HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004-04-12 - Agendas - Final MEETING NOTICE The Advertising and Promotion Commission will meet on Monday, April 12, 2004 at 2:00 p.m. in the Town Center Conference room. AGENDA ADVERTISING AND PROMOTION COMMISSION April 12, 2004 2:00 p.m. Town Center I. Call to Order — Chairman Bob Davis H. Reports A. Approval of Minutes for March 15, 2004 regular monthly meeting B. Financial Report 1 . HMR Revenues 2. Financial Statements - Scarbrough and Murtishaw 3 . Update from City Attorney re: delinquent tax collection efforts C. Report from Executive Director — Marilyn Heifner 1 . Insurance deductible policy 2. Employee earned benefit time donation • D. CVB Report — Allyson Twiggs E. Town Center Report — Denise Bembenek F. Advertising Agency Report — Brian Clark III. Old Business A. Plaza Lighting B. Ordinance — HMR Business License IV. New Business A. Funding Requests — set presentation time V. Adjourn Encl. : Governor's Conference letters • • ADVERTISING AND PROMOTION COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING March 15, 2004 Commissioners Present: Chairman Bob Davis, Dan Coody, Neal Crawford, Pat Gazzola, David McGeady, Ching Mong, and Curtis Shipley. Commissioners Absent: None Staff Present: Denise Bembenek, Marilyn Heifner, and Allyson Twiggs Chairman Bob Davis called the regular monthly meeting of the Fayetteville Advertising and Promotion Commission to order on March 15, 2004 at the Fayetteville Town Center conference room at 2:00 p.m. MINUTES Moved by Shipley, second by Gazzola to approve the minutes of the February 9, 2004 regular meeting. Motion carred. FINANCIAL REPORT • Wes Murtishaw presented financial report for February. Moved by Shipley, second by Gazzola to approve the financial statements. Motion carred. HMR collections for the month of February $ 129,922 representing a 12.05% increase. CITY ATTORNEY City Attorney Kit Williams reported that collections of unpaid taxes in February were $2,763. The total for 2004 is $3,713. Six arrest warrants or criminal citations were served last month leading to trial dates and payment of back taxes. Discussion followed regarding collection of delinquent taxes. Moved by Coody, second by Gazzola that A & P request city council to pass HMR license business license ($25) to help with collection of HMR tax. This would become effective 60 days after passage by city council. Amended by Coody, second by Gazzola to have Kit Williams bring ordinance back to A & P for their review. Amendment carried. Motion carried. Discussion followed regarding turning off water of delinquent restaurants and caterers. Publishing names of non-payers was also discussed. DIRECTOR'S REPORT • Marilyn Heifner discussed her A & P activities for February. Inquiry responses are down 19% year-to-date; however, Internet activity is up 19.6%. • Staffing — At the Town Center, Jamey Goddard has been promoted to Senior Sales/event coordinator and Julie Pennington has been hired as sales/event coordinator. Phyllis Tucker had quadruple by-pass surgery and will be out several weeks. Allyson and Marilyn will share her job responsibilities. Dates for the DDEP Designer House (201 N. East Ave) have been changed to June 4-27. Ed Bradberry has given approval for Town Center lighting on plaza. Governor's Conference was a tremendous success. The Town Center staff and the CVB staff worked hard and made the event go off seamlessly. The community civic club luncheon, hosted by the Town Center with Jones Loflin as speaker on March 10, was also successful. A Credit Card machine has been ordered for the CVB. CVB REPORT Allyson Twiggs reported that Fayetteville has landed the Arkansas Parks & Recreation Association conference for 2005. She is working with the Arkansas Quilters Guild for 2005 also. The next conventions in town will be the Narcotic Dogs convention followed by the • Arkansas Association of Association Executives and the Arkansas Forestry Association. Next week we will host a FAM Tour from the National Tour Association meeting in Little Rock at the Headquarters House. Marilyn will be the step-on guide. TOWN CENTER REPORT Denise Bembenek reported that the Town Center executed contracts (sales) for February were up 12% over last February; completed events were down 28.57%. Executed sales contracts are up 13 .21 % and collections are up 52.97% AGENCY REPORT Brian Clark told commissioners that by-lines for the Governor's Conference from Fayetteville were hitting newspapers all over the state. At The Governor's Conference and Highway Department and Arkansas Parks and Tourism announced a signage project for attractions. At the April meeting, the agency will bring copies of magazine ads which they have placed. • • OLD BUSINESS Lighting for Plaza Commissioners were given drawings for 4 and 8 light poles. The four poles will be higher and have brighter bulbs. The project is out for pricing and should be back Monday. Then we'll be able to proceed. Commissioners asked for a drawing of what the plaza will look like with both scenarios. NEW BUSINESS Commissioner Appointment Applications were received from David McGeady, Maudie Schmitt, and Suzan McConnell. McConnell is not eligible because she is not the owner or manager of a hotel, motel, or restaurant. Moved by Gazzola, second by Shipley to recommend to the Council the reappointment of David McGeady. Motion Carried. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, `" 0 JA OJ • Marilyn Heifner Executive Director • • Advertising and Promotion Commission For month of March 2004 HMR revenues collected $ 139,442 .46 Interest revenue 8,488.31 Total Revenues $ 1479930.77 Collection expense -$2,788.85 CEC Bond Payment -31 ,575.00 Town Center Bond Payment -24, 125.96 Total Expenses -$581489.81 Total Check to A&P $899440.96 • • OR a Ln to N C z a U M N N _ X Lr 01 01 Vll O N ce iR lb�r M N f S o 00 a o o m a a a CD eq 00 lA O Om m MO O N O C5 1p �••� � 1� N 7 t0 IA M O M O O O O y N Q O ti N . 4 ti O n v n a NN O 6 LM .-I m 01 M tD Ln tD O LA v 00 O t0 M N t0 O t0 N O �y LA M N M tD 7 IA 01 t0 OD N N • _ X O Ln n N 01 N O N N tp 7 OD M L0 N rl rl N N M M M M M lA Nfa O If1 N F �' M iPr iR W to W 40%. 4A. 1Pr iH N f "I Gl t0 t0 Ln N O V' Ln !Q N rl 00 O 7 N 01 LA N M O Ln LH N co N n .-1 V4 1%: LA M 01 N O O y r N N 0 ~ a 00 N 01 t0 V co n t0 N N N N a �•q O O O m m O N .-I O N N a I� NN O M 01 t0 V V 00 N t0 Ty _ X In M ap t0 Lr 0 0 cC 01 . + tO L(1 0 O 1 a N O N rl rl N N N N M N M O a� .ti rl H O N � �. w w Vr to tR of iPr W M W VR Vf 94 2 K' O N �Np N c O n O 00 � In N M M LA H N C 01 .-1 " N � rl N ? t0 N 00 N Mat 00 N t0 Ln N N I� n N N T O • .-, — LO 00 LA 7 N M t0 m N Ll1 L!1 O LA Q O O F 01 01 C O O O O .� .+ .+ N N 1D 1.� O O iR tR N F d' VF M VF tR iR Vf M VH M . M N) _ •4 f EE • w - m m E V S .'O, & f ¢ f .:, 4'< O z g Fayetteville Advertising and Promotion Commission Fayetteville Town Center Fayetteville Convention and Visitors Bureau Financial Statements March 31 , 2004 • • SCARBROUGH • MURTISHAW, CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCGUFrIAPm, P.A. 2039 Green Acres Rd., Fayetteville, AR 727032619 • Telephone (479) 521-1771 - Fa (479) 4420082 • Home Page, SMCPAS.com Wesley D. Murtishaw, CPA Larry H. Bilbrey, CPA Fayetteville Advertising & Promotion Fayetteville Town Center Fayetteville, Arkansas We have compiled the accompanying balance sheet, statements of revenues and expenditures, and schedules of general expenditures of the Fayetteville Advertising and Promotion Commission, The Fayetteville Town Center, and The Convention and Visitors Bureau as of March 31 , 2004 and for the three months then ended in accordance with Statements on Standards for Accounting and Review Services issued by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. A compilation is limited to presenting in the form of financial statements information that is the representation of management. We have not audited or reviewed the accompanying financial statements and, accordingly, • do not express an opinion or any other form of assurance on them. Management has elected to omit substantially all of the disclosures and the statements of retained earnings and cash flows ordinarily included in financial statements. If the omitted disclosures and the statements of retained earnings and cash flows were included in the financial statements, they might influence the user's conclusions about the entitys assets, liabilities, equity, income, and expenses. Accordingly, these financial statements are not designed for those who are not informed about such matters. (PC j 4 Scarbrough & Murtishaw, CPAs, P.A. Certified Public Accountants Fayetteville, Arkansas April 7, 2004 • Members: American Institute of CPAs Private Companies Practice Section Arkamm Society of CPAs Fayetteville Advertising and Promotion Commission Balance Sheet • As of March 31 , 2004 ASSETS Current Assets Cash in Bank of Fayetteville - Town Center $ 14,765.81 Cash in Mcllroy Bank - A & P General 194,775.77 Cash in Bank of Fayetteville - HMR Account 92,978.07 Cash in Mcllroy Bank - A & P Payroll 10,341 .15 Cash in Bank - Conv & Visitor Bureau 123,888.27 Investments 21284,181 .58 Investment Adjustment to Market 3,381 .37 Accounts Receivable 81388.87 Accounts Receivable from HMR - Net of Expenses 78,291 .57 Accrued Interest Receivable 21 ,684.26 Total Current Assets $ 29832,676.72 Property, Plant, & Equipment at Cost Furniture and Fixtures 99602.98 Building Additions 181 ,875.24 • Equipment 160,725.88 Less: Accumulated Depreciation (89,548.23) Net Property and Equipment 2629655.87 Total Assets $ 39095,332.59 LIABILITIES AND CAPITAL Current Liabilities Payroll Taxes Payable $ (11 .55) Accounts Payable 79,423.57 Accounts Payable - Parks HMR 31696.68 Due to Other Funds 41 ,674.54 Total Current Liabilities $ 124,783.24 Capital Unrestricted Fund Balance 2,944,722.59 Current Year Earnings 25,826.76 Total Capital 2,970,549.35 Total Liabilities and Capital $ 31095,332.59 • See Accountants' Compilation Report. Fayetteville Advertising and Promotion Commission Statement of Revenues and Expenditures • Actual vs Budget Three Months Ending March 31 , 2004 2004 Month of 2004 Year to Date March 2004 Budget Actual Remaining Actual Revenues HMR Tax Revenue $ 11500,000.00 $ 394,057.46 $ 11105,942.54 $ 129,922.56 Other Income 11248.07 (1 ,248.07) Governor's Conference Sponsors 11 ,000.00 (11 ,000.00) 111000.00 CEC Bond Escrow Refund 200,000.00 200,000.00 Total Revenues 11700,000.00 406,305.53 1 ,293,694.47 140,922.56 General Expenditures General Expenditures (See Schedule) 634,150.00 1509591 .66 483,558.34 110,090.22 Capital Outlay Minor Equipment 25,000.00 25,000.00 • Other Revenues (Expenditures) Interest Income - Investments 60,000.00 179755.38 42,244.62 81031 .28 CEC Bond Excess TC Bond Arbitrage Calculation CEC Washington County Property Tax (54,000.00) (54,000.00) Bonds CEC Bond Payments - Arts Center (859000.00) (40,282.79) (443717.21 ) Bond Payments - Town Center (3659320.00) (72,377.88) (2929942.12) (24,125.96) Bond Payments - CEC (289,640.00) (94,725.00) (194,915.00) (31 ,575.00) Interest Expense Arbitrage Expense Transfers to Other Funds (2379592.00) (150,000.00) (87,592.00) Total Other Revenues (Expenditures) (9719552.00) (339,630.29) (631 ,921 .71 ) (47,669.68) Excess Revenues Over Expenditures (Deficit) $ 69,298.00 $ (83,916.42) $ 153,214.42 $ (16,837.34) • See Accountants' Compilation Report. Fayetteville Advertising and Promotion Commission Schedule of General Expenditures • Actual vs Budget 2004 Month of 2004 Year to Date March 2004 Budget Actual Remaining Actual General Expenditures Salaries & Wages $ 58,750.00 $ 14,309.24 $ 44,440.76 $ 41833.90 Payroll Tax Expense 59000.00 11458.29 3,541 .71 389.16 Insurance 12,000.00 11896.63 10,103.37 645.13 401 (k) Company Match 21000.00 639.28 11360.72 145.02 Car Allowance 3,600.00 900.00 21700.00 300.00 Materials and Supplies 1 ,000.00 11000.00 Publications & Dues 11200.00 963.95 236.05 470.00 Postage 15,000.00 21068.65 12,931 .35 11024.45 Professional Services 12,200.00 3,000.00 9,200.00 11000.00 Taxes and Licenses - - Coilection Expense 32,000.00 7,881 .15 24,118.85 21598.45 Convention Development 10,000.00 - 10,000.00 Miscellaneous Expense Kamensky Fountain Maintenance 61000.00 61000.00 New Brochures 30,000.00 - 30,000.00 Travel and Training 21000.00 46.00 11954.00 35.00 Depreciation Expense 21 ,500.00 41772.56 16,727.44 1 ,590.85 • Air Museum 20,000.00 5,000 00 15,000.00 Botanical Garden Society 15,000.00 15,000.00 Town Center Garden Maintenance 17,500.00 51833.32 11 ,666.68 11458.33 Walton Arts Center 61000.00 61000.00 H. S. Coaches Clinic 13,500.00 13,500.00 Saturday of Champions 31000.00 31000.00 State Soccer Championship 11000.00 11000.00 Holiday Hoops 10,000.00 10,000.00 Joe Martin Stage Race 71500.00 71500.00 All Star Games 99000.00 91000.00 Brumley Gospel Sing 15,000.00 15,000.00 Downtown Dickson Enhancement Project 520.95 (520.95) Lights of the Ozarks 20,000.00 209000.00 American College Theatre Festival 21400.00 21400.00 Council for the Adv of Science Writers 2, 100.00 21100.00 - Governor's Conference - 45,205.95 (45,205.95) 45,205.95 Advertising and Marketing 250,000.00 51 ,562.84 198,437.16 49,161 .13 Airport Information Booth 4,800.00 11200.00 31600.00 I nterspace Airport Advertising 51100.00 11232.85 31867.15 1 ,232.85 Website Update 10,000.00 - 10,000.00 Signage - Tourism 109000.00 10,000.00 Total General Expenditures $ 634, 150.00 $ 150,591 .66 $ 483,558.34 $ 110,090.22 • See Accountants' Compilation Report. Fayetteville Town Center Statement of Revenues and Expenditures • Actual vs Budget Three Months Ending March 31 , 2004 2004 Month of 2004 Year to Date March 2004 Budget Actual Remaining Actual Revenues Rental Income $ 269,694.57 $ 67,652.64 $ 202,041 .93 $ 29,401 .77 Daily Parking 51000.00 2,065.00 2,935.00 491 .00 Parking Leases 30,000.00 8,484.00 21 ,516.00 Other Income 500.00 61380.00 (51880.00) 19880.00 Sales Tax Expense (19071 .30) (1 ,071 .30) Less Returns & Allowances Total Revenues 304, 123.27 84,581 .64 219,541 .63 31 ,772.77 General Expenditures General Expenditures (See Schedule) 378,285.31 93,516.99 284,768.32 30, 100.63 • Capital Outlay Other Revenues (Expenditures) Interest Income - Checking 269.69 23.74 245.95 7. 13 Transfers From Other Funds 73,892.35 73,892.35 Total Other Revenues (Expenditures) 74,162.04 23.74 749138.30 7. 13 Excess Revenues Over Expenditures (Deficit) $ 0.00 $ (8,911 .61 ) $ 81911 .61 $ 19679.27 • See Accountants' Compilation Report. Fayetteville Town Center Schedule of General Expenditures • Actual vs Budget 2004 Month of 2004 Year to Date March 2004 Budget Actual Remaining Actual General Expenditures Salaries & Wages $ 165,271 .00 $ 36,361 .19 $ 128,909.81 $ 12,840.86 Payroll Tax Expense 20,138.06 4,385.88 159752.18 11503.66 Insurance 21 ,250.00 3,810.71 17,439.29 11214.34 401 (k) Company Match 49602. 15 854.55 31747.60 266.24 Commissions 25,583. 18 3,271 .17 22,312.01 893. 17 Materials and Supplies 6,000.00 11203.91 41796.09 404.57 Credit Card Discounts 500.00 329.19 170.81 187.89 Public Notification 100.00 100.00 Publications & Dues 250.00 455.10 (205. 10) Postage 37.39 (37.39) 37.39 Post Office Box Rent 125.00 126.00 (1 .00) Water 7,234.65 1 ,317.35 51917.30 878.08 Gas 91786.70 61134.05 31652.65 11844.74 Electricity 56,480.90 9,711 .25 46,769.65 31091 .66 Cable 914. 10 216.54 697.56 81 .70 Telephone 81549.20 21213.03 61336.17 11201 .50 • Insurance - Building 7,500.00 _ 71500.00 Taxes and Licenses 2,500.00 21500.00 Linens 11 ,250.37 2,488.20 81762.17 11327.87 Repairs and Maintenance 25;000.00 91348.34 15,651 .66 11374.98 Special Projects 2,500.00 5,671 . 13 (3,171 .13) 11361 . 13 Advertising and Marketing 29500.00 781 .73 1 ,718.27 Travel and Training 250.00 27.72 222.28 Depreciation Expense - 41772.56 (41772.56) 10590.85 Total General Expenditures $ 378,285.31 $ 93,516.99 $ 284,768.32 $ 30,100.63 • See Accountants' Compilation Report. Fayetteville Convention and Visitors Bureau Statement of Revenues and Expenditures • Actual vs Budget Three Months Ending March 31 , 2004 2004 Month of 2004 Year to Date March 2004 Budget Actual Remaining Actual Revenues Bus Tours $ 11500.00 $ $ 11500.00 $ Partnership Income 1 ,500.00 11200.00 300.00 Special Projects - Sponsorships 500.00 500.00 Brumley Shuttle 19500.00 11500.00 Other Income 288.17 (288.17) 120.00 Total Revenues 51000.00 11488. 17 3,511 .83 120.00 General Expenditures General Expenditures (See Schedule) 163,700.00 32,994.90 130,705. 10 13,029.28 Capital Outlay • Other Revenues (Expenditures) Interest Income - Checking 125.00 161 .52 (36.52) 56.28 Transfers from Other Funds 158,575.00 150,000.00 81575.00 Total Other Revenues (Expenditures) 158,700.00 150, 161 .52 8,538.48 56.28 Excess Revenues Over Expenditures (Deficit) $ - $ 118,654.79 $ (118,654.79) $ (12,853.00) • See Accountants' Compilation Report. Fayetteville Convention and Visitors Bureau Schedule of General Expenditures • Actual vs Budget 2004 Month of 2004 Year to Date March 2004 Budget Actual Remaining Actual General Expenditures Salaries & Wages $ 73,750.00 $ 18, 137.52 $ 55,612.48 $ 69045.84 Payroll Tax Expense 8,000.00 21050.24 51949.76 684.42 Health Insuance 17,000.00 2,728.60 14,271 .40 938.62 401 (k) Company Match 39000.00 544.14 2,455.86 181 .38 Materials and Supplies 61000.00 291 .47 5,708.53 276.34 Office Expense/Printing 21500.00 429.16 21070.84 Publications & Dues 11850.00 125.00 11725.00 Postage 150.00 150.00 Telephone 51200.00 708.83 41491 . 17 330.53 Rent 61000.00 11500.00 4,500.00 19000.00 Convention Development 25,000.00 1 ,230.00 23,770.00 780.00 Special Projects - • Repairs and Maintenance 250.00 568.96 (318.96) 568.96 Travel and Training 15,000.00 41680.98 10,319.02 21223.19 Total General Expenditures $ 163,700.00 $ 32,994.90 $ 130,705.10 $ 139029.28 • See Accountants' Compilation Report. • DIRECTOR'S REPORT March, 2003 INQUIRY RESPONSES Advertising Responses March 2004 — 1422 Year to date 2004 — 2278 February 2003 — 2069 Year to date 2003 — 3022 Tourist Inquiries March 2004 — 301 Year to date 2004 — 623 March 2003 — 316 Year to date 2003 — 830 Relocation Inquiries March 2004 — 63 Year to date 2004 — 155 March 2003 — 53 Year to date 2003 — 157 March Total Advertising Inquiries 2004 — 1786 2003 — 2438 Year to Date Total Advertising Inquiries 2004 — 3056 2003 — 4009 • Internet Inquiries March 2004 — 518,661 hits March 2003 — 141 ,378 Unique visits — 8,661 Per day average visits — 279 MARCH ACTIVITY Tourism Activities — Governor's Conference on Tourism Civic Club Luncheon — Jones Loflin, speaker Public Library Opening activities meeting Northwest Arkansas Heritage Trail Partners meeting Relations with Other Tourism — Harvey Smith, Evergreen Cemetery Darlene, North Forty — America in Bloom Mark Pryor, Bikes, Blues, and BBQ Arkansas Parks & Tourism — Chuck Harralson, photographer Jim Lukens — Farmer's Market Brenda Brown — Arkansas Missouri Railroad Relations with Media — Keep America Beautiful press conference • Eric Howerton, Get Out! magazine Drew Terry, Northwest Arkansas Times • Adam Wolworth, NWA Times Anita French, Morning News, Rogers Bobbie Crocker, reporter, Pine Bluff Steve Carroway, Morning News Melissa Kelly — 40/29 A & P — Dennis Hunt, Stephens (bond retirement) Policy for raising insurance deductable Policy for employee benefit time Miscellaneous — Chamber of Commerce tourism sub-committee on Festival Resource Manual Carl Maguire, Candlewood Suites, Emporia, Kansas Bootsie Ackerman, HMR figures for 2003 for Dickson Street Top HMR Tax Collectors reported in March for February sales Radisson Hotel Red Lobster The Olive Garden Chili's Ryan's Clarion Inn Jose's • Chartwell's Noodles Ruby Tuesday's Penguin Ed's Chick-Fil-A Hampton Inn Colton's Applebee's McDonald's #13440 Inn at Carnall Hall McDonald's #10937 Shogun of Fayetteville Taco Bell #533 • • Advertising Inquiries Pubs by State - March 2004 BH&G DestS. FC LHJ MWL NATA SL 24-7 TOTAL AL 9 1 18 28 AK 1 1 AZ 11 1 2 14 AR 2 10 28 1 3 5 16 1 66 CA 4 48 5 3 6 5 71 CO 14 3 2 1 1 21 CT 2 10 3 15 DE 1 1 2 DC 1 1 2 FL 16 2 6 15 2 41 GA 12 1 1 12 26 HI ID 1 4 5 IL 3 4 56 5 37 8 8 1 122 IN 1 20 1 16 1 1 40 IA 1 4 12 1 18 4 3 43 KS 4 13 17 5 2 2 43 KY 1 13 1 5 1 21 LA 1 1 13 1 19 2 37 ME 1 1 2 MD 7 1 1 4 2 15 MA 10 1 11 MI 3 6 25 3 7 4 4 2 54 MN 1 5 15 2 12 6 2 43 MS 12 1 14 1 28 • MO 1 2 39 33 8 15 3 101 MT 3 3 NE 1 1 3 7 4 16 NV 5 5 NH 5 5 NJ 1 20 2 3 5 1 32 NM 3 3 NY 30 3 2 3 38 NC 2 14 10 1 27 ND 3 1 4 OH 2 30 11 1 5 2 51 OK 2 1 30 3 2 4 1 43 OR 9 2 2 1 14 PA 1 24 1 5 2 33 RI 1 1 2 SC 9 7 1 17 SD 1 3 1 5 TN 10 1 12 1 24 TX 7 2 48 3 3 6 65 11 145 LIT 3 1 1 5 VT 1 1 VA 1 6 1 1 11 1 21 WA 1 5 1 2 2 11 WV 2 1 2 5 WI 5 21 18 4 3 2 53 WY 1 1 APO CAN 5 5 • FOR 1 1 TOTAL 36 49 678 37 196 76 288 62 1422 Tourists Inquiry 2003 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY IJUN JUL AUG ISEP OCT INOV IDEC TOTAL AL AK • AZ 1 1 AR 13 1 10 24 CA 2 1 4 7 CO 1 1 CT DE DC FL 1 1 GA HI 1 1 ID IL 1 1 2 IN 1 1 IA 1 1 KS 3 1 3 7 KY 1 1 LA 2 1 3 ME MD MA MI 1 1 2 MN 1 1 2 4 MS 1 1 MO 3 3 2 8 MT 1 1 2 • NE 1 1 NV 1 1 NH NJ NM NY NC NO OH 2 2 OK 6 1 5 12 OR PA 1 1 PR RI Sc SD TN 1 1 2 TX 3 2 6 11 UT VT VA WA 1 1 WV WI 1 1 WY • APO CAN FOR 1 1 TOTA 41 181 411 0 0 0 0 01 0 0 0 01 100 A & P TOURIST INQUIRIES 2003 JAN FEB MAR JAPR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCTNOV DEC TOTAL AL 1 1 2 AK 0 • AZ 2 2 AR 24 15 6 45 CA 3 4 1 8 CO 1 2 3 CT 0 DE 1 1 DC 0 FL 3 51 8 GA 3 3 HI 0 ID 0 IL 5 3 1 9 IN 1 2 2 5 IA 2 2 4 KS 9 4 2 15 KY 0 LA 3 4 7 ME 0 MD 0 MA 1 1 MI 2 1 3 MN 1 2 3 MS 1 1 2 MO 6 4 1 11 MT 1 1 • NE 1 21 1 3 NV 0 NH 0 NJ 1 1 2 NM 1 1 2 NY 1 1 NC 0 ND 0 OH 2 1 3 OK 5 4 3 12 OR 1 1 PA 1 1 1 3 PR 0 RI 1 1 SC 1 1 SD 1 1 2 TN 1 1 2 TX 9 11 4 24 UT 0 VT 0 VA 0 WA 3 1 4 WV 0 WI 21 41 1 6 WY 0 • APO 0 CAN 0 FOR 1 1 92 79 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 201 Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug j 1 P Tourism 4 2 • mle 3 3 ail 7 9 FamilyCircle 2 interne 6 LOTO NATA 2 Midwest Living 2 1 Newspaper Insert Parade So.Liv Rosie USA Places Rated Travel Holiday HGTV 2417 Vac 251 17 0 0 0 0 01 0 Tour Packets 1 2061 96 these aren't in the inquiry count • • Relocation nquiry2004 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC TOTAL AL 1 1 • AK AR 8 8 4 AZ 2 3 CA 4 3 6 CO 1 2 CT 1 1 DC DE FL 2 3 4 GA 1 1 HI ID IL 1 1 2 IN 11 1 IA 3 1 KS 1 KY 1 LA 1 1 1 ME MD 1 MA 1 1 MI 11 21 2 MN 1 1 4 MS 1 1 • M3 3 4 MT NE 1 2 NV 2 NH NJ NM 2 1 NY 1 NC 1 ND OH 4 OK 5 2 5 OR 2 1 PA 1 RI SC 1 SD 1 1 1 TN 3 3 2 TX 1 2 6 UT 1 VT VA 1 1 WA WV 1 WI 1 2 WY• APO CAN 1 FOR Total 4646 631 01 0 �01�01 0 0 0 155 15 West Mountain Street • Fayetteville, AR 72701 • (479) 587-9944 • fax: (479) 582-4935 www.twncenter.com FAYMEVILLE iiwr ct � i [ a MEMORANDUM To: Staff From: Denise Bembenek CC: A&P Commissioners Date: 4/7/04 Re: Administration policy for FAP employees medical insurance deductible Effective January 1, 2004, the Fayetteville A&P Commission approved changing our current group medical coverage deductible from $500 to $1500 and allowing deductible reimbursement to the employee after the first $500 of the deductible has been met. Following are guidelines for reimbursement. 1. FAP employees are required to pay the first $500 of the deductible • 2. Up to $1000 (maximum) of the remaining deductible will be reimbursed to the employee. 3. Deductible reimbursement is only available to employees. Dependents are excluded. 4. A copy of the insurance company's EOB (Explanation of Benefits) must be submitted to determine reimbursement eligibility. 5. Employees must show they have met the $500 deductible via EOB. Employee will provide copies of documentation along with a cover memo showing summary. Employee will submit documentation to the FTC Facilities Manager on or before the 25"' of each month. 6. Reimbursements will be made by check once each month following receipt of the above and will be made payable to the employee. 7. Deductible reimbursement applies only to covered expenses after the provider discount has been applied. Example: A $6500 covered employee's costs in hospital, lab, and doctor's bills of which $1500 is deductible. After the first $500 is paid by the employee, the employee will submit copies of the EOB to the FTC Facilities Manager for verification. Upon verification, a check will be issued to the employee. Checks will be written once a month. • 15 West Mountain Street • Fayetteville, AR 72701 (479) 587-9944 • fax: (479) 582-4935 • www.twncenter.com FAYMEVILLE ERMY CEYfER MEMORANDUM To: A&P Commissioners From: Marilyn Heifner CC: Date: 4/7/04 Re: Employee donation of earned benefit time. Policy allowing full-time, permanent employees of the Fayetteville Advertising arfd Promotion Commission to donate earned benefit time to another full-time, permanent staff member who is in danger of losing wages due to extended illness or approved leave of absence: 1. Time may only be donated to full-time, permanent employees of the Fayetteville Advertising and Promotion Commission. • 2. Time may only be donated by full-time, permanent employees of the Fayetteville Advertising and Promotion Commission having more than one year of service. 3. Only earned sick, vacation or catastrophic time may be donated. Comp time is not eligible for donation. 4. Employees may donate a maximum of 80 hours of time per incident. 5. Donation program is strictly voluntary by employees. No staff member will be otherwise encouraged to participate or to donate eligible time. 6. Donated hours will be used only to prevent loss of wages for another full-time, permanent employee whose vacation, sick AND catastrophic time has been exhausted due to an extended (more than '3 weeks) leave of absence. 7. Donated hours will not be used for leisure or recreational purposes. 8. Employees MUST exhaust personal sick, vacation and catastrophic time and before they are eligible to receive donated time. • MH/db • o c N 3 T a O N C O C) m OLLJ N m m y m Y QY ° ° Q a c w O a1 V y o °) C CO c0 m y 0) w N O m p L a 0 c a) O Q 0 c m Y ¢ m N d a . c O3 W C y a� Q) Co NN c ° 1@ ° °0 ' p °' O N 0 O0 C T E d m .N a N O ca r0 r0 '� O C — m e l0 c C C ? � aimma) � E ? _ � � of 0 = 0E � CL $ E ° 3 co E c -0 'y ; a .y 0 L w Y o m > > -0 3 m a o c f/) N O m y - 0 4) 5 ca `m E a ° Q � o o) E a I.° L. m = v 0 c m o L 3 a CL — W Z` c 0 Co LL m c co m V N LL — L `° O C O O V `y ° X a) = O Y O Co 'O c C w C O L y a ` N .0 w U cc> -0 m o o > c N y '0 5 y c 3 d E o m m m c 0) N ° m I`0 a y y E a vi a > c m 0 OA c� _ @ Co � m o a t c w y -0 d a '- _ m e m C ,2 2 CO c to !" m c b 'E 5 m e E c u°i o E o E c c c m c c a� a� o ° c c r o ° .0 p c o a m ai o LL m a) E o "LLIm ° c $ m m .` v m e c _ c m m l9 '•>- y N N > C V O m a) a O) "O ° E E N N O C C N m y O c 3 U o y E a c > Y E 3 c E N v H - c d C7 ° v v mon E 3 c� n m o o m m o 0 0 N m L .m.. U L 3 y G 0) E 0) U C O y N 7 c N U C 0 N J y E m N O N O > o U w mIm @ m w • °' '° yj o � ca a a U `° mm Um w j Y m o c o c •Z (n c C a H N Q d E Y° > m m a) cc > 0 Um; w -5 0 m U 1 m N ai 2 m t N FL m a) Y O m c ci m ° in cc o ti aci m U a 4 Q p c �LL U a� U 00 0 'o ID c c i>. 'c c N c > o (f) m °' 0 3 m 'm o o Y m cn p c (n S C7 p U F2 NO N 0 N 4 >I. o > - - Q 0) U O) U U 0) U U y Q aci d Q IS m - a) m S m m LL C 'D m N N O y O O y O O U a N E E n E n n E c n OO O O O O C. 0 0 0 0 0 0 L N N N N N R C d. V V N N Iw eo ch o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0) m m mce) O O O O O o O N N _ m cn m N N N N N N (h m m 'C N m N a C. N N N UQ m <n M M ch m 0 M CL > Ep • C w c 0) c C O H d m V C m a o U " d C L m y O U_ p 0 �O U , N fn C r O m cc c 3 U 3 m E y o O w m 'O d m D) coL w ; Fayetteville Town Center, Manager's Activity Report March 1 , 2004 to March 31 , 2004 • sales• MAR MAR Month YTD YTD YTD 2003 (base) 2004 % Change 2003 2004 % Change Sales 14 18 +18.6% 39 46 +17.9% # executed contracts by log date — GL Complete Events (Paid/Sponsored) 10 12 +20% 31 27 -12.9% EMS Calendar - attached Sales 191330.00 34,294. 13 +77.4% $49,856.00 689854.23 +38.1 % $ executed contracts by log date — GL Collections " 25, 103.09 31 ,306.77 +24.7% $50, 108.59 699557.64 +38.8% $ - Payment Lo Credit $0.00 490.00 NA $2.00 11965.00 NA $ - GL Average per event 11380.71 1 ,905.23 NA $1 ,278.36 1 ,496.83 NA $ Sales / # Sales " We collected $31 ,306.77 for rentals, incidentals and service charges in February bringing our YTD collections to $69,557.64. This amount leaves us at 25.89% of our 2004 goal ($268,623.27) and represents an increase of 24.7% over February 2003 collections and an increase of $38.8% over 2003 YTD collections. Operations Items: • HVAC — replace condenser fan and repair Freon leak on Admin unit • Virus corrupted virus scan programs. Deleted and reinstalled program (virus has been quarantined). • HMR Report (attached) • Proposal for MH to commissioners • • Update evaluations Marketing, Sales and Public Relations: • Press Release — Jones Loflin presentation, "Who Moved My Cheese" • Sales Planning process and tracking plan • FPS presentation (help sales staff) and rate plan • Joe Martin Stage Race — same route as 2003. Will limit access to facility Event List: • UA Foreign Studies — Roman Cana 2004 Governor's Conference on Tourism • Community Civic Club (Jones Loflin presentation) • Kuntz Press Conference • Tyson, Team Leadership Seminar • Ozark Natural Foods Annual Meeting • Guzman Wedding Reception • Pomfret Hall, Winter Formal • Alpha Kappa Alpha formal • Huber Wedding Reception • Prairie Grove HS Prom • Winkleman Business Meeting Miscellaneous Activity: • rr* FAYETTEVILLE TOWN CENTER MEMORANDUM To: FTC Staff From: Denise Bembenek CC: Fayetteville Advertising and Promotion Commissioners Date: 4/5/04 Re: Barred Caterers Following is a list of caterers with delinquent HMR tax payments. As specified by Fayetteville City • Ordinance, and as directed by the Fayetteville Advertising and Promotion Commission, the staff of the Fayetteville Town Center will prohibit service at the Town Center by caterers delinquent in paying local HMR taxes. Effective today, the following caterers are denied access to service at the Fayetteville Town Center until current on HMR payments. Butcher Block Steakhouse Cowboy's BBQ Fat City Cafe Daylight Donuts — Crossover Gloria Jean's Coffee Judy's 150' Street Diner LaFamilia Mario's Taco Shack Madame Wu's Morning Glory Pete's Place Quizno's (Mall) Sassafras The Gypsy Tiendo El Progresso Clients should be notified of prohibited caterers at the point of sale. A client may use any caterer not on this list at the time of their contract execution. This memo is based on information provided by the City of Fayetteville HMR report ending February 29, 2004. • 1 • ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE TO ESTABLISH A BUSINESS LICENSE REQUIREMENT FOR ALL ESTABLISHMENTS LEGALLY REQUIRED TO PAY HOTEL, MOTEL AND RESTAURANT TAXES IN FAYETTEVILLE WHEREAS, it is important to have full and accurate tax reporting for all establishments legally required to pay Hotel, Motel and Restaurant taxes in Fayetteville; and WHEREAS, a Hotel, Motel and Restaurant license program will provide an optional administrative enforcement mechanism to ensure prompt payment by all establishments without having to resort to criminal court. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS : Section 1 . That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby adopts § 119.01 Hotel, Motel and Restaurant Business License, as shown below: "§119.01 Hotel, Motel and Restaurant Business License. "A. Definitions. Fayetteville HMR establishment. Any establishment that is subject to the Fayetteville Hotel, Motel and Restaurant tax collection requirements. "B. Annual City HMR Business License Requirement. All Fayetteville HMR establishments shall annually obtain and constantly maintain in good standing a valid City of Fayetteville Hotel, Motel and Restaurant License. No Fayetteville HMR establishment shall operate without a valid City of Fayetteville Hotel, Motel and Restaurant License that has not been suspended (unless reinstated prior to reopening) or revoked. "C. Fees and Deposits for the Fayetteville Hotel, Motel and Restaurant Business License. ( 1) An annual fee of $ 15 .00 shall be required for the issuance cost of a City of Fayetteville Hotel, Motel and Restaurant Business License. A cash deposit in the amount of any overdue • HMR taxes which were the subject of collection efforts by the O • Fayetteville City Prosecutor's Office during the previous year may be required for issuance of the following years' license. No license may be issued to any establishment unless all currently due and owing Hotel, Motel and Restaurant taxes have been paid. (2) If a Fayetteville HMR establishment fails to fully report and account for its collection of Hotel, Motel and Restaurant taxes and remit the full amount due (including penalties and interest) by the end of the calendar year, its security deposit shall be considered remitted HMR taxes. (3) If a Fayetteville HMR establishment fully and timely pays all of its HMR taxes during the entire calendar year for which its annual City of Fayetteville Hotel, Motel and Restaurant License was issued and has not had its license suspended or revoked for any other reason, the annual license fee shall be waived for the upcoming year and the current license shall remain in full force as if manually renewed. "D. Issuance of License. • The Accounting Division in conjunction with other administrative service divisions shall be empowered to issue the Fayetteville HMR Licenses upon full payment of the license fee and any required deposit. "E. Revocation of Hotel, Motel and Restaurant Business License. ( 1 ) The Mayor or designee may suspend or revoke a Fayetteville Hotel, Motel and Restaurant Business License after providing the license holder an opportunity for a due process hearing to show cause why the license should not be revoked or suspended. (2) Grounds for suspension or revocation of a City of Fayetteville Hotel, Motel and Restaurant Business License: (a) Failure to fully pay the required license fee or any required deposit; (b) Failure to conspicuously display license; (c) Failure to remit to the City of Fayetteville the full amount of Hotel, Motel and Restaurant tax receipts when due pursuant to law; (d) Failure to pay any other city, county or state sales taxes in a timely basis as required by law; (e) Revocation or suspension of the city's alcohol permit for this • establishment; IDILN