Furniture and Fixtures 9,602.98 • Building Additions 1819875.24 Equipment 160,725.88 Less: Accumulated Depreciation (102,275.03) Net Property and Equipment 249,929.07 Total Assets $ 3,377,793.00 LIABILITIES AND CAPITAL Current Liabilities Payroll Taxes Payable $ 157.78 Accounts Payable 79,423.57 Accounts Payable - Parks HMR 31696.68 Due to Other Funds 41 ,674.54 Total Current Liabilities $ 1249952.57 Capital Unrestricted Fund Balance 21944,722.59 Current Year Earnings 308, 117.84 Total Capital 312529840.43 • Total Liabilities and Capital $ 3,377,793.00 See Accountants' Compilation Report. Fayetteville Advertising and Promotion Commission • Statement of Revenues and Expenditures Actual vs Budget Seven Months Ending July 31 , 2004 2004 Month of 2004 Year to Date July 2004 Budget Actual Remaining Actual Revenues HMR Tax Revenue $ 11418,952.00 $ 972,113.36 $ 446,838.64 $ 149,466.36 Other Income 1 ,248.07 (11248.07) Governor's Conference Sponsors 47,775.00 46,789.28 985.72 Total Revenues 11466,727.00 1 ,0209150.71 446,576.29 149,466.36 General Expenditures General Expenditures (See Schedule) 756,875.00 432,927. 15 323,947.85 43, 182.39 Capital Outlay Minor Equipment 259000.00 2,076.23 223923.77 27. 17 • Other Revenues (Expenditures) Interest Income - Investments 85,000.00 53,834.56 31 ,165.44 10,075.01 CEC Bond Excess 204,000.00 2041207.67 (207.67) - TC Bond Arbitrage Calculation - CEC Washington County Property Tax (54,000.00) (54,000.00) Bonds CEC Bond Payments - Arts Center (41 ,000.00) (40,282.79) (717.21 ) Bond Payments - Town Center (365,320.00) (1683881 .72) (196,438.28) (24, 125.96) Bond Payments - CEC (289,640.00) (221 ,025.00) (68,615.00) (31 ,575.00) Interest Expense Arbitrage Expense Transfers to Other Funds (2239892.00) (200,000.00) (23,892.00) Total Other Revenues (Expenditures) (6847852.00) (372, 147.28) (3129704.72) (45,625.95) Excess Revenues Over Expenditures (Deficit) $ - $ 213,000.05 $ (213,000.05) $ 60,630.85 • See Accountants' Compilation Report. Fayetteville Advertising and Promotion Commission Schedule of General Expenditures • Actual vs Budget Seven Months Ending July 31 , 2004 2004 Month of 2004 Year to Date July 2004 Budget Actual Remaining Actual General Expenditures Salaries & Wages $ 58,750.00 $ 33,644.84 $ 25,105. 16 $ 4,833.90 Payroll Tax Expense 61000.00 21932.07 31067.93 368.44 Insurance 129000.00 57085.58 61914.42 637.79 401 (k) Company Match 21500.00 11219.36 11280.64 145.02 Car Allowance 31600.00 21100.00 11500.00 300.00 Materials and Supplies 1 ,000.00 251 .81 748.19 106.52 Publications & Dues 11200.00 963.95 236.05 Postage 15,000.00 61574.49 81425.51 11258.29 Professional Services 12,200.00 7,000.00 51200.00 11000.00 Collection Expense 32,000.00 19,542.39 12,457.61 2,989.33 Bond Paying Agent Fees 4,500.00 1 , 125.00 31375.00 Kamensky Fountain Maintenance 6,000.00 - 61000.00 New Brochures 30,000.00 5,364.94 24,635.06 Travel and Training 21000.00 238.79 11761 .21 - Depreciation Expense - 11 , 135.96 (11 ,135.96) 19590.85 • Advertising and Marketing 2503000.00 129,862.71 120,137.29 89182.90 Airport Information Booth 41800.00 31600.00 11200.00 11200.00 Interspace Airport Advertising 53100.00 2,465.70 21634.30 Website Update 10,000.00 21390.00 71610.00 Signage - Tourism 10,000.00 - 10,000.00 - Special Projects (See Schedule) 290,225.00 197,429.56 92,795.44 209569.35 Total General Expenditures $ 756,875.00 $ 432,927.15 $ 323,947.85 $ 43,182.39 • See Accountants' Compilation Report. Fayetteville Advertising and Promotion Commission Schedule of Special Projects • Actual vs Budget Seven Months Ending July 31 , 2004 2004 Month of 2004 Year to Date July 2004 Budget Actual Remaining Actual Special Projects Air Museum 20,000.00 15,000.00 51000.00 Bikes, Blues, BBQ 259000.00 25,000.00 - Botanical Garden Society 15,000.00 15,000.00 Town Center Garden Maintenance 17,500.00 10,208.31 7,291 .69 11458.33 Walton Arts Center 61000.00 61000.00 NWA B.E.S.T. 11300.00 11300.00 H. S. Coaches Clinic 13,500.00 13,500.00 Saturday of Champions 3,000.00 3,000.00 State Soccer Championship 13000.00 1 ,000.00 Holiday Hoops 109000.00 109000.00 102000.00 Joe Martin Stage Race 71500.00 7,500.00 All Star Games 93000.00 91000.00 Ozark Blues Society 51000.00 51000.00 Brumley Gospel Sing 15,000.00 - 15,000.00 Downtown Dickson Enhancement Project - 520.95 (520.95) First Night Fayetteville 10,000.00 10,000.00 - - • Rural Mountain Producers Exchange 61000.00 _ 69000.00 DDEP Fine Arts Festival 39500.00 39500.00 Ozark Valley Triathlon 41000.00 41000.00 41000.00 Lights of the Ozarks 202000.00 - 20,000.00 - American College Theatre Festival 22400.00 21400.00 - Council for the Adv of Science Writers 21100.00 21100.00 - Govemor's Conference 47,775.00 46,789.28 985.72 Art Car Weekend 41500.00 - 41500.00 Chile Pepper Cross Country Festival 3,500.00 39500.00 Diamond Classic Baseball Tournament 750.00 750.00 Evergreen Cemetery Fence 10,000.00 10,000.00 - Heritage Trail Partners 51000.00 49250.00 750.00 Lewis & Clark Urban Adventure Race 21000.00 21000.00 Pagnozzi Charities 31000.00 3,000.00 UA Baseball Regionals 5,000.00 5,000.00 Walton Arts Center Ext. Banners 9,900.00 9,900.00 - Washington County Historical Society 2,000.00 1 ,611 .02 388.98 1 ,611 .02 Fourth of July Fireworks 3,500.00 (3,500.00) 31500.00 Total Special Projects $ 2909225.00 $ 197,429.56 $ 92,795.44 $ 20,569.35 • See Accountants' Compilation Report. Fayetteville Town Center Statement of Revenues and Expenditures is Actual vs Budget Seven Months Ending July 31 , 2004 2004 Month of 2004 Year to Date July 2004 Budget Actual Remaining Actual Revenues Rental Income $ 269,694.57 $ 156,610.97 $ 113,083.60 $ 14,119.03 Daily Parking 5,OOO.00 33376.00 11624.00 814.00 Parking Leases 30,000.00 25,751 .86 41248. 14 81814.86 Other Income 500.00 6,680.00 (61180.00) 300.00 Sales Tax Expense (11071 .30) (11071 .30) - Less Returns & Allowances - (1 ,264.41 ) 1 ,264.41 Total Revenues 304, 123.27 191 , 154.42 112,968.85 24,047.89 General Expenditures General Expenditures (See Schedule) 378,285.31 211 ,390.84 166,894.47 26,910.85 • Capital Outlay Other Revenues (Expenditures) Interest Income - Checking 269.69 95.49 174.20 20.79 Transfers From Other Funds 739892.35 50,000.00 23,892.35 Total Other Revenues (Expenditures) 741162.04 50,095.49 24,066.55 20.79 Excess Revenues Over Expenditures (Deficit) $ 0.00 $ 29,859.07 $ (29,859.07) $ (21842. 17) • See Accountants' Compilation Report. Fayetteville Town Center Schedule of General Expenditures • Actual vs Budget Seven Months Ending July 31 , 2004 2004 Month of 2004 Year to Date July 2004 Budget Actual Remaining Actual General Expenditures Salaries & Wages $ 1651271 .00 $ 87,921 .09 $ 77,349.91 $ 12,321 .69 Payroll Tax Expense 20, 138.06 91912.27 10,225.79 11331 .75 Insurance 21 ,250.00 91155.91 12,094.09 (23.31 ) 401 (k) Company Match 4,602. 15 11646.55 2,955.60 143.62 Commissions 25,583. 18 10,362.68 15,220.50 31047.50 Materials and Supplies 6,000.00 23735.31 3,264.69 36.94 Credit Card Discounts 500.00 551 .33 (51 .33) 92.87 Public Notification 100.00 - 100.00 - Publications & Dues 250.00 455. 10 (205. 10) Postage - 185.58 (185.58) Post Office Box Rent 125.00 126.00 (1 .00) - Water 79234.65 31933.41 31301 .24 994.36 Gas 99786.70 7,833.84 11952.86 70. 14 Electricity 56,480.90 27,810.80 28,670.10 41703.71 • Cable 914. 10 543.34 370.76 81 .70 Telephone 8,549.20 4,797.38 31751 .82 617.94 Insurance - Building 7,500.00 71500.00 Taxes and Licenses 29500.00 11500.00 11000.00 Linens 11 ,250.37 71099.85 41150.52 878.66 Repairs and Maintenance 25,000.00 15,960.75 99039.25 1 ,022.43 Special Projects 21500.00 53671 . 13 (39171 . 13) Advertising and Marketing 2,500.00 21024.84 475. 16 Travel and Training 250.00 27.72 222.28 Depreciation Expense 11 , 135.96 (11 ,135.96) 11590.85 Total General Expenditures $ 378,285.31 $ 211 ,390.84 $ 166,894.47 $ 26,910.85 • See Accountants' Compilation Report. Fayetteville Convention and Visitors Bureau Statement of Revenues and Expenditures • Actual vs Budget Seven Months Ending July 31 , 2004 2004 Month of 2004 Year to Date July 2004 Budget Actual Remaining Actual Revenues Bus Tours $ 11500.00 $ 554.00 $ 946.00 $ Partnership Income 11500.00 11800.00 (300.00) 300.00 Special Projects - Sponsorships 500.00 500.00 Brumley Shuttle 11500.00 - 11500.00 Other Income 288. 17 (288. 17) Total Revenues 5,000.00 2,642. 17 21357.83 300.00 General Expenditures General Expenditures (See Schedule) 163,700.00 87,683.70 76 ,016.30 10,296.01 Capital Outlay • Other Revenues (Expenditures) Interest Income - Checking 125.00 300.25 (175.25) 27.51 Transfers from Other Funds 158,575.00 150,000.00 81575.00 - Total Other Revenues (Expenditures) 158,700.00 150,300.25 8,399.75 27.51 Excess Revenues Over Expenditures (Deficit) $ - $ 65,258.72 $ (65,258.72) $ (99968.50) • See Accountants' Compilation Report. Fayetteville Convention and Visitors Bureau Schedule of General Expenditures • Actual vs Budget Seven Months Ending July 31 , 2004 2004 Month of 2004 Year to Date July 2004 Budget Actual Remaining Actual General Expenditures Salaries & Wages $ 73,750.00 $ 42,320.88 $ 31 ,429. 12 $ 6,045.84 Payroll Tax Expense 81000.00 3,959.52 41040.48 459. 10 Health Insuance 17,000.00 8,348.70 81651 .30 924.02 401 (k) Company Match 3,000.00 19269.66 11730.34 181 .38 Materials and Supplies 6,000.00 21047.09 31952.91 483.24 Office Expense/Printing 29500.00 11239.58 1 ,260.42 Publications & Dues 1 ,850.00 125.00 11725.00 Postage 150.00 126.00 24.00 126.00 Telephone 59200.00 11858.15 3,341 .85 288.83 Rent 69000.00 41000.00 21000.00 500.00 Convention Development 259000.00 10,085.59 14,914.41 1 ,078.22 • Special Projects - _ Repairs and Maintenance 250.00 915.96 (665.96) Travel and Training 15,000.00 11 ,387.57 31612.43 209.38 Total General Expenditures $ 163,700.00 $ 87,683.70 $ 76,016.30 $ 10,296.01 • See Accountants' Compilation Report. DIRECTOR'S REPORT • July, 2004 INQUIRY RESPONSES Advertising Responses July 2004 — 2117 Year to date 2004 — 11 ,884 July 2003 — 629 Year to date 2003 — 12,049 Tour Packets July 2004 — 118 Year to date 2004 - 858 Tourist Inquiries July 2004 — 125 Year to date 2004 — .1099 July 2003 — 256 Year to date 2003 — 1953 Relocation Inquiries July 2004 — 58 Year to date 2004 — 377 July 2003 — 106 Year to date 2003 — 551 July Total Advertising Inquiries 2004 — 2418 2003 — 991 Year to Date Total Advertising Inquiries 2004 — 13,945 2003 — 14,553 • Internet Inquiries July 2004 — 614,522 hits July 2003 — 411 ,893 hits July 2004 unique visits — 13, 153 July 2003 unique visits — 7,533 July 2004 per day average visits — 424 July 2003 per day average visits - 243 JULY ACTIVITY Tourism Activities — America in Bloom judges visit Fourth of July Fireworks — Bridget Elkins Tony Wappel — Washington County Courthouse 100`h anniversary Tai Chi — Town Center plaza on T/T mornings Relations with Other Tourism — America in Bloom meetings Heritage Trail partners NATA advertising meeting Downtown Dickson Partnership — Eileen Roufa Rodeo of the Ozarks — Janet Edwards Washington County Historical Society — Ann Sugg Robert Jester, Kara - Parks & Recreation, Hot Springs — parks HMR • Greg Nabholtz — Weideker Village Jamey — Taylor Mack — BBBQ Relations with Media — HMR to Crystal Cody Travel Channel production team, Mike Mathis Productions • AAA Southern Traveler — proof _ Kevin Holtzworth — Midwest Living Arkansas Business Publishing Group — update T. C. listing Benton County Record — Michael Roe Tanya, NBC 24/51 — Golden Corral Bill Bowden — Arkansas Business Journal Janet Wilson — The Statesman newspaper, Austin, TX Drew — NWA Times — article on Collins Haynes Cassandra Barnett - Channel 5 - new hotel Arkansas NBC News — Sydney — new hotel A & P — Interspace Advertising Arkansas National Bank — economic impact of Bikes, Blues and BBQ Brent McCord, Ft. Smith — HMR Jean Jacobson, Jacobson Tours — sales tax Beth Brown — ARVEST Susan Jordan — So. Arkansas Community College — visit of Dr. Cathy Matlock Chris Samuel - Flake and Curtis - commercial restaurant sales Town Center — Plaza Lighting Rick Valmer — safety harness for lift Miscellaneous — Chamber of Commerce tourism committee • City Council meeting with Gary and Maureen Fancher, Sody's Tax Incremental Financing meeting Marilyn — Governor Huckabee's scheduler Jean Hughes — U of A tourism class HMR Collections — July (June sales) Sodexho Operations Radisson Hotel Golden Corral The Olive Garden Red Lobster Clarion Chili 's Restaurant Jose's Chick-Fil-A Penguin Ed's Hampton Inn Ruby Tuesday McDonald's — Joyce Inn at Camall Hall • McDonald's #10937 • Monthly Advertising Inquiries by State - 2004 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEPT OCT NOV DEC TOTAL AL 15 16 28 60 34 35 15 203 AK 1 5 2 5 2 15 AZ 7 3 14 31 18 20 3 96 AR 12 23 66 124 95 110 66 496 CA 16 10 71 139 63 105 30 434 CO 2 2 21 44 14 20 7 110 CT 2 2 15 17 8 10 8 62 DE 2 10 3 1 4 20 DC 1 2 2 1 2 1 9 FL 16 12 41 122 85 85 32 393 GA 7 50 26 54 46 54 19 256 HI 3 2 3 8 ID 5 9 6 6 3 29 IL 22 24 122 334 200 119 32 853 IN 12 14 40 155 85 48 19 373 IA 8 17 43 117 49 32 13 279 KS 10 5 43 83 39 44 7 231 KY 5 10 21 54 33 29 13 165 LA 17 22 37 93 87 63 41 360 ME 1 2 4 2 7 2 18 MD 3 4 15 27 16 25 6 96 MA 4 5 11 36 12 14 5 87 MI 21 24 54 192 91 63 17 462 MN 12 11 43 119 46 39 15 285 MS 10 17 28 62 56 43 30 246 MO 30 25 101 240 147 105 49 697 • MT 3 4 2 4 1 14 NE 3 8 16 62 22 17 6 134 NV 1 5 10 6 7 3 32 NH 5 14 4 2 25 NJ 1 5 32 49 28 28 5 148 NM 1 3 7 5 6 22 NY 4 6 38 75 49 70 17 259 NC 7 13 27 60 38 30 16 191 NO 2 4 17 8 7 38 OH 15 17 51 157 96 63 22 421 OK 8 15 43 132 74 60 25 357 OR 1 4 14 28 6 8 4 65 PA 3 7 33 79 48 59 18 247 RI 2 2 1 3 2 2 12 Sc 5 7 17 23 27 20 12 111 SD 2 5 10 13 4 2 36 TN 16 20 24 87 79 50 32 308 TX 24 56 145 307 218 188 98 1036 UT 5 14 2 5 1 27 VT 1 1 1 3 4 3 13 VA 8 3 21 37 36 19 12 136 WA 2 2 11 28 10 16 5 74 WV 2 4 5 31 14 10 4 70 WI 25 15 53 151 81 63 15 403 WY 1 1 3 1 3 9 APO 2 1 3 CAN 2 3 5 2 2 4 2 20 FOR 3 2 1 2 3 5 3 19 • TOTAL 367 489 1422 3529 2117 1843 746 0 0 0 0 0 0 10513 • Dest S Advertising Inquiries Pubs by State -�lu62004 Ozark Demo Dest S Vac. BH&G Gaz USA FC LHJ MWL NATA SL 24-7 Com TOTAL AL 3 2 8 2 15 AK 2 2 AZ 3 3 AR 3 11 2 31 15 4 66 CA 3 3 13 7 4 30 CO 4 1 1 1 7 CT 5 1 1 1 8 DE 1 1 2 4 DC 1 1 FL 2 2 2 9 15 2 32 GA 3 2 1 1 12 19 HI 0 ID 1 2 3 IL 5 2 2 4 7 5 7 32 IN 2 4 2 2 2 3 4 19 IA 2 2 1 1 3 1 3 13 KS 2 1 1 2 1 7 KY 1 1 2 1 1 6 1 13 LA 1 1 9 24 6 41 ME 1 1 2 MD 1 1 1 3 6 MA 2 1 1 1 5 MI 2 2 8 3 2 17 MN 4 4 1 2 1 3 15 MS 2 2 2 2 18 4 30 • MO 6 1 3 4 3 7 13 11 1 49 MT 1 1 NE 1 1 3 1 6 NV 2 1 3 NH 1 1 2 NJ 1 1 2 1 5 NM 0 NY 4 1 1 4 3 3 1 17 NC 2 3 2 1 5 3 16 ND 0 OH 5 4 3 2 2 4 2 22 OK 6 15 4 25 OR 1 1 1 1 4 PA 4 6 1 1 4 2 18 RI 1 1 2 Sc 1 3 1 2 5 12 SO 1 1 2 TN 4 2 1 2 18 5 32 TX 5 4 2 20 52 15 98 UT 1 1 VT 0 VA 1 2 1 1 5 2 12 WA 1 2 2 5 WV 1 1 2 4 WI 3 2 2 5 3 15 WY 0 APO 0 CAN 1 1 2 • FOR 2 1 3 TOTAL 82 12 0 76 36 18 158 258 104 2 746 • ADVERTISING INQUIRIES - 2004 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC TOTAL Tourist AY 0 BH & G 36 884 301 1221 Dest. S 49 477 526 FC 9 39 678 392 22 1140 LHJ 37 561 177 775 MP 0 ML 125 97 196 570 572 1560 MN 0 MS 0 MT 0 MVG 0 NATA 67 66 76 173 163 545 OK 0 Parade 0 MC/Rosie 0 SL 145 238 288 445 862 1978 SNI 0 ST 0 TA 0 TH 0 TM 0 • USA 0 VG 0 24-7 V 21 49 62 27 20 179 TOTAL 367 489 1422 3529 2117 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7924 AY - Active Years BH & G - Better Homes & Gardens Dest. S - Destination Success FC - Family Circle LHJ - Ladies Home Journal MC - McCalls MG - Meeting Guide ML - Midwest Living MN - Meeting News MS - Meeting South MT - Midwest Traveler MVG - Midwest Vacation Guide NATA - NATA Tour Guide OK - Oklahoma Today Parade - Parade SL - Southern Living SNI - State Newspaper Insert • ST - Southern Traveler TA - Travel America TH - Travel Holiday A & P TOURIST INQUIRIES 2004 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCTNOV DEC TOTAL AL 1 1 2 2 11 1 1 7 AK 1 0 • AZ 2 3 1 2 8 AR 24 15 6 18 12 16 11 102 CA 3 4 1 4 2 2 2 18 CO 1 2 1 3 7 CT 1 1 _ 2 DE 1 1 DC 1 1 2 FL 3 5 3 1 1 41 17 GA 3 4 1 1 11 10 HI 0 ID 0 IL 5 3 1 5 5 3 4 26 IN 1 21 21 4 2 1 1 13 IA 2 2 6 2 2 1 15 KS 9 4 2 6 4 1 5 31 KY 3 3 LA 3 4 6 81 5 7 33 ME 1 1 MD 1 1 1 3 MA 1 4 1 6 MI 2 1 1 2 1 1 8 MN 1 2 2 3 3 11 MS 1 1 1 4 2 1 10 MO 6 4 1 7 6 6 11 41 MT 1 1 • NE 2 1 2 2 1 1 9 NV 1 1 2 NH 0 NJ 1 1 2 1 1 1 7 NM 1 1 1 3 NY 11 1 2 1 3 8 NC 1 1 ND 0 OH 2 1 4 3 2 4 16 OK 5 4 3 6 2 2 9 31 OR 1 3 4 PA 1 1 1 1 2 6 PR 0 RI 1 1 2 SC 1 1 1 _ _ 3 SD 1 1 1 1 4 TN 11 1 1 1 2 6 TX 9 11 4 16 13 5 16 74 UT 0 VT 0 VA 1 1 2 WA 3 1 2 1 1 1 9 WV 1 2 3 WI 2 4 6 3 2 1 18 WY 1 1 • APO 0 CAN 2 2 FOR 1 4 1 g 92 79 30 1:1 :6�1 100 75 101 00 0 0 0 593 Jan IFeb Mar jApr May June July Aug AAA 1 AARP AR Tourism 4 2 2 • BBB I 1 — Brumley 3 3 12 Country Home 6 e-mail 1 1 7 9 11 Family Circle 2 4 1 intern 6 LOTO _ NATA 2 _ Midwest Living 2 1 3 Newspaper Insert 1 Parade So.Liv 3 Rosie USA Places Rated Travel Holiday HGTV 2417 Vac 25 17 0 5 0 0 39 0 Tour Packets 206 96 353 46 39 118 these aren't in thinquiry count • • Tourists Inquiry 2003 JAN FEB MAR JAPR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC TOTAL AL 1 1 AK • AZ 11 AR 13 1 10 8 5 6 9 52 CA 2 1 4 4 11 CO 1 1 1 3 CT 0 DE 0 DC FL 1 1 GA 2 2 HI 1 _ 1 ID 0 IL 1 1 1 3 IN 1 1 1 3 IA 1 1 1 KS 3 1 3 1 1 2 1 12 KY 1 1 2 LA 2 1 2 1 6 ME 0 MD 0 MA 0 MI 1 1 2 MN 1 1 2 1 5 _ MS 1 1 1 3 MO 3 3 2 6 1 3 18 MT 1 1 • NE 1 1 2 NV 1 _ NH 0 NJ 0 NM 0 NY 1 2 1 3 NC 1 1 ND 0 OH 2 2 OK 6 1 5 3 1 16 OR 0 PA 1 — 1 PR RI Sc 0 SD TN 1 1 1 3 TX 3 2 6 1 3 5 1 21 UT 0 VT -- VA 0 WA 1 1 2 WV WI 1 1 _ 2 WY 0 • APO CAN 0 FOR 1 1 TOTALI 411 18 41 27 15 18 24 0 0 0 0 0 01 184 Relocation Inquiry 2004 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC TOTAL AL 1 1 1 • AK 1 AR 8 8 4 13 3 13 5 _ AZ 2 3 2 5 CA 4 3 6 9 3 4 8 CO 1 2 2 1 1 1 CT 11 1 1 2 DC 1 DE 4 FL 2 3 4 1 2 GA 1 1 2 1 2 HI 1 ID IL 1 1 2 4 2 1 IN 1 2 2 1 IA 31 1 1 1 2 KS 1 2 1 21 2 KY 1 1 2 LA 1 1 1 1 2 3 ME 1 MD 1 MA 1 1 1 MI 1 2 2 MN 1 1 4 1 1 MS 1 1 3 2 1 • MO 3 3 4 2 3 31 3 MT NE 11 1 2 1 2 NV 2 1 2 NH NJ 1 1 _ NM 2 1 1 1 NY 1 3 1 NC 1 1 3 NO 2 OH 4 2 1 2 OK 5 2 5 10 2 3 OR 2 1 PA 1 1 RI 1 SC 1 1 SO 1 1 1 21 1 TN 3 3 2 1 1 TX 1 2 6 5 3 6 8 UT 1 1 VT VA 1 1 1 2 WA 1 WV 1 WI 1 2 1 1 2 • AP 1 APO _ CAN 1 FOR 1 Total 1 461 461 631 791 331 521 581 01 01 01 01 01 3771 Fayetteville A&P www.fayettevilletourism.com - Last 12 Months Page 1 of 1 Fayetteville A&P www . fayettevilletourism.com • Summary Period: Last 12 Months Generated 03-Aug-2004 23:59 CDT Usage sunnary for uuu . fayettevilletourisn . con e n e N Dec Jan Feb Mar fipr May Jun Jul fiug Summary by Month Daily AvgIF- Monthly Totals • ,loath �������� Hits Files Pa es V�s�ts Sites KBvtes Visits Pau Files Hits Au_2004 DmUaK 9997F 433 1027 235591 1299 29993 52226 62701 302004 19823 17050 9869 424 6979 2346272 13153 3059621 528578 614522 Jun 2.00420235 17300 9946 421 6742 2300769 12652 298391 519001 607051 Ma 2004 16589 14155 8110 349 56 )( 1941670 10848 251440 4388(16 514264 A r2o(m 15324 13049 7036 2 )4 5180 18270718826 211105 391492F 459732 Mar 2004 16731 14126 8126 279 5216 20>0695F 8661 2519131 4379291 518661 Feb 2004 15040 12642 70 ; ]IF 259 4629 1738380F 7539 203924 366619 436182 Jan 2004 13112 11119 6392 225 4270 1600854F 6980 198165 344694 406483 Dec200} 9390 7972 4826 F 186 F3626 1126378 5778 1496111 247162 291094 Nov 2003 10052 86+0 5317 218 4046 1165047F 6567 159515 258905 301568 Oct 2003 14483 12275 7151 277 E74 1755512F 8616 221699 380533 448979 Sep 2QU 8596 206599 378194 446958 Totals 19871042 99515 2488317 4344139 5108195 Generated by Webalizer Version 2.01 • http://www.fayettevilletourism.com/logs/ 8/4/04 • 0 m _O co O O O 3 L y N c m O N L L ¢ N E - > y N 'a 7 0 N Co a co LO = 0 O C E m y W L d C O� N 0 C C JUNOco D O NU N c m - yo m � mLS oZ` oX a) CO m � N c 0 o m N w o Q y m rn c m - _y 8 Y z a� o p d y c c c m 3 g 3 � am — 3 3 a) "" S E 2 D ° o c N o Z O c 0 0 E D O O j L y a) a) $ a m « O t a U c 0 O U O L E = O U O m a L-' � L., D a) N U '3 L N E Y C LL ca 7 C 7 m m e LL y 2] C N D N 0 O_ E m �. cm "' N m O_ m U c y o 2 o U d Co _ _ ` L m c o m c > j E L m N � (0 y > L o m N �O m ? 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E E a E E u U � C O O po T N N N C N n m N N m O O O O O O y C) n n N N N N N N n n da E W y N C • O� CO O 7 c d CD O > CL 0 U C co - co co \co m / \ } \ \ _` CD CL / \ \ w \ \ \ \ E � E \ k ) } o \ � ca 0) CD \ / 2 / { 2 a@ E ° ] § _} % %_ E2 ] { E 2cm D & 09 [ / § \ , \ / a)w \ \ \ a { \ \ ) ) o \ Elie \ ) ) � \ \ ) 2 ] 2 % { £ � e $ : k / § ; a | nt % _ 9mco coo co tm \ 0 r co m \ \ _ ) E $ { ) ) / / 0 / ] j 0 { i k { L � Fayetteville Town Center, Manager's Activity Report June 1 , 2004 to June 30, 2004 CORRECTED REPORT —refer to *asterisk • Sales: , JUNE JUNE Month YTD YTP YTD 2003 (base) 2004 % Change 2003 2004 % Change Sales 9 8 (11 %) 77 85 10.3% # executed contracts by log date — GL Complete Events (Paid/Sponsored) 20 16 (20%) 84 81 (.036%) EMS Calendar - attached Sales 16,830.00 28,394.00 68.71 % $102,587.88' 137,325. 17 33.86% $ executed contracts b to date — GL Collections '* 169535.46 35,412. 15 114. 16% $119,007. 14' 143,772.35 20.80% $ - Payment Lo Credit (29208.00) (639.41 ) NA ($7,230.00) (51194.41 ) NA $ - GL Average per event 1 ,870.00 3,549.25 NA $1 ,332.31 $1 ,615.59 NA $ Sales / # Sales We collected $35,412.15 for rentals, incidentals and service charges in June bringing our YTD collections to $137,325. 17. This amount leaves us at 53.30% of our 2004 goal (269,694.57) and represents an increase of $18,876.69 from June 2003 collections and an increase of $24,765.21 ' over 2003 YTD collections. The major portion of this increase resulted from the Wal-Mart Special Events at the Town Center June 3, 2004. Operations Items: • No major issues to report. • Continue to address scheduled preventative maintenance issues. • Replaced thermostat in Mockingbird • Marketing, Sales and Public Relations: • CDBG Documentary Project display in lobby (Community Development Block Grant - Alejando Aviles) — presentation by Mayor Dan Coody • 2004 Business Resource Expo — 78 businesses represented • Cherokee "Trail of Tears Peace & Dignity Journey 2004" runners • Town Center Lobby — Announcement of the new Development Director, Steven Rust Event List: • Walmart Shareholders Special Event • Henderson State — Coaches Clinic • Hawkins Wedding Reception • Twin Rivers Foods • Nickell Wedding Reception • Collins/Ridenoure Wedding Reception • Mallard 501h Wedding Anniversary Reception 0 Washington Regional Medical Ctr • Chamber of Commerce Business Expo • Herrera 15th Birthday Party • Melton Bon Voyage Party Day Wedding Reception • Vinagre/Ward Wedding Reception . Dearien Birthday Party • Health Partners • Hank Kaminsky Reception • Fayetteville Town Center, Manager's Activity Report July 1 , 2004 to July 31 , 2004 • Sales: JULY JULY Month YTD YTD YTD 2003 (base) 2004 % Change 2003 2004 % Change Sales 11 19 73% 88 104 18. 18% # executed contracts b to date — GL Complete Events (Paid/Sponsored) 10 13 30% 94 94 0 EMS Calendar - attached Sales $ executed contracts by log date — GL 11 ,470.00 23,405.53 1 104.05% $114,057.88 160,730.70 40.9% Collections " 14,861 .94 14,119.03 (.04%) $1330869.08 157,891 .38 17.94% $ - Payment Lo Credit (11000.00) NA ($89230.00) (51194.41 ) NA $ - GL Average per event 11042.73 1 ,231 .87 NA $1 ,296. 11 $1 ,545.49 NA $ Sales / # Sales We collected $14, 119.03 for rentals, incidentals and service charges in July bringing our YTD collections to $157,891 .38. This amount leaves us at 58.54% of our 2004 goal (269,694.57) and represents an increase of $24,022.30 over 2003 YTD collections. Sales for July 2004 compared to July 2003 represents a 104.5% increase. Operations Items: • Leak in lobby area has been repaired. Issue was a small area of coating on building had loosened, allowing water to enter and travel along a steel beam and leaking onto the ceiling area. • Air conditioning issue in administrative offices has been resolved and repaired. A new compressor was installed. Compressor was still under warranty. • • Continue to address scheduled preventative maintenance issues. Marketing, Sales and Public Relations: • Sales staff making contact with 2003 Holiday Celebration clients and have been successful in rebooking • Final stages for planning and budgeting for the 2004 Haunted House event • Targeting schools for class reunions • Word of Mouth marketing is one of the best sources of business and that is certainly happening at The Center. We continue to receive excellent evaluation reports as well as clients calling to inquire about our facility after attending an event, or a friend, family member or colleague recommends us. • Retirement reception for Chief Hoyt of the Fayetteville Police Department. Event List: • BounkhongNega Wedding Reception 0 First Christian Church Dr. Johnson Retirement • Tenas Wedding Reception • Arkansas 4-H O'Rama • Beach/Gebhart Wedding Reception & Chief Hoyt Retirement Reception • ASAE Expo • Hernandex 15th Birthday Celebration Fox Wedding Reception • Hickman Rehearsal Reception • Barger/Rahn Wedding Reception • Massey/Bramlett Wedding Reception • Ryan Gibson Leukemia Fundraiser •